#wonwoo me responde no zap
hansolsticio · 5 months
queria abrir um tópico de discussão, mas não sei se alguém quer discutir isso:
vocês acham que o nonu usa o óculos dele em momentos de ousadia e alegria ou não?
porque eu acho que depende, mas não sei se disserto sobre...
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my-woozi-happiness · 4 years
The Guardians of Hogwarts Ch.1
The guardians of hogwarts on Ao3
5 years ago
The 5 boys looked at their headmaster before focusing on the floating crystal.
“I’m not sure if I understand correctly, sir. You’re saying that all us have a different kind of magic from other students?” Wonwoo frowned as he stared at their headmaster. 
“That’s correct Mr Jeon. Your powers are far more powerful than any kind of power I have seen in years, but, since you are new to this and only first year students, you will have to learn more about them. There are a few rules you have to remember.” Walking down the steps, Headmaster Yu looked at Jihoon. “This crystal only responds to one person and that person is you Mr Lee.” 
The moment that has been said, the crystal began to glow and floated towards Jihoon who stared at it with wide eyes before holding his hands up, gaping in surprise as the crystal stopped glowing and dropped into his hands. 
“I don’t get this, aren’t we just wizards? What is this about greater power? And what is with that crystal? What’s so special about him?” Seungkwan looked at Jihoon, crossing his arms, pouting. 
“I understand the confusion, Mr Boo, but you will learn soon what your place is here. You will receive private lessons 3 times a week. Do not talk about anyone about this, don’t show anyone the crystal.” Headmaster Yu looked at everyone sternly. “Now I think you can all tell me a story where you used magic you couldn’t explain where it came from, am I right?” 
The boys looked at each other, a look in their eyes that the other could only confirm they were the same. 
“Now for the last part, Mr Lee.” Headmaster Yu focused on Jihoon. “Can you hold out the crystal and say ‘Guardians unite.’ ?” He ignored the slight scoff from the other boys and nodded at Jihoon. “Go ahead boy.” 
Swallowing nervously, Jihoon held out the crystal in front of him, not knowing what was going on. Clearing his throat he opened his mouth.
“G-guardians unite.” Everyone gasped at the blinding light, covering their eyes they could feel a burning inside their chest. Once everyone opened their eyes again their eyes widened as they took everything in. “W-what is going on!?” Jihoon held the crystal close to his chest, taking a step back. 
“Y-you have wings!” Minghao pointed at Jeonghan then looked around. “You all have wings.” He looked at their headmaster for an explanation. 
“You are the new guardians of Hogwarts. Being a wizard or a witch is already special and we’re extremely thankful there are still so many of us around. But being a guardian is so much more important. You are here to restore the peace in our world. There are far more dangers than just a wizard that took a dark turn.” Clearing his throat, Headmaster Yu looked at all of them. “Are you guys ready to learn what your powers are?” 
“Jihoon watch out!” Jeonghan made a barrier of ice, growling as the enemy went for Jihoon again. “Don’t you fucking dare! Wonwoo, Minghao go!” 
Jihoon groaned as he hit the ground hard, looking up he quickly tried to stand up again only to look down to see he got stuck in the mud created by Jeonghan’s water. 
With his wings caught in mud, Jihoon couldn’t get up and help his friends. Pressing his palms flat onto the ground, he concentrated hard on the location of the enemy. The ground shook as massive vines sprouted from the ground and up into the air. 
“Seungkwan, Wonwoo, watch out!” Jihoon held his breath as they barely avoided the vines. “Do it Wonwoo!” He watched as the fire guardian melted parts of the vines around the enemy’s body. With his last bit of energy Jihoon slammed his fist on the ground, bringing their enemy down onto the ground as well. 
“You’re almost clean, Jihoon.” Jeonghan, the water guardian spoke. “Jihoon? Jihoon!” Jeonghan caught him just in time as Jihoon passed out into his arms. 
“He’ll be fine, hyung, it was a long day.” Minghao held both hands around their enemy’s throat, zapping him unconscious. “It’s over now, you guys did well.” Smiling slightly, he walked over to his friends. “I’ll fly back fast to warn the headmaster where the monster is. Stay here till he arrives” With that, Minghao set off.
“Jihoon hasn’t been himself today, is he sick?” Seungkwan placed his hand on Jihoon’s forehead. “Hyung, he’s burning up! He should’ve stayed home.” 
“You know that’s not possible, Seungkwan. Jihoon is our leader, the only one with the crystal, if he isn’t with us, we can’t fly and fully use our power.” Sighing, Jeonghan lifted his hand, water wrapping around his hand, gently laying it over Jihoon’s face, trying to cool him down.
“Hyung is right, Jihoon is our center, without him, we couldn’t do all of this.” Wonwoo rubbed Seungkwan’s back. “Once the headmaster is here, we’ll leave ok?” 
Seungkwan nodded slowly as he leaned against Wonwoo, mumbling on how he wanted to be with Hansol right now, making the two older boys chuckle.
“Do Hansol or Mingyu have any suspicion?” When they shook their heads, Jeonghan sighed. “Jisoo does, he’s worried about me everytime we leave.” When he saw the look on their faces he quickly shook his head. “He doesn’t know, don’t worry about that.” 
“Mr Yoon?” Headmaster Yu appeared behind them with 4 other wizards. “We’ll take it from here. Bring Mr Lee to the infirmary. And remember, land far away from the castle. Mr Xu is waiting for you” 
“Yes sir!” Holding Jihoon in his arms, he and the rest of the guardians flew off. “Seungcheol is going to throw a fit when he finds out Jihoon has a fever.” 
“That’s Seungcheol for you, no matter what Jihoon does, he is always worried. You would think he’s in love with Jihoon.” Seungkwan laughed. “If I didn’t know any better I would think they would already be a couple.” 
Looking down, they safely landed on the ground, walking towards Minghao. 
“We can’t blame Seungcheol, this wouldn’t be the first time we almost lost Jihoon.” Frowning Wonwoo looked at the other guardians. “Jihoon can be reckless, but he’s our greatest strength, our leader. But we’ll definitely have a talk with him once he wakes up.”
“Guys, we have a problem, our wings aren’t gone and the crystal is still glowing.” Minghao took the crystal out of Jihoon’s shirt, holding it up. “We need to get to the infirmary before anyone can see us.” 
Seungcheol’s face darkened as soon as Jeonghan told him about Jihoon’s fever, storming out before the Ravenclaw could even finish talking. 
“And here we go again.” Smiling, Jeonghan ran to catch up with Seungcheol. “Seungcheol! You can’t even go see him, you don’t even know the password!” Jeonghan tried not to laugh as the Gryffindor stopped running. “But I know it.” It didn’t even faze him as Seungcheol glared at him. “Promise me you won’t yell at him when he wakes up, he didn’t want to bother anyone. Only then will I give you the password.” 
Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Seungcheol stood up straight. 
“I’m not mad at him, just really worried, he has been pushing himself too much lately.” Seungcheol looked away from the Ravenclaw, biting his lip. “Jihoon doesn’t like it, but he needs to learn to depend on others.” 
“Pork cutlets.” Jeonghan smiled gently at the confused look on Seungcheol’s face. “That’s the password.” He watched as Seungcheol took off once again. “Our leader is very lucky, don’t you think Minghao?” 
The Slytherin stepped out from behind the wall, chuckling as he leaned against the Ravenclaw.
“Very lucky, if only he would stop being so stubborn. Seungcheol hyung is right, even in our fights Jihoon hyung tries to do everything alone, but he has to remember that when we unite we’re much stronger, if we’re not balanced it could go wrong very quickly.” 
“Jihoon looks out for all of us, he doesn’t want us to get hurt. But you’re right.” Pressing a light kiss against Minghao’s temple, Jeonghan smiled softly. “I’m going to find Chan, he was looking for Soonyoung earlier, the coward was hiding in the library.” Rolling his eyes, the Ravenclaw walked off.
“You know you’re not allowed in here right?” A bratty 2nd year Slytherin blocked Seungcheol’s path, glaring up at him.” 
“Listen here you little shit. I’m older than you so you should respect me a little more. And I’m not here for you, I’m here for Jihoon.” Shoving the kid away, Seungcheol made his way up the stairs, ignoring the 2nd years protests, stopping in his steps when he heard Minghao’s voice.
“Twan, shut up. This isn’t the first time you see him here. Do you want Jihoon hyung to know what you have been saying about Seungcheol hyung?” Raising an eyebrow, Minghao stared the 2nd year down. Grinning as he heard Seungcheol laugh.
Slowly opening Jihoon’s door, he slipped inside the room. Approaching the bed he sat down, looking down at his best friend.
“Why can’t you take care of yourself a bit better?” Seungcheol caressed Jihoon’s cheek, frowning at how warm he felt. “I hate seeing you like this, kitten.” he whispered, leaning down to place a kiss on Jihoon’s forehead before laying down next to him. “Come to me when you need help, I’m always here for you.” Pulling the Slytherin closer, Seungcheol closed his eyes. 
Jihoon’s eyes were wide and he prayed to the gods that Seungcheol wouldn’t hear his heart beating like crazy. ‘Did he call me a kitten? Did he just kiss me?’ His headache started to become worse so he curled himself up more against Seungcheol, shivering as the arms around him held him even closer. 
“I’m here, Ji. I’m not going anywhere.” Seungcheol slid his fingers through Jihoon’s hair, trying to calm him down. “You’re so silly for not asking help from anyone.” Sighing softly, he buried his nose in Jihoon’s soft black hair. “I’m not mad, you just make me worry so much.” 
Jihoon slowly lifted his head, face bright red, panting softly from the fever.
“I-i’m sorry, Cheol.” Jihoon pouted. “I thought I could practice just fine, it was just a warm up.” Huffing, Jihoon moved closer to Seungcheol. “Stupid fever, it’s nearing winter, why are we even practicing.” 
Seungcheol laughed softly as he patted Jihoon’s head.
“You could’ve postponed the game, aren’t you the captain of the team?” Grinning, Seungcheol gently pinched Jihoon’s cheek, watching in amusement as the realization downed in on Jihoon.”You’re too precious, kitten.” 
“Y-you’re calling me that again.” Jihoon whined, hiding his face in Seungcheol’s chest. “I’m not a cat.” Poking Seungcheol’s stomach, he smiled a little as the older flinched away.
“Mmh you kind of are.” Seungcheol looked down at Jihoon lovingly. “Did you take your medication yet? You should also take a warm bath and wear something warmer, you’re only in a tank top.” Seungcheol slid out of the bed, walking to Jihoon’s personal bathroom.
“Madam Bae gave me my medication already. A bath sounds nice though.” Jihoon slowly sat up, sliding off the bed, hissing as his feet hit the cold floor. “I want a rug here, the floor is too cold.”
“Will arrange that for you, I’m filling the tub for you now, get in while I pick out something warm you can wear.” Seungcheol gently pushed Jihoon into the bathroom. “I’ll help you soon.” 
“H-help me?” Jihoon’s eyes widened. “W-why?” They have seen each other naked before, but the older they got the more Jihoon realized how he felt about the other. “I-i can take a bath by myself.” 
“Alright, I’ll go change your sheets then, I’ll also see if the house elves can make some soup for you.” Smiling, Seungcheol ruffled Jihoon’s hair before he walked away.
Jihoon sighed as he dipped into the warm water, looking up at the ceiling.
‘I hate lying to you so much’ Jihoon looked at the closed door, his eyes watering. ‘I want to tell you everything, to show you my world, show you everything.’ He squeezed his eyes shut as tears rolled down his cheeks.
Jisoo looked up as he heard yelling before his bedroom door was slammed open.
“Jeonghan? What happened to you? You’re covered in mud.” Jisoo stood up, taking Jeonghan’s coat from him. “You’re freezing. What did you do?” 
Jeonghan glared at him as he slapped Jisoo’s hands away, the events of today getting to him, he was exhausted, all he wanted was to lay down and sleep till next week.
“I only asked why you were covered in mud, you didn’t have to react that way.” Jisoo looked at Jeonghan’s back with a sad look in his eyes. “I’ll leave you alone now. I love you.” When Jisoo didn’t get a reply, he sighed walking out of Jeonghan’s bedroom.
Jeonghan wiped his tears away, this was all too much for him, hearing Jisoo sound so broken, broke him, breaking out into loud sobs he screamed Jisoo’s name, whimpering his lovers name over and over again.
Jisoo set his foot on the first step of the stairs when he heard Jeonghan, he immediately turned around and ran back into the room. His eyes widen at the sight of his boyfriend. 
“Oh Hannie.” Jisoo wrapped his arms around Jeonghan, holding the boy close, whispering. “I’m right here, angel, I’m right here.” Rubbing his lovers back, he whispered sweet nothings in his ear trying to calm him down. “It’s ok, Hannie.” 
Jeonghan clung onto his boyfriend, trying to hold him as close as possible. Being a guardian wasn’t easy, they risked their lives daily for the safety of their loved ones. It was too much for them at times, but this was their destiny and they couldn’t just leave that behind.
“Let's take a shower ok? It will do you good.” Jisoo pressed a soft kiss against Jeonghan’s forehead. “Everything will be ok, angel.”
Jeonghan looked at his boyfriend, wanting to tell him everything at that moment, wanting to share the adventures with him but he knew he couldn’t. 
“I love you.” Closing the distance between them, Jeonghan pressed his lips against Jisoo’s gently, eyes fluttering shut and he wrapped his arms around Jisoo’s neck, holding him close. 
Jisoo looked at the Ravenclaws face as they kissed, knowing his lover was hiding something from him, but also knowing that Jeonghan would tell him when he was ready for it. Closing his eyes, he lifted up Jeonghan with ease, moving them towards the bathroom, kicking the door shut behind them.
“Are you sure you’re feeling up to it, Hoonie?” Seungcheol looked down at Jihoon as they approached the gardens. “You still felt a little warm this morning,  maybe you should head back inside?” 
“I’m fine, Cheol. I can manage to be outside for a while, the fresh air will do me good.” Smiling slightly, Jihoon pulled his jacket closer, watching as Seungcheol dropped everything on the ground. “What exactly does she want us to do?” 
“Not sure, but at least we won’t have to be attending classes this morning.” Grinning, Seungcheol pulled the Slytherin closer. “You are going to help me, whether you like it or not.” 
“I thought you liked divination? You never shut up about it.” Jihoon frowned. “Don’t tell me you’re thinking of dropping that class?” 
“I love it, but it’s nice to be out.” Seungcheol glanced at Jihoon. “And it’s not always that I can spend some alone time with my best friend.” He smiled at the blush on Jihoon’s cheeks. “Ok lets get working!.” 
Jihoon watched helplessly as Seungcheol tried to attend the garden. Professor Kwon asked him to help the Gryffindor out but Jihoon knew that once he touched the ground he would be found out, he had a hard time controlling his powers when he was around his best friend.
Jihoon and Seungcheol had been best friends since childhood but the younger has never told the other about his powers. 
Jihoon wasn’t your average wizard, there were times that he didn’t need to use his wand. Plopping down on the ground, Jihoon crossed his arms as he stared at Seungcheol, wandering if he should say something.
“You’ve been quiet for a while, Hoonie.” Seungcheol looked to his side. “Something on your mind?” 
‘Just that I’m dying to show you what I really am, what I really can do….’ Jihoon shook his head. “I just didn’t sleep very well.” It wasn’t a lie, Jihoon had a hard time falling asleep when Professor Kwon asked him to tend the gardens with Seungcheol. “Why do you need help anyway? You’re doing a great job.” 
Seungcheol raised an eyebrow then looked over the massive garden and then slowly back at Jihoon.
“Are you serious? Jihoon! Of course I need help!” Groaning, Seungcheol sat down next to Jihoon. “This garden is way too big.” Leaning against the Slytherin, Seungcheol puffed his cheeks. “What exactly were you doing yesterday for you to get a fever and pass out? I couldn’t find you anywhere.” 
“The headmaster wanted to see me for something, nothing too important.” Looking away, Jihoon closed his eyes as the memories of the previous day came back to him. It was a close call but they managed to defeat the monster. ‘If only you knew, Cheol.’ 
There were far more dangerous enemies in this world than evil wizards and witches. The things Jihoon and his friends almost daily had to fight was something he didn’t want Seungcheol to be exposed to, it was far too dangerous for him. 
Glancing back at his friend, Jihoon blinked in surprise when Seungcheol’s face was much closer to his than before. 
“Wh-what are you doing?” Placing a hand on Seungcheol’s shoulder, Jihoon tried to push the Gryffindor away. “C-cheol…” Jihoon was getting flustered and he didn’t like the way his heart was reacting to this.
“Something is troubling you, I can see it even if you don’t tell.” Cupping Jihoon’s face with one hand, Seungcheol caressed the youngers cheek. “You know you can tell me anything, right?” 
Jihoon’s face turned red, his lips twitching. He couldn’t possibly tell Seungcheol, he knew he couldn’t, it would only bring him in danger if he did. Gulping he placed his hand over Seungcheol’s, gently taking his hand away from his face.
“It’s nothing too bad, but I can’t talk about it Cheol, not yet at least.” Smiling sadly, Jihoon traced a finger over Seungcheol’s palm. “I really don’t want to hide things for you, you know I never would.” Jihoon closed his eyes, slowly standing up. “Le-lets work on this garden, shall we?” Taking a deep breath, Jihoon smiles softly at the Gryffindor.
Seungcheol eyed the Slytherin’s movements, standing up as well.
“I will bring us some more tools, I’ll be right back.” Looking at Jihoon once more, Seungcheol walked back to the greenhouses. 
“What do you mean there are more of us!?” Seungkwan screeched only to be shushed by Jeonghan. “S-sorry, g-go ahead headmaster.” 
“Like I said, we have always thought that there would only be 5 guardians. Mr Jeon, Mr Boo, Mr Yoon, Mr Lee and Mr Xu, you are our 5 guardians, but I have noticed some strange behaviour in 2 other students.” 
Jeonghan locked eyes with Wonwoo who only shrugged his shoulders.
“Does that mean they have different kinds of powers?” Jeonghan frowned when the headmaster nodded. “What kind of power do they have? Are they a threat to us?” 
“I’m not sure yet, Mr Yoon. I myself haven’t found that out yet.” Sighing, the headmaster sat back down. “The two students are Choi Seungcheol and Kim Mingyu” Headmaster Yu locked eyes with Wonwoo who was shocked. 
“M-mingyu has...no-no that’s not possible!” Standing up, Wonwoo shakily walked towards the headmaster. “I would’ve noticed if something was off! He can’t possibly be a guardian!” 
“Wonwoo calm down, Mingyu probably hasn’t even noticed it himself.” Minghao gently pulled him back to sit down. “Remember, we didn’t even know we had these powers till our first year here.” 
“Mr Xu is right, Mr Kim and Mr Choi probably aren’t even aware of their newfound powers.” Nodding at Minghao, he spoke again. “Mr Xu I want you to inform Mr Lee, Mr Yeon, I want you to keep an eye out on Mr Kim.” 
After being dismissed by the headmaster, the boys walk back to their dorms.
“I’m going to send an owl to Jihoon, you should do the same to Mingyu, Wonwoo.” The Slytherin eyed the Ravenclaw who didn’t seem to pay attention. “Won-” Minghao started but was cut off by Seungkwan. 
“I think I can speak for everyone here, but knowing there are 2 more guardians pains me.” Seungkwan looks down. “Not that I hate it, but we all know how dangerous this is, this isn’t some special playtime or an advantage to learn more.” Biting his lip, Seungkwan shook his head. 
“But they need to know, Seungkwan. Jihoon doesn’t even know this, I don’t even know how he will react to all of this.” 
After agreeing to send out the owls, Jeonghan walked Wonwoo back to their common room.
3 years ago
“Hoonie how many books are you planning to read? This is the 4th book about magical creatures you’ve read today. I don’t remember having any homework about that.” Seungcheol groaned, leaning back into the chair.
“It’s just an interesting subject, maybe you should try and learn a bit more about our world.” Sticking his tongue out at the Gryffindor, Jihoon continued to read. Desperately trying to find out more about his kind. 
“I thought we had a little date going on here.” Seungcheol glanced over at the Slytherin, deciding to tease his friend a little. “I don’t remember dates being like this. Come on Jihoonie~”
Jihoon’s face turned red, shoving a book in Seungcheol’s face,  mumbling.
“C-can you stop with that! W-we’re not on a date!” Jihoon frowned, not finding anything about his power, not even a single page. ‘Are we the only ones? Didn’t he say we were the new guardians?’ 
“What’s a guardian?” Seungcheol had his chin on top of hand as he stared at Jihoon, smiling. “Is that what you were looking for? We could sneak into the restricted section.” Grinning, Seungcheol stood up. “Maybe the book you’re looking for is there.”
Jihoon stared at Seungcheol in a daze. ‘I really need to learn not to talk out loud, dangit.’ following the Gryffindor quickly, Jihoon kept looking over his shoulder to see if they were alone.
“Nah, it’s cute when you mumble.” Chuckling, Seungcheol pushed Jihoon forward, closing the gate behind them. “Is a guardian a magical creature?” 
“Wh-what?” Jihoon raised an eyebrow, knowing for sure he didn’t say that out loud. “Y-yeah we, I mean they are.” Groaning, Jihoon scanned some books, swiping his fingers over the back of them. “I’m going to look over there, you see if you can find something here.” He might have to get some help, even if it’s from Seungcheol. 
“Sure thing, kitten!” Seungcheol walked to the other side, laughing. “Too cute.” He continued to look at Jihoon till the Slytherin disappeared behind some shelves.
“Mermaids, trolls.” Shaking his head, Jihoon continued to look. “Guardians of Kandrakar. No no- wait.” Stepping back, Jihoon took the book out. “Kandrakar, what is that.” He felt the tugging of the crystal, quickly taking it from under his sweater, he saw the crystal glow a soft purple. 
“Jihoon? Found what you were looking for?” Seungcheol saw Jihoon standing with his back to him. “Ji? Are you ok?” 
Jihoon panicked, quickly closing the book, the crystal fell back against his chest. ‘Are we from Kandrakar? What exactly is that place…’ 
“I-i got what I looked for, now let's go quickly ok?” Jihoon tried to push past Seungcheol but the Gryffindor wouldn’t let him. “Seungcheol, I’m not in the mood to play around right now.” 
“You’re doing that again. Hiding things from me.” Letting out a sigh, Seungcheol managed to smile. “But I’m sure you have your reasons. Let's go back before we get caught.”
‘I’m so sorry Seungcheol, I never wanted to lie to you. Maybe one day I can tell you.’ 
After telling Seungcheol that he will meet up with him at dinner, Jihoon quickly turned back around to head over to the headmaster’s office. 
“Everyone needs to know about this, why hasn’t he told us about this? He's so vague it’s annoying.” Jihoon growled as he stepped into the office without knocking. “Headmaster Yu, I have some questions.” 
Headmaster Yu looked up slowly, shaking his head.
“What can I do for you Mr Lee?” His eyes widened slightly before controlling himself again. “I see you went into the restricted section. You know you’re not allowed in there, Mr Lee.” 
“What is Kandrakar? The crystal responded to this book, it turned purple, the crystal I mean. Were there guardians before us? Who were they? What happened to them? Are we from Kandrakar?” Jihoon took a deep breath  “We’re not wizards are we? Is this why most of our classes are separate from the rest of the students? Is this why we can’t use our wands? The moment I had this crystal I couldn’t use it anymore. What is going on!?” 
Headmaster Yu sighed, motioning for the boy to sit down.
“I’m afraid I’m not the one to ask, Mr Lee. I have heard about the guardians from Kandrakar, but they existed long before I was born.” Headmaster Yu studied the book Jihoon was holding. “But I think you may find some answers in that book. Gather the rest and see what you can figure out. I’m only here to guide you.” Eyeing the Slytherin who kept glaring at him he sighed once more. 
“Mr Lee, you 5 are the first guardians in over 500 years.” Headmaster Yu sat back down, resting his chin on top of his folded hands. “We don’t know why the generations have stopped for so long. The book might have the answers for you.” 
Jihoon walked down the hall in a daze, the book clutched against his chest. 
“Are we different from the last guardians? I need to get the rest.” Gripping onto the crystal, Jihoon closed his eyes, the other guardians invading his head. “Mr Jung’s old cabin, right now.”
“He’s a little bit dense sometimes, but I guess that’s one of many things I like about him.” Jihoon smiled with his eyes closed as he pressed his palms onto the ground, opening his eyes slowly as he watched the flowers grow. He looked next to him, tilting his head at the deer that stood there. “What do you mean?” 
‘There is something, all animals can feel it, you are not alone guardian.’ The deer moved his head to look behind Jihoon, making the Slytherin look behind him. 
“What are you talking about?” He looked back at the deer but saw it was already gone. “What does it mean that I’m not alone…” Frowning, Jihoon’s fingers twitched, causing some flowers growing out of control. “Ah no! Stop!” Clasping his hands together, he sighed in relief when they stopped growing. ‘This isn’t good, is there another monster?’ 
“A monster? Where?” Seungcheol walked back to Jihoon, frowning. “Did something happen while I was gone?” 
Jihoon’s eyes widened as his face paled. ‘Did I say that out loud?’ Staring at Seungcheol, he swallowed slowly. 
“T-there’s no monster, silly!” Jihoon tried to laugh it off, patting the dirt from his pants. “The garden is done, should we go get inside? It’s getting cold.” 
“Did you do all this while I was gone?” Looking at the garden in awe, Seungcheol grinned. “Was I gone that long?” He rubbed his neck, chuckling. “Sorry, Ji.” 
Jihoon rolled his eyes, grabbing Seungcheol’s arm, tugging him back towards the castle.
“Come on, slowpoke! It’s getting cold and I’m hungry.” Pouting, Jihoon started to walk faster.
“Yah!” Seungcheol only laughed, wrapping an arm around the Slytherin. “Don’t be so grumpy, Hoonie, we’ll get you your food.” 
Jihoon yelped in surprise as an owl flew right over his head, turning around he spotted his owl.
“Hana! Don’t scare me like that!” Puffing his cheeks, he noticed she had something in her beak. “What do you have there girl?” Holding his arm out, the owl landed on it. “Thank you, Hana.” Letting the owl fly away again, Jihoon opened the letter, his eyes scanning quickly over the words. “What the….” 
Seungcheol moved to stand next to him, frowning when Jihoon quickly hid the letter behind his back, moving away.
“Jihoon? What was that? Did something happen?” Seungcheol moved quickly when Jihoon started to tremble, wrapping his arms around the shorter boy. “Hey, it’s ok, you can tell me anything.” Pressing a kiss against Jihoon’s head, Seungcheol continued to rub Jihoon’s back.
Jihoon couldn’t believe what he had read, Seungcheol is a guardian as well? Was he hiding it from him? Did he know about him and the others? Jihoon’s eyes widened as he recalled Seungcheol repeating words he haid said in his head.
“You…” Gently pushing himself away, Jihoon looked up at Seungcheol. “I’m going to do something and it might be really stupid and I want you to forget it if it’s not working, ok?” Waiting for an ok from the Gryffindor, Jihoon focused. ‘Are you really a guardian? Have you been hiding this from me?’ Jihoon’s eyes watered, he bit his lip to keep his tears in but failed as soon as Seungcheol replied to him.
“A guardian? This again? You’ve been talking about this before but I don’t know what you’re talking about, Ji” Seungcheol frowned, wiping Jihoon’s tears away. “Hoonie, why are you crying? What was in that letter?” 
“I didn’t say anything, I asked you this question in my head…” Jihoon didn’t know what to do, he wanted to run away, hide, but he needed to know what was going on here. ‘He wouldn’t lie to me, does he even know this himself?’  Taking the letter from his pocket, Jihoon scanned his eyes over it again. “You don’t know…” Taking a deep breath, Jihoon grabbed onto Seungcheol’s hand. “I’m going to gather the rest, I will meet you at the garden in 40 minutes, ok?” 
“Yeah, ok?” Seungcheol tightened his grip on Jihoon’s hand, not sure what was going on. “I’m not sure what’s going on.” Lifting Jihoon’s head, Seungcheol smiled softly. “I’ll wait for you there.” 
“If I didn’t know any better, I would think you were joking.” Mingyu sighed, sitting down next to Wonwoo. “So, let me get this straight, there are 5 guardians. You, Jeonghan, Jihoon, Seungkwan and Minghao, correct?” Seeing Wonwoo nod, Mingyu turned to take a better look at this lover. “And all of you have powers? Not magic, but a power? Alright.” 
Wonwoo started to feel uncomfortable with the way Mingyu was looking at him. Clearing his throat he opened his mouth.
“According to Headmaster Yu, you and Seungcheol hyung are guardians as well, we never knew, we thought we were alone in this.” Wonwoo looked down, biting his lip. “He doesn’t know what you are yet though. Have, have you ever noticed something strange about yourself that you couldn’t make sense of?” 
Mingyu slowly shook his head before he gasped holding his finger up. 
“There was something a few weeks ago, in Divination, Professor Chu told me she saw something black, a black monster in my near future, weird right?” Mingyu chuckled, but soon stopped when he saw the look on Wonwoo’s face. “Babe, you have to help me out here, cause I have no idea what’s going on.” 
“I do-” They both looked up to see Jeonghan standing there. “Jeonghan? What’s wrong?” Wonwoo immediately stood up.
“Jihoon wants us all to gather, you too Mingyu.” Nodding at Wonwoo, Jeonghan immediately took off again. 
Mingyu stood up, walking to his boyfriend, wrapping an arm around his waist.
“Is this about what we just talked about?” When Wonwoo didn’t say anything, Mingyu stayed quiet, gently squeezing his waist, ushering him out of the room.
On their way to the great hall, the group slowly came to a halt in front of Jihoon. 
“What are we going to do, leader?” Seungkwan looked at Jihoon with scared eyes while clutching onto Jeonghan’s arm. “Are you sure this is ok?” 
“If they are truly guardians, they need to know the truth.” Looking over at Mingyu, Jihoon frowned. “I assume you know everything already?” ‘I might have a feeling what he might be…’  
“Y-yes.” Mingyu swallowed nervously before whispering to Wonwoo. “Why did Seungkwan call him ‘leader’?” 
“Jihoon was picked as our leader, he holds the heart of all of us, it’s the crystal I talked about.” Wonwoo tugged Mingyu a long when the group started walking. “He’s our leader, our center, without him, we wouldn’t be able to do anything.” 
“Seungcheol is waiting for us by the garden.” Jihoon quickly glanced over at the rest. “Have you explained our powers to Mingyu yet, Wonwoo?” 
“N-no, not yet, I was waiting for you to do that.” Wonwoo gripped onto Mingyu’s hand tightly. 
Jihoon started to walk a bit faster as soon as he saw Seungcheol, not noticing how the crystal started to glow a dim light. 
“There you are! I’m freezing here!’ Seungcheol chuckled, wrapping his arms around Jihoon when he was close enough, ignoring the ‘dumbass’ that came from the Slytherin. “So, are you going to tell me everything now?” 
“Yes, I will.” Thanking Seungkwan as he started a fire, Jihoon took a deep breath, he started to tell the story, from their discovery 5 years ago till now. “And today Jeonghan and the others found out we apparently have 2 more guardians, you and Mingyu.” Biting his lip, Jihoon looked at Seungcheol waiting for his reply.
“So all these times you ditched our study sessions, quidditch practice and all these excuses of seeing the headmaster was because you were out there fighting some monsters?!” Seungcheol’s face turned red from anger. “Is this!” He turned to look at Jeonghan while pointing at Jihoon. “Was his fever a result from fighting?” 
Jeonghan blinked in surprise but couldn’t stop the giggle that bubbled up in his throat.
“Yes, he used his power to its full extent this time, got stuck in mud so he couldn’t move anymore, when the fight was over, he passed out.” Jeonghan had a hard time containing his giggles. 
Jihoon stared at Seungcheol in disbelief, not quite believing what he was hearing. ‘Is this idiot more concerned about that than what we just told him!?’ 
“Of course I would be worried, Ji!” Seungcheol turned to look at Jihoon. “Everytime you would disappear I would look everywhere for you, asking everyone if they knew where you were! And when you got sick I didn’t know what to do, so I blamed myself for not looking after you.” 
Jihoon didn’t know what to do or how to feel. Tears flowed freely down his face as the crystal started to glow more, lifting itself from under Jihoon’s sweater.
“Jihoon, the crystal. It’s reacting to Seungcheol.” Minghao took a step forward. “What did you do for it to react like that?” 
“I...I was talking in my head…” Jihoon looked from the crystal to Seungcheol. “Telepathy, mind reading?” Gasping, Jihoon looked at the crystal, quickly wiping his tears. “Guys, I think it’s time to show them, and let's see if we can see Seungcheol and Mingyu’s true form.” 
“What? What true form?” Seungcheol’s confused face only made Jihoon smile. “Jihoon?” 
“Guardians unite.” It was but a mere whisper but the crystal heard him. When they opened their eyes again, Jihoon looked down at Seungcheol and Mingyu. “This, this is what I have been wanting to show you for years.” Flying down, Jihoon cupped Seungcheol’s face, smiling softly. “I have always wanted to tell you, about my world, my powers.” 
“You’re beautiful.” Seungcheol looked at Jihoon with soft eyes, a gentle smile on his face. “You have always been beautiful, but now, you’re glowing.” 
Jihoon sputtered as he backed away, his face bright red. Pushing a laughing Seungkwan and Jeonghan away. 
“Can I touch your wings?” Mingyu looked at Wonwoo, an excited look on his face, getting a chuckle from Wonwoo.
“You’ll burn yourself if you do, honey.” Smiling, Wonwoo landed in front of the Gryffindor. “Guys, maybe we should introduce ourselves officially?” 
As soon as they landed, they took turns to introduce themselves.
“Boo Seungkwan, Guardian of air.” Seungkwan bowed, his wings fluttering.
“Xu Minghao, Guardian of electricity.” He snarled as his wings zapped him a bit. “Stop that!” 
Jihoon chuckled at that but continued to keep his eyes on Seungcheol, finally noticing that the Gryffindor looked a bit older and his clothes had changed as well.
“Yoon Jeonghan, Guardian of water.” Jeonghan mumbled something behind it but the others heard him. 
“Jeon Wonwoo, Guardian of fire.” Wonwoo blushed as Mingyu squeezed his hand.
“Lee Jihoon, leader of the Guardians, I’m the Guardian of earth.” Jihoon bowed slightly, keeping eye contact with Seungcheol. “According to our headmaster, you two are guardians as well.” He tilted his head. “Although, you might be a bit different than us, I don’t see your wings.” 
“I noticed something before, Seungcheol answered your question but you never said anything, has this happened before?” Jeonghan tapped his chin as he flew a bit closer to Seungcheol. 
“It has actually, he has been answering me a lot lately, without me actually asking them.” Jihoon cocked his head to the side, the blush on his cheeks still there. “Y-you look older.” 
“You all do, and your hair is longer too.” Mingyu looked around in awe before finally looking back at his boyfriend, who gasped as he locked eyes with him. “What’s wrong, babe?” 
“Your eyes, they’re yellow.” Lifting his hands, Wonwoo cupped Mingyu’s face. “Jihoon, is he what I think he is?” Wonwoo watched as Jihoon flew closer to them. 
“Transformation, Mingyu, have you ever had any blackouts? Parts of a day you can’t seem to remember?” Jihoon watched the young Gryffindor carefully, chuckling as realization hit him. “I may be able to help you two with this. Remember the book I found in the restricted library, Cheol? It might have the answers to our questions.” 
Seungcheol looked at the Slytherin, not being able to look away.
“Now I know why the flowers never die around here.” Seungcheol chuckled, making the others smile.
Minghao looked around as he heard someone coming their way, his eyes widened as he saw it was his boyfriend.
“Leader!” Minghao landed quickly while pulling Seungkwan and Jeonghan down with him. “People! They’re coming this way.” 
Jihoon focused quickly, hand wrapped around the crystal as everyone turned back to normal. Hiding his crystal just in time as Jun appeared.
“J-jun, what are you doing here?” Minghao smiled nervously, clearing his throat as Jeonghan nudged him. “Wait, did I forget the time? I’m so sorry Junnie!” 
Jun chuckled as he looked at his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around his waist.
“It’s ok, I forgive you.” Jun winked teasingly. “Now, can I steal you away from everyone or are you still busy?” 
Minghao quickly looked over his shoulder at Jihoon, who nodded smiling.
“You can take me away.” Minghao giggled, holding onto Jun’s arm, waving as they walked off. 
“How much do you guys trust Vernon and Jisoo?” Jihoon looked over at the flowers, sighing. “I know what the headmaster has said. But please think about it.” Jihoon looked at the air and water guardian. “You have been a couple since forever, same for you Seungkwan. They deserve to know the truth. It’s time that we stopped lying to everyone.” 
Seungkwan and Jeonghan looked at each other before they bowed and ran off.
“Are you sure this is ok, leader?” Wonwoo asked, frowning. “I know Mingyu and Seungcheol are guardians as well, but do you really think it’s a good idea for their lovers to be involved as well?” 
“They deserve to know, Wonwoo.” Jihoon looked at Seungcheol. “Besides, I think Seungcheol and I have things to talk about as well.” 
Nodding, Wonwoo took off with Mingyu, occasionally looking over his shoulder till they were out of sight.
“What did you want to talk about, Ji?” Seungcheol’s eyes widened as Jihoon transformed again. “I thought you couldn’t do that without the rest?” Seungcheol took Jihoon’s hands in his. 
‘You kept reading my mind, without even noticing.’ Smiling softly, Jihoon cupped Seungcheol’s face. ‘I should’ve known you were different. You have done this for years but you never questioned it.’ The blush on Jihoon’s cheeks returned, flying up a bit, he looked into Seungcheol’s eyes. ‘I love you, Seungcheol, I have always loved you.’  
Seungcheol looked at Jihoon in awe, did he hear that right? Jihoon loves him? Smiling widely, Seungcheol wrapped his arms around Jihoon’s waist, bringing him back down. 
“You have no idea how long I have been wanting to do this.” Brushing his thumb across Jihoon’s lower lip, Seungcheol leaned down to gently press his lips against the Slytherin. Holding him close as he felt a strong but gentle wind surrounding them, slowly lifting them up. Pulling away slightly, Seungcheol smiled gently. “I love you too, kitten, so much.” 
“Boo, you need to calm down. Did you do something? Did you get into trouble with Professor Bae again?” Hansol chuckled as Seungkwan pouted. “If that’s not it, then what is it? You know you can tell me anything, right?” 
“You love me, right? No matter what I do, or what I am?” Seungkwan mumbled the last part, a little surprised as he was suddenly pulled forward. “I-I mean...uhm…” Biting his lip, Seungkwan avoided his lover’s eyes.
“I don’t care what you do or what you are, I love you for who you are Boo. I wouldn’t change anything about you.” Hansol smiled. “You’re perfect, even if you say you’re not.” Pressing a soft short kiss on the Hufflepuffs nose, Hansol continued. “Now, if you can’t tell me, why not show me?” 
Seungkwan tried hard not to break down into tears then, why was his boyfriend so sweet?
“I c-can’t actually show you, I-I would need Jihoon hyung for that…” Biting his lip, Seungkwan looked away. “But….I think I can show you a little bit of what I can do.” Taking a deep breath, Seungkwan blew towards the paper lanterns that were on his desk, popping them open and letting them float around a bit.
Hansol watched with curious eyes, smiling widely. 
“How did you do that? When did you learn that? That is so cool, Boo!” Hansol pulled on Seungkwan’s arms, clearly excited, making Seungkwan laugh. “What? What’s so funny?” 
“If you think that is cool, then wait till I can show you more, but I really need Jihoon hyung for this.” Seungkwan huffed. “But he might be a bit busy right now.” 
“That’s ok, whatever you want to show me, it can wait.” Hansol smiled. “Apparently I have a mysterious boyfriend.” Grinning, Hansol pulled Seungkwan on his lap. “You’re so cute, Kwannie.” 
“Ok so, please don’t freak out ok? I’m really nervous right now and I might mess up.” Jeonghan  paced the room, making wild hand gestures. “I will tell you everything that has been going on, I will show you as well.” 
Jisoo stared at his boyfriend, a bit amused as the Ravenclaw continued to mumble.
“Angel, I don’t know if you know, but this would be the 4th time you telling me the story, I have listened all 3 times, I admit, I’m a little confused, but I believe you.” Smiling slightly, Jisoo kissed Jeonghan’s forehead. “Now take a deep breath, show me what you want to show me ok?” 
“Y-you’re not mad? I just told you that I’m not a wizard but a guardian.” Jeonghan frowned when Jisoo just smiled. “And you’re not going to question anything?” 
“No, I mean, you have told me everything from when you first found out till now, right?” When Jeonghan nodded, he chuckled. “Then I have no questions, I think it’s amazing how there is more than just the magic we’re taught here at school.” 
Jeonghan let himself fall down on the bed, whining. 
“You’re amazing, do you know that? I thought you would be mad at me, for lying, for disappearing all the time.” Jeonghan closed his eyes. “I can show you a bit of my power though...you deserve to know everything.” 
“While I don’t like it that you lied to me, I understand now. I will admit that you worry me daily when I can’t find you. I love you so much, angel, I can’t bear the thought of losing you. You mean so much to me, Jeonghan.” Jisoo looked up surprised at the splash of water. “What was that?” 
Jeonghan opened his eyes, slowly controlling the water in the glass while he listened to Jisoo talk. Slowly bringing the water closer to his boyfriend, his eyes widened when he heard Jisoo’s confession, dropping his hand, the water fell onto the floor.
“Y-you won’t lose me! I promise you that!” Jeonghan scrambled to sit up straight, holding onto Jisoo’s shoulders. “I promise I’ll be more careful in my battles!” Tearing up, Jeonghan raised his hand, letting the water flow back into the glass again. 
“So you control water.” Smiling, Jisoo pulled Jeonghan closer. “Be careful, but do what you have to do, I trust you completely, angel.” Whispering sweet nothings in Jeonghan’s ear, the Hufflepuff rubbed his boyfriend's back. “You’re doing something so amazing, Hannie, I’m so proud of you, don’t ever think anything otherwise ok? I love you so much.” 
“I wish you could fly as well.” Jihoon laid on his stomach, his wings fluttering against his back as he watched Seungcheol dip into the lake. “It feels so much better than flying on a broom.” He squeaked as Seungcheol splashed him. “Yah!” Jihoon pretended to be mad but couldn’t help the giggles escaping him.
“I would love to see you fly around more.” Seungcheol swam closer to the edge. “You’re so beautiful, kitten. It all makes sense now that animals love you so much.” He grinned as Jihoon blushed. 
Jihoon stood up slowly, walking into water as he felt his wings disappear. He locked eyes with Seungcheol, feeling a shiver run down his back at the look the Gryffindor gave him. 
“S-seungcheol.” Jihoon was slowly backed up against the edge, Seungcheol trapping him there between his arms. Jihoon’s face turned bright red as Seungcheol leaned down. 
“You’re too cute.” Nuzzling Jihoon’s neck, Seungcheol wrapped his arms around the Slytherin. “You’re driving me crazy.” Chuckling, he pulled back a little. “Should we head back and warm ourselves up?” At the look on Jihoon’s face, Seungcheol scoffed. “In front of the fireplace, Ji. You little pervert.” 
“I wa-! I didn’t!” Jihoon stuttered as he looked away. “S-stupid Seungcheol.” Pouting, Jihoon climbed out of the water, waiting for Seungcheol to do the same. Jihoon couldn’t help but sigh, looking at Seungcheol lovingly as he recalled some memories of almost getting caught by the Gryffindor everytime he would practice his newfound power. 
Laying on his side after a hard fall, Jihoon looked up, ready to yell at the person who was currently laughing at him. 
“Oh, it’s you.” Sitting up slowly, Jihoon rubbed his side. “Hope you’re not here to tell me how ‘easy it is’ to fly, you're literally the guardian of air.” With a roll of his eyes, Jihoon stood up, blankly staring at Seungkwan.
“I wasn’t, I came here to warn you.” Seungkwan sighed. “I know we all have to practice hyung, but be careful of where you do it, this is an open space, everyone can see you if you’re not careful enough.” Looking over his shoulder. “Seungcheol hyung has been looking for you, that’s why I hurried over here.” 
“Thank you for warning me, if you see him, tell him I went to the library.” Winking at the younger, Jihoon flew up, trying to stay balanced, cursing as he tumbled forward. “Why isn’t this working!!” 
Seungkwan looked at him, shaking his head before focusing and opening his heart to the crystal. He slowly flew up to the Slytherin.
“Hyung, you need to trust your power, become one with it, you have to fully embrace it, if not, you will never be able to learn how to control it properly.” Seungkwan looked a bit annoyed. “You’re just like Jeonghan hyung. Too cocky. You might be our leader but we rely on you, hyung.” 
After practicing for an hour, Jihoon slowly got the hang of it, sheepishly thanking the young Hufflepuff. 
“I’m going to fly around for a bit, can you do me one more favor?” Seeing Seungkwan nod he smiled. “Can you send Hana to me when Seungcheol is trying to find me again?” 
“He’s going to be so mad at you, didn’t you have a study date with him?” Seeing Jihoon’s flushed face, Seungkwan grinned. “Oh? Did our leader forget about his date?” 
“Sh-shut up! It’s not a date!” Jihoon grumbled as he took off, leaving Seungkwan on the ground. “Stupid Seungkwan, stupid Seungcheol.” The blush on the Slytherin’s face darkened as he thought about the Gryffindor. 
Looking down at the quidditch field, Jihoon spotted Wonwoo talking with someone, silently asking his wings to go faster, he made his way towards him. In the middle of yelling Wonwoo’s name, Jihoon’s eyes widened as Wonwoo looked at him with a panicked look. 
Jihoon yelped as he saw who Wonwoo was talking too, he quickly dove down behind one of the towers before the Gryffindor could fully turn around.
“What was that? What did you see?” Seungcheol frowned as he called for his broom. “I’m going to check, you stay here.” Mounting his broom, Seungcheol was gone before Wonwoo could say anything.
“Sh-shit, what the hell was he thinking!?” Wonwoo could feel the heart of the crystal close. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Jihoon flying towards him before landing next to him, his wings quickly disappearing. “You’re in so much trouble, you’re such an idiot.” 
Flashing the Ravenclaw a sheepish smile, Jihoon rubbed the back of his neck.
End of flashback
“I love that look on you, but you’re wet and trembling, we should go head inside, kitten.” Smiling softly, Seungcheol wrapped his arm around the smaller boy. “What were you thinking about?” 
“Just one of the many memories where I have almost been caught by you.” Grinning, Jihoon nudged his boyfriend. “I can’t believe I had to hide this for 5 years.” Looking down sadly he continued. “It was torture, not being able to ask you for help, not being there by your side, I’ve been gone for most days without a real explanation.” 
“That’s the past, what’s more important is what’s happening now and what the future holds for us.” Seungcheol leaned down, pressing a small kiss against Jihoon’s temple. “You never have to hide again, not from me.” 
Snuggling against his boyfriend, Jihoon smiled shyly. He really had to hide a lot. ‘Have to admit that it was fun at times, to hide, watching you look for me.’ Jihoon covered his mouth, giggling.
“You little! Nothing fun about it when I’m worried sick.” Seungcheol shook his head, a small smile on his lips. “Promise me to be careful in the future, with your battles, but also with others?” 
“I promise.” His voice was small, Jihoon hung his head. The rest of the trip back to the castle was spent in silence. 
Jun raised his eyebrow as he watched Minghao pace around the Slytherin common room. 
“Babe, why don’t you sit down? You’re making me dizzy.” Jun held his hand out, only to drop it next to him as the Slytherin continued to mumble, panic clear on his face. 
“Oh great! Now he’s here!! How many people know the password?” Song Junsu, a bratty 2nd year complained. “Filthy Ravenclaw.” 
Looking up, Minghao marched over to the boy, grabbing him by his robes as he pushed him against the wall, electricity running down his arms in anger. 
“Don’t you ever talk about my boyfriend like that again, I have no problem kicking your ass.” Minghao’s eyes darkened as he slowly lifted up the boy. “If you do-” 
“Mr Xu?” The headmaster had just walked in with Chan, another Slytherin. “What is going on here?” He studied Minghao, warning him with a single look, making Minghao drop the boy, crossing his arms. “Alright. Mr Song, go ahead.” 
After some mumbling, Junsu left the common room, but not before shooting a dirt look Jun’s way. 
Chan was sure he saw something strange around Minghao but decided to ignore it for now. 
“W-why are you here?” Minghao didn’t mean to sound so rude but he was feeling extremely emotional now, the electricity still pumping through his veins. “Is it important?” 
Jun frowned, never having seen his boyfriend behave like that, slowly walking over to him, he carefully wrapped his arms around the Slytherin’s waist.
“I have heard Mr Yeon and Mr Boo have told their partners, I’m gonna assume you have done the same?” Turning around, the headmaster walked towards the fireplace. “I have warned all of you not to tell anyone, but I can’t bla-” 
“What are you talking about sir? What are you supposed to tell me, Hao?” Jun looked confused, looking down at Minghao he noticed how pale his boyfriend looked. “Hao? Are you ok? Yah! Minghao?” 
Minghao stared blankly at the ground, not moving a muscle, when he heard the words of the headmaster, he went pale, his heart racing. ‘They told them everything? Are they crazy!? This is dangerous, I don’t want to put him in danger!’ 
“S-sir I think he’s hyperventilating!” Chan didn’t know what to do, he had seen the electricity, he had seen the flicker of change in the older Slytherin. But he wasn’t going to bring it up now.
The headmaster turned around, waving his hand over the room slowly, muttering a spell blinding everyone for a second. Once everyone opened their eyes again, they were inside the headmaster’s office. Minghao passed out onto one of the couches. 
All 7 guardians and their boyfriends were present, all looking around wondering what was going on.
“Sir?” Jihoon stepped forward. “What’s going on? The crystal went crazy, it wouldn’t stop glowing and shaking! What happened to Minghao?!” 
“Calm down, Mr Lee.” Headmaster Yu looked at everyone. “While I’m not happy that you told your partners, I do believe it is only fair that Mr Moon is in on this as well.” He motioned for Jun to step closer. “Mr Lee, it’s up to you to tell him, or have Minghao do it himself.” 
Jihoon looked shocked at the mention of Jun not knowing, he slowly turned around, eyes meeting Jun’s. 
“I think it’s only fair that Minghao does it, but like showing Seungcheol and Mingyu, we need to be together, I’m going to assume Jisoo and Hansol hasn’t seen everything yet?” Seeing Jeonghan and Seungkwan nod, he continued. “Alright, let Minghao rest first, when he’s awake, come to the garden with him.” 
Jun nodded slowly, not sure what this was all about.  He only wanted Minghao to be safe. He honestly didn’t care about anything else
“Y-yeah, we’ll be there.” Picking Minghao up, Jun quickly made his way out of the office, mumbling. “Always found them strange.” 
“While I’m excited to show you everything, I’m extremely worried about Minghao.” Jeonghan still looked at the spot where Minghao laid. “Minghao is the most fragile of us, while he may not seem like it, his emotions can get out of hand, much like Jihoonie.” Sighing, Jeonghan squeezed Jisoo’s hand.
“Just one question, why am I here and what are you guys talking about?” Everyone turned around to look at the youngest Slytherin. “What? Why are you all looking at me like that?” 
“If you’re going to tell me that there are more guardians or whatever I’m not gonna hesitate to turn this office into a fucking green house!” Jihoon scowled, getting irritated. 
Headmaster Yu stared at Chan before slowly shaking his head. 
“He’s probably not one, but it should be clear once you have used your crystal, Mr Lee.” Sighing loudly, the headmaster continued. “Now, everyone return to your rooms, get some rest as well. You all have a lot of explaining to do.” 
Waving his hand once more, the room was empty.
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Too Long Without You
((A/N: I remember this one being adorable! I liked it! I really should write more for Wonwoo. I don’t know why I don’t...maybe because I feel like I don’t know him well enough to write for him? Guess it’s time to do a little more research.))
Pairing: WonwooxReader
Genre: Fluff/Slight-Smut (So slight, you’ll have to squint) 
Word Count: 1,962
Summary: You had such a magical way of easing him, calming him, making him feel like the most important human being in the world. He hates that he gets such a limited time to spend with you before the idol life is ripping him away again, but...he’s going to enjoy that time. Every single second of it. 
“You wouldn’t believe all of the things that happened! It makes me glad that I never became too closely associated with her, but it’s still fun to hear about her wild adventures. Apparently, she started dating this guy she met on some shady app who became so obsessed with her that he performed some kind of ritual to make her fall in love with him. The girls even said that he tried to use a love potion on her. And then, when that didn’t work…”
The sweetness of your voice filled the bathroom that was lit by a dozen lavender scented candles, their golden glow making happy shadows dance on the walls. Chest deep in the steaming water of a bubble bath, Wonwoo reclined back against you, nestled between your legs as you sat on the edge of the tub and carefully worked shampoo through his hair. He sighed in content and closed his eyes, all of his stress just melting away as your magical fingers massaged his scalp.
It had been hectic, exciting, exhausting time for him, all the work that had to be done leading up to the comeback nearly zapping him of all energy. The preparation for and the comeback itself took him away from you for longer than a month, the both of you lucky to even hear the other’s voice over the phone for ten minutes on any given day during that time. He had been extremely lonely, as were you, but you remained as supportive and understanding as ever, sending him encouraging text messages and congratulatory praise for a job well done whenever you could.
In all honesty, Wonwoo craved any kind of message from you like a starved man craved food. Your words gave him the strength and determination to keep going whenever he felt like giving in, knowing that soon- if he could just make it through one more day- he would be back where he rightfully belonged:
With you.
Wonwoo’s eyes fluttered open as you transitioned into another story, his head tilting back a little more to gaze at your face. You just smiled at him, continuing your story and readjusting yourself so you were both comfortable again.
“They were the most adorable dogs I had ever seen. They were so small, they could fit in teacups, but they were all fluffy like clouds. Tiny, teacup-sized clouds that can bark and follow you around everywhere. I didn’t want to leave!”
How did he get so lucky to call you his? A beautiful, wonderful, outstanding person like you? When he told you just last night that they were finally getting a break and he could finally see you, neither one of you could contain your excitement. And when he finally arrived, just a few short hours ago, you had surprised him with his favorite take-out meal, his favorite dessert, his favorite movie and then…this luxurious bubble bath.
It’s because he deserved to be pampered for all the hard work he did for the comeback, you had told him when he looked at you questioningly, grinning up at him afterwards.
Wonwoo smiled at the memory. How was he ever going to thank you for this?
“I’m pouring the water now,” you warned him, snapping him out of his reverie while placing a dry washcloth on his forehead near his hairline.
Wonwoo closed his eyes just as he filled a cup with water from the bath itself and poured it gently over his hair, rinsing out the shampoo. Once this was done, you applied conditioner and repeated the process until his hair was clean and silky to the touch.
“There. All finished,” you sighed, proud of your work while absently playing with a lock of his hair.
You were both silent for a spell until you wrapped your arms around him from behind and sighed again, this time a bit forlornly.
“I missed you, Wonwoo,” you confessed quietly, allowing the loneliness and sadness that you had felt for all that time he was away to finally seep into your voice…just this once.
“I missed you too, Y/N,” he responded immediately after, his hand curling around your arm that tightened its hold around him, “I missed you so much.”
You cooed and kissed the top of his head, laying your cheek on his wet hair, “Oh…I’m sure the boys kept you pretty busy, though, didn’t they?”
Your giggles warmed his heart and Wonwoo felt a smile tug at his lips. It felt so good to hear your laugh again.
“They tried, but…nothing compares to having you with me,” he answered, lips pressing gentle kisses into your arm, “Nothing compares to hearing you read to me at night the book we’re reading together. Or your adorable laugh after hearing one of my stupid jokes.”
“My laugh is not adorable, Wonwoo.”
“I think it’s adorable. Especially when you snort after the third time.”
His deep chuckle warmed you from the inside out as you nudged him with your knee, the man retaliating by playfully biting the soft flesh. You giggled at his antics, calming down some when he kissed the area he just bit.
Once. Twice. Three times and a fourth. His arm snaked under your thigh until it hooked around your knee, tugging you just that much closer, his lips brushing your warm skin as he continued talking.
“Nothing compares to your face being the first one I see in the morning and the last one I see at night. Or how optimistic you are in every situation, no matter how bad it looks. Nothing compares to the support that you show me or how much you love me. Nothing…absolutely nothing compares to you, Y/N.”
He removed himself from your hold in order to turn around and face you, lifting himself halfway out of the water until the water stopped just above his hips. He glistened and gleamed in the soft glow of the candles, droplets of water streaming down the contours of his muscles and disappearing back into the tub. Shimmering drops clung to the ends of his hair, dangling precariously before dripping down his forehead. He looked breathtaking, your heart stuttering and your cheeks flushing red.
With only his slow movements to warn you, you received a kiss that left you reeling. It wasn’t overly passionate or desperate or particularly hungry, but it was filled with need. Wonwoo needed you, a craving that went far beyond the physical pleasures of the flesh. Being away from you for this long made him realize how much it killed him not to have you right by his side, how much he had come to depend on you and your love.
He needed you: body, mind, soul…all of it.
You shared another kiss, this one longer…deeper. His tongue slithered into your mouth and brushed against yours, Wonwoo taking his time to taste you, to become reacquainted with the beauty you are. You began to tremble, your breath shortening, your nerves on fire…and all he was doing was kissing you!
Breaking for air, Wonwoo didn’t move very far, not right away. He stayed close with his nose bumping against yours, his forehead resting against yours, his eyes watching your face and waiting until you gazed up at him.
“Nothing compares to you,” he whispered one more time before his hands slid to your hips and yanked you off the edge of the tub, sending you splashing into the warm water.
You sputtered a little, gasping and flailing our arms in an attempt to station yourself. You had just enough time to whine his name for doing such a thing, but that was all that you had time for. Wonwoo was back to hovering over you, dark eyes gleaming and voice pitching deeper, the sound causing a bubbling in your core.
“You’ve done enough to take care of me, jagi. Now it’s my turn to take care of you.”
His mouth closed over yours, silencing any protests that would deny him this opportunity. Not that you were even thinking of denying him what he wanted. Making this spectacular, amazing, talented man happy was and always has been your goal and if allowing him to ‘take care of you’ was what made him happy, then so be it.
You had zero complaints about it.
With a sigh swallowed by his loving kiss, your eyes fluttered shut and your arms wound around his neck as Wonwoo consumed you right there in the bathtub, your wet clothes plopping to the floor not long afterwards.
It was the 8 AM sun that awakened you from your slumber the next morning, its gentle rays playing across your skin and tickling you with its warmth. You turned on your back and stretched your arms out, sighing quietly while enjoying the way your body sang from a good night’s rest and…
‘And complete satisfaction,’ you thought contently, a shy little smile playing across your lips.
As if responding to your thoughts, an arm came up and draped around your waist, a hand much bigger than yours curling against your hip and tugging you into an even warmer body. Wonwoo sighed happily as he, too, stirred from his slumber, his eyes drifting open and locking onto you immediately.
He smiled at the sight of you, “Good morning, jagi.”
God, how you missed his deep and sleepy voice in the morning. “Good morning, Wonwoo,” you greeted him back, cupping his cheek in your hand, “How did you sleep?”
He took a moment to press a kiss to your palm, holding your hand against his cheek, “Better than I have the entire time before the comeback. How about you?”
“Same,” you replied, scooting even closer just as he slid his free arm underneath you and pulled you against him.
His eyes never left yours and his smile was as warm as a fresh cup of coffee. You kissed him gently and he chuckled in response.
“…Was last night good for you?”
You answered his quietly asked question with a blush to match his, though your smile was happy and honest. Just for a moment, you allowed yourself to relive the memory of you two making love in the bath, Wonwoo’s hands roaming your ultra-sensitive body and his lips suckling dark purple marks into your skin. You recalled how he muttered your name into your neck, how he caressed your breasts, and how he stroked into you with such precision and strength you barely stood a chance.
“Of course,” you finally answered, feeling shy as you played with the collar of his shirt, “It was like a dream. I was almost afraid that I would wake up this morning and find that you hadn’t actually come home at all.”
Wonwoo’s smile was one of pride, his thumb stroking small circles into your hip and his lips seeking yours once more. “I’m here, Y/N. This is real and for a little while, we can stay like this.”
“When do you have to go back?”
“Don’t worry about that right now. Just lay here with me and let me hold you.”
You nodded your consent and smiled even wider when his arms tightened around you, Wonwoo tucking you under his chin. The both of you were well aware that your time together was limited, less than 24 hours, but you weren’t going to let that intrude on this beautiful moment. Not yet. For now, you were going to enjoy that you had him back next to you and he was going to hold you for as long as humanly possible.
“I love you, Wonwoo…and I’m so proud of you,” you whispered, feeling his love protecting you as his arms tightened their hold and his lips pressed to the top of your head.
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