#woooooooooooooooooo finally done
fsnowzombie · 5 days
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Armored Lady Monday
i have a very important update for you on my old school runescape journey
even if this characte rhas about 40% of the skill levels that my main has, even if she has about half the quests done, i FINALLY beat my 14 year old barely english speaking self (spanish is my first language) greatest challenge
AFTER 18 YEARS (give or take since i started my runescape account in early 2005)
you cannot take me off this high, im in the biggest mountain screaming at the top of my lungs
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pine-the-mighty · 8 months
please excuse my femme as hell voice, my awful diction, and my horrible piano skills
next song should be done idk sometime!!!! I don't have access to a piano until Wednesday, and I have callbacks until 6 :(
@caktusjuice-draws @moxmuffin @shadowbrightshine @musicaltrash you people were on the thread or helped me a lot :3
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took an exam today and finished a final paper today!! now i'm done with 3/5 of my classes woooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
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blainemoriarty · 7 years
Adventure Time Season 5 Starters ¼
Episode 1 - Finn the Human
"He's heading to that cube!"
"Did you guys see that? You know that was a ghost wearing a dead guy? That might be the nastiest thing I've ever seen."
"I'm basically honorary nasty."
"It depends on the wish I granted him."
"He wished for the extinction of all life and I did it."
"I need you to take the mule into town today and sell him for as much as you can."
"I push you, you fall down!"
"I guess dad must be in a lot of trouble to be doing this..."
"I'm a thousand years old, and this is my crown!"
"This crown is magic - bad, terrible magic. Too dangerous for mortal fingies like yours!"
"Daddy says the false prophets of old used cheap parlor tricks to control the people, and to get babes. Like, ten or twelve hot babes each."
"Go back to the underworld, you beast!"
"I know you're not really talking to me. I'm not crazy."
Episode 2 - Jake the Dog
“Sometimes a well-intentioned wish can lead to… Nuts.”
“No, that’s not possible. I raised you better than that!”
“I’m serious, man. You’re like a strong number three on my Cool Guys List.”
“Aw man, my dad used to make pickles. It’s all he used to talk about. He’d obsess over them all the time. When I’d come in from playing, he’d be like, ‘Here ___, try these.’“
“Why am I cold and confused?!”
“Fear not, icicle child - for I have birthed you into a new life!”
“Ah, my kicks!”
“I’ve taught you well, my traitorous gang.”
“The voices… They tell me to freeze the world.”
“Get off of me, weirdo!”
“I am the end and the beginning. I am the hand of madness.”
“Dude, I get out of relationships because I don’t wanna have a discussion about what we’re gonna have for dinner every. Night.”
“What is a singular doing in this realm?!”
“I warned you, you butt.”
“Focus! Here, eat this egg. It’s brain food.”
Episode 3 - Five More Short Graybles
“You ready for some ancient feel-good spellcraft?”
“I don’t feel like a good boy.”
“You sure you read that spell right?”
“Hey, check out that gross toad.”
“Let’s find some more holes.”
“I’m sorry, but the wheels of justice spin too slowly. I’m going to have to take the law into my own hands.”
“Thank y’all for coming. The police have failed me in my time of need.”
“I’ve brought you all together - a posse!”
“You’re gonna have a new mommy to help boss you around.”
“It’s a wife ring. This one’s for me - I’m the husband. That means I get the remote control three times a week and you get it four!”
“But I don’t understand. I’m a real baby girl now.”
“I will not always be here to protect you. No, you must learn.”
“I know a thing or two about good boys.”
Episode 4 - Up A Tree
“Oh man! My throwing and catching disk!”
“Sometimes a man just has to retrieve his own disk.”
“Hello, I apologize for staring, but I’ve never seen a chipmunk as big as you.”
“Must’a could not heard me.”
“Just do me a kindness and go get me some more nut milk.”
“In the tree, part of the tree.”
Episode 5 - All the Little People
“Do you think you should date someone who’s like you, or someone who’s like, your opposite?”
“I didn’t mean that, don’t spread that around.”
“So, it’s not good to weigh somebody’s qualities against your own?”
“Oh, I see. You’re being weird.”
“I’m not coming back.”
“Hey, what’s that in your pants?”
“No, don’t play with that hack…”
“Did you stay up all night reading trash books?” 
“I don’t like where you’re going with this. It ain’t wholesome.”
“I’m back! I got over all that messed up stuff you did.”
“Look at me, man! I’m staring into the shadow of my darkest mind-hole!”
Episode 6 - Jake the Dad
“Puppies, puppies, puppies!”
“They’re still pretty sleepy. Sleepy little sweeties.”
“Real talk - are you worried about being a dad?”
“This is not for babies!”
“They just sit there while you eat them.”
“It’s every parent’s worst nightmare!”
Episode 7 - Davey
“Don’t let the dragon drag on, man.”
“Have dinner with me! Please! Please! Please! ____! Please!”
“We should get out of here man, I think someone called the heat.”
“Gimme your bank account! Bang bang! Reach for the roof, and give me all your gold bricks!”
“Do you wanna have dinner instead of breakfast today?”
“Mister, I don’t know nothing about that.”
“I’m a robber and I’m gonna rob somebody’s life!”
“Here’s your meal, criminal. We feed our criminals.”
Episode 8 - Mystery Dungeon
“Awake! Alas! Hold tight your buns, if buns you do hold dear!”
“What are those awful words?”
“I’m reading the wall. They are wall words.”
“I no longer need this map. I have infellible recall.”
“Oh! The room is tryna hug us!”
“This is wrong. The map lied to me! It doesn’t want me to find the exit!”
“Make yourself into food, now!”
“Don’t you remember? I am your son.”
“This heat is negating my powers.”
“That’s… warm on my under-carriage.”
“Wow, that was heavy, man.”
“My juice! My vital juices!”
“I got no time for no-body dancin’ around, and actin’ a fool at my expense.”
 “I knocked y’all out and brought you here!”
“Father, look at me. Are you happy with me now, Papi?”
“All my brilliant fantasies will now be real!”
“Bye, don’t follow me.”
“I will wait for you, across the threshold of consciousness.”
Episode 9 - All Your Fault
“Are you lemon? Does your head come to a nub?”
“You are un-lemon.”
“Maybe we should hold hands… For safety!”
“There is no more candy to hoard. Let them keep what crumbs they find, for there are no crumbs.”
“It just felt so pretty okay inside, greeting eat new placid face, and hearing each new piercing song.”
“Its all your fault! We warned you! We warned you about us!” 
“Just smash it already, Grandma.”
“Woah, hold the phones. What is this powerful new juice coursing from my core source?”
“Is this the rumored ache of feeling? The feeling of caring unknown to lemons?”
“Their hearts are fine. They’re just like this.”
Episode 10 - Little Dude
“First one in the water is, um… First one in the water!”
“I’ll use the sassage flare.”
“Grob, dude! Your hat’s alive!”
“Yeah man, hats can be anything. Pants. Other people. Its fine!”
“Your head looks weird with short hair, dude. Feels like a peach.”
“Only good babies get sassages.”
“Man, we should tell him we know he sleeps on the top of our house.”
“Papa always said I was a bad wizard…”
“All I can do is think about my Papa and how much I disappoint him!”
“Uh, yeah. Just think about your mom and use your magic.”
“It’s not his fault he was created evil.”
Episode 11 - Bad Little Boy
“That’s not a book! It’s a bomb!”
“Go on, get outta here, and don’t ever do wrong things again!”
“Lets have a best-and-closest-friend lunch!”
“Oh my. Looks like you almost skronked up my dome-piece.”
“I’m not going out there. It’s wet.”
“Don’t you know I’m a villain?”
“Out of my way, kitty.”
“This is bad, guys. This is really bad.”
“You’re like the realest person I’ve ever met.”
Episode 12 - Vault of Bones
“Let’s go have a good time in a dungeon, or something.”
“That tree over there is not made of wood.”
“I shall grant thee clemency, if you do the splits. Do the splits!”
“See? A lot of times you can overpower these guys with confidence.”
“Why would someone go through the trouble of setting up a hologram? Unless… They’ve hidden something in this room.”
“Hot Daniel. I thought you were gonna burn me alive.”
Episode 13 - The Great Bird Man
“Some say he’s a half-man half-bird that poops fire while he flies.”
“The mermaids are trying to beach themselves. I’m trying to figure out why. Turns out they’re just lonely.”
“This is the rookery, where I and my bird friends dwell.”
“When we first met, I was crazy for smacking goblin hams.”
“I pissed off a wizard and he took my eyes. I wonder what he wanted them for. Some kind of lotion, or potion, or time-travelling spell.”
“It was crazy how his eyeballs were just hangin’ there.”
“I manipulated space with a vibrational chant.”
“I love these birds more than I love myself.”
“Your eyes weren’t stolen by a wizard. They’re in your beard.”
“We didn’t tell you because we thought you might still be a wong-lord.”
“All my friends, to the sky.”
“Anyone who disagrees with me should get a spanking!”
“Where’s the butt on this thing?”
Episode 14 - Simon & Marcy
“I’ll get us all some little waters.”
“Why’d you invite Ancient Chubs to play basketball?”
“Yeah, lay down ___. Go to sleep!”
“Ew. It’s a dead rat.”
“You stay in the car, I’ll be right back.”
“You’re not gonna put it on, are you?”
“Don’t worry, I can control it better now.”
“I call upon the power of ice and snow!”
“You will no longer terrify a 47 year old man and a 7 year old girl!”
“Vandalism is wrong, ___.”
“Aw, everything’s gone.”
“I have to protect us.”
“I’m as old as garlic balls, if someone offered to pick me up and carry me, I’d do it in a heartbeat.”
“Gross. You’re gross.”
“Clams? The Clambulance?! No! I need chicken!”
“____, cover your ears!”
“Our butts are grass, right?”
“Don’t leave me here, I can fight!”
“You have to keep it together. For her.”
“You’re gonna feel awesome in a moment.”
“Keep telling these chump stories while I score a bunch of baskets.”
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fatesxedda · 4 years
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“After a long time of searching, this is the building that will serve as our home.”
Looking up at the hotel, it looked almost dilapidated but still somewhat intact. Piles of rubble lie outside, possibly where they dug a way to the doors. They will have to reinforce the doors in case someone has any funny ideas but for now? The area here is far less chaotic than their previous homestead. Yunneth had to lead the way as Nero wanted her to grab Enid as well as to grab a few things that were left behind at their old place.
“It’s a bloody miracle we managed to find a way to clear a path inside. It’s a tad dirty inside so...watch your step.”
Once inside, numerous people were at work clearing debris (especially around the mistle), sweeping, trying to make the place seem...”homey”.
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“FINALLY! You’re here.”
“Oh. Enid, this is Salem. Where I am his left hand, Salem is his-”
“Yeah, yeah. Right hand. Hey, can you tell those idiots to get off the-”
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Nero and a teenage boy with white hair were heard coming down the hall, the two of them riding a luggage cart at high speed. Before they were in sight, it sounded as if they rode the cart down the stairs. Shortly, a loud bang is heard.
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What...is she supposed to say to that?
“...Can I live with you?”
Yunneth would ask Enid. She isn’t serious of course but that look on her face already spells out how done she is with Nero’s antics.
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actioncloser · 5 years
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I’ve said this many times. It’s a lesson i learned for myself, the hard way ... I need you to understand: this is not a cliché or some “motivational” dribble that is so popular these days ...! It’s a fact ... Let me give you an example: it’s easy to do nothing. It’s easy to skip out on work that needs to be done. It’s easy to skip the tasks you should get done ... It’s hard mowing grass up above your knees because the city finally gave you an ultimatum ... It’s freaking heartbreakingly hard telling your wife or husband there’s no money for the electric bill ... It’s hard running into old friends in you rusted out 89 civic with hazards on, out of gas at the grocery store ... Listen, I’m not being judgmental, I was that guy for the first 30 years of my life ... You want the secret ??? Here it is: Don’t allow excuses. Excuses are the way you justify taking the easy way out. ... The easy way is only easy temporarily. Do hard things in to moment and life gets easier in the long run ... #dothework #getthingsdone #JasonHowland #ActionCloser #TAT #Sales #SalesTraining #GetWeird #betheexample #hard #workhard #push #WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! https://www.instagram.com/p/B3mmaRFlnMk/?igshid=116zobzijzk4b
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