#wooo redoing this !! :D
toothlesstdm · 1 year
☀️ Lillie/Tooth !!☀️
♥ She/Her || 18 ♥
Hi! Welcome to my blog!! :D I hope you have a fantastic day! <3 Take care!! I mostly post art & animations here, though I may post writing related things here too! I'm also a huge fan of doing character designs, so you'll see a lot of designs for things I like!
I also tend to ramble about my ideas and hcs here! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You'll mostly see content of: ✨ Pokémon • DC/Batman • The Legend of Zelda • Five Nights at Freddy's • Project Moon • Roblox (Regretevator & Pressure) !! ✨ ♥ Wings of Fire • Hollow Knight • Rain World • EPIC: The Musical • OCs + Some more of my main interests!! :D ♥ -------------------------------------------------------------- ♥ My design blog: @toothsdesignboutique ♥ My sonas/Toyhouse: Here!
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blackberry-bamblz · 2 years
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Finally drew Callisto properly!! Wooo!!!
I still need to properly draw his full-body reference, and then redo Rigel's reference, but at least I've got this!
Overall I am very happy with how my designs are turning out for these funky little astronauts !!
Fun Fact: His glasses are prescription lenses but he had them customized to be orange, as orange/amber/brown lenses are supposed to block out blue light and reduce eyestrain, as well as increase contrast of things he is looking at. Wonder if this'll be helpful at all in the future.. We'll see :D
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thatonenugget · 11 months
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Oc Sketch from school :D
She’s actually an old Oc of mine Im redoing wooo ^_^
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paradigmaticsims · 4 years
30′s Strangetown - the misadventures of Nervous
Playing sims again after a long time, my aim is set Pleasantview in the 18th century, Strangetown in the 1930s (vaguely/as much as possible) I don’t care about Veronaville, maybe the apartment life one will be 1890s, and have a fantasy custom hood. Anyway I got bored just doing the makeovers and started playing the Bakers, Beakers? I think its Bakers. That’s why their weird castle house doesn’t yet look like the Frank Lloyd Wright designed classic I aspire for it to be. But here’s some of the game wooo! (the pics still have the pause border cause I’m lazy).
There is some surface level talk of Nervous Subject trauma below.
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Here’s Nervous and Loki. Nervous is sad cause he lost a fight with Loki apparently.
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This is my attempt to maintain some of Nervous’ punk look in a 30-ish setting.
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Nervous deserves only good things. I will take you out of this place soon I promise.
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Circe comes home and plays catch with Loki which only consists of them just chucking the ball right into each other’s faces over and over again.
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… which they enjoy. And that seems very on brand for them.
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The paper girl is pretty and has the best eyebrows.
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Good for Abhijeet? They don’t even go here.
So I had kind of planned a redo of what I did when I first played the game when I was around 12 which is to get Nervous and Pascal together, cause I think that’d be sweet. However that was before I had things like ACR and chemistry and traits to complicate things, all I had to do then was direct one of them to flirt with the other and as long as they had a high enough relationship score they would fall in love. Now I’m a grown up I want things to be autonomous and seem like it was their choice but also do what I want them to do - is this what being a god feels like? Anyway if they don’t have chemistry I won’t force it. Nervous did turn out to be gay though without my interference so all I can say is that 12 year old me called it.
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I have Nervous use the (modded) crystal ball to find a date. Pascal isn’t listed so I pick this guy, cause look at his hipster facial hair that’s gotta be respected. And maybe being with an older, wiser guy could be good for Nervous, they have two bolts of chemistry, now they just need to flirt and…
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Nervous slapped him :/  and he slapped back. Ok. Ok. This is my first time playing with traits, and I did give Nervous a few antisocial ones like, brooding and unstable cause yeah he’s actually a sweet boy underneath that but he’s got a lot of trauma and probably a lot of trust issues, so he’s not easily going to be able to form nice, healthy relationships if we’re being real here. I don’t know if this was caused by the traits or his personality/low aspiration though. But it’s just one negative interaction, maybe they can move past this and…
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For reasons that can best be described as underlying sexual tension Nervous attacks him. Nervous wins. You beat up an old guy, well done.
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But then behold! Pre-30s makeover Pascal walks by. I gave Nervous the servant trait by mortia (which I think will be more useful in my other hoods) cause I figured Loki and Circe would treat him as such, and so he greets Pascal like this. greetings here
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Nervous seems to be neutral to Pascal chemistry-wise, but I think Pascal might feel differently cause he decides to flirt with Nervous! And it goes well. But then instead of continuing to flirt Nervous goes off to keep beating up that other guy, and Pascal goes and reads a book, stick with what you know I guess.
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Oh Nervous is also a kleptomaniac (I figure he doesn’t get to hang onto much of his own stuff and so compulsively takes from others when he has the chance in an attempt to have control over something in his life – am I, am I making this too sad?) So he decides to steal from hipster grandad.
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Look at his poor frightened face.
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If you’re wondering where Circe is here she is enjoying the violence of a Nervous/hipster Grandad fight. Her 30’s makeover is my favourite so far, by far.
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Then her and Nervous decide to slap each other, she gets a relationship increase from it and becomes best friends, and still cries about it.
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Then Nervous decides to fight the fitter, healthier Circe and unsurprisingly loses.
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A. No he didn’t. B. It’s not night. C. You spent the whole time reading when you could have slept anywhere there are inexplicably three beds in this house. D. Is this really about something else? What were you hoping would happen? Is there subtext to this Pascal? And E. Nervous seems to fear being rejected for a flirt by Pascal… interesting.
That’s all for now. I think I will go to Pascal’s house next but when that will be I don’t know, this is all very infrequent and random. Bye.
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xvii-art · 6 years
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I’m back...with one of my favourite problematic couple :’D I’ve also been getting back into the groove of doing digital art..so ah..I’m a little rusty, but I’m overall satisfied with how it came out (*´▽`*)
I also wanted to redraw/redo my Killing Stalking piece as I’m catching up with the chapters now and wooo I’m shookヽ(。_°)
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I literally didn’t sleep last night I reaaaally wanted to get the turret firing! IT IS THE FUNNIEST TURRET. I did it at 7am, right before I had to leave and I was SO happy. My turret fires at the player, does damage, and it disappears upon impact! That part took super long!!! I obviously had not slept the whole night so I’m not entirely sure what the problem was, for a long time the turret bullets disappeared like 1cm from the turret, or they didn’t appear at all. It just seemed to be a lot of retyping and sometimes forgetting to attach scripts to the right thing lol.
And I had a nap at school oops, then I had to act like I wasn’t sleep deprived and IT WAS SO HARD NOT TO TALK ABOUT MY CODE PROBLEMS AT TONYS :<
SO TODAY I SPENT AAAAGES TRYING TO GET MELEE ATTACKING WORKING. I had to do the tutorial 3 or 4 times. Then on the last time I got really close and found out that instead of (”Damage”, dmg) I did (”Damage, dmg”) AND THERE WAS NO ERROR? THANKS UNITY. I didn’t even realise for so long.
EDIT 3: TODAY FEELS LIKE THE FIRST DAY THAT THINGS DIDN’T GO SUPER WRONG AND I DIDNT HAVE TO REDO THINGS A LOT LOL except that melee attacking bullshit, but school feels like so long ago cos I had a nap before dinner :D But the collectables thing went pretty smoothly and it was easy to adapt the code to other types of objects so he can collect more than one type! But I spent so long trying to decide on gross food, you would think it was easy but I didn’t want to put anything that looked actually like a dead fish... there isn’t a lot of seafood 8 bit. I think I switched the icons out like 5 times. But I’m happy with it now, I have some seafood that is obviously seafood but not like FUCK THATS GROSS y’know. Wooo! Coding takes ages but so does finding artwork and trying to convert some to 8bit :< Now I am working on a door to the next level!
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