#with this also being far in the timeline I'm sure Neo had time to show her about the abominations she mixes with sweet stuff
lesbianneopolitan · 1 year
You neo just like tries to get Ruby to drink Vodka and pays Ruby 100 lein to do so. Ruby drank all that night, Neo regrets nothing
Vodka?? She would try to introduce her with sweet af alcoholic drinks LIKE?? I feel if there's something they may have in common is the liking for sweet stuff
So, easier to convince with some strawberry gin mixed with some kind of soda or something sweet
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kindainactive · 9 months
Suya's Interest in Leo (?)
It was established in chapter 55 that it was the second time Suya saw something positive in demons (through Leo) which made her warm up to the demons and form friendships with them as well as she wanted to know Leo more.
We can see her brute insistence of wanting to know him better in chapter 96:
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And there's continued attempts made from her part by her telling Leo things about herself that was confirmed in chapter 153:
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Suya initially must have thought (in this case, I am only assuming as a reader) that by telling information of herself to him so he can know her better, there will be an exchange of Leo telling information of himself to her and that way she will know more about him. But unfortunately, Leo is a private person and would never really bring up things about himself. So the choice Suya was left with was to actively seek it out by digging information about him around in his room that we could see in chapters 71 (hinted) and 143 (obvious):
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The other way was when others brought up things about Leo like in the Runaway Arc, the Alt Timeline Arc, and other chapters but it was more of a occasionally mentioned thing which wasn't as effective as her digging around information about him in his room.
The reason I brought up Suya actively trying to know more about Leo was initially I thought she just wanted to get to know him in the friendship/platonic way since Leo's feelings for her looked very one-sided but then a close fandom friend recently brought up a certain extra from chapter 89 after chapter 310 had long since been published:
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My fandom friend thought it weird as to how Suya acted here because she almost looked like she was jealous of Cursed Musician being close to Leo which we've known so far that she'd been actively trying to know Leo. But I can't say for sure since I never saw her show this kind of behavior before with others (except the few times she got envious of things others had that she lacked like Neo Alraune having a big chest unlike her). And while I would've thought of it just Suya being usually ambiguous and misleading at the time, it's harder to say for sure since chapter 310 came to be:
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At first when this came up, I thought there was nothing more to this scene. Just Leo being usually paranoid of having his intentions of asking her out someday all figured out by her and things would've left at that but then she made this face:
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And it made everything all the more confusing and now, I can't even say for sure if Leo's feelings for Suya is totally one-sided anymore. Is it or is it not? It's difficult to tell since the mangaka purposefully made sure all Leo chapters are in Leo's perspective when the other character chapters like Twilight's for example, we had her perspective once. The mangaka really made sure to keep things confusing and unknown as to what Suya really thinks of Leo.
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There was also this scene in chapter 281 of Suya being intimidating as she interrogated- I mean asked Leo if he voted for her and not even having second thoughts about the possibility of him not voting for her. It was as if she was absolutely sure Leo will vote for her. Maybe I'm overthinking it because of 310, but who knows?
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fauxfickle · 7 months
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We now return with your regularly scheduled and all too familiar feeling of malaise and the search for "The Great All American Pizza Show!"
So it's been a little under a month since my last post and I've been skimming through commercial compilations from the LA area. I've found some cool YT channels that archive old ads from that area but I obviously don't have anything to show for it. The ads are either too early or too late to be part of this campaign which is a bit frustrating. Something I neglected to mention last time was that I was also looking through Colossal Pictures demo reels to see if they had a snippet of the animated commercial but of course, there's nothing. There seems to be a cutoff point in the early 80s as most demos only show things from that far back. I was able to find some obscure, silent, avant garde, sci-fi film possibly connected to Colossal but I don't think that'll help me much.
Colossal had some sort of "meet the crew" type video where all the employees said they're names but only their first name so I can't really track them down or anything. I'll keep looking, I didn't look all too hard as I was kinda at my wits end at that time looking through ad comps for hours.
I took a bit of a break for a while before reading through the old Pizza Times newsletters from Dec 79 - May 80. The May 1980 newsletter had some cool info about commercials and news features filmed at the various stores. Some of these aren't technically part of TGAAPS campaign but ehhhhhh I don't really care. They're part of early PTT history and I wanna see them damnit!
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Let's go through these starting with Citrus Heights. The Citrus Heights section is loaded with info regarding lost media, 3 in fact! Sacramento's Channel 40 (KTXL), which has since been bought out by FOX in the mid 80s, did a Newsplus at 10 feature on the cyberamic systems at the new store during it's opening week. If we consult the ever so useful Chuck-E-Pedia, we can find that this feature would have been shot and most likely aired on Christmas week of 1979. A perfect pin point set of dates to look through! Next, Chuck was seen in the lead up to the United Cerebral Palsy Telethon which also gives us some idea of where to look. Finally, a TV commercial was filmed, possibly with TGAAPS slogan. Bob Wilkins' ad agency produced it but I couldn't find ANYTHING regarding this company. It's mentioned on his wikipedia but not named, and a even his own website doesn't mention anything about it. It's surprising that someone who seems like a local celeb in there area could have an ad agency that goes almost entirely undocumented.
Next, we move to Sparks, Nevada. Channel 2 (KTVN) filmed a feature on the store for the PM Magazine. The store was visited by reporter Keith Hirshland. Now I'm actually pretty sure I've found this dude! I found a local online article talking about him and the timeline works perfectly. Assuming this was filmed in early 1980, Keith would of been still fresh out of college with a degree in journalism and around 23. He also says he grew up running down the halls of the KTVN office. As a little aside, I'd just like to say don't bother this man or anyone/company mentioned in any of my posts. The last thing we need is to scare off these people.
This last little piece of lost media probably has the best chances of being found out of all the rest. Ben Wattenberg's 1980, from what I can find, is a dry, uninteresting TV news segment hosted by an equally dry and uninteresting host, the neo-conservative Ben Wattenberg. Ben Wattenberg's 1980 itself seems to be almost entirely lost media as only a few stills, episode descriptions, and TV listings exist online. However, this show was on PBS which no doubt has it somewhere in it's archive. What's better is that that there not only an exact date of when the episode will air, but also the name of the episode itself! One user on taptalk was able to find a TV listing which unfortunately doesn't lead anywhere and isn't archive on the WayBack machine. Luckily people actually said the name of the supposed episode which would of been "Silicon Valley: The New Entrepreneurs". We can also find evidence of it in a newspaper from that June 15th.
I sent e-mails to KTXL-40 and PBS on 2/24, so far no responses. I'll wait a little longer and in the mean time look for more leads and contacts. As I said before, don't bother these people/companies. I don't want them to be swamped with calls and e-mails and clam up on us. Bye for now!
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