usasia · 11 years
tagged by irl best frienddddd
Rule 1: Post the ruled. Rule 2: Answer the questions set by the tagger, then write 11 new ones. Rule 3: Tag 11 people and then link them to the post. Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them.
here are my answers yay:
Favorite color?
idk what it's called, so I just call it "berry"
If you could live anywhere in the world for one year and have your basic expenses paid for, where would you live?
this was so hard to answer, but I choose Greece
 Flight, invisibility, or speed?
 flight c:
Do you want to settle down, get married, and have kids someday?
Who is your favorite animated character?
 what even is this question ughhh my mind started filling up with the expanse of all the old cartoon network characters iDK
If you could wipe one disease from existence, what would it be?
If you could be a new character in any tv show/movie for one episode/movie, what tv show/movie would you choose?
 supernatural is obviously my first answer, but you said only one episode and i'd want to be a main at least for some time on there, so maybe be in an Avengers movie? (:
Raptor or T-Rex?
 raptoooorrrr (they don't have a big head and little arms, not that i'm judging though)
What would be your dream job?
 i wish i could just get paid to travel all the time and write about where i went and how amazing it was
If you could have any animal as a pet (and it wouldn’t eat you or kill you or anything) what would it be?
 sam winchester, i mean i'm pretty sure it's decided in the fandom that he's a moose so
What is your favorite vehicle from a tv show/move? (Like, the TARDIS, Impala, SHIELD ship, etc.?)
impala (:
My questions:
If you could travel anywhere in time, where would you go and why?
Similarly, if you were allowed to view a memory in your past, as if you're reliving it, or your future, to see a moment that might happen, which would you choose?
Star Trek or Doctor Who?
Who's inspired you the most in your life?
What's one "brave" thing you've always wanted to try?  Like skydiving, road trip cross country with no place to stay, etc.
Favorite food?
Sleeping or eating?
What's the best thing to happen to you this year?
What's your favorite song?
Who is your favorite author?
What is your favorite book?
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sscorpeo · 12 years
I got your form! Thank you! :)
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