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*le gasp* A Boop!
#bt answers#wolveshowlatnight#that was an entire thing right?#i'm usually on mobile so I have no clue what's going on with that#but thank you for the boop!
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@wolveshowlatnight replied to your post “Cursed questions one has while reading HotD fic:...”:
In some lizards there is active selection of sperm by the females of the species, if that makes it better? Essentially, since they mate with every male, that wants to, the sperm of more distantly related males gets preferentially used for fertilization, rather than that of closer relatives.
Hello, I hope you know that you are my favorite person of today.
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@wolveshowlatnight I very much cannot lol but I will do it anyway

I definitely failed at demonstrating the scale here btw. Pretend I just drew each one like this: •
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This one's gonna take two asks, I'm incapable of making it more succinct. In Accurate description NHS said "I’m taking you back with me to the Nie sect when all this is over. If your parents want you back, they can come ask nicely.” Could we get that AU? And the Jiangs HAVE to ask nicely, because with the war on the horizon they can't risk alienating the Nies, but they are so bad at it? NHS's half assed plan to poach JC gets more and more solid the longer he has to watch this train wreck.(1/2)
How hard can it be to love your own flesh and blood? Even NMJ has stopped admonishing him for wanting to poach another sect's heir. What a political nightmare that would be. But JC is so relaxed with NHS's birds? And keeping up longer and longer when training with da-ge? And smiling more? And JYL said, she's never seen him so loose in the shoulders? NHS can make this work. JFM and YZY never valued JC anyway
Part 2 of Accurate Description (necessary to read that first)
“Absolutely not,” was the first thing Nie Huaisang’s brother said when Nie Huaisang first raised the idea of kidnapping Jiang Cheng for his own good. “Absolutely fucking not.”
“Nie sect principle three,” Nie Huaisang said.
“Well, shit,” his brother said.
This was because Nie Huaisang’s brother is the best.
“I’ve gotten other people involved in this,” Nie Huaisang added helpfully.
“You’d better have,” his brother said. “I am not dealing with the fallout from this on my own.”
Nie Huaisang nodded happily. That was about what he’d expected.
A few moments later, his brother asked, “Why are we kidnapping him, anyway?”
“This is temporary,” Nie Mingjue said gruffly.
“Very temporary,” Jiang Cheng agreed, sounding stiff and awkward. “I don’t even know why I’m here.”
“You know exactly why you’re here,” Nie Huaisang objected. “I told you why!”
Jiang Cheng gave him a dirty look.
“Also I have no idea how da-ge got you here, but you’re staying,” Nie Huaisang said firmly. “For as long as it takes for your parents to show that they deserve you returning to them. You’re not getting a choice.”
Jiang Cheng’s face was turning red.
“That’s not the deal, Huaisang,” Nie Mingjue interjected. “Jiang Wanyin can return home at any time he wishes.”
Nie Huaisang glared, but his brother ignored him.
“He can also stay as long as he wishes,” he said, and this time it was Jiang Cheng’s turn to stare. “If you want others to respect him, you must first pay him the respect he deserves yourself. Now, I have to go, but Jiang Wanyin – know that our home is always open to you.”
He put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it, then ruffled Nie Huaisang’s hair, and left.
Jiang Cheng looked dazed.
Nie Huaisang smirked.
“…you said something about him giving out hugs?”
“Oh yeah,” Nie Huaisang said. “Great hugs.”
“I can’t believe you would betray me like this,” Nie Huaisang whined. “And after all I’ve done for you!”
“A little training’s not going to kill you,” Jiang Cheng said. “Come on already.”
“My brother put you up to this, didn’t he? You sold me out for a hug.”
“I sold you out for the opportunity to go on a proper night-hunt,” Jiang Cheng said. “Also, he said he was proud of the progress I’ve been making on my cultivation and sword training since I got here. And gave me a hug.”
Nie Huaisang grumbled but conceded that his brother was especially difficult to resist when he was in full big brother mode. If he wasn’t, Nie Huaisang wouldn’t have been nearly so willing to give up the neat new sword he’d found in the Xuanwu’s cave and store it down in their saber halls until his brother and Baxia could figure out how to suppress it - he hadn’t even realized it was full of resentful energy at first, and he still thought it was especially aesthetic.
“Besides, if you don’t practice something soon, he’ll come after you himself,” Jiang Cheng said. “Wouldn’t you rather train with me?”
“No. You’re just as crazy as he is.”
Jiang Cheng looked disturbingly complimented.
“I’ll come look at your birds later,” he offered.
“You’d do that anyway,” Nie Huaisang said. “You love my birds.”
Jiang Cheng did, too. Nearly as much as he loved all the feral cats that roamed the walls of the Unclean Realm, every single one of which seemed to have immediately pegged him as a soft touch and come nosing around for treats – Nie Huaisang had never seen Jiang Cheng look so calm and peaceful as when he had a cat under his palm.
It really put into perspective how stressed he looked the rest of the time.
“Oh, all right,” he groaned, and Jiang Cheng beamed. “Just know that I hate you.”
“Same to you, Nie-gongzi,” Jiang Cheng said, completely insincere. “Same to you.”
“You know, I’m surprised my parents haven’t shown up to demand me back yet,” Jiang Cheng said over lunch one day. “It’s not – it’s not a problem. It’s only – I thought – Mother at least –”
“Oh, they’re demanding all right,” Nie Huaisang sniggered.
“…Nie Huaisang, what have you done,” Jiang Cheng said.
“Conspired, that’s what,” Nie Mingjue said. “I don’t know if I should thank you for discovering my brother’s sole talent, namely for scheming and conspiracies, or to blame you for it, Wanyin – but you do have very loyal friends.”
Jiang Cheng blinked.
“Well, first your parents went to Lanling,” Nie Huaisang explained. “On account of Jin Zixuan and Mianmian very obviously sneaking food around and buying all sorts of things that you would like before smuggling them – very poorly and obviously, mind you – into Jinlin Tower, and of course they were also overheard talking about something that sounded an awful lot like ‘Wanyin’; everyone assumed they were hiding you. Turns out they weren’t, of course; it was just a stray dog they’d named something with similar tones. Not their fault everyone got the wrong idea!”
Jiang Cheng’s eye twitched.
“And then, of course, they went to Gusu, on account of Lan Wangji telling everyone you were his sworn brother –”
“His what?!”
“Well, close enough. On account of how you saved his life.”
“I did not!”
“I thought I heard something about how you carried him on your back as you fled from the Xuanwu’s cave and the Wen sect’s ambushes, when he was exhausted and could not walk,” Nie Mingjue said mildly, and Jiang Cheng spluttered. “Had I heard wrongly?”
“…well, no…but...”
“Of course, you weren’t at Gusu,” Nie Huaisang continued, ignoring them both. “Though there were some heavy implications for a little while that you’d gone off with Lan-gongzi –”
“Isn’t he missing?”
Nie Mingjue coughed and looked down at his plate.
“And none of you said anything?” Jiang Cheng asked, looking between them. “At any point? Did you just, what, not talk to them?”
“I have spoken with your parents several times since they have started looking for you,” Nie Mingjue said, and his voice was suddenly hot with roiling anger. “I have concluded that Huaisang had a point regarding the necessity of their learning how to ask for your return.”
Jiang Cheng blinked.
“Your parents are jerks,” Nie Huaisang volunteered. “And you deserve better.”
“Yes, thank you,” Jiang Cheng said, a little strangled. “I think I – got that.”
“It’s just, my jiejie –”
“Supports you being here. She sent you a care package. It’s in your room.”
“…Wei Wuxian –”
“Sent a note along with the package. Says to keep up the good work.”
“How did you even get something like that?!”
“I have my ways.”
Nie Huaisang was staring blankly at the wall when Jiang Cheng walked in and did a double take.
“Okay,” he said to Nie Mingjue, sitting patiently nearby with a letter in his hands. “You broke him. How?”
“He just discovered that he inadvertently saved a great deal of lives,” Nie Mingjue said. “As did you, by agreeing to come here.”
“I only agreed to come here because you lied and told me it was necessary to help defend my sect,” Jiang Cheng grumbled, clearly not meaning it.
Nie Huaisang let out a high-pitched and somewhat hysterical giggle.
“It was,” Nie MIngjue said solemnly, offering him the letter. “It appears that Wen Chao was given permission to attack and crush the Jiang sect, but has been delaying in anticipation of your return on account of wanting to deal with all of you at once. The delay allowed our spies time to discover his plans, and to carry warnings to your parents. They were thus able to fortify the Lotus Pier’s defenses against invasion, and to hold it off until aid could arrive – which they wouldn’t have managed if he’d attacked at once, as he would have if you’d been there.”
Jiang Cheng stared.
“Would you like to sit down and stare at the wall?” Nie Mingjue offered kindly.
“…yes please.”
“How’d you convince him to let me come here, anyway?” Jiang Cheng asked Nie Huaisang as he packed up his things. He was finally heading back to the Lotus Pier, albeit only long enough to collect soldiers and come back to join what they’d started calling the Sunshot Campaign – his parents had finally figured out where he was and sent word that had, in the view of the Nie, just barely qualified as sufficient to get some leeway.
Lan Wangji was waiting in the hallway to escort him there, and he’d sworn to Nie Huaisang that he would not allow either of Jiang Cheng’s parents to say anything untoward while they were there. He’d looked very serious while he said it, too, which pleased Nie Huaisang to no end and made Jiang Cheng look more than a bit nervous.
“You’re only asking that now?” Nie Huaisang asked, amused.
Jiang Cheng shrugged. “You going to tell me or not?”
“It was easy,” he said. “I just invoked Nie sect principle three.”
“…what’s that?”
“‘A fire burns all the same’,” Nie Huaisang said. “Variously interpreted as: ‘Treat your neighbor’s harm as your own’, ‘Do not stand idly by as your neighbor bleeds’, or ‘Indifference to evil is equivalent to evil’.”
Jiang Cheng stared.
“How about ‘if you see someone who needs you, you have an obligation to act’?”
Jiang Cheng blinked. “Okay,” he said. “And?”
“And what?”
“And what else did you say? You convinced him to literally kidnap the heir of another Great Sect; I can’t believe that you accomplished that simply by saying ‘hey principle three applies here, let’s do this’.”
“Maybe I did,” Nie Huaisang sniffed.
Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. “Fine, keep your secrets. I’ll get them out of you one day.”
“Maybe you will,” Nie Huaisang said.
“Da-ge,” Nie Huaisang said. “If I wanted to keep Jiang Cheng permanently, what principle would I have to invoke for that?”
“Nineteen?” Nie Huaisang frowned. “But, da-ge, principle nineteen is the one about marriage – oooooooh.”
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*peeks in with a prompt* for Malec, holding hands and one gets so flustered they forget how to think / speak until their hands are "free" again?
It’s not a big deal.
It’s not.
There’s no reason to get flustered. None whatsoever. He - they - have done a lot more than this.
He looks at Magnus’ round, pink mouth and thinks: I kissed that mouth. I know the shape of it, the softness, the way his lips move under mine. I know what he tastes like.
He looks at Magnus’ neck and thinks: I know the feel of the tendons against my teeth. I know the taste of salt on his skin against my tongue. I know the noises he makes when you find the right spot.
He looks at Magnus’ hands, deft and elegant and constantly in motion, and thinks: I know what it feels like when his fingers explore my skin. I know what they feel like when they bury themselves in my hair. I know the magic that springs from them.
So it’s not a big deal.
Or at least it shouldn’t be.
Still, he finds himself tongue-tied when Magnus slides his clever fingers in between his, tangles them together with a soft squeeze and an even softer smile.
It’s not - it’s nothing racy, but it’s soft and casual and no - no statement, the way Alec has to admit their first kiss was; a huge fuck you to the Clave. There’s no urgent need behind it, no hormones clouding their judgement and spurring them on. Magnus, Alec knows, has been careful, almost overly cautious, about touching him in public, as if he were a spooked horse, always prepared to run if Magnus moves too quickly.
But this - this almost absentminded contact over the dinner table, no goal in mind except that he wants to and he can - for some reason, this is what does him in. The casualty, the trivial nature of it at its core - as if they’ve done this a thousand times, as if there’s nothing unusual about it, as if Magnus expects to still be doing this years, maybe decades, from now.
Alec stares at their hands, his pale skin against Magnus’ golden hues, and thinks about how it is that small gestures can be so big, mean so much.
Silence falls between them, and Alec startles - it seems he missed his cue, lost track of the tale Magnus was spinning. He faces Magnus’ expectant eyes and blushes, but - as always, Magnus is there to help him bridge the gap. He’s noticed Alec’s fascination with their tangled hands, that much is clear - his smile softens even more, his eyes glistening with mischief and affection, and his thumb caresses Alec’s skin as he launches into his next tall tale, giving Alec time to collect himself.
I love him, he thinks, wildly, madly. I love him.
He bites back the words. It’s too early for - it’s too soon for anything. But he knows, suddenly, irrefutably, what his future will be,
If he can, he will never let go of Magnus’ hand.
#malec#shadowhunters#meme#my fic#wolveshowlatnight#lmao i post fic and lose 10 followers why am i not surprised
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Not to be that ho, but are you really, truly sure that you HAVE to go to school? *glances at twin fic* Asking for science reasons.
Unfortunately, I’m a high school teacher whose livelihood depends on school, so unfortunately the answer is “but thou must,” but I’m glad you like the twin fic idea!
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wolveshowlatnight replied to your photoset “First of all, meet Zola! (his friends call him zozo, and everybody is...”
Good content.
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wolveshowlatnight replied to your post “tonight i’m making strawberry basil rhubarb peach pie with pear thyme...”
Pics? Pretty please?

mmmm pie and i dusted it with maple flakes
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wolveshowlatnight replied to your post: We are getting shockingly close to me actually...
This AU is brightening my dash delightfully! And you should definitely write it.
sweeeeet. if you guys want it, i can deliver.
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Have a fluffy thought for distraction: discussion conference at Cloud Recesses, sect leader Jiang has not returned to the talks after a break and no one can find him. Hours later someone goes to feed the bunnies and finds him in the meadow, covered in bunnies. Maybe he's asleep, maybe he's awake, either way he can't move because that would disturb the bunnies and you don't disturb animals that picked you as their seat :3 he lives in the meadow now.
A field of rabbits
Well it certainly distracted me into writing XD <3
When everyone files back into the conference room and Jiang Wanyin is nowhere to be seen, Nie Mingjue doesn’t immediately panic.
This is the Cloud Recesses after all, and it’s highly unlikely that he got attacked or ran into some trouble here. After Wen Xu managed to burn the Cloud Recesses, they made sure that it’s one of the most fortified places right after the Unclean Realm and possibly Lotus Pier.
Jiang Wanyin might be a magnet for trouble, and he might look for fights more than anyone else Nie Mingjue knows except himelf, but the chances that he found either here are slim to none.
It’s much more likely that there was an emergency with his Sect that he has to deal with before he can come back to the conference.
It happened before and it will happen again; after all, they are all Sect Leaders here and there are always issues the second in command can’t deal with on their own.
Nie Mingjue has the utmost understanding for that.
But when Lan Qiren steps into the room and frowns, before worry visibly clouds over his face that’s the moment unease makes itself known in Nie Mingjue’s belly.
If Jiang Wanyin had to deal with something else, then he would have notified Lan Qiren, there’s no doubt about that.
Jiang Wanyin has the utmost respect for Lan Qiren and he would never be late or miss a meeting intentionally, not without telling Lan Qiren or informing him otherwise.
But it doesn’t seem like Lan Qiren knows what happened to Jiang Wanyin either, and that’s cause to worry.
People are already starting to whisper about his absence and Nie Mingjue clenches his fist.
Jiang Wanyin has been leading his Sect for over three years now; bringing it back from the brink and restoring it to much of its former glory and still people are talking about him as if he’s a helpless teenager who doesn’t deserve their respect or fear.
Nie Mingjue hates it with every fibre of his being, because Jiang Wanyin has stepped up for his Sect in a way not many would have been able to and it itches him to snap at all of them.
It’s only Lan Qiren who catches his gaze that stops him.
“Sect Leader Jiang has been delayed by an important issue. He is requesting for Sect Leader Nie’s assistance, so if you would, please,” Lan Qiren says with a meaningful glance towards Nie Mingjue and Nie Mingjue nods his understanding.
Lan Qiren has no goddamn clue where Jiang Wanyin is and he wants him to look for him.
Nie Mingjue will more than gladly do that.
There is no real danger here that could have befallen Jiang Wanyin, but Nie Mingjue still worries.
He has never seen anyone with eye rings that deep or black, especially since Jiang Wanyin is otherwise almost deathly pale and the concern that he might have just dropped dead is a real one.
Jiang Wanyin is pushing himself far too hard.
Nie Mingjue asks every disciple he sees if they have seen Jiang Wanyin but he only gets vague answers in return.
It seems like Jiang Wanyin vanished like a shadow.
Nie Mingjue feels frustration rise in him when he makes his way through the entire Cloud Recesses with no sign of Jiang Wanyin.
“You think the rabbits will be mad that we didn’t feed them?” Nie Mingjue hears a disciple say suddenly and he frowns.
“I think better the rabbits than Sect Leader Jiang,” another voice replies and before Nie Mingjue can inquire about what they mean, they are gone.
But he finally has a lead and so he follows the path that leads to the meadow with the rabbits.
He used to come here a lot with Lan Xichen when they were both younger and less burdened but ever since the Sunshot Campaign neither of them have the time for this anymore.
His feet still remember the path well though, and it’s not long before the first rabbits come into view.
The rabbits and a figure clad in purple.
Nie Mingjue breathes a little bit easier just for having found Jiang Wanyin but then it registers in his mind that Jiang Wanyin is splayed out on the ground, not moving or talking, and the worry comes back with a vengeance.
Nie Mingjue stealthily makes his way over to Jiang Wanyin, but as soon as he gets closer he realizes that Jiang Wanyin is breathing easily and deeply and he seems more relaxed than Nie Mingjue has ever seen him.
He just fell asleep then. That’s good.
Nie Mingjue has to bite back a smile when one of the startled rabbits makes its way back onto Jiang Wanyin’s stomach, where it promptly falls back asleep.
Nie Mingjue is unsure if the rabbits climbed on Jiang Wanyin and prevented him from leaving, causing him to fall asleep, or if Jiang Wanyin fell asleep and the rabbits claimed him as their bed, but it doesn’t really matter.
What matters is that Jiang Wanyin finally got some rest.
Nie Mingjue carefully sits down next to him, but of course Jiang Wanyin startles awake. It seems like the war and the stress are still too close.
“Relax,” Nie Mingjue lowly says, taking care not to startle the rabbits any more than Jiang Wanyin’s violent waking up did and Nie Mingjue watches fondly as the same rabbit as before makes its bed on Jiang Wanyin’s stomach yet again.
It seems to be a particularly good spot for sleeping.
“What are you doing here?” Jiang Wanyin asks him and his voice is rough enough to suggest that he at least slept for most of their break.
That’s good.
“Looking for you,” Nie Mingjue lowly gives back and puts a hand to Jiang Wanyin’s shoulder when he tries to get up. “Relax,” he says again and Jiang Wanyin does sink back into the grass, but there’s tension in his face now.
“The break is over,” he whispers, sounding horrified and Nie Mingjue nods.
“It is, but don’t worry. Lan Qiren has your back.”
“What did he say?” Jiang Wanyin asks as if he fears the answer.
“That there has been an important issue. You asked for my help, if you’re wondering,” Nie Mingjue says easily and then lays down on the grass as well. “And I like what you’re doing so I’ll join you.”
“Sect Leader Nie—” Jiang Wanyin starts but Nie Mingjue doesn’t let him speak.
“Mingjue. Nie Mingjue if you must,” he corrects him and then closes his eyes as the first curious rabbits start to explore him.
“I’m sorry,” Jiang Wanyin whispers after a long moment and Nie Mingjue blinks over to him.
“What for?”
“Missing the conference. Making you miss it, too. You can go back if you want to, and I’ll follow soon.”
Nie Mingjue eyes first the rabbit on his own stomach and then the numerous ones on Jiang Wanyin and raises an eyebrow at him.
“I don’t think either of us will. You don’t move if an animal has chosen you as their sleeping spot. It’s just not done. Believe me, I know. Huaisang has many birds who like to sit on me and you’re simply not allowed to disturb them. It’s an unwritten law,” Nie Mingjue tells him and reaches out for another rabbit to add it to the ones already on Jiang Wanyin.
“And would you look at that, another one chose you. You can leave even less now.”
Jiang Wanyin is staring at him with wide eyes and Nie Mingjue is absolutely unprepared to see tears well up in them.
It seems like Jiang Wanyin wasn’t prepared for that either if the panic in his eyes is any indication and Nie Mingjue does the only thing he can think of.
He plops a rabbit onto Jiang Wanyin’s face.
The rabbit doesn’t struggle like Nie Mingjue expected it to and instead stays on his face for long, long moments, and Jiang Wanyin doesn’t make a move to dislodge it either.
“I’m sorry,” Jiang Cheng finally croaks out again and Nie Mingjue sighs, before he crosses his arms behind his head.
“There is no need to be. You’re pushing yourself too hard. Lan Qiren and I worry. It’s good for you to take some time off and where better to do it than here. Lan Qiren will inform us if there’s anything important, but you should know how these things go by now. Sect Leader Yao will think he’s the most important man in the room until Jin Guangshan reminds him that he is in fact the most important man in the room and by then it will be evening. It’s not like we’re going to miss much.”
“True,” Jiang Wanyin says with a snort, which finally makes the rabbit move off his face.
There are no more tears in his eyes, but Jiang Wanyin seems bone-deep exhausted.
“Rest some more. I’ll make sure no one disturbs us,” Nie Mingjue lowly says and Jiang Wanyin closes his eyes with a sigh.
“I shouldn’t be this weak,” he mutters under his breath and Nie Mingjue rolls his eyes.
“You’re human,” he gives back. “And your body has needs. Sleep is one of them.”
“I don’t have time to sleep,” Jiang Wanyin whispers but he closes his eyes.
“You do now. So make the best of it,” Nie Mingjue advises him and he’s pretty sure Jiang Wanyin falls asleep before he even finishes talking.
Nie Mingjue stares at him for a moment longer—he didn’t quite realize that Jiang Wanyin was so tired that he would basically drift off in the middle of a conversation—but it’s not really a surprise, not with how exhausted he looks.
He watches Jiang Wanyin for a while, looking for any kind of movement, but he seems to be deep into sleep already and so Nie Mingjue turns his head back to look at the sky.
He’ll have to talk to Lan Qiren so they can figure out how to efficiently help Jiang Wanyin lessen the burden of leadership.
Jiang Wanyin is one of the good ones and it would be a shame to lose him to stress and sleep-deprivation this soon.
Nie Mingjue will make sure that he leads a healthier lifestyle than Lan Qiren and Nie Mingjue did back when they took over their respective Sects.
And the first step for that is to let Jiang Wanyin sleep in a field of rabbits. It seems like a good start.
Link to my ko-fi on the sidebar!
#bt writes#the untamed#mdzs#jiang cheng#nie mingjue#canon compliant#fluff#rabbits#sleep deprivation#hurt/comfort#jc needs someone who will look out for him#wolveshowlatnight
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It's imperative that you look at this: wolveshowlatnight(.)tumblr(.)com/post/168477679845/guilleobsessions-spokell-stiles-pestering - OSA, this is a very important post, I promise
Oh my Goddess!!!
Derek has just made it back to the house, finished with his run with the Pack and training his Betas how to fight while in their wolf forms, all set to take a small nap so that he’ll be rested up for when the rest of the Pack to come back from their assorted jobs...
He’s all settled in and just about to close his eyes when the bed starts shaking as a small form bounds over to where he’s laying.
*Derek, Derek, Derek! It’s snowing! Come out and play with me in the snow!*
Stiles yips once or twice, nearly tumbling over over his front paws as he makes it to where Derek is laying, pressing his snout against Derek’s cheek in a facsimile of a kiss.
Derek sighs and shifts so that his back is facing Stiles, hoping that the fox will give up on making him get up again, but all it does is make him start pouncing on Derek now...
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Nie!tiger AU, there was an ask you answered with JGY yelling "Catnip!". Could we get that with NMJ high and trying to groom JGY? And JGY finds himself surprisingly liking it? Finds it weirdly soothing or something? Just, like, love him into submission?
part of Tigers
“You did this to yourself,” Nie Huaisang said, standing at the doorway and idly fanning himself.
“I admit,” Jin Guangyao said with what little dignity he could gather up, “that I may have miscalculated.”
“In what sense?” Nie Huaisang asked, sounding honestly curious. “In the ‘drugging people is bad’ sense or in the ‘drugging da-ge in particular with something that you don’t know the effects of is unwise’ sense?”
Jin Guangyao hunched his shoulders, and Nie Huaisang laughed.
Nie Mingjue grumbled unhappily at all the hubbub and shamelessly licked Jin Guangyao’s cheek again.
“Stop that,” Jin Guangyao told him, and Nie Mingjue looked at him sadly as if he were being personally wronged. He was braiding Jin Guangyao’s hair again, rather than just petting him – catnip apparently made him extremely touchy-feely, and only sometimes incoherent – so Jin Guangyao knew he wasn’t as out of it as he might appear to be. Or, well, he assumed, since he also assumed Nie Mingjue would at some point get off of him, but maybe Nie Mingjue really was totally out of it and just braided people’s hair in his sleep.
Jin Guangyao would believe it at this point.
“Can I move, do you think?” he asked Nie Huaisang, cruelly ignoring Nie Mingjue’s increasingly sad looks that suggested that no one and nothing had ever hurt him as much as Jin Guangyao’s polite request that he stop licking him as an appropriate method of interpersonal grooming, except maybe someone showing up late with his dinner.
It would work better if he actually was a tiger right now. Jin Guangyao had a weakness for felines, but large men with lots of muscle and sad eyes…
Hmm, no, he had a weakness for those, too.
“Have you ever seen a tiger chasing a ball?” Nie Huaisang replied, and – hmm. Point taken.
Best not to risk it.
Jin Guangyao looked down at his legs where an extremely large tiger was currently licking his paw, and the main reason he had no choice but to succumb to Nie Mingjue’s very earnest attempts to groom him. This particular tiger wasn’t quite the size of Great Uncle Lu, although it had a more prominent ruff, and it had strolled over and pinned Jin Guangyao down with a single paw while waiting for Nie Mingjue to get over the initial effect of the catnip and start in with the grooming.
“Would he chase me, like this?” he asked, not really meaning Nie Mingjue. He had his hands nearly wrist-deep in that magnificent ruff, petting, and the tiger was making pleased noises. “Even with the catnip?”
“Oh, yes, catnip can have an energizing effect as well as a calming one. Seems to depend on the cat. Or tiger, as it happens.”
“Aren’t you affected by it? Now that you’re…”
Nie Huaisang had had his own minor qi deviation not long ago, turning him into a very adorable ball of fluff that was also very recognizably a tiger. Apparently he’d had the first one during the middle stages of the war? No one was giving details, except maybe for Wei Wuxian’s oblique and unhelpful comment about eating someone – Jin Guangyao had never been more curious, but no one was talking.
“Alas, no,” Nie Huaisang said with a sigh, and came to sit down next to him. “One in five aren’t affected by catnip at all. I prefer honeysuckle instead.”
“…Huaisang, you always smell of honeysuckle. You use it as perfume.”
“No comment.”
“Fine, fine, it’s a different type of honeysuckle. I’m also very fond of silver vine, but da-ge can take or leave that one. Everyone’s different. I see that you’re joining the family?”
Jin Guangyao blinked, surprised by the impromptu change in subject. “Because of the braids?” he hazarded, mostly because he couldn’t tell which braids Nie Mingjue was putting into his hair from the angle he was at and it seemed like something an extremely high Nie Mingjue might do.
“No,” Nie Huaisang said patiently. “Familial approval. Which I see that you have, given that you’re petting Father.”
Jin Guangyao’s hands froze.
“On his first visit down from the mountain, no less,” Nie Huaisang said. “He needed longer to heal, given what happened with his saber…we were worried that one of the other ancestors would have put him down as rabid. You made a comment about him at one point, didn’t you? Da-ge said.”
“Did he,” Jin Guangyao croaked.
Nie Huaisang burst out giggling. “You also helped kill his murderer, san-ge. Don’t be so worried. Have some honeysuckle; fair’s fair.”
“I’m pretty sure it won’t work on me,” Jin Guangyao said, abruptly relieved. He really had said some fairly awful things, on the basis that he’d never cared about speaking ill of the dead, and somehow it had never occurred to him that the basic fact about qi deviations turning Nie sect into tigers would apply to the immediate previous generation. It really should have occurred to him. “Sorry, Huaisang.”
“No, no, you’re right,” Nie Huaisang said, and produced something else. “Try this instead.”
The next day, Jin Guangyao decided that catnip, honeysuckle, and whatever it was that Nie Huaisnag had used on him were all officially off the table on account of him apparently having no resistance to it. He’d gotten very high and then had the munchies and sharing the munchies with a large tiger, the large tiger’s large human son and the large tiger’s small but no less voracious human son was an experience to be remembered, and not to be repeated.
Maybe sometimes.
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Relationship: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Rating: Teen Word Count: 18,228 Summary: Stiles jabbed his finger at Boyd, and then at Derek. "We're going to have a long talk about information that is important for the rest of the pack to know. Like where you've been going every summer, apparently?"
Derek sighed and crossed his arms. "It's a summer camp. For born werewolves."
Scott spun around so fast he nearly fell off his stool and careened into Allison. "There's a summer camp for born werewolves?"
"My family used to go every year," Derek said. "When things calmed down here, I started going again."
"Why the hell didn't you ever tell us about it?" Scott demanded.
"A summer camp for born werewolves," Boyd said dryly. "Gee, I wonder why."
@wolveshowlatnight won me in the @fandomtrumpshate auction back in January, and this is the fic they requested! Thank you so much for your patience, thank you so much for your generosity, and I dearly hope this fic lives up to all your expectations.
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I don't know if it hasn't been long enough but van you update the podfic tag. You guys are amazing!!!! Thabknyiu for all the hard work😚😚😚
[podfic] Echoes by attendtothebones (10-20 mins)
Someone has deleted half the numbers in Stiles's phone.
Puppy Issues [podfic] by KD reads (KDHeart) (0-10 mins)
Stiles is temporarily a puppy. It's really unfair how amusing this is to everyone else.
[A recording of a fic by LadyDrace]
Adult Wolf [PODFIC] by KouriArashi (7-10 hours)
As if Sheriff Stilinski doesn't have enough to deal with, now he's been attacked by some enormous dog in the forest, and that's normal compared to what happens next...
Season one and two re-telling with Sheriff Stilinski being bitten instead of Scott.
(podfic of) Dioskouroi by anatsuno (4-4.5 hours)
Recording of DevilDoll's story read by anatsuno.
"There's two of us now!" In which a spell to double Derek's power ends up being a little more literal than anyone expected.
[Podfic of] there are rows & rows & rows by exmanhater (20-30 mins)
There are at least fourteen things Danny would much rather be doing right now, including sawing off his own arm and stabbing puppies with knives, and yet he’s still here, around the corner from their Econ lecture hall, coaching Stiles through asking their TA out for coffee.
[Podfic] Stiles dragging the pack to play Laser Tag by artemis69, Wolveshowlatnight (10-20 mins)
This is a podfic of artemis69's headcanon.
Stiles drags the pack to play Laser Tag. It goes as well as can be expected.
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Well, I assume, you could post more about Eliott.
I’ll do :D I also have several new animals to introduce to you lovely people :D
(Ps: you are awesome)
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[Podfic] Stiles dragging the pack to play Laser Tag
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2jKeWB0
by artemis69, Wolveshowlatnight
This is a podfic of artemis69's headcanon.
Stiles drags the pack to play Laser Tag. It goes as well as can be expected.
Words: 23, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Scott McCall, Lydia Martin, Jackson Whittemore, Allison Argent, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Sheriff Stilinski
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Headcanon, Not!Fic, Podfic, Podfic Length: 10-20 Minutes, Laser Tag
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2jKeWB0
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