#with zuleima
sakkarathekeeper · 3 days
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 “I am always surprised how gentle you are. How the brightest innovator of our age could still care so much for preservation and the simpler things.” She took in a deep breath. “I am the past, Zu. You are the future,” she murmured. “I am the one who is always meant to be there for you.” Her smile widened a bit. “And I am proud of that.”
@sakkarathekeeper & @engineerzuleima
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ars-gratia-auden · 2 months
Who: @engineerzuleima Where: Eterna, at Auden's forge which I will think of a name for by the end of the thread Notes: Hopefully this is good enough to get them started!
It was always labor to relocate and pack up the great hall Auden considered their primary residence back in Avalon. It could take weeks to pack the forge alone depending on how confident Auden felt regarding the availability of sourcing items they might have forgotten, things like clothes and personal items took almost no time whatsoever given how little variety there was in Auden’s dress, but the curios and memento moris they enjoyed keeping at the front of their shop and in their drafting space was always a painstaking endeavor. With news of an Aetherian invasion in the Iskaran kingdom and a likely rush of darkspawn forces only days to weeks away from a potential invasion of the Lysaran border, Auden was convinced the residency they planned to serve in Eterna’s term would last as long as the high elven dared to risk being absent from their homeland and the light of the Laurelin tree. Kingdoms didn’t fall in a matter of years, after all–well, with the exception of Iskaldrik which folded in the span of several weeks, deservedly so from Auden’s perspective. 
Miraculously, everything had made it to Eterna in one piece, no tool, skeleton, material, or sculpture worse for wear. They were not always this lucky as they traveled from forge to forge to pass the years and work their craft. Many of their favorite items had broken in their travel, but Auden felt a deep sense of relief that this was the trip where all items arrived intact given they had brought a selection of their favorite and most impressive items. 
Since beginning to settle into the new forge, the front room of the shop now contained a large hunk of an ornately carved pillar taken from the ruins of a once-great cathedral, a crystallized skeleton of a snake, a glass case of several animal skulls, a verifiable jungle of many types of plants, and a great slab of petrified wood. There were still trunks of items to unpack, and Auden was determined to finish the front room where they would confer with clients by the time they called it quits for the day–no distractions.
Until there was a distraction of course. The figure of someone passing by the front window garnered Auden’s attention for a moment, but the recognition of the woman’s profile and curtain of dark hair gave Auden reason to truly pause. The passerby stopped for a moment to peer into the window–what had caught their eye remained a mystery to Auden–but it didn’t quite matter once they caught sight of Zuleima’s face and realized her initial instinct that it was the familiar strigoi passing the shop was correct. Despite their close call with a pride demon, Auden still housed extremely high regard for their own work–there were few they’d consider equal at their own respective craft or subject matter, but Zuleima was among those ranks. Auden stood straight and unlocked the shop door, opening it and leaning out slightly to look at Zuleima directly. “Casing the joint, are we?” Auden teased with a crooked grin before stepping back and gesturing to invite the woman to step inside.
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suyinskiss · 1 month
who: @engineerzuleima where: zuleima's workshop notes: sorry if you forgot about dis i took forever
Suyin held a healthy amount of respect for Zuleima despite their differences, hence why she tried to keep the woman close. So close that she'd secured herself a personal tour of the strigoi's workshop within the Queen's palace. She could count the number of times she'd been inside the palace on one expertly manicured hand, and usually it was on business - being highly sought after for her performances and such. While this meeting appeared to be more personal, it would likely end in business, somehow, Suyin was certain.
Whilst she waited for the workshop's owner to arrive, she wandered around the room, poking and prodding at random inventions and contraptions lying about. She picked one up - a rod of some sort without purpose, as far as Suyin could tell. The door finally creaked open behind her - a perfect opportunity to qualm her curiosity. "You know, I once visited a rather exotic toy store in Caribella. It sold items that looked quite similar to this. Guess they had to originate from somewhere..."
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apamates · 1 year
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Ptazeta: Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 45
Y tú, dama, estás tan dura que yo pierdo la cordura Y si vienes con tu amiga, pues le damos a la tres
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engineerzuleima · 3 months
who? open where? haven's wall when? the road so far plot drop
Haven’s Wall stands tall at the strigoi’s back as she eyes the distant shimmering dome with narrowed eyes. Anyone passing by will have noticed the thin layer of snow sitting at her shoulders, demonstrating that she has been standing in the same spot for hours at a time without moving and they would wonder why. The truth is simple: she had sent some of her conjurations to trail the borders of the magic dome to try and understand its circumference. Word had already spread about how the magic covered the entirety of Iskaldrik, and the more word spread, the more curious she became. Iskaldrik is in no way round, and yet the dome always seemed to be just that: a dome. The curiosity needed to be satisfied, and if she finds anything of help, the better. 
And so, she waits for the shadowy grims to return from their scouting, considering the magic before her thoughtfully. Zuleima has never come across anything like it on her long life, and part of her wants to know the mechanics and whether it can be replicated to protect Lysara. A bigger part of her, though, worries about the implications of unknown magic in the hands of the Aethereon empire. 
“You know I can hear you when you move, right?” She asks the watcher. “Don’t you have better things to do than to creep on a random strigoi?”
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luciliustheforsworn · 26 days
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Located in the Noble Quarter, Eterna, the Dragon Draught Lounge is an upscale cocktail bar with exclusive clientele.
Purchased 1 year ago by Lucilius with part of his inheritance from his adoptive father, the Dragon Drought Lounge was once owned by a wealthy Lysaran who needed to sell the business to pay his debts to Sinarians. Lucilius renovated it to look newer and brought in experts to update the menu, as well as had gardeners to attend to the greenery daily since reopening. There are luxery private backrooms added which can be used for more confidential business. Upstairs is closed off to most everyone, as it is the private home of Lucilius.
Since then, this establishment has become the bard's main source of income and has become open only at night, reserved for a certain type of clientele. The security is top notch and a huge part of the business' budget. It is a perfect place for the ambitious/clandestine businessmen and those who just want the combination of great drinks and the feeling of being superior and important.
It is only open in the evenings Friday and the weekend and most holidays. Often featuring classical music, the atmosphere is elegant, haunting and high-class. Outdoors, one can find a gorgeous courtyard to admire a well-kept garden and a beautiful lake with colorful fish. Later into the night, it can surprisingly lively thanks to top entertainers often are invited to sing, play live music or perform.
The Dragon's Drought Lounge only opens its doors to the wealthy, the titled, the famous, and those who are friends of Lucilius. Additionally, all students/graduates of The Harmonium or Accepted/ Olympians of The Tower are granted entry. Those who don't fit this criteria and can enter are either staff or invited for a particular reason/event.
Everyone who is not on the Guest List below would not be allowed entrance by the guards. (To be updated with plotting)
VIP Entry
Allowed access to private backrooms, invited into Lucilius' office at all times, a certain number of free drinks, allowed to ask nearly anything of the staff and able to invite up to one extra person to accompany them inside, even if they are not on the guest list.
Only VIP friends are allowed upstairs into Lucilius private quarters/home.
Aurea (queen)
Ikaros (crown prince)
Leander Mordecai (prince)
Afshin Gökhan (prince, reputation now fixed)
Zagreus Veridian (noble and friend)
Suyin (bard and friend)
Belladonna Clemencia (friend)
Ormir (huscarl with a good reputation now)
Business Entry
Allowed access to private backrooms, invited into Lucilius' office at all times.
Liora (staff)
Shenuvun (would want to purchase from wine brand)
Aylin (bard)
Kajal (great access to high-class art to purchase for decor)
Normal Entry
No office entry unless explicitly invited in by Lucilius, no private backroom access.
Alessia Hart
Calla Auguste
Eridani Jigna Maheswari
Karme Chrysanthos
Wilhelm Blackheart
Dior Thalasir
Kesor Argené Thalasir
Tianyou Faelorian
Val'shira Melithar
Afshin Gökhan
Zuleima Guerrero
Casimir Decebal Noctis
Araceli Severian
Julian Delyth
Morijah Slatewater
Akanis Agrat/Ingrid Isherwood
Recent Updates:
Aegean invited due to impressing him at the play.
Afshin Gökhan invited due to his story moving him at Venerio's play.
Ormir invited due to his story moving him at Venerio's play.
Alessia invited due to being a new Accepted
Njal invited after being so well recieved at the Neptunalia Games
Juneau invited due to not being a poor and slowly making a name for herself
Complete Ban:
Authorities would be threatened to call on these individuals attempting to enter:
Known/Suspected Pirates
Gladiators who aren't good at gladiating
Known/Suspected Thieves' Guild members
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chikoshoes · 2 months
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thequeendomhq · 3 months
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NAME. Zuleima Guerrero AGE & BIRTH DATE. 268 & November 11th, 2756 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Cis Female & She/Her NATIONALITY. Lysaran SPECIES. Strigoi FACTION. N/A OCCUPATION. Inventor & Master of the Artillery FACE CLAIM. Daniela Nieves
( tw: abandonment, gore, murder )
You leave Veilcrest in disgrace, a grim amusement filling hollow lungs. Everything known is left behind, including the life you had chosen when you had been young. It’s a choice not many would make, going against sire and master, against culture and conditioning, principles holding steady in the face of the unknown. Behind, you left all that is known: your work, your connections, the life that you had built from scratch. 
It did not matter. 
You still had time, you could rebuild your life anew. 
You have always been a builder, ever since you have been born. 
You build yourself a future out of scraps, a life out of abandonment. An insignificant orphan in the Deadlands, no one thought you would ever amount to anything but a quick meal or a passing amusement. Unimpressive height, wide eyes and an innocent face, there was nothing about you that did not scream prey. Not the way you stumbled upon your words as you rushed from one sentence from the next, head overflowing with thoughts that could not escape your lips fast enough. Not the useless empathy that had you reaching out to fellow orphans with dirty knees and bringing them close to share a morsel of food or two. Not the seeming eagerness to please all that would look your way, always running underfoot of inventors and craftsmen, asking a million and one questions as you carried what they told you to carry, hammered what they told you to hammer, mended what they told you to mend. Hours of effort were spent underfoot, asking questions upon questions, only for all of them to end the same way: with a door closed before your face, and the cold streets of Veilcrest calling you home to the dirty alleys. 
You had nothing, you were no one. Just another sheep of the flock, just another prey to be devoured. 
No one thought you could become anything but the prey you were, and yet—
And yet, you built yourself into a predator. 
People see what they want to see, you learned from a young age. A wide-eyed orphan, a girl desperate for attention. They saw someone small, easy to dismiss, so they didn’t turn your way as you did as they asked, did not see the spark of cleverness in your eyes as you taught yourself to read from context, learned schematics by heart, built a reliquary of knowledge out of the barest of scraps. 
You were just another orphan in the streets, after all, what need was there to know the reason behind your actions?
None, they thought, until they couldn’t. 
Once an orphan, always an orphan, but even orphans haunted by malnutrition and malnourishment grow, despite all odds. 
And you grew. 
Not in height, never in height, but in cleverness and viciousness, numbers coming easily and then lethally. 
Numbers are a funny concept, you learned. Easy for you to learn, to calculate at dizzying speeds, yet seemingly useless unless properly applied. What is the calculation of speed? Or mass? Trajectory? Sums and equations, seemingly inapplicable in real life, but connecting everyone’s every action. A simple calculation to tell you the density of a man’s skull, the speed needed for your sling’s projectile to bury into their skull through their eye. 
As easy as one plus one, as quick as the space between a blink and the next. 
Your first kill was a thief bothering a bored warrior that had not decided whether to kill him or not. It gained you an apprenticeship, your thinking amusing enough to gain the interest of someone you would have never dreamed of crossing paths with. 
Your first kill earned you a new life.
From orphan to warrior was not a step you expected to take, but you were always meticulous in your actions, and any escape out from the streets was worth taking. Unusually sized for a warrior, you were taught to use your size and your calculations to your advantage, learning where to strike with your sling or war hammer, learning how to subdue and kill with swiftness over power. 
Precision was key, so precision you learned. 
It was your precision that earned you the dark kiss, and you did not hesitate to take it despite the whispered stories of the Abyss and the Dark Ones. The whispers fell to deaf ears when they reached you, the concept of gods and anything or anyone beyond what was known sounding more like childish fairytales than anything worth remembering. You had never had time for indulging in fantasies, so why waste the offer of a lifetime because of them? 
There was no time to waste, so you didn’t waste it. 
From orphan to warrior to strigoi. 
One brick unto the next and the next. Slowly, you built yourself the foundations, until they were steady, until only you knew how to make it fall. 
Then you got to work. 
You found the answers to all the quick questions of your childhood, to all the unanswered inquiries or half-assed answers given to you by inventors and craftsmen that had not thought you worth their time until it was them that were not worthy of your time and the knowledge you collected. 
Numbers are a funny concept. So much of existence is based around them, and yet, many are baffled by their existence. Complicated equations lead to glazed over eyes, boredom and disinterest from most, but they drew you in like a moth to a flame. 
A newly minted strigoi, blood was not the only thing you thirsted for. All the knowledge that had once been denied to you, no longer was, and you reached for it with grasping fingers, drinking it all in until you found your place amidst the formulas needed to craft guns and buildings alike. For nearly two centuries you toiled in Veilcrest, carving a niche and a name for yourself, building a life on your foundations as a warrior and creator. Your sling was demoted to a backup weapon, replaced by guns of your own creation, your hammer was strengthened, meant to withstand your new strength rather than break on your inhuman grip. 
You built yourself a home and you were happy. 
Then you learned of Valerius Noctis’ plan and you were stopped in your tracks. 
Of all the senseless, stupid decisions. 
Your life had been built on the foundations of warriorhood, on the blood of the people you killed to gain renown, but you never considered yourself a monster. Your prey had always been carefully selected, efforts made not to take collateral damage. You understood the necessity of violence for protection, but violence for violence’s sake had always been too illogical for your support or your liking. And you could not see Valerius Noctis’ plan as anything but violence for violence’s sake. 
You would not abide by it. 
Regardless of your opinion, an invitation to join Valerius’ troops reached your abode one nightfall. 
A denial left your home before dawnbreak. 
Your fall from grace in the Deadlands was as easy as that. 
The life you built after nearly two centuries destroyed by your own hands in less than a fortnight. 
You were seen leaving Veilcrest less than forty-eight hours after rejecting Valerius' invitation. There was no use in delaying your departure, not when your sire could call at any point and demand you to change your choice.
Thankfully, your creator did not see you worth the effort. 
You left Veilcrest unencumbered, and headed for the rest for Lysara. 
Through mountains and peaks you traveled, the journey harsh even for you, but the company of a newborn wyvern made it easier. She was not big enough to mount when you found her, a lonely starving thing that had just escaped her egg, but that did not stop you from feeding her and taking her with you.
You knew a thing or two about loneliness and starvation, after all, and you would not wish it upon any creature.  
It took some time to leave the Deadlands. It was the first time you left Veilcrest and it came with the realization of how little you had truly seen. 
For six years, you wandered Lysara, growing to love the lush lands and the people more than you would ever love Veilcrest. A seed was born during your travels, burying itself in your heart as you saw the sort of lives that could not happen in Veilcrest and realized that you wanted to protect them. 
You had never wanted to protect anyone else before. 
It was a curious sentiment, and one that led you to settle in Eterna. You found a home in the Tower of Olympia, a mere six years after Valerius Noctis’ attack and your fall from grace, and you never left. For years, you did what you did best: you toiled and worked and built. Weapons, comforts, luxuries, buildings. You built and designed, delighted by the new sort of knowledge available to you, ignoring the wariness of those who had been there for Valerius’ attack. You understood their fear, their wariness, so did not confront them, well aware that your bedside manner would do nothing to dissuade them from their assumptions. 
Five years into your time in Eterna, your life shifted once more. This time, the foundations you built were not meant to launch you into higher heights. You had just wanted a home, but Queen Damodred Mordecai saw your worth, and you had found a home that you wanted to protect. An invitation was delivered from the Queen of Lysara, and this was an invitation you accepted. 
Your work changed after that, no longer a solitary enterprise but one meant to be done in harmony with the Queen’s Court. 
It was different. 
It wasn’t unpleasant. 
Your work changed, but you did not stop building, creating. Your playground expanded and soon you turned your eyes into the city and beyond, finding inadequacies on the city plans, improving what was there and building what wasn’t, creating protections that had not been there before, raising walls and building guns meant to protect the home you found after so long seeking. 
Yours is a careful work, one meant to be done with the precision life taught you and the numbers that come so easily to you and a handful others. It’s a never ending work, one that even with your immortality you are unlikely to see complete.
That is what makes it worth it. 
+ Ingenious. Empathetic. Meticulous. – Grumpy. Workaholic. Vindictive.
played by ori. est. she/her.
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sirzavier · 6 months
El fin de todas las cosas - TRAILER | SKY LAND Studios , El Regaño , Xavier Gonz
Meridia es una chica que esta visitando la ciudad por primera vez, en su camino conoce a Claudia y ambas emprenden un último viaje a lo que parece ser el final de sus caminos.
Ver en YouTube: https://youtu.be/zZ4FGhXdpzY
IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt30955047/
MUBI: https://mubi.com/es/ve/films/the-end-of-all-things
Ficha Técnica:
Una Producción de SKY LAND y El Regaño @skyland.01 @elreganio
Con la colaboración de la Escuela de Medios Audiovisuales, Universidad de los Andes
Dirección, Guión, Fotografía Xavier Gonz @sirzavier
Asistente de Dirección Oliver Zambrano Vegas @olivernottwist
Cast Meridia: Elys Rondón @elys_rondon
Claudia: Francyelizabeth Zerpa @francyelizabeth
Producción Andy Pinto @pintonauta Diego Stembock @stembock
Producción General Dayana Salas @mgt.dyn
Producción de Campo Cherry Zambrano Vegas @cherryezvegas
Dirección de Arte: Aranxa Rivas @tsee.tsee Sebastian Cañas @mucutian
Asistente de Fotografía Adriana Albornoz @adrianaalbornz
Cámara, Edición Anthony Xavier
Foto Fija Mariela Guerrero @mariemirrors
Andrea Sánchez @qamar.2109
Diseño Sonoro Alfredo Guerrero @alfred_________________
Operador de Boom Javier “Jirafa” Ortega @javier.jirafa
Sonido de estudio Juan Pablo Pinto @camburpint0nn
Banda Sonora Original Eduardo Jiménez @eduprodu95
Música Venus Bonus @venus.bonus
Poster Juan y Jhoana Ballesteros @per_volo @jaane.says
Paubla Rojas Yeferso Rojas Aurimar Sureda José Javier Gonzalez Andrea Quintero Zuleima Varela Anthony Xavier
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sakkarathekeeper · 15 days
Date: After the DnD quest with dragon god Location: Trivia's Cove Characters: @engineerzuleima & @sakkarathekeeper Notes: a BABY
Sakkara had not introduced Zuleima to Anivia, if only because she had been so busy. From a Neptunalia competition to the research needed to find any trace of the phoenixes, she had not been home often, and this was not a rare occurrence with Sakkara. The Keeper did not tell people where she went and often times she'd wound up sleeping in inns or on branches as a bird, far away from Trivia's Cove. She hadn't even had a moment to sit and spend time with her favorite strigoi, and she didn't expect Zuleima that day either. Sakkara had just only recently come home a few minutes ago. She had just set a tea to boil and set down her things. She was considering a flight to Eterna tomorrow, a chance to see both Mor and Zuleima, but her thoughts were interrupted by the beat of familiar wings.
Sakkara smiled and hurried out of the tent. Anivia was far away, unseen as she hunted for fresh food after the long journey. The Keeper was alone, save for two dragon flies that fluttered all around her as she watched Zuleima and Cloudy land. "Had you come just a little earlier, I would not have been here. Fate has given you good timing," she said with a smile. Sakkara then looked over at the wyvern. "Rest your wings, Cloudy," she said affectionately. "I will have a few uncooked steaks to give you today, if you'd like."
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yawneesims · 1 year
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Ezeqiuel Zuleima: Foodie, Music-lover, Socially Awkward. Spends his days baking up sweets treats, and his nights mixing up cool beats (his words not mine). Gen 1 of @simelune The Joy Of Life Challenge.
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atletasudando · 1 year
Atletas sudamericanos en el meeting de Maia, Portugal
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Varios atletas sudamericanos mejoraron sus registros personales durante el Meeting Gala Fernanda Ribeiro, este sábado 20 de mayo en el Estadio José Vieira de Carvalho, en Maia (Portugal). EN los 10.000 metros llanos, donde ganó el eritreo Merhani Mebrahtu con 28:07.91, el colombiano David Gómez se ubicó 6° con 29:05.02. La misma prueba, en damas, fue para la keniata Emmacule Anyango con 32:51.58. Y allí la colombiana Palmenia Agudelo llegó 3a. con 33:15.43, un puesto por delante de la argentina María Luz Tesuri  (foto) (33.29.51). En los 3.000 metros con obstáculos, el brasileño Matheus Estevao Borges llegó 3° con 8:43.81. Y también fue tercera la colombiana Angie Zuleima Nocua en 1.500 con 4:27.39. Read the full article
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engineerzuleima · 3 months
who? @morijah-the-right where? Eterna’s Standing Stone when? After the barrier fell, before Neptunalia began
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Another yawn escapes her as she sits a few feet away from the Standing Stone, and Zuleima doesn’t bother covering the yawn. It’s born out of boredom, rather than the need for sleep, and she takes a moment to check the sky to make sure she got the time correctly. In the distance, she can see the sun beginning to dawn, just enough rays coming through to both weaken her and let her know that she is indeed early to the meeting. It had been a deliberate choice, not wanting to waste time with the Right’s complaints if she didn’t make it on time, and giving some respect to the human's limited time. Zuleima might have all the time in the world, but the same cannot be said for the Master at Arms. 
Bored, she taps against the side of her parasol and debates on sending one of her conjurations to fetch Morijah to rouse her from sleep, in case she had indeed forgotten their meeting. In the end, she doesn’t need to do anything, the sound of steps finally reaching her ears. Standing up in a spring, Zuleima stretches her spine until it cracks and twirls the parasol in greeting to the mortal. 
“Finally, do hurry up, we have a lot of ground to cover today.”
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cycloss · 3 years
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thequeendomhq · 4 months
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welcome to taravell!
The Exile ( Aradia ) - Kenyer The Mission ( Nikandros ) - Messica Shaneson The Shade ( Casimir Decebal Noctis ) - Neigh The Engineer ( Zuleima Guerrero ) - Ori The Keeper ( Sakkara ) - Dany
Please review our new member’s checklist here and send in your blogs!
You have one week to submit your blog. The skeleton will be reopened if the blog isn’t received by next Thursday at 7 p.m. EST.
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I dreamt a few things I believe, but foremost among them is this:
I was in a park at a family function, a mix between my dads birthday and some community notable like dellafosse or Zuleima getting an award. It was kind of big, but not huge. Miriam was there. I remember I wanted her to be there, but I didn’t expect she’d actually show up. I introduced her to my holmany and hana halmony, and to my grandfather papa I think, except he was different. He seemed younger and much shorter. Confused and kind of like he didn’t know who he was. He misbehaved and was uncouth and rude when I introduced him to Miriam. I asked her to wait where she was while I talked to some of my family aside and asked why they behaved the way that they did, and told them it was not okay. I walked back frustrated and a little sad, and I suppose she could see it in my eyes. She asked me about it and I don’t remember exactly the response e that I gave her, but we walked forward next to eachother. Our hands were close and I reached out mine to hers, they touched and I asked if we could hold hands. She said yes. We did and my heart transcended. I was running, leaping, flying inside. We walked to the group where group photos were being done.
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