#wooseok akgae confirmed
changbeens · 4 years
some quotes from my 3 year old niece that have been said to me since i was last here that may interest you:
“there was a hole in wooseok’s top and i saw his bum!”
“play the du du song. play the du du song NOW” (in reference to god’s menu, whilst doing the du du du hand choreo)
“why isnt wooseok in stray kids?”
“i want to see wooseok dancing with his friends”
“i want to see wooseok dancing with stray kids”
“this.... is not wooseok”
“when i was younger i liked doyoung but now i’m big so i like wooseok”
“i only came to your room to see wooseok”
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changbeens · 4 years
has it been confirmed as 7? and who else is missing? i'm not active much so i haven't actually seen anything.
it was confirmed as 7 six months ago when they told us the boys were preparing for a comeback. jinhyuk and wooseok will be missing because flopmed is scared of their akgaes and jinhoo will be absent as he’s on health hiatus
flopmed released a statement after constantly ignoring honey10 concerns over jinhoo who had previous been straight up missing from group activity for months (the other 7 members kept doing group vlives and jinhoo was nowhere to be seen) and their statement was basically “jinhoo’s on health hiatus BUT WE WONT ELABORATE AND WE’LL DISTRACT YOU ALL WITH WOW WOW WOW SWEET LOOK HERE, COMEBACK!!! COME!!! BACK!!! UPPYTENNY COMEYBACKY!!!!! JINWHO??? COMEBACK!” and then went silent until 3 days ago
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