#wish i had done it sooner. but i'm so glad to be on the journey now
wuntrum · 8 months
officially been on t for a whole year today :)
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utterlyotterlyx · 3 months
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Azriel x Fem!Reader
Summary - Azriel had never wished upon a star, and after finding you, he wished he had done it sooner.
Warnings - FLUFFFFFFF, a touch of angst and sadness
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There were thirteen stars that streaked across the skies during Starfall, Azriel had resound himself to noting each one as they made their journey across the same canvas each year, watching how they danced between one another and entranced the city with their show.
He sometimes wondered just how perfect someone had to be in order to be one of them, to shine so brightly and to be so adored that a whole city would wait an entire year to watch them for just a fleeting moment.
After watching for so long, Azriel knew each of them in his own special way, but he had always been particularly drawn to the singular star that always drifted to the back of the colony, like it was trying to stay for just a moment longer, and he could have sworn that he felt it watching him on more than one occasion, even when it twinkled idly in the sky and pulsed with pearlescent light.
One particular Starfall, Azriel gave in to his infantile wonder that perhaps wishing on a star would make all of his dreams come true, dreams that he had never spoken of to anyone. As silly as it felt, Azriel forced himself to close his eyes just as the stars began their dance; he inhaled deeply and wished, what for he'd never tell, but he did it.
In the days that followed, Azriel felt that tiny spark of hope evaporate within him, such showed in his tendrils of shadow who were feeling a little heavier than usual, less mischievous too. Cassian had noticed it, it was only small really and he was surprised that it was him who had caught it, but he knew Azriel better than anyone, he'd notice any slight change.
"What's wrong?" Azriel's chest was glistening in the last dwindling glance of sunlight, rising and falling rapidly as he worked to slow his breathing from his latest training session with Cassian.
Azriel spared Cassian a side-long glance and moved to unwrap his knuckles, the bandages winding onto the ground, "Nothing," he cast his eyes down to his knuckles, bruised and bloody and also throbbing from the impact of Cassian's abdomen, the feeling didn't do much to tempt his thoughts.
"Bullshit," Cassian cursed softly, "You're you but not. Tell me what's going on Az."
Sighing, slightly agitated, Azriel turned to his brother, noticing the stars leaking in from the distance, "I want my mate. I want what you and Nesta have, and Feyre and Rhys. I thought that maybe it was my turn next," his heart stung with the knowing of Lucien and Elain's accepted mating bond, he glanced behind Cassian, seeking comfort in something other-worldly, "I wished it."
Azriel hadn't meant to make Cassian feel guilty, he was glad that Cassian had found his mate, someone to love for the rest of his days., but it didn't stop him from feeling more alone than he had ever felt in his life.
The raw emotion in his voice caused Cassian to stand speechless before him, "I'm going to go for a walk, clear my head."
Without another word, Azriel shrugged his shirt over his head and took off into the skies, unable to look back at the pained expression on Cassian's face. Part of him was ashamed for his feelings, he was Spymaster of the Night Court, anyone who loved him would be in constant danger, perhaps that was why he hadn't been gifted with a soul-bound other.
Landing on the cobbled streets of Velaris, Azriel began trapsing through the city with his head hung low, not particularly paying attention to anything until his shadows coiled around his arms and tugged at him. The Shadowsinger scoffed, pushing himself onward and choosing to ignore his companions, only barking at them when they swam over his face and restricted his vision; Azriel swatted at them, "What?"
One particular shadow, the one most prone to dancing and becoming lost in someone's hair, hovered before his eyes, waltzing into the night-kissed air and forcing Azriel to focus. He hadn't realised how far he'd walked until he took a moment to scan the area, he had wandered all the way down to the Sidra, so much being clear from the bubbling drifting from the riverbank as the water sang over the rocks.
Then he heard something that made his heart skip, a soft hum, no louder than a hummingbird, winding down the cobbled path to meet his ears. It was sweet and calm, full of life and serenity, and he couldn't stop himself from following it.
His shadows shivered with each step, each one becoming more active with every metre forward they were carried until they saw you, you were kneeling in the water that perfectly reflected the sky, fingers dipping beneath the surface whilst it swam by you. Your hair was unbound and kissing the surface in a way that sent small ripples through it whenever they would collide.
Azriel stood on the bank and watched you, not being able to place you in his mind, he listened to your song, unwilling to stop his shadows from drawing themselves toward it. Only when those tendrils of darkness grazed against your skin did the song halt, it was replaced by a soft giggle, one that could have made the darkness part to allow in the sun if it wished it.
"Can I help you?" The shadows shuddered at your question, convicted to dancing to the sound of your melodic tone, coiling around the finger you had raised to your eyes to inspect them closer, "How peculiar."
The drenched skirt of your pale blue dress pooled at your feet when you stood, but you didn't take your eyes off of the shadows. And, as if realising how potentially rude they were being, Azriel moved to intervene, to beckon them back to his side, "I'm sorry, they don't seem to want to listen to me today."
Turning to face him, Azriel lost every thought in his mind, the only one lingering in his consciousness being that you were easily the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, "It's alright, I don't mind," you told him with a smile as wide as the Sidra. His shadows continued to dance around you, slithering into every gap possible to just be as close as they could, "Who are you?"
Azriel was slightly taken back by the question, everyone knew who he was, and he didn't mean to feel egotistical when he thought that, most people were afraid of him, and everyone in the city certainly knew who he was. "I'm Azriel," he attempted to call back his shadows but they refused to leave you, he had half a mind to waltz right up to you and pluck them from your skin, but he stayed put, "Who are you?"
"Y/N." Beautiful.
"I haven't seen you here before."
The moon reflected off the surface of the Sidra,
Humming softly, you glanced about with a furrowed brow, like you were trying to find something familiar until your eyes dragged upward and settled on the sky, "And where is here?"
"Velaris. The City of Starlight."
"Starlight," your voice drifted, eyes unwavering in their upward gaze, "How pretty."
Perhaps Azriel should have been cautious of you, the beautiful thing with the long hair and voice as tempting as a siren's, but he wasn't, not even a little bit. If anything, Azriel had found a comfort within you despite only being in your presence for a mere few moments.
After a few moments, your wandering eyes returned to earth and you moved past him, up toward the cobbled path he had strayed from to find you, "Can I walk you home?"
Turning on the balls of your feet, you grinned at him and continued backward, "I'll be fine."
Azriel took a single step forward, "Will I see you again?"
"If you wish it," you told him with a knowing smirk, one that he didn't recognise, before turning from him and disappearing into the night, leaving Azriel wondering just exactly who you were to be able to cause his shadows continue to whisper your name into the darkness.
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The next time Azriel saw you was in the Palace of Threads and Jewels, he had only caught a glimpse of you, but your scent of jasmine and pine lingered where you once stood. Azriel excused himself away from Nesta and Feyre, both of who glanced to his hurried form as he retreated from them.
Rounding a corner, he found you inspecting a bouquet of night lilies, your fingers gliding across the velvety petals with a genteel smile on your lips, one that widened when his shadows curled around your ankles, "Hello again," you called to them endearingly, beckoning them up to your fingers where they happily rested whilst you brushed the tip of your nose again them.
Azriel felt his heart clench at the action, and he only pulled himself from his entranced state when you graced him with your attention, "Hello to you too, Azriel," your hands were folded neatly behind your back, his shadows now resting on your shoulders.
"Hello," he took a step forward, and then he noticed just how small you were in comparison to him by the way you craned your neck up to look at him, "I knew I'd see you again."
A grin formed on your lips, "Did you wish it?"
"Perhaps,” Azriel folded his arms across his chest and drank you in, the pinned back hair and the baby whips that floated over your forehead, the white dress that hugged you in all of the perfect ways, and those bright doe eyes tinged with a touch of mischief.
"Then consider your wish granted,” the heel of your shoe clicked against the floor, the aroma of fresh roses and foliage filling the air, and you cocked your head at him slightly as if appreciating his beauty, “How have you been?”
In all honesty, Azriel had been feeling much better since that night he left Cassian after training, and that was because of you. Azriel couldn’t stop thinking about you, how lost you seemed but also not afraid, how gentle you seemed, and your voice, he couldn’t get it out of his head. Without wanting to admit it, Azriel had been looking for you, lazily, but with a hope he thought he had lost. And now there you stood, as pretty at the petals that drifted along the floor.
“I’ve been alright,” he leaned against the pillar of the stop, angling his body into you. It had been an age since someone had asked how he was, especially in the way that you asked, with genuine intrigue and care. “How have you been?”
Smiling, you answered, “I’ve been good,” you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and giggled softly as a shadow flowed through your hair.
“I’d like to get to know you,” he said with gentle conviction and you couldn’t help but blush, enjoying the sight of those soft eyes and rough exterior clad in black pants and a matching long sleeved cotton shirt.. “If you’d let me?”
“I wouldn’t say no,” you shrugged and took a step forward, close enough to scent the cedar on his clothes, “What are you doing right now?”
“Nothing,” Azriel internally cursed himself for responding so fast, showing his eagerness to spent more than a moment under the moon with you.
With a knowing smirk you huffed out a laugh, “Well, walk with me? I want to explore a little.”
Not needing another word, Azriel pushed himself from the beam and stepped aside for you to slip past him, slowly meandering through the market and observing everything that you could.
“Where is it that you live?” Azriel asked, happy to simply watch you scan the shelves and touch anything that looked soft.
Without looking back, you answered his question with a voice as warm as summer rain, “A little cabin by the streams,” the cotton of your bag brushed against your skirt as you swayed from side to side, craning your head and standing on your tiptoes to glance at the top shelves.
Azriel knew the place, he had always been drawn to it, the white window frames that turned yellow in the golden light that poured from insane, the thatched roof that was almost plaited in the finest of knots, and the tiny garden erected toward the back facing the forest where an array of flowers of all breeds bloomed and basked.
“And you? Where do you live?”
You led Azriel down the cobbled streets, picking up trinkets and admiring their beauty before placing them back on the shelves, “I live in the House of Wind,” from your furrowed brow, he knew that you didn’t know of it; Azriel placed his hands on your shoulders and turned you gently, reaching beneath your chin to angle your head upward, “Up there.”
“It looks beautiful,” you hummed, “You’re very lucky.”
“Yes, I am,” you missed how he looked to you when he spoke, captured by a gleaming stone resting on a plush cushion.
Closing the gap, you took the stone in your hand, resting it in your palm and letting the chain sway against your wrist, “It’s so beautiful,” you spoke in a tone a hush above a whisper, the rustle of a curtain begged your focus and you glanced up to see an elderly woman approaching you.
“A beautiful stone for a beautiful lady,” her voice rasped, but her kind eyes were fixated upon you, smiling in their own way.
“How much?” Azriel asked, appearing behind you with a twinkle in his eye.
“Azriel, no. It’s too much,” you protested, it was an ornately beautiful jewel, a white stone that reflected against the cloth of the ceiling that billowed in the breeze, “I can’t.”
Azriel, nodding his silent message to the shopkeeper, took the chain in his marred fingers and draped it around your neck, clasping it at the back and watching as your fingers reached to brush against it, “It was made for you.”
“Thank you,” you turned around to face him, and it took every ounce of willpower to not brush his fingers against your cheek.
The dropping sun cast its glow over your face, and Azriel gasped slightly, the sun turning your eyes molten and pristine, and felt the golden thread within him thrum into place. For a moment, the world seemed clearer, his senses heightened and your scent seeped into the foundations of his being.
From the look on your face, you had also felt it, your lips had parted slightly and your eyes were wide and glistening, “It’s you,” he was in disbelief, but his heart sang when you rested a hand over his heart, “You’re my mate.”
A gentle nod confirmed it, and Azriel couldn’t stop his hand this time from brushing against your cheek, his thumb dragging over your skin, “Yes.”
“I didn’t think I’d ever find you,” he whispered, “You’re real?”
“I’m real,” you entwined your fingers with his and brought them to your lips, kissing the marred flesh of his knuckles, “I’m here.”
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Azriel struggled accepting that someone as perfect as you had been chosen to be his.
He didn’t want to rush you into anything, he wanted you to be comfortable, but he’d be lying if he said that every single part of him wasn’t irrevocably obsessed with you.
But when you met his family for the first time, and held Nyx and rocked him to sleep, did Azriel know that there was no one more made for him than you. Nesta and Feyre adored you from the moment they laid eyes on your sweet smile and large eyes, they had practically whisked you away to a separate sofa to probe and gossip with you. After you had spoken to Cassian and Rhys, his brothers moved to him with wide smiles, telling him that you were perfect.
Then there was Nyx who cried every time someone tried to take him from you, his nuzzled into your side, resting his head against your chest as he slept.
In the months that followed, his adoration for you only grew, and the night you had accepted the bond had been the most magical moment of his life. And not long after, he made you his wife in the most ornately warm ceremony the city had ever seen.
Each day was full of love and laughter, he moved into the cabin with you, and enjoyed every single moment of his life knowing that you were the one waiting for him at the end of the day.
Starfall had rolled around again, reminding Azriel that it was the same night a year ago that caused him to wish for you. He stood with you on that balcony, a stones throw away from the rest of his, and now your, family as the skies opened and the stars began their descent.
“I’ve never seen it like this before,” you uttered, hands resting on his forearms that were wrapped around your waist.
The stars soared, but their usual course was disrupted by their decision to fly toward the balcony. They hovered before you and Azriel and he felt your body leave his embrace, your fingers outstretched to float between the stars that waltzed around your body, “I’ve missed you too,” you told them, skin glittering with their kiss.
Bewildered, Azriel watched you have a conversation with the stars that painted the sky each night. Frowning, he counted the stars, noticing each one as the ones he knew and named, the same ones he created stories and lives for, to only find that one was missing, the last one who always lingered. Then his eyes moved to you and he wondered how he hadn’t realised it before.
The last star was you.
It made sense, you had always shone so brightly in comparison to others. Everyone had always felt settled around you, and Azriel had just thought that it was your serenity that caused it, but no, it was because you were a star.
“You’re a star,” that’s why you didn’t know where you were that night he had found you, it’s because you had fallen from the sky and landed his city, his home.
Smirking slightly, you walked into his open arms, sighing as the stars moved around you, “I prefer to say a wish come true.”
Azriel, chuckling at your words, hooked a finger beneath your chin and pulled your eyes upward, his breath fanned over your face. “If I’d have known then I would have wished for you a lot sooner.”
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Authors Note
Just a little one from me 😚
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mxstball · 14 days
[Scorching Sandgems] The Gift of Creation
Izanami and the trio spent a lot of time catching up. They watched the video together, talked about their personal lives and ambitions, and even played a game or two. However, the group was not meant to stay forever. After all, this world was still a dangerous place, and they still needed to report to Heidi of their findings.
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"This elevator will take you all back to the first floor. From there, simply exit the building and you should be able to return home."
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"So, are you just going to go back to being with Friede, Miss Izanami?"
Izanami nodded. "She is my mother, after all. Although, knowing me, I'll likely see you all again sooner rather than later." She chuckled.
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"It's really been good to see you, Granny. I'm glad that you'll be okay." Jeanne walked over and gave Izanami a hug. "Please stay safe. We all missed you when you were gone."
"And I missed you all, too. I'll do my best to stay safe until we see each other again, okay?" Izanami gave Jeanne a kiss on the forehead before they broke the hug.
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"I... may still need time to process everything, but..." Lauren gave Izanami a hug. "No matter whether you're my alternate or my mom or anything else, I'm... just happy to have seen you again, Nami."
"And I'm happy to have seen you, too." Izanami pulled Lauren into a slightly tighter hug. "You and your sister have always been two of my favorites...."
Lauren smiled as she closed her eyes and tightened her side of the hug, too. Even if the implications behind this knowledge is way beyond her understanding, at this current time, it didn't matter. What mattered more was that she was loved, and that she was with the Arceus that she truly considered her All-Mother. What mattered more was knowing that Izanami was safe, and that she could fulfill her own destiny however she sees fit... that she can move on from the burdens of the past and start her life as she wanted.
Maybe that alone held a lesson in there somewhere....
As the two finished their hug, Izanami grabbed onto Lauren's hands.
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"I have two things for you before you go, Lauren."
"Huh? Me?"
"That's right. One is in acknowledgement for the hard work you've done while the other is... a gift that I wish I had given you sooner."
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"If either is Unown, I don't want it. I'm not falling for that trick."
"Huh? Oh! No. This isn't another Ghost situation. I promise."
Izanami moved Lauren's hands together. Before long, Lauren started to feel a little funny. it was as if she was receiving an energy that she never had before nor was meant to have. What was she doing to her? Still, Lauren endured. Then, the energy started to concentrate towards her hands. As she focused on that power, Izanami helped Lauren slowly separate her hands...
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...which eventually revealed unto itself a weird, cyan-ish colored Pokéball.
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"What did you do to me? Wh--what is this?"
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"Given you the Gift of Creation, of course!" Izanami giggled. "I felt a little bad that I gave Heidi all of the fun when it comes to my power, so, now that she has accepted her role as Arceus, maybe you could use this power to your own ends."
"B--but, I'm not an Arceus, nor do I want to be."
"Oh, don't worry. I was able to note that you aren't marked as a successor, so that's why I had to bestow the gift unto you. Honestly, I don't have any motive with this one. Just something from one version of Lauren to another~. Of course, yours will not be as strong as hers as she has direct access to Arceus energy, but you should be able to improve it over time."
"... and what of this Pokéball? I've never seen something like this before."
"Oh, that. Oh, it's just a special Pokéball. It's imbued with the power to capture... very special spirits. Something tells me that you'll need it in your journey, so feel free to keep it for later."
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"Granny... I swear if you're pulling something on us, it won't be Miss Heidi you'll have to worry about...."
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"I'm not! I promise that there is nothing nefarious with this exchange!" Well, that suspicion is definitely deserved, considering everything.
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"..." Lauren placed the Strange Ball in her bag and bowed to Izanami. "I believe you. I'll... need some time to research these gifts that you gave me, but thank you, Nami."
Izanami shook her head. "No. Thank you for everything you've done to help your sister and to our world. Now, you should get going. I'm sure that the sooner you return, the more time Heidi will have to hunt me."
Lauren nodded. The trio ran to the elevator and entered. Lauren pressed the button to return to the lobby. As the doors started to slowly close, Lauren, Jeanne, and Daiyu waved goodbye one final time.
Izanami waved back.
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Once the coast was clear, Izanami couldn't help but talk to herself. "I really did feel bad, Lauren. That gift is no replacement for an apology, but... I hope you forgive me for everything I hid from you nonetheless."
Izanami closed her eyes...
... and, when she opened them, she was back on the 30th floor, meditating in front of Friede. Friede opened her own eyes.
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"Those... Pokémon that infiltrated the domain. They seemed to have known you."
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Izanami was a little disoriented. Making an exact copy of yourself for so long was a little more difficult than expected. "Yes. They... were some of the Pokémon from my dreams."
"They seemed to be leaving peacefully. You were a good host for them."
"Thank you, mother."
"May I ask... why did you decide not to join them?"
"Why allow them to leave without your copy? You could have enacted upon your wish... seen the outside dimensions. Did something happen to the copy?"
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"I... believe that I need a little more training and meditation. I'm... still a little dizzy right now after dispelling the copy."
"I see. Would you like a break? I can summon some tea and we can spend some time together that way."
"I would like that. Thank you, mother."
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"Of course, Izanami."
0 notes
bejcwcled · 1 year
’ hell was the journey, but it brought me heaven. ’ ( bella & carlisle )
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"i'm glad to hear that you still think of our family so positively. in truth i'm glad to hear you remember us. after charlie... well i started imagining the worst. none of you remembering anything." he sighed and shook his head. he was trying to focus on the positive that another member of his family was here, was safe. "i wish you hadn't had to go through so many trials, that we had done a better job of keeping you safe. if edward hadn't been so stubborn and had changed you sooner... maybe things with the volturi could have gone better." @lcvenderhcze
0 notes
mr-dwight-dwicky · 2 years
Dwight waits in his lounge, waiting for Ellie to arrive. He has her being heavily guarded and escorted because he's still terrified that this is some kind of trap, and yet...he also wants it to be real.
The last time he saw his mother he was finishing his undergrad, already job hunting. They went out for dinner to celebrate his up coming graduation. The next day he called her for some information he didn't remember. She didn't answer the phone.
It makes no sense. Where did she go? How could she possibly be here?
Leera helped him make some sandwiches, insisting in trying to make a good impression. It didn't matter how many time he said this was most likely not his mother. Leera was taking no chances. He at least was able to convince her to just be on stand by, to wait until he is absolutely sure.
He shudders to think how Johnny is going to react...
Finally the door opens, and the woman Dwight spoke to earlier walks in. Her icy blue eyes seem to take everything in with wonder. Her gaze falls on Dwight and she smiles. That's right. She's shorter than him. Around Leera's height. Her expression is softer now, almost taking away the lines of age on her face.
"Hello, Dwight," she says softly.
It's like there's a pull there all of a sudden. He can't deny it. The noise of doubt that usually runs rampant in his head is quiet, no matter how much he tries to bring it back to keep him on track. He remembers being so devastated that they never found her, that she was gone forever...
"Holy shit," he whispers.
Ellie frowns. "Watch your language, Scarecrow." Such a silly nickname why does it make him happy? He feels so childish right now.
He looks over at the guards and allows them to leave. He'll call them if he needs them again.
Ellie was not joking about laying into Dwight. Before she even went into an explanation of where she's been, she drug out every single receipt she had. Apparently she had kept track of him, and Dwight was not for the first time heavily regretting how much of a public figure he had turned himself into.
He filled in some blanks she didn't know. The guidance counselor job. Plookesia. The real Ra'ask. Leera, Chance, Johnny and Egan. Apparently Johnny isnt the only one with some choice words for him, so it's the second time in the past week he's been made to feel the size of a termite. Luckily there's no one to embarrass him about it.
Ellie then tells him about her journey. He isn't the first Dwicky to be abducted by aliens. The ones that caught her weren't very nice, however, but she managed to escape with the help of a couple of other prisoners. Those prisoners turned out to be space pirates so she stayed with them for a bit. She learned the technology and weapons and she taught them how to cook. It was an adventure.
She tried to go back to Earth to find Dwight but found she couldn't. She would find an Earth but not their Earth which was another conversation altogether. Dwight mentions guiltily that it's because of him that their Earth is gone. Ellie looks more disappointed than anything else, but it hurts bone deep.
Ellie looks at him in confusion as she finishes off her sandwich. "Why what, honey?"
Dwight shuffles in his seat. "Why did you come find me? You heard all those things about me. You know all the horrible things I've done and not just to people who were my enemies at the time, but to my own flesh and blood. Why...how could you still care what's happened to me?"
Ellie gives him a very knowing look before flicking his forehead. "Because I'm your mother, silly goose. You could be fifty or a hundred and fifty and I would still be worried about you. Honestly, I wish I found you sooner. Maybe I could've knocked some sense into ya."
Dwight snorts but shakes his head. "I'm glad you never saw me like that. You would have probably changed your mind."
"Well, I'm here now." She reaches up a purposefully messes up his hair. "Why do you have so much gel in your hair, Scarecrow?"
Dwight makes a very undignified squawk. "Mom!"
Ellie laughs. "Now. Is there a waiting period for when you trust me enough? Or do I get to meet your partners now? And how about my grandbabies?"
Dwight pales a little. "Mom. I told you that-,"
"Yes, I know, Chance is more pissed at you than Garfield on a Monday and rightfully so. But I would like to try to have a relationship with my grandson. And I think we can both agree that that's his decision?"
Dwight sighs. He has no idea how that's actually going to go, but if today has taught him anything, it's to expect the unexpected.
What a wild birthday.
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jaskiersvalley · 4 years
AAA I loved that Jaskier attacking Stregobor -fic. I have re-read your fics multiple times and the centaur ones are my favorite (jaskier is my fav..) . I'm going on a 4 hour train trip the day after tomorrow (I'm terrified of trains and travel), so I'm probably going to use reading your blog as a distraction from anxiety heh. Thanks for doing what you do!
Wishing you safe travels on the train, Nonnie! For what it’s worth, I’m super proud of you for doing it despite being terrified of trains and travel. Will definitely be keeping you in my thoughts today as you make your journey (hopefully you’re off to do something nice !). To keep you well supplied with distractions, have a whole new AU just for you!
Witchers were an abomination but they were a necessary creation. Wingless and half wild with blood lust, society feared them, shied away from their unnatural looks even if they were created and not born like that. The trials and mutations stripped them of their wings, left them grounded and unreadable. Society was too used to reading social cues from wings, someone without them was a blank, emotionless figure.
However, they were an unwanted necessity. Airborne monsters were easy enough to deal with, there were teams and departments celebrated for their heroics in dealing with harpies and griffins. But things like arachasae, nekkers and drowners needed to be controlled and taken down. However, wings were too vulnerable and delicate to be subjected to being dunked in filthy water or crawling into dark, damp caves with. It was how witchers came into existence. They were given strength, stamina and healing power in exchange for their wings and their worth in the eyes of society. Needed but universally loathed, if a witcher was in town, people held their wings tight to their bodies for fear of a witcher getting jealous and tearing it off, fashioning fake wings for themselves out of them.
Jaskier’s wings were large, brown with white tips. He was especially proud of how the whites sparkled in the sunshine. It led to him preening, rubbing oils into the feathers to keep them perfect. He also spoke a lot with his wings, lifting them, flaring for dramatics, fluttering when excited and puffing up to flirt with anyone who gave him the time of day. Spotting a witcher in the corner of a tavern, his wings flared out, showing off and flirting out of habit. He wasn’t deterred by the lack of a wing twitch of dismissal or an answering fluffing of acceptance. Instead, Jaskier sat down at the table with a wide smile.
As far as first meetings went, it wasn’t Jaskier’s finest but Geralt didn’t verbally (or physically) eviscerate him for approaching which was as good as accepting the propositions as far as Jaskier was concerned. He was working with limited information so he had to do his best and hope.
The more he trailed after Geralt, the more he learned to read the smaller nuances of his body. When his shoulders tightened, Jaskier knew Geralt was worried. But a small raise of the corner of his lips meant mirth or fondness. Not to mention the tick of a jaw muscle which only ever came about when Geralt was engaging some horrible creature. As much as he denied it, Jaskier knew it meant worry, maybe even fear. No matter what anybody said, Jaskier knew that witchers felt emotions as deeply as anyone else, they just didn’t have the means to express them in the same way.
Life on the road was not an easy one. Jaskier soon became glad his wings were mostly brown, the whites were dust stained and less than glamorous. Oils and cleaning products had to be used sparingly because they ran out sooner than they got to a town that stocked Jaskier’s preferred brands. It was a worthwhile trade off, oils in exchange of inspiration and a muse for his art.
They were sat in another clearing, perched on logs and Jaskier was trying to reach the base of his wing where a few feathers were tangled and in desperate need of a tidy. One of them was probably loose but there was no way for Jaskier to see what he was doing. From the side, Geralt was pretending not to watch him struggle.
“You could help rather than gawk,” Jaskier huffed, annoyed that his arm wouldn’t bend exactly as he needed it. What use were good, strong bones when they stopped him from reaching the base of his wing?
Silently, Geralt stared at him before grunting. “You don’t want me help.”
“I think you’ll find I blood well do. Come and make yourself useful.”
Jaskier thrust the oil towards Geralt and huffed to hurry him along. He watched as Geralt’s eyes widened and he stood up, the most hesitant Jaskier had ever seen him. Steady hands took the proffered oil and Geralt settled on his knees behind Jaskier.
“See the feathers at the base? They’re giving me such trouble and itch like crazy.”
Careful hands reached to untangle them and Jaskier heard Geralt gasp.
“I’m sorry,” Geralt murmured. Without seeing him, Jaskier could read him so much easier. “I didn’t mean to.”
Not quite sure what had happened, Jaskier hummed and twisted to look back at Geralt who had a brown feather between his fingers and was staring down at it in horror.
“I’m too brutish for something as delicate as your wings.” Geralt made to stand up but Jaskier flared his wing, trapping him.
“It was loose. You need to pull a lot harder than that.” A suspicion was swirling in the darkness of Jaskier’s mind. “Have you ever touched wings before.”
Never before had Geralt looked so timid. Eyes wide, he looked up at Jaskier before his gaze skittered away. A small shake of his head told Jaskier everything.
“Well then,” he said and stretched his wings out wide in invitation, “have your fill.”
At first, nothing happened and Jaskier almost started worrying that he’d gone too far. Usually only mates and family groomed each other. Though he doubted Geralt knew that, having spent so long without wings. So he tried to tamp down on the emotions bubbling away in his chest. They were all driven from his mind with the first, hesitant touch that skimmed across the ridge of a wing.
Each touch was light, barely there and Jaskier could hear how gently Geralt was breathing, barely making any noise.
“You can touch all you want,” he reassured. Gradually, the touches got braver, after a few more loose feathers dropped thanks to Geralt, he settled into the moment.
Fingers buried themselves into each wing and Jaskier gasped at the touch. Geralt growled a little. “You’re so soft.”
As Geralt’s hands dug into the feathers, a thumb brushed against an oil gland at the base of a wing and Jaskier stifled a groan. It had been a long time since anyone had touched him there. Though he was free with his body and affections, there were some taboos even he didn’t break with a stranger. But Geralt was no stranger. They had been travelling together for so long now.
“Am I hurting you?” Geralt asked, frozen.
“Quite the opposite.” The admission didn’t fluster Jaskier as much as he had expected. “Your touch is very intimate.” The hand moved though Jaskier could feel the reluctance in it. “It’s a welcome touch, if you’re interested.”
A soft, quiet “yes” was barely audible but the touch returned and Jaskier bit his lip when Geralt mirrored his touch on the other wing too.
He didn’t last too long without begging. “I want to touch you too.”
Hesitant, Geralt moved from behind Jaskier. It was all too easy to tug him down to straddle Jaskier’s lap and his arms wound under Jaskier’s, returning to playing with the bast of his wings.
Instinctively, Jaskier’s hands wrapped around Geralt, hands splayed flat on his back. For all the scars he had, there wasn’t even that much to remind them of the fact he had been human once. Exploring the expanse of a smooth back, Jaskier shuddered. He was a little disappointed Geralt’ back wasn’t as sensitive as his but all it meant was that he got to explore and try new things.
Jaskier was delighted to find that nipping along Geralt’s jaw and kissing down his neck were met with favourable reactions. It emboldened him until their lips were pressed together, tongues licking against each other playfully.
It was a first that was definitely worth remembering. Geralt was so careful until Jaskier all but growled at him to grip his wings better. While lovers had done that before, none compared to Geralt and his raw power. There was no doubt in Jaskier that if he wanted to, Geralt could rip his wings off without even exerting himself. Instead, he was so careful and gentle with them, cherishing each touch, nuzzling under Jaskier’s chin and mouthing at the skin there as they fucked. While Geralt didn’t have wings that flew out to full span to shake and quiver with pleasure, there was no missing his enjoyment. Soft words, half lost murmurs dipping into growls and whines. Never before had Jaskier felt so worshipped and pampered.
They didn’t really mention it the next morning. Jaskier would have almost worried but, a few days later, he was unpacking bags from Roach for the night. At the bottom of the satchel for the bedrolls, he saw a handful of carefully stored feathers he recognised. They were the ones Geralt had loosened and pulled. Jaskier hadn’t realised they had been gathered up, cleaned of any dust and stashed away. There was nothing for it, Jaskier was going to have to keep adding to the collection. Maybe Geralt would appreciate a couple of white ones added to them when the time came.
However, the first white feather Jaskier shed didn’t end up in the bag. Instead, Jaskier brushed Geralt’s hair out of his face and pushed the quill through the bun he’d managed to put it up into. The fact they were in the middle of a tavern and Jaskier was declaring in a very public setting his claim on Geralt was only a secondary motive. As much as Jaskier wanted Geralt to be his, he also wanted to be Geralt’s. What he didn’t expect was for Geralt to smile, touch the feather now in his hair and then hold a hand up.
From a bag, he pulled a dagger, ornate with flowers and a wolf on the handle. Understanding the gesture, Jaskier accepted the offered dagger and tucked it into his waistband. With a stroke over Geralt’s cheek, he got up, slinging his lute across his chest, staring up the strumming for the first song of his set. If there was a slight swagger to his steps, a proud smile, nobody would have picked up on it because all eyes were on his puffed up wings as he showed off for Geralt and nobody else.
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haredjarris · 7 years
i love george michael so much that it hurts a little bit sometimes. but it's a good hurt, like bittersweet. i'm so glad and thankful that i got into him this year, and the friendship journey it's taken me on with @genderlessentity, i just only wish i had done it sooner like i meant to but never did. i'll probably reblog this from myself on christmas day again, or write something similar, it was just on my mind right now. rip george ilysm.
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jinvory · 8 years
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Out of all the videos, she’s filmed, this one was definitely a stretch. It never occurred to her that 2016 could be one of the best years of her life no matter how much she complained about how hard it was. “I’ve noticed quite a number of videos like this popping up in my subscriptions and at first, I was a bit hesitant to film because talking about personal stuff still makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. However, this would also be a chance to let you guys know that I’m still alive and give me the opportunity to cover the year. This isn’t a makeup tutorial, a review- nor a favorites video, but I hope you go and grab a snack because it’s gonna be a long one today.” 
If I were to describe 2016 in one word, it would be growth. Last year, I really hit the jackpot because I've never felt so comfortable in my own skin. Focusing on my mental health, loving myself more, loving others, and just enjoying life. I just wanna say I feel like the most me I’ll ever be. It’s been a ripe year of experiences. 22 has been so womanly beautiful for me and richer in self-worth than I expected. Of course, this didn’t come within a span of one night but over the course of many years now. There were a few situations during the year where I was stuck in a drought, wondering about where I was going in life. I’m sure most of you have noticed but I even started to neglect my channel. I wasn’t satisfied with some of the content I put out for you guys, but I still had to do it since many of you were rooting for me and I had to make both ends meet. The beginning of the year was the most painful since I was dealing with a few wounds I kept within me. 
I think during these times, it’s important to surround yourselves with the people you love. Sure, the concept of being independent was something I've always stressed about but it’s nice to have people with you during your journey.  As much pleasure as I find in the comfort of my own company and the silence that surrounds me as I waste time, I found myself happiest when I was spending time with those who love and support me. In 2016, I was really able to pave a way and build my relationships. I’ve learned to appreciate company more than ever and I wish I learned it a bit sooner. I’ve had a few fallouts with several people who aren’t part of my life anymore, and it’s okay. You’re not meant to be best friends with everybody, personalities clash and some people just don’t blend well. I am so thankful for the friends who gripped their teeth and held on.
In 2016, I also got to experience a harsh reality called feelings. I’ve drawn the conclusion that I still have many things to learn about that complex matter- but I'm thankful that a wonderful person was able to come into my life at one point. I got to experience what it was like to have a significant other- and even if it were for just a short while, I don’t regret it. People get busy and life goes on it was mutual split. We’re still very good friends and he knows that I’ll always be there for him. 
One of the hardest things about this year was getting rid of those who brought me negativity. I’ve always had trouble being upfront and talking about my feelings because I generally don’t handle such situations well. When there’s a shift in things I get really uncomfortable. I usually kept my thoughts and feelings to myself, but this year was a different story. When you realize that you have a toxic relationship going on in your life, it’s a gradual realization that’s fascinating yet upsetting. I found myself tiptoeing and walking around a few people; long story short, it’s exhausting for your mental health. But I I guess there really is a first time for everything. 
Family has always been an extremely important thing for me and this year, my brother takes the spotlight. I know he officially hasn’t made an appearance on my channel, he isn’t quite comfortable with being in front of the camera. Some of you are familiar with him if you pay attention to the music I use in some of my videos, 100% of it is him. You may have seen him in a couple of vlogs doing something stupid in the background to catch my attention-  because he is in so much of my behind the scenes when I'm filming videos other than tutorials. I need to thank him for all that he’s done for my career. Those fancy lookbooks, amazing landscape shots, were all done by him. If it weren’t for him, work wouldn’t be as fun when i’m at home. Especially when he’s busy with his career as well, I’m so glad that he takes the time out of his schedule to come over and help me. Not only does he help me professionally but emotionally as well. My brother has been my rock to lean on whenever I fell. Some of you may know him as DJ Tiger, the charismatic man who has a striking passion for music but I know him as Jin Sunwoo. A big brother, who never fails to be there for his bratty little sister. 
 To the most challenging yet rewarding year,  You will be missed, but certainly not repeated. Moving forward for better improvements and a new chapter of life! Salutations.
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