#witcher succubi are not dubcon!! they’re not!! they like having sex and they’re good at doing it and that is IT
laurelnose · 4 years
kink cw
god not to immediately get involved in wank in the new year but i’ve been thinking about a dreamwidth post i read ages ago and now can’t find (i think by a kink-bingo mod, but again, i can’t find it) about how non-kinky people will often declare their boundaries to be “no hard kink,” with no explication of what the fuck “hard kink” means, or a brief explanation that leaves a significant amount to the imagination, with the implicit assumption that everyone has the same boundaries and ideas about kinkiness that they do, in a way that ends up making absolutely no fucking sense and kind of indicates that the person saying it has not, actually, thought very hard about kink and what their actual boundaries are.
anyways, eskelbigbang declared this:
Here's the list of hard kinks that we came up with: watersports, scat, vore, gore, noncon, dubcon, fireplay, ageplay. In addition, dead dove topics like underage, bestiality, necrophilia, etc. are not allowed.
and i just think it’s funny, is all. playing with fire (a thing which, in the context of Eskel and his sign control, is usually barely more intense in fic than regular temperature play) is Banned, but knifeplay or flogging would be totally fine? 24/7 power exchange or master/slave would be fine? choking and breathplay would be fine? fuck, they said everyone should be enthusiastically consenting, so would CNC/rape roleplay be fine? ageplay and incest are banned, but is daddy kink okay? actually, is any kind of incest roleplay okay, lmfao? what’s the stance on consensual humiliation and degradation? does consensual mind control and Axii fall under dubcon? basically, this list is VERY short, and i’ve seen some people using that as a defense for it, like “oh, not that many things are banned!” but to me it just screams “these people did not actually think very hard about any of this at all.” the backpedaling they had to do about drunk sex, in my mind, supports this. not even any acknowledgement that soft vore, hard vore, and cannibalism are different kinks, jesus christ.
“this event still has room for darkfic” is technically true, but with a set of mods who have clearly not fully thought out the limits here, what darkfic writer is going to be interested in investing their time only to run up against an unspoken boundary halfway through? because i don’t see clear boundaries and content limits set up here, I see a fucking minefield of unstated assumptions. and for an event that is not advertising themselves as all-ages and/or fluff-focused but just as a regular old character event, this is... not great. and yeah, writing clear and explicit content limits and enforcing them is fucking HARD, but if you want to have them, you gotta be ready to grapple with that! and no, “ask us if you think you’re crossing a line” is not a comprehensive policy. (kink aside, it’s a little odd they have nothing to say about abusive relationships. are these allowed or are they supposed to fall somewhere under noncon or something? are there limits on the portrayal of such, like the depiction of domestic violence? these content limits are weird as fuck, guys.)
also ofc scat and watersports always make the top of banned lists, that’s something the dreamwidth post talked about too, even tho those are pretty rare kinks which i have never run into in a big bang event in like, my entire life. kinkmemes, yeah, occasionally—big bang events, fucking never, lmfao. they just get picked as safe outliers because most people aren’t into them or are ashamed to say they are. just funny!
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bomberqueen17 · 4 years
I’m curious what the moderators of the eskel Big Bang event are going to do when those themes begin to come up in the show. Many of them, like gore, are already there, but once they ramp up and Ciri begins to get put through the ringer, what are they going to do
I mean. The canon itself is already an absolute mire of things that would not fly. We are obviously not just drawing on Netflix, since Eskel does not appear yet in Netflix.
I’m getting a lot of people making a point of telling me that the content isn’t banned, only the graphic depiction thereof, which a) is not what the guidelines actually say, and b) is suspiciously subjective. (Someone has been trying earnestly to tell me and anyone in the notes who agrees with me that the novels are not graphic, which uh. I know I’ve only read excerpts thereof but said excerpts would disagree with you.)
But, for the record. Eskel so far has not appeared in Netflix; he is a book- and game-verse character. The books are arguably not graphic in their depictions of violence (? Not sure how one argues this, but people are arguing, so I’ll grant them this point), but absolutely contain dubcon, noncon, incest, and the author’s eggregious nipple kink, among other things. The games feature dead sex workers and all kinds of graphically-depicted shit including coercion and mind control and dubcon and actually you’re expected to actively participate in some pretty ill stuff. In the game, Eskel only appears a few times and spends much of the one appearance making fun of himself / being mocked by others for his potential proclivities for bestiality (depending how you define succubi but uh they’re definitely making a joke about Lil Bleater there).
It’s completely wacko by all objective measures for there to be such broad content restrictions on such a dark canon, is what it boils down to.
The other thing I’m getting a ton of in reblogs is the specific phrase “shitting on” or “shitting all over” the mods, for having dared explain that I feel excluded, so like. Firstly it’s really odd that everyone’s using that specific phrase, and I am starting to suspect a bizarre fixation?
and secondly, I could not possibly have been more polite in my disagreement, so it’s crystal fucking clear that any dissent at all is beyond the bounds of politeness. Which also is a pretty good red flag, for me.
I couldn’t be happier with my decision to nope out before I even signed up for that.
But I remain disappointed in the entire thing, because I love the Witcher fandom as a whole and the way it’s treated me, and while I’m happy to churn out fics on my own, I would have loved to be involved in a more organized thing.
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