#with their shitass plan that the other gods might even let us
From the moment Gale said that the Crown of Karsus could allow someone to ascend as a god, I was like... does that mean it could also kill a god? Maybe? Maybe even three gods? 👉👈😳
And I really wish there was a dialogue option where I could at least put the idea out there.
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august help rat and i are going absolutely feral over running minds au . i didnt even know anything abt fnaf before this but i have been CONVERTED homestly . i need to ficify it so bad . God . oh right thats why im here i was wondering if you have like any writing tips ?? because i have Zero Clue what im doing and you are By Far the best writer out of everyone i know Shoves microphone in your face whats your advice to someone who has like never written ever . actually i have an unrelated actually pretty decent quarter-ish of a fanfic sitting in my notes app but i barely remember how i Did That so it doesn't count i dont remember what wizardry i performed to materialize all those Words
OKAY OKAY OKAY ive figured it alllll out. its honestly not much but it's My process. LETS A GO
august's shitass guide to all things fanfiction and planning (which is near nonexistant!) 🔥
i will be using my current nano project for this because honestly this is the epitamy of writing i have right now and i love talkin about it. sooooo GOOOO
1: Bare Basics
the tagline. the who when what where why. why are u writing this fanfic. for me its the Talking: i want my angel and demon to talk about Feelings, so im gonna make them talk about FEELINGS. this is personal fulfillment. it might take a while to get there, but i want them to TALK. for you, i suppose would be for ford and michael to meet and go on whimscal adventures. basics!
2: How To Get There
so how are we making aziraphale and crowley talk. how are we getting ford and michael afton smushed together in the multiverse. you, of course, have told me how that works. now is it important enought to flesh that out before the rest or just needs to be explained in a quick flashback? your pick, but since my topic is so vague, i definitely need context before it. that, my friend, is up to you. nothing much more to it. if u dont know how to start a fic, just explain how we got to what's intriguing about it (the crossover :))
3: Notes.
now is where the process BEGINS. what happens in the story. i usually start with miscellanous bullet points--everything i want to happen, no matter the order it'll happen, in a little page. here's a picture of one of my pages ib my notebook, with things i want to happen in my titanic fic (handwriting reveal?!??!) (TEA, IF UR READING THIS SOMEHOW, DONT LOOK AT THE IMAGES🫵🫵🫵) (SORY FOR HURRIED SCRIBLES, I WAS TRYNA REMEMBER IT ALL)
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there's literally no order. just stuff that need to be there, there. even if its as simple as the au coming to fruition, or even just one conversation, PUT IT THERE. its all the appeal. what you're doing this for. dontforget....
4: Outlines
now, before i tell you how to do this, there really isn't a way. here's a picture of my timeline for the fic mentioned earlier (not the titanic fic) (TEA AND OTHER READERS OF THE SERIES, ALSO DO NOT LOOK TYYYY ❤️❤️)
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see? complicated as fuck. it doesnt have to be that way tho, obviously: each chapter or one shot could be as simple as "michael is fucking ZAPPED, and meets ford" it just has to be something to work with. (i, on the other hand, need extensive help. so. there's the thing above. theres eve more its just online)
there really isn't too much other than that in the planning department. understand why you're doing it, know how to get there, and PLAN. detail it out. idk if this is an adequet explanation actually. if u need more specifics i can try again, but is what i got. do what works for you, work at ur pace, and such like. it doesnt have to be at this level, or even close. have fucking fun, dude. if u need morehelp, pls ask, or even consult blogs that help out specifcally for that stuff. GOOD LUCK!!!!! <3
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lovecanbesostrange · 5 years
I blame @konako for putting Red Beauty feels inside my dusted heart again. And also @myfawnwy because reasons. So, how about a nice re-telling of Ladyhawke with those two?
It starts in Regina’s kingdom. The Evil Queen rules with an iron fist and lots of fear (just how we like her). Red is the captain of her guard. Strong, loyal, good at intimidation. Also Regina has a thing for her. Red really doesn’t mind all the special favors she gets. It’s a good life. All she needs to do is turn a blind eye toward all the suffering she causes. Oops.
So there is a soft side within her and then Belle drops into her life. Red is out on duty, she needs to collect taxes from an orphanage (the Evil Queen is actually evil, you know). Belle is there and disgusted when one of the soldiers threatens a child. She throws an apple it him. It’s not really efficient, but it makes Red laugh and they end up talking. Well, they banter.
Red is amused and also intrigued and when Belle offers up money (which isn’t enough, but it’s a good amount), Red can’t take it. She looks at the way the children and the nun running the orphanage look at Belle, and something pulls on her heartstrings. Red has money. She can actually pay the debt owed. She never needs her money for anything, because Regina gives her all she needs (sugar mommy, nice). But oh no, so Red learns about herself that there is something Regina can’t offer...
Among Red’s soldiers there is Mulan. Sorry to say, but she is miserable heartbroken rather dishonorable Mulan. Aurora broker her heart so bad, she drinks way too much and is very rude (if you know the film Ladyhawke, you know what role she plays in this, and sorry, but somebody has to). Still Red talks to her. And in the next few days Red manages to super accidentally run into Belle (girl knows how to track, *cough*stalker*cough*). And they just talk.
Belle is seen a lot of the world, she’s traveling ever since her father wanted to push her into a loveless arranged marriage. Yikes. She has met a lot of people and learned that most just want to live in peace, be happy and have the compacity to be good. Belle is an optimistic. She likes nudging people towards change for the better. And oh, does Red enjoy the nudging.
Red grew up in a tiny village, lost her parents early in life and she wanted more. It was a series of weird events that brought her to Regina and the attention, the power, the sudden sorta carefree egocentric life - morals be damned. But deep down Red remembers that she wanted to do better one day. She just told herself to compromise a little bit, to get into a better position and well, here she is now. But Belle tells her it’s not too late for that.
Regina feels that Red is slipping from her grasp. There is something going on and she will find out. Red knows to hide herself from the mirror’s watchful eyes. Regina has other methods though and Mulan - with no bad intention - lets it slip where Red and Belle are meeting up.
Regina finds the two and she is rage incarnate. What a betrayal and omg feelings, really, love only ever hurts people (she has issues). Red is super protective and tries to shield Belle, which only makes Regina laugh with madness. If she wanted to kill them they’d be dead in a second. Instead she throws a curse at them. It’s a bit on the spot, so she isn’t sure about it all, but gets a good laugh.
It’s night and while Regina retreats Belle looks around only to find Red is gone. Instead there is a wolf. A huge wolf. With her. In a tiny room. But before the panic boils over she can see that the wolf is distressed as well and not at all hostile towards her. Okay, so that wolf is Red. Well. Damn. What now? Belle talks to her, unsure if she talks to a human or an animal or like both. But they end up huddled in a corner.
The next morning changes the situation dramatically. Red wakes up and for a moment she is all “thank god, what a shitass dream that was”. Two arms, two legs, all human. But where is Belle? There is just this hawk sitting on the back of a chair. Looking a bit wobbly. And Red just knows, this is the curse. Only one of them can be human.
Then the hunters come. Regina wants to see them run for their lives and so they do. Only at sunrise and sundown, for a precious few seconds, can they see each other as human. When they transform. It’s never enough time to say anything. But they protect each other nonetheless.
Red has revenge on her mind and she talks about it to the hawk (who does enjoy learning how to fly, it’s a perk). But during the night Belle tells her why killing people rarely leads to good results. And she’d rather have a wolf by her side than nobody at all.
Red finds out what happened and she confronts Mulan, who has left the guard in shame. She is trying to get sober and when Red has her literally by her throat all she can do is offer up her own life. It’s no fun killing people who are ready to die and okay, so maybe Belle has an effect on Red in many ways. She just tells Mulan that one day she will collect what’s owed.
They live this way for a few months. Red using her skills by day to help people against bandits and Regina’s men, always looking out for hunters. And wow, since when are so many people out here bird hunting? It’s not easy being a hawk.
Then they hear about something outrageous - a woman escaped the Evil Queen’s most infamous dungeon. That castle is impenetrable. Not even Red knows how she could get in without being detected. Which is the other reason she’s putting revenge on the backburner.
The hawk scouts the land and it’s actually not hard finding the girl fleeing from guards. Just the general direction of where things are happening. So Red helps. A few well placed arrows, a sharp sword, a pointy dagger and the girl is safe. Her name is Snow. Oh wow, this one girl Regina always talked about and who she is really pissed at.
Red is all “I saved you, now you do something for me” and Snow is just “sounds good, but no thanks”. She has been imprisoned for some time, Regina keeping her a secret prisoner and now she has places to be. The hawk screeches at her and damn those talons are no joke.
Red offers to train Snow, because that girl is fast and tiny and stealthy, but she can’t take care of herself. What a shame. So she gets Snow to talk to her, tell her about the cells she has seen, the tunnels she found and the secret passageways connected to the city sewer and all. But Red knows she needs a guide right there. They argue a lot.
Snow is really irritated when Red vanishes and this other woman comes to her at night. Smirking “oh, I know you, Red told me all about you”. When Snow thinks this might be her chance to flee there is suddenly a wolf standing in her way. What’s with all the animals? Since when are they against her?!
Snow confides in Belle how Regina is actually supposed to be her stepmother, but there was this incident where a man Regina loved died tragically and the marriage with the King didn’t make Regina happy. Here Belle can suddenly empathize a tiny bit with Regina and once again she wishes she could just guide everybody to the side of good and sunshine and rainbows.
Turns out Snow is a princess and she should be in the spotlight, but it all was taken from her and she doesn’t have anywhere to go. “You have us now.” Beggers can’t be choosers it seems. What a weird new family. Snow slowly gets suspicious about never seeing Red and Belle together, yet they talk about each other like a married couple. Wtf.
They are so focused on training Snow and gaining her trust so she will help, they forget the hunters and one day the unthinkable happens. The hawk is shot down. Red gets mad. Berserker rage mad. Still she wraps up the bird in her cloak, gives it over to Snow and instructs her where to go. It would be so easy to leave the animal, but Snow has a feeling... and she runs. Red covering her. The hunters becoming the hunted. An endangered species actually. It’s a bloodbath. Turns out Red still has some wolf left in her by day.
Snow reaches the cottage that was described and a sober yet annoyed Mulan opens the door, to only smash it in her face again. “Red sent me.” That opens the door very wide and Mulan doesn’t even ask another question when she sees what is inside that cloak she knows so well. Luckily she knows how to help. She has stitched up so many wounds, pulled out arrows etc, she can handle this. Especially because night falls soon and there is a woman lying on her kitchen table now. (Snow on the side makes a small fist “knew it”.)
It’s after midnight, Belle has survived the worst of it and sleeps it off, when there is a howl. Mulan lets the wolf in, telling her it all will be fine. Red doesn’t leave Belle’s side for the next three days, no matter the body. Mulan tries to talk to her, but Red is angry. “Your debt might be paid, but that doesn’t mean I have forgiven you.”
So Mulan turns to Snow and explains how she tried to research this curse. And there is this eclipse coming up. There will be a day without sun and then Red and Belle can be together and break this curse. But they need to face Regina. Yeah, okay, so Snow how that meeting can be arranged and with a long sigh she caves. She will help.
Red doesn’t want to hear anything about the curse. Killing Regina is goal enough at this point, so they can be free. One way or another. Belle feels the guilt and misery radiating from Red. It’s all her fault they ended up like this. If only she hadn’t stalked... tracked her.
Mulan and Snow believe there is a chance to break the curse and they try their best to talk to Red and Belle. Coming up with a plan within the plan to see this through. They delay the journey a bit, so the eclipse can work its magic so to speak.
Snow leads the others through the tunnels underneath the castle. Or course today is the anniversary of Regina’s coronation, because it would be too easy with fewer people around. They get disguises, Snow being the one carrying the hawk. She does not like being stuffed in a bag and then shoved into a trolley table. Red gets a guard’s uniform with a closed helmet, so in the end there can be a dramatic reveal (including shaking that hair).
Regina actually enjoys the festivities. Everybody says so many nice things about her. Yes, they like her, they really do like her. So good. She always wanted to be a good leader. Yes, yes. (She has issues.) Mulan manages to create a small diversion, leads different guards out of the room to disable them. (Do you know how many unconscious bodies fit into one broom closet?)
The final confrontation is here. Right when Regina is giving a speech Red makes her presence known. It all starts with “You know that people whisper behind your back and call you the Evil Queen”. It kinda gets to Regina actually, she hates that name. She is strict and likes to punish, but if everybody would just do what they are told...
Red’s reflexes are faster now, she is more agile, the fireballs don’t seem to be able to hit her. A few guards want to help the Queen, but a few more remember Red being their Captain. O Captain, my Captain runs deep with them.
The eclipse starts, wonderful spectacle through the hugh windows. And Belle turns human again. Red has Regina almost on the floor, but the sight makes her lose focus. Belle is here. She never had the chance to tell her in person how much she loves her and that she’s sorry for this mess.
Regina wants to use this moment, but Snow comes forth. She yells a rather simple “mother, don’t” and it’s like a spell is cast. All Snow wanted was a mother, not the throne, not to destroy young love or use Regina. People recognize the princess now, who was rumoured to maybe be dead, or kidnapped to a strange land or fleed because of a crime (lots of conflicting stories, which Regina always enjoyed).
“You can choose to let the hate go.” It’s all very sappy. The way Red and Belle hold hands and Snow holds a speech while Regina holds her breath and Mulan holds a crossbow just in case...
Regina says she can’t lift the curse, even if she wanted to, because only true love’s kiss (TM) can. Which was the bittersweet revenge part, because the time was always too short for the two humans (furry rights not found). Belle grabs Red’s face and they kiss. *boom* ~Happy Ending Unlocked~
Mulan will later muse about this. “So, we never had to put ourselves in danger, because the eclipse was bound to happen and you two are so ridiculously in love, you would’ve kissed anyway........” (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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