shoes--off · 1 year
via @j1m0ne on twitter (x)
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arsenalgbt · 1 month
Had to restart the revenge fic bc it disappeared from my laptop. Have to try recapture the pain of it. Need to be hyped up so snippet...
"The roses were a deep red colour, reminding Ben of the sheets in his bedroom that he hoped to be face down on in a matter of hours"
- 💙🤍 KT anon
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google docs might be an alternative!!!!
BEN. FACE DOWN. fave position? wktr (we know that's right)
roses... from whom... our willo? (just following arsenal social media admin teehee)
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kforourke · 1 year
Speaking of Endings
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A truism of writing in the digital age is how little time people spend on any page, and how infrequently they read (or even scroll) to the end. Stats: 35% of readers leave pages without scrolling at all, 45% who load an article/page leave within the first fifteen seconds, and most people only view the top of a given page. But also, super interestingly, readers who make it below the fold tend to stick around.
Which brings to me endings.
Endings have always struck me as the most important part of a piece of writing, after (maybe?) the title & lede. It's the ending that sticks with the reader and leads to rereading & reexamining. And of course endings, outside of writing, can color how you think of an entire experience.
A famous example from poetry is the final line of James Wright's "Lying in a Hammock in William Duffy's Farm in Pine Island, Minnesota," in which the ending turns the entire bucolic-before-the-last-line poem on its head. Here are the last seven lines (from a thirteen-line poem):
To my right, In a field of sunlight between two pines, The droppings of last year's horses Blaze up into golden stones. I lean back, as the evening darkens and comes on. A chicken hawk floats over, looking for home. I have wasted my life.
Then there are the sorts of endings that the generally intense post-punk band Protomartyr excels at, the ending that everything builds toward. This sort of songwriting—writing for the end—may be the most defining characteristic of their new album Formal Growth in the Desert, the band's sixth full-length.*
A good example of this is "Polacrilex Kid," a song named after one of the ingredients in nicotine gum that includes the lyrics "keep the hate in your mouth / buy it drinks / keep it fed." The last two minutes of the song, in which Protomartyr's singer Joe Casey shifts from shouting to almost crooning the lines "can you / hate yourself / and still deserve love?" are particularly devastating.
Likewise, the last minute of "We Know the Rats" is the reason I keep coming back to that song. I actually don't love the first ~2 minutes of the WKtR; my main criticism of the Formal Growth in the Desert overall is that a number of the songs seem to stutter at the start before settling into themselves.
Nonetheless, boy oh boy does "We Know the Rats" ever settle into itself: "so collect those tears / and wash your face / the house is empty / but the work remains."
Finally, there's Kevin Prufer's new collection of poetry, The Fears**, which is forthcoming from Copper Canyon. I've yet to finish reading the book, but so far Prufer's endings are masterful. They're also exactly the sort of endings I was praising above, the kind that lead to reexamination.
Here, to close, are the final few lines of "A Body of Work," which seems an apropos way to end a post about endings.
For instance, I am alive, right here, in the middle of my poem, having had, perhaps, too much to drink. One comes, eventually, to the certainty that one’s body of work is nothing like another man’s progeny, being made of language, which can only veer toward emptiness as years become empty space. For instance, hello? I am calling out to you, folded here between the pages of generations. You don’t know me, but once I was particulate and alive. Now what am I?
*Protomartyr rips; they may be my very favorite band of all time.
**I'll absolutely be writing about The Fears at length elsewhere, soon. Stay tuned.
Top photo of Protomartyr via the UT Connewitz Photo Crew's flickr.
Speaking of endings, RIP Cormac McCarthy and Rick Froberg.
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oldshowbiz · 7 years
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felineparanormal · 6 years
On September 28th of 2016 at 6pm, a FEMA emergency alert test came across the tv’s of New Jersey. There wasn’t anything unusual about this happening, each year FEMA issues these tests in order to insure they are working properly. However, the contents of this emergency alert were fairly unsettling: 
“Civil Authorities have issued a Hazardous Materials Warning for the United States. Effective until September 29, 02:16 AM EDT. Would you. Could you. On a Train? Wait for further instructions.”
This, if you hadn’t already guessed, is not a normal FEMA issued emergency alert, but why would someone other than FEMA issue a test alert? and why that line and only that line of Green Eggs and Ham?
WKTR responded to the situation fairly quickly telling those who saw the message to dismiss it and that it was a “technical error.” The station went on to say that the message had originated from FEMA as it had the National Location Code in it but “tests should not have that code as it is automatically re-transmitted.” and they did not clarify what that meant in regular english.
At 10 pm the same warning was transmitted again. Not long after this second transmission, FEMA responded to it saying that the message did not originate from them and someone had hacked their codes and they were working to figure out who.
The next morning, during the usual busy morning commutes, a New Jersey Transit train carrying around 250 passengers didn’t stop on the tracks and crashed through a barrier and into a wall at the Hoboken terminal, leaving over 100 injured and one person dead. 
it is still unclear who hacked the codes and if the message was intended to be a warning.
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junker-town · 5 years
Virginia police went on a highway pursuit — for a cow
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Finally, some lighter news!
Although millions of Americans are now under government orders to shelter in place due to the coronavirus pandemic, one Virginia cow must have missed the memo. WKTR reported that the animal caused temporary holdups on highway I-64 in Chesapeake, Virginia, while local police and fire rescue were called try to guide her off the road. The cow managed to run about one mile before law enforcement managed to corral her.
The local fire department later announced the bovine runaway didn’t originate from a local farm, but had actually fallen (or intentionally jumped?) out of a livestock trailer. When law enforcement finally caught up to the cow, they led her to safety with a tow strap. She has since been reunited with its owner.
The most wild part? The captured fugitive is completely uninjured, and you can see her in all her glory below. Zoom in on her face and you’ll see she has no regret for her actions.
Almost had a Cowllision on I-64 this afternoon after a cow fell out of a trailer. It took Officers from VDOT, Virginia State PD, Chesapeake PD, and Chesapeake Fire Marshal’s Office to herd and rope this cow with a tow strap. Traffic is moooving again on I-64. pic.twitter.com/kosLUgp1jq
— Chesapeake Fire Dept (@ChesapeakeFire) March 24, 2020
Chesapeake Cow now joins an impressive history of cattle who dared to go where few farm animals have gone before: sprinting down America’s highways, probably very confused, but ultimately having a good time. This history includes the 89 cows who were set loose when a tractor trailer tipped over near Atlanta in 2018 and the bull that had a standoff with Queens police in 2017.
Although this courageous Virginian legend was captured after only an hour of freedom, I hope she remembers what it felt like. Like all cows (and farmers!), she provides a vital service keeping people fed, which we can appreciate even more now that we’re seeing empty shelves in grocery stores around the world. I salute her efforts and wish her the best of luck in escaping again in the future.
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Original photo from @ChesapeakeFire on Twitter.
An American folk hero for the modern era.
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jaydoubl · 5 years
Pharrell Is Asking Virginians To Become Airbnb Hosts For Something In The Water Festival [Video]
Pharrell Is Asking Virginians To Become Airbnb Hosts For Something In The Water Festival [Video]
Source: Adriana M. Barraza/WENN.com / WENN
Pharrell Williams is asking his fellow Virginians to open their doors in the name of art. The creative wants them to host others for the Something In The Water Festival.
As reported on WKTR 3, Skateboard P took to social media to urge residents of Virginia Beach and Hamptons Roads to rent their homes out so concertgoers from other areas can really…
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pitchtheworld-blog · 8 years
You Won't Believe What This Husband Gave His Wife For Their Anniversary
You Won't Believe What This Husband Gave His Wife For Their Anniversary
Photographed by Lauren Perlstein.
This husband is going to have a hard time topping this year’s anniversary present to his wife. In celebration of their 20th wedding anniversary, Virginia husband Scott Chafian is giving his wife something you can’t just pick up at Bloomingdale’s. His one-of-a-kind gift? His kidney.
WKTRreports that Cindy, Chafian’s wife, has been battling polycystic kidney…
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hae-ik · 9 years
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seeing @houdidesu ’s tetsu au make me wanna draw him ;;;;; i hope you like it www /////
never read wktr but i hope i can someday ( ͡↑ ͜ʖ ͡↑)
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techfit360-blog · 9 years
I Made the News! I'm bout to blow UP!!! LOL #news #wktr #christmas #instagood #happythursday
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hoppudesu · 9 years
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IT’S HERE!!!!!!!!
Finally the second book with the charms are here!! I read it inmediately I was too hyped lol (look at the cover of the book it’s all up hahahaha)
For some reason there was a little bump on the back of the book but it doesn’t really matter because what was inside was amazing it gave me so many questions (that I wish to know the answer to with the next books wwww)
Nigou is my life, I need the artsys of her  ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤.
Also Yami’s drawing tho I stared at it for hours!!!
Thanks a lot (again) for this preciousness~!
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ririchiyo-vivitan · 9 years
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oyakorodesu · 9 years
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Will be page spread, and here is just a TINY BIT of the full drawing xD For becoming me the guest artist, thank you houdiiI :D
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houdidesu · 10 years
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Some twitter doodles, click on them for captions.
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fashionfixie-blog · 10 years
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Its Friday and FF is back to kiss the road again #WKTR - Today 4.30PM, save your breath to catch up.
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