#with a very unthreateningly threatening look
lunart-06 · 11 months
Makoto: Hey big guy! ☺
Me: AWWWWWWW!!! 🖤💛❤💚💜💙✨🌟💫💗💓💕💞💖💘 THAT'S SO CUTE!!!
SNEBFHDHFFJ I AGREE!!! Makoto is just seem like the guy that would very much call Kamukura that of a nickname
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readbythestarlight · 5 years
Gonna fight some giants some giants some giants they’re gonna fight some giants hope they don’t die!
Ashley’s still here and I’m so happy
Sam’s songs are my favorite
Away Yasha away
Orrrrrr towards that’s fine
And Fjord??
God you idiots they’re GIANTS
Yessssss nice move Fjord
"Cats ire. We discussed." Homebrew spell?
"‘I hope you like the ocean!’ And I turn it into a killer whale."
"....well I don’t have a killer whale mini..."
Fjord and his silly grunting motioning stuff is great
Okay good so maybe talk to the giants?
"I walk out as unthreateningly as possible" is it even possible for Caduceus to be threatening because I just imagine him as being so soft and cute and sweet
Cad’s like listen we need to talk to these guys trust me
Okay so the giants ran away from something else somehow worse than a giant
Gonna... help some giants?
I hope this works
Zombie giants oh no
Caduceus reeeeally just wants to help the giants and be friends with them
I hope they do
Guys stop making Matt describe the smut
Spider meat... yum.... :X
Gonna fight some giant bloated mosquito demons yippee
"I wasn’t really paying attention but here is the very specific knowledge that I have even tho I totally never payed attention in school ever" Beau is a secret nerd who doesn’t want anyone to know she’s a nerd pass it on
Yasha like "are you gonna eat all that spider because if not I want it" it’s so funny she’s just like oh thank god finally some good food again
Oh nooo food poisoning xD
I wondered when Nott would start feeling weird about leaving Yeza to go adventuring again. I’m glad Caleb is reassuring her that (for the most part) she’s doing it to make her home safe again
"You’re feeling poorly, you’re doubting yourself. I can understand that, but I don’t share your opinion of you." <3
Time to appreciate Caduceus excellent
Nott please xD
Health potions yessssss
Fjord giving Jester the greater healing potion <3<3
This is a really cute Fjord and Jester interaction guys
I love that they’re just hanging out with a giant
Frumpkin figure nooooooo!
Oooof, those initiative rolls....
Matt why do you always have them go after Caduceus STOP HURTING MY SWEET PASTEL GOTH BOY
Cad is best support character
Nice job Yasha!
Oh. No. That’s bad. Max HP dropped 28points?!
Caleb CANNOT get hit
Wait she’s unconscious?? But not at 0 HP just unconscious
That ability seems mildly OP
Okay at least you’re immune once you succeed that helps a little
fuck I’m scared
Can you imagine Fjord dying and Matt pulling some bullshittery with U’kotoa just before they bring him back again?
everyone say thank you Cad
"I’m taking credit for this" as well you should
Holy COW look at the size of this map!!
They need to find somewhere to rest
Cad trying to wake up Jester and then frantically rushing over to Fjord to try and heal him. He’s clearly a bit freaked out about not knowing how to wake them.
Oh there’s a rift!!
Of course I should have known
Ashley Johnson: breaking (4th) walls and shutting rifts
Aaaaand now they get to fight an undead giant while Fjord is at like, what, 45 hit point max??
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