#with the blatantly obvious lie that showing off those skills could be a super fun surprise when the kid's birthday rolls around
Bro if we ever get a rwby next!gen, how cool would it be if Blake and Yang's kid meets and trains with an older, survived but weakened Adam post-V6 and doesn't know it's him until they find his old jacket and they realise who he is but Everything's Difference Now and ahhh!
I don't personally care for next-generation or kid-centric fics but you do you
#anon#unofficial adam answers#could be neat to have him as a mentor figure#alright fine my brain is engaging so:#he's just passing through their town after a decade or however long#thinking that he wants to apologize to blake yadda yadda#but when he goes to their place (he asked around to figure out where they live)#they're not home but their kid is#and he panics because he didn't realize they had a kid#so he lies when the kid asks who he is and says he's an old huntsman friend#and this kid is immediately like oooh that's so cool you use a sword like mom#adam's like...kinda#kid wants adam to train them because moms say they're too young for now#(both blake and yang want to preserve the kid's childhood since both of theirs were tainted)#adam realizes he can learn more about them and how they're doing with the kid#so he'll be able to get through his apology hopefully without getting punched into the sun by Yang#so he agrees on the condition that the kid keeps their sessions a secret#with the blatantly obvious lie that showing off those skills could be a super fun surprise when the kid's birthday rolls around#in [insert amount of time you want the fic to span]#and over time the kid (who's overheard their moms talking about adam late at night a few times) puts the pieces together#but says nothing because they're realizing that adam isn't training them for the birthday thing#but because he wants to make up for things and apologize and he doesn't know how to do it properly#so when the reveal happens at the birthday and adam shows up after everyone else has left#the kid defends him (verbally; it wouldn't escalate into a brawl)
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commentaryvorg · 5 years
Danganronpa V3 Commentary: Part 2.10
Be aware that this is not a blind playthrough! This will contain spoilers for the entire game, regardless of the part of the game I’m commenting on. A major focus of this commentary is to talk about all of the hints and foreshadowing of events that are going to happen and facts that are going to be revealed in the future of the story. It is emphatically not intended for someone experiencing the game for their first time.
Last time in my favourite segment of trial 2, Kaito Was Good! He was having absolutely none of Kokichi’s bullshit and believed in Maki despite everyone telling him he was an idiot for doing so, said belief saved everyone by giving Maki the courage to tell the truth with less fear of being suspected, then Shuichi and Kaito teamed up to convince everyone of Maki’s trustworthiness even though they had to lie to do it. As a result, everyone finally agreed on the fact that Ryoma was alive during nighttime.
Gonta:  “So… everyone is culprit again?”
Suspect, not culprit, Gonta. You’re almost getting the hang of these terms.
Kokichi:  “But we can’t disobey school rules, right? The body was probably moved in the morning.”
This… sounds genuine. I think Kokichi actually believes this, which means that he hasn’t remotely got the case solved himself, even though he knew before most people that the murder wasn’t before nighttime.
Kirumi:  “But should we trust Maki’s testimony in the first place?”
This is Kirumi’s statement during the Debate Scrum. Everyone else is making logical arguments about the apparent impossibility of moving the body during nighttime, but Kirumi is still hung up on how inconvenient Maki’s testimony is for her and trying to get people to doubt it.
(Holy crap what do you mean I lost two and a half hearts of health from messing up the button mashing part because I briefly blanked on the PlayStation button layout. I know my Action difficulty is set to Mean, but geez.)
Gonta:  “Gentlemen not chuck dead bodies!”
An important fact about gentlemen. Gentlemen also don’t create dead bodies in the first place, which should make the not-chucking-them part kind of moot, but, you know.
Kokichi:  “Got it, musclehead!? Even if we injected tons of steroids into you, it’d be impossible!”
Gonta:  “Sorry. You’re right.”
Tsumugi:  “You didn’t need to apologize, Gonta…”
Kokichi is still being a gigantic uncalled-for dick to the most vulnerable people. And apparently Kaito has given up on telling Gonta not to apologise for things that aren’t his fault, because he keeps doing it anyway?
Kaito:  “How the culprit moved the body from the window… Ha! You guys don’t even know that!? What a bunch of dimwits!”
Kirumi:  “Do you have the answer, then?”
Kaito:  “But of course. Tell ‘em, Shuichi! Blow ‘em all away with the truth!”
Oh, Kaito. He has absolute faith that Shuichi with his amazing detective skills has already figured it out and is just lacking in the confidence to explain it, and is trying to give Shuichi that confidence to do so by talking like this.
Shuichi:  “Ah… I, uh… actually don’t know that yet…”
Kaito:  “Wh-What!?”
…But maybe his expectations for Shuichi are a little too high right now. Oops.
(It’s not too unreasonable for Kaito to assume this, because last trial Shuichi had already figured out basically everything about how Kaede did it, and the only problem was him finding the courage to reveal that truth.)
Kaito:  “Wh-What are we gonna do, Shuichi!? We gotta figure this out or we’re done for! Hey, you gotta do something, Shuichi!”
Shuichi:  “I-I know… I have to do something, but…” (I don’t know what to do, I haven’t figured that out yet… … Dammit… am I really not good enough…? Am I…? Am I no good as a detective? I-I can’t do this, I can’t—)
Kaito, I know you’re trying to help but right now you’re just putting too much pressure on Shuichi! Ease off there.
It’s neat that there’s this one little moment to show that despite how amazing Kaito is at encouraging and supporting people, he’s still not perfect at it and can mess up sometimes. This is coming about because Kaito genuinely believed Shuichi had already figured it out and is caught off-guard and freaks out a little upon realising that he hasn’t. Otherwise Kaito would still believe that Shuichi can figure it out if he just thinks it through carefully, and he’d be able to encourage him to do that instead.
Also I feel like Kaito is using “we” in a way that implies he means just the two of them, like they’re a team who’re going to solve this and save everyone together.
Maki is the one to snap Shuichi out of it by suggesting that we focus on where the murder took place! That’s almost certainly something she wouldn’t have done if Kaito and Shuichi’s belief in her hadn’t encouraged her to be a little more co-operative.
Kokichi:  “Why didn’t anyone realize this yet? Ha, that’s strange.”
Kiyo:  “Perhaps the culprit steered the conversation away from that topic.”
The culprit has definitely done a lot of deliberate steering of the conversation, as I’ve been pointing out… but not really about this. Changing the topic of conversation to where Ryoma was killed isn’t precisely bad for Kirumi anyway, since anyone could have killed him in his lab.
Shuichi:  “…Thank you, Maki. That was a helpful insight.”
Maki:  “I can’t believe you didn’t notice that. I guess that’s why you’re still an apprentice.”
It’s actually quite refreshing to have someone being more realistic about Shuichi’s detective skills rather than automatically putting him on a pedestal just because he has the title of Ultimate. Shuichi should have realised this, really, since he investigated Ryoma’s lab and seemed to more or less deduce it was the crime scene at the time, but then apparently forgot about it in the trial until now.
Kiyo:  “It’s possible they knocked him out before handcuffing him… Kehehe… Though there’s no way we can be sure, now that he’s naught but bones.”
Actually that’s exactly how we can be sure he was knocked out, since we can see the big obvious fracture on his skull. Why does nobody ever mention this. Now would be the time to bring it up.
Kokichi:  “I doubt he was ambushed. I’m pretty sure the culprit got Ryoma by… … Oh whoops, don’t pay attention to little ol’ me. I’m just talking to myself.”
Having seen everyone’s motive videos, Kokichi is probably imagining, correctly, that Ryoma had given up on living after seeing his and let himself get killed. It’s also possible, since Kokichi’s seen Kirumi’s motive video too, that he’s figured out that Kirumi told him about her motive and essentially asked him to sacrifice himself. He could just tell everyone right now that he thinks Kirumi did it, but of course that wouldn’t be any ~fun~, would it?
Oh boy, it’s time to drive a taxi. This whole minigame is so, so stupid for a number of reasons. Why on earth is Shuichi’s mental process being represented by driving a taxi and picking up hookers? That could not be more out of character for him. Plus it’s just unnecessarily long and disconnected from what’s actually going on in the trial. And, even if we just distill it down to the actual meaningful point of it which is the questions you get asked, almost all of those questions are asking you something blatantly obvious which has already been established, rather than challenging you to figure out something new, making it even more ridiculous and unnecessary that the game makes such a big deal about it. Generally the only actually new question is the last one, in which case, why not just use the usual multiple choice question mechanic?
“If you hit those, you will take Focus Energy damage.”
Um, tutorial, don’t you mean Influence? You can’t take damage to your focus meter.
At least I bought and equipped the skill that gives you twice as many letters per letter cube, just to make this minigame go faster because I find it so unnecessarily long.
Gonta:  “First, culprit hang rope outside of one window. Then culprit move to other side… and tie cable to other window. Then, after tying to each window, culprit tie rope and cable together. That how culprit make one rope that reach both windows.”
Look at Gonta being genuinely smart in some ways! I hadn’t even figured this part out on my first time through; I knew the rope had to have been tied between the two windows but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how the culprit managed to do that.
Gonta:  “I-It’s nothing. Gonta use ropes a lot when looking for bugs.”
Gonta may not have many book smarts because he grew up in a forest, but there’s other kinds of intelligence that he still has plenty of.
Kaito:  “Alright, Shuichi… The stage is finally set.”
Shuichi:  “…What?”
Kaito:  “Listen up! Do a good job here, and I’ll be able to put an end to this trial! It all starts with you! You be the opening act, and I’ll be the main event!”
Kaito is so encouraging and good! Yet again, he’s doing his thing of making it seem like this is mostly about him, to take the pressure off Shuichi – especially after he messed up earlier by putting too much pressure on him.
Kaito:  “And then together, we’re gonna save everyone!”
Kaito is so desperate to play a part in saving everyone and so glad that he’s able to do so by being in this partnership with Shuichi.
Shuichi:  “Together?”
And Shuichi is glad that he’s not going through this alone and has someone on his side!
Kaito:  “You got this! After all, you are my sidekick!”
Of course! Kaito is super awesome, so naturally his sidekicks would be super awesome too! He only picks sidekicks that he knows can get the job done!
Kaito:  “I believe in you! So I’m gonna leave the rest to you!”
Shuichi:  “…Yeah.”
Despite having said that he’d be the main event, Kaito now says he’s leaving everything to Shuichi – because of course he knows full well that he’s not really the main event and was only saying that to make Shuichi feel less pressure.
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And I love that the game has an entire illustration just for this moment of Kaito encouraging Shuichi. Kaito’s encouragement of Shuichi and their friendship is such an important part of the story and it deserves this amount of emphasis. This is also presumably why Kaito’s podium is right next to Shuichi’s in the trialgrounds, so that this image could exist. Usually in Danganronpa, characters with some kind of close emotional connection never happen to be physically close to each other in the trialgrounds, but thanks to this image existing, Kaito and Shuichi are an exception to that and it makes me happy.
Shuichi:  (This is the main event.)
…Even though Kaito just said that he was the main event. Shuichi can tell that Kaito didn’t really mean that and knew that the main event is actually him.
So I gather that basically everyone who played the localisation had never heard this word before. In the original, the word is also the English word “ropeway”, but in Japanese that word can also mean something like a cable car or a gondola and I guess is a more commonly-known word for that type of thing? Not sure what else the localisation could have translated it to that would have been any better than this, unfortunately.
Mind Mine is also a pretty silly minigame for figuring out things that are usually already fairly obvious, but at least it doesn’t take forever and the game part of it is pretty fun. I got super addicted to the casino’s version of it, at least.
Shuichi:  “Remember the inner tube we found in the pool, with the rope on one side?”
I don’t know why you’re asking everyone to “remember” this when you and Kaito were the only people who found it, Shuichi.
Monosuke accidentally confirms that someone came to them to ask about the extent to which they were allowed to “enter” the gym through the window.
Kokichi:  “Maaan, the trial was just getting fun. Why you gotta ruin it with that slip-up?”
Really, Kokichi? I thought you were having the most fun when you were trying to get Kaito and Maki to tear each other apart. Also, he really didn’t ruin it; he just confirmed Shuichi’s deduction which everyone was going to assume was correct anyway. It’s not like he mentioned who the culprit was.
Kokichi:  “If Maki had never met up with Ryoma at nighttime, it might’ve been the end for us.”
Yes, it’s almost like Maki’s testimony is trustworthy and she was helpful and Kaito saved everyone by giving her the confidence to tell the truth, because someone was too busy being an asshole to tell us that he also met Ryoma at nighttime.
Kokichi:  “Well, I still don’t know if Maki is telling the truth or not…”
Maki:  “…Shut up.”
Thank you, Maki. He deserved to be told that. Everyone else has long since accepted that Maki was telling the truth, but Kokichi still feels the need to be a dick about it and try to get everyone to doubt her.
Kaito:  “What are you, stupid? Don’t respect the culprit!”
We all respected Kaede, though, didn’t we, Kaito?
Kokichi:  “Now, we just need to figure out who the culprit is!”
You could tell us that, Kokichi, since you seem to have possibly figured it out a while ago. No? Of course not.
Kaito:  “Hmph. Looks like it’s time for me to start the main event… but my sidekick here’s on a roll right now, so I’ll let him take this one.”
Shuichi:  “Hm? Ah, okay.”
Maki:  “You’re just pushing everything onto Shuichi because you don’t know yourself.”
Oh, Kaito. Still encouraging Shuichi while making it seem like it’s mostly about himself to take the pressure off. Nobody here, least of all Kaito himself, is under any delusions that Kaito knows who the culprit is and can actually pull off this “main event”. Everyone’s thinking what Maki is, but of course she’s the one to point it out because she has no qualms about making jabs at his ridiculousness.
Shuichi:  “…”
Kaito:  “Hey, Shuichi. Are you hesitating again?”
Shuichi:  (What?)
Kaito:  “C’mon, man. There’s no need for that. Like I said, you’re my sidekick. I take responsibility for any mistakes my sidekick makes. So use those skills of yours I believe in… to shove the truth down everybody’s throats!
Shuichi:  “You… believe in my detective skills?”
Kaito:  “That’s right! I’m gonna leave it all to you, Shuichi!”
And of course Kaito would notice Shuichi hesitating and realise he’s still afraid to reveal the truth, as well as to potentially screw up and accuse the wrong person, so he takes the pressure off further by claiming responsibility for Shuichi’s mistakes. All Shuichi has to do is use his awesome detective skills without worrying about a thing, because all the worrisome parts are being taken care of for him by Kaito, or at least that’s how Kaito wants him to feel. He’s so good.
Kirumi:  “If that is the case, then I will have to deny it. I will not let you make the wrong choice.”
Shuichi:  “…The wrong choice?”
In some ways, even though she is the killer, you could argue that voting for Kirumi is “the wrong choice” in that it will prevent her from saving the millions of people out there. That’s how Kirumi is thinking of it.
Kirumi:  “I will refute your accusations will all my might… for everyone’s sake.”
Yeah, everyone’s sake, all right.
Shuichi argues that only Kirumi could have done the preparations in the gym before nighttime, but, I mean, technically so could Kaito and Maki (and Miu, because her alibi is so shaky). The thing that makes Kirumi the most suspicious right now is the part where she was clearly trying to get herself an alibi from Kokichi so that she was only alone for five minutes.
Kirumi: “This is my selfless devotion!”
Appropriate that this should be Kirumi’s line when butting in for her Rebuttal Showdown.
Kirumi:  “While I do understand where you are coming from, I assure you this is just… a part of your petty imagination! An empty theory created from nihilism!”
I enjoy how Kirumi’s speech gets more flowery and elaborate when she’s under pressure, like she irrationally thinks that if she uses unnecessarily big words and concepts then people will be more likely to listen to her. What on earth would Shuichi thinking you did it have to do with nihilism, Kirumi?
It’s a little strange that the argument in this section is asking you to prove that the rope really was tied between the windows by mentioning the marks on the window frames. We stopped talking about the ropeway a while ago and really should have brought up that evidence back then to support the theory. I guess it sort of fits with how Kirumi was still busy trying to get everyone to doubt Maki during the Debate Scrum – rather than address the current argument, it seems she prefers to try and collapse the entire foundation of the argument by discrediting the established premise, even though it has already long since been established and everyone else believes it.
Tenko:  “Please answer us, Kirumi! Shuichi is doing this for your sake—”
Kirumi:  “If it is for my sake… then it would be much easier to forfeit… But I cannot allow that! Because I must do this for everyone!”
Kirumi is so desperate and determined! This is where I start to really enjoy her character.
(Shuichi isn’t really doing this for Kirumi’s sake, though. If she really is the killer, he’s doing it for everyone except Kirumi’s sake.)
Kirumi:  “I have… a duty and a responsibility… I must serve everyone and protect them… So I refuse to surrender! They won’t forgive me if I do!”
The “they” here makes it rather explicitly obvious that she’s talking about an “everyone” who isn’t here, but that’s a localisation blunder. In the original, because Japanese doesn’t use subjects as often, what she said was more along the lines of “It’s unforgivable”, with no reference to who wouldn’t forgive her.
Shuichi:  (Is she doing this for all our sakes…? Am… Am I wrong? Is Kirumi innocent…? No, I… I’m wrong again—)
Which would make it more believable that Shuichi assumes Kirumi is trying to protect everyone here and lets his anxiety and self-doubt get the better of him.
Kaito:  “Hey, Kirumi… Who exactly is this ‘everyone’ you’re talking about?”
Shuichi:  (…Kaito?)
Kaito:  “I’ve… just got a weird feeling about this. When you said ‘everyone,’ it felt like you weren’t talking about us… It felt like… you were talking about someone who isn’t here.”
And it also means this is meant to be another example of Kaito being very perceptive and having a correct hunch about someone’s behaviour without any specific evidence to back it up. It’s a shame the localisation messed that up and just makes this look like Kaito is pointing out the obvious, because that’s not what this moment should be.
Kokichi:  “Hey… Do you think Kirumi saw her own motive video?”
I don’t know, Kokichi, do you? You could just fucking tell us at this point since she’s already the prime suspect now and it wouldn’t make things any less ~fun~ for you.
Kirumi’s only way out of this is to lie and pretend that the “everyone” she was talking about really is everyone here.
Kirumi:  “I do not care what becomes of me, but I will not allow any of you to die. Because I made a promise to Kaede. She wished for all of us to escape together.”
Shuichi:  “…”
Kirumi:  “I want to fulfil my duties as the Ultimate Maid. I wish to serve everyone. So, please believe me! You have to!”
She’s doing this to try and gain everyone’s sympathy, to make them not want to suspect her… but it can’t be too hard for her to put on this act, because she really doesn’t want to have to sacrifice them and break her promise to Kaede and escape on her own without them! If she could protect both “everyones” at once, she would.
Kirumi:  “It is still possible for Maki and Kaito to have gone to the gym. They do not have alibis.”
This is still a valid point.
Kirumi:  “They could have pretended to help Himiko, but secretly prepared the murder.”
This… is a less valid point, since the point of them not having alibis is that they would have snuck in after 9pm when nobody would see them and wouldn’t have needed to pretend to help Himiko.
Kirumi’s words work on some of the others, and several people express doubt that she really did it.
Shuichi:  “I… made a promise. As the Ultimate Detective, I made a promise to seek the truth. I made a promise to Kaede! So I’m not turning back now!” (They’re scared… They’re scared that they have to accuse one of their friends of murder. So it’s up to me… I have to do it. I’ll use my detective work to prove it!)
Shuichi’s issues are being relevant again! It’s not just him – everyone is afraid of facing a painful truth that one of their friends committed murder. In that way, Shuichi is now much better at doing so than everyone else, because he’s had practice. He was in the most pain in the previous trial upon accusing Kaede, but he managed to do it anyway. Compared to that, accusing Kirumi here isn’t so bad for him, so he’s able to do it when nobody else is willing to. He also promised Kaede more strongly than anyone else that he’d find the truth and protect everyone, so he has the most incentive to be brave right now.
Kirumi:  “Shuichi, won’t you please tell me why you are so desperate to pin me as the culprit? Don’t you want to protect everyone!?”
Shuichi:  “I’m doing this *because* I want to protect everyone!”
Kaito:  “Shuichi…”
Look at Shuichi being a hero! And even more importantly, look at Kaito noticing Shuichi being a hero, apparently quite without his help, and being taken aback by it. It’s never explained why Kaito mutters Shuichi’s name like this, but the timing of it suggests that this is what’s going on in his head, as it would fit perfectly as an early hint of Kaito’s later jealousy towards Shuichi. It almost doesn’t need to be here at all because it’s so tiny and so apparently pointless, so the fact that it is here nonetheless means it’s a very deliberate and very relevant part of Kaito’s character arc and makes it possibly my favourite single line of dialogue in this trial. Have I mentioned that I adore subtle character writing and the way it’s used to write Kaito. He is such a damn good character in so many ways.
Another relevant point is that Kaito is mostly quiet after this moment and doesn’t encourage Shuichi again for the rest of the trial, as if he doesn’t think Shuichi needs it any more.
Kirumi:  “All you care about is your own reasoning! You don’t even listen to others! I can’t bet everyone’s lives on a deduction made by a self-righteous brat!”
I like how Kirumi’s furious argument as she tries to discredit Shuichi focuses on making him sound selfish, because that’s obviously something she would consider to be the worst possible trait a person could have.
Kirumi:  “You can’t save anyone!!!”
She’s also trying to cling to the idea that she is the only person here capable of saving others, which is kind of necessary for her motive. If she was able to accept that the people outside didn’t need her specifically to save them from the unknown threat and maybe the other people in the government could deal with it without her, then suddenly her sacrificing her friends to escape from here becomes meaningless, and self-righteous of her.
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Her design for the Argument Armament, aside from the broom she’s holding, isn’t that maid-like – she actually looks more like a knight. Appropriate, since she’s fighting to defend her people.
Kirumi:  “In this class trial… everyone’s life is at stake! Because of your self-righteous truth… Everyone might die!”
These words are actually true; she’s talking about “everyone” outside again. She’s saying Shuichi shouldn’t be seeking the truth because it’ll only save the twelve people trapped here and selfishly result in everyone outside getting killed.
Kirumi:  “I only wish to protect everyone… Why must you interfere!?”
More words that are technically true!
Kirumi’s level of clothing damage at the end of her Argument Armament is very over the top and not okay, by the way. I mean, the clothing damage in these is kind of silly in general, but this one is especially nope-why-would-you-even.
Shuichi:  “But our culprit was smart. They weren’t burned because they weren’t bare-handed.”
…I mean, that’s not really because she was smart so much as because she just happens to wear gloves all the time anyway. In a way, it would have been smarter for her to take her gloves off and deliberately give herself ropeburn to avoid the risk of the gloves breaking and leaving evidence – after all, she is more than willing to injure herself for the sake of her people, as we see in her execution. But I guess the ropeburn itself, while possible to hide under her gloves, would still have given her away once Shuichi figured out the culprit had to have it and demanded she take her gloves off to show us her hands.
Kokichi:  “From what I remember, the only one who wears black gloves is Kirumi, right?”
No, she’s not. Miu also wears black fingerless gloves. Miu could technically still be the culprit, because her alibi is shaky enough that she very much could have snuck into the gym for five minutes before nighttime to set things up. I mean, she clearly isn’t, based on the fact that she’d be terrible at hiding it if she really did do it and based on the way Kirumi has been acting, but.
Shuichi:  “The extra uniforms in our rooms are made of the same material we’re wearing now. We can test my theory by comparing the fabric scrap with your glove.”
Which we really should do, to confirm that it’s a piece of one of Kirumi’s gloves and not one of Miu’s. (Assuming their gloves are made of different material in the first place.)
Kirumi:  “U-Uhhh…!”
Angie:  “Huh? What’s the matter? Why are you sweating so much?”
Because she’s desperate to save everyone and she’s not going to be able to do so!
Shuichi:  (In the end… I’m just like them. I’m scared of revealing the truth. Because it means that someone has to be sacrificed. But Kaede was scared, too… She didn’t let that stop her. She thought things through to the end.)
Look at Shuichi being inspired by Kaede even though he knows she was scared the whole time! Knowing that just makes Kaede more inspiring to him, because if she could fight through her fear then he can too!
This is something Kaito really, really should be taking notes about. But he can’t, because Shuichi doesn’t say this out loud.
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This shot of Ambiguous Culprit Kirumi grinning evilly after Ryoma is devoured is definitely not what happened. Kirumi had to have been quietly horrified at what she’d done.
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{Later addendum edit: I completely missed this before, but look closely at this panel. Isn’t that Kirumi comforting Tsumugi as she freaks out from seeing Ryoma being eaten, even though Kirumi was the one who made this happen in the first place? That’s so lovely of her; of course she would. None of that evilly grinning nonsense, thank you.
(Little does she know Tsumugi is completely faking it and is the one responsible for her becoming a murderer for no reason and her upcoming horrible execution.)}
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She also would not have grinned evilly after setting up the gym. Still, this is Shuichi’s imagination, and he doesn’t understand her motive yet other than suspecting it’s maybe something about protecting someone outside, so I can sort of see why he would picture this.
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Yet again we have our Ambigious Culprit Figure wearing a distinctive piece of clothing, this time Kirumi’s gloves, since they’re important to how the case played out. She’s shown holding her gloves in her teeth as she drowns Ryoma, which is a neat detail since she would have wanted to not get them wet.
I’m not sure Ryoma’s hands would have been in the water like the panel here shows, though, since the scrapes were on the outside of the sink.
Kiyo:  “Why use your own gloves, though? The warehouse should have had plenty—”
Kokichi:  “There weren’t any. Obviously, she would have used them if they were available.”
I mean technically we don’t know that, since we haven’t actually checked that the scrap is from Kirumi’s glove. And if there are gloves in the warehouse and the scrap matches them, then that means it could still have been Kaito or Maki, but.
Kokichi:  “Geez, Monokuma provided everything but the gloves. That’s pretty sadistic. But thanks to him, at least the game became way more interesting…”
I dunno, if he’d provided gloves, it wouldn’t have been less interesting so much as we’d have been stuck with no way to prove who the killer was out of Kaito, Maki and Kirumi (and technically Miu). No way except looking at the way the suspects are acting and assuming it’s Kirumi based on how stressed she is. And wasn’t that supposed to be Kokichi’s idea of “fun” in the first place?
Monokuma:  “The heart-racing excitement as the blackened and the spotless finally face off!”
Yeah, damn right it’s “finally”, because last trial the blackened and the spotless weren’t facing off at all.
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Kirumi voted for Shuichi. Just goes to show much she refuses to give up even though it’s utterly hopeless for her now.
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