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boysgenuis · 1 year ago
˙   ៹    ♡     @illctaffairs           /            woojin   &   seongjun.
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               " . . . . what the fuck are you doing here ? "
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sattclites · 2 years ago
♡ / 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥.
                            O dia que Woojin mais tinha medo e mais ansiava finalmente tinha chegado; o círculo vermelho como lembrete no dia três de maio: visitar a nova loja de androides no centro da cidade. Lee é uma pessoa totalmente caseira; raramente saia de casa apesar de ser um cientista e trabalhar no ramo de tecnologia voltada especificamente para androides — felizmente ter o próprio laboratório com todos os equipamentos da mais alta tecnologia lhe dava a vantagem de ter que ir ao escritório apenas uma vez na semana — e o fato de o próprio não ter um androide em casa causava estranhamento por parte dos colegas de trabalho. “Você precisa de alguém pra te fazer companhia, Woojin-ah”, “Vai ser ótimo pra você! Tarefas de casa nunca mais!” e “Você não se sente solitário as vezes?” eram comentários recorrentes de todos a sua volta e, no fim das contas, era verdade: como ele não tinha família próxima e os pais já eram falecidos há muito tempo, acabava que os dias do loiro eram todos iguais. Passou muito tempo ponderando e realmente se acostumando com a ideia de ter outra pessoa morando consigo e, bem, a verdade é que ele sabia de todos cuidados ou até possíveis problemas que ele teria com o novo companheiro, então o que poderia dar errado né?
                              Pelo menos era esse o tipo de pensamento que ele tentava manter até estar na porta da loja. Segurando as mãos em um claro sinal de desconforto e ansiedade, os olhos pequenos observavam todos os detalhes cromados do exterior da loja — algo que ele julgava ser futurístico até demais para o seu gosto —, as portas automáticas de vidro lhe davam uma ampla visão do interior da mesma; mais design holográfico e atendentes que olhavam o loiro com certa curiosidade em seus terninhos brancos chiques. Se sentiu levemente constrangido por um momento; as roupas simples e confortáveis que usava não pareciam boas para a ocasião, mas que ocasião era aquela se ele só iria comprar um androide e ir embora? Respirou fundo, enfim tomando coragem de adentrar o local e, mal teve tempo de respirar o ar completamente aromatizado da loja, quando um vendedor alto e de cabelos acinzentados colocou-se à sua disposição. Em um claro sinal de desconforto, tentou o dispensar, mas, Jisung, como tinha visto o nome em seu crachá, já estava falando sobre os novos modelos que tinham acabado de chegar e como o senhor não vai se arrepender de dar apenas uma olhadinha. 
                                Seguia o vendedor pelos corredores da loja, os mais variados tipos de androide à sua disposição o faziam se sentir levemente estranho e incomodado — era como se ele estivesse em uma grande sala onde todos os ocupantes pareciam estar dormindo, mas dentro de caixas que os expunha como se fossem meramente produtos e, bem, era quase como se fosse realmente isso; a verdade é que androides não eram realmente vistos como pessoas, apesar de cada dono possuir responsabilidades e deveres sobre os mesmos, eles nada mais eram do que bichinhos de estimação para seus proprietários. Só de pensar nisso, o estômago de Woojin já embrulhava — era triste pensar que as pessoas viam aqueles seres de forma tão simplória e até mesmo baixa. Nenhum dos androides de nova geração, como o vendedor tinha avisado, pareciam chamar a atenção do menor, e ele estava ficando cada vez mais frustrado por não conseguir se imaginar tendo qualquer uma daquelas personas como alguém que fosse, no mínimo, seu companheiro de casa. Até que, no meio de um corredor um pouco mais estreito e até mesmo esquecido, ele finalmente colocou seus olhos nele. 
                                  Ele — um androide levemente parecido com um dos que tinha visto nos primeiros corredores da loja, mas, ao mesmo tempo, completamente diferente. Mal percebeu que já estava na frente da caixa transparente que expunha o androide em toda a sua glória; ele tinha os traços tão leves e graciosos que, por mais que fosse mais um entre toda uma série, aquela mecha de cabelo azul dentre as madeixas loiras o fazia parecer tão mais diferente e tão especial que Woojin simplesmente não conseguia explicar mesmo que tentasse. Esse..., bom, esse aí tem um defeito nítido, Jisung começou, o rosto levemente decepcionado pelo cliente ter se encantado por um de seus itens promocionais; mas Lee já estava longe dali — imaginando mil e um cenários dos dois tendo uma ótima convivência juntos até o fim de sua vida. Colocou a palma da mão sob a caixa, o relevo NJM0013 que estampava o tipo e número de série do androide lhe chamando levemente a atenção; era realmente um dos modelos que tinha visto pelo lado de fora da loja, mas algo nele dizia que aquele androide era perfeito para ele. “É ele”, começou, ainda encantado pela beleza do outro, sorriu minimamente para o vendedor, a escolha já estava selada, feita. “À vista, por favor.”
                                    Parecia surreal voltar pra casa acompanhado de uma caixa de vidro que continha, teoricamente, outra pessoa, mas o loiro tentava não focar muito nisso ou certamente iria enlouquecer; mal se dando o trabalho de ler as instruções pois sabia perfeitamente como aquele tipo de androide doméstico deveria se comportar e mais ainda como deveria ser iniciado corretamente. Passou uns bons minutos conectando cabos e ativando sistemas, e, por mais que fosse em um androide real dessa vez, era um território que Lee conhecia muito bem e não o deixava nem um pouquinho desconfortável. Depois de muito tempo, os dedos de Woojin quase calejados e implorando por um descanso, ouviu o som do sistema interno finalmente entrando em estado de reboot. Suspirou aliviado, se jogando no sofá sem muitas cerimônias. Esperava algo acontecer sem ter certeza do que realmente deveria acontecer — será que aquele modelo tinha que ser ligado manualmente? ou os olhos dele simplesmente iriam se abrir de uma hora pra outra?, ponderou, os olhos puxados atentos a qualquer sinal de movimentação por parte do android. Quando nada aconteceu, levantou-se; agora, de frente para o outro, observava cada milímetro da pele sintética a procura de qualquer sinal de, bem, vida. “Ei. Você está acordado?”, tentou, pois pela primeira vez em todo o processo, os dedos passando sobre a franja azul do outro, achou que realmente tinha feito algo errado e o androide poderia simplesmente estar com defeito de fábrica e nunca acordar.
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zumblrnet · 1 year ago
check out of member krist's new piece
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BF TEXTS — choi woojin
↳ pairing: choi woojon x gn!reader
↳ warnings: a kys joke,, reader studying n forgetting to eat for a bit (woojin helps dw),, cuteness aggression (??)
perm taglist: @tzuberry @hrtattcker @yueriots @neohyxn @avocarua @dwcljh @uyujns @knrejj
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navi. mlist.
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mvrkieboo · 1 month ago
Old Bloodhounds
P50 | screw the rebellious teenage phase
TW : violence, suicide scene, and slight gore
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Mark was jumping in his seat, and Yuno couldn't stop laughing at Mark's display of unadulterated joy and excitement. It was kind of cute, seeing how happy he was on Yuno's behalf, now that he's officially a music artist now. Geonwoo and Woojin were beaming at the front seats too, glad that Yuno is finally achieving his lifelong dream.
"You've been dreaming about this ever since we were kids, Jae. Oh my god, you're a singer now. A full-fledged singer, with a record deal under one of the biggest labels in our country!" Mark exclaimed, slamming his head back with a big smile on his face.
"Thanks, dude. I owe it to you guys—I wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for your work in managing the MNA Week." Yuno laughed, ruffling the younger man's hair.
"My mom said your highschool friends just arrived at the café—everyone is just waiting for us to arrive now." Geonwoo showed the text messages he exchanged with his mom, and Soyeon even sent a picture of Yuta, Doyoung and Jungwoo posing with Yuno's dad under the café lights.
Yuno nodded, feeling good with himself that he opted for an intimate party among close family and friends only. Well, family with the exception of you. Yuno wasn't that surprised when Mark told him that you declined the invitation, because you already made plans with Junyoung for tonight, but the disappointment was still there, palpable and aching.
He rested his head against the car window, looking at the city lights shining in the nighttime. He wondered if you and Junyoung were among the crowd of people moving along on the sidewalk, and he wondered if you were truly happy after pushing everyone else away. He hoped you were—no matter where you were and who you were with—but he can't help and feel bitter that him, Mark, Geonwoo and Woojin weren't part of your current happy life now.
If you were so happy with Junyoung, then so be it.
"We're here!" Woojin exclaimed, and Mark practically hopped out of the car.
Jaehyun's smile returned.
At least he could be happy with the people you had left behind.
Sure, you had left your phone and wallet at the apartment, but he didn't specify that you should have left all of your phones—so you had tucked Yuno's old phone under your bra on your back, confident that Yoonsu wouldn't notice it since you were also wearing a thick leather blazer that you had stolen from Yuno's wardrobe (so you at least had another thing of him with you while living with Yoonsu).
You made sure to block Detective Do's number and turned the phone off beforehand, knowing Detective Do was driving himself crazy in trying to reach you—but you promised you would turn it on once you had the chance, so they could track down your location. It was the least you could for Detective Do's sake, to ease his job. For now, however, you wanted the detectives to be several steps behind before you could get Yoonsu to tell where Junyoung was buried.
"This is our stop." Yoonsu muttered stiffly. The stop was in downtown Seoul, streets littered with old and underdeveloped buildings.
He stood up and roughly pulled on your arm, it even caught the attention of the other passengers. You smiled stiffly at them while Yoonsu practically dragged you out of the bus, his face all stoic and icy. It was uncharacteristic of him. Yoonsu would always taunt you with an ugly smile on his face, always taking the opportunity to insult you and rub salt into your wounds—but he had been quiet for the whole bus ride.
And you've always been aware just how angry he was with you, but he's never displayed his anger in such a raw manner before. You gulped, now fully convinced he did notice that the blackmail file he had over you was wiped out of his phone. That's why he was extra pissed.
He dragged you all the way to the destination, walking ahead with his hand gripping on your arm as you walked behind him. The more you walked, the more you understood that he was definitely dragging you to that one abandoned building at the very end of the street.
However, because he was so busy 'guiding' you to your intended destination, and as you got near the abandoned building, you took the opportunity to reach behind you from under your shirt and turned on the phone, pulling it out of your bra and discreetly throwing it into the unattended bushes so the impact wouldn't make a sound.
Yoonsu didn't notice a thing.
"Kyungsoo, we got something!" Chanyeol—who works for Gangnam PD's Cyber Crimes Unit—yelled through the phone.
He cringed at the oaf's deep ass voice yelling into his ear, but decided to ignore it, because he was busy trying to find you. Just why did you have to follow Yoonsu? That was your chance to escape—you could've finally been free of him!
No, you just had to go off on your own again—still stuck in your rebellious teenage phase. Screw the rebellious teenage phase, Kyungsoo mentally cursed.
"We suddenly got a signal from her alternate phone—it's pinging in downtown Seoul, near an abandoned factory. It was shut down years ago because it got busted as a drug production base. I'm confident this is where Yoonsu took her." Chanyeol explained carefully and efficiently, fingers slamming on the keycaps of his keyboard before continuing, "It's 25 minutes away by car from where you are right now—but if you floor the pedal and take some totally illegal shortcuts—"
"15 minutes?" Kyungsoo spoke hopefully, already getting inside the car with Taeyong driving.
"10 minutes."
"Send me the location."
Taeyong took out the revolving red light and stamped it on the roof of the car before flooring the gas pedal. Now that they also got to ignore red lights and make other cars on the road get out of their way, they can reach you sooner than 10 minutes.
It took forever to reach the underground level of this building, and it didn't help that the limited light almost had you tumbling down the stairs if it weren't for Yoonsu guiding you so confidently through the dark.
Once you felt that your feet were on solid floor, Yoonsu swung at you, managing to land a punch hard enough that it had you lying on the floor. You tasted blood, and your right cheek ached like a bitch. The fucker just broke your nose. You groaned at the pain, holding on to your nose as Yoonsu went down to straddle you, pulling on the lapels of your leather blazer.
"How did you do it?" He gritted out.
"Do what?" You bit out, the blood that dripped into your lips sputtered out as you talked.
He gave you a harsh slap on your face, that had your teeth tearing the inside of your cheek. What a mean piece of shit, for slapping you where he had just landed a punch on you. Your right cheek was going to swell up into a puff.
"How did you wipe away the file without me noticing, you slimy bitch."
You spit out the blood and began to laugh, wheezing and cackling like a hyena. Oh, you had the sense that he had decided to kill you tonight. Landing blows on your face without a care of the consequences—he was crashing out, and it was a hilarious sight to behold.
Not as smart as he thought he was, huh?
When you saw his arm rising to land another blow on you, you quickly caught it, twisting it as hard as you could, giving yourself the chance to slip your leg up from under him and kicked him in the stomach to get him off of you. The kick had him wheezing, holding on to his stomach as he lied on his back.
Thank god for the self defense lessons Geonwoo and Woojin had put you through. In fact, you were just thankful for Geonwoo and Woojin in general.
"I stole my brother's old phone and sim card, used it to contact Detective Do. You didn't even notice it—because you're not as smart as you think you are, bastard." Your voice sounded guttural, like an animal growling.
When you went to kick him while he was down, he caught your ankle and pulled on it, causing you to fall on your back, the back of your head making an impact on the floor. That wasn't good. That was going to hinder you. You can already feel your world spinning.
Well, at least you didn't black out—so that counts as something, right?
He stood up and pulled you along as you tried to focus, trying to will away the spontaneous major headache. He punched you in the stomach, and that was a low move on his part—because he had kicked you in the stomach a week ago. It was cheap shit. Him calling you a slimy bitch? He was the slimy one.
But all those years of wasting away, not able to afford the luxurious lifestyle anymore, losing access to top notch personal trainers and private gyms—he's gotten skinny, his combat skills turned rusty. He's gotten significantly weak, that's why cheap shots and blackmail were all that could do now.
When you realised it, you laughed again, even as you held your stomach because laughing was making it hurt, but you didn't give a shit. God, he's gotten so pathetic. It's fucking hilarious.
"You think you're slick? You think you're smart, princess? You knew the blackmail was gone, but you followed me here anyway like some kind of idiot—for what? Have you gotten used to me pulling on you by your leash, bitch?" He was practically frothing at the mouth, spit flying out as he spoke to you, pulling on your hair so you could face him directly.
"No," You muttered out, gripping on his collar and pushing him into an emergency box containing a fire extinguisher, and the glass shattered when his head made impact with it, "I knew that if I let Detective Do take me away from you, you'd just kill yourself, because you'd realise you've lost everything at that point."
Pulling away from him, you returned the favor and landed a cheap shot on him too—a kick to his groin, hard enough it had him kneeling on the floor at the pain, sputtering out insanely vile curses at you. You stood above him, wiping away the blood that dripped down your chin.
"And I want to know where you buried Junyoung. Since I already told you how I wiped out your blackmail file, it's only fair—" You paused, feeling a sick sense of satisfaction rush through your veins when you actually managed to kick him in the stomach this time as he writhed on the floor, "—you tell me what I want to know now. I played your game, Yoonsu, but I also got to win it too—so give me my prize, you fucker."
Then you gave him another kick, this time harder than before, as it sent him sliding on the tiled floor.
He mumbled out something you can't quite hear.
He mumbled again.
You crouched next to his writhing form, pulling his head up by the hairs of his scalp, making him wince. He didn't realise you could be this violent. He wanted to laugh when he realised the psychological torture he put you through was what pushed you to the brink like this.
"Oh, sweetie—I buried him at your highschool, at that abandoned plant nursery your students stopped working on. I gave those poor neglected plants some good fertilizer."
You let go of his head at his answer. Yoonsu wheezed some more, until he suddenly stopped.
"I'll bury you there too. Since you love him so much, I'll let you rot away alongside him."
You instinctively tried to distance yourself from him at his sudden change of air, but he was faster. He sat up, and you suddenly felt a sharp pain in your mid torso.
As you glanced down, you saw that he had stabbed you with a big glass shard of the broken emergency box you shoved him into. You gasped when he pulled it out of you, only for him to stab you again, in a lower spot than the previous stab wound. He watched as you fell on your back, hands frantically trying to cover where he had just stabbed you.
The stairs rumbled, and Yoonsu glanced up to see it was that pesky Detective Do at the top of the stairs along with a man Yoonsu didn't recognize—he deducted it was probably Kyungsoo's newest partner.
When Kyungsoo saw you lying on the ground, blood seeping through your white shirt as you desperately tried to cover your wounds up with your hands, he felt his heart stop. Right next to you, Junyoung—no, Yoonsu—Yoonsu was sitting next to you, holding on a big glass shard that was slathered in blood.
He had stabbed you.
Yoonsu stabbed you.
Then Yoonsu pointed the glass shard to himself.
He stabbed himself in the throat.
Kyungsoo and Taeyong ran to you both. The older detective went to the criminal while the younger one went to you, pressing on your wounds to hamper the blood loss. Kyungsoo observed the glass shard in Yoonsu's throat. Judging from how much blood he was losing in a rapid rate, there was nothing he could do. Yoonsu hit his own artery. Nothing could save him, but you however—
Kyungsoo took out his walkie talkie, requesting an ambulance for you. He let out a loud 'THANK FUCK' when the nearest ambulance was just close by since this part of downtown Seoul needed constant assistance from emergency responders anyway.
He turned to you. Kyungsoo focused on pressing one stab wound while Taeyong on the other, both men didn't care that your blood was staining their clothes.
"Kid, don't go to sleep, okay? Fuck—just—you just—" Kyungsoo can feel his heart dropping as the seconds went by, and suddenly 5 minutes felt like too long for the ambulance to come by.
"...hold on?" You let out weakly.
Kyungsoo nodded, feeling his tears welling up in his eyes. By no means was he still a rookie, to still get so emotionally worked up over a case and its victims—but you were different. You were already one of Yoonsu's victims when you had to work as a stripper for him all those years ago, but here you were again. You had been tormented by Yoonsu again. You got hurt again.
And you were still too young to be going through this.
"Old plant nursery, Cheongdaebi Highschool..." You whispered.
"What about that place?" Kyungsoo spoke through the tears, straining his ears to listen to you better. He recognized Cheongdaebi High—it had been the high school you attended.
"Junyoung's body...please find him this time..." Your hand went to his, weakly gripping on his wrist, as Kyungsoo whispered out his promise to you to uncover Junyoung's body, his tears landing on your body.
Then your hand also went to Taeyong's.
"Remember the note I gave you, Detective Lee..." You turned your head to look at Taeyong next.
"T-The note?" Taeyong choked out, momentarily confused, then finally remembered that day in the café when you suddenly popped up, "Yes! The note! I'll let them know, Y/N. I promise I will."
You smiled, the corner of your lips barely moving, and your eyes began to flutter open and shut rapidly, making the two men panic.
"Fuck—Y/N! Kid! DON'T—"
"Detective Do, we've arrived at the abandoned factory! Where are you and the victim?" A voice from Kyungsoo's walkie talkie cut through his yelling.
Taeyong sprinted to the stairs, yelling from the top of his lungs to grab the paramedics' attention and letting them know they needed to bring the stretcher down with them.
When you were getting wheeled into the bus, Taeyong urged Kyungsoo to accompany you to the hospital, as they watched the paramedic zip up the body bag over Yoonsu's body. The younger detective could see Kyungsoo had an emotional tie to you, so it should ease his mind for a bit if he got to ride with you in the ambulance.
"What about you?" Kyungsoo asked hurriedly.
Taeyong took out a piece of folded up paper from his jacket's inner pocket.
"I need to inform her family."
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jinnie-ret · 1 year ago
Ok so someone in my asks box asked me for some fic recommendations and I tried to add some gradually but my asks have been so weird recently so I've had to make a new post for them!
First of all ty anonnie you words were really sweet, I hope you stay healthy too!
Also just to preface I will list sfw and nsfw recs so pls if you are a minor, do not explore the nsfw recommendations, these blogs will most likely have a mdni statement so pls respect that and don't go against that :)
Now, enjoy!
Enough for you - @mixtape-racha (poly ot8 angst comfort)
We love an angst comfort fic and this is one of my faves. Take caution reading this one and read the content warnings at the top just in case! But this one is simply amazing and I wish I wrote it the end.
The Field Trip - @dreamescapeswriting (Seungmin X reader)
Seungmin and reader are teachers in this and if you follow me you may have seen me reblog this one before bc I love it and want this, also this blog has so many imagines you will be fed for days
Warm blankets - @jiniret-writings (3 parts, hurt comfort poly ot8 x reader)
I felt so emotionally invested in this story when I read it, like I felt readers pain 😭 gorgeous
jack-in-the-box -@junicai (angst, ninth member reader)
Set in kingdom. We hate mnet. Skz are very protective and reader gets the comfort she deserves in the end, love this sm!
@hyunjinsbelovedamericano - lots of headcanons and reaction type fics on their MASTERLIST, give it a look!!
Simptober 2023 - @skz-streamer
Fluff for days!!! pookie rly worked hard on this one so go and show some love because you've got so much to read here
Skz text aus - @channiesbakery
These are so so funny I cannot cope. Also explore the other fluff posts too bc they're really cute!
More text aus - @diddybok
Same goes for this blog too, explore their other stuff!
@hannahhbahng has some rly cute fluffy reads on their masterlist
@hanjiquokkaaa check out their skz reactions! My pookie slays every time
Skz fluff fics - @wooahaes
So much fluff to pick from! I fall in love every time!
Warm milk and honey - @horanghoe (poly skz x reader)
One of my fav skz comfort fics of all time, it's so so good, recommending again bc I should
In his arms, unexpectedly yours - @cheesemonky (Hyunjin x reader series)
This is a new series which I'm excited to see my pookie write !!!
@astraysimp for dad skz!!!
Nicholas Ross - @dean-a-mean-tae (skz ninth member male oc)
Love their ninth member writings so definitely check it out if you're looking for male!oc who is the ninth!
In my past, I find you and in the future, I still have you - @yangbbokari (Chan x reader)
Heartbreaking, like so angsty but it's gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous
Princess treatment with SKZ - @j-oneproduces
Each individual member x reader has a drabble and I love it so so much, very accurate imo
@skzoologist read their imagines on their ninth member oc Bae! They also have a fic called unfamiliarity using the same oc :)
I like the view - @mirisss (hybrid ot8 skz X reader)
I rly need to reread this one because I loved what I read so far on it!!!
Rabbit hybrid reader - @authorofdanger (hybrid skz x hybrid reader)
I've linked a masterlist, I'd recommend the fic dominance and then the first few fics which are to do with reader as a rabbit hybrid! slight warning that woojin is mentioned
Red Moon - @lixiepeach (omegaverse series)
this is one of the first skz omegaverse fics I read and it is done so beautifully, as it says in the description of the series, it deals with more adult content than just smut, and the way it is explored is written so well, couldn't recommend highly enough!
Inked Petals and Message Tones - @leviackermanscleaningbuddy (poly smau with real life)
this is an ao3 skz fic which changed my life. I can't explain how much I love this, it had me on an emotional rollercoaster fr fr like it's amazing!
n.h.i.e mini series - @hyungszn (smut ot8 x reader)
damn this one really has me on my toes like the chapters are chefs kiss and it's such a good read!
Bold - @hyunsvngs (American footballer minsung x reader)
Wow wow wee wow. This one made my brain go brrr and evaporate and melt and wow the storyline in it is so so good too. Juno rly has such a good relationship with anonnies and moots and it's so lovely to see. A jupiter stan right here!!
Sanguis Limerence - @jl-micasea-fics (vampire skz x reader)
This is one of the first series I was fully committed to reading on this all and constantly checking. It's insanely amazing, I can't put it into words and now I wanna read it all back again 😭
waiting for us - @kkami-writes (smau poly ot8 X reader)
I'm in love with this!!! Perhaps my fav skz smau like the character development as well is really nice to see and it's an easy read if you find it easier to read it in text messages form
Anger management - @2chopsticks2eyes (minsung x reader)
This is so hot and the way the storyline progresses as well is beautiful
@1-800-shedevil I'm in awe of her and her blog. Gorgeous writer, gorgeous writing. Her posts about body positivity rly are so helpful and her words are so comforting
Sharing = caring - @cbini (ot8 X reader)
This is unbelievably good and if you haven't seen it yet? Do you even Tumblr? Love how ems has such a good relationship with moots and in answering asks too! cbinian for life
Better than revenge - @lixie-phoria (smau Jeongin x reader)
I'm so obsessed with this series so far, putting it here bc there's smut to be added in the future. But I'm in love with it so far wow!!!
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hannicorpse · 6 months ago
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stupid cupid.
kim rian x fem reader | wc: 0.7k | genre: drama, romanceish | warnings: none
note : written in 3rd person because i dont like using y/n
you couldnt say you were one to believe in theoretical situations. but, after one day out with your friends, you recall how woojin said cupid could sometimes miss when shooting his arrow. you thought it was silly, but later began to think about how it was possible.
ever since you and your friends were young, it was a well known fact between you, woojin, and hera, that you had a huge crush on rian. to others, it seemed obvious. but to rian? he was completely oblivious. for most of your childhood, he only ever had eyes on jae-i.
after jae-i came back from the states and back to school, of course, people only saw her as the queen of jooshin. so when you heard from hera that rian had been dumped at the racetrack, (after you weren’t able to make it), she was determined to help you dethrone jae-i.
maybe cupid was able to shoot his arrow twice, because you’ve never felt this close to having such an opportunity.
despite growing up in the same friend group, rian has always seemed to be the most distant from you. so naturally, you were beyond surprised when he had reached out to you after the break up.
rian 💞 : help me
you : with what?
rian 💞 : help me win back jae-i
you: surprised ur not asking woojin
rian 💞 : he doesnt get girls. and hera would just sabotage me. again.
‘is he serious right now?’ you thought to yourself with your brows furrowed. ‘how desperate..’
you: come to my house
rian had you left you on read for 15 minutes. and you didn’t doubt the fact that you knew he was already on his way.
as if right on schedule, there he was, already knocking on your door.
“so will you help me, or not?” rian asked impatiently as he followed you upstairs to your room.
“fine. you wanna win her back? make her jealous.” you briefly suggested, walking into your room and guiding him to sit on your bed. “how?”
��you saw how she was with that scholarship kid at the party. she didn’t even push him off. she wants to get under your skin. so get under hers. like, fake a relationship or something.”
“i don’t know if i want that. but if i were to go with it, who would it be?” he questioned, with a confused look on his face.
“well, since you asked, ill do it.” you replied, biting back a small grin.
“you cant be serious.”
“it wont work if it’s not believable. why? am i not worthy of the king of jooshin?”
“that’s not what i’m saying,” rian scoffed. “i mean, i see your point, but this sounds like a plan b.” “looks like she’s gonna need a plan b pill with that scholarship kid if you don’t make a move.”
“fine. i’ll do it.”
it was nearly impossible to stop yourself from smiling as much as you did, but you managed to contain yourself (for the most part).
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the next day initiated the first step of your plan to ‘help’ rian ‘win back’ jae-i.
step one. make it seem like you’re dating in front of everyone.
step two. the news goes school wide and it reaches jae-i
step three. jae-i realizes what she did and apologizes to rian so they get back together.
rian picked you up from your house so you could enter school together. but when you received a text from hera about how jae-i walked into school holding hands with the scholarship kid, you just had to let rian know. his blood almost boiled when you told him the news. he realized, he’d soon have to step up and try harder.
when you walked through jooshins entrance, hand in hand with rian, the news spread like a wildfire. even more than jae-i and the scholarship kid. your phone was blowing up with notifications from the schools gossip page.
kim2004 : rian and jaei are no more?
0808leelvv : so much for king and queen
kang04oo : you guys wont believe who dethroned jaei
with rian and woojin on the school football team, naturally, it meant you and hera would follow as cheerleaders.
“big game today, good luck.” you whispered to rian as you saw jae-i passing by, being extra sure to kiss his cheek when you knew she was looking. she subtlety rolled her eyes, before turning back around in the opposite direction to go towards the bleachers.
the game was nearing its end, and jooshin was 3 points down. but when woojin passed the ball to rian, he was determined to get a touchdown. he shoved and hurdled over any player who got in his way, taking all his previous anger and transferring it as motivation to get across the field.
nothing less of the expectations set for him, rian scored a touchdown, ultimately winning the game.
he ignores his clamoring teammates celebrating their victory, immediately going towards you. rian throws his helmet to the side and pulls you in by the waist, connecting your lips in a deep kiss.
you heard hera and woojin teasing you two in the background, but it didn’t seem to matter. in this moment, the moment you’ve fantasized about for oh so long, was here, and it was real. it was just you, and rian.
for a second, you felt that this wasn’t something to piss off jae-i. this was real. and rian felt the same way.
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mavrintarou · 9 months ago
[4:38 PM] Oikawa Toru [9]
I'm 89% sure the next part will be the last. This chapter is filled with heavy angst but comfort and understanding.
Warning: implied mild smut, angst & comfort but cliffhanging ending
Eighth part Tenth part
Toru glared at the new wall that had been replaced between his and Y/n’s unit. He acknowledges his disdain for it. He detested both the physical and emotional distance that had arisen between him and Y/n.
Within a day, maintenance repaired the wall between their units, putting this unbearable space between them.
In the blink of an eye, everything changed, or more like in a heartbeat, everything changed for him and Y/n.
His heart has been numb since the moment Y/n announced she was pregnant and felt like it had stopped beating when she said the baby may not be his.
Everything became a blur at that moment.
“P – plea – se le – leave… I need sp – space…” she struggled with her stuttering and hiccups from her cries.
Toru was reluctant to leave her alone but to his best judgment, he needed some time to process what she just told him.
How had he not realized the changes? Especially when he had first-hand experience with Lucia when she became pregnant with Mateo.
As he recalled the brushed memories… it all began to piece together.
“Don’t – don’t suck too hard…” Y/n whimpered, blushing from watching Toru and feeling the suction he had on her sensitive nipple.
Another time when he was buried deep inside her, Y/n cried with tears pooling in her eyes. “You feel… you feel so deep…”  
Toru immediately stopped his movements and caressed her cheek, “am I hurting you?”  He wiped her tears away and only smiled when she shook her head, telling him he made her feel good.
These were tell-tale signs he remembered going through with Lucia.
It had been 48 hours since he last saw her but it felt like an eternity.
She has not returned his seven missed calls nor the numerous text messages. He knows he should respect her space but he couldn’t help but feel the distance between them is only pushing them further and further apart.
For an hour, Toru and Mateo hung out in Mateo’s large playpen together. The baby kept himself occupied with the toys Y/n had purchased him and Toru could only wonder what was running through his son’s mind.
Did he miss Y/n too?
It was two short nights but Toru spent every second of it going over the scenario.
Y/n was pregnant.
There was a probability that the baby could not be his.
That meant… it was that man that had visited her weeks ago?
“Woojin?” the name fell off his lips  
All he could remember from that first and last encounter was that this person was tall like him, a slightly smaller physique but he and this man had the same dark hair and body complexion.
Toru couldn’t help but feel jealous of this Woojin person. Who was he to Y/n and what was their relationship? How long have they known each other?
All questions attacked him and he groaned, making Mateo look at him confused.
“I miss Y/n,” he told Mateo, who instantly perked up at the sound of her name. “You miss her too?” His son stared at him as if waiting for her to appear. “Should we go see her on the other side?” He picked up his son and together they headed towards the door.
The moment his door swung open, Toru’s eyes widened seeing Y/n leaving her unit as well.
With a suitcase beside her.
Y/n called his name softly, yet he heard the sadness and pain in her tone.
“Are you… going somewhere?” He shifted Mateo in his arms, who was squirming at the sight of Y/n.
He sensed the hesitancy as she quickly shut the door to her unit before letting out a deep breath. She approached him with her luggage left by her door.
“Where… are you going?” The question weighed heavily on him, as difficult to utter as it was to bear. His heart throbbed with discomfort, reluctant to confront the truth.
“I’m – I’m going to Ko… rea… to Korea for a few days,” Y/n answered, looking at him directly in the eye. She hesitated but reached for his free hand, holding it gently. “I will be back, I promise.” Y/n gazes into his eyes, “I’ll come back to you, I will come back to you.”
Toru untangled his hand from hers and drew her into an embrace, murmuring, “what is the reason?”
Despite knowing the reason, he understood the rationale behind it and knew that it would only inflict pain upon himself by asking, but he felt compelled to inquire regardless.
Her arms wrapped around his waist, and he felt her fist a handful of his shirt. “I should – I should tell him.”
Toru clenched his eyes tightly shut. He anticipated it, and braced himself for it, yet why did it sting even more?
“I understand,” he sighed, pressing his lips to the top of her head. “Okay, have a safe flight and please come back to me.”
“I will,” she pressed her lips over his heart.
Mateo slept soundlessly in Toru’s arm for his afternoon nap. Their large living room seemed larger and too quiet than usual. Even for a short period, his living room was filled with Y/n’s laughter, her singing to the wrong lyrics of Mateo’s lullabies. It felt so lively and filled with lots of comfort that warmed his heart.
After ensuring Mateo wouldn’t wake up, Toru laid him in his crib. He reached for Y/n’s wool cardigan that had been in his crib and placed it beside the sleeping baby who found comfort in it.
 He closed the door to Mateo’s nursery and turned on his baby monitor. Toru was about to help himself to a cup of tea to calm his nerves when he heard something strange outside his unit.
If Y/n was on her way to the airport, who would be outside?
Without looking at the camera that pointed out to the lobby shared between him and Y/n, he pushed the door open and was ready to confront whoever it was but froze halfway.
Y/n looks up, startled and half crouching. Her luggage was lying flat on the ground as if it slipped from her hand.
“Y/n?” He blinked a couple of times, even rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands to make sure he was truly seeing her and that she was not just a hallucination. Over an hour ago he had made a tough decision to let her go, how was she… “Aren’t you supposed to be at the airport? Or on the plane to Korea?”
He walked towards her when Y/n quickly stood up and closed the distance between them, throwing herself at him, and wrapping her legs and arms around him.
Toru caught her, his arms naturally wrapping around her and supporting her weight. He sighed and hugged her tightly.
“I couldn’t do it,” Y/n finally whispered, she leaned back to look into his eyes. She quickly explained how she sat at the gates contemplating the situation and made the decision not to get on the plane. “I couldn’t go through it. Woojin deserves to know but I think I’m being too impulsive right now.” She cupped his face and pressed her lips against his. “I should have talked to you, figure this out together… that’s if you… want to figure it out together.”
“I do,” he confirmed quickly. One of his hands snaked behind her head, bringing it down to his. “I want to figure this out with you.”
Y/n brushed her nose against his, “I love you. I love you so much Oikawa Toru.”
Toru sighed, and a soft grunt came from his throat. “I love you too, Y/l/n Y/f/n.” Without putting her down, he walked over to pick up her luggage and towed it behind them into his unit.
They lay in the middle of Mateo’s large playpen.
“I want to get a paternity DNA test done.”
Toru rolled onto this side and supported his weight on his elbow. “Okay, I think that’s a good start too. Should we start with me?”
Y/n looked at him confused, “you?”
Toru nodded, a hand reaching out to palm her flat belly. He couldn’t voice how badly he wished and hoped that the baby that was nourishing inside Y/n’s body was his.
It never crossed his mind that he would want another child after Mateo, he’ll be honest that he didn’t want any more children and would be content with just Mateo. But since his rekindling with Y/n and the current situation, would he be so bold and willing to help her raise a child that was not his own?
“To rule it out,” he answered quietly, “it’s a small possibility… but I’m willing to hold my breath that this child could be mine.” He reached to touch her hair, “if it’s my baby then you wouldn’t have to bother talking to Woojin.”
Y/n sat up and motioned for him to sit up and as soon as he was upward, Y/n crawled on his lap and hugged him.
“Toru,” she uttered his name quietly under her breath, “I need to – need to know…” she paused to take a deep breath, “will – will you still want to be with me… if – if this child is not – not yours?”
No matter how many different scenarios he thought in his head, the one that weighed heavily on him was the high possibility that this child was not his. He asked himself if he would be able to raise a child that was not his own and the answer was yes, he would be able to raise another child that was not his.
If it was Y/n, who was also willing to love another child that wasn’t her own, Toru could also love a child that was not his own by blood.
Toru pulled away enough to see her face, he waited until she finally looked into his eyes and he smiled. “Yes, I will still want you even if this child is not mine. I will love them just as if they were my own.”
Y/n smiled, her shoulders relaxing as if his response had blown all the anxiety that burdened her. “I was scared you wouldn’t want to…”
A lingering, unidentified fear gnawed at him, compelling him to seek answers.
“If…” he took a deep breath. “If this child is not mine and is… his… what – what will you do?”
Please don’t say you’ll go back to him, he repeated over in his head.
“Woojin and I have agreed to go our ways a few weeks back and I have contemplated on either telling him or not.” Her face bore the unmistakable mark of guilt. “If this child is his, I know I should not keep it away from Woojin.”
“No, you should not,” Toru concurred, though inwardly he wished she wouldn’t have to confront that man. Yet, he acknowledged that Woojin deserved to be informed about the pregnancy and the child; he deserved to be included in the journey even if he and Y/n had no preexisting relationship. “I encourage you to tell him. If he decides not to be involved in the baby’s life, then that’s his decision. You’ve given him a choice.”
Toru would have been at a loss if Lucia had concealed her pregnancy and the existence of Mateo from him. Despite the life-altering revelation, being a father to Mateo brings Toru immense pride and joy, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. He has no desire to return to his life before Mateo came into it.   
Y/n pressed her forehead against his. “If this child is Woojin’s, then we will have to figure out how to co-parent but it’ll be a bridge we’ll cross when we get there.”
The weighty burden he had carried for the past few hours finally lifted. “But regardless of what decision he chooses, I will be beside you.”
Y/n leaned to press her lips to his forehead, “I don’t deserve you.”
“You deserve me because I deserve you. We deserve each other.”
Three weeks later, Y/n was scheduled for the testing.
Toru squeezed her hand, assuring her that everything would be okay. “The nurse said many have gone through this test and there is nothing to worry about, no risk to you or the baby.”
Y/n nodded, squeezing his hand tightly. “We’ll be okay.”
Sometime after they were separated, they reunited again. The same nurse who took Y/n away brought her back. As if sensing Toru’s presence, she looked up and smiled tiredly while sitting in a wheelchair. She reached a hand out to him, which he took and squeezed it lightly.
“Are you okay?”
She nodded, “let’s go home.”
Toru gently pulled the covers up to her chin and carefully got off the bed without disturbing her.
Y/n groans, curling up into a fetal at the loss of his warmth. Once they reached home, she began experiencing cramping shortly after they got home. They were informed that cramping and light spotting was expected and normal. Toru wanted her to stay with him at his unit so he could monitor her.
He swallowed hard, despising the sensation of helplessness and his inability to alleviate her pain. Plating a gentle and light kiss on her forehead, he allowed her to rest while he stepped away to make a brief phone call to his mom to check on Mateo.
“Hey mom,” he greeted quietly over the phone, “how is Teo?”
When Toru and Y/n had dropped him off with his grandma, Mateo displayed signs of distress. He appeared apprehensive in the unfamiliar surroundings, clinging tightly to Toru. When his grandma attempted to reach for him, Mateo recoiled, refusing to go to her – a behavior that shocked both Toru and Y/n, as he had never exhibited hostility before.
They had to ease him in and get him comfortable before leaving him for a few hours.
“Teo is just like you. The moment you and Y/n disappeared and he noticed it, he looked everywhere for you two.” His mom explained, “you were just like that when you were a baby. But how is Y/n? Is she okay?”
“Yeah, she’s okay, she is resting,” he felt slightly guilty for not telling the truth to his mom about Y/n’s appointment, only saying she was not feeling good and he was going to take her in. “I’ll be there soon to pick up –“ Toru loses the rest of his words as he turns his head towards his unit door. “Mom, I’ll call you back in a second.”
Walking towards his door, he pressed the button to turn on the camera outside his unit.
His eyes narrowed when he saw someone standing at Y/n’s door, ringing her doorbell and knocking repeatedly on her door.
Opening the door, he faces the man head-on. “Can I help you?”
Woojin wiped around, his disheveled hair and ruffled clothing told Toru something didn’t feel right.
“Y/n, where is she?”
Stepping out and closing his door behind him, Toru stood tall, “she is resting.”
Woojin marched across the lobby and grabbed Toru by his collar. “You bastard, is she in there with you?”
Toru emitted a bitter chuckle, “it is none of your business if she is with me, you guys are nothing.”
Woojin shoved Toru against his door, growling, “it is my business when she is my woman and carrying my child.”
Toru’s smile dimmed as his eyes narrowed, and then he shoved him away. “Leave before I have security kick you off the premises and banned.”
Running a hand through his messy hair, Woojin chuckled coldly. “You know it too, is that right?” His silence confirms his assumption. “I will not back down – “
The two men turned their heads as the door slowly opened revealing a pale Y/n who gripped her abdomen. “Toru?” Her voice shook, “some – something doesn’t feel right…” her legs trembled as she looked down at her feet, her white ankle socks soaked with redness.
. . .
E/n: I know... I know :(
>>> @queenelleee @mfreedomstuff @erintaro @callmeraider @chaotic-fangirl-blog @wolffmaiden @cloud-lyy @rukia-uchia-98 @anejuuuuoy @tooruchiiscribs @mommyourcall420 @haikyuubiggestsimp @lilguycoded @random-734 @ghostlyneckoaftoad @abcde12345 @shotenvinsoot @princess-sunshyn @anonymoussimper @junglewoos @basically-an-anime-stan-acct @mih311 @m1nt-3lla @qualitygiantshoepsychic @whatamidoing89 @ssc7514 @lupita97lm @ushygushybaby
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dazed--xx · 9 months ago
🦋Paper Hearts🦋
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Summary: Pictures I'm living through for now, Trying to remember all the good times. Our life was cutting through so loud; Memories are playing in my dull mind. I hate this part, paper hearts And I'll hold a piece of yours; Don't think I would just forget about it……Hoping that you won't forget about it
Member: Seungmin x Reader
T/W: Break Ups, arguments crying, heartbreak, ANGST…, swearing, yelling, sad ending, slight shoving nothing too crazy, some emotional manipulation, problem avoidance, denial, (subtle mention to woojin via blacked out photo he existed people he was in the group once)
Word Count: 2.3K
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Remember the way you made me feel, Such young love but Something in me knew that it was real; Frozen in my head….
You stared at the ground, the room felt smaller as Seungmin glared at you. “You think you're so perfect? You're overbearing. You nag me at all hours of the day and I can't stans it anymore” He growls harshly. You felt minuscule under his gaze. “All I was saying was you could prioritize our relationship a little bit more, Min…I can't wait around for you forever…” you state breathlessly. Tears threatened to fall as your eyes remained on your lap. “You're being selfish, Y/N if you can't handle that I'm busy then maybe this relationship is too much for you….” He threatens with a scowl. “You're right” you let out breathlessly as you nod in agreement, throwing him off guard. He hadn't expected you to agree, he stares at you in utter shock and disbelief. He struggles to find something to say, he watches in horror as you lift yourself from your spot on the couch and make your way to the door.
“W-Wait..” his call is cut off by the sound of the door closing behind you. He sighs breathlessly as everything replays in his mind. His heart cracks at the harsh words he had spit at you replaying in his mind. This can't be happening….He couldn't just let this happen.…he rushes out of the door after you. His legs move quickly as he sees the elevator door closing behind you, he slams his finger on the elevator button rapidly. His hand shakes at his side as tears build in his eyes. Once the second elevators door opens he's greeted with a bright eyed Felix and Jeongin with their manager stood behind them.
“Hey, sorry we have a schedule come up. You can't go anywhere…” Felix states patting his shoulder. Seungmins heart fell into his gut. “N-No, I-I'll be fast. I need to go…” He stammered trying to go around them to get on the elevator. Their manager stands in front of of him with his arms crossed “Unless it will be less than 5 minutes, I can't let you go. We have to leave for Japan in 45 minutes…so go pack.” He states firmly. Seungmin tries once again to get into the elevator but relents when he see that their manager will not budge. He stomps to his room and tries to call you. Dammit….he thinks to himself when the call goes unanswered. He texts you hoping you will reply and things would be okay.
As you walked home, you allowed the tears to stream down your cheeks. It's over….you think in disbelief. These past 5 years turned to nothing in a matter of minutes. You felt so stupid for caring. Seungmin had changed, he grew and realized who he truly was and you didn't fit in anymore. While you still saw each other every day, you rarely ever stopped fighting; Either due to your ‘nagging’ or his tirades. You remembered when things were different. When Seungmin seemed to love you unconditionally. You're pulled out of your thoughts by your phone's ringtone. Pulling the device out of your pocket, you're greeted with Seungmins contact with a sigh; you press the decking button.
You unlock your door and trudge your way through your apartment. The darkness oddly comforting as you make your way to your bedroom and lay on your bed. You sob as you release all your pent up anger and hurt. Your body trembles as you drift off to a restless slumber.
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Pictures I'm living through for now, trying to remember all the good times…Our life was cutting through so loud; Memories are playing in my dull mind. I hate this part, paper hearts and I'll hold a piece of yours….Don't think I would just forget about it; Hoping that you won't forget about it….
You had realized your relationship with Seungmin had ended long before your argument with him the other day. It was when you both had first begun to hit a snag in your relationship. You both still loved each other but, it was clear you no longer could see eye to eye. Everything you did seemed to annoy Seungmin. And his lack of time and busy schedule began to affect you more and more as Stray Kids’ popularity grew. So, while Seungmin was in Japan; you decided to pack up the memories of your time with Seungmon and return them to his dorm. Trying to make this break up as clean as possible.
So here you sat, on the ground as you stared at the photos that mocked you. Your heart shattered on the floor as the memories sat in front of you, replayed in your mind. Picking one picture up, you give yourself a sad smile as a younger version of you and your ex smiled back at you. His members littering the frame The day you guys had made things official.
Stray kids had just debuted and had a small album release party. You sat sandwiched between the clubs couch cushion and Seungmin. A blush decorated your cheeks as Seungmin placed a soft kiss on your cheek. A shy smile forming on your lips as butterflies fluttered in your stomach. “Smile!” a staff member exclaimed excitedly as Jisung jumped on the back of the couch and Felix laid across you and Seungmin’s laps. Chan sat on the opposite side of Seungmin with his arms pinning Hyunjin to Minho in a big hug. Jeongin sat on the floor with a blacked out faced person beside him. As a flash blinded you for a moment.
You sighed wiping your tears as you place the picture in the box as you lift another one. Your fingers trace over the photo outlining your beaming boyfriend as he, Jeongin and you were celebrating their first win.
“I never thought a simple hunk of metal would cause so much chaos” Jeongin joked as he stared at the trophy. Seungmin sniffled as he snatches the trophy from the maknae. “We practically died for this…” Seungmin states with astonishment. You beamed at the pair proudly. “I can't believe I saw Minho-oppa cry.” you joke, Seungmin chuckles “he cried when Jyp kicked him out of the group.” you rolled your eyes with a giggle “If I recall correctly you broke down in tears and needed a moment when he was eliminated.” you counter “but that was on t.v for me this was in person!” you stare at the trophy. A large M on the small head of the little statue. “I mean you guys deserved this anyway, Miroh is a good song. And Stay have been fighting for this” You state matter of factly. The boys nod proudly. “Ugh I need a picture” Jeongin groans as he pulls his phone out. Seungmin holds the trophy up with a surprised look as you pose with a peace sign and a smile.
Your thoughts are cut off by an influx of calls and messages on your phone. You place the rest of the photos in the box as you go to check your notifications. You see the flurry of missed calls and texts from Seungmin. You wince as you delete them, still not being able to find it in yourself to block him. Though you would never admit it to anyone, you kept up with Seungmin’s activities. You have seen the photos and videos of him from Japan. As proud and happy as you were for Seungmin, it hurt. It hurt to see him completely fine despite your last conversation.
Though he constantly called and texted you, the last time you had checked them; you were utterly disappointed with the contents. They were overly nonchalant, never once addressing your argument nor the subsequent breakup. He acted like nothing ever happened, which infuriated you. He was completely unaffected, riding the wave of stardom. So, you stopped reading them, you refused to listen to his cheerful voicemails and completely went silent as he spent his time in Japan. Finishing packing his things you close the box and place it in your car. Once you reach the dorms you leave the box with one of the managers that stayed behind to keep an eye on the dorm. You felt a heavy sting in your heart as you drive home.
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Everything is gray under these skies, wet mascara. Hiding every cloud under a smile; When there's cameras. and I just can't reach out to tell you. That I always wonder what you're up to….
Seungmin’s hands shake as he tries to call you again. These past few weeks have been agony. He was able to fake a smile when with the fans or on stage but, as he sat in his hotel room all he could do was break down in tears and sobs. You hadn't spoken to him in weeks….All he could look forward to was being able to finally see you again. He'd do anything to fix this, he'd never gone this long without one of your calls or texts while he was on a tour. It made him nauseous, he couldn't handle the memory of your last conversation so, he ignored it. He knows your relationship was stronger than being able to be destroyed by a few select words he didn't mean.
Even as time went on and his calls and texts remained unanswered, he felt in his heart that once he was able to see you everything would fall back into place. He just needed to get through this flight and he'd be with you again. He'd hear your beautiful voice and see your bright smile shining at him again and things would be perfect again.
Seungmin felt butterflies in his stomach as he made his way through Incheon International. He felt an excited buzz through his body as he sat in the van making his way to the dorm. Everyone stretches and drops their bags in their rooms as they all rush to get some much-needed rest. Seungmin halts as he notices an unfamiliar box seated on his bed. He stares at it with confusion as he pulls it open. His legs felt numb as he examined the contents. His heart cracking with every gifts and picture he had pulled out of the box, clothes you've accumulated of his over the past 5 years. No…This isn't happening…He thinks to himself as he shakes his head. He calls you in a panic. Your phone goes straight to voicemail, desperation fills him as he quickly rushes out of the dorm.
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I live through pictures as if I was right there by your side. But you'll be good without me and if I could just give it some time…..I'll be alright
You were sitting on your couch watching the finale of ‘My Demon’ as you heard rapid knocks at your door. Pausing the show, you stare at your door confused making your way over. Staring through the peephole you see Seungmin standing there. Opening the door slightly with a heavy sight and roll of your eyes; you stare at him through the gap. “Can I help you, sir?” you question sarcastically. “Y/N…” Seungmin breathes out with relief as his eyes scan your face. He tries to shove the door open more, trying to get a better view of you. His heart cracking slightly when it doesn't budge. “Why are you here, Seungmin?” you question, your eyes focused on the ground. “I-I wanted to see you…” He trails “W-Why is there a box of my stuff in my room? Y/N, what's going on? Why won't you let me in?” he asks in denial. His eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as he tries to open the door again.
“Because…” you respond stoically “Seungmin, we aren't together anymore.” you fight back tears as you speak. Seungmin stares at you in disbelief. “N-No…come on. Let's just talk about this….” he pleads. You shake your head in response.
“Y/N, please….” his voice is small and pleading as he shoves on the door as hard as he can, forcing it open. His hands encase your face as he tries to get you to look at him. “Seungmin…” you sigh, your eyes focused on the ground. You hear a cry erupt from his throat, “No! Please…just—just look at me, please” he begs as he places his forehead on yours. “I love you. Please don't break up with me…I'm sorry…”
“Min, don't lie to yourself…”
He stares at you in horror as you continue to refuse to meet his eyes “I'm not…”
“You are…you don't love me. You're just used to me…but you're annoyed with my presence”
“Baby, no…” his voice is just above a whisper “I swear I love you. I love you more than anything. I don't want to lose you” He cries wrapping his arms around your waist as you continue to stare at the ground. “Look at me please!” he urges. Your eyes finally meet his and god, does Seungmin wish they hadn't. Your gaze is filled with heartbreak and disappointment. He took a step back for a moment letting his arms fall to his sides as you stared daggers at him. “Leave Seungmin….now,” you demand. He shakes his head taking hold of your hand. “Please don't make me…I'm sorry for what I said that day. Please, I didn't mean it…i can prioritize our relationship. I'll do whatever you want! Please stay with me…” He pleads with tear filled eyes. His nose a bright red.
You shake your head in response “I can't…”
“Please, I love you…you’re everything to me. D-Don’t do this…”
You close your eyes as you slowly shove Seungmin out of your apartment. Ignoring his pleas as he grips your hand tightly. “Please…baby please” He cries one more time as he's finally outside. You shake your head “I'm sorry, Min. I love you, I do but I need to love myself again…everything was too much and I just can't handle it. Please leave…I won't be changing my mind. It's over Seungmin…” you state sadly as you close the door.
Goodbye love, you flew right by love
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Taglist: @yangbbokari @havenwithleeknow
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geonwooz · 1 year ago
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bf!gunwoo x reader | wc : 0.7k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, domestic fluff, established relationship, swearing | request — hello👋 if it's not a bother for you can i pls request dating and jealousy headcanons for geonwoo and woojin? it's alright if you don't. thank you anyways
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gunwoo is such a soft boy like he’s so taylor swift song coded
not even a specific song, like if all her pretty love songs were made into a person; it’d be kim gunwoo
even though gunwoo is literally an almost six-foot muscle man built like mike tyson, when you first met him, the urge to protect him was saur bad
like you two would be the epitome of that hyper gf x calm bf meme pic
even if you are the biggest introvert ever, being with gunwoo makes you tap into that 1% extrovert in you which makes him so happy because it means you comfortable with him and that makes him so 🥺😭🥺😭
when you first starting dating, he was so pleasantly surprised by everything because this was a new territory for him
his lifestyle before you was just eat, train, sleep, and repeat — so this man had the shock of his life when dating you
the “good morning” and “good night” texts and the texts informing him what you were doing throughout the day + texts asking him what he was doing
he loved the way you’d always text him, even if it was like just a shower thought off the top of your head
literally everyone around him knew he was dating because bro kept using every free second of his to use his phone and the nonstop smiling at his phone like an idiot was a big giveaway
gunwoo is a selfless guy, meaning he’s always putting his loved ones before himself — and while you loved that for him, you always made sure to let him know when he needed to take care of himself
or you’d just take care of him yourself because you loved doing that
if he gave you flowers, you’d do the same after a couple of days, just wordlessly letting him know you loved him just as much as he loved you
even when you did something for him, he’d return the gesture, acknowledging your love for him and showing his love for you
as i said earlier, you are the hyper gf to his calm bf so one agenda i would like to touch on is how at one point you’d definitely be his curse dispenser of sorts
we know how gunwoo is a respectable gentleman who treats people with respect even in circumstances he doesn’t necessarily need to
so that’s where you come in, adding swear words between his sentences to make his words sound fiercer even tho manz probably has his polite smile on his face the entire time
“listen here-” “-you fucking asshole.” “just tell us what kim myeonggil is upto or-” “-we’ll shove your head so far up your ass, you’ll be able to eat your own shit.”
ok so maybe sometimes you have a little too much fun, which results in both your boyfriend and his woojin-hyung just staring at you, completely concerned
but they both love you, so a win is a win
honestly, gunwoo’s mama absolutely adores you and woojin feels the same, both of them just glad that gunwoo now has someone to take care of him and love him just like he takes care of others and loves them
you are always spending whatever free time you have with gunwoo’s mum and it warms his heart to see you two getting along together because honestly that’s all he needs in his life
if his loved ones adored you as much as you adored him, then that was it; he was indeed the happiest person in the world
it doesn’t take you long into the relationship for you to be comfortable with gunwoo, and he absolutely feels like he’s on cloud nine every time you mention how comfortable you are with him
like you can behave like an absolute madman, and he’d just love you harder — i don’t make the rules, it is what it is
so you best bet you sometimes leave your manz so bamboozlingly confuzzled by the most out of pocket questions you ask him because you have a curious mind
“why are buildings called buildings if they are already built?” “jagiya, please, it’s two in the morning.”
you two are a force to be reckoned with, i swear i feel bad for woojin already
sorrows sorrows prayers
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w3bgrl · 8 months ago
can you be stealthy, agent seo?
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synopsis: chan and juyeon endure a mundane schedule by talking some things out before heading home to meet with the rest of the boys. there, the members grow hungry during the early hours of the morning and changbin steps up to save the day, shockingly accompanied by none other than juyeon to the convenience store.
date: early september 2019
era: pre-levanter
word count: 3.1k
featuring: kang juyeon, bang chan, seo changbin, all other members mentioned
warnings: minimal swearing, descriptions of ot10 and former member woojin, reference to jisung's anxiety/hiatus
a/n: recently the more i write the more i feel like i'm not making any sense so let me know if i really am descending into madness on good ole tumblr.com/w3bgrl :) anyways binchu back on their bullshit
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the photoshoot studio is cold when juyeon finally gets a text back, shifting from the comfortable position with her hands tucked under her thighs to pull her phone from her pocket, a gust of cool air sending goosebumps up her wrist as she reads the message. the dolled-up girl smiled down at the screen and her eyes flick up to check on chan's shoot progress again before responding.
'at least they're not playing our music. i think that would be torture.'
juyeon looked back up again, this time in search of whoever may be in charge of the music. surely she could request some more upbeat songs, right? — nothing against IU, obviously — but she was sure everyone could use some more pep today. her phone buzzed again.
bin: 'oh definitely. it's torture here. everyone's so quiet.'
'throw on some twice in between takes. heart shaker always does the trick for me.'
bin: 'you know what my song is?'
there, seated at one of the tables to rest between takes that just so happened to be the one with snacks, juyeon smiled down at her phone again despite IU's 'palette' resonating quietly off the brick walls through the camera's rapid-fire. she could already guess along the lines of what he'd say and yet she gave him the opportunity anyway.
bin: 'what is love <3 i wanna know know know know ~’
juyeon now had to set her phone down as she bit at her lip to conceal the stupid smile threatening her nonchalance, stewing in the confusing mix of cringe and affection combining in her chest — which is when she'd notice the absence of the repetitive click that'd been audible for the last 45 minutes, leaving nothing but the bittersweet song to fill the deathly silence in the building. by the time she noticed chan was already leaving the set and making his way to one of the seats beside her. juyeon discarded her phone back in her pocket.
"have you been awake this whole time?" the leader asked once he was in a comfortable-talking range. juyeon shifted to her right while he sat down with a sigh. "yeah?"
"damn, i thought you'd take a nap once you got a break."
chan spoke mostly monotonously, wholly unlike his typical cheerful disposition, and juyeon took this into consideration as she mulled over her response. "i thought about it...but i didn't feel like going back to makeup after drooling." and just as expected; chan simply nodded, closed off and serious despite her obviously playful remark. the younger girl waited for only a moment with a bated breath before sliding her icy hands back under her thighs.
"how you feeling?"
she could see his jaw clench as he looked back over at her.
juyeon urges him on with a nod. "always."
"hurt." chan states flatly "and mad. and sad. mostly mad, though."
"understandable. do you wanna talk about it?"
his answer is immediate. "not really." juyeon smiles weakly to herself as she nods. "yeah, that's also understandable. i've had enough talking about it."
chan is now the one to prod as he shifts to loosen the arms crossed tightly over his chest. "how're the rappers doing with studio time?"
"jinnie would be hurt" she giggles at the implication and pulls her phone back out to re-read changbin's messages "good, bin said they've been quiet but productive. he said minho's been helpful for hannie."
chan sighs once more, this time much heavier in relation to the other weight reapplied to his chest, and juyeon can't help the way her gaze flicks up to check up on him. he looks exhausted, of course; the stress of these last few days had been agonizingly heavy — for everyone. woojin's untimely departure pulled the rug out from under their feet and before they could even ask any questions they were rushed to start fixing things: re-recording lines and redoing choreo and — chan suddenly spoke up.
"so, you and bin are good again? totally? i don't have to worry about you guys throwing a fit anytime soon?" finally chan grew a little lighter in his demeanor, slightly playful as he earnestly checked in on the former enemies. juyeon would carefully monitor her response.
"nah we're good. honestly, i think we're closer now. we talked it out and said our apologies, so i can kinda understand him better now, you know?"
finally the outline of a smile imprints on chan's lips, the first she'd seen all day, and he teases her with the nudge of his foot. "you guys are like hyunjin and jisung now."
"that's horrible" she remarks in passing and tucks her phone back in her pocket. there is a short beat in their conversation until chan is suddenly prodding again, this time in a secretive hushed tone; "can i ask you something?"
blood running cold upon the question, juyeon whipped her attention back to the older boy in order to analyze each and every feature in search of suspicion, her long nails clinking against jewelry as she tucked her hair behind her ear. "yeah?"
now chan seems apprehensive as he leans back, his thumbs twiddling in his hands clasped over his lap. he starts slowly. "those rumors...they were just rumors — just targeting you for being a girl, yeah?"
he is only half as calculated as juyeon — at least right now, finding his words merely as they came to him. it seemed as though he didn't know how or where to start until that came out which urged him to backpedal slightly.
"just — there's nothing going on between you and changbin, right?" chan adds almost frantically, his eyes reconnecting with her perpetually understanding ones, helping to soften his approach "you'd tell me if you felt that way for anyone, right?"
"of course, chan."
he feels relieved at the ease in her answer; it's apparent in the way his shoulders fall an inch further from his ears, how he subconsciously moves to face her fully, fidgeting hands now still.
"those rumors will haunt us forever," she says "but you don't need to worry about us. you've got enough on your plate."
chan nodded intently and took a deep breath. "well — thanks…that helps…betrayal feels like shit."
juyeon had to dig her nails into her palm as the minimal heat in her body rushed to her face. she pressed her lips together as she gulped, mirroring his nod before nudging him with her foot.
"wanna talk about it?"
chan would release a final sigh-like-grumble before admitting his defeat. "…yeah...i do."
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seated in a circle gathered on the livingroom floor the disgruntled members are venturing further into the night when a particularly long lull in the conversation would reveal the audible grumbles of their bellies. they didn't even mean to entirely miss dinner in favor of their venting session, but as felix's stomach voiced its complaints for the lack of attention, seungmin turned to look at the oven clock.
"shit, it's 1."
hyunjin whipped around with wide eyes to check it out himself, mouth hanging open when he verified that it was indeed one in the morning. "dude...i need food."
"me too." jisung, who'd been especially quiet today, spoke in a small voice. from his place beside the glum boy minho would jump to offer the first meals that came to him. "i can make kimbap? or — we have the noodles for japchae?"
chan was already shaking his head "it'll take too long to make a portion for all of us. we should just go to bed, tomorrow'll be even longer."
finally, amongst all the pessimism filling the room in the form of hungry and tired mumbles, changbin spoke up in a light and playful tone with the ghost of a smile on his face. "what if i ran out to grab snacks? it'll only take 20 — 30 minutes."
juyeon's eyes now shot over to chan to watch the disapproval already creasing his brow. "everyone could pick their favorite" she chirped before he could say no in her best mimic of changbin's delicate demeanor. "little 'pick-me-up' before bed?"
soon all heads turned to the leader who sat contemplating with his own gaze shifting between the outspoken pair. he knew them — all of them — well enough to understand he was in the minority on this one, and though he also knew the risk of punishment for 1) sneaking out past curfew and 2) buying unhealthy snacks, chan would simply sigh.
"okay, but be quick, yeah? and please — whatever you do — just don't get caught, okay?"
changbin is already to his feet with a serviceable nod. "all will be well, hyung. now send me your orders!" he shrieks while stumbling his way through the crowd of boys toward his bedroom "i'm gonna grab a hoodie."
"i'll go with you." says juyeon naturally as she mirrors his actions, pushing herself to her feet and carefully stepping through the members closest to the front door. "grab me one, too!" she calls after him. a hand taps her calf once changbin is out of view.
hyunjin, with a hushed tone, has his neck cranked to look up at the older girl with furrowed brows. "since when were you guys cool again?" he asks, and she can feel heat blooming on her cheeks for the second time today as well as the other boys' growing proximity while they leaned in closer to hear the breaking news.
truth be told; after their huge argument bin and chu made amends and fixed their attitudes without ever clarifying what had happened to the members — not that they even asked, anyway. it seemed too tender of a topic; too fresh and too delicate, so instead they kept to themselves and observed from afar. by this point all they knew for sure was that they didn't bicker anymore and that was enough for them! but some of them swore the formerly close pair had begun warming up to one another again. in fact, just the other day jeongin had sent individual texts to tell the members they were taking selfies, so juyeon joining him on a solo trip to the convenience store seemed like a big moment.
reaching for her hair pulled into a bun juyeon's hand falls short to slyly scratch at her neck as she offers an uncertain-looking shrug, and just as her lips part to spit something out, changbin emerges from his room adorned in a sweatshirt with the hood up and one for juyeon in hand.
she hums and takes the hoodie to pull it on. changbin nods at hyunjin still sitting with his head uncomfortably panned upwards, "send me what you want."
"oh! right!"
the hoodied duo now turn their backs to slide their shoes on and the remaining boys all share a look with one another before whipping back to watch them leave. changbin steps out first, holding the door open for juyeon who pauses to wave before leaving, and then the front door closes behind them and the final 7 are left speechless.
"did you bring your wallet?" is the first thing changbin says once it's just them. juyeon's eyes narrow. "...no?"
"well — then who's paying?"
it only takes her a second longer to register the smirk lingering in the corner of his mouth threatening to destroy the act put forth. she can only smile and shake her head at his resumed antics. "come on." she chuckles, grabbing his wrist to pull him towards their destination despite the way her palm began to burn. "we've got 25 minutes to make it there and back."
changbin is smiling now too, the playful facade replaced by a genuine toothy grin, his tone now entirely too fond for the halls of the company building. "what would i have done without you?"
"is that what this is? you just wanted to hang out?"
changbin simply shrugs indicating that yes; this was just a ruse to enjoy her company (or undivided attention) since they couldn't interact how they wanted to around anyone else. it had become somewhat of a game they played throughout the day — to see what elaborate way they could sneak off without anyone noticing, though changbin was usually better at it. the first week after their amends, changbin faked back pain for her heating pad which was conveniently located in her room.
"i wanted to see you, can you blame me?"
juyeon finally releases his wrist and is positively certain of the burn mark left on her palm while she replicates his sly shrug, exuding charisma with her pompous tone "i mean, i am awesome, so that's understandable." she laughs at herself now and drops the act "but i texted you all day and now you've got me walking half a mile."
"i want to see you, though." changbin hums, his eyes on the blush warming her face "plus you left me on read for an hour! what's wrong with my twice pick?"
"nothing! what is love was a great choice! chan got a break and came to talk, that's all."
"oh...and how was that?"
juyeon sighed and shrugged again, this time far more serious and authentic than the last. "i don't know...i think it's just on his mind, you know? these long days give him more time to think about it — and he says he doesn't want to talk about it but woojin just keeps coming up." changbin now pulls his gaze away to open another set of doors for her leading to the familiar elevators that would bring them down to the first floor.
"what did he say?"
"just...you know —" juyeon presses the call button before crossing her arms, trailing off while she recalls their lengthy conversation at the shoot location and omitting the information that didn’t need repeating "he wishes they could've talked before it got to this point. he feels betrayed and on edge right now — especially with how hannie's been recently — not that it's his fault or anything. but he's mad about being left out of the conversation entirely, just kept in the dark until the decision was made."
the elevator dings as it arrives to their floor. changbin and juyeon step inside silently with the same reminiscent memory in their mind, and as their gaze meets again like the pull of magnets, the older girl leans against the railing to tap his shoe with her own. "he asked about us today, too."
changbin waits for the doors to close before he responds in a half-whisper. "and?? what did he say??" despite juyeon's cool manner in presenting this news changbin is nearly frantic, far more intrigued by her response now than the last time he asked.
"well, he wanted to know if we were good again — if he had to worry about us fighting anymore. so i told him no, we're good, and then he asked about the rumors; if there was actually anything between us."
"and you said...?" changbin's eyebrows furrowed at her, now clearly on edge in wait for her conclusion.
and yet, she remained shockingly optimistic, a faint smile on her lips as she spoke. "the truth; no matter how we interact, what's been said can't be unsaid, those rumors will follow us forever."
"so..." he sighed "we'll have to be like this forever? not to say that i don't enjoy these times with you, but i hate staying so far away all the time."
juyeon would now reach out to make contact once more, her delicate fingers trailing down his arm like she wanted to grab hold while her smile grew into a dazzling grin, eliciting an admittedly confused smirk from him. "actually, i think it's the opposite." she hums "i think if we play our cards right things'll go back to normal in time. i mean — we've always been good friends up until the rumors, right? and then we kinda had a falling out and grew apart, right?”
changbin nodded along to show he was still following as her demeanor became more mischievous the further she spoke. he could almost see the feigned innocence in her doe eyes as she said, “so now we’re just getting back to being friends — little by little every day. at some point we’ll be totally normal again and then any resurfacing rumors can be explained away by our fallout. if we play our cards right no one will even bat an eye — they'll just be glad we're close again."
the crimson-haired boy would merely blink back at her for a moment as he tested her theory in his own head and was shocked to find many of the same ideas pointing him in the same direction. whether her plan would go accordingly or not was still left up to the general public's perception of them — particularly her — which would leave their conclusion in the air until the time came, but this wasn't even the part he was really interested in anymore. instead, changbin's restrained smirk would grow to reveal his teeth before a dry chuckle escaped his throat.
"kang juyeon, you sly devil." he teased in a silky-smooth tone "i think you'd be a great supervillain, you are far more mischievous than you look. how long did you think about this master plan of yours?"
the elevator slows to a stop as they arrive on the lobby floor and she finally pulls away again to tuck a strand of hair behind her red ears with a casual shrug. "i told you i was awesome."
changbin has to bite back a full beaming grin when the elevator doors open and they exit silently towards the front doors of the jyp building. he rummages in his pocket for his id card to press to the reader before pushing the door open for her once again and resuming conversation the moment they were outside.
"and chan's not suspicious at all?" he asks, the cool breeze biting at his cheeks "you really think this'll work?"
juyeon laughs and looks back over at him with her signature beautiful smile (at least in his eyes) "i do. we just need to be stealthy, that's all." she then grabs the neckline of her sweatshirt and brings it to her lips as if talking into a mic, an eyebrow cocked at him. "can you be stealthy, agent seo?"
once again changbin has to fight back the giddy, knee-jerk reaction of a sunny smile at her antics and swallow the urge to remake contact, instead pressing an index to his tragus like he was listening through an earpiece. "actually, i think i can, agent kang."
ju's perpetually flowing giggles indicate utter satisfaction with his response and the so-called agent now nods forward toward the convenience store growing closer with each step. "good answer. now for our first mission; gs25 on yangjae boulevard."
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spicyseonghwas · 1 year ago
skz - reaction to reader getting hit on by other men
pairing :: skz x male reader (discludes woojin; i write for him as a soloist) rating :: 15+ ; suggestive content genres/au's :: fluff, slight suggestive, boyfriend!skz content warnings :: light cursing, insinuated physical contact, mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of murder, reader referred to as a piece of art one (1) time. tell me if i missed something! word count :: a/n this request has been split up into 4 parts to keep yall on ur toes! requested by @wo-ai-ni-yong [ask] network tag @preciousillusions-net
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chan, changbin ; han, minho ; i.n, felix ; hyunjin, seungmin
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~ hwang hyunjin
i feel like hyunjin might not always notice right away?
he might be across the bar spending time with his groupmates-
but when you text him that you're in trouble, or not feeling entirely comfortable, suddenly he's right by your side
and he honestly would come out of it on the winning side, albeit probably sporting a bloody nose or broken lip.
but this man would kick so much ass for you he'd be cancelled, and he wouldn't even care.
i honestly don't think any member of skz, not even woojin, would care.
~ kim seungmin
hnnnnngh so possessive
and very physically confrontational
he would totally bite someone???
bitch don't tell me kim seungmin wouldn't bite someone if you said you were feeling uncomfortable.
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© seonghwas-lighter 2023-2024.
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multiland · 2 years ago
cherry ⚝ she/her ⚝ adult ⚝ aquarius ⚝ requests are open only for fake texts and reactions ⚝ masterlist ⚝ latest ⚝ recs ⚝ spotify ⚝ pinterest
ults: seungmin ♡ renjun ♡ jaemin -- svt: jeonghan ♡ joshua ♡ dino -- skz: hyunjin ♡ lee know -- ateez: san ♡ yeosang ♡ yunho -- txt: beomgyu ♡ yeonjun -- the boyz: sunwoo ♡ chanhee ♡ changmin ♡ haknyeon -- enhypen: heeseung ♡ jungwon -- nct: taeil ♡ haechan ♡ doyoung ♡ yangyang ♡ hendery ♡ ryo -- pentagon: jinho ♡ hui -- &team: ej ♡ k ♡ fuma -- a.c.e: wow ♡ chan -- onlyoneof: rie ♡ mill -- oneus: seoho -- golden child: bomin ♡ joochan ♡ y -- verivery: gyehyeon -- wei: donghan -- cix: jinyoung -- ab6ix: woojin ♡ donghyun -- treasure: hyunsuk ♡ junkyu ♡ asahi -- xikers: hunter ♡ minjae -- riize: shotaro ♡ anton -- cravity: serim ♡ minhee -- TNX: junhyeok -- mirae: dongpyo -- sf9: youngbin ♡ jaeyoon -- bae173: bit -- zb1: matthew -- bnd: jaehyun -- tempest: hanbin
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zhng96 · 1 year ago
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BF TEXTS — k. junhyeon
↳ req: loved the woojin bf texts! pretty please write for junhyeon too
↳ pairing: kum junhyeon x gn!reader
↳ warnings: swearing,, im unfunny
perm taglist: @tzuberry @hrtattcker @yueriots @neohyxn @avocarua @dwcljh @uyujns @knrejj
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navi. mlist.
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mvrkieboo · 2 months ago
Old Bloodhounds
P44 | how romantic
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You walked up to the gatekeeper of the concert venue, Yangyang and Chenle. Yangyang was seemingly trying his best not to acknowledge your presence. You found it weird and hurtful, but Xiaojun was quick to greet you once Chenle scanned the barcode on your phone screen.
"Oh, where's Aeri?" You asked Xiaojun, with your eyes still stuck on Yangyang's figure as you walked away from the concert grounds entrance.
"She's backstage! She's busy doing her finishing touches on Ningning with Minjeong." The smile Xiao gave you was supposed to come off as easy, but it looked off.
You wondered why.
He led you backstage, to Yuno's waiting room. When you opened the door, you were surprised to your dad, Geonwoo, Woojin, and even Mark already there. When you came face to face with your father, you felt that little girl within you resurfacing.
"Daddy?" You uttered out breathlessly.
Your father spoke out your name in a whisper, stared at you like you were merely a hallucination for him. However, as soon as his hand took hold of yours, he broke out of that reverie and immediately pulled you in for a tight embrace. His daughter, his baby daughter has now officially returned to him, but to you however, he was now one of many people you were going to leave behind.
You feel Yuno forcing himself into the hug, making you giggle through your tears. As Mark, Geonwoo, Woojin and Xiaojun left the waiting room, to give your family some privacy, his eyes stayed glued to you up until the door closed, banishing you from his view. Just like that his heart softened up again, not being able to be so angry at you anymore.
When you exited the waiting room with your father by your side, Mark was the only one waiting for you to guide you to your seating section. It was the VIP section, and Mark was already the VIP usher anyway. He nodded at you awkwardly before showing you the way.
It was more awkward when you realised you were seated between Mark and Yangyang. It was awkward being next to Mark because you literally had an argument via text just before this, and Yangyang for whatever reason was ignoring you.
At least your father was comfortable with his seating, placed right in front of you, in between Geonwoo and Woojin whom he found to be wonderful young men, especially since he knew that the two were the people that helped bring a smile back to your face as they took care of you while he and Yuno was away from you.
Yoonsu took his seat at the non-VIP seat, looking up at the VIP section to look at you, a sinister smile playing on his lips at his plan to torment you tonight.
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Mark couldn't believe his fucking eyes when all you did was focus on your phone while Jaehyun was busy waving at you from the stage. He was about to lose his mind altogether when you began to walk away from the bleachers, so fast as if you were in a hurry.
He almost couldn't catch up to you through the sea of crowds. Unbeknownst to him, there were three other people behind him who were also trying to follow you. He finally caught up to you when you officially exited the concert grounds through the concert venue gates.
When he pulled on your hand hard enough to force you to turn around and face him directly, he was almost taken aback at the pure vitriol you displayed before you quickly covered it up. Like it was something that came naturally to you, to wipe away whatever you were feeling before.
"Y/N—" He bit out, the whiplash of your expressions changing so quickly putting his anger back for a second.
"Where the fuck are you going?" Yangyang's voice cut through Mark's from behind him, and when Mark turned around as you looked past his shoulder, there stood Yangyang, Geonwoo and Woojin.
Yangyang looked like he was at his limit at being patient with you, while Geonwoo and Woojin looked bewildered.
"Yuno just came on stage, Y/N, so where are you going? Aren't you gonna watch him perform?" Geonwoo asked with genuine concern, so unlike the anger that was bubbling up within Yangyang and the anger that was present within Mark from earlier.
You let out a harsh and shallow sigh, clearly annoyed that they stopped you from letting you go to wherever the fuck you were going. Away from your brother who's already starting to perform.
"My friend, the one from my highschool, he needs me. I need to go now—"
That anger reared its head on Mark again.
"Is Junyoung really that important to you? Over your own family? Y/N—Jae and your dad are probably wondering where you are right now!" Mark raised his voice at you for the first time since forever.
You were quiet for a while. Your head turned to the floor, as your hands rubbed your face for countless of times. You racked your brain trying to think of an excuse. Yoonsu is probably at the bus stop already, wondering why you're taking so long—or worse, he's currently watching this argument unfold and getting his rocks off from this.
You hated him so much. For stealing your youth, for murdering the only normal part of your youth, for letting you relive your mourned youth.
"...and what if he is?" You uttered out in a monotone voice.
"What?" Woojin let out in disbelief.
"So what if he is more important to me over Jae? While I was suffering under that bastard loanshark, he was the only one I had to lean on. I was the only thing he could find solace in too. Do you understand what we've been through together? Do you understand the bond we have?" You feel your eyes water, feeling so disgusted with yourself.
"No offense, but the things we did for each other those 3 years ago means a lot more to me than what any of you have done for me up until now." When you couldn't bear lying so blatantly to their faces anymore, you resorted to eyeing the floor beneath you again.
The four men before you were struck into silence at your words. The blatant disregard of the sacrifices they made for your sake, the way you were so latched on to someone they don't even know so well, someone you're gatekeeping from them so possessively. As if you didn't think they were worthy enough to get to know Junyoung, who you held in high regard.
"My mom fostered you up until you entered college. Me and Woojin took you in and cared for you—we still do take care of you. Yuno and all of your friends have been patient with you to let yourself open up to them in your own pace—and all of that means so little to you? Do you have to put someone so high above that you would make the rest of us feel like this?" Geonwoo spoke out in a voice devoid of any emotions.
But when you looked into his eyes, your heart broke completely at the disappointment that seemingly dripped out of his usually warm brown eyes like fat droplets of tears rolling down his face. Your heart broke for three more times as you saw the same disappointment from Yangyang, Mark and Woojin.
"Fine. Fine then. Go to your precious Junyoung. I can keep your father company and cheer on Jae while he performs. I'll be the one that can explain to him why you weren't here for him as he gets to live out his dream as a singer. You can go to your Junyoung." Mark spat out, then turned on his heel to leave you there.
And the other three soon followed suit. You watched as they walked further and further away from you without looking back.
You feel a hand slither over your shoulder, and a pair lips pressed against the side of your head.
"Outstanding performance, baby. You should win an Oscar for that."
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A/N : *giggles and kicks feet* heyyy so i won't be releasing those two extra chapters because they're not finished yet but i will tag you guys once i finish writing them 😭 so sorry y'all
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@spiderm444rk @morkiee @xiuriii @solvrse @neozon3nha @herebyaccident0 @injunnie-lemon @mystverse @dearmonamour @v-6893 @sehunniepot @bee-the-loser @nessaassen02 @luluvhs @sunghoonsgfreal @docilismo @neocrashed @soobinbunnie5 @cigarettesafterjae @dudekiss3r @kittydollzz @urlocalbeaner5 @polarisjisung @conwunder @wonupuppy @jae-n0 @413ktz @kimsaerom @meowtella @aerivrs @swanyvess @morkleesgirl @sthwaaberry @nominzn @grassbutneo @spicyryujin @koizekomi @sunflowerhae @markeroolee
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cherry1sblog · 1 year ago
It’s the way I love you that hurts-
“Jakes Little sister “
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GENRE: Collage!AU,Social Media!AU, Brothers bestfreind!AU,fluff. smut, mentions of suicide and abuse
It’s was Friday the day before the party your brother had found you on the floor after your conversation with your ex you really just couldn’t anymore you could never forgive yourself for not being able to say goodbye
Jake held you as your cried when you calmed down he brought you to the couch as he started to text his friends and told you they were coming over
As they all came one by one bring somthing to comfort you you wonders where sunghoon was you weren’t supposed to care but you did Jake looked upset and everyone liked on edge maybe it’s cause you had a cut on your leg and you were bleeding? But you knew it wasn’t that
“Where’s sunghoon” you asked “with his bitch ass gf so don’t worry about him “ Jake told you sarcastically you could tell he was pissed “y/n what happened like what really happened “ heeseung said as he cleans your cut to bandage it you always admired your brothers best freinds cause they were like you older brother but you just couldn’t tell them “nothing” it came out like a wispre you couldn’t tell them you knew what would happen if you did
All of them would go after woojin you felt terrible you could tell your brother was disappointed in you but he didn’t tell it you straight forward but he didn’t have to “that’s it y/n you don’t get to keep fucking secrets anymore” Jake threw a fit he wanted to know what was wrong why wouldn’t you let him in
“I-im sorry I just can’t “ you could see Jake getting more pissed off as jungwon tried to calm him down tears running down your face but sunoo was also upset at the fact you wouldn’t tell them anything “why can’t you tell us y/n jake has a point you’ve never hid anything and now you do “ you couldn’t give them an answer atleast not a real answer before they could continue there was a knock at the door you ran to answer it not wanting to be in the uncomfortable position anymore
You open the door only to be face to face with sunghoon he sees you tear stained face asking if you were ok but you didn’t wanna be in the house anymore as much as you didn’t like Sunghoon in that moment he was your last escape “you have your car right “ he was confused on what you were talking about but he said yes and with that you ran to his car and told him to get in
You guys had been driving for awhile and the car was silent sunghoon was scanning you until his eyes were met by the blood on your thigh “your bleeding y/n” you saw the blood you didn’t think it was bad when heeseung was cleaning it but now it’s blood is running down your leg “lemme stop somewhere “
Sunghoon ended up stoping at the pharmacy and taking you to a park to sit on his car to clean the wound “how did this even happen ?” You looked down as he stared at you he picked your face up eyes met together even in the moonlight his eyes still lit up like stars in the sky you knew it was wrong to like him but you couldn’t help yourself
With a deep sigh he said “ you can tell me anything “ and for some reason it felt different when he said it you felt terrible you were keeping everything in as tears started to form down your face “ hey hey don’t cry it’s okay “ he wiped your tears holding your face in his hand the moment felt surreal you wanted to kiss him but you couldn’t you pushed him away “ you can’t just do that whenever you want “ you were upset at him now or maybe more at yourself for feeling something for your brothers best friend “do what “ he said confused “ do this act like you care when my walls are down you don’t actually fucking care so don’t pretend “ he scoffed at you and that upset you he made you feel dumb.
“ it’s the same thing that happened this summer and you act like nothing even happened like I’m the crazy one! “ in a way he seemed hurt but you couldn’t understand why “y/n I didn’t mean for it to seem that way “ he seemed genuine but you didn’t care “ well it did you can’t just make me feel things for you and then just walk away “ you said it you shouldn’t have said anything but you did
You messed up and you could tell “ what happened this summer there was a lot going on and we all don’t even know the full story” you couldn’t tell what was happening now “you don’t tell anybody anything “ he was changing the subject you didn’t understand why he didn’t want to talk about it “ there’s nothing about the story you need to know “ he came close to you “that’s the thing you keep it all to yourself! You don’t let anyone in y/n when we all know your hurting so what’s the big fucking deal!?!? “
You felt so belittled “ what? You want me to tell you the reason I wasn’t there in the room when my dad died maybe it’s cause at the same fucking time is when I found out woojin cheated on me?” He seemed shocked “what else huh? Wanna know why I didn’t get to say goodbye probably cause I walked In on him fucking someone else and I got beat for finding out “ He pulled you in and hugged you.
All you did was cry and cry you finally let it out your boyfriend who had been mentally and sometimes physically abusing you was the reason you couldn’t see you dad in his last moments cause you found him fucking another girl “w-why didn’t you tell anyone” you yourself didn’t know “ I didn’t want you guys to think less of me “ he looked at you hold your face and you couldn’t help yourself
You leaned in and kissed him and it felt amazing to be able to feel him again u missed it but he pulled away “we can’t y/n I’m dating suyeon” was he being serious he’d chose her over you “and Jake would kill me “ you really did feel dumb “ but what about in the summer what was that then or was I just gonna be your next fuck toy?” He stopped for a moment to think “I-it was a mistake I-“ you pushed him away from you “wait y/n that’s not what I meant” he had fucked up big time
“Are you fucking kidding me? A mistake u said you loved me in that moment after you kissed me you said you loved me!” He really didn’t remember? “I was drunk y/n I didn’t know what I was doing I should’ve never crossed that boundary your jakes little sister “
You were tired of him thinking of you as jakes little sister so you were gonna show him “ take me back to your place “ he didn’t understand “huh?” Shouldn’t you be mad at him he thought “ I don’t wanna be home with Jake please just take me back to yours” he agreed but you were lying you didn’t give a fuck about that.
As soon as Sunghoon opened his door you made your way to his room he followed behind you not knowing if you were already going to sleep “he-“ when you made it into sunghoon a room u pushed him on the bed and climbed on top of him
“What the fuck are you doing y/n” you started rolling your hips on him “tell me you don’t want me “ he used his hands to stop you “y/n please “ you started to kiss him he was trying hard you. Could see “ tell me you want me to stop and I will but I’m tired of you seeing me as jakes little sister but if you still think of me as just his little sister tell me to stop” you told him as you made your way to the edge of the bed undoing his pants
He was half hard already he was struggling and you loved it “this isn’t a good idea princess “ that name he Hasn’t called you that for awhile “ then tell me to stop “ you said looking up at him pulling his meme er out of his pants you knew sunghoon was some type of big but holy fuck you pumped his member he let out strings of groans and you knew you got him “ fuck it “ he grabbed you hair pumping you on his member you could barley take him in your mouth “ your doing so good pretty “ you loved the names he gave you.
You were getting a puddle in your underwear you had never gotten wet so easily “I’m almost there baby keep going please ah fuck” you licked a strip on his slit you felt his cock Twitch in your mouth you could tell he was close and after a couple more minutes he was done just in time
“Sunghoon im back turn on the game the boys are here!!”
You were officially fucked…
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dropitlikeapeong · 7 months ago
I'm Kazi💙, 21 years old(She/Her), infp
I'm a multistan{xikers, Ateez, Kiss of Life, (G)I-dle, KARD, Dreamcatcher, Mamamoo, Blackswan, Psychic Fever from Exile Tribe, XG(still getting to know them) Soojin, Woojin(he's innocent, stfu.) etc.}
@dutchessskarma is my main blog where I reblog stuff I like.
So far I only write for xikers but I'd like to write for more idols i like eventually.
My ask box is OPEN and I will be accepting requests for reactions/headcannons and fics (these may take a little longer)
It takes a hot minute to come up with ideas on your own, so if you have a request, please understand there's no such thing as too much details with me. Specify what you want as much as possible please.
What I will write:
Fluff OT10
Angst OT10
Text reactions OT10
Suggestive OT10
Smut- headcanons only, for now, no long fics and for maknae line only suggestive hcs for now.
What I will NOT write:
🍇/noncon & dubcon(for any members)
Toxicity of any kind (no members being abusive and overly cruel)
Member x Member (ao3 is right there.)
Explicit sexual content for maknae line
male!reader (female/gender neutral.)
As a black chubby girl with afro hair, it always irritates the living shit out of me having to read about a "y/n" who's described as having pale skin, long flowing hair that someone can run their fingers through or their cheeks blushing red or pink.
So I will try my best to write readers physical appearance to be as vague as possible.
If you have a request or simply wanna talk a bit about kpop or music, or wanna be friends my dms are open✨️
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