#woops now i need to change the center piece to Virgil instead of Thomas
voidlitmoon · 5 years
Finding Our Stars - Bonus Mini Chapter
Ok @sugarglider9603, here is chapter one!
Alright I want to make something clear.. I chose Pecha because of Picani, please accept my reference :)
Also READERS PLEASE NOTE the Bonus Chapter links will be available ONLY ON THE MASTER POST, this includes the minific of MJ and and Iris that I've posted before, I have adjusted the links so it is no longer the Part 2 link on part one and (now) part three, Part 2 link is now Shine Freely My Friends. If want to read these extras later on, check out the Master post link, you can also find Pokeside art from me as well :D
Ao3 link
Ao3 series link
Chapter 2
Master Post
Words: 1,447
Summery: 'They seemed to be in a room with many other brown Eevee eggs, some still as rocks while others shook a bit, one on the other not to far away having a few cracks of its own. They lay in nest of blankets, the warm sun shining through a window straight onto his egg shell pieces. The Eevee squinted, he could see perfectly fine, but the light bothered his eyes, most likely since he basically stared straight at it as he entered the world.
The human opened a door to what seemed to be a large shed or small barn, for they exited onto a sprawling green field, trees sprouting here and there. Berry bushed lay at their bases, Oran, Sitrus, Logan, Pecha, Cheri, and many others spread between.
But what was fascinating were the brown pokemon currently turning to watch the human.
The Eevee's eyes widened as Eevees like himself stared back, brown eyes curiously inspecting him.'
A world were they were wanted to be one thing, but then ignored as extras when not. Where when every other of there kind around them kept separate, two connected like puzzle pieces. All was normal for several months
Until a new Eevee hatch.
And without realizing, Sleep and Pecha connected to a much bigger puzzle on a journey to find their little dark Star
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Chapter One
what.. was that? 'Light' his mind supplied. The creature pushed a paw to the egg's shell, lightning bolts shooting along.
"C'mon c'mon c'mon" a voice? Someone was talking outside wherever he was, instinct kicking in. The creature kicked the shell's inside, pushing.
The light grew brighter and brighter as more fell through the splits, causing the pokemon to blink, the light bothering his eyes.
Almost out.
Just a bit more.
The egg split open, the Eevee inside tumbled out.
"Ugggh, another normal" the voice muttered, making the Eevee look up.
The figure above him reached out a hand, patting him head "sorry bud, you not the one. Let's go put you with the others" the Eevee blinked, shaking his fur as he stood and chirped a confused ok.
The human picked him up, letting the Eevee look around.
They seemed to be in a room with many other brown Eevee eggs, some still as rocks while others shook a bit, one on the other not to far away having a few cracks of its own. They lay in nest of blankets, the warm sun shining through a window straight onto his egg shell pieces. The Eevee squinted, he could see perfectly fine, but the light bothered his eyes, most likely since he basically stared straight at it as he entered the world.
The human opened a door to what seemed to be a large shed or small barn, for they exited onto a sprawling green field, trees sprouting here and there. Berry bushed lay at their bases, Oran, Sitrus, Logan, Pecha, Cheri, and many others spread between.
But what was fascinating were the brown pokemon currently turning to watch the human.
The Eevee's eyes widened as Eevees like himself stared back, brown eyes curiously inspecting him.
"There's another one hatching right now" the human announced to the crowd, setting the newly hatched Eevee down. No Eevee made a move toward the human, just continuing their business when they walked back inside.
Eevee blinked, confusion filling him "excuse me" he squeaked to a nearby Eevee. She stop confused "what's going on?" He asked, curiosity filling his mind.
"That's Manti" she explained, shaking out her fur "they/them pronouns. Apparently they're breeding for shiny grey colored Eevees, when ever they come out with one it's brought over to their house instead of staying with us" Eevee stared at the large house she pointed at before walking away.
He jumped a few minutes later as the door opened again, 'Manti' sighing as another brown Eevee lay in his arms. He set the squinting Eevee down next to the other before walking away.
"What going on?" The squinting Eevee asked, confused. The older Eevee explained as the walked over to a shaded spot, apologising with his small knowledge.
"That's so weird" the younger mumbled softly, starting a tad scared out at the other pokemon. They ended up curling together near a Peacha Berry bush under a red apple tree, the younger enjoying the sweet tasting berries. The taste was ok with the older, but maybe a bit too sweet.
"Hey" the younger looked up "it's ok to be scared, we're new to all this" the older snuggled closer "we'll stick together."
The younger hummed "it might be possible Manti could name us, or give us to someone else to name, but do you wanna give each other nicknames? Might be easier since we're both Eevees" he giggled.
"Hmm ok, how about Sleep for me, since that's all I want to do right now" the older joked, causing the younger to laughed. "All right then Sleep, what's mine?" Sleep felt his cheeks heat up slightly, but couldn't help but let out a small laugh "how about Peacha, since your so sweet?" He suggested, giving a grin as the younger gave a very noticeable blush and froze. Sleep felt sudden fear, what if he took offense, what if he didn't like it, what if-
The younger smiled, tucking his head under the older's chin "I love it" Peacha whispered.
Sleep watched sleepily as Manti entered the Hatchery. It had been several months since Sleep and Peacha hatched, only one shiny grey Eevee had appeared. Manti seemed very happy, the two being close enough to hear them mutter "finally a Jolteon" before walking off. Apparently the human had been attempting for a long time to gain every shiny Eevee and Eeveelution, already having the normal furs.
It had been quite a while since the last shiny though, Manti gaining more and more annoyed.
"FOR ARCEUS SAKE" a scream raged from the Hatchery, startling Peacha from sleep. Manti exited, clearly upset but just let out an sign, setting the Eevee down before walking away. Sleep looked curiously at the new Eevee.
Even for a newly hatched, the Eevee was very small. It crouched in the setting sun's lights, darker than normal furred slightly spiked in fear. Poor Eevee must have been terrified having a scream be the first noise he heard. Anger at Manti bubbled in Sleep for a moment before Pecha stood up, bounding over to the curled up Eevee.
"Hey" Pecha whispered and Sleep wandered up behind "are you ok?" The Eevee glanced up, brilliantly rich violet eyes stared. Sleep blinked. Manti really must have not gotten a good look at this Eevee, otherwise it probably would have never left his sight.
"I- I" the dark Eevee mumbled, shrinking down. Pecha blinked "oh no it's ok, Manti's not mad specifically at you" he comforted.
Sleep gently nudged the Eevee up, the small one following them. After that day the two hatched, the Pecha bush under the rich red apple tree had become their sleeping spot. There was a large radius of open grass between that tree and other objects, giving the two, now three privacy.
The two calmed the Eevee down, explaining the situation as they curled him between the two.
"So, Manti is a shiny breeder?" The Eevee mumbled tiredly as the others nodded. The violet eyes were locked on the sky as stars started shining brightly, calming the Eevee even more.
"Do you.. do you want me to leave you guys alone?" He whispered asked.
"No!" Pecha cried, snuggling up closer. The Eevee blinked "but your so close, I don't want to interfere."
Sleep shook his head "we choose who we want to be around" he looked up at the stars alongside the Eevee "and to prove that I, the amazing Sleep, with give you a nickname" Pecha swatted him with his tail "of course, only if you want one."
The Eevee looked over and hesitated "are.. are you sure?" Sleep nodded.
"Alright.." Sleep and Pecha snuggled the small one closer "how about Star, dark one?" Sleep mumbled sleepily, glancing one last time at the sky the violet eyes were still latched onto.
The dark one thought for a moment, before nodding.
"I.. I like it" Star mumbled, smiling.
Manti walked out, fresh air shifting around them. Footfall behind them made the breeder turn, smiling as an old friend walked out.
"So I heard you were looking for an Eevee. I just had a special looking Eevee born about two weeks ago, bright purple eyes. It's not a shiny so it's useless to me, but a dragon evolution would look cool with those eyes.
When Sleep and Pecha woke up, their little Star was gone.
Sleep comforted Pecha as the younger cried. "Don't worry, we'll find him" Pecha just shook his head.
"Manti took him while we slept, he probably gave him off to a trainer" he mumbled between tears. It was probably true, occasionally humans would come by and take one of the 'extra' Eevees along with them.
Sleep growled "we will find him" the tone causing Pecha to look up as Sleep stood up, making his way to the fence.
"But we can't leave!" Pecha exclaimed, eyes wide. "Yes we can" Sleep argued calmly, hopping through the boards "just no one has. Listen, Manti doesn't care about us, we might have been split anyways because they gave us to two separate trainer" Pecha hesitated, remembering the sad truth.
"I'm leaving to find our Star, whether your coming or not" Pecha finally looked up, determined. He hopped through the fence, tucking his head under Sleep's chin and nuzzling the Eevee's chest "like you can get rid of me that easily" Pecha purred.
the two split, glancing one last time at the Eevee farm, seeing other Eevees watch them with shocked faces as the turned away.
"Now" Pecha growled, walking into the forest, the unknown "let's get our Star back."
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