#woemen day
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zapsoda · 3 months ago
game that desperately wants you to build 2 teams but i only have one built dps and i refuse to play any team without him
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hellphrog · 1 year ago
I love sad little men but where are my sad little ladies. My WOEmen. My scrunglrinas. Yes yes womens wrongs ofc but why are women not allowed simply be mid. No more malewife where is my failwife??? These super powerful always right women in media these days is unrealistic. Not accurate representation
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rajasthankhabre-blog · 6 years ago
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Latest Cartoons News in Hindi, Breaking News of Cartoons - Rajasthan Khabare
Resource : https://bit.ly/2HmlJj5
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theabrahmi · 2 years ago
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(via Happy International Womens day shiny pink and gray Graphic T-Shirt Dress by TheABStore)
Get merch with awesome design 
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ratwann · 3 years ago
me n the boys write a story
The Love Of Ed Sharten And Eric Cartman By Ratwoon, Alegig, Hewena, wilboor, danikel, obbylon, camla, and gay gay homosexual gay (with notes from talking uwu) Chapter uno - sloppy joe day *bell rings* “Woah lunch time” said Kenny Mccormick, “hey fellas!!” Butters stotch said running over to the 4 boys “it's sloppy joe day!!” Butters stotch exclaimed. The 5 boys walked to get their food. “Hello children, how are you?” said chef “bad.” said the main 4. “Why's that?” questioned chef, “Kenny lost his right ass cheek and nut,” said Kyle broflovski. “Chef, how do we fix his ass cheek?” asked Stan marsh. “Well, children, let me sing you a song.” “🎵Drugs🎵woemen🎵men🎵gay men🎵kenny🎵uwu🎵” sang chef. “W ow” said the 5 boys “ guys we need drugs, sex, woemen, a cock, men, Mr.Sharten’s cum, gay men, and kenny uwu!!!!” said butters stotch. “How would we get those?!” screamed Kenny McCormick, confused and with a a missing right nut. “Cartman is a man, a gay man, he has a cock too. We also have kenny” said Kyle Broflovski, “WHAT?! IM NOT GAY!!!!” eric cartman yelled angrily “then why do you spend so much time with Mr Sharten?” said…..SCOTT MALKINSON?!?!?!?! And what was he…. WOAH HOLDING HANDS WITH CLYDE DONOVAN???!!!! “WOAH ITS THE VERY COOL AND HOT AND SEXY SCOTT MALKINSON!!!!!” yelled kenny very excitedly but with his right nut missing “yes it is me very cool and hot and sexy scott malkinson!!!!” said scott malkinson while cutly holding clyde donovan, his very smexy boyfriends hand (the left one btw ) “okay im gonna have intercourse with my bbg clyde donovan now” said scott malkinson and he walked away very fruitily “grrrr so fruity” said kahl broski madly Then he crossed his arms still berry mad While all that was happening THE FATASS snuck away muttering to himself ”oh shit I need to finish my homework and kenny lost his right nut?!” running to Mr.Shartan’s classroom. “Mr.Shartan ! I need help with something” the brunette fatass said out of breath from running for 0.5 minutes “Oh! what do you need….?” Mr.Sharten as he leaned on his desk hotly “I need help with my homework” said eric cartman cutly blushing at mr. sharten “Oh if you need tutoring.. I'll Be your private tutor“Mr.Sharten says hotly “yeah you can meet me at my house, 6969 Kyle is a homo street” said eric cartman “okay ill meet you there after school at 4 twen tee pee em” said mr. sharten very hotly and cutly *bell rings* TIME SKIP BECAUSE IM HOT “Grrr school sucks arse” said kyle broflovski annoyed “calm down uwu bbg” said stan marsh cutly AND hotly “rrrr im not ur bbg >:((“ cutly said kahl brokee Out of the corner of kahl brokees eye he saw cartman running out side. “Where the fuck are you going uwuwuwu?” says the homo kahl brokee”I-I-'' stuttered the fat one “u-u-u-uhm im going h-home <:0 and-” stuttered eric cartbawls before he was cut off Kyle broflovski heard kenny mccormick’s left nut all off :0. Kenny mccornmuck started crying *kenny cries in missing both nuts and right ass cheek*“OMG!!!!! M-m-m-m-my nut!!!!!!”Cried kenny mccormickWhile kyyale brohomo was distracted by stans beautiful face, The fat ass “ran” away all the way home. “MYAAAAMMMMMMMM IM HOME >:(((“ yelled eric fartman bcuz his mom is a dirty sloot “okay pupsikins, lunch is on the table! :DDD” said the dirty sloout. Eric fatmen sat deown at le tabel and cutly ated. *its the present so the doorbell rings ding dong uwu* the dirty sloout opened the door and there stood…… MR SHARTEN?!?!?! “Oh..! hello mr sharten!!!!” said the dirtee slout, mr sharten was hotly leaning on the door frame “ hey gorwl is eric cartman home uwu??” said mr sharten hotly“Oh, yes he's home. Pumpkins! Your teacher is here!” said the dirty slout cutly, cartman blushed seeing how hot his teacher looked leaning on the door frame. “H-h-h-h-h-h-h-hi mr shartan uwu” “cum on in!” says the sloutueIN THE FAT ASS ROOM Cartman grabbed his books and saw a glance of Sharten leaning on the desk hotly holding a bag.He blushed very aggressively and looked away “y-y-y-y-you look nice uwu” ed sharten said in a fruity voice “thank you” cartman sat at his desk and showed ed sharten his work trying not to blush ed sharten layed on the desk(WHAT?????? HE LAYED ON IT?-ratwan) looking at the work with bootieful eyes cartman with his fatass tried HARD not to blush ed shartem saw this and blush as well “do you know how to do it” (LMAO IM GONNA CRY-ratwan)cartman said trying to break the ice ed sharten nodded and looked at cartman intensely with glowing eyes cartman blushed and sat on his bed taking off is jacket and hat only have his shirt and pants on ed sharten did the same but he had a skirt on cartman looked at ed sharten body with fruity eyes ed shartend saw and walk to him he realized that cartman had a scratch on his face and there was no bandage ed sharten put a hello kitty bandage on and kissed it then out of nowhere ed sharten kissed cartman's lips with the new lip gloss from weeds and weavescartman blush with his fruitiness then cartman kissed back ed sharten blushed and they looked like they were in a cheesy anime then ed sharten ask if cartman would like to watch a movie with a smirk cartman agreed and put on THE MOST GAYEST PEOPLE and it shows KLYE AND STAN (im trey parker and style is canon-reatwan) !!! They watched it until the morning.Cartman went to school with ed sharten. The group looked at each other and asked the cartman “what did you do with ed sharted?” cartman said in a proud voice “we kissy wissyed” the boys gasped “bro thats like gay and pedo !!!!!!!!!!!!!” stan said “shut up stan ur like dating kahl or something-” said eric angry “grr okay and??!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!???” said kahl berry berry berry madly “guys stop getting mad over gay people its kinda stupid” said clyde donovan” “yeah guyth heth right” scott malkinson agreed to his boyfriends words, clyde thought how scott talked was hot “ ‘im thott malkinthon i have die-abeteth’ “ cartman mocked scott and clyde got very mad at that so he PUNCHED cartman.Stan and kahl gasped and then smiled “FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT'' cartman started crying like a little babey “stop crying doofus” said kenny mccormick because he's hot and says doofus “yeah fatass stop crying” said kahl “s-s-s-shut up you *sniff*s-s-s-stupid j-j-jew!!!!*sniff*” said fartman, mr sharten walked up “what the fuckity fuck is going on here” said mr sharten “clyde punched cartman” said kenny mccornmick “clyde you get 69420 detentions for 69 years after school” said mr sharten “but he was being homophobic to scott malkinson” sadly said clyde “eric! Your gay dont be homophobic!!! You get 70421 detentions for 70 years after school!” said mr sharten “WHAT?!?!?!>!?!?!? NOOO!!!!! PLEASE I LOVE YOU!!!!!!111!!!1” said eric “then say your sorry for being homophiobic to that twink named scott malkinson” said mr sharten “okay, im thorry thott malkinthon” said eric sadly “okay that's good no more detentions” said ed sharten “ but clyde gets the rest of your detentions:” said mr sharten “yayyyyy!!!!!!!” yelled erifc “WHAT NO FAIR I DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG THIS IS VERY HOMOPHOBIC TO ME AND SCOTT MALKINSON IM SUEING YOU AND THEN GETTING YOU FIRED” said clyde donovan “yeth thank you bab grill” said scott malkinson with a very hot lisp because thats what clyde thinks cuz hes very gay or smth bro idk clyde very cutly kisses scott becuase he shows this shit off too much.“Ew fucking homos hes gonna give you die-abates”said eric cartman “NO I WON’T” said scott malkinson being berry mad then clyde and scott malkinson ran off being berry gay. Then cartman looked at ed sharten and stared into his eyes “thank you for saving me out there” said cartman “it's just what i do as you TEACHER” says ed sharten then they have a kiss. The next morning in class cartman looked at ed sharten with BLOODSHOT EYES because they had intercoarse or smth idk man their gay :(( *bell sounds school is over i hate this story lord please save me* “eric please stay here for a few minutes” said mr sharten with LuSt in his voice aha “okay lmao lol uwu” said eric souper cutly *sounds of scott malkinson and clyde having a make out session cutly* “what the fuckity fuck uwu thats gay sounds ewww” said eric cartman angyly becuase hes a gay homophobe or smth man lmao uwuwuwwu*Mr sharten gives those homos detention ewww and clyde cries because he got 69 more detentions and scott only got 1 because hes super hot and cute and awesome and attractive and cool and smexy and nice and kind and stuff* “dont be gay on school property grr” said mr sharten “ but your always gay on school property” said clyde doodoovan “FELLAS!!!@11121!!@!@ ERIC PUNCHED SCOTT MALKISOIN@#!@#!” butters ran up to the lunch table yelling kenny just blinked like he had no idea what was going on (he prob didnt lmaomkfdvndfilvudf) “god fucking fatass smh” said keyahl clyde like ran out the lunch room or smth and saw scott crying and eric laughing because hes eric cartman and hes a dick lol “what the fuck eric >:(“ said clyde madly woah “he called me gay” eric said tht guyd real canon “BUT YOU AR E>!?!>!!!>:#” gaygb jlcyde donovan im having a seizure /jjj “no im straight i just like one dude” said eric “thats bi????” said clyde confused “anyways thats not the point” also clyde speaking (sleas esned help i cant spell for shit right noe guyd -ratwan uwu) snd he punches eric because eric is like gay or something and a dick and a fatass lol “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH” THE FATASS’s DICK ALMOsT FELL OFF but, his balls, sadly, did not stay. His balls flew off of his body and hE scrEeChed but It waS no use his balls were gone. (which totally makes sense) “”AAAhahHAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAH” Then Eric was super freaked out and didnt know what to do and he kept screaming but no one else cared but other people thought he was a psychopath and kept talking under their breath. Then clyde just rolls his eyes and says “it's not like you hd any balls anyways and no one will ever luv yu UnU'' and what he said made eric even louder until he kicked him in his stomach and said “SHUT UP OR THERE’LL BE ABSELOUTELY NOTHING LEFT OF YOU TO EVEN LOOK AT DOWN THERE” everyone else watching then thought “wow he sure knows how to make someone shut up”Then after Eric finally shuts up Clyde drags him. Then everyone thins hes even cooler cus he can carry his fat ass “wow he must be strong” He then throwws eric and goes back to check on scott (this is so-... wtf man i cant even -ratwan) “hey bab gurl u good??????” said clyde uwu “no motherfucker im bleeding everywhere” said scott malkinson “ur on ur . ??? :(“ said clyde “IM A MAN DUMBATH :((”“ said scott “oh yeah i forgor lol” said clud donven “HOW DO YOU FORGET THOMETHING LIKE TAT!?!!!?” *COUGH COUGHH* “i dont know im stupid :( im sorry bby” said clud or smth idk anymore man pls help me*time skip cuz there homos*Ed sharten povEd Sharten walks out of the teahcer break room from lunch. The bell hasnt rung yet, and there is still about 20 minutes left of lunch. He realized this and noticed that kenny came for no reason when he passed the male bathroom…. Even though this was an unexpected and random event, he wasn’t surprised. He kept walking and noticed that he started walking earlier than his usual schedule. He walked up to the gym because he knew eric would be there to try to work out. but we only knew he would last a few seconds. Ed really is a cartman simp!Eric didnt notice Ed sharten and then mr. gaysluta kissed ericAfter the kiss Ed ran off with Eric and said…“Ed wants to talk!” A before and After clip comes in 3.2.1.After They ran off mr. gaysluta got really mad and tried to follow them and to see wat they were doing after they went to an ally and they started yelling at each and mr. gaysluta interrupted them and Ed got really mad eric went behind mr.gaysluta and they all had a fist fight.At the end mr. Gaysluta won the fight and Eric Cartman ran off to Vegas to get married but we all know that Ed would stop it. (wilbur took the victory royal >:(-leopold) THIS IS NOT MR GAYSLUTA Well ik that smh -leopold
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worldconnectspnn-blog · 6 years ago
The term "sexual violence" refers to a specific constellation of crimes including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape. The perpetrator may be a stranger, acquaintance, friend, family member, or intimate​ partner. Researchers, practitioners, and policy makers agree that all forms of sexual violence harm the individual, the family unit, and society and that much work remains to be done to enhance the criminal justice response to these crimes. 
 In employment settings, it has ​been defined as "unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct that enters into employment decisions or conduct that unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment" 
Mahatma Gandhi said: 
“When a woman walks in the streets in the mid night, then only it means that we achieved full independence to our country.” Now the guidelines given Mahatma are ridiculed in our society. 
Rape is the fourth most common crime against WOMEN IN INDIA
The Supreme Court and the High Courts have been giving newer guidelines and instructions. However, sad to say that all of them become in vain. Sexual offences are enhancing day by day. Their graph, in every police station, has been increasing. 
There may be several multitude sexual offences unreported. Every day in every newspaper, the news of rapes, abductions, kidnappings, raggings, suicides due to rapes and raggings are published. Women, irrespective of their age, from two years child to eighty years age, are subjected to rape. 
Sexual harassment ranges from degrading remarks, gestures, and jokes to indecent exposure, being touched, grabbed, pinched, or brushed against in a sexual way. Brutalisation of women risen alarmingly? .The fact that large numbers of rapists roam free is not just a manifestation of inefficiency of the judiciary and the police but also of bestial masculinity. 
The incidence of rapes is determined by interplay of several factors: Economic, demographic, social, efficiency of the police and judicial systems, and exposure to mass media. Our analysis shows the following: The more affluent a state is, the lower is the incidence of rapes but the effect is small; the greater the sex imbalance (or the lower the number of women to men), the higher is the incidence of rapes; the higher the ratio of female workers to male workers, the lower is the occurrence of rapes; somewhat surprisingly, the higher the media exposure (measured as readership/ literate population), the higher is the incidence of rapes; the effect of alcoholism is contributory and significant; open defecation is associated with higher occurrence of rapes - especially in rural areas; and, finally, the higher the conviction rate (number of persons convicted/number of persons registered for committing a rape), the lower is the incidence of rape. 
Women are unwilling to report even those incidents that fit the legal definition of rape or attempted rape. Sometimes this is due to their successful resistance and the ambiguous feelings that they have about whether the harm that was inflicted reached the level of a criminal act, and their doubts about the integrity of the system to which they have to report. However, with expanding employment opportunities for women, they have become more autonomous and assertive. So some increase in reporting rapes is not unlikely. Although media coverage of sexual violence and rapes has increased significantly there are reporting biases. 
Massive coverage is frequently given to rape incidents that take place where the channel’s bureaus are based. When the location shifts to small towns the level of the media interest drops.. 
Delhi stands out as the number of rapes increased about six times. The sex ratio rose, there was greater affluence and a higher female worker/male worker ratio. While these were likely to reduce the number of rapes, their negative effects were more than compensated by higher open defecation, alcoholism, and a marked reduction in the conviction rate. 
It is clear then that curbing of bestial masculinity and abysmal inefficiency of the police and judicial system pose daunting challenges. 
Sexual victimization is often accompanied by wide-ranging physical and mental health adverse outcomes. A strong relationship exists between sexual abuse and the development of pain disorders, infectious diseases, and multiple psychiatric conditions such as depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances, low self-esteem, suicidality, cutting, and alcohol and substance abuse 
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