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bobnichollsart · 3 months ago
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My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
In 2020 I illustrated LOCKED IN TIME, written by Dr Dean R Lomax. Here's my painting of two fighting Columbian mammoths, they will become locked together and die together.
This book would make a great Christmas gift! https://cup.columbia.edu/book/locked-in-time/9780231197281
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mita84620 · 3 days ago
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The Mammoth is a powerful, extinct Ice Age creature, known for its massive size, long curved tusks, and thick fur. Closely related to modern elephants, mammoths roamed North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, thriving in cold climates. The most famous species, the woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius), adapted to freezing temperatures with a dense coat and a hump of fat for insulation. They lived in herds and fed on grass, shrubs, and other vegetation. Mammoths disappeared around 4,000 years ago, likely due to climate change and human hunting. Scientists study preserved specimens and even explore cloning possibilities.
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kelseyjunemartin · 2 months ago
Prehistoric Animals in Ice and Fire
I'm as fascinated by all the extinct prehistoric creatures that populate Planetos just as much as by the magical creatures.
Of course, we all know and love the Dire Wolfs raised by the Stark children.
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And we remember the Woolly Mammoths rode by giants and that Mance Rayder led on the Wall.
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Aurochs, which are a prehistoric bovine, are mentioned several times as well. Sometimes domesticated for plowing lands.
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On the isle of Skaggos where Rickon is supposedly hiding, there are said to be unicorns, which may in fact turn out to be Woolly Rhinos.
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And Cold Hands rides a Giant Elk beyond the Wall. In our world these are sometimes call Irish Elks.
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Also mentioned are striped predator cats called Pouch Tigers that are similar to real world Thylacines.
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There are even mentions of Velociraptor-like creatures called Tattooed Lizards.
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whencyclopedia · 1 year ago
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Woolly Mammoth
The woolly mammoth, Mammuthus primigenius, is an extinct herbivore related to elephants who trudged across the steppe-tundras of Eurasia and North America from around 300,000 years ago until their numbers seriously dropped from around 11,000 years ago. A few last stragglers survived into the Holocene on island refuges off the coast of Siberia and Alaska. One of these - Wrangel Island - harboured the last known group of mammoths until around 3,700 years ago.
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therehistoricfoundation · 27 days ago
What is the Lazarus Phenomenon?
The Lazarus Phenomenon is a mysterious occurrence where previously extinct animals are reappearing in the modern day. This is not just animals that scientists merely thought were extinct but were actually still alive in the remote parts of the world, but species that went extinct hundreds, thousands, and even millions of years ago spontaneously reappearing with no trace of them being there before. These creatures usually appear in the same general area where they formerly lived before going extinct, however, there have been cases of previously extinct species appearing in areas that were outside of their native range when alive. It is currently unclear whether or not this is because the species in question did actually inhabit these areas in the past and paleontologists just haven’t found fossil evidence proving this yet, or if their former habitats have changed so much that they can no longer live there and instead materialize in a more suitable environment.
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Unidentified small theropod tracks found near a playground in Western Pennsylvania.
While not the movie monsters often depicted in books, films, tv shows, and video games, these previously can still pose a threat to humans and the local environment. That’s where we come in! The Rehistoric Foundation is an organization made up of paleontologists, biologists, environmental educators, and volunteers who have dedicated their time, energy, and resources to help protect the present from the past and vice versa!
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Doug the Dodo (Raphus cucullatus). One of the many previously extinct animals in the care of the Rehistoric Foundation. He was surrendered to us after local law enforcement confiscated him from his previous owner, who had purchased him illegally from the exotic pet trade and was keeping him as a pet. His small size is due to a combination of being fed an improper diet and being kept in a small cage for most of his life.
In addition to acting as a sanctuary for previously extinct animals that unable to live in the wild (either because they wouldn’t survive or would pose a threat to humans and other modern species), the Rehistoric Foundation aims to educate the public on how to live safely alongside these amazing creatures!
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A male Irish elk (Megaloceros giganteus) showing off its large antlers to a female red deer (Cervus elaphus). Photo taken via a trail cam set up by Rehistoric Foundation biologists investigating reports of strange bellowing sounds that could be heard in this area at night. The specific location of this sighting will remain undisclosed to the public for the animal’s safety.
One of the ways we can help keep both the public and prehistoric wildlife safe is by reporting sightings of potentially dangerous species so people know to avoid that area.
We will also post helpful tips and tricks on what to do if you do encounter a previously extinct species in the wild!
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Image one: a bull mammoth sighted in northwestern Canada that was captured using a drone.
Image two: a potential Smilodon sighting a few miles away from Valley Forge National Historical Park.
Remember, while these creatures aren’t bloodthirsty monsters, they are still wild animals in an unfamiliar environment and can react in unpredictable ways. Even herbivorous animals can pose a significant threat if you’re not careful. That’s why you never approach any previously extinct animal and immediately report any new sightings to your local Department of Fish & Wildlife or directly to the Rehistoric Foundation’s sighting hotline.
Stay safe out there!
List of know Lazarus Taxa:
Dodo (Raphus cucullatus)
Irish Elk (Megaloceros giganteus)
Smilodon gracilis?
Unidentified theropod
Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius)
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mrmossmichael · 4 months ago
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It's been 10 years ago since I went to the prehistoric beast event called "Ice Age Unfrozen" at Michigan Science Center in Detroit, Michigan, with my family members. Some of these guys are at least eight animatronic creatures; some were skulls, skeleton parts and even furry parts.
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mammothwar · 2 months ago
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artemholubievgolubev · 2 years ago
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European bison wall art - Ice age buffalo
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This is a European bison, during the ice age, he was one of the representatives of the mammoth fauna, and became one of the few animals that have survived to this day.
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European bison wall art. Ice age buffalo canvas for gallery wall prints. This modern art print is great for aesthetic room decor, apartment decor, gift for dad, couples gift, paleontology gift
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littekidstvs · 18 days ago
Spinosaurus Epic Egg Hatching Rescue from Evil T-Rex - Thrilling Jurassi...
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jrscczooadventures · 20 days ago
Spinosaurus Epic Egg Hatching Rescue from Evil T-Rex - Thrilling Jurassic Adventure with Mammoth
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bobnichollsart · 8 months ago
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My 25 years of palaeoart chronology...
Two close-ups from my 2011 acrylic painting "Lion Cave." It features a family of cave lions (Panthera spelaea) and passing woolly mammoths (Mammothus primigenius).
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combodactyl · 29 days ago
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zoozooanimals · 3 months ago
Trex vs Woolly Mammoth - Epic Prehistoric Battle of Giants
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whencyclopedia · 10 months ago
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Ice Age
An ice age is a period in which the earth's climate is colder than normal, with ice sheets capping the poles and glaciers dominating higher altitudes. Within an ice age, there are varying pulses of colder and warmer climatic conditions, known as 'glacials' and 'interglacials'. Even within the interglacials, ice continues to cover at least one of the poles. In contrast, outside an ice age temperatures are higher and more stable, and there is far less ice all around. The earth has thus far made it through at least five significant ice ages.
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superlittlekids · 3 months ago
Trex vs Woolly Mammoth - Epic Prehistoric Battle of Giants
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superkidssongs · 3 months ago
Trex vs Woolly Mammoth - Epic Prehistoric Battle of Giants
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