#wonderful joker show fragment of iceberg & open all doors!
lightcreators · 11 months
@mvndrvke continue from here (no access to Legacy Editor)
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“I have,” Ahsoka says, gaze sad. “I did.” Before it had all been torn to pieces. Her head tilts at Luke’s description of Padme. It’s an accurate one, which she can’t deny is also heartbreaking. “She was reckless too,” she muses softly. “And impulsive. Far more than people gave her credit for. She was the best of the Senate. The galaxy has yet to see her equal.” She looks at him questioningly then. “I can’t imagine it would be easy. Holding so much but only in glimpses.”
Consciousness concerning delicacy of their current conversation had been taken in consideration since the beginning. How weight of remembrances would hit her, inside countless what ifs, inside all unsaid regrets should probably holding towards circumstances evolution, about how Anakin ended up inside that brutal path, or even how he came inside an victim of associated circumstances … weren’t something, emotionally, mentally, that could be awakening heartlessly. On his side, there was an protective desire to protecting both memories of his parents, preserving an far away past long before tragedy came around --- Hence, there was an absence of exposed surprise concerning about how, indeed, Anakin’s Padawan and his mother did met inside circumstances before. There was a curious gaze, even if gentleness expression exposed how there was all necessary time for confessions. It won’t change how every remnant of an distant present would be keep safe of someone else hands --- somewhere where ruins of the past could remained as history mark, as remembrances not to forget for offer an better future … towards such topic, he always had fragmented perspective of people who had been close to them --- considering Ben never mentioned his mother an single time, and have an altered view considering the loss and the guilt towards his Padawan, where some of truths had been distorted in the process. ❝ I wonder how chaotic must have been meetings between the Jedi Order and the Senate … ❞ He mused gently, as he assumed inside that sentence he expected some tensions. Master Yoda never mentioned it after all. He had been understanding the whole former Republic had been imperfect, where he needed to catch up presented flaws for creating an newest Republic avoiding collapsing risks --- in same manner the Jedi Order must avoid restricted rules that could create further Sith in consequences, as an repercussion of disequilibrium … not easier task nevertheless only manner to create an peaceful world.  
Silent understanding on touching right was flattered with a pleasant smile. Where more fragments of information generated a half-surprise. Anakin Skywalker had been by definition the representation of that reckless and impulsive term, where his sister giving him all honour regardless how she rightfully didn’t wanted be reminder of him!  ❝ I thought it was Anakin specialist on that reckless domain. Quite something Obi-Wan still remember decades after. ❞ Use of former name Ben used for … most likely escaped his lips. There was an attached compassionate comprehension towards exposed choice. There had been an attached understanding about how emotionally difficult circumstances had been. Nevertheless, in middle of a past talking, over a spirited presence who had remained at his side long enough for support him, it seemed more accurate to use his real name --- tone Anakin knew. In front of her words, his curiosity increased, showing it only within his expression. ❝ I didn’t know my mother had that side on her personality. ❞ He was happy to knowing her be good concerning the Senate. Leia, with her upbringing and education, followed easily her lead. Regardless how competent he might be, if he was interested, on ruling, he preferred staying that obscure leader in middle in the shadows, taking care of everyone and everything doing fine inside best of his abilities without be acknowledged as an strange king… ❝ I hope Leia will honour her memory, the galaxy is pretty sure to be protected with her around, don’t you think ? I will just be tiny help in the shadows, offering her tiny support for exploring all her abilities to doing well to the galaxy. ❞ He mused amusingly. ❝ I would love to find remnants of history concerning Padme during her time at the Senate, though, data must have been cleaned since a long time… Did you assisted to her occupations on the Senate? ❞ Her compassionate gesture concerning his sensations generated a smile who didn’t mind. ❝ I can catch up remnants time to time … however these sensations had to be decrypted and understood correctly … memories lost across space … but only get smaller glimpses of an puzzle to be assembled … ❞
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