#wk Diego
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littlecrittereli · 2 months ago
This is for the request. Could you draw some Diego and his siblings plz I’m obsessed with their story and lore 🥲🙏
Family Portrait
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This portrait is probably old so everyone is a little younger than they are in Reprogrammed.
I had a lot of requests for the big cat family so I wanted to make sure I do one of them! I'm gonna try to get through some more of the requests in the next few days lol
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Carmen i love you
fun fact she was supposed to die in ch 13 but I wrote it and got legitimately so sad that I changed it so she lived LMAO
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littlecrittereli · 4 months ago
DIEGOOOOO!!!! Thank you for the offering, i will bestow upon you chapter 7 this week <33 /silly
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@littlecrittereli I just wanted to say that Reprogrammed changed my life and Diego is one of the coolest Villain OCs I’ve ever read 😍
The latest chapter of Decoded has me on the edge so I offer you this Diego fanart (he’s my favorite character from the AU) 🧡
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spelltorn · 4 years ago
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nox   +   book  quotes    (  3 / ?  )
he  let  them  fall,   his  lips  pressed  hard  together,   looking  down  at  the  thick  snow  hiding  from  his  eyes  the  place  where  the  last  of  lily  and  james  lay,   bones  now,   surely,   or  dust,   not  knowing  or  caring  that  their  living  son  stood  so  near,   his  heart  still  beating,   alive  because  of  their  sacrifice  and  close  to  wishing,   at  this  moment,   that  he  was  sleeping  under  the  snow  with  them.     [   ft .   @dolors   ]
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pixie88 · 3 years ago
The ask me anythin post--frm a few wks ago. Soz I am tryin 2 think of sum questions.
What turns u off frm a fic?
What do u luv bout a fic?
Who r ur favorite fic writers?
Cnt wait 4 ur reply. 🖤🖤
Hi Nonnie, 👋
Aww that's OK! Bless ya, I'm always happy to answer questions! 🥰
Turns off? Let me just say my turn offs have nothing to do with the brilliant writers works it just not my taste. What's that saying each to your own?! My turns off are mainy in smut when the female MC calls the male MC daddy during a intimate scene.
What do I love? Fluff, smut and angst. I love fics that grip me.
Favourite writers? OK this is the off the top of my head. So I'm sorry if I forgot anyone 😘 @aussieez @lem-20 @secretaryunpaid @irisofpurple @sillyrabbit81 @henryobsessed @diegos-butt @blakerogue
Thanks Anon 😘
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frasersridgebrasil · 4 years ago
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#TBT ~ 3 anos do encontro desses dois lindos😍, Colin O’Donoghue e Sam Heughan na Comic Con de San Diego de 2017😍. Lembrando que nosso querido @raulferreiranettooficial é o dublador dos dois!👏🏼👏🏼. (Pra quem não lembra, Colin fez o Capitão Gancho na série Once Upon a Time) . 📸 @colinodonoghue1 [23.07.2017] . #sdcc #sdcc2107 #sandiegocomiccon #samheughan #colinodonoghue #outlander #jamiefraser #capitaogancho #capitainhook 💚 https://www.instagram.com/p/CDAGnu6B-Wk/?igshid=k3l2r7bnog9u
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littlecrittereli · 4 months ago
Have you ever thought about Young Chris in Reprogrammed?
dude 14 year-olds are so scary, Guardianship AU Chris would beat the shit out of Diego
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littlecrittereli · 4 months ago
THIS IS SO COOL OH MY GODDDDDD look at him in his little fancy suit ohhhhhhh and the background is so detailed!!! This is so beautiful!!! AHHHHHH-
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The gala...
I've been wanting to draw something for the reprogrammed au for AGES and i finally got a bit of inspiration from the latest decoded chapter... I never draw backgrounds but I really hope I did the scene justice!
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anoniemus · 4 years ago
Geschiedenislesje van vandaag: Diego Armando Maradona (Buenos Aires, 30-10-1960) wordt door velen gezien als de beste voetballer ooit. Al op 15 jarige leeftijd maakt hij zijn debuut op het hoogste niveau in Argentinië. En in 1982 betaalt FC Barcelona 1 miljard peseta’s voor zijn diensten, een recordbedrag. Geelzucht, een gebroken getrapte enkel, en de massale vechtpartij tegen Athletic Bilbao tekenen echter het ongeluk van Maradona bij de Catalanen. In 1984 verlost SC Napoli hem uit zijn lijden, opnieuw voor een record transferbedrag. In die periode zal hij uitgroeien tot levende god, zowel voor de Napolitanen, als voor de Argentijnen. Napoli wint met Maradona als absolute sterspeler twee landstitels, tot op heden de enige titels in de clubgeschiedenis. Argentinie wint het WK van 1986, onder meer door de twee meest legendarische goals van Maradona, in de halve finale tegen Engeland. Toch verlaat hij in 1992 Napels via de achteruitgang, na een schorsing van 15 maanden voor drugsgebruik. Waar hij tijdens het WK van 1994, opnieuw op betrapt zou worden. Daar waar Maradona binnen het veld de bal als geen ander wist te beheersen en bespelen, kenmerkte zijn leven buiten het veld zich vooral door controverses, kliniekopnames en een mislukte carrière als coach. Desalniettemin blijft Diego ‘Pelusa/Pluisje’ Maradona een god in Napoli en Argentinië en een legende in het hart van elke voetballiefhebber.
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thisdayinfavrd · 5 years ago
August 15, 2009
What do you mean "a headache"?! But I just dragged two bathtubs into a spring meadow!!   @sween (Jason Sweeney) – 83
You say I'm pedantic, yet I am quite certain you are unaware of the word's true definition.  So stop showing me your feet.   @sween (Jason Sweeney) – 63
I'm doing manly chores around the house like banging on the doohickey with a hammer and yelling at that other clacky thingie.   @thedayhascome (Josh Hopkins) – 60
No, officer, I wasn't texting while driving; I was tweeting. Your ticket is invalid.   @joeschmitt (Joe Schmitt) – 58
I guess I preordered the wrong Beatles Rock Band because Ringo Starr just showed up. I can't understand a word. What do I feed him?   @badbanana (Tim Siedell) – 54
2 wks ago: Partying in Manhattan; 1 wk ago: Vacation with family; Now: Drinking & Watching Kubrick alone; Next week: Van, down by the river.   @tj (Fun Size Bytes) – 53
Screamed "*YOU SUCK!*" at Spotlight, and the "Top Hit" was a thoughtful rebuttal from Phil Schiller.  Which wasn't what I was searching for.   @hotdogsladies (Merlin Mann) – 50
At the drive-thru distributor, my son asks "why do you need beer?" It's been six years, and he doesn't know me at all.   @CranberryPerson (N/A) – 47
That bottle of bourbon has been flirting with me from across the room all night.   I'm a married man come here you.   @thedayhascome (Josh Hopkins) – 46
"How you stay faithful in a room full of hoes?" Kanye, why you in a room full of hoes? Lets start there.   @Yayaa (Yaya) – 44
when I was a kid, fixing all my problems was as simple as giving a Nintendo cartridge a good blow.  ...god, nothing ever changes with me.   @theduty (duty) – 42
The elevator music crept into my ears and killed me quietly. I'm a victim of the ninjazz.   @awryone (Josh Donoghue) – 42
It doesn't surprise me that Palin imagined such a thing as Death Panels. After all, she thought teen abstinence was a thing.   @SeoulBrother (SeoulBrother) – 42
No matter what I do, she thinks I'm an asshole. It's almost like I really AM an asshole.   @roughdiction (RoughDiction) – 41
One step closer to my dream of becoming a professional brunch eater.   @badbanana (Tim Siedell) – 41
Why did I ram my cart into your legs? Maybe, IDK, CUZ U R AT A DEAD STOP IN THE AISLE TEXTING UR BFF JILL?   @abigvictory (Michele Catalano) – 40
I did not just make a margarita out of lemonade, LOL. There was some Crystal Light involved. Maybe Tang. HAHA no YOU'RE crying.   @baileygenine (Bailey Siewert) – 39
Sometimes I fart in public just to feel alive.   @lisarahmat (Lisa Rahmat) – 39
I bet cutters really hate it when life hands them lemons.   @UCMike (Out of Context) – 38
Winter in San Diego is rapidly approaching, soon I will have to put away my summer t-shirts and take out my winter t-shirts.   @GPappalardo (Soap Box Liberal) – 38
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antonieniessen · 6 years ago
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Hup Holland 
Waar voor velen voetbal heilig is vind ik het bijzaak. Op zijn tijd best vermakelijk, maar vaak niet om aan te gluren. Ik kan me bescheuren om mensen die voetbal wetenschappelijk benaderen. Als ik een keeperstrainer met een blocnote aanwijzingen aan een wissel zie geven rollen soms de tranen over mijn wangen van het lachen. Wie dat heeft verzonnen moeten ze met terugwerkende kracht royeren. Plus een stadionverbod voor het leven. Als we dan toch bezig zijn met het uitdelen van royementen en stadionverboden zou ik willen voorstellen om Diego Maradona en de oud-speaker van Ajax aan het lijstje toe te voegen. Pluisje is al jaren een zielig hoopje mens die tegen zichzelf in bescherming moet worden genomen en iemand die gelijktijdig met jeugdspelertjes gaat douchen mag nooit meer in de buurt van een voetbalveld komen. Ik voel de kritiek al losbarsten, maar het zal me me een rotzorg wezen. 
Terug naar het hedendaagse voetbal. De staf van een beetje profclub bestaat tegenwoordig uit een hoofdtrainer, meerdere assistenten, een keeperstrainer, een looptrainer, een performance coach, een inspanningsfysioloog, een conditie/herstel trainer, een teammanager, een mediatrainer, video-analisten, een diëtist, een kok, hulpkokkies, een dokter, fysiotherapeuten, masseurs, een materiaalman en dan heb ik vast nog wel een aantal mensen vergeten. Waarschijnlijk heeft een profclub ook een vertrouwenspersoon in dienst, want binnenkort schijnen er een aantal spelers uit de kast te komen. Volgens kenners binnen de LHBT+ gemeenschap moeten er procentsgewijs namelijk binnen het voetbal een aantal fanatieke stokslobberaars rondlopen. Ik ben reuze benieuwd. Het wachten is nu zelfs op de eerste genderneutrale speler, maar dan zitten we gelijk opgezadeld met het volgende probleem : selecteren we ''het'' voor het grote Oranje of laten we ''het'' los tussen de meiden van Sarina Wiegman ?
Bij het noemen van de naam Sarina Wiegman kom ik terecht bij mijn 1e coming-out van 2019. Ik ben namelijk mede door de Oranje dames weer een beetje voetbalfan geworden. Sinds het succesvol verlopen EK in eigen land hebben die meiden mijn hart gestolen. Een leuke frisse groep waar het plezier vanaf straalt. Dat zie ik ook terug bij het grote Oranje en bij Ajax. Ik zit weer met plezier naar die ploegen te kijken. Het Ronald Koeman-effect heeft mij weer supporter gemaakt. Tijdens de Nations League heb ik op het puntje van mijn stoel gezeten. Natuurlijk viel alles ook op z'n plek met de zege op Frankrijk, de Panenka van Depay en de late gelijkmaker van Virgil v Dijk in Duitsland. Wat te zeggen van het briefje en de openheid van Koeman. Heerlijke momenten. Ik ben trots op dit Oranje. Hetzelfde heb ik bij Ajax. Ook daar straalt de klasse vanaf. Zelfs de grootste PSV of Feyenoord fan kan daar niet omheen. Europees ongeslagen en nationaal, op een uitglijder na in Eindhoven, ongenaakbaar. Ik verheug me op het 2e deel van de competitie, ik verheug me op de 1/8 finale tegen Real Madrid, ik verheug me op het WK voor de vrouwen en ik verheug me op de finaleronde van de Nations League. Met dank aan 2 maal Oranje en Ajax.    
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littlecrittereli · 3 months ago
Vencio al admin
No se porque Diego tiene tanto pelo xD
Que humillación que te gane un niño de 14 no? Lol
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He beat the admin
I don't know why Diego has so much hair xD
What a humiliation for a 14-year-old to win, right? Lol
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chaunceyandchumleysdad · 6 years ago
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Riot Fest 2018 - Day 2 – Saturday  This was my favorite day of the festival because it included a lot of great music as well as hanging with our good friends who came for this day. My wife also attended this day, her first time ever at  Riot Fest. (My younger son came this day as well, but hung out with his friends rather than his parents. Can’t say that I blame him!) The day also ended on a nice note as our friends knew a couple that lived two blocks from the Riot Fest entrance. We stopped by their home after festival and had pizza and beer on their back porch. Being an old west-sider, it was a treat to sit outside in the West Side on a sweet late summer night. These are the bands I saw:
The Frights (Roots Stage) An excellent band to start off Day 2. I was not familiar with this band before Riot Fest, but I listened to their albums and took an immediate liking to them. From San Diego (Poway), they played a great set of Surf Punk and Garage Punk. They engaged with the audience and were very energetic on stage.
Mannequin Pussy (Rise Stage) Already getting toasty from the intense sun, we retreated to the “chill hill” near the Rise stage to get some shade while listening to this band. They were OK. The lead singer is a female screamo. I like them when I listened to their records as she struck me as a Riot Grrrl type of singer, but I did not get into her vocals seeing the band live. She used a distorted sounding microphone, which I presume was for effect and not a technical issue. Whatever the desire effect, it just did not resonate that well with me. We listened to a few songs and then left to meet up with our friends.
Reignwolf  (Radicals Stage) This band was outstanding! A power trio led by Canadian guitarist Jordan Cook, they play a Blues based Hard/Stoner Rock. Cook is a fine guitar player and entertainer. (He played the Montreux Jazz Festival at the age of 15.) He would often hold the microphone in his hand while playing guitar and singing in intervals. The bass and drums provided the hard rocking backbone while Cook strutted around stage and shredded his guitar strings. Overall, I would say this was my second favorite act of the weekend.
Wolfmother (Radicals Stage) I periodically listen to this band, so it was nice to see them perform live. They are a Hard Rock/Stoner Rock band with a bit of Psych Rock added in. To me, they sound like a very typical 1970’s band. While I was certainly heavier into Prog Rock in the 70’s, Wolfmother’s style of music was ever-present on radio stations and turntables. I appreciate it now more than I did in the 70’s.  They are a four piece band and played a good set with some fine jamming.
Elvis Costello and The Imposters (Riot Stage) I thought this was a descent show. I think my wife was a bit disappointed, but I thought it was OK. I had seen Elvis once before, opening for The Rolling Stones on a freezing cold October night. I liked this show much more. Prior to Riot Fest, rumors were swirling that Elvis would back out because he had cancelled his current tour due to cancer surgery. But apparently he felt healthy enough to honor this commitment. (I think he plans to return to touring in November). He played some rockers, some slow stuff and did some guitar solos. I mostly liked the early stuff as his first album is one of my all time faves. He is reunited with The Imposters for the first time since 2008 and has new album out soon.
Jerry Lee Lewis (Radicals Stage) Well we had to see The Killer! At this point, running a bit low on energy, we opted out of being near the stage so we could sit and chill for a bit. The show was good, and pretty much what I expected from the 82-year-old rocker. His band played five songs before he even took the stage. (A classic format for early Blues, Country and Rock ‘n’ Roll artists.) He ended up performing nine songs, finishing with his well known hits Great Balls of Fire and Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On. Given his age, I thought he played piano and sang really well. Two thoughts crossed my mind during his set: The first was that as one of the early pioneers of Rock music, he is one of the reasons why we are at Riot Fest today. The other thought I had as I kicked back under the sky on this beautiful late summer night was about anyone that enjoyed his music back in the 1950’s. I’m sure a countless number of people in the late 50’s kicked back on a warm summer night and listened to Lewis perhaps on a transistor radio or on a car radio. It’s remarkable to think that 60 years later, we are listening to him play a live show. Along with Little Richard (age 85), Lewis is the last of the Rock music pioneers and it was a privilege to be able to enjoy a live performance.
 GWAR (Rebel Stage) GWAR plays Riot Fest every year. Along with Andrew WK, they are Riot Fest regulars. They are a Metal band with a sort of science fictions theme and bizarre futuristic costumes. I have never watched an entire set, but I try to stop by their stage every year for a few minutes just to get a taste. While refilling my water bottle before Jerry Lee Lewis, I stopped by the Rebel stage which was near the water station. I caught just a few minutes of GWAR, but it looked like a fun show. They are always entertaining and have a good sense of humor. The woman who’s home we visited after today’s festival told me she crowd surfed during the GWAR show.
Beck (Riot Stage) This was my favorite show of the weekend. Beck played a wonderfully entertaining set. I had not previously seen Beck in concert so I was not sure what to expect. It turned out he was a real crowd pleaser. He wasted not time getting into it by opening the show with two fan favorites, Devil’s Haircut and Loser. He had an awesome back up band that played with enthusiasm. At one point during the show, they slowed it down a bit and all the band gathered into one unit on stage to play acoustic renditions of Lost Cause and Blue Moon, songs that are from his mellow albums Sea Change and Morning Phase. The light show was very cool. A variety of projected patterns covered the stage through out the show and with some of the band member performing from a rise, it gave the appearance that they were standing in the videos. The last part of the show was great. (Spoiler alert if you plan to see Beck on this tour.) He started playing my favorite Where It’s At, but about midway through the song, he stopped to introduce the band members. At first I thought, “Why didn’t he finish the song?” It later became apparent that he would eventually circle back to the song. As each band member was introduced, they would start playing a solo of a cover song and would soon be joined by the rest of the band. They did parts of several songs including The Rolling Stones Miss You where they got the entire audience singing “woo woo woo woo woo woo woo” as well as covers of Once In A Lifetime (Talking Heads), In The Air Tonight (Phil Collins), and Cars (Gary Numan) which included a guest vocal appearance by Gary Numan himself. (He played a set at Riot Fest earlier in the day.) Maybe some Beck fans would have been disappointed that he did not go deeper into his catalog during the show, but for a 75-minute set on a beautiful Chicago night, I could not have asked for anything better.
Gary Numan guest appearance video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=8&v=5SXQstOSeBk
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shaneob1-9 · 3 years ago
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Daughter 💗 almost 22 wks (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRb7pe5M1YRxBmYVfNa47gM6SJj1n19BJAcy4o0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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arkodot · 7 months ago
how i look after witnessing the most beautiful art in the history of wild kratts nation be of chris kratt sick and twisted version
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Ᏽ𐌉ꃴ𐌄 𐌉𐌍𐌕ꂦ 𐌕𐋅𐌄 𐌀𐌍𐌉𐌌𐌀𐌋
soooo i read @littlecrittereli’s wild kratts reprogrammed au fic and was immeeeediately hooked. the lore goes CRAZY !!! RAHHHHH!!!! also i made a playlist to go along with it >.<
#wk reprogrammed au#reprogrammed au#wild kratts#chris kratt#jesus juliette t his is beautiful#it's not even that late but im delirious because ive been looking at pictures of naked people for ap art history units 1-5#but man this is so good#i already wrote the essay do you think tumblr will let me put it in as a tag#let's find out#Darling Juliette#this is one of the most phenominal works you've made and it's so beautiful and symbolic on so many levels that it's kind of hilarious it wa#but also his crawling discomfort and surrealism. The eye#or rather#the multitude of them#is perhaps hinting at the watchfulness of Diego... or it is a depiction of the way in which he is gazed upon and treated like an animal---a#poked and prodded under several gazes. The scratched edges of the painting add onto this effect#further highlighting his discomfort and pain. It's of interest that the side profile of Chris is the only one of the two figures that is re#but instead a faded watercolor#which is indicative perhaps of his rapid disassociation and distance from himself. The fact it's smooth#at least in comparison to the rest of the sharp angles of the piece#also contrasts it from the subject. The use of green and red is expertly utilized#the simple color palette a pleasure to absorb. It's interesting to note that the green on the portrait of chris is much brighter in compari#which is perhaps an indication of his true self still remaining#despite the cracked edges and writhing brambles to which he surrenders his body and consciousness to.#In other words#Aaaand it's all over the screen!#great it worked!#thanks for being a great artist#you're my hero
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epacer · 4 years ago
Media Arts Center San Diego
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Parents, Students, & Educators. Great news! Our friends at Westfield Mission Valley have graciously donated a temporary storefront space allowing Media Arts Center San Diego to bring back our award-winning in-person filmmaking camps this summer! June 28-August 27th. Kids will make movies, learn new tech skills & form new friendships! Only 12 campers per week. Ages 8-12. Mon-Fri, 8:30am-3pm. $275/wk. Scholarships & membership discounts avail. Questions: [email protected] or register here - https://digitalgym.org/summer2021/
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littlecrittereli · 5 months ago
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"Martin was the self-sacrificial type. He was the one who woke up every night just to pull Chris out of a nightmare. He was the one who tested the more questionable technology Aviva whipped up. He was the one who took on extra tasks when someone wasn’t feeling well. He was the one who would take the blame when the brothers landed themselves in trouble. He was the one who would carry the burdens of everyone else around him, while locking his own away in a dark corner, and never once complain.  And Chris knew for a fact, the only reason Martin didn’t trade places with him when Diego dragged him away and locked him within his own mind was because his brother couldn't work miracles. But Chris didn’t think he could share this burden with Martin. He decided he wouldn’t even give him the choice."
Reprogrammed part 2: Decoded's first chapter will be posted this Saturday.
Also special thank you to @nervousloveheart for suggesting the name "Decoded"! It's honestly stuck with me and I kinda just started subconsciously referring to the fic as that before I even officially chose the title lol
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