#wish i knew about patapatapeppy earlier
mprimn · 6 months
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Honestly, I have no idea where to start.
The last time I successfully journal something was probably when I first visited Japan. It was an 8-day trip where I got to spend most of my time at the countryside of Takasaki, along with other students. As proud as I am to be part of this program where we didn't have to pay a single penny (personal expenses excluded), I couldn't help but feel jealous of the other group from the paid program where they got to tour a planetarium and even went to an amusement park. Meanwhile, we had to impress the locals and were told to maintain our public image over and over again. The only time I felt free was during the last 2 days where we finally get to be in Tokyo to buy souvenirs. But enough of that for now.
A couple of years had passed since then. As I've continued studying Japanese, I managed to apply for a one-year exchange program and will be flying in less than 2 weeks. So, I think it will be a good time to attempt journaling again. My original plan was to do it on Facebook, but the recent reel update was my last straw (short form content will forever be my enemy). Because of that, I dusted off this Tumblr to document my upcoming experience in the foreign country.
I couldn't help but feel nervous. I may have been to Japan once, but I was accompanied by the teachers. All I had to do was just follow what they say. If anything happens, I know I could count on the adults to solve the problem. But this time is different. I will be on the plane alone (as in without people I know). I have to travel to the meeting point on my own. I have to do so many things by myself. I am the adult.
I've been living with my parents my whole life, so I'm unsure of what lies ahead. Which is exactly why I need to go out there. To step out of my comfort zone. While I despise the idea of growing up, it's inevitable. I sincerely hope that this opportunity will help me improve as a person because if I want to support my oshis, I need to able to support myself first.
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In the end, I guess I just want to be able to pay for my most favorite band in the world for the rest of my life.
TLDR; weeb wants to get back into journaling and have a sustainable life to support their oshi
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