#women r from venus men r from mars type ideology
omg ok 1 thing that really annoys me is when people are like ‘men are just automatically worse than women UPON BIRTH’ and hold that as like an actual belief rather than idk a joke… like 1. ok gender essentialism 2. ok biphobia 3. OK TRANSPHOBIA!!!! 4. this is a very very lazy perspective to hold. besides, you’re shooting yourself in the foot by furthering it. if someone is just AUTOMATICALLY something then what’s the point in them trying to get better? why should jake, 35, casual misogynist, make an effort to learn & get better when according to u guys he’ll always be lesser anyways. you’ve given the people u hate so much a get out of jail free card, weirdos!!!!!! cmonnnnnnnnnnn like this is like the other side of the same coin as the ‘oh he’s just a man 😊’ s from ur grandmas
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