#wish people headcanoned outside of their comfort zone sometimes?? like not that you can't do what you want but like. consider other groups
james-is-nasqueer 1 year
barbie is aroace SHUT THE FUCK UP
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doodle-pops 7 months
Hi! I'm new to your blog and I really like it. Question for you, tho: I noticed that you have a queue of works you're working on. How long does it usually take to complete one of these requests? I know each unique prompt requires unique attention, but on average how much time do you spend on each one? Asking because i'm considering starting a requests blog of my own (for a different fandom, don't have the skill to write for this one) and I'm curious to how much time I should expect to put in.
Hello, welcome, and thank you very much 馃
Now onto your question. I still can't give an estimated time I spend on each request because apart from each prompt being different, it also depends on the writer's mood and capability to create rapidly. Sometimes I take 2 hours, 2 weeks or months. Everyone has a different rate at which they can push out content, some are slow, while others are faster.
When I take in requests, I look at my schedule to know how free I'll be, life outside Tumblr, my mood, writing pace, and comfort level. It will differ for everyone else.
I normally take in 30-40 requests per requesting period, then I proceed to have a two-week head start. During those 2 weeks, I would sort out my requests based on what's easy, challenging, headcanons, fics, and genre. Then I would schedule the order of posting鈥擨 post twice a week, so it equates to 7-9 posts a month.
Once all that is completed, I spend the rest of the two weeks (attempting to) writing the first month's request in order. Once finished, take my break and proceed to the 2nd month and so forth. And that's how I organise myself when I'm writing requests. I try to have a month's work in the queue before the month starts so I don't have to rush last minute.
A few things to note:
Everyone writes differently. My method may not work for you, it may appear overwhelming. You must determine what rate is best for you. As a first-timer, start simple and graduate as time goes on should you wish to produce on a larger scale.
Know the volume of work you can focus on writing. Some people can only write small amounts of work while others do large. Stay within your regulated volume of requests unless you are ready to increase the amount.
There is no specified time frame to complete requests. If someone takes 1 day to write a headcanon, you might take 2 days, and that's alright. Find a comfortable pace to write. You may write slower than others and it's fine. If time management is an issue, create a schedule you can work with that would not create burnout or stress.
Work within your comfort zone of content, meaning write what you are comfortable with. Whether it be headcanons only, fics, or fluff, short or long fics, write to your comfort.
Remember your life outside of Tumblr influences how often you write and the rate you can complete pieces. Don't force yourself if you can't meet the deadline you created. Real-life situations are inevitable, they happen out of the blue.
Always remember to have time for yourself!! Don't devote all your time to fulfilling requests. Your readers WILL understand. Set aside intervals for leisure.
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hisredhysteria 3 years
Courier: Relationship Alphabet Headcanons
Now to all my Courier lovers! Surprisingly, I don't think I'll need to add a warning for this one besides maybe language in the first paragraph and that's it!
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A: affection: how do they show affection towards their s/o?
Shithead and idiot have become terms of endearment in some circumstances when he refers to you, but besides that he shows his affection through acts of service and quality time. He'll often refuse or seem reluctant to help you with certain tasks, only to give in when you need him most. The two of you will also share inside jokes and once he's warmed up to you a little, you'll find him always trying to sit close to your side. Almost as if he can't ever sit close enough either. Before a relationship has begun he'd choose to stand next to you of all people too and then ask you why you're the one who is so close...
B: beauty: what do they like about their s/o? What do they find beautiful about them?
Courier isn't set on appearance and vanity means very little to him, but if there was one thing to note about you, it is your eyes. Something about the way you look at him has the ability to soften his initial off-putting attitude.
C: comfort: are they good at comforting their s/o? How do they comfort them?
No...yes...it depends on what you're looking for when it comes to comfort. Courier is very helpful with the practicality of his advice. It's very real and genuine. He does want to help you, but if you're looking to be babied then perhaps look elsewhere. He will not coddle you or lie to you. If he notices you're not doing so well in a certain environment though, he picks up on it quickly and will swiftly work to get you out of/away from what's causing you distress. If you're panicking he's also very good at sitting you down and talking you through it.
D: dreams: how do they picture their future with their s/o?
He'd rather not think about what he wishes in the future for the both of you...mostly in fear that something could ruin it. Having his heart set on something specific is a gateway for it to be destroyed somehow.
E: effort: do they put a lot of effort in your relationship?
So much that he thinks you should start paying him for his efforts. Your love should do the trick but money couldn't hurt either....- in all seriousness, he does put equal the amount of effort you put in and what he thinks you deserve. He'll go out of his way to do just about anything for you, even when he won't admit it.
F: fun: what do they do to have fun with their s/o?
This should be obvious but motorcycle rides! He loves taking you for rides because it's an activity where the two of you don't need to exactly be talking to enjoy it. He's also good at it and it's one of the few things that brings him solidarity. Outside of that, he enjoys just sitting down with you and a warm drink playing cards. Sitting below the stars isn't too bad either. Secretly, he finds enjoyment when you bring your own ways of having fun to the table too! He doesn't mind being put out of his comfort zone for you.
G: gratitude: are they grateful for your relationship with them?
Grateful is not the term he'd use to describe how he feels about your relationship...but he is however grateful for the peace your presence provides him. He doesn't see a need to be exactly grateful until much later in the relationship.
H: honesty: are they honest with their s/o?
No and yes. He'll often hide things from you if he thinks they'll hurt you. He'll pretend things aren't as bad as they seem or he'll try hard not to worry you because he doesn't want to be fawned over or for you to have to deal with such anxiety. He's honest about things too though, however he picks based on the circumstance and how important it actually is for you to know the truth.
I: inspiration: what did you change about them?
His ability to let someone in. He often thought he'd be alone the rest of his life, but with you there he finds that sometimes letting others break down your walls completely is okay.
J: jealousy: do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
It takes a lot to make him jealous and even if he does get "jealous" it'd more so be him just accepting it than ever doing something about it. He'd hide that he's feeling that way and if he lost you to another person, well then at least he knows you chose what you wanted in the end. He does not have time nor the patience to deal with his jealousy.
K: kisses: where do they like to kiss their s/o?
In a less causal setting, your collarbone is his favorite place to kiss along with your inner thighs. In a more casual setting, your jawline.
L: love confession: how would they confess?
There wouldn't exactly be a confession. You'd probably have to suggest that you'd like for him to take you out as a tease and he'd follow up by nonchalantly agreeing that you two meet up somewhere as an official date. There, you'd have to be the one to confess any serious feelings though or else things may stay stagnant.
M: memory: what's their favorite memory with their s/o?
Anytime the two of you create a new inside joke with one another. His favorite memory might also be spending a holiday or special occasion with you such as Christmas or your birthday.
N: naps: how would they nap with you?
It would be a spur of the moment kind of thing where he leans his head on your shoulder out of shear tiredness for "only" a second and all of a sudden he's out like a light. If he catches you curled up on the couch napping, he doesn't mind sitting close to you and dozing off...of course then he's sleeping with his back straight up against the couch. He'll also let you sleep in his lap from time to time.
O: open: how open would they be with their s/o about their thoughts?
As the relationship progresses, he would be increasingly more open. He's not much of a talker so it's safe to say he's got way more on his mind than he actually shares, but it's something you'll have to be patient with. He is a bit open with his more general thoughts though.
P: pda: would they be comfortable with pda
Not at all. It can be hard for him to warm up to physical affection behind closed doors so in public is even harder. He does not enjoy being touched and it is better that you don't. He'll tolerate small forms of it for you but you'll hear get off me more often than not. Don't take it too harshly though, he doesn't hate when you touch him. Most acts of pda are just better left on his terms.
Q: quirks: what is something weird about you that they find cute?
Persistency. He thinks it's weird that you're so persistent but he likes that you won't give up on him when others might see him as a lost cause or nothing more than a tool for their little inside jobs.
R: romantic: would they be romantic with their s/o?
He's very good at being romantic in the non-conventional kind of way. He's not going to set up any fancy dates or write you cute poems...he probably won't even text you much. But...he will still remember to text you good morning, he'll make you breakfast, and he'll do other things that aren't exactly romantic, but might come off in such a way.
S: support: do they support their s/o with their goals?
Passively, yes. He's not your number one cheerleader or anything, but you'll see him in the back watching your games is the best way I can describe it. He wants to see you succeed and have your own ambition.
T: thrill : would they like to try new things in your relationship or stay on the same routine?
He finds comfort in routine so he would prefer to keep a routine going. Once in a while introducing something different or new isn't too bad just to keep things interesting, but he likes what he likes and if you change it too much on him he'll begin to get irritable.
U: understand: how well do they understand their s/o?
Interestingly, not very well unless you can explain things from a perspective that he'd understand it. If he can't relate in someway to what you're feeling, he has a bit of a hard time understanding. That doesn't mean that he's not sympathetic though, just that he needs a way to relate in order to understand well.
V: value: how'd they value your relationship with them?
He values your partnership a lot. Your relationship is an emotional investment as well as a great investment of his time, so if he didn't value it, what would be its worth? He does not put time and effort into something that he doesn't value in at least one way or another.
W: wild card: a random headcanon
He is very aware of your facial expressions during a conversation. He can read your body language quite easily as well which comes in handy for a number of situations where you might be uncomfortable or in need of something.
X: XOXO : are they very affectionate? Do they like hugs/ kisses?
He likes hugs, not so much kisses. It takes him a while to get used to that kind of affection. He's also not very affectionate in general outside of letting you rest your head in his lap. You'll have to initiate a lot of the physical affection but once he's comfortable with it, he'll begin to initiate it as well.
Y: yuck: what would they dislike about their s/o?
Nothing specific about you, but don't bring up or badger him about what he does or his past. He doesn't like talking about work with you and he'll become suspicious if you ask about it too often. As for his past, he will open up to you if and when he is ready.
Z: zzz: how do they sleep around you?
He's a pretty average sleeper, although a bit on the heavy side. It's hard to really wake him up once he's out. He doesn't sleep with many blankets either so more for you! He also doesn't mind you sleeping cuddled up to or on his chest from time to time. In fact the pressure of your body is a bit of a relief and comfort to him. Occasionally he does have a hard time falling asleep or relaxing and it might be best for you to stay awake with him on those nights.
You are his safety net. He trusts you more than anyone and would not do anything intentionally to lose your trust either. That being said if he's looking to you for comfort, then you should take him seriously or else risk losing that trust. He doesn't look or go to many for support, so when he comes to you it means he really needs it.
He buys sweatshirts for "himself" but his sole intent is for you to steal them for yourself so he can tease you about it-
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the-sapphire-general 7 years
My Thoughts and Feelings About Sephiroth (Part 3)
Well I did say I would make a third part if I had more in mind about Sephiroth. And much to my surprise, there is more! So here it is! Parts 1 and 2 can be found here so you can keep up just in case I mention anything from those posts:
My Thoughts and Feelings About Sephiroth (Part 1)
My Thoughts and Feelings About Sephiroth (Part 2)
Now this one will be a little different because I will include more about the portrayals I've seen throughout the Internet, my own opinions about them, and my own portrayal. Plus I will include the essay I wrote about him for one of my college courses and I might say random things about Sephiroth that I will discuss.聽
First will be the portrayals of Sephiroth I have noticed throughout the Internet. I will not attack any of these or offend anyone who has these headcanons. I respect everybody's headcanons, and it's a good thing too because being a jerk to anyone who has portrayals that are different from yours is stupid and a waste of time. I have friends whose portrayals are varied, and we don't fight over how Sephiroth should act. Love them, hate them, be neutral to them, just as long as you handle this in a mature manner.聽
Now I have mentioned the portrayal of Sephiroth where he's unnaturally hypersexual in part 1, so I will not go into detail about it anymore. It's already been done. Another one I will not discuss again is the mindless killing machine portrayal (mentioned in part 2). To those who do or like these portrayals, I dislike them but I will respect your choice.
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Now for the portrayals. The ones I really enjoy are the ones for his Crisis Core self (or pre-Nibelheim if you want to put it that way). As I have stated before, I can relate to his past personality, so I really like a lot of the headcanons. Picturing him, say, struggling to socialize, not knowing much of certain things (i.e. video games), spending time with friends, basically being human is heartwarming for me. I take it a lot of people like CC Sephiroth, and who wouldn't? There was this one story where Sephiroth took a liking to lemon drops, which is one thing I added to my own headcanon page on my blog. I found it rather sweet and cute. That's like me but with chocolate. I love chocolate. And then there's one where he has no idea what a sitcom is due to his sheltered upbringing, and it was pretty amusing to picture Genesis and Angeal trying to explain it to him as they watched TV. There are many others that I don't think I can list since there are so many of them, and for a lot of them, I like them. There's some that I don't, but that's just my personal opinion.
Now for the Sephiroth we all know after the Nibelheim Incident. Man, I'm beginning to remember what I've read. It's hard for me to find some portrayals that I like because the ones I've seen so far were unsettling. Sephiroth being a sadistic rapist is one of the worst ones I've seen so far. Not as in the stories are poorly written or something like that but for me, it's one of my least favorite portrayals. I get that he lost his mind, but I believe he wouldn't go that far. I wouldn't go that far with my own portrayal because it just makes me feel uncomfortable. Just thinking about it makes me uneasy.
I confess that I don't know my limits when it comes to portraying Sephiroth. For a long time, I've been trying to grasp his evil demeanor and I still hesitate to go further and struggle to get inside his head sometimes. So I don't know how far I can go with dark, twisted, cruel scenarios, but rape is one of my limits. I won't reveal the user, but I was recently asked if I could do necrophilia. When I got the question, I was speechless. That's another one of my limits. I really can't imagine Sephiroth being...intimate with a corpse. Much to my relief, they respected my opinion. And I like that. People should respect others because everyone has limits and if I have to force myself to write Sephiroth doing rape, acting all creepily intimate around Jenova, asphyxiation (as in the kink), or something that I don't see him doing, I won't enjoy the roleplays at all. I used to wish I could please everybody, but that's an impossible goal and I should keep in mind about what I want and don't want to do. Again, I don't know my limits too well, so if anyone wants to RP with me on my Sephiroth blog and it involves something that you're not sure if I accept or not, please message me. I'll try to get out of my comfort zone, but please respect my limits. If I don't do certain things, there are other Sephiroth blogs out there. It's simple and it will prevent pointless drama.
My portrayal for Sephiroth is close to his canon self but mixed with his CC side and my own headcanons. I try to stay close to canon as I write, and I silently read what I wrote and then read it out loud while picturing Sephiroth saying it. If what I wrote doesn't work, I revise them until they sound like Sephiroth. It's still not easy because I'm still struggling with his dark, insane, cruel self, the villain everyone knows and loves. One thing is certain is I do try my best to make him more human but still maintaining his character. I can't make him too human or else that ruins his cold and distant qualities, like making him fall madly in love with someone or bawling his eyes out. Now I haven't seen these examples anywhere, so I'm just throwing in random hypothetical headcanons here. The point is I do try my best not to make him too kind, soft, patient, you know, real nice or else that's not really Sephiroth. Lol But I also don't make him relentlessly cruel to the max 24/7. Both extremes aren't portrayals I like, so I am tackling middle ground. It's possible, and if others don't like my portrayal, that's fine, but they shouldn't judge me for it.
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Since I'm discussing my own portrayal, I might as well explain other things about it. Let's see, he has interests outside of trying to destroy/conquer the world and messing with Cloud. My character is a loyal follower. Her profile isn't on my blog but her name is Maybelle Rose, and she's Sephiroth's love interest. Speaking of this, I make Sephiroth a bit of a Tsundere towards others, not necessarily involving romance like with Maybelle. He doesn't act like a stereotypical Tsundere, but he's a very, very subtle version.聽
Romance. Now this is something that might piss off so many, but I can picture him in a relationship. No, I'm not talking about Crisis Core Sephiroth. I mean post-CC. Say what you want, but I can see it. If done well, it can work. I don't like following the stereotype that villains are incapable of love. Some villains can truly be incapable of love, but not ALL villains. It's not mandatory. A friend of mine claims that Sephiroth is bland. Now I completely disagree with his opinion, but it did give me confidence in pursing romance regarding Sephiroth. Heroes are written as human beings, why not do the same for villains? That's what makes characters compelling, it makes them real. That's what I'm basically trying to do with Sephiroth, and as challenging as it may be at times and despite people probably going against this idea as they read this, I'll do it. My blog now allows shippings. Yes, I now accept shippings. I used to not accept them, but I changed my mind. My reasons are shown in my rant here:
Sephiroth Fandom Rant
Okay I know I said I wouldn't mention the hypersexual Sephiroth portrayal, but I might as well. If he were in a romantic relationship, he wouldn't be like that. Sephiroth doesn't get horny around everyone. Seriously, he's not a sex-obsessed maniac. Sephiroth is a private man with dignity and he would never act extremely sexual, let alone sexual in general. He would be intimate with his significant other, but it would be in a normal level and he would be intimate in private. And I must add that my portrayal does involve Sephiroth having kinks, but he's not sex-obsessed like I said. He has self-control and he keeps things private.聽
Now for the next thing. I wrote this essay over two years ago, and apparently I kept it after all this time. Lol Yes I wrote an essay about Sephiroth, back when I was still somewhat of a new fan. The assignment was to do a paper on a criminal, real or fictional, and diagnose them with specific personality disorders. However, it didn't mean that they HAD to have any of these disorders. We just had to show the instructor that we understood the material we have learned during class. Take a look at my essay here:
Essay on Sephiroth
Fun fact: My other choice for this assignment was Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. XD But Sephiroth was a better candidate and I was able to write more about him than I could have ever done about Gaston. Schizoid Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder were two of the ten types of personality disorders that came close to Sephiroth's behavior. I don't consider either of these disorders as my personal headcanons for him. I honestly never did despite Schizoid PD being pretty close. And much to my shock, my instructor liked my paper and I wound up getting an A! I never got an A on any papers, so it felt amazing to finally get a grade that was higher than a C.
Speaking of psychology, one headcanon that's somewhere online is that Sephiroth has autism. Well, it is possible because I have a friend who is autistic, but during my research on this condition, I don't see Sephiroth as autistic. Sure some of his traits do seem to resemble signs and symptoms, but speculation isn't considered a confirmation that he has autism. He might have it but I would rather have Square Enix confirm it if he really is autistic. On another note, I do understand why they headcanon him as autistic. They relate to Sephiroth because some of his traits remind them of themselves. I get that and if they think he's autistic, that's okay with me. This headcanon is also given to Papyrus from Undertale and Pearl and Peridot from Steven Universe, so I'm familiar with this. Even L from Death Note is believed to be autistic. To be honest, I kind of believe it regarding L. That's just my opinion, though.
Tangent aside, courtesy of a friend, I am more intrigued by Sephiroth in a new level. Aside from his appearance and personality, his intelligence, the way he thinks has me curious. Yes I have been trying to get into his head to improve my portrayal, and I think I found a strategy. If I want to portray and act like Sephiroth, I have to think like him...in less destructive ways, might I add. Lol I may not be an expert as Sephiroth yet, but I'll get there. I've come this far on my blog, and I'm not throwing it all away.聽
Speaking of my Sephiroth blog, besides that it would be fun and such, I created my own blog because I wanted to express my passion for him. He's one of my role models that made me stronger and I just really admire him. And like I said, I knew I could connect with other fans. Sure, there's a toxic side of the fandom, but that won't stop me. I did feel offended several days ago, as mentioned in my rant, but I'm fine now. In addition to my reasons, I didn't start the blog for fame. Popularity isn't really a big deal for me, I just want to show everyone how much of a Sephiroth fan I am in creative ways. Besides, I found the thought of portraying Sephiroth a fun challenge considering he's my opposite, and he pretty much started my fascination for villains. I also made friends thanks to the blog, one of them being my best friend here on Tumblr. :)
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Now to finish this post with one more thing. When I was still a new Sephiroth fan, I confess that I tried to redeem him. Of course it was a difficult task to do for a story, and I admit I was determined to do it. However, as I kept going, I slowly realized doing this implied I didn't like him the way he is, the villain he is widely known as instead of what he used to be before discovering his origins. So I drifted away from redemption and focused on Sephiroth on who he is without changing him. Today, I love Sephiroth for who he is, cruel, cold, calculating, everything. Why change a character you're supposed to love? You wouldn't do that to a real-life partner, or anyone in general. Sephiroth wouldn't have liked me for trying to make him turn a new leaf. Lol So I never pursued redemption for him again. It was too hard anyway. It's like trying to redeem the Joker! That's how hard it was for me. So screw that mind-numbing task, Sephiroth should remain as the badass villain I have grown to love.
Well, this is it. For real this time! Lol This is my final part of the "My Thoughts and Feelings About Sephiroth" posts. I said everything I had to say about Sephiroth as I included all my thoughts, feelings, etcetera. I'm out of things to say about him, so no fourth post! XD If I ever have more Sephiroth-related comments that comes to mind, I'll just make small posts. Will I make more long posts like these? Perhaps. I had fun writing these posts. Maybe I can tackle other topics, or maybe talk about another character in detail. Well, see ya!
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