doorlatch · 5 months
Hey, I've been out of my witchyish for awhile!
And i fell into a bad Mania!
Now I'm gonna pull myself outta that (w meds and mental health professionals) and get back to witch ish!!!
Very excited and missing the randoms in this community!
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mxdmagic · 3 years
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Just a thought. @magickmemes #memes #memethings #magickmemes #witchmemes #witchyish #witch #gothic #gothbabe #gothvibes #witchstyle https://www.instagram.com/p/COG_GMTnt7V/?igshid=1hgftz74gl7p5
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honestsycrets · 6 years
Ragnar || Witchy Twins
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“But did you consult your daughters?”
2.5k Celebration || No individual pictures are mine.
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I don’t know if this makes any sense, but witchyish angel, I’m not sure, these things aren’t my strong suit
It would be pretty cool to be half witch/half angel I mean there's tons of different kinds of magic out there to so it would be awesome to be able to do a little bit of everything 😁
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candiceanitra-blog · 6 years
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I was feeling that Pink Scorpio Full Moon all last week AND what a treat to sleep while the moonlight bathed me. I lay staring at the moon & remembered I hadn't placed any crystals in the glow of her radiant light BUT instead of hopping out of bed I whispered sweet nothing's to her as she whispered to me & I set my intention - I am the crystal. I repeated this again & again, a love letter & mantra. It was nice to love on myself "as isc instead of course correcting. #witchyish #scorpiopinkmoon #healingisdaily
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I am a gay ass witchyish person who does like bill and Ted but I’m not the anon so have fun finding them I guess??
oh dear
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fluffybunnybadass · 7 years
Ya girl here is going to Vegas pride tomorrow, repping aroaces in a witchyish costume, and the family day events at the park, but even though I know both the city of Vegas and the organizer for the event will be upping security bc of what happened, I'm not gonna lie. I'm a little scared that someone else, someone homophobic, might have been inspired by the 10/1 shooting, and that it'll be the second massacre this month.
And given that the target is lgbta people, I really doubt the assbackwards administration will do much except say that we deserve it, because we're different. After all, they wanna hang the gays, convert people out of their natural, unchosen preferences of attractivity, and say that we are sick and that whomever would do harm against us was "a very fine people".
Not that vegas itself would or should stand for that, the whole "battle born" motto of the state, but still.
Anyways. That said, prayers/thoughts/blessings/wardings/whatever you believe in, for protection and the safety of our people this weekend, please send them. For peace of mind, personally, is all I ask.
And if anyone attending wants to meet up, hmu. I'll be attending with my boss and her family. And under the annoying siren song.
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alsowitchcraft · 7 years
Do you know some blogs which post about sea witchcraft?
Yes! Let me sea who I can find: @stormbornwitch has a lot of water and season related spells, and a sea witch tag@magic-for-the-masses has an incredible amount of master posts, I’m sure you’ll be able to find things, try looking through this page of their blog@rainy-day-witchcraft has some really cool posts but I think they’re on hiatusLots of witch blogs have sections on sea witches, so take a look by typing /search/sea after their blog urlAfter a quick search I’ve found several sea-witchyish blogs that seem pretty active and post new content:@frankenwiitch  @orriculum @saltwaterwitchery @naomi121406 @gothic-sea-witchery @sea-sorcery 
Reblog this and put in the tags if you’re a sea witch blog, or tag your favorite so anon and I can come check out your blog!
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aradia or dave?
aradia all the way son B)
url: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 10+ | asdkalskdstheme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 10+ | asdkalskdssidebar: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 10+ | asdkalskdsicon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 10+ | asdkalskdsposts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 10+ | asdkalskdsoverall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 10+ | asdkalskdsfollow: yes | forever | +follow | nope, sorry  (already was!!)
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candiceanitra-blog · 6 years
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It is not a game & this week I been on one! A @lisetealcalde #repost #rp #masturbatemeditate #mayweallbefree #yoniverse #yonieggwearing #crystaldildofucking #witchyish
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jerinoir · 11 years
Pokemon Game: Physic!
My favorite pokemon of that type: I really love the abra line actually ouo
My second favorite pokemon of that type: Probably mewtwo, though xatu has always fascinated me.
The cutest pokemon of that type: Mew and spoink c:
The most stupid or dumb (looking) pokemon of that type: Mr. Mime. Also wobbuffet. What even is it
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idrawweirddragons · 11 years
Rule one: always post the rules
 Rule two: answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones
 Rule three: tag 11 people and link them to the post (UGH THIS PART IS ALWAYS HARD) Rule four: actually tell them you tagged them
Tagged by callidussong
1. How was your day?
Great. My aunt is in town this week and today I took her to one of the popular gardens around here.
2. What’s your favorite fandom that you’re a part of?
The Homestuck fandom. I've never seen a crazier fandom, I love it!
3. Anyone you miss?
Most of my relatives, I don't get to see them often at all.
4. Biggest regret?
?? Can't really think of anything right now.
5. Anything you’re proud of?
My latest drawing. I am not done with it yet ;)
6. Strangest hobby?
Uh I don't think any of my hobbies are strange. They're really boring, stuff like reading or drawing.
7. Where do you want to travel and why?
Europe, I wanna go to places like Greece, or Italy and maybe France.
8. How do you feel about you’re family?
They're great.
9. What are you doing right now (besides filling this out)
Watching The Lion King
10. Favorite TV show?
Danny Phantom
11. Favorite quote?
Don't have one.
K, time for my questions c:
1. How are you feeling today?
2. How'd you spend your new year? Did you enjoy yourself?
3. Your favourite food?
4. Do you ship? What do you ship?
5. Did anything you really enjoy recently?
6. What was the last game you played?
7. Your favourite genre of movies?
8. Anything about yourself you'd like to change?
9. Anything about yourself you'd never ever change?
10. What did you dream about last night?
11. Any major plans for 2014?
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candiceanitra-blog · 7 years
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Bath. Then bedding. Goodnight lovers, dear hearts, all. #witchyish #selfloveisarevolutionaryact
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candiceanitra-blog · 7 years
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This tree was flirting with me through the fog... May we all see our highest selves reflected in the eyes/souls of those around us. My environment, my relationships every moment inspires me to do my best, & to be present above all else. #gratitudeflow #witchyish #faces #faceseverywhere #treeglee #twinflame #soulfamily
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candiceanitra-blog · 7 years
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Another kinda moon #witchyish #vibratehigher
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candiceanitra-blog · 7 years
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Such powerful communing with the moon this weekend casting spells, sleeping with the moonlight bathing my naked body. #gratitude #luna #fullmoon #witchyish #healingisdaily
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