#with sufficient creep factor
tredispade · 23 days
@fourthclone | starter with jenova
There were so many of them now. Countless 'clones' that were consumed and infected. All of them listening to him--- her progeny. With his muted genes. She couldn't be prouder. However... she did not apparate being left behind. To be forgotten. She would seek a new vessel so she could be in her rightful place at his side.
Then an all new beacon appeared. Burning hot with new life. New potential. This time she could reach out to him. Unobstructed by another. Greedily she reached out her metaphysical claws and sank them into the newborn psyche. Whispering fervently into his ear.
'Come to me my child. Allow me to care and nurture you. You can be so much stronger, so much resilient. Destined for more than a premature death due to your own weak humanity. Come to me... Come to me...'
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kishibei · 2 years
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pervert! suna rintarou x reader | smut, 18+ | 3.8k words
summary: when your hot roommate offers to do laundry in exchange for a favor, you oblige in a heartbeat! your clothes seem to be returned in perfect condition, except there's one big problem: several pairs of panties are missing ...
cw: f reader, perversion, panty thieving, peeping, voyeurism, male masturbation, teasing, man-handling, fingering, mirror sex, dumbification, hate-fuck (?), rough sex.
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You’ve never had a problem living with Suna; he was the nicest roommate you could’ve asked for.
Rent always came in weeks before it was due, and he stayed out of your way for the most part. What he lacked in social aspects he made up for in general politeness. Suna always greeted you in the mornings before leaving, and when he came back he'd offer you takeout in exchange for watching movies with him.
Though he didn't talk much, you were never uncomfortable with his silence. He was much better company than your mutual friend Atsumu, who just couldn't handle shutting up for five minutes, let alone for a film.
Suna was a calming presence and when he did offer his thoughts on things, he was brutally honest. it was something you both seemed to agree upon, a small unifying factor that helped you grow a bit closer to him. He was clean and organized, and your communal spaces were a calm mix of both your living habits. You could definitely trust him with domestic tasks, he had never given you reason not to. So when he began offering to do your laundry in exchange for a couple of favors, you obliged in a heartbeat.
It couldn’t have been that big of a leap anyway. Suna was a self-sufficient man and had done his own laundry ever since he had moved in. Knowing that eased you, and there really wasn't a seed of doubt in your mind when you handed your hamper over to him before work. It was truly impossible for him to fuck this up. Most of your colors could go in the same wash, so all that was really left for him to do was load up the washer and throw in a softener mid-cycle.
In spite of your confidence in him, you still had lingering doubts about his abilities. He was a guy, of course, one who probably had his mommy back home to wash his jerseys all season long. You knew he was capable of doing his laundry just fine and yet you'd successfully convinced yourself he would fuck up somewhere. Mental preparation, you'd called it. Just in case he did manage to disappoint you. Most men had a way of doing that sort of thing, anyway.
Once you had returned, you were pleasantly surprised to be met with your clothes not only intact but neatly folded and organized on your bed. A quick look over your things proved them to be in order and you’d even caught yourself smiling as you packed everything into their respective drawers. You didn't expect Suna to go so far as folding them, so naturally, you felt as if you owed him something extra for what he'd done. Maybe you should cook him dinner?
Turning to the final pile, you paused.
Heat crawled up your body when your eyes fell on the remaining stack of garments.
"No fucking way..." you trailed off, picking up a neatly folded lace thong. You stood frozen in place, staring at the dark sliver of fabric with wide eyes. You could almost hear the gears turning in your head before the realization dawned on you. You had not only let your hot roommate wash, but fold an entire set of your panties.
The mental image that played behind your skull had you wanting to kill yourself. You could so imagine Suna standing in the middle of your room picking up pair after pair of underwear, snickering at each design choice. The mere thought of it made you want to die and at this rate, dying seemed like a way better option than having to face him after this.
It was times like this that made you wish you weren't so lazy. You had intended on separating your underwear from the rest of the wash the night before, but sleep had taken over and you’d completely forgotten about it in the morning.
Sifting through the pile, you inspected the panties one by one, cringing at the embarrassing pattern that decorated your favorite pair. Suna was an attractive man, even after living with him for this long you’d never changed your mind. From the very beginning and especially after finding out who he was, you were hoping he’d have an embarrassing routine or bad habit that would rid you of your feelings for him. But up until now, he had a clean track record.
if anything, it was rather you who had slipped up. It was you who had just now let him see your character-speckled panties, all for some small favors. Tossing the piece of fabric into the nearest bin, you threw yourself onto the bed. Violently kicking your feet, you buried your face in the pillows, screaming about your little fuck up until your throat went dry.
Quick footsteps and a sharp rapping at your door snapped you out of your tantrum. The sheer embarrassment of it all almost had you forgetting you shared the apartment with someone else. But how could you forget? He was the whole reason you were acting this way to begin with.
“You okay in there? I'm coming in!” the man called out.
Suna fumbled with the doorknob, it was his way of respecting your privacy. Wordlessly, he offered you some time to collect yourself before stepping in. Shit like that made you hate the situation even more, why'd he have to be so gentlemanly even after seeing something so humiliating of yours?
Cursing yourself, you sat up. Not only had he seen your worst pair of underwear but now he had witnessed your screaming fit. If he didn't already think you were weird, he would definitely think you were now. He was probably only checking in to tease you anyway.
“Yea Suna, I'm alright!" you blurted out. "I was actually just gonna thank you for washing my stuff!"
“You really didn't have to fold them too, you know?” the words left your lips so fast, you nearly couldn't catch what you were saying.
Suna’s eyes shifted from you to the now messy pile of underwear you sat next to, then met yours again. He wasn't stupid, it was very clear what you were flustered about.
"Oh,” he trailed off slowly, a hand coming up to comb through the hair framing in his face.
“It wasn't a big deal for me, sorry if you didn't want me to.”
“It’s fine!” you squeak. “I guess I owe you an extra favor for that.”
There’s a pause before Suna speaks again, almost like he’s contemplating the right thing to say. He's unreadable at the moment and you're about to curse him for it. But just when you fix your lips to get a word out, it appears he's decided.
“I'll keep that in mind.”
There's a smirk to his words that don’t quite reach his face, and before you can process it, he’s disappeared down the hall and back into his room.
Huffing you drag a hand over your face, turning your attention back to the stack of underwear in question. Sorting through them again you come to a halt. You're sure you’d included a couple more pairs than this so you recount, and recount, and recount. You're probably overthinking it, and things get lost in the dryer all the time. You can't even begin counting how many pairs of socks you’d orphaned in the wash.
This was Suna Rintarou you were talking about: star middle blocker for EJP. A division one player with a reputation to maintain wouldn’t do anything stupid like what you were thinking. Just because he stuck to himself didn't make him some reclused creep, he was a well-known guy who just happened to choose to enjoy a modest life. You're sure his name gave him plenty of girls to fuck, what business would he have stealing panties anyway?
You brush the thought from your mind. It's definitely a stretch, and beyond unlikely. You're almost ashamed that you even had such an idea, to begin with. Suna’s never given you a reason to doubt his intentions, but what kind of man just does a girl’s laundry for fun?
You need to be sure of your suspicions, if they were real at all. You need to catch Suna Rintarou red-handed.
Tonight, you hardly sleep. Staring up at the ceiling, your throat is dry, and your head is filled with unease, mind swirling with all kinds of theories about Suna. Frustrated, you slip out of bed to get a glass of water. The floor is cold, and a shiver crawls up your spine as your feet meet the chilly wood. It's an eerie feeling and it almost makes you want to crawl back into bed and try to fall asleep again.
Forcing the thought away, you make your way to the kitchen, treading lightly so as not to disturb your roommate. You know he has to travel in the morning, and you’d hate to be the reason he isn't well-rested. But as you pass his room, you realize he’s left his door cracked open and isn't asleep at all, heavy breaths and a soft rhythmic patting are proof of that.
The noises he makes cause you to stop in your tracks, and before you realize it, you find yourself drawn to them, clinging to the wall to secure a better view through the gap in the doorway.
Suna’s eyes are screwed shut. The faint glow of his phone screen just barely illuminates his features and you can see the soft dusting of pink covering his angular face. His lips parted and a shaky inhale followed as your eyes drop from his face to the hand that was gripping his heavy cock. You almost gasp yourself as you note the impressive size of it.
He was huge and girthy, even from afar you could make out the thick veins that decorated the shaft and the aggressive shade of pink that blushed over his leaking tip. You watched as fat beads of pre flowed down his cock, dribbling over his fingers before falling onto his weighty balls. You were so entranced by him you had barely registered what he held in that same hand until he began stroking himself with it.
Your jaw fell laxly as you watched how he worked himself with the lacy black fabric. He was practically choking his cock out with a grip so intense you were sure it was painful. Looking back at his face, you watched attentively as his brows knit together before he opened his eyes again. Zeroing in on his phone, a string of expletives fell from his lips as he picked up the pace.
The loud slapping of his skin and the creaking of his bed rivaled the sound of his voice but still, there it was. Among all the obscenities that came dripping from his tongue, there was your name.
It started as a whisper and you couldn’t even believe it was coming out of his mouth. It grew into a continuous desperate chant as if he was trying to summon you to properly finish him off before he pushed himself over the edge.
Suna came hard. Stupid hard. So hard he had let his phone slip from his grasp, and there you could see it.
You could recognize that photo anywhere, it was one of your best. Even if you had gone blind the next day, you could still point it out in a lineup of other revealing photos. There you were on Suna’s phone screen, on vacation at matira beach in bora bora, playfully bent over in a small bikini top and shorts.
This time you couldn’t hold the gasp you let out. Fully opening the door now, you watched Suna scramble to cover himself. The cum that covered his abs dripped onto his sheets as he sat up. Before he could open his mouth to speak you started.
“Fucking pervert.” you spat out.
Suna physically recoiled, the words had cut deep and bothered him more than he had liked to admit. But you’d instantly noticed how he flinched at them.
“Really, panties? And my Instagram? You're pathetic, Suna.”
He couldn't say a word, he sat staring dumbfounded blinking up at you like an idiot.
“Nothing to say, either? I expected a lot more out of you, guess you're nothing but a little pervert.” you spat contemptuously turning to leave the room. “And keep them. I don't want you going through any more of my stuff, freak.”
Suna sputtered as he watched you stand in the doorframe with your back to him. You were desperately waiting for him to say something, anything.
“That's rich coming from you” he fired back.
You froze as soon as the harsh words had reached you. Clenching your fists, you turn. "Accusing me is really low of you, Suna.”
“You think I didn't see you watching?” Chuckling, he ran a hand through his hair. “I mean watching me jerk off? You're even lower than me. I never crossed that line”
“Shut up.” you spat, turning to him. "I was only here to close your door. You're the one who left it open, you wanted to get caught.”
“Such a tease, youre the one who gave me your panties. it's almost like you wanted me to take them.”
Sputtering, you gave up on responding.
“You're no better than me.” he finished. Turning, you faced him fully now. “And you're right, I did wanna get caught, seeing you there made me cum, came real hard actually."
You cringed at his vulgarity. You’d never seen this side of Suna at all. He was always calm and reserved, the complete antithesis of what he was right now. You hated his sudden confidence and yet it turned you on all the same. Before you could think you began making your way into the room. Stopping before his bed, you lowered yourself to be at eye level with him.
“You know if you had just said something instead, we could’ve fucked.”
Bringing a hand to the nape of your neck Suna pulls you in, resting his lips against the shell of your ear. “So what’s stopping you?” he purred. Wrenching your head back to get a better look at you, his crushing grip on your neck intensified.
“Don't fight me now. If you want it, just tell me. I won't judge.” he simpered. "Besides, you do owe me a favor."
Your head spun at the thought of it, but you had also just caught him jerking off with your panties a few minutes ago. He was a creep, but you had also coveted him from the very moment he hauled his boxes in to stay. You didn't want to say it aloud, so you merely nodded. Admitting it would make it so much more real and you liked the idea of this just being some fever dream you’d wake up from in the morning.
“That won't do, I need you to say it,” he cooed, the smile playing on his lips growing sinister.
"I want it.” you whispered.
“I want it, Suna.” you said with more confidence now.
“Good,” he let go of your neck, deft fingers creeping up to get a good grip on your hair, beckoning you into a burning kiss.
The kiss was rough and nasty, spit escaped the corners of your lips and dribbled down your chin as his tongue explored your mouth. Pulling away with a gasp, you met Suna’s eyes, there was something dark steeping in them, but before you could think too hard about it, his hands gathered your hair again, pushing you down to your knees.
Your hands ran up his muscular thighs as he took the sheet off of him, swinging his legs off the bed to rest on either side of your head. He was much bigger up close and the sheer size of him made you nervous. Swallowing thickly you looked up at him again, and he brought a hand to your face, squeezing your cheeks so your lips puckered up for him.
“Go on,” he said with a nod, his other hand gripping his cock, slowly stroking it before bringing it to your eager lips. You opened your mouth and took him in immediately, already huffing around the thick of his shaft.
He was so big you could barely breathe around him, he was only halfway in and you’d already felt like throwing up. Pulling back with a gasp, you followed the trail of spit still connected to his cock, watching it split before pressing light kisses and kitten licks to the length of it.
The expression that painted Suna’s face almost made you laugh. His eyes were shut hard again and his forehead was creased in frustration at the barely there stimulation you offered him. Getting bored of teasing him, you put him in your mouth again.
You'd done it slowly this time, letting the tip of his member reach the back of your throat before pulling away. What couldn't fit in your mouth, you stroked with your hands and Suna was truly in heaven once he peered down at you working him skillfully. Grunting at your ministrations, he shifted his hands to cradle your face before plunging your head further down the shaft. You began to gag but he shushed you, gently stroking your head as he aided you closer to the base of his cock.
“See? Not so hard if you breathe through your nose, girl.” Humming around him you let him take control, allowing him to maneuver your head how he pleased, fucking your face with vigor. Tears streamed down your face and drool ran to your chin, the mix of fluid pooling down at the tip before dripping onto the floor.
“Fuck...” he grunted, bucking his hips as you took him down your throat, the harsh movement causing you to gag around him. “So pretty taking me like this…” his words were muttered and punctuated with moans. “So fucking good for me,” he grunted.
His words went straight to your pussy, and you clenched your thighs at the praise. Suna reveled in the sight of you falling apart in front of him, his words had an effect to them and he had clearly begun to make a mess out of you.
Suna was close, so fucking close. Pushing your face closer to him, you breathed heavily once you’d reached the hilt, nose buried in the light dusting of hair smattered over his pubis. A string of expletives left his lips as a warning. He couldn't quite find the words in time before he was cumming down your throat. When he had worn himself out you pulled yourself off with a pop, swallowing hastily to catch a proper breath of air.
You gasped violently, chest heaving as you huffed waiting for your breath to steady. Suna returned a hand to your face again, raising your chin to examine it. He brought his thumb to the corner of your lips, smearing around some of the fluids that escaped before pushing his thumb past your lips for you to suck. Capturing them obediently you met his eyes again, they were lidded and danced around your face and body, unable to focus on one thing.
“I didn't know pervert girls sucked cock so well,” he jested, sharply pulling back at the feeling of your teeth clamping down on his thumb. “I was joking!” he shook his hand for added effect.
“Let me take care of you now…”
Pulling you up to your feet, Suna helped you undress. He worked slowly and his touch lingered in the places he ran his hands over. Coaxing you over to him, he situated you in his lap with your back to him, pressing his nose into the crook of your neck, he spread your legs.
“Look,” he whispered, pressing soft kisses and the occasional nibble to your clavicle. Glancing up, you had finally taken notice of the mirror that sat across from you. Seeing yourself spread open with him behind you made you shiver, your skin prickled with goosebumps when his hands traveled south, holding your thighs apart.
"Aren't you pretty?” he asked, not really expecting an answer. You were already babbling about him stroking your thighs and he hadn't even touched you where it meant anything. Pushing your panties to the side, Suna ran a finger down your slit, pulling it back to admire the thread of wetness that was still connected to your cunt.
“So fucking wet for me,” he began, bringing his fingers to his lips, sucking them loudly. Your flesh burned in embarrassment as you watched him lick your slick off his digits.
“And all that just from sucking dick? You really are a slut.”
You writhed in his arms, wishing he would get done with the teasing and actually touch you seriously. You were so turned on it almost hurt, the steady thump of your pussy irritated you, and you were practically on the verge of tears.
“Suna,” you whined, circling your hips desperately. “Please,  just touch me already…”
You watched his head lift from its position at your neck, making eye contact with you in the mirror. Without warning, he brought two fingers to your cunt, harshly plunging them into your dripping hole. You cried out, bucking wildly in his lap as he drew them out before pushing them in again, curling them to skim the spongy area hidden at the back of your cunt. His digits were long and skinny and he had no problems reaching deep where you needed him. Tears streamed down your face as he worked you to hysterics, hiccupping and gripping his wrists when you were close to your peak.
“S-suna!” you yelped, shutting your eyes hard at the incoming wave of pleasure. Suna grabbed your face, turning it back to the mirror.
“Open your eyes.” he cooed, roughly scissoring his fingers in your pussy. “I want you to see how you look cumming all over my fingers.”
Prying your eyes open, you focused on the mirror. Training your sights on Suna’s nimble fingers knuckles deep in you, you clamped down on him hard, gushing over his hands and thighs with a scream.
Before you had even fully come to, Suna was already busying himself with your spent pussy. Peeling your panties off, he slotted himself between your folds, coating his cock with your fluids before sinking you down on it.
Mutually, you gasped. Your hole fluttered around his length as the stretch of him entering burned you. Letting out a shaky exhale, Suna took his time, slowly lowering you down with small strokes until he had fully bottomed out. When you had finally adjusted, he hooked his arms around your legs, folding you in on yourself as he dragged his cock out of you.
You trembled at the feeling of his length being drawn out before slipping back in. You could practically feel every vein stroke your insides and the angle of his cock had you jabbering incoherencies when he abused the spot that had you falling apart. Suna’s pace was unrelenting, he bounced you on his lap, letting gravity take over before he lifted you up again.
“Fuck,” He grunted, angling his body to sink himself deeper. “Keep clamping down on me like that and I'm gonna cum.” His words had the opposite effect on you, and your cunt was swallowing him up, squeezing his cock with a vice-like grip.
Groaning, Suna tightened his grip on your legs. Standing up from the bed, he bullied his cock into you, lifting and dropping you down on him with vigor. Moaning in pure ecstasy, you hollered at his pace grabbing onto whatever you could to steady yourself.
You’d gone dumb at this point. Sobbing uncontrollably, you were unable to moan or form any sounds other than the string of slurred syllables that made up his name.
“Suna! Su- su-…”
“I know,” he hushed you, pressing sloppy kisses to your cheek down to your neck and shoulders.
“Fuck!” he grunted. “Gonna… gonna cum!”
Gripping his wrists you tried to find the words. “Don- don’t pull out..” you slurred, teetering over the edge of bliss.
Your words shot straight to his pulsing cock and he emptied himself inside you with a strangled cry. The feeling of him filling you up with his warm seed pushed you over the edge. Crying, you gushed around him, pushing his cock out as he tried to fuck you through your orgasm. Coming down from his high, Suna pulled out of you, the mix of fluids dripping out of your worn cunt and onto the hardwood floor.
Relaxing in his arms, your eyes fluttered closed. Leaning your head back, you looked up at him. Sweat lined his brow and his face was a violent shade of pink as he huffed, meeting your gaze.
“So,” you rasped. “Wanna go again, pervert?”
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generalluxun · 1 month
I know it wasn't intended by the writers and even from a purely in universe perspective it was likely not a conscious decision but...
It really does feel like Andre was setting Chloe up for failure.
There's obviously letting doing Sabrina most of Chloe's labor for her thing.
But we also have that whole aspect where he taught her explicitly to cheat, extort, threaten and bribe her way to victory. A strategy that works for him because he's not doing that stuff to the people he wants to vote for him, but that ends up making Chloe hated by her peers.
Similarly, there's encouraging her Audrey impersonation, which even if we ignore the creep factor. Still means he is rewarding her for engaging in damaging and anti social behavior that only serves to make her miserable and more dependent on him.
His total tolerance for Audrey's overt cruelty towards her can also feel like it feeds into this. Again I don't think he is necessarily aware of or planning it, but this still serves to, A, not make Audrey upset with him, and B, mean he remains Chloe's primary source of affirmation and affection.
Add in him in season 1 being willing to act against her if she impacted 'him' negatively and it really does kind of feel like he, at least subconsciously, wanted Chloe to need to hang off of him forever and to generally lack other support networks or avenues of self sufficiency.
I mean, yes. There's a reason I'm very much on the 'Audrey's behavior is bad and abusive, but André's is worse' wagon.
Audrey is openly abusive to those around her, that is clear. She also wants absolutely nothing to do with kids. She removes herself from her daughters lives. She does it out of selfishness, but the net result is she she does not *make* herself a role model.
André on the other hand loves having a kid! They play great with the press. They make for awesome photo opportunities, and now and then he can play family just like in movies! What he doesn't like is *raising* a kid. He himself is horrible an self centered, so he doesn't think that maybe he needs to change his behaviors for the child, so he passes all of his Andreness on to them.
I know guys who were pretty useless until they had a kid, I know guys who are pretty useless with anything that *isn't their kid, but both groups still realize that *parenting* is something you have to do right, something worth changing or at least concealing your worst-self behaviors from. André can't even go that far.
André goes past 'oops haha silly me' or 'overworked parent' tropes too. The man is filthy rich. He could *make* time for his daughter if he wanted to. He also fails so completely on the very basics of parenting when *he has the resources to get help*. It shows he hasn't even really tried.
Well, he tries like a 4yr old tries when they don't want to do something. One half-hearted attempt, then they whine.
How do we have obvious proof, canonically, that this is on André? Look at Zoé. She had as much if not more contact with Audrey, and we are not giving her credit for being a *good* influence, are we? So then it comes down to the influence of the other parent, and what differences does canon show us there? Hmmm.
Look like André is a net negative in a child's life.
Oh and miss me anyone who claims children are just 'bad seeds'. That line of thinking can go jump in a wood chipper.
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orangemocharaktajino · 6 months
So with Ai Di being an ISTP his functions in order are Ti (introverted thinking) Se (extraverted sensing) Ni (introverted intuition) and Fe (extraverted feeling)
Chen Yi as an ENTJ has the functions Te (extraverted thinking) Ni (introverted intuition) Se (extraverted sensing) and Fi (introverted feeling)
As thinking dominant types they both prefer to make their decisions logically and with their feeling functions being lowest priority, neither one is particularly intune to their emotions at all. ENTJs tend to ignore their emotions because they view them as irrelevant or a sign of weakness. ISTPs tend to ignore their emotions because they view them as unimportant or irrational.
ENTJs with underdeveloped Ni can be prone to oversimplifying and making hasty decisions.
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ISTPs with over-reliance on Ti can be prone to being dismissive and apathetic. Sometimes if they have underdeveloped Ni, they even willfully ignore their own problems by doing absolutely nothing to resolve them (like keeping their feelings to themselves for four years instead of addressing them).
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For another example of the (mostly unhealthy) Te-Ti couple dynamic, see also Sun (ESTJ) and Mork (ISTP) from Dark Blue Kiss
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Te is more focused on action and efficiency while Ti would rather wait for all the information to become clear so their solutions can include all the factors. Te doms value results, Ti doms value self-sufficiency.
Both ENTJs and ISTPs can be blunt, aggressive, and have little patience for things that don't make sense. Both value competence, facts, and problem solving. Both use Se and Ni so both tend to be focused, impulsive, and like being active and present.
Ai Di has good attention to detail and insights himself but despite that he always looks to Chen Yi when there is a problem that needs immediate action.
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hint hint do something
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When it comes to feelings, both consider them to be a low priority until they build up to the point that they simply can't be ignored.
Chen Yi uses Fi which is more of an internal process. He is vaguely aware of his own emotions because they provoke strong reactions from him (usually in the form of jealous outbursts) but he doesn't always understand why. He can be especially oblivious to other people's emotions or preferences.
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He misinterprets his feelings for Ai Di until he's had a lot of time to think about it on his own. When Fan Ze Rui questions him about his feelings for the boss and Ai Di, his initial reaction is anger and defensiveness but afterwards he can't stop thinking about it.
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He doesn't really seem to talk to Fan Ze Rui about anything other than business or Ai Di and he doesn't appreciate being questioned like this. He also somewhat resents his close relationship with Ai Di.
Ai Di and Fan Ze Rui both use Fe and Ti and can easily communicate with one another. Fan Ze Rui is a feeler (INFJ) with well developed Fe and he is good at encouraging Ai Di to open up by not being pushy enough to trigger his automatic "it's none of your business" reaction. Fe is all about finesse and social harmony, which are not things that ISTPs usually care about.
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Ai Di doesn't even mind that he brings it up multiple times because he likes the affirmation. We see this in his relationship with Bai Zong Yi as well, he likes to fish for validation of his feelings once he starts acting on them and he knows that Bai Zong Yi is also a no bs kind of guy.
When it comes to conflict, Chen Yi often acts impulsively or wants to address the issues and get the solution going immediately (sometimes to the point of kidnapping but hey, kidnapping gets results and results are the priority, eh?) while Ai Di is more evasive.
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And when Ai Di does evade, he typically goes off to indulge his senses at the bar by getting drunk and being reckless. He knows lots of people at the bar but these relationships seem somewhat shallow.
Chen Yi likes to get drunk when his feelings creep up on him too but only in his lowest moments. We rarely see him doing anything alone but when he's in his feelings, he goes off by himself to have a pity party. And in true Ti-dom fashion, Ai Di is too brutally honest to be any good at consoling people.
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not entirely
Also, Bai Zong Yi and Ai Di are an interesting pair because ISTPs don't care about following social norms or rules they consider arbitrary while ISTJs prefer to work within the system.
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more Kiseki MBTI rambling
Ai Di - ISTP
Chen Yi - ENTJ
Bai Zong Yi - ISTJ
Fan Ze Rui - INFJ
Bai Zong Yi and Fan Ze Rui's ISTJ x INFJ couple dynamics
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fellermedicalny · 3 months
Quick Glance at a FUE Hair Transplant
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Your smile fades away whenever you look into the mirror after noticing growing baldness—anxiety and feelings of low self-worth creep in, causing more disastrous effects on your mental health. Hair Transplant Long Island is the most effective and near-permanent solution to your hair loss condition. However, you should choose the right hair transplant clinic and the best surgeon for your treatment. Your doctor is the right person to guide you on which hair transplant Long Island you must choose after a comprehensive hair diagnosis. 
There are two hair transplant techniques: FUE Hair Transplant New York and FUT. In this blog post, we will focus especially on FUE Hair Transplant.
What is a FUE Hair Transplant?
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplants in New York are performed by extracting individual hair follicles from the donor site and implanting them correctly onto the recipient site. This will make the hair growth in the new region look thicker.
FUE Hair Transplant Long Island came into existence to replace the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) technique. The procedure involved taking a piece of skin containing hair follicles and implanting it into the recipient area.
The ideal candidate for an FUE Hair Transplant in New York is the one with receding hair or balding who still has sufficient hair in the neighboring region for a Hair Transplant in Long Island. 
You are unsuitable for a FUE Hair Transplant in New York if you lack sufficient healthy or thick hair to implant into the thinning or balding region.
How much does a FUE Hair Transplant Cost?
The overall cost of a FUE transplant procedure depends on the following factors:
How much hair is taken out and transplanted?
How many surgeons are present in your area to perform the procedure
How often your surgeon performs FUE Hair transplants in New York
How much experience does your surgeon have?
You are more likely to pay for the procedure because most health insurance plans don’t cover cosmetic surgeries. 
You will also have to pay for prescribed medicines for pain or other side effects that might occur after the procedure.
While evaluating the cost, you should consider the time taken off for recovery. It might take 3 to 4 days at home. Generally, companies don’t cover hair restoration procedures under medical leave policies.
How does a FUE Hair Transplant function?
Once you get older, the three-stage cycle of hair growth and regrowth shortens until follicles don’t regrow hair. 
The process seems different for everyone. Some men show signs of baldness in their 20s, while others lose hair later in life.
FUE Hair transplants in New York regain hair by replicating these hair follicles with new ones that can still grow.
Once the hair surgery is done, these follicles start emerging hair in the region that previously had thin hair or balding.
Procedure for a FUE Hair Transplant
Let’s look into the working of a FUE procedure.
Your surgeon will remove the hair in the region where follicles will be extracted and in the transplant area.
With a micropunch tool, they will take out hair follicles.
The surgeon will make various small incisions using a needle or other small, sharp tool where the removed follicles will be placed.
They will place the follicles into the tiny incisions.
Your surgeon will clean and apply the bandage on the region for recovery.
The Takeaway
Try to research more about hair transplant procedures. It is important to find the right surgeon and clinic to provide you with more natural-looking results. During the initial consultation, clear your doubts about the procedure.
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Is Octopath 2 worth picking up? I held off on Octopath 1 just due a general disinterest after the demo. That said, I enjoy a good JRPG!
Oh boy long post ahead but in short? Yes. Absolutely.
The longer answer depends on what you did/didn't like about Octopath 1 or JRPGs in general. Am going to put this behind a cut because I have a lot of thoughts about this, will avoid massive spoilers. But my other recommendation is I do very much like Octopath 1 still, so if you do try 2 and end up liking it, it's definitely worth going back IMO. But I digress:
Octopath 2 overwhelmingly improves a lot of the mechanics that were already good in 1.
They expanded path actions (each unit now gets 2 active and 1 passive) and added a combat specific "latent" action that works well with their primary class.
So for example, Ha'anit in Octo1 had access to Provoke and then in combat could capture beasts, Therion had Steal and could unlock purple chests. Ochette (Octo2's hunter) can Provoke, but at night she can Befriend (trade various foods to NPCs to make them summonable in combat), and they added 25% chance of auto-capture on any creature she KOs (which made Beast combat much more viable and useful). She can also turn captured beasts into foods for Befriend purposes (but also party buffs). Throne (Octo2's thief) can steal, can KO based on level at night (Ambush), and automatically buffs all allies at the start of night-time combats.
This isn't to speak of their latent actions, which are special chargeable actions they can take in-combat (I won't spoil those - some are very good). The range on those is really nice.
They also got rid of the stupid purple chests, for which I thank god every day. So the primary thief is no longer mandatory to avoid backtracking (bless).
Skills were reworked and reassigned to ensure all characters had more even utility. For instance, the Thief ability Steal SP was removed from thieves and given to clerics, which lets them be more self-sufficient, etc. It just means you can mix up party comp a lot more without feeling like mechanically compelled to bring Hunter, Apothecary, or suffer.
Bewildering Grace was improved, more interesting options were added, some hard hitting debuffs were reworked. Farming, while much less necessary (thank god) is now also easier.
The focus is a lot less on long-slog dungeons and more on the boss fights and story, which I prefer. They weren't afraid to try out some more interesting fight concepts in late game (rather than sticking to just one debuff and theming the fight around that). Several of the bosses vary dramatically based on party comp, forcing you to strategize beyond "Idk, bring leghold trap, bring a heal/rehabilitate caster, bring chunky damage." Hikari has killed my party like three times because I brought his overpowered ass to the wrong fight. It's been great.
Honestly, this is the meat and potatoes. I think... Octopath 1 had a tighter overall narrative with the combination of the eight paths, but Octopath 2 had some of my favorite characters and extremely strong individual paths, gave most of them* a ton of depth, and really the only places* where the ball was dropped were the back half of endgame.
They also added additional chapters focusing on two characters per pop, which start off as seeming side-stories and then circle back around to be relevant for endgame.
*we aren't talking about Throne. I can't do it, I'm not strong enough. Throne's arc frustrates me immensely because I know, in my heart of hearts, that they could've done a better job. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and it's just gratuitous layers of playing up the creep factor of incest, which is not really what I'm here for. But also it depends on your level of JRPG exposure - like, some fire emblem games are kind of worse, so it really varies. It's like if you crossed the worst parts of Prim's story (sexual assault/harrassment, being constantly put in situations where oh look, she has to masquerade as a prostitute again and be deferential to a guy who likes to be called Daddy) with the weakest parts of Therion's (instakill collar that can't come off).
My biggest hell yeahs:
DRAMATIC QOL improvements to UI and combat system, all the changes in mechanics fucked. Better spread of talents that made using certain underutilized abilities from Octo1 more worthwhile.
Greater monster variety I feel???
Dramatically improved environments, more variety in dungeons
Unexpectedly deeper characters - only one feels tonally off to me, but even she gets to have a really great fight etc at the end.
General better handling of stories with narrative weight? Most bosses make sense when included. Every final chapter boss was great, there were no more Alfyns with big birds that weren't relevant. Death is given narrative weight in this game more than 1.
That one sequence in postgame where you find the journal entries. I am being vague on purpose. Anyone who's played knows what I'm talking about.
Castti's chapter 3.
My biggest oh my god ceases:
Throne's narrative abandoning potential every five seconds so someone can abuse/harass her
No fucking boss rush before the Superboss : (
The superboss thing a second time, I'm so sad about that
I thought for SURE we'd circle back around to Roi since he didn't die but no. No Graham 2.0, Redeye 2.0, etc. Boo.
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The Pilot (Part 3 of 3)
So, this post will wrap up my Pilot episode commentaries, reviews … whatever they should be classified as. Again, thanks to everyone who checked out Part 1 and Part 2. This one took me ages because I ended up writing about the whole rest of the episode. And here I thought Part 2 took me a long time. But, for anyone who takes a minute to read this one, thank you. And please feel free to comment with what you liked best (or didn’t) about the Pilot.
[For anyone who might have seen this post already, I’m reposting since I needed to fix some things and Tumblr wasn’t cooperating.]
On the Road Again
(Alternate Title: Sam and Dean Brothering)
My commentary and more pic edits are under the cut …
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ABOUT ME: Alight, so honesty time, I don’t really like horror. Yes, I watched the mainstream ones that came out in the theaters when I was in high school and university (Hello, Mr Padalecki in House of Wax), largely because it was something to go do with friends, but it’s certainly not a favorite genre of mine. I’ve never seen ones like The Exorcist and I don’t plan to. However, SPN, even in the early seasons is more like horror lite, but even then there are episodes I won’t watch while going to bed because I don’t want that crap swimming around my subconscious while I’m sleeping. But all that being said, I generally don’t mind the creep factor on the show, and I like some of the monsters, but the relationships, especially between Sam and Dean are what hooked me on the show. All this is just to explain why I generally probably won’t talk that much about the cases of the week unless they are very relevant to a plot arc or I really like/hate them.
THE MONSTER OF THE WEEK: Anyway, The Woman in White is a pretty decent first ghost to set up the show, and the case shows us what the Winchesters do when they hunt and what they know about the supernatural world. The MOTW gives us some classic horror tropes (the cheater gets killed, ghost kids are creepy as hell), and it sets up some classic SPN tropes (shooting ghosts and blood splats, anyone?). I think the ghost is sufficiently creepy. The case is fairly straightforward, but it’s not like I usually tune into the show for the mystery alone, so that’s fine with me. I think the effects are pretty decent for the ghost given when it was filmed, though the glitchy-ness makes it feel a little too much like computer effects, at times. Still, the only part that really stands out to me in a bad way is when the ghost kids zoom over to their ghost mother and … latch on to her? Whatever they are doing, it looks weird, to me, and kind of awkward, and it sort of takes me out of the moment. Overall though, I think the ghost and the first case are a good start to the show.
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GETTING STARTED: When Sam and Dean first start working the case, we really start to see who they are as people and their dynamic. Surprising to no one who has watched the show, Jared and Jensen do a phenomenal job of selling Sam and Dean as siblings despite not looking much alike. Their frequent bickering and physicality paint a very convincing picture of siblings dynamics between people who grew up together. As someone with brothers myself, their teasing and the occasional smack feel on point to me.
When they get into the car, the show sets up how Dean and his Dad live and support themselves, as well as Sam's vague disdain for scamming credit cards. But one of the most classic of all SPN imagery and concepts is set up here with Dean as the driver, picking the music, with Sam riding shotgun. If this isn’t also a metaphor for a good portion of their relationship, I don’t know what is; Dean is the boss and Sam is expected to follow (except when he doesn’t). On a similar note, later in the episode, the irony of Dean calling Sam a control freak when Sam shoves his chair away from the computer is … phew. Dean, my friend, you are a black pot and Sam is your kettle. Anyway, not only does the way they act around each other, and play off of each other, more then sell them as brothers, it starts to reveal who they are.
Dean is a snarky smart-ass who clearly has little respect for authority (when it isn’t his dad), as he has no problem lying to or even mouthing-off to law enforcement. To him, they are civilians poking their noses into monster business, so he can’t be bothered to pretend to respect what they have to officer. Sam kicks Dean under the officer's sight line for his flippancy, and aside from being a classic sibling move, this suggests he has more respect for authority (when it isn’t his dad) and the law in particular (as a hopeful future lawyer, this is not a surprise) than Dean. It also shows he’s more cautious and less brash than Dean, not wanting to draw too much attention to themselves by being snarky or confrontational.
Besides starting to establish who our main characters are, this early part of the case starts to reveal the complexity of how Sam and Dean feel about each other. Clearly, there is a lot more volatile emotions simmering away than simple sibling rivalry. Sam seems to resent Dean siding with their dad over him, and both his dad and brother's for hunting and revenge. On the other hand, Dean is clearly not over Sam leaving (abandoning him, their dad and the mission) and is seemingly itching for a bit of a fight. All it takes is one statement from Sam about their mom being gone no matter what they do, for Dean to break. As I mentioned in (I think) my Part 1 discussion, this moment, paired with the introduction scenes with Mary, makes a lot of sense. Dean is pissed that Sam doesn’t seem to take the mission seriously enough, while Sam truly can’t remember her, so it’s impossible for him to feel the same connection to dad's mission of revenge as Dean. Despite growing up together, these boys clearly did not have entirely the same childhood experience (which of course, we will see more of later). Despite their tension, it’s also clear that these brothers care about each other and are comfortable together. They speak at the same time (jinx!), showing they are clearly in sync. They are both annoyed and amused by each other's teasing, especially Sam reluctantly smiling at Dean's snark. They sit so close that they’re practically on top of each other, which they definitely would not do if they didn’t like each other and weren’t comfortable with each other. And, they express their care for each other in their own (jerk-bitch) emotionally constipated way. The latter is especially true for Dean of the no chick-flick moments. Even after years apart, these guys clearly have a close bond, despite their issues.
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HOW THE WINCHESTERS WORK: Even when detained by the police, Dean, we see is holding true to his fearless and flippant persona as he gives the cop interrogating him little respect and a lot of attitude. We also find out a little more about Dean and John. They clearly think ahead, setting up systems for finding each other in the inevitability of them getting separated (the coordinates in the journal). This is something I love seeing in the show later with Sam and Dean, their code words and contingency plans. These are aspects of the characters that really make them feel real and competent, and I wish we got more of this throughout the seasons. When the officer gets called away, we also see that Dean is resourceful (hello, Clippy!), and can pick a lock.
Meanwhile, we see the first hints os Sam's true super power, puppy-dog eyes. Still, they must not be up to full power after years off the job, as the widower ends up storming off in an offended and guilty huff. Next, as it turns out, Sam was the one who called in the tip that cleared out station, giving Dean the opportunity to make his escape. I love that Sam does this for three particular reasons. First, it shows that he’s smart and resourceful, and, despite his desire to no longer be a part of the hunting life, thinking on his feet is clearly still very much a part of him. Secondly, and related to my first point, this move shows how he and a Dean are a team, even when separated. Sam knows that if he gets Dean an opportunity, he will find a way to use it and escape. Finally, this little move of essentially prank calling the cops, reveals more about Sam. Mr. Future Lawyer is not above breaking the rules if it means helping his brother. This confirms to us that Sam isn’t exactly the straight-laced guy he appears to be at the start of the episode.
A couple more things that stand out for me, while the brothers are on the phone, is how proud Dean clearly is of Sam fior making that call into the police (one of us! one of us!), and Sam is full on smiling while discussing his recent misdemeanor. Whether he likes it or not, a part of Sam enjoys this. He is having fun hunting, or at least hanging out with Dean, and Dean is loving having Sam back.
(But really, for the next 15 years, give or take a few separations)
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BETTER TOGETHER: So, not-unsurprisingly, Sam gets attacked by the ghost. He is a faithful guy, which already seemed pretty clear from his vibe when he’s first introduced in the episode, but it’s nice to have confirmed. The ghost doesn’t care and basically sexually assaults him so that she’ll be justified in killing him. I mean … bad form, Constance. Dean shows up shooting her in the face, which distracts her just long enough (despite not being salt shells - is this when they get the idea to start using salt shells, I can’t recall?) for Sam to crash the impala into the house, effectively taking her home. So, Sam helped save Dean by giving him a chance to get out of custody, and Dean helps save Sam by distracting the ghost so Sam can bring her back to the house. I like how they both save each other, or give each other the opportunity to save themselves. This establishes that they are both capable alone but better when they work as a team.
So, besides my comments on the screen shots above, a few more things really stand out for me in the final parts of the episode. Sam, who just crashed a car into an abandoned house, was attacked by a ghost, and has now been threatened by his sibling, is again smiling. This weirdo is having a good time, and I love it. I keep pointing this out because I don’t think I fully noticed just how much Sam smiles in the Pilot when I watched it before, and a lot of the time it’s with Dean or just after breaking the law or being attacked. It really adds some interesting nuance to Sam, who is not simple the straight man, and informs his conflict over going back home.
Another thing that stands out to me here is just how desperately Dean wants Sam to stay with him. We can practically feel it through the screen. A part of him was clearly starting to hope that now that they found their groove again, Sam might just stay with him, that maybe he would blow off that law school interview after all. He is clearly crushed when Sam says he has to get back, and we pretty much see him scrambling to pull his armor back on to protect himself from Sam's rejection. It’s almost heartbreaking, which is a testament to Jensen's acting, as well his and Jared's chemistry and ability to make these guys seem real. In just about 45 minutes, we are invested in these characters and their relationship. Jared does a good job with Sam, too. We can clearly see his conflict; he did have fun hunting with Dean, it’s clear that he had missed Dean, and I think a part of him wants to stay with Dean. But Sam is stubborn, and more than that, he has built a new life for himself, a plan. Still, when he offers that olive branch when they’re saying goodbye, of him and Dean hanging out some time soon, I believe that he wants to, but I’m not sure if either of them believe it will happen. It’s actually sad to think they are going their separate ways, and we’re already rooting for them to stay together.
Finally, the episode comes full circle with Sam finding Jess on the ceiling (not pictured above because it just creeps me out, like with Mary), the fire, Dean saving him again by pulling him out of the fire, and Sam picking up his father's mantel of vengeance. At this point, Dean has been fully established in our eyes as Sam's protector, and Sam has been established as our doubly tragic hero who is now on his own mission for revenge.
FINAL THOUGHTS: One last thing that I forgot to mention above that I love about the Pilot is the humor that runs though it. It’s not uproariously funny or anything, but it has nice doses of humor throughout. A good amount of this comes from Dean who is established as a funny character, but funny moments also come from a lot of the brothers' interactions. Their squabbling and backhands, or digs on each other, add a nice bit of realism and lightness to what could otherwise be an unrelentingly dark episode. I love how this becomes an established part of the show later, I think starting especially in Season 2. In later seasons, though it does get a little too heavy handed for me on occasion. I think it’s ultimately a big part of what mane Supernatural different. That and Sam and Dean's general unhingedness regarding each other.
Regarding Jess, as much as I like her character and believe Sam would have eventually returned to hunting regardless, now that Dean is back in his life, I think it makes sense that she dies here, giving him that push. It gets them going on the hunt more quickly. Also, I read somewhere that the writers had toyed with having Jess be possessed. I’m truly glad they never went that route. I think it’s much more poignant that she was just a good person, who Sam loved. It’s more tragic, more painful him him to lose her as she is in the Pilot, and it’s ultimately a more pure relationship.
At the end of the episode, we are left with a lot of questions to speculate on, and even more that we want to find answers for. This, besides establishing the characters, is just about the most important thing a Pilot can do. It leaves us curious and wanting to know more. Would Sam have seen Dean again if Jess hadn’t died (yes)? Where is the dad? Why is he leaving them coordinates, instead of just calling or texting them? When are we going to see him again. What is going to happen to Sam now that he’s lost Jess in this way? What will this mean for the brother’s relationship going forward? What killed their mother and Jess? Why? What other kinds of scary crap are the boys going to come up against?
Will we find some of the answers in Season 1, Episode 2, Wendigo (I mean … mostly, no)?
Well, this ended up being way longer than I planned, so if you made it to the end, thank you so much for reading! Please feel free to comment or reblog with your thoughts on the episode!
To be Continued …
… in Wendigo, Part 1, coming soon-ish …
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mariacallous · 2 years
Seemingly race-neutral policies sometimes generate and perpetuate racial inequities. In her recent book, Dorothy Brown documents that the U.S. income tax system is one such example. Among other provisions, she shows that the favorable tax treatment of home ownership and retirement savings provide greater advantages to white families than Black families.
We argue that similar problems plague the college financial aid system, generating racial disparities in college affordability [1]. As in the tax system, the treatment of home ownership and retirement savings in financial aid determination contribute to perpetuating racial disparities in college access.
Racial disparities creep into the system because the federal formula for estimating how much a family can afford to pay for college ignores a family’s home equity in their primary residence and the value of their retirement savings. Families that own more of these “uncounted” assets have greater financial resources than families that do not. Yet at similar income levels and other asset holdings, families that own their home or have retirement savings are given the same level of financial support for college as those without. We show below that white families are far more likely to own these uncounted assets and at higher levels, which generates racial disparities in college affordability.
We must emphasize this is not a factor that affects all students. Families with low incomes typically have insufficient assets of any type for this issue to matter, regardless of race. Very high-income families are unaffected because they are unlikely to be eligible for financial aid regardless of the assets they may own. For those with middle to high family incomes, though, ownership of uncounted assets provides an implicit subsidy for college attendance in the form of additional grant-based financial aid from their educational institution, which does not need to be repaid. As we report below, almost one million students are likely to benefit from this subsidy each year.
The racial disparities in college affordability that result from the policy choice of excluding home equity and retirement savings from calculations made by the federal financial aid system are substantial. We calculate that among families whose children are likely to benefit from this provision (middle to high incomes, typical counted assets, and sufficient remaining financial need to qualify for grant-based aid), white students receive an implicit subsidy that is $2,200 per year, on average, more than for Black students. In a recent paper, we provide some evidence suggesting that the resulting difference in college affordability alters students’ educational outcomes, including whether and where they attend college, whether they graduate, and their level of student debt.
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smilethroughtherain · 2 months
Creating a Low Maintenance Garden: Beautiful Plantings that Take Care of Themselves
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Enhance Your Home's Curb Appeal with Minimal Effort
Imagine gazing out of your window and being greeted by a vibrant and flourishing garden that requires minimal maintenance. The allure of a beautiful garden is undeniable, but the time and effort it demands can often deter homeowners from pursuing their green dreams. However, with careful planning and smart choices, it is possible to create a low maintenance garden that not only enhances your home's curb appeal but also saves you valuable time and energy.
In this article, we will explore some stunning plant options that thrive with little intervention, allowing you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the beauty of your garden from the comfort of your porch swing.
Drought-Tolerant Perennials: Beauty that Endures
One of the key factors in maintaining a low maintenance garden is choosing plants that are well-suited to your local climate and require minimal watering. Drought-tolerant perennials are a perfect choice for those seeking a resilient and self-sufficient garden. These hardy plants have adapted to survive in arid conditions, making them ideal for regions with limited rainfall or water restrictions.
Options such as lavender, yarrow, and sedum not only add a burst of color to your garden but are also known for their ability to withstand dry spells. These perennials require infrequent watering and can thrive in well-drained soil, making them an excellent choice for busy homeowners looking to reduce their gardening workload.
Native Plants: Harmonizing with Nature
Another way to minimize maintenance while maximizing the beauty of your garden is by incorporating native plants. Native plants are those that naturally occur in your region and have adapted to the local climate and soil conditions over time. As a result, they are well-equipped to thrive without excessive care or intervention.
By choosing native plants, you create a harmonious ecosystem that supports local wildlife, including pollinators like bees and butterflies. Native plants also tend to be more resistant to pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical interventions. Some popular native options include coneflowers, black-eyed Susans, and milkweed, all of which add a touch of natural beauty to your garden with minimal effort.
Ground Covers: Nature's Blanket
If you're looking to reduce the amount of time spent weeding and mowing, consider incorporating ground covers into your garden design. Ground covers are low-growing plants that spread quickly, forming a dense carpet-like cover over the soil. Not only do they suppress weed growth, but they also help retain moisture, reducing the need for frequent watering.
Options such as creeping thyme, moss, and vinca minor are not only visually appealing but also require little maintenance once established. These resilient ground covers can withstand foot traffic, making them ideal for areas such as pathways or between stepping stones.
Ornamental Grasses: Graceful and Easy to Maintain
For an elegant and low maintenance garden, consider incorporating ornamental grasses. These graceful plants add movement, texture, and visual interest to your landscape while requiring minimal care. Ornamental grasses are known for their ability to thrive in various soil types and climates, making them a versatile choice for any garden.
Options such as feather reed grass, fountain grass, and maiden grass are not only stunning but also require little pruning or watering. Once established, these grasses can withstand drought conditions and add year-round beauty to your garden.
Evergreen Shrubs: Year-Round Appeal
To create a garden that remains visually appealing throughout the year, consider incorporating evergreen shrubs. These versatile plants retain their foliage year-round, providing a consistent backdrop for your garden's other elements. Evergreen shrubs are known for their hardiness and ability to withstand changing weather conditions.
Options such as boxwood, holly, and juniper require minimal pruning and are resistant to pests and diseases. Their dense foliage also acts as a natural barrier, providing privacy and reducing the need for additional fencing or screening.
Creating a low maintenance garden doesn't mean sacrificing beauty or curb appeal. By carefully selecting plants that are well-suited to your local climate, you can enjoy a thriving garden that requires minimal intervention. Drought-tolerant perennials, native plants, ground covers, ornamental grasses, and evergreen shrubs are just a few examples of the many options available to homeowners seeking a low maintenance landscaping solution.
With these plant choices, you can spend less time pruning, watering, and weeding, and more time enjoying the serenity and beauty of your garden. So, why not transform your outdoor space into an oasis of tranquility and relaxation, where you can unwind and recharge, all while adding value to your home's curb appeal.
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hybconstructionltd · 5 months
Tips for Efficient Project Planning in Groundworks & Formworks Construction
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Efficient project planning is the backbone of successful construction endeavours, especially in the realm of groundwork and formwork. These critical phases lay the foundation for the entire construction process, and any misstep can have cascading effects on the project timeline and budget. In this blog, we'll explore key tips to enhance project planning in groundworks and formwork construction, ensuring smooth operations and successful project outcomes.
Thorough Site Assessment
Before breaking ground, a comprehensive site assessment is paramount for any groundworks company engaged in formwork construction. Understand the topography, soil conditions, and any potential environmental constraints. This knowledge is foundational for creating accurate project timelines and budgets. It allows for the identification of potential challenges and the development of effective mitigation strategies. Whether it's rocky terrain, high groundwater levels, or sensitive ecosystems, addressing these factors at the planning stage can prevent costly delays later on.
Collaborative Planning with Stakeholders
Effective project planning involves collaboration with all stakeholders, including architects, engineers, contractors, and regulatory bodies in the construction industry. Establish open lines of communication from the outset to ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding project objectives, timelines, and expectations. Regular meetings and updates throughout the planning phase will help in addressing concerns, making adjustments, and maintaining a unified approach to the project.
Define Clear Project Objectives and Scope
Clearly define the project objectives and scope during the planning phase of construction. Determine the specific goals, milestones, and deliverables. This clarity not only aids in resource allocation but also acts as a benchmark for measuring progress throughout the construction process. Ensure that the scope is realistic and achievable within the given constraints, avoiding unnecessary complications and scope creep.
Detailed Budgeting
Accurate budgeting is fundamental to project success in groundwork and formwork construction. Develop a detailed budget that accounts for all aspects, including materials, labour, equipment, permits, and contingencies. Factor in potential cost overruns and unforeseen challenges to create a realistic budget that can withstand unexpected expenses. Regularly review and update the budget as the project progresses to maintain financial control.
Utilise Technology for Design and Planning
Incorporate cutting-edge technology into the design and planning stages of the construction. Utilise Building Information Modelling (BIM) software to create detailed 3D models of the project. BIM enables a more accurate visualisation of the construction process, helping identify potential clashes, optimise workflows, and enhance overall project efficiency. Additionally, project management tools and software can streamline communication and collaboration among team members, ensuring real-time updates and quick decision-making.
Prioritise Safety Measures
Safety should be a top priority in construction projects. Integrate safety measures into the project planning phase, identifying potential hazards and implementing preventive measures. This includes proper training for the workforce, adherence to safety regulations, and the incorporation of safety protocols in the construction plan. By prioritising safety during the planning stage, you not only protect the well-being of workers but also mitigate the risk of accidents and project delays.
Develop a Realistic Timeline
Create a realistic project timeline that accounts for all phases of the construction. Break down the project into smaller and manageable tasks. Factor in dependencies between tasks and allocate sufficient time for each phase, considering potential delays. A well-structured timeline helps in tracking progress, identifying bottlenecks, and making timely adjustments to keep the project on track.
Environmental Considerations and Sustainability
In today's construction landscape, environmental considerations and sustainability are crucial aspects of project planning, especially for a groundworks company engaged in the construction of formwork. Integrate eco-friendly practices, materials, and technologies into the construction plan. Adhering to sustainability standards not only benefits the environment but also aligns with increasingly stringent regulations and client expectations. Consideration of environmental factors can also prevent legal issues and community opposition during the construction process.
Procurement Strategy
Develop a strategic procurement plan to ensure a seamless flow of materials and resources throughout the project. Identify reliable suppliers, negotiate favourable terms, and establish a procurement schedule that aligns with the project timeline. A well-thought-out procurement strategy prevents delays caused by material shortages and minimises the risk of cost overruns due to unexpected price fluctuations.
Contingency Planning
Despite meticulous planning, unexpected challenges can arise during construction. Develop a comprehensive contingency plan to address potential issues swiftly and effectively. This includes having backup suppliers, alternative construction methods, and emergency response protocols. By anticipating and planning for the unexpected, you can minimise the impact of disruptions and keep the project on course.
Efficient project planning is the cornerstone of successful groundworks construction, and HYB Construction Ltd. stands at the forefront of this commitment. By conducting thorough site assessments, collaborating with stakeholders, defining clear objectives, and leveraging technology, we ensure that the groundwork is laid for a streamlined and successful project. We prioritise safety, develop realistic timelines, consider environmental sustainability, and implement a sound procurement strategy, all of which contribute to the overall efficiency of the construction process. With meticulous planning and a proactive approach to potential challenges, construction projects under our guidance can achieve optimal outcomes, consistently meeting or even exceeding expectations in construction.
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10 Mistakes A Software Development Company In Bhubaneswar Must Avoid In Its First Project Design
Embarking on the journey of software development is an exciting endeavour for every Software Development Company In Bhubaneswar. The city’s tech landscape is burgeoning, and the potential to create innovative solutions is immense.
However, the success of the first project hinges on meticulous planning and execution. To ensure a strong foundation, let’s explore five critical mistakes that a software development company must steer clear of during its inaugural project design.
1. Neglecting Comprehensive Requirements Analysis
One of the most common pitfalls in software development is rushing into the project without a clear understanding of the requirements. Skipping thorough analysis leads to confusion, scope creep, and suboptimal outcomes. A Software Development Company In Bhubaneswar must gather detailed specifications and map out project goals to avoid costly revisions later on.
2. Underestimating Resource Allocation
In the zeal to initiate the project, many software development companies miscalculate resource requirements. Whether it is human resources, technology infrastructure, or time allocation, firms must accurately assess their capabilities and commit resources accordingly. Underestimating resources often result in delays, compromised quality, and budget overruns.
3. Overlooking User-Centric Design
Overlooking user-centred design principles can lead to a disconnect between the product and its intended audience. Software Development Company In Bhubaneswar should prioritize usability testing, gather user feedback, and iteratively refine the design to create solutions that resonate with users and deliver exceptional experiences.
4. Failing To Plan For Scalability
Scalability is a critical factor in software development. Ignoring scalability considerations can result in systems that falter under increased load or struggle to accommodate future growth. Smart software companies plan, and architecting solutions that can seamlessly scale to meet evolving demands and capitalize on expansion opportunities.
5. Disregarding Quality Assurance
Quality assurance is the linchpin of successful software projects. Software Development Company In Bhubaneswar must allocate sufficient time and resources for rigorous testing, bug detection, and performance optimization. Neglecting quality assurance not only jeopardizes project success but also tarnishes the company’s reputation in a competitive market.
6. Under-Communicating With Stakeholders
Failure to maintain open lines of communication with stakeholders is a recipe for disaster. Software companies must regularly update clients, team members, and any relevant parties about project progress, challenges, and milestones. Poor communication leads to misunderstandings, missed expectations, and diminished trust in the company’s capabilities.
7. Neglecting Documentation
Documentation plays a pivotal role in onboarding, troubleshooting, and future enhancements. However, it is often sidelined in the eagerness to deliver the final product. Every startup software company must create detailed documentation that outlines the software’s functionality, architecture, and usage instructions, ensuring a smooth experience for users and collaborators.
8. Ignoring Security Measures
Overlooking security measures exposes software to vulnerabilities that can lead to data breaches and compromised user information. Software Development Company In Bhubaneswar must prioritize robust security practices, including encryption, regular audits, and vulnerability assessments, to safeguard both their reputation and their users' trust.
9. Not Adapting To Feedback
The inability to adapt and refine the software based on user feedback is a grave mistake. Software companies should actively seek and incorporate user suggestions, address pain points, and enhance features. Failing to iterate on the software based on real-world usage leads to stagnation and limits the software’s potential impact.
10. Rushing The Testing Phase:
Hastily skipping thorough testing compromises software quality. Every startup and new software company must allocate ample time for rigorous testing to identify and rectify bugs, ensuring a stable and reliable end product.
The software development landscape in Bhubaneswar holds immense promise for innovative solutions and technological advancement. However, these opportunities must be harnessed through careful planning and avoidance of critical mistakes.
As a startup Software Development Company In Bhubaneswar embarking on its inaugural projects, prioritizing comprehensive requirements analysis, accurate resource allocation, user-centric design, scalability planning, and robust quality assurance is paramount.
By sidestepping these pitfalls, companies can pave the way for successful project execution, build solid foundations for growth, and establish themselves as reliable and innovative players in the dynamic software industry of Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
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Suspension Lift Kits - What You Need to Before You Buy
There are a few things that you ought to be educated about prior to deciding if you anticipate purchasing any sort of Suspension Lift Kits for your vehicle. There are a wide range of sorts of 4x4 assistants to oblige the unit to add a few additional elements to your vehicle. The primary kinds of vehicles that you will see driving down the expressway with a suspension lift are Game utilities, light trucks, jeeps, and a few plain vehicles too, yet few out of every odd vehicle can have a 4x4 suspension lift
For what reason do I need a 4x4 suspension lift?
This is the main inquiry that you should pose to yourself when you consider purchasing 4x4 lift packs for your vehicle. Most importantly, I'd very much prefer to specify that the work cycle alone of adding a suspension lift pack to your truck isn't the least demanding errand, however it is very hard. You should be sufficiently specialized and able to stay aware of the support that is required while adding a lift to your vehicle. In the event that you don't have the expertise to do it without anyone's help, a shop will charge you - and more much of the time than not, you'll pay an excessively high price. There are two fundamental reasons that an individual should introduce a 4x4 suspension lift pack to their vehicle, and that is for the purpose of working or basically only for the looks. Knowing which one of these reasons is the one you decide to go with will help you in figuring out what sort of suspension lift units are better for your vehicle.
What Style
To the extent that utilizing 4x4 embellishments, for your vehicle to make it look decent, or to stand apart from the other vehicles; this certainly has turned into a well known pattern nowadays. You should remember that at whatever point you add a lift to your truck or vehicle, you will make to a greater extent a proclamation or an impact on your character regardless of whether you trust it. Recollect this rundown of things that you should consider when you plant to add a suspension lift unit to your vehicle:
1) Solace
2) Unwavering quality
3) Security
4) Support
5) Cost
These are vital variables to remember when you consider 4x4 suspension lift packs.
Understanding how a specific lift pack will perform on your vehicle is an unquestionable requirement! You would rather not sit around and cash on purchasing a unit and afterward putting it on your vehicle to understand that it doesn't function admirably, which is the reason you ought to remember the over five factors that are recorded. Request yourself what kind from exercises with driving you will do more often than not while utilizing your vehicle with the suspension work. There are numerous exercises to consider on:
1) Slow stone creeping
2) General 4 wheel action
3) High velocity dashing in the desert
4) Mud races
Remember these variables while settling on whether 4x4 suspension units are something you truly need for your ride.
For more details, visit us :
Ford Ranger Lift Kit
Pajero Lift Kit
Toyota Hilux Lift Kit
Ford Ranger 3 Inch Lift Kit
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Download Stick War: Legacy (MOD, Unlimited Gems) APK for android
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 With a rating of 4. Everyone right!! Well the game makes your dream a reality by taking you on a journey where you get to create your stickman army and lead them to glory. Totally control each stickman , build units, mine gold for survival and trade, learn the way of sword to become the greatest warrior, not just the art of fighting with a sword but also fight using spears, bow and arrows , mage and even giant. Destroy the enemy statue and capture the enemy territory to become the strongest and wealthiest kingdom that ever existed. Stick War: Legacy is not any ordinary game. The game has everything that is sufficient to keep you hooked up. The game has an endless dead Zombie mode where you get to test your skills by going against the deadly zombies which are thirsty for your blood. How long can you survive against this reign of terror. For the answer all you have to do is download this game. Now lets enter the intriguing world of the game. Every nation has developed its own way of survival and attack and because of the lust for dominance, every nation has a strong undying will of imposing their way of living on every enemy territory. With that dominance, one thinks of himself as equal to god. Can you restore peace? Do you have what it takes to be the best of the best? Are you The ultimate survivor? Enter this gruesome environment, lace up your boots and be prepared for war because you never know when the enemy will strike you. The peace and legacy are on the line. Download the Stick War: Legacy app and be the one in the million. Sounds spooky yet interesting and intriguing right? We would always recommend you to always download the latest version of the Stick War: Legacy Mod Apk in order to have a seamless and smooth gaming experience. Note that you will not be able to download mod of this game from Google Play Store. Why fear when we are here. There are a lot of websites and blog available on the internet that are claiming to provide the latest version of the Stick War: Legacy Unlimited Coins Mod but none have them have actually backed their claims. Either they are providing the incorrect links or links to the older version of the game which are non functional. A lot of these websites also provide spam links which spread viruses that corrupt your smartphones. So what are you waiting for , just click on the link and download the Stick War: Legacy and bring out the warrior in you. Because it is said in order to be the best, all you have to do is beat the best. To sum up whatever I wrote, Stick War: Legacy is a must have game on your smartphone devices. The game ensures a gaming experience like never before. The numbers and the ratings on the Google Play Store back up every claim we make about the awesome factor of the Stick War: Legacy. This game takes you on a journey back in time and personifies the braveness in you by giving you an army to manage, train and lead to victory against the enemy territories in order to restore peace. The app is more than perfect in every sphere be it the smooth gameplay, graphics, story line and the engaging factor. With its challenging and engaging environment, the game guarantees to keep you hooked up. Everything that is said is backed by the very awesome 4. The game is everything worth your time. See you again with another game and another story. Until then Au Revoir. Hi techylist ive been installing your hacked games and its preety awesome and i subscribed but can you do me a favour?.. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Category Strategy. Available Versions. Stick War: Legacy v Recommended Apps. Lords Mobile v2. Clash Of Clans v We Are Illuminati v2. Battle of Polytopia v2. Clash Of Kings v8. Alien Creeps TD v2. Mujhe ye game bhaut aacha laga h Reply.
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wdmsolutionsuk · 2 years
How Long Does It Take To Build A Website?
1. How long does it take to build a website on average
The process of building a website can vary significantly in terms of time and complexity. For a basic website built using a pre-designed template, it may only take a few days to put together the content and design. However, for an eCommerce website or more complex and custom websites, the development process can take weeks or even months. A significant factor in the time required to build a website also depends on the tools and methods used. For example, if you use a site builder, the process will be much quicker than if you hard-code the site from scratch. In general, though, most people can expect to spend at least a few days building a templated website, or 4-6 weeks for a bespoke website build.
2. Does it matter which website builder is used?
There are a lot of website builders out there, and it can be difficult to choose the right one. However, it’s important to remember that not all website builders are created equal and many are intended for different audiences. Some website builders are better suited for certain types of websites than others. For example, if you’re looking to build a simple website yourself and have little to no budget, a platform like Squarespace might be a good option. However, if you’re looking to build a more complex website or one that’s professionally designed to engage and convert its visitors then, you’ll need to use either a content management system like WordPress or, if it’s for larger businesses with special requirements (and a budget to match) then you might require a hand-coded website. Most businesses we speak to fit within that middle category so that’s where we’ll focus our efforts for this article. While there are a lot of website builders to choose from, it’s important to select the right one for your needs. WordPress is the most popular CMS (content management system) and powers over 30% of the internet!
But did you know there is a choice of website builders even within WordPress? These are known as page builders. Some popular page builders that work on the WordPress platform include Elementor, Beaver Builder and Divi. In recent years WordPress has begun to adapt and mimic the functionality that these page builders provide with a built-in editor known as Gutenburg with the ‘Blocks’ system. It’s currently lagging behind in features but (being native) does have some advantages. Here at WDM we tend to favour the Elementor page builder as it allows us to create pixel-perfect designs with complete flexibility while also ensuring that website loading speeds are seriously fast.
3. How much time should be allocated for planning, designing and developing a custom website
The building process of a simple website includes five main stages: Discovery phase, planning, design, development, and testing. Depending on the size and complexity of the site, each stage can take anywhere from a few hours to several weeks. For a small basic website with only a handful of pages, the entire process can be completed in as little as two weeks. However, for an eCommerce website or a larger site with dozens or even hundreds of pages, it could take six to eight weeks (sometimes even longer) to complete. In general, the more time that is allocated for planning and designing, the smoother the development process will be. By taking the time to carefully map out the structure and design of the site upfront, potential problems can be identified and addressed before they cause delays later on. As a result, allotting two to four weeks for planning and design is typically sufficient for most custom-built websites.
If there are any problems with the website during the build, this can add extra time to the project’s scope so it’s important that your website/project manager takes steps with you to avoid ‘scope creep’.
4. How much time should be allocated for content creation
Although the design of your website is important, the content is what will really engage your audience and encourage them to come back for more. For that reason, it’s important to allocate enough time for content creation when building a website. Depending on the size and scope of your website, you may need to create all the content yourself or commission someone to do it for you. Either way, it’s worth taking the time to plan out your content in advance. Consider all the pages that will need to be created. This includes not only the main landing page but also any subpages that will be needed. In addition, consideration should be given to search engine optimisation (SEO). This is the process of making sure that the website appears as high as possible in search engine results. While SEO can be time-consuming, it is essential for getting websites seen by potential customers. As a result, content creation should be given a significant amount of time when planning for a new website. By investing in quality content, you can ensure that your website will be a success.
5. What are some common issues that can delay the website development process
Any website development project is subject to a number of potential delays. One common issue is scope creep, which occurs when the original scope of the project is expanded without a corresponding increase in budget or timeline. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as new requirements being added mid-project, or existing features taking longer to implement than originally anticipated. The simplest way to avoid scope creep is to ensure that the project is well-defined from the outset and additional requirements are saved for a “phase 2” and dealt with once the site is launched and running as expected.
Other common issues include web development problems such as delays with arranging web hosting, sorting domain servers, and general delays in communication. Even small delays here can lead to missed deadlines and getting a website up and running. However, with a bit of planning and forethought, these issues can be avoided and a website can be developed without any major delays. In fact, you can download a free guide here that will ensure you’re project is on time and a complete success.
6. What are some tips for ensuring that your website is high quality
As with any business planning, the web development process should start with an evaluation of the goals and objectives for the site. This is often named the ‘discovery phase‘. Once these have been identified, it is important that your web developer (or web development team) have a clear understanding of the target audience. In fact, we suggest setting up client avatars/personas to ensure that you target the right visitors in the right way. Once you know who you are building the website for, the next stage in web development is building a sitemap. This will help content structure and organisation throughout the site. It also helps a great deal as you’ll know what content needs to be produced for each page. 
All web development should include some basic on-page Search Engine Optimization so that when the site does go live, it has a chance to rank well in search engines. 
A high-quality website should also factor in Page speed as this is important for both users and search engines. Finally, it’s important to run thorough tests on the site to ensure that all links are working, there are no broken pages, and it looks great on all modern devices.
7. How can you make sure your website meets all of your needs
Before you even start thinking about website builders or custom website designs, it’s important to take a step back and assess your needs. The design is only one aspect of your website and believe it or not, whether you like it personally or not is not what’s important. What really matters is that it will appeal to your ideal visitors.
Make sure you’re clear about your goals and objectives for your website. Who is your target audience? What kind of information do you want to include? What tone should the design and content use in order to best engage with your visitors?
Don’t underestimate the discovery phase, make sure that you also consider all possibilities including the functionality of your website. What kind of features do you need? Will this likely change in the future? How will people be able to interact with your website? By taking the time to address these factors early on, you can avoid costly mistakes down the road and ensure that your new website meets all of your needs.
8. What are some things to keep in mind when choosing a web designer
There are a few key things to keep in mind when choosing a web designer. How long does it take to build a website? How much will it cost? What is their process? Are they WordPress experts? How often will you need to communicate? These are all important factors to consider. 
Website development is a complex process that involves many different steps. Many developers start by asking you what styles you like then move straight on to designing the website layout, adding content, etc. A good web developer will start by taking the time to ask questions and fully understand what you’re trying to achieve. They will have a clear understanding of this process and be able to take a website from start to finish. However, not all web developers have a defined process. Some may work on an ad hoc basis, picking and choosing which tasks to complete as they go along. This can often lead to delays and errors, as well as a final product that does not meet the client’s expectations. When choosing a web developer, it is therefore important to ask about their process and make sure that it aligns with your needs. If you are looking for a WordPress website, for example, you will want to make sure that the developer has experience in using this platform. By taking the time to ask questions upfront, you can ensure that your website development project runs smoothly from start to finish. Check out our guide to working with your web developer.
Communication is extremely important. You’ll want to choose a web developer who offers regular check-ins and is available when you need them. That could mean weekly phone calls or video chats. If they only offer email or online messaging, this could be a red-flag. However, this does depend on your preference and needs. 
Last of all (and this may sound obvious) reviews matter! Take a look at some of their reviews. Are they generally positive? If there are any negative reviews do they seem justified? Is there a common complaint? Most businesses pick up a negative review from time to time but if the overall perception isn’t good, you should probably look elsewhere.
Building a website can take time and it’s important to make sure you’re working with a developer who understands your needs and has a defined process. By asking the right questions and considering all of your options, you can ensure that your website is everything you hoped for.
{Original Post|Originally Published|Source|Post Source|Article Source|Read More|Learn More|See More|Read Full Article} Here: %%postlink%% Originally published here: https://webdesignandmarketing.co.uk/web-design/how-long-does-it-take-to-build-a-website/
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9 Perfect Oscar Tank Mates
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Oscar cichlids are enormously well known in the aquarium leisure activity. Oscar fish tank mates have a unique enticement for them. Oscar fish are known for their very forceful way of behaving towards other fish. They are maybe one of the most gorgeous fish and they swim so nimbly that it would be difficult to envision them being forceful fish. They have executioner characters, yet they additionally look cool and each Oscar I've at any point experienced had its exceptional character.
They probably won't be the most amicable species on the planet or the least demanding to really focus on using any and all means, however they are surely one of the most appealing fish species out there. The Oscar fish can be a modest bunch to oversee once you have them in your tank, however in the event that you give them the right circumstances and tank mates, dealing with them can be a lot more straightforward.
Because of their disposition and possibly forceful way of behaving towards other fish, the Oscar fish ought to just be kept by the most ardent and experienced fish tank guardians. They are not especially convoluted to really focus on or even fastidious eaters, yet their forcefulness can turn into an issue over the long haul. Hence, you really want to pick tank mates for the Oscar fish cautiously.
In light of this data, let us investigate probably the best fish species to keep with the Oscar fish.
Convict Cichlid The convict cichlid would settle on a decent decision for a tank mate for the Oscar fish. To begin with, they are exceptionally gorgeous; they are additionally called zebra cichlid because of the examples of varieties that stretch out over their bodies. It is a freshwater fish that is local to warm waterways of South America, particularly to bigger streams where they will track down cover in and between the stones and branches. One might say that the convict cichlids are very like the Oscar fish concerning conduct. They can likewise turn out to be very forceful and regional assuming their space is compromised. They are additionally very huge - they grow up to 6 inches, which is likewise like the Oscar fish. This multitude of qualities make the convict cichlid a decent accomplice for the Oscar fish.
Jack Dempsey The Jack Dempsey fish is certainly not a simple fish to keep in your tank. That is on the grounds that they can get forceful towards other fish and they could get regional, as well. Yet, this doesn't imply that they can't coincide with other tank species like the Oscar fish, however it just implies that they ought to be kept by experienced tank managers and individuals who understand what they are doing. They can show up very bashful when they are around other fish. On the off chance that you keep fish in gatherings, the Jack Dempsey fish won't get forceful. These fish are delightful, yet they can likewise be exceptionally forceful towards other fish. This implies that this fish is for moderate to cutting edge fish tank proprietors.
Green Terror Cichlid The green fear cichlid is one more fish on this rundown. While it isn't forceful in local area tanks, it tends to be forceful towards stray fish in your tank. They can be green and blue and they can grow up to 12 creeps in size. Female fish are in many cases more forceful than guys. Yet, they possibly turn forceful assuming they are running dangerously short on space or on the other hand assuming that they are undermined; likewise, when there are more modest fish in the tank that they can go after. With Oscar fish, nonetheless, they ought to get along fine and dandy given that you give them both sufficient room to live so they won't conflict and battle with one another.
Silver Dollars Silver Dollars are one of the most well known Oscar tank mates in light of multiple factors. The Silver Dollars' special body, first of all, shape causes it to show up enormous and a more outlandish dinner for forceful Oscars. This is totally should while picking tank mates for your Oscar. Furthermore, a gathering of Silver Dollars frequently go about as vacillate fish. Vacillate fish, or fish that swim out in the open, set your Oscar straight by flagging that there are no hunters around. A gathering of Silver Dollars stand their ground against Oscars as well as assist with making them less forceful. While Silver Dollars are extraordinary Oscar tank mates, they really do best in gatherings of at least 4.
Panther Cichlid The panther cichlid is an extremely appealing fish. Its body designs really do seem to be a puma. They can make a decent ally for the Oscar fish. The panther cichlid is certainly not a forceful fish yet is fairly a semi-forceful fish. At the point when they are youthful, they have bars rather than panther designs; these possibly come when they grow up. Oscar fish is great since that way they won't get into one another's way. They likewise become more forceful when they are reproducing, during to the point that time, it very well may be smart to keep them independent.
Plecostomus The Plecostomus, or the plecos, are one of the most well known catfish species out there. These fish are very huge, as they can grow up to 24 crawls in size. Plecos have sharp spines on their blades, which represent an immense danger to hungry Oscars. They will frequently attempt to make a feast out of Plecos, just to have the spines stopped in their throat. This will bring about the demise of both fish. So, they make a decent tank mate for the Oscar fish as they are gorgeous and furthermore serene.
Firemouth Cichlid The firemouth cichlid is another species that would make a decent tank mate for the Oscar fish. They are splendidly shaded fish that can be utilized in your tank to add some tone. Despite the fact that they can be to some degree forceful when they are generating, they are by and large not forceful towards other fish. However, they are incredible fish in any event, for amateurs! They are not so requesting and are great for local area tanks. They are extremely alluring fish and can grow up to 7 creeps in size. They can live for quite some time or considerably more. Their size and personality can make them extraordinary tank mates for the Oscar fish.
Gem Cichlid Generally, the gem cichlid is certainly not a forceful fish. In any case, when they are mating, they begin to be exceptionally forceful towards other fish. This specific attribute makes them not ideal as tank sidekicks, but rather you ought to ward them off when they are mating. Nonetheless, most importantly, this is an exceptionally gorgeous fish! You can see the reason why it is so well known with tank attendants, yet there are a few contemplations for you to keep them with the Oscar fish - don't keep them in the tank in the event that they are mating or have only one fish of the animal categories in the tank.
The Oscar fish are staggering fish that are extremely well known in view of their shocking appearance. Make sure to keep the water clean for these fish, as they will generally create a considerable amount of wreck. Additionally, ensure that you put proper tank mates for the Oscar fish into the tank, since they can be very forceful towards more modest fish in the tank. You ought to think about a portion of these fish species as tank mates for the Oscar fish in your tank.
Cheerful Fishkeeping!!!
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sexstories-101 · 2 years
Why Do We Get Hot While Traveling?
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There is absolutely nothing beautiful about a bus. I'd even go so far as to say that the bus is the least alluring mode of transportation. However, back when I was younger, more financially uncertain, and a bus person, I frequently felt an unwelcome and worrisome sense creep up on me on extended bus rides: one of random, seemingly unprovoked horniness.
Being aroused on a bus is a somewhat disconcerting, unwelcome emotion, in large part because buses are dirty. However, an unexpected hit of sexual desire can undoubtedly be an enjoyable feeling in the appropriate setting. However, even as I moved on to less unpleasant, a little more opulent modes of transportation like trains and airplanes, I frequently observed a similar impact and was similarly perplexed by it. What exactly causes this hot and irritating effect when traveling to a location, seemingly any destination at all? Does the continual, rhythmic jostling cause any slight stimulation? Is it true that after a certain amount of unbroken time spent by oneself, one's thoughts would necessarily become impure?
For many people, traveling is a desire come true in and of itself. Whether or not that fantasy is sexual in nature, it frequently has the potential to become such. "The joy of being someone else — a hotter, more daring, more spontaneous version of myself — is what lies at the root of my travel horniness," explains Sofiya Alexandra, co-founder, and co-host of Private Parts Unknown, a podcast that examines love and sexuality around the world. There's a reason vacation sex exists, she continues, "and the reason is when you feel happy and fun, bus sex sounds like a no-brainer. I even get turned on by the concept of airports, because of all the possibilities they're a window in."
Naturally, it's simpler to get into the right frame of mind when you're at ease and removed from the distractions and/or mundaneness of daily life. According to Lehmiller, "people frequently travel for pleasure and relaxation, leaving work and stress at home." He continues, "There's also the fact that you may be seeing and meeting new people — people you don't see at home who you may find to be attractive." Additionally, he says, "There's also the fact that you may be distracted by other things and you're feeling less stressed, which can open the door to feeling more arousal."
Lehmiller says that "Transportation itself can occasionally add to arousal. People frequently fantasize about having sex in cars, boats, and airplanes, which contributes to this phenomenon. However, even if you're not in the sex plane of your mile-high fantasies, the vibration one experiences on certain modes of transportation may be sufficient to make you physically aroused. A bus, train, or airplane soon transforms into "a gigantic vibrator full of people" when you factor in the novelty of the event and the strangers you're sharing it with, as sex educator Carol Queen told Mic earlier this year.
 The trip horn, however, offers everyone a different kind of experience. Lehmiller asserts that while many people have admitted to getting horny in hotel rooms, for some people, "it might be more about being in a hotel, attending a bar where you're surrounded by new and different 
If you are looking for motivation to enhance your sexual drive.Kindly visit https://porno19.com/ a Vietnam porn website about bus sex movies
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