themaiddefender · 1 year
Panther San 1
I can't stop thinking about sleep deprived Wooyoung who is walking home and when he takes a shortcut he finds a hurt cat so of course he gets near the feline, petting between its ears softly. He's soft-hearted and the cat looks so sad so he offers him to take him home.  To his surprise, the cat seems to understand him by the way he looks, ears peeking up. Even more of a surprise is when the cat transforms into a beautiful man with black fluffy cat ears resting on his head. Wooyoung blinks before his brain picks up that it's a hybrid (he's tired okay).  So, not wanting to leave him alone, Wooyoung offers to take him home where he can give him some food and clothes (bc his clothes look old and definitely not warm enough). They go to Wooyoung's frat house (bc I want Ateez to live together) talking lightly about everything.
Wooyoung is sure he wants to keep the hybrid (if he wants too ofc) and he's quick to let San (as he presented himself) know that while they talk a bit about themselves. San has had a hard life and Wooyoung just wants to help, maybe gain a friend in the process.
They reach the house calmly and Wooyoung guides him to his room where he gives San warmer clothes and lets him resting on his bed while he goes to prepare something to eat. However, his plan is cut short when a yell makes him go up to the rooms again.
Seonghwa and Hongjoong (two of his friends and assigned parents of the house) are in front of the closed door of his room, they look terrified. Wooyoung should've predicted this.
 "It's okay, hyungs, I should've warned but I invited a cat hybrid home. I promise he's good!"
"That's not a cat, Wooyoung," Hongjoong scolds him. 
"He is! I saw him on my way here and he looked hungry so I'm cooking for him. He won't be a bother, I swear." 
"Woo," Seonghwa cuts him. "That is not a cat. You have a wild animal in there, it's dangerous"
A bit annoyed, Wooyoung opens the door. Just as he left him, San is lying on his bed on his cat form, head resting comfortably on the pillow and tail falling to the floor. He looks so relaxed, Wcc wants to hug him and hide his face on the soft fur.
"Look, a cat," he says calmly.
Seonghwa takes him by the arm to get him away from the room when he tries to enter, face still showing pure terror.
"That's not a cat," he hisses. "Woo, you dumb boy, that's a panther" 
Okay, maybe San looks a bit big to be a cat but he has the ears and Wooyoung hasn't sleep, it's just a little confusion. Still, San is harmless. A panther is only a big cat, right? 
"Kitty," Woo says nonchalantly. "Can I keep him hyung? Pretty please?" 
Hongjoong was going to say no but the panther looks up, piercing threatening gaze looking directly at him, and he can't refuse, not when he fears the panther will tear him apart with those teeth that look like blades. 
"S-sure, but he better be a good roommate or he's out" 
"Okay! Did you hear Sannie? You're staying" 
The panther only purrs as an answer.
and idk anymore, but imagine college student Woo and his pet panther walking around campus, everyone scared of big threatening San who becomes so soft under Woo's touch and words. also Woo keeps defending San is only a kitty that can do no harm even when the hybrid fights everyone that even looks bad in Woo's direction bc he acts like the bestest boy in front of Woo
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flwerbed99 · 1 year
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white collar, red handed
fandom: ateez
pairing: multi, wooyoung/san, jongho/yeosang, wooyoung/yunho
genre: crack taken seriously, 1990's corporate crime vibes
rating: M for mature (due to swearing, non-explicit sex, crime)
status: ongoing
read here on ao3!
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 2 years
I can not for the life of me find all of ur CNS about SeonghwaxHoongjoong & WooyoungxSan if u have a masterlist for that could you possibly tag me because the ones I was able to find were FIRE loved them !!!
I don't have the link off hand cuz I'm on my phone but if you go to my bio, go to the masterlist and Camp North Star should be right at the top. At the bottom of the CNS masterlist are all of the spin offs in order 😊
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themaiddefender · 1 year
Panther San 6
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As it turns out, San likes skirts. To be precise, he really likes when Wooyoung wears skirts.
Blame autumn but Wooyoung feels like wearing a skirt when it’s slightly sunny outside and when it goes so well with his outfit today. He doesn’t have that many skirts to begin with so he has had to borrow this one from Hongjoong, going with one above the knee but still flowy, which is completely different to the miniskirts he owns and are reserved for clubs and parties. Also, his miniskirts wouldn’t survive the chilly weather outside.
This one is soft, the black material going perfectly with his equally black crop top. Wooyoung already knew San liked his crop tops - he had glared at the boob window like he was going to tear it apart to later nuzzle his cheek into it with a loud purr, so Wooyoung is very much sure San liked it -, but apparently he’s fascinated by the skirt.
“S- San!” Wooyoung squeaks when he feels a snout under his skirt. “You don’t smell under people’s skirts! Bad kitty!”
San only huffs, taking his head from under the fabric and sending an unimpressed look to Woo that has him rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, get angry, but you can’t go smelling my crotch, kitten,” Wooyoung scolds him.
As an answer, San huffs again. Just to be annoying. Wooyoung can tell by now when he means and when he doesn’t, seeing how San’s tail is moving playfully from one side to another. He’s not angry, good.
Also, he’s been relatively good. After being scolded, San doesn’t try anymore to smell his crotch. However, every time he sees Wooyoung sitting, he’s quick to change into his animal form and rest his head on Woo's legs, closing his eyes and purring when Wooyoung starts petting his head, more out of habit than anything else. It’s after a particularly good nap that Wooyoung wakes up to San still laying his head on his lap, snout touching the end of the skirt with something Wooyoung can’t place. Still sleepy, Wooyoung hums and intertwines a hand between black fur to scratch San behind his ear. Maybe it’s a mistake on his part, but apart from this morning’s incident, San has been so good that Wooyoung can’t deny him a little treat.
“If you promise not to smell my crotch, you can play with the skirt,” Wooyoung mutters, words a bit slurred from how sleep is still creeping inside his body.
The words barely have left his mouth before he feels a snout sneaking under his skirt. Wooyoung chuckles, finding San incredibly adorable as he gets comfortable. It takes him a minute, but San finally settles with his head on Wooyoung's thigh only that his head is under the fabric of a skirt. Nonetheless, Wooyoung can still hear the soft purring coming from the panther. Maybe it should annoy him to have San so close to his crotch, but San looks so happy and he can’t find a reason good enough to take him from his comfort zone. Wooyoung is not uncomfortable and he only wants to make San happy, it works for them.
Not wanting to sleep anymore, Wooyoung picks his laptop carefully to not move too much since San does look like he wants to sleep. He picks a random drama and lets it play, getting comfortable on the bed with one hand petting San’s neck. The fur is so soft, Wooyoung could be touching it for hours.
San must like it too because he’s purring softly.
“Best kitten in the world,” Wooyoung mutters, more to himself than anything else.
Getting used to sxn changing from his animal to his human form is not something he has mastered yet. Not completely, at least. Wooyoung jumps the tiniest bit when he feels a hand find its way under his skirt, sxn nuzzling the inside of his leg over his knee. It’s not that he hates it, but more that it surprises him to see a boy between his legs. Wooyoung looks down to see San peeking from under the skirt, his big cat eyes looking at him full of that ingenuity, almost like he’s scared of disappointing him.
“Hi,” Wooyoung chuckles, moving his hand so now he’s petting San’s hair. “Comfortable?”
“Can you keep it all the time?” San asks with a pout.
“The skirt?” Wooyoung asks, raising a brow in confusion.
San nods enthusiastically, hands kneading the cloth with something close to fascination. He can’t stop looking at it, playing so much with the fabric that it has ridden up so now most of wcc’s thighs are exposed and San can’t help but look at those too. Wooyoung is so pretty everywhere.
"Not all the time, but I have a few skirts,” Wooyoung agrees. He doesn’t really care about wearing pants or skirts and if it means having San happy, he is more than okay doing it.
Wooyoung is silenced by a pair of lips pressed against his. It could be described as a kiss despite not having movement from either of them, just lips pressed together. Wooyoung needs a second to process that San has leaned to kiss him, hands on his thighs to keep him balanced. Raising his hands to cup the hybrid’s face, San melts completely at the contact and Wooyoung feels a bit bad when he uses that same contact to pull San’s face away from him. San frowns when the warm feeling of wcc’s touch disappears of his lips, and he frowns even more when he sees that Wooyoung is not happy (but his cheeks are pink and that is good. Woo is pretty with his cheeks pink).
“You’ve kissed me,” Wooyoung mutters. He’s more amused than anything.
“Yes,” San deadpans. wcc wants to smack him in the nose for using that tone, but maybe San doesn’t see what he has done as anything strange. It takes a bit of concentration from Woo's part to understand that San hasn’t grown up between humans, that his concept of kisses can be different from his own.
“Hongjoong hyung,” Wooyoung corrects him softly. “Did hyung tell you to kiss me?”
“No,” San says with a shake of his head. “He kissed Seonghwa hyung and he told me it’s because he loves him. I love you so i kissed you. Is it not like that?” San asks, brows drawn together in frustration and ears pointing back, almost as if he was about to attack someone. San doesn’t like when he doesn’t understand human rules.
This is a problem. Wooyoung can’t even begin to explain to San what he has done wrong because he is right. Yes, Hongjoong loves Seonghwa and that’s why they kiss. Wooyoung doesn’t doubt either that San loves him, but the important fact is that it’s not the same type of love.
It’s going to be difficult for San to understand, that’s for sure.
Wooyoung sighs, gathering the courage to have this conversation.
“Kitty, it’s because they are a couple. The hyungs kiss and sleep together and do those things because they are in love with each other.”
“I am in love with you,” San assures, firm and sure.
“Sannie, being in love is different than this.”
“How?” San presses, frown deepening and Wooyoung can’t explain, he can’t because he is in love with San. But he doesn’t want the panther to feel like he owes any type of relationship to him just because he offered him a house.
Wooyoung prefers to keep his feelings under a big lock, letting San be free.
“Yell, you want to do things with that person, different from what you do with your friends. You also want to be closer to them, know them better, go on dates, kisses and sex and all those things.”
"I want to be with you and be closer, without Yunho or Yeosang. I want to go on dates, I like to walk you to classes, I kissed you and I want to sleep with you. I am in love with you,” San repeats matter of factly.
“Sannie, are you sure?” Wooyoung asks, not wanting to get his hopes up. “Kitten, i don’t want you to feel obligated to be with me because you don’t know other people or because we live together.”
“No,” San hisses. “You are good and sweet and smart and pretty. I want to kiss you more. Please,” he adds, meowing the last part.
“My sweet kitten,” Wooyoung coos, cupping San’s face and bringing him closer for a kiss.
Wooyoung is slow with San, enjoying the time they have. He moves his lips calmly, enjoy every single purr coming from Sa’s mouth and how he gets impossibly closer, arms around his neck so they are pressed together. Pulling away is simple because they can lean back in again, kiss after kiss that leave tingles all around their bodies.
Like this, with San purring and nuzzling his neck, it’s easy to admit that Wooyoung is in love with San, his kitten.
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themaiddefender · 1 year
Panther San 5
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As many things in his life, Hongjoong blames Wooyoung for entering a male strip club a saturday night. He wasn't expecting being the head of a frat house to be like this, that's for sure, but he can't say it's unexpected.
They aren't here for pleasure, that's for sure. No, they are here for advice which is incredibly funny to think about. But yes, they have a panther hybrid at home with Wooyoung (that traitor has stayed home when it's his fault) that is breaking all the clothes that they give him when he changes from human to animal form and they need a solution.
Said solution came from Yeosang jokingly saying that San should wear stripper clothes since they were meant to be ripped off. Unfortunately it's their best solution.
So here they are, looking for a friend of a friend of Wooyoung, a Beomgyu who will (hopefully) tell them where to buy those forsaken clothes.
It takes them two dances to see Beomgyu but the boy is quick to run with a smile and give them the information. The clothes are not as expensive as they thought so, soon enough, San has a little pile of clothes that he can wear so he doesn't go around the house completely naked or wrapped in a blanket so he doesn't tear more clothes.
And it would all be perfect if it wasn't because San has the habit to walk Wooyoung to his classes, only becoming human to kiss him goodbye. It's there, at the door of his pedagogy class when he sees a classmate.
"Is he- Why does San has button at the sides of his clothes?"
San still doesn't fully understand what things he can say publicly and which he can't so he says "they are stripper clothes" like it's normal.
Wooyoung has to give a lot of explanations that day.
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themaiddefender · 1 year
Panther San 3
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The whole frat house of Ateez being scared of San because the hybrid hisses at them when he hears or sees something he doesn't like. Doesn't matter what Wooyoung says, the hybrid is scary.
Usually, wcc only needs to get close and scratch sxn behind his ear for the hybrid to go completely lax under his touch, sometimes having to put San’s furry head on his lap and pet him until only little huffs come from his snot.
It doesn't matter what he does, Wooyoung’s touch always manages to calm San down and he certainly looks less scary while he's purring with his eyes closed as Wooyoung plays with his ears.
However, one unfortunately morning, San becomes scary again.
"You should go to the gym and lose that weight now," Mingi says absently, remembering Wooyoung told him he wanted to go again to the gym and early in the morning it's mostly empty.
San's growl is so loud that it makes Mingi jump back, trying to put distance between them. Not like he needs to, San is wrapped around Wooyoung like a second skin.
His tail is around Woo’s thigh and his paws over Wooyoung’s thighs, hugging them possesively. 
Mingi awaits for the "he isn't dangerous" comment from Wooyoung, but it never comes. When be looks at his friend, he's absently petting San’s head, although the hybrid doesn't seem relaxed yet.
"He's a bit protective of my tummy," Wooyoung explains calmly, but San growls some more in Mingi’s's direction. 
Mingi swears he will never again open his mouth in front of San.
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themaiddefender · 1 year
Panther San 4
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San has long nails since he didn't have anything to cut them with so Wooyoung gets a nailclipper so San doesn't scratch him accidentally. They discover rather soon that San doesn't like the nailclipper (it has a strange form and he doesn't trust it) but he certainly doesn't like the scissors, not when they make that horrible sound and they look so sharp so he runs to hide on top of a closet when he sees Wooyoung getting closer with those devil scissors in hand.  
"Sannie, it's so you can hug me better," Wooyoung tries, but the panther doesn't look convinced.
"That hurts," San says, convinced. 
 "I promise they don't, kitty. C'mon, come down here so I can give you a kiss and cut your nails.”
But San is not buying it, curling up on himself on top of the closet so Wooyoung can't reach him.
It takes almost two hours of coaxing, but Wooyoung finally gets San to come down of the closet. He covers San in kisses, promising to make a lot of meat later and watch a show with him and wear a skirt (San likes when he wears skirt, he can indulge him), but San doesn't make it easier, wanting to hug Wooyoung at every single moment so it is a little difficult for the human to cut his nails when San is trying to cling to him like a koala. Wooyoung calls for reinforcements.
Yunho is San's second favorite human. He's also big and can pin San down (for about three seconds, but still) if necessary.  
They finally settle for sitting San in the bathroom, Wooyoung sitting straddling his lap and cupping his face, muttering praises and peppering kisses over his face while San pouts and while Yunho is careful to cut first his toe nails and then his hands.
When the scissors cut, they make an ugly sound that has San hiding his face in Wooyoung’s neck while Wooyoung hugs him tightly around the shoulders.
It takes them twenty minutes to complete the task and once it's done, Wooyoung makes sure to stay on San's lap a bit more, kissing him softly until he stops pouting.
"You were so brave, kitty. Now we only need to cut your hair." 
 "Traitor," San hisses
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themaiddefender · 1 year
Panther San 2
Panther hybrid San who is living for the first time in a house and of course he knows hair color can change, he has seen the little bottles in show windows and he has seen women come out of the hairdresser without gray hairs, but he hasn't seen the process. So when Wooyoung offers to watch a show while his hair processes, he just has to get closer to the covered head and sniff it, unsure of how it works. bad choice, nose scrunching in disgust at the strong chemicals to the point he's sneezing. Wooyoung coos, loving his reaction, but still gets him a candle so he can smell that instead and get rid of the chemical one.
Safe to say San doesn't get close to Wooyoung, doesn't matter how many times the human calls for him or how many cuddles he's offered.
It's only after Wooyoung washes his hair nd promises the bad smell is gone that San dares to come close again, burying his nose in Wooyoung’s neck to smell the hairs at his nape and purring loudly when there's a strong coconut smell instead of the horrible chemicals. San likes this one better.
When a month later Wooyoung comes home with a bottle of hair dye again, San lowers his ears and lets his tail fall lifeless.
"Traitor," he hisses to Wooyoung, because San remembers Woo promising him he would never have to smell the chemical thing ever again.
"My color is fading. I'm sorry, kitten," Wooyoung mutters with real sadness. the mix of pet name and a hand cupping his cheek has San purring like crazy. Wooyoung is so pretty and he is scratching behind his ear so good. But San is angry! So he sits in bed, legs and arms crossed  with his tail swinging slowly, analytically, while he observes Wooyoung in the bathroom apply a black color back in his hair (door open so San can see, Wooyoung knows he gets uneasy when he can't see him).It takes San three hours to hug Wooyoung again but that night a panther lays on top of Wooyoung, snot on his shoulder and soft purring making his chest vibrate. good to know that San likes the smell of his conditioner.
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themaiddefender · 1 year
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