hoteles5estrellas · 8 years
Hi, I am a college student who just recently decided to take a break from school to go on a wild adventure to Europe. Traveling the world was a dream I had since I was a kid, influenced by my Aunt who has traveled to every continent.
I will be leaving in the upcoming month and asked my aunt for tips, as well as some googling myself and found many useful information:
Pick my seasons right, which currently it’ll be spring, a good season. Not too hot or cold mostly. But also, pack in case of either scenario. (I also found some sites saying leave it at home and buy it locally if you end up needing it) Stay in hostel or use couchsurfing app. Don’t overspend on food/drinks, and always carry a water bottle.
I was wondering if there were any veteran travelers who could give me some person wisdoms or something that people might accidentally overlook.
submitted by /u/wondftba [link] [comments]
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cinness · 9 years
//hugs + drinks all of your precious coffee u.u~!!
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bitchkisses · 10 years
Ysabel, you shouldnt feel guilty about the emotions you have. You have every right to be as healthy and happy as you can be, and that is why I want to help you get out to a safer environment. Remember, if you ever need someone to talk to, you have me
thank you won
i know i have a few people i can talk to, it's just really hard because i feel guilty about it no matter what, even when im talking to my boyfriend about it
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illeity · 10 years
Help. How do I red your comics in the high res format in your new layout. The comics don't pop up like they used to, and some of the letters are too blurry to read. :c
You ought to hover over the image, then click the magnifying glass icon to view it in full. From there, you can click the right side of the image to view the next image in the photoset.
If you're viewing this from a touchscreen device, then you might try tapping the image first to bring out the icon, then tap the icon.
Tumblr media
I'll see if I can edit the CSS so you can expand the image by clicking on it, instead of the icon. I noticed this ain't exactly the most Responsive theme. :/
If nothing else, you can always try the DeviantArt cross-post.
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gamertheao-blog · 10 years
Damn, i didn't know I was on your banner. So honored. Very pleased and happy. Much arigato gozaimasu
Yup! Forever followed, my friend!
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mermaidpepper · 10 years
I am so fucking happy right now! Wooo!
· ° . * · ° . *
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cinness · 9 years
Yesss, you are u.u
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cinness · 9 years
Hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug.
/thankyouthankyou/ ;A; 
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cinness · 9 years
Hugs because I know you need them
/hugs you tight/
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cinness · 9 years
Wait, do Canadians also call cookies biscuit?
Hahaha no, cookies are cookies here :-)
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cinness · 9 years
Has your heart ached for someone you ever wanted to delicate feel and touch, but in the end it was just a day dream?
Sure. It’s a struggle between what you want and what you actually need :3 But that’s life, and I’m sure everyone has felt this way too
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cinness · 9 years
wondftba replied to your post “Holyshit, it’ll be almost 2 years since we started talking. You have…”
*super tight hug back* now that i’m hugging you, i’m not going to let go. :3c
If you let go, I’m running to your home and stealing all of your biscuits so 
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cinness · 9 years
Domt worry, tumblr blog, i'm not an evil step mother. I'm not going to ruin you for telling the truth because I know cinny is the cutest of them all.
I would love to have you as my evil step mother LOL, thank you btw~
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cinness · 9 years
Holyshit, it'll be almost 2 years since we started talking. You have no idea how much I appreciate you for being my tumblr bestie. Or maybe you do because we're telepathically linked which is why we're both the cutest. :3
Hey you, this was really sweet to read =) 2 years huh? Well you’ve been an incredibly sweet friend and I hope I’ve been able to do the same ;w;I appreciate your friendship as well, especially since you’ve always been kind no matter what, you crazy, comforting cup of coffee :D Thank you tons Wonny *hugs* 
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cinness · 9 years
Tumblr tumblr on the web, tell me who is the kawaiiest of them all
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cinness · 10 years
wondftba replied to your post “Yoyoyo”
Do you need a won care package?
yes please! with tons of coffee too ;w;!
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