#wkol lore
oblong-egg · 6 months
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[OCs] Affirmations
Both characters are adults
I realized I haven’t really talked about Spot’s mental health, so this won’t really make much sense… but I can say that he’s been going through it lately. Struggling with depression and other thoughts. But he’s been working very hard to pull himself out of that, and Angel is helping, but she also wanted to tell him that she’s very proud of him for working to improve himself.
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oblong-egg · 8 months
More Fun Soul Facts
He’s actually a big cat boi lol. When he’s around the house in his half-form, he sometimes walks around on all fours. And regularly stretches like a cat. He enjoys sunbathing, so you can often find him sprawled out in front of a window in the sun.
He likes putting on the “tough guy” act, but he actually loves to cuddle. If you’re one of his close friends, he will lay his head on your lap and hug your legs. If you listen carefully, you might even catch him “purring.” His “purr” is actually more like a low rumble and you can feel it more than you can hear it. He is unaware that he does this. 
If you catch him in a playful mood, he might chase a laser around. Might even catch some mice if there are any around. Unfortunately they aren’t much more than a little snack for him. 
He’s also incredibly stealthy, both on four legs and on two, and he uses this “stalking” ability to, of course, hunt for food, but also to sneak up on people and startle them. He’s also quiet enough to be able to sneak past Spot’s super hearing, so Spot is his favorite victim—only because Soul likes getting a reaction out of him.
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oblong-egg · 8 months
Magic System Concepts
Magic is an interesting concept to me. I like to think of it as something somewhat living. It filters through people in different ways, manifesting itself with different elemental connections based on what part of the body it gets stuck in or feeds off of. Overuse of magic can result in the energy feeding on the body faster than it is able to replenish, and, after a while, make the body unable to recover from what the magic takes. Everyone’s rate of recovery or regenerative abilities are different. Recognizing overuse is relatively easy, but some disregard the symptoms in pursuit of power. Magic can often be addictive.
Bodily and elemental connections are:
Water : Blood
Air : Mind
Earth : Bone
Fire : Lungs
Light : Eyes
Shadow : Soul
Examples of corrosion from overuse could be: 
Blood : Anemia or high blood pressure
Mind : hallucinations, paranoia, or mindfog
Bone : degradation or overgrowth
Lungs : chronic cough, collapse, or disease
Eyes : poor vision or blindness
The only type of magic that has a chance of survival if severely overused is Shadow magic, but even that has severe consequences that could follow the user for the rest of their life. Shadow magic or Dark magic eats away at the soul of a person and this could result in one completely losing track of themselves and/or their morality. If death does find them, the remains of their soul will be sent to hell as it’s squandering God’s gift to man (or something). If theres nothing left of their soul, their severed consciousness is left to wander the Earth until it eventually fades and they cease to exist.
Magic itself is not good or evil and it doesn’t exist in a physical state. It’s more like an energy. Cosmic energy, if you will. With training, it is possible to channel this magic or energy without elemental connection. Which means not letting the magic feed off of the desired body part. An example of this is the Hunter Soulstone Technique (no relation to the Soul Stone in the MCU), which Orion Hunter coined. He might not have been the first person to actually use this technique. He’s just the one that introduced it as a possible method in case one was caught in a situation without a weapon. This technique involves a Soulstone, which is a gemstone with magical properties, usually used to hold either pure magic, or trap souls in a practically inescapable prison—unless the stone is broken. They are usually embedded in a weapon.
It requires either very high resistance to magic, or much concentration. Or both In some cases. With this resistance and/or concentration, one can draw magic directly from their environment without contaminating it with a bodily or elemental connection and allow it to circulate through them. From there, the user can essentially will the magic into a tangible shape.
Orion has used this technique to aid him in battle by providing him a quick weapon when there would usually be none available. He’s taught this technique to two of his sons, Sky and Soul. The stones he provided for them were just free-floating gems, which is unusual. However, through this circulation of magic, the user can essentially make any object they need. So an example of the different forms that one can forge to hold the gem can be:
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A ring for more practical and glamorous carrying or
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A weapon as stated before.
These objects function much like their non magical counterparts, but only as long as the holder maintains constant physical contact with it. If they let go, the object evaporates and the stone is left free-floating once again.
You might also be able to guess that, the more of these objects you try to summon, the more resistance/concentration you’ll need. Because Soul, the character featured above, is a dragon, his magical resistance is much greater than a human’s, he can summon two very easily. His brother, Sky, does not have such an easy time. In fact, he struggles to maintain even one for extended periods. Only one object can be summoned per stone held.
Soulstones can also be something like aura readers. They change colors based on the person holding them. This requires no magic channeling, only physical contact.
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oblong-egg · 7 months
Power Concepts
People with super strength are denser than normal—their bones and muscles are a lot more sturdy—so that they don’t injure themselves too severely when using their power. This also means that they weigh a lot more than what you might expect.
Spot is one of these people who is a bit heavier than they look. And he’s very sensitive about it. So he hates whenever something happens that alludes to his weight. Such as when he has to get in cars and the floor tips. Or in worse cases, having things actually break under him because they can’t hold his weight.
Just because Spot is denser than normal, that doesn’t mean he’s indestructible. He is still very prone to breaking… and he’s not very good at taking care of himself. There are others who are stronger and more durable than him, which also means they are quite a bit heavier.
Approximate weight for a guy Spot’s size is around 200lbs. Add a little muscle, maybe around 220-250? Not unreasonable. Now double that and you get closer Spot’s actual weight.
HOWEVER, most people with the ability of flight are the opposite. Their bodies are quite a bit lighter than you’d expect so that they can fly more easily without exerting too much effort trying to stay airborne. Which also makes them a bit more destructible, but usually also a lot faster. I’ll use Fang as an example here. He looks rather sturdy—and he is—but he weighs surprisingly less than you’d expect.
Approximate weight for a guy Fang’s size is around 160lbs but he’s actually closer to 110 even with his wings and anyone who tries lifting him would be very concerned.
Unlike Spot, Fang isn’t concerned about his weight. He doesn’t even know he’s abnormal because he isn’t usually in situations where others notice. He’s not very comfortable with hugs, so nobody has tried lifting him, and the other symptoms of being too light aren’t as obvious as the opposite.
He also doesn’t fly bc he’s deathly afraid it if heights haha.
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oblong-egg · 8 months
Fun Soul Fact
He doesn’t like wearing more than he needs to, so all of his rings are for practical purposes. Two Soulstone rings—one on each middle finger—and one black ring that keeps him in one form. He doesn’t need a spell to help him stay in his human form, though if he wanted to completely remove his dragon features—his stripes, slit pupils, claws, and extra ears—he’d have to use this ring to keep him in that form for extended periods.
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