#without stepping too outa line and making himself noticeable
So Tails is Tails because the exact number of them essentially doesn't mater. There's more than one though, and it's his most notable first glance characteristic, hence the name, but now that's all there is to it. It's not a big deal anymore but it stuck so no problem
While Nine is all that he's ever been. Strictly defined by his oddity and the number of his tails that he than added with his own hands to solidify that fact, it's a defining aspect a rigid definer of his identity the first thing you notice and the last thing you'll see if you dare point it out
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chan-yolo · 4 years
Benevolence - Part 11
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You were on the run. The were chasing you down and you needed to live. You would do anything to stay alive. But does anything include falling in love? Getting captured by EXO gave you a new survival plan, but will that all go out the window when you meet someone who’s life means more to you than your own? 
A/N - look at me updating this close together! I’m not really sure how I feel about this one, it’s kind of a filler chapter. 
Pairing: Byun Baekhyun / Reader
Genre: Mafia AU, Fluff, Angst
Warning: none really
Word Count: 2884
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | 
 Reaching your room, you swung open your door, sliding down the wall next to it, your cries finally coming through. What you didn’t know was that as soon as you had left, Baekhyun had followed. Rushing through the door, he took you into his arms, keeping you close to him, as your cries could be heard throughout the house.
“it’s going to be okay y/n, I’m so proud of you, your so brave.” Baekhyun comforted you, staying beside you as you let out everything you had been keeping inside.
 You wasn’t sure how long you had sat like that. With Baekhyun shushing you, his voice soft and reassuring, calming you down from the panic attack you had just had. The darkness outside made you think that darkness outside made you think that you must’ve been sitting there for a while, the moon casting a light into your bedroom. With a hoarse voice you let outa small ‘thank you’, not knowing what else to say to him.
“You didn’t have to tell us all of that you know.”
“I know, but you deserved to know.” You sniffled looking up at the man holding you.
“Hyunsuk, what he did toy you…” you moved out of his grip, rubbing your eyes that were sire from the excessive crying.
“I don’t want to talk about it, not anymore.” A silence went between you, neither of you quite knowing where to lead the conversation. After a minute of silence, Baekhyun rose to his feet, disappearing into the bathroom. You watched where his form had left, shortly after his disappearance, you heard the water running. When Baekhyun retuned, he gave you a smile, patting you on the head.
“Go take a bath, I’ll be back in a sec.”
   Sitting in the steaming bath, you watched your skin turn pink from the heat. Flashbacks to your bother entered your mind. All the memories you shared with each other, looking after each other. He was the only family you had. You still couldn’t forgive yourself for what happened. His death was on your hands, and nothing would make that go away.
You felt the tears fall down your cheeks before you could stop them. Dunking yourself under the water, you rose back up, slicking your hair back, rubbing your running nose.
A light knock at the door took you out of the daze you were in. Baekhyun’s head peeked around, his smile making your insides warm up.
“I made tea.” The simple act made you smile. ”Can I come in?” you gave him a small nod, watching him slowly come into the room. Two big steaming mugs of tea in his hands. Handing you one mug, Baekhyun took a seat at the foot of the bathtub opposite you, sipping his own drink.
“I’m sorry for everything.” He began, making you look up at him over your mug. “Not just for hat he did to you, but for what your parents did.”
“What’s done is done.” You shrugged, looking into the colourful bathwater, the holographic reflection of the bubbles taking your attention.
“Tell me about your brother?” Baekhyun got comfortable in his spot, looking at you expectantly. Leaning over to put your mug on the floor next to you, you rested your arms on the edge of the tub, resting your head stop them, looking at the man in front of you.
“He was six years younger than me, 16 when my parents sold him to Hyunsuk. He was into gaming and all this different tech. you would’ve liked him.” the both of you shared a smile with each other.
“He was going to school, studying well. He was my best friend you know? We were one in the same.” Looking off into the corner of the room, you felt that same wave of sadness from earlier hit you. “I really thought I could save him, that if I could at least take his place, he could carry on. I don’t even know what happened to him.” Baekhyun moved opposite you, so quickly you didn’t even notice until his face was in front of yours. The palm of his hand came to rest on your cheek, his eyes searching your own.
“What was his name?”
“Kihyun.” Baekhyun nodded.
“I promise you we will find out what happened to him. when Hyunsuk is finished we will do that for you.” You smiled at him, believing that he would do that for you. “You finish up, I’ll go find a movie for us to watch.” Taking the mugs, he left a lingering kiss on your forehead, before leaving the room. In that one moment. You wondered if it was possible for you to find someone as great as Baekhyun.
 The next morning you walked in the kitchen, met by sympathetic stares from eight men.
“Oh come on man.” You let out exasperated, moving away from them all.
“Y/N, are you sure everything is okay?” Yixing asked you, worry clear in his voice.
“I am. It’s over now, and you guys don’t get to feel sorry for me. That’s the last thing I want.” You looked at them all in disgust.
“You heard what she said.” Suho inputted dismissively, turning the page of his paper. Nodding in thanks, you turned towards the cabinet behind you. Extending your arm to reach for a glass, you were stopped by a hand grabbing one for you, placing it in front of you on the worktop. Turning around, you were greeted with the cheeky face of Baekhyun.
“Good morning.” He smiled at you.
“Morning.” Staring at each other, you shared some sort of conversation that only you two could understand. One that entailed warmth, thankfulness. Though it was soon broken by the clearing of Suho’s throat.
“Well I suggest you get something to eat, we have a meeting in 20 minutes.” Moving away from each other, you went to the opposite end of the counter, following the leader’s instructions.
Sat around an oval mahogany table, you all looked over the graphs in front of you. Each with their own red marks pinpointing a possible location Hyunsuk could be in.
“First things first, we need to find him. we’ve managed to get the floorplans of each of the properties he owns. Y/n, did you stay at any of these?” Suho asks, pushing a clearer copy towards you.  Nodding, you pointed to the ones that were familiar to you.
“The holiday house in Busan, the main house in Seoul, and the apartment in Hongdae. Sometimes he would pick a few of us out to travel with him.” You explained. You saw Baekhyun’s disgusted expression, his hand that laid on the table had clenched into a fist. Without any thought, you held his hand in your own, trying to calm him down.
“He spends most of his time here in Seoul, though he could be in Hongdae. Depends on business.” You clarify.
“So where do we go first?” Chen questions Junmyeon.
“Nowhere, not yet. Baekhyun we need you to get us everything about the two min houses. Who goes in and out. Chanyeol will help you. Minseok, Yixing and I will work on getting in. Y/N, you, Chen, Kai and Sehun will go talk to Taemin.”
“Suho, I don’t think she should go…” Baekhyun’s voice was cautious.
“She’s part of the team now, which means she goes out with us. If she agrees.” Junmyeon directed his stare towards you.
“She does.” Looking over to Baekhyun, you gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. “I’ll be fine, promise.”
“I want a full report of what you find before the night’s out.” And with that you were dismissed.
Standing in your room, opposite the full-length mirror, you admired the effort you had put into dressing up for going to this club. The dress you had been given was an emerald green mini dress with a slight split in the thigh. Smoothing it down your curves, you nodded appreciatively at the fit. A knock at the door drew the attention away from yourself.
“Come in.” Baekhyun stopped in his tracks, taking in seeing you in a dress for the first time.
“Sehun told me I couldn’t wear jeans and then threw this dress in my face. But it doesn’t look too bad right?” You winked at him playfully.
“Urm, yeah, it’s… yeah.” You laughed at his nervousness, choosing not to make fun of him this time.
“what’s that?” you pointed to the black box in his hand.
“Oh, this is for you.” Walking over to you, he opened the box, revealing a small necklace. Gesturing for you to turn around to face the mirror again, he clasped the piece of jewellery around your neck before laying his head on your shoulder.
“This necklace is kind of like a panic button, if anything happens to you just press it and it will tell me where you are.” Looking from the necklace to him, you whispered your thanks, hearts warming at the worry and care he has for you.
“You should thank Chanyeol, he made it.” A small kiss was left on your cheek in gratitude. Shortly another knock was heard, but this time it was Chen. Looking at you both, he raised an eyebrow before speaking.
“ready?” You nod at him.
“I’ll be out in a second.” After he had left, you turned to Baekhyun, leaving a kiss on his cheek.
“Be careful.”
Sliding into the back of Sehun’s sleek black Range Rover, you buckled yourself in smoothing your dress down in hopes you didn’t reveal too much trying to hop in the vehicle.
“So, where are we off to lads?”
“Diamond.” Kai’s voice was uninterested, scrolling through notifications on his phone, his silk shirt hanging low, showing his collar bones.
“Ahh, the strip club.” Nodding, you look out the window remembering the night Baekhyun had come back from that same club.
“We go in, we find Taemin, we get the info and we go home. There’s no time for anything else tonight. Is that clear?” Chen clarified. All of you nodding in agreement. Sehun parked around the side of the club, the line for the entry heaving. Minseok must do good business here, you think to yourself. Stepping out of the vehicle, Kai ushered you between himself and Sehun.
“Y/n stay close to us.” Entry wasn’t a problem, but you hadn’t been into a club in god knows how long, and you’d never been into an actual strip club. Everything was dark and smoky but at the same time there were so many colours everywhere. Each hint of silver or gold being hit by the lights and catching your eye. You were led straight to a private booth, away from all the rowdy businessmen in the front. Drinks were handed to you immediately by a waitress who seemed to go as quickly s she came.
“Okay, Kia, Sehun and I will go and find Taemin. Y/n just stay here, wait for us to come back, don’t wander an don’t speak to anyone.” Chen orders before the three of them walk off. Alone, you look out to the dance floor below you. You observed the people around you, the kind of people Hyunsuk would entertain, sipping the champagne you had been given, you looked at the women on stage. They were gorgeous, enticing, mesmerising. You held respect for these powerful women in stage. All too soon your gaze was pulled towards a different corner of the room. The feeling of someone looking at you prickled the hairs at the back of your neck. As your eyes met the person who was staring so intently at you, you found just the person you were looking for.
Taemin was seat at the bar, his stance casual. He looked as if he fit in here, though he always did. His shirt was an intricate paisley print, flecks of silver woven into the silk. It matched his silver hair. Without thinking you placed the champagne down and started off towards him. sliding onto the stool next to him, you gave him a once over before finally talking to him.
“What does a lady have to do to get a drink?”
“Which lady is asking?” he looked you up and down. Rolling your eyes at his answer you turned to face the bar.
“Long time no see.”
“So you’re with EXO now?” Taemin signalled for the bartender, ordering two drinks.
“”Looks that way doesn’t it.” You glanced towards him, looking him over once again. “You still the snitch we all know and love?” taking a sip of your drink, you continued to study the bar.
“Not anymore.” Turning to look at Taemin, your eyes met his as he was fully facing you. “Shortly after you left I gave it up. Y/N, the things he did, they got worse. I couldn’t be there anymore. So like you, I left.”
“So why isn’t he out here trying to catch you then?”
“You know what Hyunsuk is like, he’s all pride, and you hurt it. there’s nothing more dangerous than a powerful man with a damaged pride.” Taemin sipped on his drink, looking at you with what seemed like a hint of sympathy.
“They’re going to get him you know?” You moved closer to the man, trying to make his eyeline meet yours. “And if you help us we can make sure we never have to see him again.”
“And have a target on my back? I don’t think so.” Taemin tried to speak to you in a hushed voice, now conscious of the people around him.
“They can protect you Taemin.”
“How can you guarantee that?” For the first time in a long time, you saw how scared he was. It took you back to when you had first been moved to that house, how scared you all were.
“I promise I can. I’ve never broken a promise have I? So, will you help us?” Before he could give you an answer, Kai, Sehun and Chen appeared by your side, all looking quite annoyed.
“What did we tell you? Why are you so incapable of following instructions?” You roll your eyes at Kai’s bratty attitude, watching as Taemin rose to meet the other men’s height. “And you are?” Kai turned his attitude towards him.
“Taemin, Y/N says you need my help.”
Suho’s first impression of Taemin was underwhelming to say the least. It didn’t help that you weren’t actually supposed to bring him back. The leader, taking off his glasses, looked at Taemin and then disapprovingly and the four of you stood behind him.
“Taemin I assume.”
“At your service” Taemin gave an exaggerated bow.
“In other circumstances you would have never made it this far. But I have been informed you’re willing to help us.”
“I’m not doing this for you or your gang, I’m doing this for Y/N and everyone else lost to that man. As long as I’m not sold out at the end.”
“I see. Kai will you take him to one of our room and have someone stationed outside.” You looked at Suho in confusion, and concern. Not fully understanding the hostility.
“He’s not a criminal Suho!”
“We don’t know him; therefore we can’t be so liberal. This will be continued tomorrow.” Waving you off, he placed his glasses back on completely ignoring you. You watched as Taemin was led down the corridor, leaving you stood there alone. Huffing, you went in your own direction. Heading towards the room where you figured the only reasonable person was. Reaching the computer room, you knocked on the door, peeking your head around the door, reminiscent of Baekhyun the night previous.
“Your boss is insanely irritating; you know that right?” you pouted at him, closing the door.
“What did he do now?” Baekhyun took off his headphones, arm extending for your hand. Interlocking your fingers, you lightly swung your hands.
“Treating Taemin like he’s a criminal.”
“Can you blame him for being cautious? We don’t know him.”
“You didn’t know me when you brought me here.” You countered.
 “That’s true.” He pulled you onto his lap. “But it felt like I always had.”
“Ever the romantic.” You smiled at him, your foreheads touching.
“Were the guys good to you?” He started to play with the strands of your hair, his other hand gripping your thigh.
“They left me in a booth by myself.” Pouting at Baekhyun, you wound your arms around his neck, pulling yourself closer.
“And I bet you left it.” The cheeky smiled made your own grow. Nodding proudly you both started to laugh. “You will never learn.” Moving closer to you, his lips grazed your own, your noses rubbing together.
“Well they’re not my boss.” You nipped at his bottom lip. Lifting you onto his desk, you let out a laugh as he stood in between his legs.
“What are we going to do with you?” his lips covered your own, his cheekiness and fondness engulfing you. Each kiss had you reeling, a shot of happiness being vaulted around your body with each touch. With his hand on your thigh, his lips on your own and your hand in his hair, there wasn’t anything that could bring you down.
Or so you thought.
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iixbella · 5 years
𝐏𝐀𝐏𝐀 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐑, 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐬
 chris doesn’t take to the paparazzi lightly when it comes to his family
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It was nearly midnight, and although Chris would love nothing more than to crawl up into bed with his wife — her cravings kicked in. Like clockwork. Chocolate chips was the specialty for the night, and of course, there wasn’t any sweets left in the house. So that meant Chris, being the loving husband and father-to-be he was, offered to run down to the late night pharmacy and grab some. Except this time, you tagged along.
“Should I get the regular chocolate chips? Or the white chocolate?” you pondered, scanning the shelf of sweet treats. However, Chris had his eyes set on you, and his heart almost burst at the sight.
Reading glasses were perched along the bridge of your nose, which was scrunched in confusion as you looked over the many options. Chris’ old band tshirt was stretched beautifully over your baby bump, and along with leggings, that seemed to be your favorite outfit recently. He certainly wasn’t complaining. You were just too cute for him to handle.
You glanced over at him when he didn’t reply, with a small huff, “Bubba, help me out here.”
Chris chuckled softly, stepping beside you, always keeping one hand on your lower back, “I know you’re going to end up changing your mind, so just grab a few of each. That should hopefully last us through the night.”
“Very funny,” you chided, a smile tugging at your lips as your husband cracked up at his own joke. But you did as he said, and grabbed a few of each kind before tossing them into the small cart. “Do you think they have any ice cream here?”
“Probably not,” Chris said, starting to push the cart towards the register before he saw your face fall slightly, “ — but it won’t hurt to check.”
“No,” you yawned mid sentence, grabbing onto Chris’ arm lightly. “Let’s just get home. I’m not sure if I’m more tired or hungry at this point.”
“Alright, time to get my two babies home,” Chris chided. He pressed a small, yet always loving, kiss to your forehead as you two stood in the short line. After quickly paying for everything and adjusting the bag so it rest on his free arm, he glanced down as you squeezed his hand.
“I guess the paps won’t leave us alone, no matter what time it is,” you frowned, glancing towards the large windows. And you were right. Tons of paparazzi stood beyond the walls of the store, trying to get pictures of the couple through the glass.
Chris was livid. Since the moment your pregnancy was announced, it was like the media coverage about you two had tripled. Pregnant actresses in Hollywood seemed to be what the public craved, and when his wifes’ picture was being put on every magazine and social media platform at such a vulnerable time, he wasn’t too happy. You were due very shortly, and the media didn’t care to respect your family’s privacy.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Chris grumbled, pausing in the entryway before exiting the store. He sadly knew this procedure to well, and you did as well, but he still felt a bit blindsided. You two just wanted to get home and rest without having to fend off nosy people.
“Hold onto your hand and don’t let go. I know the drill, bubs,” you interrupted, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. You didn’t even want to think about the tabloids tomorrow, and all the crude things they would probably say about you. People will sadly always be critical of others, and the pounds you’d noticeably put on throughout your pregnancy was no excuse to the public.
Chris smiled down at you, more to reassure himself that everything would be okay. It hurt him to think that his wife and kids would have to grow up with the media surrounding them but it was apparently the price he had to pay.
“Come on, love,” he muttered, threading his fingers with yours before exiting the small store. They were instantly bombarded with camera flashes, and loud questions from the paparazzi. Chris felt you tighten your grip, and tried to quicken his pace without rushing you. The most you could do was waddle anyways.
When they reached their vehicle, Chris opened your door and shielding you from the cameras, making sure you could get settled comfortably. After doing so, he gently shut the door and rounded the car to the drivers side. He had learned to block out the questions that paparazzi threw at him, knowing they just wanted a reaction. But there was one in particular that he just couldn’t ignore.
“Chris, how do you feel about the weight your wife has gained recently?”
Although Chris was a calm, and collected man — he lost it. Whipping around, he had to restrain from laying a hand on the rude photographer. “You’re disgusting, man. Fuck off, and leave my family alone.”
The reporters were clearly surprised at the tone of his voice, and some choose to back down a bit while others continued to snap photos. The man began to stutter out an apology, but Chris didn’t even want to hear it as he opened the drivers door and climbed inside. He was visibly shaking in anger, not believing the audacity of some people. Chris took a deep breath before putting the car in drive so he could get his wife home, and quite quickly at that.
You didn’t say anything. You had heard what the reporter said — their comments weren’t anything new, but you’d heard what Chris said as well. He would do anything to defend your honor, you knew that, which is why you silently nibbled on chocolate chips while waiting to speak up, “Are you alright, bubs?”
Chris frowned, glancing over at his wife before his facial expressions softened. You were so soft, coddled up in the passenger seat with a bag of sweets while waiting for an answer. He couldn’t help but smile, and reached his hand over the center counsel to rest on your fabric chad thigh.
“I should be asking you that question. You know what he said wasn’t true, right?”
“I mean, it wasn’t a nice thing to say but he isn’t wrong,” you acquired, holding up a hand before Chris could interject. “I’ve obviously put on some weight, but I’m not too upset about it. As long as our baby is healthy, then I don’t care about anything else, bubs.”
Chris was once again stunned by his wife. You continued to amaze him. When he came to a stop light, he reached over and planted a sweet kiss on your plump lips, getting a grin out of you. “I love you.”
“And I love you. Almost as much as these chocolate chips.”
i literally am almost done with another chris x pregnant wife imagine ... someone make me stop writing these
also please send me requests! i’m bored outa my mind and want to write something about ethan or grayson dolan but don’t know what
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wreath-of-laurels · 4 years
Summary: In U.A., there’s a bit of a problem with people being related to Villains. In fact, they are having even more of a problem finding people who aren't.
As some of you may have noticed, I have been posting links for my AO3 stuff over here. I figure that I should throw in some random thoughts on the writing process here so this post isn’t just a retred for those who already know the work. For those who haven’t read it, I would recommend checking it out if you’re so inclined then come back if you feel like it.
The Problem With Skywalkers is arguably one of the easiest and most popular things that I have ever written which makes it both a wonderful thing and a tiny bit of a frustration. Quite simply it is primarily crack and with the exception of a few bits doesn’t really pretend to be anything else.
As far as I can tell, the idea formed during a discussion about the Dad for One theory at @tsukithewolf​‘s Discord. I made a comment about how it would be a bit awkward if the Dabi is Touya and the Dad for One were both true:
Me: I'm somewhat skeptical of the Dad for One theory, if only because I'm pretty sure Dabi is Touya, and pulling the same trope twice might be a bit much.
Then along comes this annoying/wonderful collaborator who plants a crazy idea in my head.  
Anonymous_Nerb:  lmao all the league just spontaneously adopting family members outa nowhere
bakugou: ...ok, so both deku and icyhot APPARENTLY have villain family members. whos next, fucking round cheeks?? 
uraraka: well, actually...
I make a joke along those lines and then the bastard eggs me on.
Me: The Iidas turn out to be a mob family going back through the generations. Tenya's villainous persona from the training exercise is his normal self. Momo is a resurrected Shimura Hana. Neito is AFO's other long lost son.
Bakugou gets grumpy because his villainous relative was defeated during the USJ arc and isn't suitably badass. 
The Bastard:  i wanna see a fic of this so bad now
aizawa: i would expel you all for the pure bullshittery of your family trees, but giran is my cousin so screw this
And then when I was trying to write my deep and meaningful Hero!Dabi fic, my brain gets hijacked and I can’t stop coming up with crackier and crackier ideas. Many of them just showed up with no prompting whatsoever and others where based on vague connections. Honestly, I think the fic wrote itself.
Giran and Aizawa: All the Bastard’s fault. Thankfully she(?) gave her blessing.
Inasa and Kurogiri: Oboro had a weather Quirk and Inasa sort of does. Also their personalities don’t fit at all so that will be fun.
Koda: I wonder if I how I can throw Nedzu into the mix. Oh yeah, Koda can talk to animals. 
Shigaraki and Momo: Hmmm... Didn’t I read a fic with that a while back?
Seiji and Mr. Compress: They make ball-like things. Why not?
Midnight and Moonfish: They both have kinky dress sense.
Vlad and Toga: Gotta do that one!!!
Also the whole bonding experience between Dabi and Shouto is completely @gentrychild​‘s fault for her hilarious and well-worth the read How to murder your father fic. 
That being said, since this is me and I am physically incapable of writing humour without drama and drama without humour (seriously, my ‘meaningful’ Dabi fic has him whining about phallic grafitti and being bossed around by his younger siblings), I end up throwing in a few serious sections with Uraraka and Eri bits. 
As I came close, I noticed a problem with the fic: the Dabi is Touya theory is much too plausible to blend in with the rest. So I naturally, I couldn’t let that stand. 
As for why Dabi didn’t say anything when Shouto showed up and tried to bond with him? I figure Dabi is used to hanging out with nutty people (himself included) so a kid insisting on calling him Niisan is pretty much a Tuesday for him. Besides the kid wants to kill Endeavor? He’s cool with that.
Honestly, I was rather weirded (but thrilled) out by how well people responded to the story. It was my first attempt at writing full-on crack, I wrote it in under fifteen hours, and didn’t expect it to be arguably the most popular thing that I’ve written. 
As for the frustration I mentioned, some of it is the common writer thought process of ‘I worker five zillion hours on this other fic and two on this one. Why the hell is the two hour one so popular?!!!!’
Yeah, I know: it’s a dumb reason to complain. This from me who genuinely likes the fic and thinks it turned out way better than I was expected. Go figure. I’ll go cry myself a river now.
The other bit is that my crazy inspiration disappeared after I finished it and I kind of needed it for my other projects... *sigh* That’s the life.
For those who are curious to the various cultural references used in this fic, they are:
The super intelligent mice are from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.
‘Please note all of the former relations include in-laws, step-family, adopted family, family of choice, pets and father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommates.‘ is a reference to Mel Brooks’ Star Wars parody Space Balls.
Pretty much the all the subtitles are inspired by Terry Prachett’s (RIP) Discworld. Prachett is arguable the authors who has influenced me the most both in my writing style and my way of looking at the world.
Well, Star Wars of course.
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miraclealignersv · 5 years
Let go (Chuck Grant x Reader) SMUT
Ask: “let go" smut with Grant, Im deprived from Chuck smut
A/n: this has been in my inbox for the longest time because I don’t feel confident when it comes to writing smut. NOW this is the first smut I’ve ever published, so please go easy on me. And if you have tips on writing smut pls send some in. I hope you enjoy and thank you so so much for your request!
Tag list: @gottapenny @curraheev @wexhappyxfew @bandofmarvels
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The what if’s ran through her mind as she sat in that briefing with the rest of the boys. They were going to go across the river and capture some krauts. They explained it as if it was going to be simple, hop on the rubber boats, get there without being heard, take the prisoners and they could all go home.
She had a bad feeling about the assault, hell she’d had a bad feeling about the whole damn war. But something about this one made her stomach turn at the thought. As she walked out of the building with Shifty and Babe next to her she sighed to herself, she felt a nudge and turned to the side to see Chuck who pointed his head towards the other way. She nodded and watched as he walked towards the back of the buidling, she waited for him to go in first and scout the place. so they could have it to themselves while they talked.
After a few minutes she made her way over, trying not to draw too much attention to herself as she walked e up the steps and through the door. She didnt see him, not at first but as she walked further into the house she heard footsteps behind her. Turning she felt Chuck wrap his arms around her waist and placed a loud kiss on her neck.
She smiled at the gesture and pulled away only to fix herself. Standing on the tips of her toes she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck before pecking his lips. His hands trailed down to her waist and steadied them there before pulling her in for another kiss—this time it lasted longer.
"mmm hi'' he whsipered, a small smile spread onto his lips. She watched his piercing blue eyes darted over her facial features, quickly he knew that something was wrong. He had known her well long enough that something was eating at her. "whats wrong?'' he asked as she stared down at nothing in particular. His hand was brought up under her chin and softly lifted it.
"its nothing, uh its just the whole assault thing'' she whispered before clearing her throat, her eyes wandered around the room before landing on his. He looked at her so attentivly, concern had taken over his face. "I got a bad feeling about this Chuck'' she swallowed hard before Chuck licked his bottom lip and wrapped his arms around her.
''it'll be okay,'' he started, making her sigh into his chest. "it'll be fine darling'' he assured before she pulled away and glanced up at him.
"but what if its not, what if its the last time were together?'' she asked, her voice lowering as she said the last part. Chuck sighed and pressed a long kiss on her forhead, her arms wrapped around his torso. She lifted her head and reached for the zipper of his jacket, slowly tugging it down. Chuck watched carefully, following her every movement before placing her hand on his chest. She reached up on the tips of her toes and placed various kisses down his neck. Chuck let outa sharp breath at the feeling of his lips on his skin.
"y/n,'' he whispered as he realized that by this time they should be getting ready for the assault with the rest of the team, but his mind was clouded by the woman standing infront of him. She pulled away from his neck and brought her hand around the back of his neck and pulled him down towards her. Her lips attatched onto his, slowly moving together before biting his lower lip only to earn a grown from him
"please" she whispered after pulling away, Chuck closed his eyes as he rested his forehead on hers. She waited for him to do something, a single gesture that would drive her to show him how much she loved and wanted him. Chuck leaned in again, the kiss was sweeter this time. Their lips moved slowly, but it was enough for her to get her heart beat faster and faster. His hands traveling down her sides and latched onto her waist only to pull her closer to him. Her hands travled over to the zipper of his jacket before tugging it off him. He pulled away from her lips and placed kisses down her jaw, which slowly traveled down her neck.
Her breathing picked up, in that moment there was only one thing she wanted to focus on and that was the man making her feel all sorts of emotions. His hands reached up to tug the zipper of her jacket down and threw the article of clothing to the side. He reached down to the waistline of her pants and untucked the longselleve tshirt before brinign it over her head. He got on one knee and peppered kisses down her abdomen, his lips slowly making their way down to her waist line.
“What do you want darling?” He asked, his voice was low and husky. That alone was enough to drive her insane. She threw her head back and placed a hand on his shoulders to steady herself.
“Make love to me Chuck” she whispered as he stood up again and pulled her into a kiss again. His fingertips grazing her now exposed skin. She pulled away and looked deep into his eyes. “Make me forget my own name” she finished, before taking her lip in between his teeth.
He softly groaned before undoing the belt on her waist. She felt him push her towards the dinning table set in the center of the closest room. Their lips not leaving each other. He waisted no time in getting rid of her bottoms. Chuck slowly took a step back and admired her laying on the surface of the wooden table. Walking towards her, his blue eyes not leaving hers for a second. He wrapped his fingers around the elastic of her underwear and slowly pulled it down her thighs.
She sat up quickly and placed a kiss on his lips as she wrapped her legs around his torso. Her hands wandering up into his hair, giving it a tug causing him to groan into the kiss. Y/n pulled away and gasped for air as she reached for his belt and undid it without wasting no time. There was no time in waiting, she just reached and pull his already hard length out of the restraints and pulled him in for a sweet kiss.
He ran the tip of his length over her folds a couple times earning a moan to leave her lips. She pulled away from the kiss felt his hand on her waist holding her tight. Y/n didn’t want him, she needed him.
Chuck leaned in again and captured her bottom lip on between his teeth as he slowly slid into her entrance. Chuck groaned into the kiss which prompted her to pull away, her eyes closed at the feeling of him fully inside of her. Her arms wrapped around his neck, he brought his lips and attached them to her neck still not moving his hips.
She breathed hard at the feeling of his lips on her skin. How close she was to him in that moment. Slowly he found a spot about her collarbone, perfect enough to leave a purplish mark on her perfect skin.
“Please,” she whispered into his ear, he pulled away from her skin and glanced up at her.
“What doll?” He asked, his voice filled with nothing but lust in that moment. There was nothing more he wanted than to be like that with her forever, connected at the hips and taking in every second of her. “What do you need baby?” He asked as her head tilted back, his lips instantly connected onto her neck again before she sighed in content.
“I need you to.. I need you to move Chuck” she whispered, her fingers knitting into his hair and his hand roamed up to her breasts and gave them a slight squeeze. “Please.” She finished before swallowing hard.
“With pleasure” he whispered himself before slowly moving out of her and thrusting slowly again and again. Y/n gasped at the feeling, the feeling of chuck in between her legs making sweet love to her. She cherished every second of it, not wanting it to end.
Chuck pushed her down onto the table, her back making contact again. Slowly he adjusted his pace again, from that angle he was hitting her in the right spot. Her mouth formed into an ‘o’ shape before letting a moan leave her mouth. Chuck leaned over her his mouth right under her ear. His breath fanning over that spot, soft grunts leaving his mouth making her go crazy.
He did things to her that no one ever could. The sound of him simply made her lose control. She brought her arms onto the back of his neck and moaned louder as he thrusted deeper into her. Chuck shushed her but continued doing it anyway, her only option was to stifle her moans into the fabric of his jacket that was still on his shoulders.
Y/n’s thoughts drifted away as he continued to thrust into her. His lips leaving sweet kisses into her neck, the fact that he whispered sweet nothings in her ear— it all made her throw her head back. Her toes curled at the sensation, she cherished it all. Every second because maybe it would be their last.
And suddenly she felt that familiar feeling bubbling in her core. She groaned and tugged the hair on the back of his neck only to earn a stifled groan from him.
“Chuck... chuck I-“ she cut herself off before biting her lip and swallowed hard. His thrust were getting slower but they were still driving her crazy. “I’m- I’m gonna—“
“Shhh,” he whispered as his faces roamed over to hers, their breaths fanned over each other’s mouths. She noticed his blue eyes, filled with nothing but passion and adoration. “Let go, let go baby I got you” he whispered before pulling her into a sweet kiss. Is eyes closing as he gave his final thrust. She moaned loudly into the kiss before her climax took over her, pulling away from the kiss she threw her head back. His climax hitting soon after, a loud groan coming from his mouth before as his seed flowed into her.
He chuckled and laid on top of her, their eyes not leaving each other’s. He gave her a smile and placed a kiss on her cheek, before peppering her whole face with kisses. She chuckled and waited as she caught her breath.
“Hope this wasn’t the last time,” he whispered his smile fading at his own confession. She leaned up and pecked his lips, pulling away she brought her hand onto his cheek and stared into his blue eyes. “I love you.” He whispered, a small smile crept onto her face at his confession. No matter how many times he said it, there was still a flutter in her stomach. Just like the first time.
“I love you too”
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sheepsandcattle · 5 years
Chapter 12
The couch in Jeff and Dean’s apartment is still too narrow and he’s still awoken a few times by the discomfort of the ass-shaped dip that he gets lost in sometimes, but this morning there’s coffee on the table beside his usual stale glass of water. The fan in the kitchen is loud until someone shuts the door, and then it’s just more white noise among steady traffic and the wind outside.
Jordan says, “morning,” and perches on the edge of the coffee table.
Not quite ready to muster up a sentence, Curls hums as he pushes himself into something closer to a sitting position and the other man claims the space beside him without a beat, clearly at home here too.
Once again, he can’t remember how he ended up here. He can’t remember even leaving the club. In fact, anything after the Jordan and Jules… Altercation is a mystery. He remembers he was going to be sick. Oh shit, was he sick?
“That redhead's a real piece o’work,” Jordan grumbles, reaching for the coffee and taking a long sip before he hands it over to Curly. “You feeling better?”
“Was I sick?” Curly’s pretty sure it shouldn’t be his main concern but his close-to-vomiting state is pretty much the cut-off point in his memory.
Jordan just laughs and he guesses the guy is just trying to protect his dignity. It doesn’t work, but it’s appreciated.
They sit in silence, glancing around the room, Curly still recovering and Jordan allowing him to do so. He’s used to waking up here now, but something tells him that Jordan is too. He almost feels the need to mark his territory somehow, let him know that this is his safe place, but then, it sort of feels like the man is only an addition to that.
There’s a creek from one of the other rooms just as Jordan’s hand finds his knee. It’s innocent but territorial like the man has the same connection to him as Curly does this apartment. They both seem to wait for another sound, but it doesn’t come.
He’s not sure why he does, but Curly says, “Jeff and Dean are scared I’m leading you on,” as he rubs a hand over his face. “I just. I don���t know what I want. I’ve never wanted this before.”
“I know.” Jordan shrugs, even though he can’t know, not really. “Doesn’t matter what they think. I don’t care,” he says as Curly drinks coffee beside him. “Do you?”
Shaking his head, he breathes deeply before he tilts his head back as his previously empty stomach settles just a little. He slips a hand beneath his shirt to place a warm palm against his stomach.
“What did you mix last night?” This has Curly going rigid. It’s embarrassing, both the fact that he mixed in the first place, but even more so the sate it left him in. Jordan adds, “my mom’s a junkie, Curls. I’ve seen it all.”
He doesn’t even consider arguing where he’d usually say ‘I’m not a junkie’ or lie about what he’d taken -or if he’d taken anything at all- because Jordan says it is so off-handed and without judgement.
“Heroin and a bit of coke,” he says without bothering to sweeten it up. “I don’t usually touch coke, though. Didn’t even take much.”
Jordan huffs, nods as he shifts and leans into Curly’s side. “I remember now. You shouldn’t mix that shit,” he says as he tilts his chin, but then before Curly can reply, he’s pushed himself up from the couch. “It’s hit and miss - doesn’t always matter how much you take.”
He watches as Jordan digs around a desk across the room. Curly busies himself with his coffee, drinking it leisurely and breathing through his stomach cramps.
Forgetting last night is probably for the best, although there’s blood on Jordan’s shirt, he’s now realising, and he makes a mental note to ask about that later. Surely Jules wouldn’t have—
Twisting to his side, Curly feels around the cushion and then underneath it, digging until he feels the hard casing of his phone. With Jordan still hovering around the desk, Curly settles back down to check the damage.
He has three messages from Jules.
02:47 - so ur new friend is a psycho
03:04 - getting a cab in 10. b there or dnt
03:22 - whatever. U owe me $20 btw
There’s an older text from Jeff too, and Curly vaguely remembers when his phone vibrated, sat on the curb with his head hung between his knees, Jordan’s hand on his back, telling him something about New York. Something about getting mugged and asking for money to get home. Something about making friends with some guy on the subway and not going home for four days and his mom not even noticing. It made Jordan laugh for some reason and Curly had realised he was just trying to ease him up.
02:01 - you guys can crash at our place. Will b out in a sec
Somewhere in his memory is the image of Jordan pacing in an alleyway. Curly also remembers resting his hand on J’s leg, back on the curb, but he didn’t really have the strength to make him stay put.
Jordan punched the ground when he was still sat as he shook his head over something. He said, “you should stay away from guys like him,” and pointed off into the distance.
Curly’s eyes followed and Jules was stood there, saying something back, but he didn’t know what.
Jordan was up and taking steps towards Jules before Curly even felt him slip from beneath his hand. He remembers saying something daft like, “it’s not worth it,” even though, truthfully, he didn’t really know what was happening. He buried his face in his hands because he felt like he was going to be sick again, and Jordan and Jules were still shouting but all he heard was “toxic,” and, “faggot,” and, “say that again!”
Time jumped and Jordan was back at his side. The alleyway was quiet again and his phone buzzed in his pocket.
“You should stay away from guys like him,” Jordan repeated and went back to rubbing his back.
Something slams onto the table and Curly jumps. It’s a note, a simple thanks, in black ink and Jordan says, “we should get outa here before Jeff and Dean wake up.”
It’s not his usual morning-after routine, but he finds himself agreeing.
“What were you and Jules arguing for?”
Jordan scoffs, crossing his arms in the passenger seat as Curly pulls away from the pavement. The walk to his flat was short but cold and he’s not sure how to break it to Jordan that it takes about twenty minutes for his car to heat up.
“He was irritating,” is all Jordan is willing to disclose at first, looking stubborn as he glares out of the passenger side window.
“He’s alright, you know,” he says, but Jordan doesn’t respond. “Does loads for me.”
“What, like selling you dope?” Jordan has him there, and turns to watch him when Curly doesn’t reply, using his driving as an excuse to look dead-ahead. “You were choking on puke and the kid offered you a hit. What the fuck, Curly?”
“I know when to say no, don’t worry ab—“
“Right, but you said yes.”
Curly frowns. Did he? “Did I?”
Every memory he has outside the club consist of being very aware of the fact he’d overdone it. He was sipping water from a plastic cup on the pavement between gags, regretting every drink and hit he’d had that day. He was past the point of doing a line to sober up.
“Jeff told me about him,” Jordan goes on, shaking his head now. “Said he takes advantage. Didn’t think he was gonna be so fucking transparent about it.”
He frowns. “Did I buy it?”
“No fucking way. I didn’t let you.”
So fuck knows what the IOU text was all about.
Curly just nods, a little embarrassed as he says, “good. Cheers.”
“It’s fine,” he nods and sinks into his seat.
They both fall silent, looking out into the road. They’re not really going anywhere, just driving for a while. Curly takes the same route as he does on those days where he’s drowning. He’d usually have his dad or Genie on loudspeaker by now, but this works too.
The weight of the conversation lingers but they’ve visibly relaxed now, like they were both just as eager to mention the elephant in the room as each other.
“Tell me if it’s not my business,” Jordan says, and it should sound passive-aggressive, but it doesn’t. “I’ve seen this shit happen. I just step in when I feel like somebody should.”
Curly pulls into an empty road, taking a moment to look at Jordan as he says, “I know,” before his eyes return to the road ahead. He feels guilty - thinks about what little Jordan’s shared about his mother, both times in passing. He’s seen this shit happen. “It’s your business.”
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