#wish i got better photos but the enclosure was kinda far away
bumpscosity · 2 months
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also while i was at the zoo i saw these weird Beasts called chacoan peccaries and apparently when they were first discovered in the 1930s they just found fossils and thought they were extinct until they finally found living ones in the 70s. they look like what a kids drawing of a wild hog would look like and i like them very much. they aren't even pigs.
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hyuniepot · 4 years
the butterfly effect. || chapter 6
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chapter word count || 5,372
genre || thriller, angst, drama
members || mark lee, na jaemin, lee jeno, huang renjun, lee donghyuck, zhong chenle, park jisung
warnings || mentions of death, implications of depression
pairing || fem!reader x jaemin || slight fem!reader x mark
synopsis || you never thought you’d be able to play with fate so easily, especially not through some shady app. but you suddenly must say goodbye to what you know and hello to a new world where everything seems perfect.
taglist || @gothboyjisung​ @jeongyoonohs @doiewonu @huanginjoon​ @wordsgodeep @colpen
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You woke up way later than usual. You were still in the clothes you wore yesterday. You immediately got up and showered, changing into a new pair of clothes.
You woke up way later than usual. You were still in the clothes you wore yesterday. You immediately got up and showered, changing into a new pair of clothes.
You woke up way later than usual. You were still in the clothes you wore yesterday. You immediately got up and showered, changing into a new pair of clothes.
When you were done, you checked your phone.
hey, when do u wanna hang out?
you can come over here if u want.
or whatever. its fine
oh, you probably aren’t awake yet….
lol. let me know when ur awake.
You smile.
hey im awake now
i can come over to ur place, is any time fine?
i just gotta get ready and stuff
You set your phone down and look at yourself in the mirror, continuing to dry your hair. You know you still had to make your final decision on whether you were going to leave or not. Your mind couldn’t make a decision. There were pros and cons to doing both.
If you were to go back, you’d return to a life with no Mark and a Jisung who isn’t happy. But you’d have Hyuck. You’d have Jaemin, and Jeno and Renjun. You’d have your old friends back. You could use what you learned here to fix your life.
But Mark. He was the only thing stopping you. You wanted to take him along with you but you knew it was impossible. You just couldn’t imagine leaving him again when you had spent so long yearning for him to be back.
You jump at the sound of your phone dinging.
yea, come on over. i’ll be here all day hahah
got it. i’ll be there soon
You then clicked on Hyuck’s name to text him.
i know this is annoying but please give me the time i need. i’ll let you know tonight what my decision is.
You turned your phone off, grabbing your camera and putting it in your new bag. Jisung was in his room so you gently knock and wait for a response.
Jisung opens the door. “Hey.”
“Hey,” you respond. “I’m gonna go to Mark’s today, are you gonna be okay here alone?”
Your mother’s workload had definitely decreased, but she still worked long hours. You only got to see her in the mornings before school.
Jisung nods. “Yep, that’s fine.”
“Okay.” you exhale. “I’ll see you later, then.”
He nods, and you turn away and head downstairs. You make your way outside and start your journey to Mark’s house. Luckily, you had gone there once since you showed up, so you knew your way.
Everything was still so familiar. Of course it was; this was the town you grew up in after all. And that’s why it was so hard to differentiate from your old life sometimes. Everything still felt right at times.
You were glad Mark didn’t live too far away. You spotted him outside, sitting on one of the concrete stairs that lead to the porch. His face lights up when he spots you, getting up and making his way to you.
“What’s up?” he smiles.
“Nothing,” you reply. “What’s the plan for today?” you both continue making your way to his house.
“I don’t have anything planned, really…” he says, scratching his head. “We just chill for a bit and then figure out something if you want.”
You nod, going up the stairs to his porch. He opens the door, letting you in. You follow him up to his room, suddenly feeling nervous. You hadn’t been alone with Mark like this. You barely even knew how to be around him without feeling awestruck.
He opens the door to his room and it hits you. It was so perfectly… him. It was just what you expected, what you always imagined it would look like. An acoustic guitar stood in the corner of his room, bed haphazardly made. A record player was set up on the left side, the records he owned displayed on a nearby shelf. Posters of all different subjects were taped on the wall, some personal photos mixed in. You spotted one of you and Mark as children, one of the photos you always looked at when you missed him.
It hurt to look at everything. But you had to force your emotions aside.
“Yeah, had to switch up the old room,” he says, putting his hands in his pockets. “I think this looks way cooler.”
You nod. “It looks great.” your voice is barely audible. You couldn’t take your eyes off the photos on the wall.
“Oh,” Mark notices you staring at the wall. He walks to where his bed is, squatting down and pulling a book out from under it. “I found a whole photo album of old photos.” he says. He motions you to come sit down next to him, and you oblige.
He opens it. The first few pages were photos of him as a baby, but it quickly changed to photos of him as a kid. It didn’t take long for you to appear. You had seen them all before, but it was still nice to look at them. There were even pictures from your trip to the butterfly enclosure, an unsure look plastered across your face. Mark was beaming.
“Do you remember this?” Mark puts his finger on an old photo of you and him at a fair — huge grins on both of your faces. He laughs. “We rode a ride and I swore I was gonna get sick after it. You were so freaked out by it that you avoided me until I convinced you I felt better.”
You laugh. You did remember it. You remembered running away from him and staying at least 10 feet away until you finally gave in.
He turns a few pages. It was time to look at photos that you had never seen, stories that you had never heard, the things that could have been. You just tried to keep your breathing steady.
There’s a picture of you and him together in somewhat formal clothing — probably your first highschool dance. Hyuck and another boy you didn’t recognize stood behind you, giving both you and Mark bunny ears.
“You remember Johnny, right?”
That must have been the other boy. You just nodded. Of course, you had no idea who he was.
“He moved here when we were like 12, right?” he looks at the photo. “I miss him. I don’t get to talk to him a lot because he travels so he’s always in a different timezone but… when I do, it’s like he never left.” he adds.
You wrack your brain — did you ever know anyone named Johnny? You were sure you didn’t. He didn’t exist in your old life. But he had somehow been a part of your life in this universe at some point. He was visibly older — not by too much, but he was definitely more mature. It didn’t help that Mark had a baby face. He had brown, medium length hair that was kind of shaggy. He seemed charming. But since there was no sign of him in your phone, you assumed you didn’t keep in touch with him.
Mark flips the pages a few more times. There’s a picture of you, Mark, and Hyuck on what seemed to be your last halloween together. You couldn’t exactly pinpoint when, but you were probably 14 or 15. You were dressed up as Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Hyuck was dressed as the beast and Mark was dressed as Lumière, the candlestick.
You look at the girl in those photos. You wished you had her brain; You wished you remembered everything the way she did. Looking at yourself in the photos didn’t feel right. No matter what you did, you couldn’t convince yourself that it was you. Because technically, it wasn’t. Where was that girl now? Was she living your old life? Spending her days with Jaemin, desperately wishing for Mark?
“Are you okay?” you snap back to reality at the sound of Mark’s voice. He had closed the book and was looking at you with a concerned look on his face.
You let out an awkward chuckle. “Oh… yeah. I’m fine… I just kinda zoned out.”
“Yeah… you’ve been doing that a lot lately…” Mark stands up and slides the book back under his bed. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
You don’t want to reply. Your eyes start burning with tears.
“Yeah,” you reply softly.
“That’s why I wanted to hang out with you today. You’ve seemed so… off lately… No offense,” Mark sits back down and looks at you. “I don’t mean that in a mean way, I just mean… it seems like something is bothering you and… are you crying?”
Tears finally escape your eyes, cascading down your cheeks. You stay silent as Mark wraps his arms around you, tightly hugging you.
“Oh god, oh no… I didn’t mean to make you cry. I’m sorry.” Mark says.
You can’t help but smile as you cry into his chest. “No… it’s not your fault…”
He pulls away from the hug. “Is something actually wrong? You know you can talk to me… I heard bottling up your emotions isn’t healthy…”
You take your time collecting yourself to try and think of an excuse. Obviously you couldn’t tell him the real reason why you seemed so out of it -- oh yeah, Mark, I’m from a universe where you died and I ended up here because I used some app to wish for you back and I have literally no idea what’s going on half the time.
“I’m just stressed,” you tell him. “I’ve never been this stressed so I don’t really know how to deal with it.”
“Ah…” Mark nods. “I get it… I mean, we’re in our last year of school. Everyone’s gonna expect us to act like adults soon. It’s… scary.”
You nod, wiping your tears. I wish that was what I was stressed about.
And that’s when it clicks. You realize you don’t belong here. You were destined to live in a world without Mark. But that thought only makes you start crying again.
Mark hugs you again. “It’s okay,” he whispers. “Just let it out, okay?”
So you do. You let everything out. Your shoulders shake as you sob. To anyone, it would seem like you’re overreacting. Sobbing in your best friend’s arms because you’re stressed. But this was the one thing you felt like could make you feel better.
For years, you laid in your bed alone, sobbing because you missed Mark. Because you felt guilty. And if you weren’t crying over him, you wished he was there to comfort you. And now it finally happened, and you were gonna relish the moment. This was all you ever wanted.
You feel guilty — Mark just wanted to hang out and here you were, making him comfort you as you cried for God knows what.
You force yourself to stop crying. Mark lets you go and levels himself with you, wiping your face with his thumb. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asks. “We’re best friends… you can tell me anything, y’know?”
You nod. “I know… I just… didn’t want to bother anyone.”
Mark furrows his brows. “Hey come on, don’t say that. You wouldn’t be bothering anyone. Don’t think like that.”
You hiccup. You could feel that your face was puffy from crying.
“Okay,” Mark stands up. “I think this calls for some relaxation, right? I’m gonna get a bunch of blankets and we’re just gonna lounge.” He grabs a spare blanket and wraps it around your shoulders, helping you stand up. He leads you to his basement. There was a large couch and a TV. You sit down.
“Do you wanna watch a movie?” he asks.
You nod. “Yeah, that’s fine.”
Mark turns the TV on. “Okay. I’ll find something for us to watch. Get comfortable, okay?”
You scoot around for a bit before finding a comfortable spot. The crying you did made your eyelids heavy.
Mark joins you on the couch, clicking through the TV guide, searching for something to watch. He clicks on a movie before opening his arms. “Come here.”
Maybe it wasn’t right, but you let him hold you. You listen to his heartbeat, trying to keep yourself awake until you couldn’t fight it anymore.
[4:27 p.m.]
Your eyes flutter open. You glance around, taking in your surroundings and remembering you were in Mark’s basement. You realize you were still in his arms. You quickly sit up, making Mark jolt awake.
“Oh shit,” he says, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. “Did we both fall asleep?” he chuckles.
You smile. “Yeah… looks like it.” You stretch your muscles. “Did you get to watch any of movie?”
“Nope.” Mark replies. “I think I fell asleep right after I realized you had,” he says softly.
You groan. “What time is it? We didn’t sleep through the day, did we?” you ask, suddenly nervous.
Mark pulls out his phone to check the time. He shakes his head. “Nope. Only about two and a half hours.”
You sigh in relief. It was still a long time, but at least it was still daytime. “Oh, good.”
“Do you wanna go get some food? We should probably get up so we don’t fall asleep again,” he laughs.
You smile. “Good idea.”
You both make your way upstairs and you retrieve your bag from Mark’s room before leaving the house. The weather, like yesterday, was nice. A light breeze blew, but it wasn’t cold thanks to the sun. You could hear children playing in a yard nearby. You and Mark made your way to a restaurant nearby. It was one that you didn’t recognize. It was a bit retro-themed and was decorated like a classic diner.
You and Mark sit down at a booth, looking at the menu. “We haven’t been to this place in forever… they got a bunch of new menu items.” Mark mumbles.
You look at the menu. It had all kinds of different types of burgers, but most importantly, milkshakes.
Mark gasped. “They got rid of the cookies ‘n cream milkshake? Are you kidding me?” he whines.
You laugh. “Really? That has to be a popular flavor.”
“Right? It’s so good too, I order it everytime. So why would they — oh, nevermind… they just rebranded it…” Mark says softly, hiding his face with the menu.
Your eyes find their way to the milkshakes; they had simply changed the name of the milkshake from Cookies ‘N Cream to Oreo. You giggle. “Dork.”
“Hey, come on! I was panicked, alright?” Mark laughs.
A waitress swings by and takes your orders — you just order a classic burger and fries with a milkshake with your favorite ice cream flavor.
You feel your phone buzz in your pocket. You pull it out to see who’s calling. It’s Hyuck. “Um,” you swallow hard. “I’m gonna go wash my hands real quick.” you tell Mark.
He nods. “Alright.”
You get up from the booth and quickly walk to the bathroom. You close the door behind you, praying that it was empty. “Hello?”
“God, took you long enough.” Hyuck mutters.
“Why’d you call?” you sigh.
“Because I think we need to actually talk about this… I mean, if you decide to leave, I need to be able to tell you when to send the message.” he replies.
You roll your eyes. “I told you I would let you know later. I’m with Mark right now.”
“Are you serious?”
You pause. It’s deathly quiet. You can feel Hyuck’s anger through the phone. “He wanted to hang out, he asked me last night when he dropped me off… did you really think I’d say no?”
“You should’ve,” he sighs. “You know you’re only making it harder on yourself.”
You knew he was right. “I just… wanted to make some final memories before possibly leaving,” you tell him.
“I… understand.” Hyuck adds quietly. You hear him sigh. “You know this is hard on me too, right? I’m sorry I keep being so pushy but… I just wanna get out of here.”
It’s silent again. For the first time, you realize you never even thought about how Hyuck felt. You knew he missed Mark just as much as you did.
“That’s why I’ve been kinda distancing myself from him. Because the first day we were here, it was hell. All I could think about was that day… it’s all I can think about.” he says. You can barely hear him.
“Hyuck…” you whisper.
“Being here… with him… it’s too much for me to handle. You don’t think I feel the same way? I know this is a universe where we could both be happy with Mark, but something keeps telling me I can’t stay here. Too much has changed. I can’t be comfortable here.” Hyuck’s voice starts trembling. “Which is why I refused to spend any time with Mark. Because he’s the only reason I want to stay. But I miss my old life. I miss my friends. I don’t know what the hell went wrong here, but my life is just so much shittier here. Everything that could’ve gone wrong feels like it went wrong.” he rants.
You feel so much guilt for not taking the time to think about why he’d want to leave. You spent so much time thinking about yourself and Mark because you knew you’d always have Hyuck.
“Not even Mark makes staying worth it.” he spits. You can’t tell if he’s angry or sad; it’s probably both. “We were so stupid for coming here,” he finally chuckles, although you can tell it isn’t from happiness. “We were so fucking stupid.”
“I know,” you reply softly.
“I’m sorry. Call me later, okay?”
He hangs up before you can say anything. You slowly put your phone down and shove it back into your pocket. You want to cry, but you’ve already spent too much time in here. You rush out of the bathroom, and instantly run into someone.
“I’m sorry,” you say, looking up at the person. Your heart almost stops.
“No worries,” Jaemin says, flashing you a polite smile.
Your heart starts pounding. You try to tell yourself to stop staring at him, but this was the first time you’ve seen him since coming here. He doesn’t look too different — hair is darker now but everything is the same. The same eyes you fell in love with. The smile that gave you butterflies in your stomach. He’s dressed in normal clothes, so that meant he was probably eating here alongside you and Mark.
You want to lunge towards him, hugging him so tightly he could never leave you again. But you finally just nodded and forced your legs to walk past him; they had started trembling and you weren’t sure how much longer you could stand there. You were glad Mark’s back was to you. You sat back down at your seat, your hands now trembling
“Everything okay?” Mark asks.
You nod. You clear your throat. “Yeah… uh, sorry I took so long. My mom called while I was in there.”
“Oh, okay.” Mark takes a sip of his milkshake that had been set on the table while you were gone. “You’re not in trouble or anything, right?” he asks, eyes widening.
You smile. “No.”
“Okay, good! I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble for hanging out with me or something…” Mark says.
You stir your milkshake with your straw. You weren’t feeling very hungry anymore, but after the first sip, it was too delicious to stop.
“(y/n)!” you hear a voice calling your name. You turn your head towards the direction it’s coming from.
Naeun walks to your table. “I didn’t even see you here! What’s up?” she smiles.
“Oh… nothing.” you reply, forcing a smile in return. “Me and Mark are just hanging out and we were hungry, so here we are.” you tell her.
“Of course. Partners in crime. Hi, Mark.” Naeun responds. “Jaemin brought me here. Can you believe I’ve never been here before? This place has been up for years and I’ve never had the chance.” she pouts.
“Really?” Mark speaks up. “You gotta try their milkshakes, they’re delicious.” he tells her.
Naeun chuckles. “Will do. What flavor did you get? It looks good.” she asks.
“Oh! Cookies ‘n cream. It’s my favorite.” he replies, smiling.
“That’s a good flavor.” You hear Jaemin before you see him. Why is he talking about ice cream? He can’t even eat dairy. You think.
“How would you know?” Naeun teases, as if she was a mind reader. “You can’t have ice cream.”
Jaemin enters your line of sight, wrapping an arm around Naeun’s shoulders. It feels like a gunshot to your chest. “Well, I’m not supposed to have it. But these milkshakes make all the pain worth it.” he jokes.
Mark laughs. “He’s right though. How’s it going, Jaemin? I haven’t seen you in forever.”
Jaemin grins. “I’m doing good. School has been way harder lately, but…”
“Yeah, I would assume so. I can’t believe you got into that school, no offense…”
Jaemin chuckles. “None taken. I was surprised I got in, too. I just wish they had accepted me earlier so I wouldn’t have had to leave halfway through a school year. But, I come back here and visit almost every weekend, so…”
Watching Mark and Jaemin talk felt weird. You didn’t even know they knew each other. That also answered your question as to why you never saw Jaemin at school. You wonder what school he had been accepted to.
“Oh, how rude of me. Hey, (y/n). How are you?” Jaemin turns his attention to you. “I was gonna talk to you earlier but you ran away from me.” he laughs. “I didn’t even realize it was you until you were gone.”
“Sorry…” you say softly. “Um… I didn’t realize it was you either.”
You can feel Jaemin’s eyes piercing into you. You didn’t want to look at him. You couldn’t.
“Well, I’d love to hang out with you guys, but after we eat I have to drive Jaemin back home… maybe we could all hang out another time? Double dates, maybe?” she says, grinning.
“Date?” Mark asks, furrowing his brows. “I mean… yeah, we can hangout but…” he laughs awkwardly.
“I’m teasing,” she says, glancing at you. “Both of you get so defensive!” she jokes. “Not trying to pressure you guys, but you’d be really cute together.” she presses.
“Okay, Naeun, enough,” Jaemin chuckles. “Mark’s gonna explode if you keep going.”
You look at Mark, whose face was red from embarrassment.
“We’ll see you guys later then,” Naeun says. The couple walk away from your table, Jaemin’s arm still around her. Your throat gets tight.
“Gosh…” Mark giggles. “Sorry. Stuff like that just gets me embarrassed,” he says, shaking his head.
You smile. “It’s okay.”
A waitress comes to the table a few moments later and sets the food you ordered on the table. Your appetite had come back. Seeing the food made you realize how hungry you really were.
Mark takes a bite of his burger. “I swear this place always hits the spot,” he says.
He was right. The food was really good. You were actually kind of mad this restaurant didn’t exist in your universe. It was perfect.
“Are you okay?” Mark asks. It’s so sudden, your first response is to just stare at him with wide eyes.
You swallow your food. “Yeah, why?”
Mark shrugs. “I just wanted to check in. You kinda froze up when Naeun and Jaemin were talking to us.” he says softly.
“Oh…” you set your burger down. “I was feeling kind of awkward because I ran into Jaemin when I left the bathroom. And then I ran away from him,” you laugh.
“Ah,” Mark nods. “I see.”
“Yeah… I’m kind of good at that. Making everything awkward.” you chuckle.
“Oh, shush.” Mark laughs. “Have you ever met me?”
You giggle. “Okay, well… if you’re the most awkward person on the planet, then I’m the close second.” you tell him.
“And that’s why we make such a good pair.” he replies.
Why did you feel so guilty every time you remembered how much you loved Jaemin?
You both finished your meals; Mark, of course, offered to pay for everything. Then you both left the restaurant. The sun was beginning to set.
“Ooh, wait,” you tell Mark, pulling your camera from your bag. He stops to look at you. “Let me take a picture of you here,” you say, pointing to one of the neon signs in the window.
Mark gets in front of it and poses, and you snap the photo. You both watch as it develops. “Perfect.” you show it to Mark.
You decide to head back to Mark’s house to hang out for a few more hours. As the sun set, the city was becoming less crowded. You passed children riding their bikes back home, people arriving home from work. Everything felt so normal, once again.
“Hey,” Mark says as you reach his room. “Check this out.” he grabs his guitar. “I finally learned how to play this song,”
“Hmm?” you lounge on his bed. “What song?”
He strums his guitar. You could already tell how good he had gotten at it; you only got the chance to hear him play twice before he died.
You recognize the song instantly — I’m Yours by Jason Mraz. It brings a smile to your face. Mark sings along softly. You realize his singing voice has gotten better as well.
You listen to him sing and shift to your side, propping yourself up with your elbow and resting your head on your hand. He’s completely immersed in the music. He looks so happy. You slowly retrieve your bag and take a photo of him.
He stops. “Oh… sorry. I kinda got preoccupied there,” he laughs.
“No, it’s okay…” you reply, feeling guilty for pulling him out of his music-induced-daze. “I was enjoying it.”
“Really?” Mark taps the strings of his guitar. “Well… I’ll finish the song then.” he continues strumming, taking a few moments to find where he left off.
You watch him, a soft smile on your face. This was a moment you definitely wanted to savor. If you were going to forget your time here, you at least wanted to remember this. It was beautiful. It was Mark.
[10:45 p.m.]
Mark offered to walk you home before it got too late — he had forgotten that it was a school night for him.
“Are you sure your mom won’t be mad?” Mark asks, nervously.
You laugh. “Once again, no. If she was worried about me we’d see flyers on the telephone poles,” you joke.
Mark chuckles. “Okay… I just don’t wanna get you in trouble for keeping you out so late. I lost track of time, to be honest…”
You nod. “Me too.” You had spent hours listening to Mark play his guitar and he tried to help you learn a song, but you weren’t as musically gifted as him, so it didn’t go very well. But Mark acted as if you were the God of Guitar, cheering when you played a few chords.
“Today was really fun.” he says softly. “If you ever wanna do this to… unwind… or whatever… just let me know.”
You smile. “Of course.”
Your heart drops as your house comes into view. It was your last few moments with Mark.
He walks you to your doorstep this time; he usually just walks to your driveway. It’s almost as if he knows. “Well,” Mark says, sighing. “We’re here.”
You grin, trying to mask your sadness. “Yeah… thanks for today. It was really fun!” you say.
Mark stares at you for a moment. “Um…” his eyes dart around, not sure where to look. “I…”
You watch him as he struggles to form a sentence. “Mark?” you ask softly.
He closes his mouth before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. “I just had a lot of fun today.” he says.
You nod slowly. What did he really want to say? “Hurry and go home,” you tell him. “I don’t need you being all tired tomorrow.” your voice is barely above a whisper.
Mark stares at you for a few moments more. “You’re right,” he laughs, shaking his head. “I’m tired already… I’ll probably sleep like a baby when I get home.” Whatever tension was there had disappeared. In a spur-of-a-moment decision, you wrap your arms around him, hugging him tightly.
“Text me when you get home, okay?” you tell him. Your head is against his chest; You can hear his heart beating.
“Of course,” he breathes. He finally wraps his arms around you. “Are… you okay?” he asks again.
You feel tears rushing to your eyes again. You chuckle. “I’m fine. I just… I love you.” you whisper. “You’re my best friend, okay? And… I need you to know that.”
He rubs your back. “I love you too,” he replies. “I’m so glad to know you.” he says.
You let him go. You knew you had to.
“Well… I’ll see you tomorrow.” Mark says.
You nod. “I’ll see you.”
You knew it was a lie, but only on your end. He’d see you. You wouldn’t be seeing him. But you knew what you were doing was right. Mark starts walking away, giving you one final smile before he was out of sight.
You push your front door open, going straight to your room and letting yourself cry. You let all of your emotions out. You wanted to run to Mark and hug him again and you never wanted to let go.
You finally pulled yourself together when you heard a faint knock on your door. You wipe your eyes and face quickly, although you knew your face would be puffy from crying. “Come in.”
Jisung peeks in. “Are you okay?”
You nod, although it’s unconvincing — his simple question makes you cry more. “I’m fine.”
“Why are you crying?” Jisung opens the door completely and enters, sitting next to you on your bed. “Did something happen?”
You shake your head. “No. I’m not sad,” you lie. “I’m just… feeling a lot of emotions right now.”
Jisung furrows his brows. “But… you seem sad.”
You take a deep breath. “I’m not, bud. I’m fine. Nothing happened between me and Mark, if that’s what you’re asking. I guess I’m just feeling… thankful. For Mark, and you, and all my friends.”
“Oh…” you can tell Jisung is still confused, but he shrugs it off. “Well… I guess as long as you aren’t sad, it’s okay.”
You feel him wrap and arm around you. You hug him back, feeling much more relieved now that you had cried a bit more.
“I’m going to bed now,” Jisung says, removing his arm from around your shoulders. “Are you sure you’re okay…?”
You nod. “I’m okay, really. Go to bed. Don’t stay up late because of me.” you tell him. He should’ve been in bed already… you realize.
Jisung nods. “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I love you, Jisung.”
He seems taken aback by your words. You don’t blame him — no matter what, telling your sibling you love them still feels awkward.
“Love you too.”
He leaves your room. You pick up your bag from where you had placed it when you got to your room and retrieved your camera. You collect all the photos you had taken. The one of Jisung in the kitchen, him talking to Mark, Mark and his ice cream, everyone outside of the ice cream parlor, him outside of the restaurant, him playing his guitar, and finally, the photo Hyuck had taken of you. You shove them in your pocket, praying that they would return to the correct universe with you.
You lay down on your bed, completely exhausted. You just want to fall asleep, but you know you can’t. You pull out your phone, going to your messages and clicking on Hyuck’s name.
let me know when you’re ready.
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cgbraincell · 3 years
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My oft mentioned friend alerted me to this Big Yellow Boy at a pet store a few towns away from her. In fact, it was where she got Chally, alongside a gargoyle gecko. We went there a couple days after confirmation that this guy was still there. He was hiding behind his too-small plant against the wall of his store enclosure, avoiding life. I bent over - not too much as I am rather short myself - to get a better look and spoke to him. He looked at me, then came out of his hiding space, crawling partially up on his hide to show me his whole self. I called him handsome, and he stretched out.
Yellow is a color I tend not to like, so I hadn’t really set my sights on obtaining a yellow gecko on any point prior. The bananas grew on me though, so when I heard about him...well... Immediately, however, it became clear there were some issues with this poor guy. His hips were off, he had layers of stuck shed hanging off each claw, and some of the ways he held himself seemed odd. An employee handed this yellow fellow to me, and having a closer look at his issues didn’t really impact me in that moment as I’d simply fallen in love immediately. He had a good personality, was soft, was a pretty banana, and good Mothman his tail was the strongest thing I think I’ve ever felt from these geckos.
He is one of my four purchases. The employee patted his head and wished him luck, and my friend and I retired to her house, where I pulled my new yellow fellow out of the silly little takeout box. He held his hands oddly, which was at the time amusing, but I was taking note of all of his other problems. When I got him home I looked him over and started working on some of the shed, only to see...just how bad it all was.
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One side of his mouth was decorated with a scar, the other side had a small wave in it, his wrists and ankles were swollen, his hands were...really messed up, he’s missing some nails but has some growing sideways, with gunk and shed stuck between the nail and skin.
I had no name for him for a while. Merlin? Something Sun based? Banana? But seeing him a little bit more, realizing he has a kind of goofy face, strong back legs, a very strong tail, weird arms...kinda yellow... reminded me of someone, so he became Shin.
Over the next couple days it was a matter of us figuring out his issues. Shin obviously had suffered from MBD and was at that point still suffering from it. His first poop was nothing but cricket fibers and synthetic fibers from his (godawful) reptile carpet - whether he was eating it or the crickets were and it came out through his digestion of them I do not know, but the boy needed to be put on something far better for him immediately.
He took a couple weeks to warm up to his new home, even try his food (he loves Pangea now and doesn’t seem to prefer any flavor), and for a while he hated my hands. After all, I was handling him too soon and harassing this poor man’s little feet continuously to clear up the shed and gunk. But Shin has since perked up marvelously and is a good character. He needs far more space than he has currently and he has let me know this, so he comes out for fairly regular exercise, and is responding very well to training to have him jump from hand to hand as a safe space.
I have been on the hunt for a 20 gallon high aquarium for him, left in its natural orientation. There will be some open space within it, but a lot of the decor is going to be angled in a way that he can grip and climb up it. The height itself is not as important as the overall space for him to occupy, especially considering the fact that his hands are totally wrecked.
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Shin just let me plop him down and pull his arm over the side of the laptop specifically so I could take this picture. He’s very nice for that.
I wanted to draw a diagram of the skeletal structure of their arms vs what his looks like, but haven’t done a great job at it. Essentially though, his MBD has permanently altered how his wrists sit, so that his hands are always hanging just slightly below his arm. It gives him a sort of floppy hand appearance, which is worsened by the fact that his phalanges have lost a great deal of their mobility. While they can extend backward as normal for a gecko trying to release their setae from a surface, they cannot bend inward at anything except for the knuckle. He cannot stick to a flat wall and has a great deal of trouble gripping things generally for climbing. Hence the desired tank mentioned above, he does like crawling up to higher places but it doesn’t need to be two or three feet tall and I don’t need him falling and smacking his gorgeous, big head against everything on the way down.
It appears that the particular bout of MBD that wrecked his wrists happened long enough before I got him that he worked hard to compensate for it. I cannot get a good photo of it at all but his thighs are the most muscular thighs for a crestie ever. Similarly, this has resulted in his tail being incredibly muscular and strong, and he uses it very well to hold onto things.
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I will certainly write another post later on about his enclosure. I do have some idea of what he likes, so I am very excited about setting something up that caters to his desires and his disabilities.
In the meantime, Shin is a good boy who sometimes likes to be naughty when I get him out - flying all over the place and tucking into corners that require me to disassemble my room to find him. I have promised him a little city to play Shin Godzilla in so that is also a thing I have to do in the future.
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