#wolf biography
houstondoyoucopy · 2 days
mr. capgras is such a lovelace song.
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fideidefenswhore · 2 months
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Guy quoted from Anthony Trollope’s Barchester Towers (1857) about a novel always needing a male and female angel and a male and female devil.
In Wolf Hall, Anne Boleyn is the female devil, depicted in a way which “historically is completely untrue” […]
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tylerpitlicktruther · 6 months
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my brother saw me making this and was like: “Gia WHAT are you making????”
Me: “oh my god go away, remember that 4th liner on the rangers I was telling you about that got sent down? I’m making a collage of him because i miss him and was the only one that gave a shit about him. :(”
Him: “…I love that.”
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sickosdotjpg · 4 months
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miss madam milady and her loyal bodyguard (picrew here!)
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ladysnowangel · 2 months
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Summer nonfiction reading
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definitelyblond · 1 year
Viv’s Fave Movie Biographies
1. Monster - 2003
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The story of Aileen Wuornos one of the elusive female serial killers in history. This movie will have you both empathetic to the past that led to her violence and astonished at the deterioration of her psyche.
2. The Pianist - 2002
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I watched this movie for the first time when I took a Holocaust course in university. I fully bawled my eyes out while watching this absolute brutally honest depiction of what a Jewish person had to go through during this period of terror and atrocities.
3. Straight Outta Compton - 2015
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So good! This movie captured my childhood soundtrack and the deep racial divisions of the 80s and 90s in America.
4. Walk the Line - 2005
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I watched this movie when it came out and didn’t understand any of it because I was 7. Upon rewatching it later in life, I have got a greater appreciation of Johnny Cash and his tumultuous love life.
5. I, Tonya - 2017
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Love me some Sebastian Stan, but in this movie I hated his gross porn stache and his guts. You really get an understanding for how people are created to be villains.
6. The Social Network - 2010
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I mean this film is just iconic, really the first movie to depict the beginnings of a social media network and it’s effect not only on the people that use it but the people that made it.
7. Spotlight - 2015
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Always love a good movie about catching child predators and exposing their horrendous actions.
8. The Wolf of Wall Street - 2013
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One summer my friends and I were obsessed with the song “Jordan Belford”, so we decided to watch the movie about him. Man oh man, we were not prepared to see that his life was not as luxurious as it’s made out to be.
9. Rocketman - 2019
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My favourite part about this movie is that Taron Egerton sung all of the Elton John songs himself. I like that it doesn’t glorify his life but rather tells it how it is. Also, Richard Madden is a total hottie in this movie.
10. Bohemian Rhapsody - 2018
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The acting is just phenomenal, Rami Malek is just a freaking fantastic Freddie Mercury. Who doesn’t love watching a movie about an absolute gay icon.
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foxstory · 9 months
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My novel Transpecies, or the Postmodern Daedalus as a 4-page comic (currently querying this ~100k YA SF manuscript)
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Eric Wolf
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Wolf and his mother in 1925, via the Ghani AE interview
Eric Wolf was born in Austria in 1923, the son of an Austrian father and a Russian mother. The family was Jewish but hardly religious: His father was a textile designer and freemason, his mother a Harbin-born liberated woman who aspired to be a doctor and "talked rather admiringly of what was going on in the Soviet Union" (Ghani interview). Wolf spent his early years in Vienna, and then he moved to the Sudetenland (now the Czech republic) when his father sent to improve productivity at one of his company's textile factories there. When the Nazis took over Austria in 1938 the Wolfs knew Sudetenland would be next, and they fled for England, settling in Essex. (timeline, NAS obit, wolf on Elias)
In 1940, Germany invaded France and the English realized war would come to them. They responded by rounding up immigrant German families and interning them. Wolf's family was sent off to detention camps at Huyten, near Liverpool (). The camps were hardly full of Nazi sympathizers ready to sabotage England's factories -- just the opposite, in fact. Wolf found himself interned with all of the communists and socialists who had fled the Nazis. The organized camp activities, including lecture series (this was before Tiktok when people arranged lecture series when they were bored). As a result, the camp was Wolf's political awakening. He read CLR James and listened to lectures by Norbert Elias, developing left wing and Marxist sympathies.
Wolf's family was eventually released, and immigrated to New York, where they had family. Their boat, the Scythia, arrived in Ellis Island on 7 July 1940 when Wolf was 17 (ancestry). He and his family settled in Jackson Heights, Queens. (NAS) (Elias). Wolf had grown interested in science and nature when he was a student at The Forrest School in Essex (Ghani interview), and continued these studies at Queens College CUNY.
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Wolf getting a haircut at Camp Hale in 1944, via the Ghani AE interview
Wolf did not finish his studies before he was called back to Europe -- this time as a soldier. He enlisted in the army on 12 March 1943 to fight the fascism he had fled from just a few years before (Tumblr). He was 19 years old, 5'9" and weighted 149 pounds. For reasons I don't yet understand, he was sent off to Camp Hale to become part of the famous 10th Mountain Division (he was 35th regiment, H company) (10th Mountain Name Index). This unit, originally formed by expert skiers, would have a unique and prestigious history. It included many men who would go on to develop skiing as recreation in the US, as well as Bill Bowerman (found of Nike and inventor of the waffle-soled running shoe), and future politician Bob Dole, who was soon to be almost mortally wounded. More recently, the 10th has served with distinction in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wolf was training was rigorous -- he was taught to ski, climb mountains, and conduct warfare in frigid mountain conditions. Those soldiers you see in movies who pop up out of the snow in white uniforms to ambush people? That was Wolf.
Wolf's division played an important part in the liberation of Italy. It arrived on the peninsula in January 1945. The allied army had spent the better part of two years advancing up the Italian peninsula but has stalled south of the Apennines, where the German 'Gothic Line' held them back. The Fifth Army needed to cross through a mountain pass to take Bologna, but German artillery on the high ground made the road impassible. Wolf's regiment ascended to the mountains behind the German position and encircled them, providing artillery support to the other regiments in the 10th as they took the German positions. Not expected to be surrounded on a mountain top in the middle of the winter, the Germans were defeated.
From there Wolf's division pursued retreating German forces across the Po valley, into upper Lombardy, and up into the Southern Tyrols around Lake Garda, an area he had once vacationed in as a child (Hidden Frontier, 4). In May 1945 the Italian army surrendered, and by July Wolf was being shipped out for an even more difficult assignment -- the invasion of Japan. The US bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki while his division was in transit across the Atlantic. Wolf arrived in New York Harbor in 11 August and four day later Japan surrendered. On VJ day he found himself in his home town with a month's furlough and a lot of celebration to do. His service officially ended in 30 Nov 1945. (10th mountain chronology)
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Wolf (right) in Italy with a buddy, NAS obit
After the war Wolf returned to New York and used GI Bill money to finish his degree at Queens in 1946 (NAS obit). It appears that he fell under the influence of Hortense Powdermaker there, and then went on to Columbia to study anthropology.
Wolf encountered Columbia in its first years without Boas. He was influenced by Ruth Benedict, and interviewed Tyrolese as part of her Research in Contemporary Cultures project (Hidden Frontier 5). A more important influence, however, was Julian Steward, a Berkeley grad and protégé of Alfred Kroeber and Robert Lowie. Steward was politically conservative and interested in natural history and evolution. He ran a large program called the 'People of Puerto Rico' project to examine how different crops in Puerto Rico such as coffee and cotton shaped life in areas where they were grown. Wolf got his Ph.D. in 1951 studying coffee plantations on the western side of the island. He thus developed an interest in political economy and Latin America.
Even more important than his formal teachers were Wolf's colleagues. He became part of a circle of similarly minded male veterans who identified at part of the 'MUS' or Mundial Upheaval Society -- the jokingly serious name of the reading group they all participated in. This group included Robert Murphy, Morton Fried, Syndey Mintz, Robert Manners, and others.
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Wolf in 1943 -- this is why he would have looked like during his time at Columbia, NAS obit
Wolf spend most of the 1950s teaching at a variety of short-term positions (UIUC, Virginia, Yale, and Chicago). It was during this period that he did fieldwork in Mexico. He also married a social worker named Kathleen 'Katia' Bakeman and began conducting research in Mexico. Eventually, in 1961 he settled down to a permanent position at Michigan, a place where his 'evolution and revolution' brand of anthropology was welcome. (NAS obit 5).
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Eric Wolf wearing a beret, on the left, being interviewed during a protest against the Vietnam War. Via the University of Michigan.
At Michigan he also became increasingly politically active. The main target of his ire was the Vietnam war. He helped to organize the first teach-in, and also became active in AAA politics, opposing those who thought anthropologists should help the US defeat the Viet Cong.
During his time at Michigan Wolf returned to the Alps, this time to do fieldwork alongside his student John Cole.
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Wolf, with son David, during a 1960-61 fieldwork trip in the Italian Alps, via the NAS obit
1971 was a key year in Wolf's life. He left Michigan for the Grad Center at CUNY, where he was to remain for the rest of his life. He also left his wife, who remarried another Michigan anthropology professor -- 1971 was a popular year for divorces -- and married Sydel Silverman, an anthropologist of the Italian alps whose previous husband had died of cancer a few years before. Wolf became a father to Silverman's children and the couple had children of their own, becoming a single happy family. Silverman is best remembered today as the long-time head of the Wenner-Gren foundation. In 1974 Cole and Wolf produced their volume on the Italian alps, The Hidden Frontier. Wolf dedicated it to his first wife.
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Wolf with Sydel Silverman
Throughout the 1970s Wolf's intellectual ambition broadened beyond Europe and Latin America, and in 1982 Wolf's magnum opus, Europe and the People Without History, was published. In 1990 he won a MacArthur. He retired in 1992 and died in 1999.
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howifeltabouthim · 1 year
There was nothing to gain in asking her what she was doing. She did all sorts of things all the time for all sorts of reasons, reasons that were never for anyone else to know.
Catherine Lacey, from Biography of X
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werewolfetone · 2 years
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They really invited him to stay over for a weekend & then never let him go
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biographyer · 1 year
Wolf Flybynature (Nathan Labi Gyan): Biography Wiki, Age, Fitness and Much More
Hey guys, in this post we will know about Wolf Flybynature’s Biography, wiki, age, Girlfriend, family, fitness (weight, height), career, net worth, social media handles, and much more. Wolf Flybynature Wolf Flybynature Images are only for information purposes. Learn more Hey guys, I think you know who Wolf Flybynature is, if you don’t know who is Wolf Flybynature and Wolf Flybynature’s biography…
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silverphantom36 · 2 years
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An old favorite of mine. Might as well introduce my kids here.
Meet Team Spectral, my Sonic OCs, a team of close friends that lives carefree & occasionally gets into misadventures.
Characters from left to right:
Iola the Iguana
Gender: Female
Color: Purple
Chaos Power: Water
Team Type: Speed
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Bio: Iola had to become independent early on due to her parents neglecting her for being more interested in females & caused her to feel inadequate & unsure of herself. However, meeting the others encouraged her to be proud of herself, no matter what. She's the party girl of the team. She can be a little rebellious at times, but she's fun-loving, smart, sassy & friendly.
Fade the Fox
Gender: Female
Color: Brown
Chaos Power: Earth
Team Type: Power
Alignment: Lawful Good
Bio: Fade once started off as bright & open, but dealing with a pretty bad rejection made her very cross & standoffish. While initially cold to the others, she learned to open up again after seeing that they have similar experiences with getting turned down. She's the glue that holds the team together. She may come across as cold & grumpy, but she's kind, wise, bold & supportive.
Gray the Wolf
Gender: Male
Color: Gray/White
Chaos Power: Fire
Team Type: Power
Alignment: True Neutral
Bio: Gray grew up with little to no friends & was frequently picked on. He grew up to become an introverted & an apathetic loner. After meeting the others, he was originally distant from them, wanting nothing to do with them, but he greatly warmed up to them after learning that they all have similar backgrounds as him. Aside from his anger issues & seriousness, he is kind, supportive & dignified.
Breeze the Bird
Gender: Male
Color: Red
Chaos Power: Air
Team Type: Fly
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Bio: Breeze grew up in an underground gang like setting where he developed a bit of an attitude but after moving on from that setting & meeting the others, he learned to mellow out. His ignorance & snarkiness often makes him the wild card, but he's got a kind heart & his energetic nature can give his friends a boost. He also loves skateboarding & is a fan of the Extreme Gears.
Ramon the Raccoon
Gender: Male
Color: Light Blue
Chaos Power: None (Relies on his gadgets, like wrist-guns, grapple hooks & flight jets on his shoes)
Team Type: Fly
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Bio: Ramon is an orphan who grew up in a foster home. He spent most of his life making small gadgets due to him being good with technology (Not as good as Tails, but he comes pretty close). Not having any parents throughout his life has made him a lonely soul, but the support of his friends & his girlfriend, Jewel the Beetle, has made things a little easier for him. He can be introverted & lonely at times, but he's smart, bright, considerate & friendly. He also loves to read.
Colleen the Cat
Gender: Female
Color: Yellow
Chaos Power: Electricity
Team Type: Speed
Alignment: Neutral Good
Bio: Colleen is an adorable sweetheart from the beginning, but she suffered from loneliness throughout her childhood due to not having any friends because everyone saw her as a weirdo. Gray & the others were the first friends she made due to them sharing the same experiences as her & she welcomes them in with open arms, with Fade & Iola being her closest friends & Gray becoming her boyfriend. She can be naïve & short-tempered, but is cheerful, lighthearted & sincere. She's pretty much the heart of the team.
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cinesludge · 8 months
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Movie #5 of 2024: Golda
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milliondollarbaby87 · 8 months
Rustin (2023) Review
Bayard Rustin is an activist who faces racism and homophobia during the Civil Rights movement and he helps with the 1963 March on Washington. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading Rustin (2023) Review
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braveryhearted · 11 months
More obscure muses ( introduction ) series.
Muse #3- Syncro / War Wolf.
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Age- Ageless / A computer software program of COMNET.
Synchro is one of eight programs (Correctors). He is the corrector software #2, "The Synchronizer". He has the Fire elemental power. He is designed to stop Grosser. He is the last software to be found since he was under the identity of War Wolf, one of Grosser's Fearsome Four. Under the identity of War Wolf, he is a skilled combat fighter, and retains his snarky side towards his companions and the correctors, especially Yui. Synchro eventually returns to his War Wolf identity thanks to the infection of the Boggles virus at the start of season 2, and is only released from it at the very end.
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ladysnowangel · 9 months
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November 2023 Canon Press order = 2024 reading list
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