#woodshore: task 06
rcditvs · 4 years
task: 06 - welcome home
underneath the cut i have little blurbs about my characters waking up and finding their gifts in their rooms!
in room 222, mary macdonald woke to the soft feeling of a comforter under her fingers that didn’t resemble the rougher fabric of the blanket in the hotel on coruscant and she quickly rose to cross her room, but was stopped by the sight of a box at the foot of her bed. she bent down and quickly opened it to find her wand inside.
in room 512, loki odinson woke and reached out to his powers and they answered back and the relief that came with the feeling of familiarity and feeling safe in them again. sitting up he noticed his box, opening it to find his dagger and quickly tucked it away for safekeeping if he needed to summon it. otherwise, he planned on keeping it out of thought given the most recent history with it.
in room 517, nakia’s eyes opened slowly to the dark room and blinked as she glanced at the bedside table to see 12:01 on it instead of the other projected time from the clock in naboo. she sat up and looked about the room and concluded she was back in woodshore, the room surprisingly less familiar than the one in naboo. at the end of her bed she found a box that held her ring blades that she now keeps tucked safely under her bed.
in room 536, georgie weaver stretched her legs out slowly, gripping at the blanket nearby only to realize she didn’t feel the heat of tatooine anymore and her eyes shot open. around her was a more familiar-looking room than the one she’d been staying in and just before she settled back into bed to get more sleep, she noticed the box at the end of her bed. inside, she found her wand and put it beside her bed.
in room 820, steve rogers woke up from a deep sleep and was surprised to read it was only 12:00 when he looked. the realization hit him shortly after that it wasn’t coruscant, but actually woodshore and he rose from his bed only to nearly trip over a box that contained a blaster from his time off-world.
in room 825, jane porter woke up to the dark and reached for her light when she realized the room was different. a quick glance around confirmed that she was back in woodshore and she was ready to return to sleep when she noticed the box at the end of her bed. she opened it to find a book from alderaan about philosophy. though in another language, she smiled and left it on he nightstand.
in room 844, flynn fairwind woke up feeling a bit groggy and knew that he hadn’t drunk enough to warrant a hangover by any means. after a moment or two, already settling back to sleep, he realized he was no longer on alderaan and rose from his bed to explore the resort room to confirm he was actually back. he found the box at the end of his bed and found a model of a ship that brought him some familiarity deep in his gut.
in room 915, tulio woke up wondering why he went to bed so early and looked around only to discover, to his relief, he noticed he was back in woodshore. he decided to ignore the implications that he was once again moved from one place to another and instead went right for the box he discovered at the end of the bed. in the box was a pair of red dice, loaded, and as soon as he held them in his hand he got what seemed like a distant memory of him gambling with a man that seemed familiar in old clothing. pulling himself quickly in denial and let any emotions good or bad settle into a stomach ache before he shoved the dice under his clothes in the bottom drawer and hopped back into bed.
in room 940, jessica riley woke with a fright and midst getting her breathing in order, she looked over and noticed the time on the clock was 12:03. sighing softy, she fell back on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a minute or two, happy to be far from tatooine, but still displeased with having to contend with her memories and even worse nightmares. unable to get back to sleep, she got up from her bed and found the box at the end and opened it to find a shawl she’d pined after in the market. she put it on along with an undershirt and a pair of skinny jeans before heading out in hopes of finding someone awake.
in room 1011, rapunzel corona woke up in her hotel room in woodshore, feeling a little sad about having to leave tatooine and a handful she knew there, but happy to be back to earth. she noticed the box at the end of her bed and crawled to the end before she opened it and found a journal that looked different than the one she’d used on tatooine and opened it to find drawings and paintings she didn’t find familiar nor did she remember making.
in room 1019, r2-d2 woke up, much to his dismay, back in woodshore and not on alderaan almost like the whole thing had been a dream. sighing, he stretched each of his limbs, rising from his bed shortly after, and walked to grab some water, but stopped short when he noticed the box on the floor at the foot of his bed. opening it, he found a painting from alderaan he’d decided was his favorite and went on to hang it up in place of another piece of artwork in his room even if it didn’t quite fit the wall.
in room 1228, bruce wayne was thankful to wake up in a bed he quickly figured out was in his hotel room in woodshore. he got up to stretch a little, with the plans of going back to bed when he had some of the kinks out, but saw the box at the end of his bed. after walking over to it, he opened it and found a bat-shaped throwing knife inside that felt like it had some significance, but the memory of it felt too far away to remember.
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silverstcrs · 4 years
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task O6: welcome home
as the clock strikes midnight, you find yourself waking up in a very comfortable, familiar bed… but no longer are you surrounded by the walls of an intergalactic hotel. instead, you wake up back where you belong, your assigned room inside of the luxurious resort at woodshore. almost as if it never happened…
except, it did, didn’t it ?? at the foot of your bed, you find a box. you don’t recognize it. when you open up the box, everything seems to go quiet.
In room 750 Adam slowly woke up trying to close his eyes and ignore the sunlight peaking in through the sliver of window not covered by the shade.  Unable to fall asleep he grumbled and got out of bed throwing his bedding on the floor.  He was walking over to his closet when he tripped on something solid laying under the comforter.  Muttering to himself he pulled out a box from under the comforter.  Curious he unwrapped it to reveal the enchanted rose.  He quickly put the lid back on the box and shoved it under the bed.
In room 238 Hermione Granger slowly opened her eyes and blinked before glancing towards the window.  Instead of seeing the buildings and space ships flying around that had slowly become normal she saw the familiar outside of the hotel in Woodshore.  Oh it felt good to be home.  She got out of bed and stretched before noticing a box on the edge of her bed.  For some strange reason the box had holes in it’s lid.  Nervous that she was going to release some dangerous creature she slowly opened the box, her wand in her other hand, to reveal Crookshanks.  Hermione gently pulled the cat out of the box and into her arms giving him a tight hug.
In room 626 Nicolas de Lenfent woke up not long after midnight.  It felt difficult to sleep at night and not just because he was used to sharing a room, sharing a bed even, with someone else.  Being awake at night just felt more comfortable and natural for some reason he couldn’t explain.  He started to become more aware of that horrible sense of longing and despair that seemed to haunt him when awake so he moved away from his bed to look for some alcohol.  Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a box sitting on the edge of his bed.�� He opened the lid to reveal a red velvet cloak lined with wolves’ fur.  He hesitated before slowly reaching out to touch the cloak expecting it to disappear if he touched it.  His eyes began to tear up as he made contact with the cloak, overcome with emotions and memories.
In room 922 Daphne Blake woke up feeling much cooler than she had in days.  The bed she was laying in felt a lot more comfortable too.  She opened her eyes and sat up, yawning.  She spied a wrapped box at the end of her bed and leaned over to grab it.  She carefully undid the wrappings to find a turquoise dog collar with a yellow diamond tag with the initials SD on it.  Something about this collar felt familiar and comforting but she couldn’t remember ever owning a dog, especially not one whose name had an S or D in it.
In room 443 Jasper Hale awoke and could feel the emotions of those around him again.  It was nice to open his eyes and see his room back in Woodshore it was a bit draining to feel other people’s emotions again.  He had gotten used to only having to feel his own during the last month.  He was getting out of bed planning on picking out some clothes and starting his day when he noticed a large box with some holes in the lid on the bed.  Had this box been damaged?  Curious he opened the box and saw some strange looking brown and white bird like creature with large eyes (a Porg).  He thought he had seen a creature or two like this back at the other hotel.  What was he supposed to do with this?
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sumcvivus · 4 years
welcome back to woodshore -- 
underneath the cut is what each muse awoke to find in woodshore upon returning.
ASHLEY BROWN; room 401, 1:24am -- never capable of sleeping through the night, awaking with a fright and curling into a ball in the dead center of her bed. it took a moment to notice the box nearby but opening it, she discovers her senior class yearbook, filled with the love and words from all of her friends and photos of them all together. it’s hard to go back to sleep so instead she just cries.
DOMINIQUE WEASLEY; room 608, 9:19am -- after the first night in a long time sleeping comfortable, dominique awakens well rested in their room at the woodshore resort. noting a box not there before, she lifts the lid to find the enchanted mirror gifted to her by harry potter right before leaving for hogwarts the first year. a present he once received that was given to ease the nerves, offering the option to see and speak to fleur and bill at any point should she become homesick. of course, it doesn’t work as it once did but they tuck it away safely all the same.
FAYE CHAMBERLAIN; room 731, 11:11am -- the time on her phone alerts faye that for the first time in a very long time, she’s managed to actually sleep without interruption. she doesn’t even note the box until her readjusting in bed nearly knocks it toppling to the ground. inside, she finds the chamberlain family book of shadows, filled with all the magic she once knew that had been left in the abandoned house, last she knew; her only true link to the circle, or her parents now. it’s hard to put it down.
HANNA MARIN; room 716, 2:51am -- nightmares of the dollhouse bring her lurching up with a scream lodged in her throat. if they had been getting any better, clearly that’s over now. hanna takes a moment longer than normal to realize that she’s no longer on tatooine, but surrounded in a familiar, safer space. when she finally notices the gift, inside is the friendship bracelet from alison, her name embroidered in the center. it’s faded and ratty, but she tugs the purple bracelet on instantly. a small piece of comfort connecting her to friends long gone.
HANK ANDERSON; room 316, 5:19am -- hank is woken by his son leaping onto his bed, causing sumo to grumble and let out a weak bark in his sleep. his son’s excitement is clear once he opens his eyes and realizes they’re no longer on alderaan. cole notices the present first, still excited and chattering away and hank opens it to find what was once framed at his desk in detroit: every article & the signed force photo discussing his success with the red ice task force, praising him as the youngest, most successful lieutenant in detroit history. his one point of pride in life, aside from cole himself.
HARRY POTTER; room 240, 8:45am -- it’s hard to sleep soundly through any night since the war (hell, since cedric) so it’s with a relieved sigh as his body shudders from the weight of a nightmare that harry realizes where he is. opening the present near his bed, for a moment there’s a pang in his chest as he recognizes the photo album once gifted by hagrid, the pages filled with james and lily, glowing, alive. he misses hagrid more than ever then, the images more precious now than ever before.
ISABELLA SWAN; room 1233; 2:15am -- never one to sleep, it’s disorienting to once again . . . wake up. woodshore (well, washington), is a welcomed sight. noting the new present in her room, bella opens it to find her engagement ring, an heirloom she can’t believe ever having been without. sliding it back onto her finger makes her feel a little better. more connected to edward, even if he isn’t here.
JOSIE SALTZMAN; room 440, 9:00am -- the bed is much more comfortable than the one she’d grown used to on alderaan. it’s nice to be back, even if she’s no clue how any of this happened. she opens her present to find a locket she’s positive that she’s never seen, but it feels familiar. there’s no way of knowing hope mikaelson gave it to her in order to make quiet things heard, but she feels connected to it and slides it around her neck all the same.
JULIA WICKER; room 533, 7:34am -- she never was an early riser before, but things have changed a lot in recent years. waking back on earth isn’t surprising, given history with fillory, but it is strange. she knows it’s dangerous to open mysterious boxes, but she does it anyway, breath catching in her throat at the sight of fillory and further, the complete series nestled inside waiting for her. opening the first book, quentin coldwater’s childhood scrawl is on the inside, marking the set as his own. it’s more than she could imagine, having another way to keep her late best friend with her.
KARA; room 510, 9:45am -- when systems reset, kara recognizes that she’s back on earth. not only from the view, but suddenly all programs are functioning just as easily again. it’s curious to see a present awaiting her, and the sight makes her cry as alice’s stuffed animal stares up at her. it had been lost so easily the night they ran away, but now it’s as close as she can get to seeing her little girl again.
MEREDITH GREY; room 501, 6:54am -- children wake her, as they always do, which is fine. hospital hours have made meredith’s sleeping patterns a wreck for years. it’s a bit of a surprise to see that she’s back in woodshore, but one that she’s okay with. inside the box near her bed, meredith finds the framed post-it note that contains the wedding vows she and derek once made to each other.
MICHAEL MUNROE; room 1231, 3:33am -- honestly, fuck sleep. it’s not like he ever gets any of it to begin with, the memory of jessica screaming, josh screaming, so much screaming pull him up every hour, anyway. at first, mike doesn’t even realize he’s in woodshore, wolfie whining as he wakes up yet again. once he does, he finds the box, containing senior prom & graduation pictures. the last time that all of his friends were together, happy, and alive. 
NORTH; room 847, 11:11am -- grateful to be back in woodshore, north doesn’t think much of it other than relief. reaching for the box beside her bed, she finds a video copy of markus’ speech from that day at stratford tower. it’s as close as she can get to him now. his voice, the words this message is the hope of a people, ring in her head for the rest of the day.
REBEKAH MIKAELSON; room 350, 7:51am -- upon waking, rebekah was ravenous - for human food, such a relief - she threw back the covers to hopefully find something edible. instead, her sights are set on a gift, inside of which is her necklace, once given to her by ester centuries before. 
SLOAN RILEY; room 717, 10:15am -- it’s a damn relief to be somewhere familiar. sloan doesn’t think of much else, or really much of the box in her bedroom now - maybe she ordered something and forgot? it’s so much more than that, when sloan opens it to discover the first ultrasound for her son, a keepsake that she never even told her father she kept. something to connect her to him, even after his adoption.
SCORPIUS MALFOY; room 648, 8:15am -- he wants to be grateful to be back, but if all scorpius can think is, if i could stop waking up on different planets, that’d be fucking great. but it is good. earth is familiar. when he opens the gift, it’s to find his wand. even without the memories of magic, as he takes hold of it a warm current goes straight up his arm as the magic recognizes him instead. 
VERONICA SAWYER; room 203, 12:45pm -- veronica doesn’t make it a habit of sleeping in, knowing there are plenty of other things to be doing, but she wakes up late today. the bed is familiar, and far too comfortable for the hotel she’s slept in for the past month. pushing herself out of bed, veronica discovers a gift waiting and inside is the red scrunchie that once caused so many problems. 
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