#wish i could have that pitch!
toomanywordsnllines · 2 years
For the ask game: You sound kinda like bee from bee n puppycat in my head!
That is... such a nice voice. I am so in love... Honestly this feels like one of the nicest compliments I have recieved (regarding my 'person') in a while. <3
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krisrix · 10 months
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COC 18 ⁘ Hungry
Thanks to @caitybug for the inspo~
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systemrestart · 6 months
We Know The Devil is on sale for less than $2
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Steam page here. Sale ends at 1pm EST March 21st!!
I couldn't find any posts about it so I just had to let people know. WKTD is one of the best queer visual novels I have ever read. Please, give it a read.
(also, for those who don't have steam, or maybe want to give extra to the developers, you can also buy it on itch for $6.66 (of course))
EDIT: Sale has ended, but this game is more than worth full price. Please check it out!!
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popsicle-stick · 8 months
going insane with this graphic novel pitch because i know if i just managed to finish it and it was by some act of god accepted by a publisher, that would be my.........job. i could support myself doing that. which is a insane thought. but i can't bring myself to just finish the thing
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fictionadventurer · 10 months
Rewatching The Muppet Christmas Carol after rereading the book has me wishing we could have seen Michael Caine play Scrooge in a more detailed and book-accurate version of the story. He's got the perfect face and demeanor for Scrooge as Dickens wrote him. There's a fierceness on the surface, and an underlying good nature that's just waiting to be let out. You can believe he was the young clerk who delighted in a good Christmas party, and believe that he's become the cold, hard, grasping miser who won't even spend money to give himself a good fire, and whose humor comes out in cruel witticisms. He would totally be the Scrooge who gets caught up in the the childish delight of watching past Christmas parties and playing along with the games at the present one.
Unfortunately, the condensed story takes the angle of "Scrooge has never liked Christmas". It makes young Scrooge someone who's worrying over what his employer spends to throw a Christmas party (rather than delighting in a simple affair that only costs a few pounds). Caine's Scrooge shows moments of childish delight, but he doesn't really understand the spirit of Christmas until the very end of his time with the Ghost of Christmas Present. And it's fine. Turning a Victorian book into a ninety-minute Muppet musical for children is going to involve significant changes. Caine did excellently with the material he had. I just wish he'd had the chance to do more.
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n4rval · 4 months
what if i wrote a dr wingdings gaster so real and so convincing it became impossible to see him as anything else and made tobias "radiation" fox come into my dms asking me to cease my activities immediately because im ruining the mystery
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i3utterflyeffect · 3 months
We're sending you cat pictures now? Great!
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Here's my boy, I took this photo while introducing him to ava
ohhhhhhh........... the kitty requires ARSON
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caker-baker · 2 years
They didn’t actually need to look to see who it was, nor did they need to move from their leaned position against the railing. “Do me a favor and fuck off for a minute.”
“Now, now, Hero. That’s no way to treat an honored guest.”
“Fuck you. We both know that identity isn’t yours.” The hero ran a hand over their tired face. “I don’t care, whatever angle you have tonight, but if you kill someone–”
“That would be a spectacle. You should have already guessed that tonight is about espionage, considering the stolen identity and all.” The villain rested their hands on the railing next to the hero, but did not fully relax.
“Fantastic.” The hero’s voice fell flat. “Go back inside, then.”
Despite themself, the villain’s eyes wandered over the hero’s slouched form.
Even in their current crumpled and defeated mannerism, the hero was a sight to behold.
Nothing but the finest of clothes these days, a hair and makeup team had undoubtedly fussed over the hero for hours to get the current superstar affect, and of course, those fine clothes highlighted those hard earned muscles, but funnily enough, the scars seemed to have been hidden.
“You look miserable.”
The hero took a sharp breath in. “You don’t get to say that.”
“I told you what it would be if you signed, if you gave yourself to the government, say the word and I’ll fix it.”
The villain nearly jumped when the hero’s head swiveled towards them, expression close to feral.
“Fix what?” They spat. “I never have to worry about another bill in my life, medicine, housing, food, they do it all, Villain.” The hero turned away. “And all I have to do is dress up sometimes? Pose for a picture so they can put my face on a lunchbox?”
“You’re a product, Hero. They wave you around to show off their new attack dog.”
“I am not–!” They slammed their fist on the railing. It cracked, startling the hero, who stumbled back a few steps.
The villain reached out a hand, only to retract it when the hero pulled away.
“Whatever. It’s an equal exchange.”
The villain’s typically wide and watchful eyes softened. “Why didn’t you take my offer?”
Huffing, the hero turned, straightening out their form as they prepared to go back inside. “Go to hell.”
The villain reached out, gripping the hero’s arm, determined not to let them pull away this time.
“You used to be happy! You used to take pride in doing good!”
“I also used to be hungry and on the verge of homelessness. Let go.”
“I would have helped you. Why didn’t you let me help you?”
The hero ripped away their arm, turning and coming face to face with the villain, a mere inch apart.
“You don’t know what it’s like to owe someone.” The hero stepped forward, the villain stepped back. “All of you rich assholes are the same. If you had helped me, me, your enemy, it would have meant something else entirely. I can’t do that.”
Another step, another, and another.
“I never would have held it above you, Hero.” The villain had to keep walking backwards until they bumped into the railing. “I’m not like that–”
“You are! You’re an awful person. Do you think that I believe you’d make an exception for me? And why? Just because you enjoy villainy? Because you find all this entertaining?”
The hero’s eyes watered. “For them, I take pictures, I sign autographs, I wear the brand sponsored clothes and go to stupid galas, and yeah, sometimes I’m just there to look scary, but you know what I’m not doing? Giving myself away in a sense that I could never regain. What would it be for you?”
The villain opened their mouth, and closed it again.
What would it be for them? They didn’t like to stop and think about these unspoken feelings, the feelings that drove them in an unfamiliar and warm way, feelings that made them go on espionage missions that weren’t actually important.
What were they hoping to gain by helping the hero? Praise? Gratitude? Admiration?
As if reading the villain’s mind, the hero spoke.
“What would it be for you? Because for all the money in the world, you can’t buy that.” The hero scoffed, backing away. “You know, they really try to play up the strong but dumb image, makes it easier for sponsors to buy into, but I’m not an idiot.”
“Of course you’re not.”
Suddenly, the hero’s eyes turned upwards, looking, looking, looking.
“Doesn’t look like there’s any cameras up here.” The hero’s shoulders dropped a little. “If someone found out I damaged the railing, they’d probably…”
The villain raised an eyebrow. “They’d probably…?”
“It doesn’t matter.” They held their chin high. “I’m going inside. Have your fun tonight, but any deaths and I will fly your sorry ass straight into the sun.”
“Naturally.” The villain smiled gently, although they were positive that if the hero could somehow survive in space, they would, in fact, fly the villain’s sorry ass into the sun.
But the hero didn’t respond, didn’t give any notice to the villain’s existence as they slipped through the door, a full photo-op ready picture of grace.
The villain let out a shuttering breath once the door closed again, heart hammering in their chest.
No, no, no time for that. The villain couldn’t let this new feeling distract them, there were things to be done, olive branches to be offered, and signatures to be burned.
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bredforloyalty · 5 months
ENOUGH about gas panic (i don't mean that) can we hold hands and get a bit depressed to falling down
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eternal-reverie · 6 months
Something in the back of my mind has been bothering me for a long while, and I figured out what it was. I have this tendency of censoring myself when I speak? I dance around a subject, which I keep hinting at, but never explicitly say what I want to say, and when someone doesn’t pick up on that, I get disappointed when they don’t help me open up to the topic.
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barrymccaulkinem · 27 days
gr i looked up "dishonored its a party" on youtube bc i looove the way that one lady (mrs white, i believe she's called) says "its a party!" to defend your eavesdropping lol
but all i found is a bunch of youtubers who had titled their commentary play of the boyle mansion "its a party!" -.-
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owl-with-a-pen · 1 year
I just recently went to a meet and greet where I met both Nicole and Jesse! At the Q&A, they revealed a lot of stuff I think you'd love to hear!
The Bottle Episode with all the different Brainys was actually Jesse Rath's idea. He planned out all the different personalities of the characters. It was also his idea for Brainy's personality inhibitors to come off and him turn back to green.
Someone asked Jesse and Nicole what they thought Brainy would be like as a dad, and Jesse and Nicole both agreed that he would be the type to encourage his kid to do all extra curriculars possible. Jesse also said, "Or he'd just be boarder line abusive. The type of dad to just throw the kid in the pool and say 'You have to learn to swim sometime. Why not now?'"
They were honestly both the coolest people I have ever met. Jesse is 100% the nicest celeb I have ever met and he did SO MUCH for Brainy's character, it's insane.
OH! Another thing that happened at the Q&A with Jesse and Nicole:
Jesse and Nicole talked about how Jesse once had this idea for a season cliffhanger where it turns out, evil Brainy was pretending to be Brainy-Prime and that the real Brainy-Prime had ended up trapped in the bottle. Jesse said the reveal would be "Brainy" and Nia embracing after beating a bad guy in an ally only for "Brainy" to stab Nia and then... well... yeah.
The crowd was super shocked but turns out it's a plot line in one of the comics that Dream-Girl dies, and Brainiac 5 is the only one who could see or talk to her, and I guess Jesse kind of wanted that plot. Nicole even thought it was a really cool idea.
Oh my god you were at the Superman Celebration!? I am jealous! I'm so happy for you too, of course, and that you got to meet them both!! Sounds like you had an excellent time!
I found out about the Q&A the other day and watched the whole thing on YouTube so I know exactly what you're talking about! All that info was so cool to hear; I knew Jesse had some input in what he'd managed to bring to the story and had my suspicions he'd fought for certain things (especially going green) but to hear just how much he'd been able to suggest and fight for and get into the show in some form or another was just mind blowing. I love when actors are so passionate about their characters and want to see them done justice on the screen.
The Brainy as a dad commentary had me cracking up too, I loved Nicole and Jesse joking about Brainy throwing their kid into the deep end and referring to them as acting like a "fourth level" intellect. 😂
And I died when Jesse started talking about how he'd not only pitched Nia's "death" but also his own "death". Like absolutely legendary behaviour. I would've loved to see them both play out honestly and I love that Nicole was just as enthusiastic about doing a death scene for her character as Jesse. They really do make a great team. 😂
That scene Jesse pitched of Brainy kissing Nia only to stab her and thereby reveal he's the evil!Brainy who's swapped places with her Brainy... *chef's kiss* levels of angst. Right up my alley. I'm half tempted to write the scene for myself. 😉
Thank you so much for sharing your experience!! It sounded absolutely awesome!
(Psst, if you're reading this and haven't seen the Q&A, you can watch it here) 👀
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fistfuloflightning · 10 months
Just got back into reading Under the Oak Tree after I dropped it a while back, and realized it was pretty much a smutty version of the Perilous Gard
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oveliagirlhaditright · 2 months
I'm surprised no one on Tumblr (that I've seen, anyway) is talking about this "lost Kingdom Hearts game."
Though that title is a little bit misleading. This was more a pitch that the creator made to Square Enix, and if they liked it, they would have of course moved forward with it. But it seems that Square wasn't sold on it, and thus nothing happened.
But this idea for a Kingdom Hearts VR game (not to be confused with the official Kingdom Hearts VR Experience that does exist), was actually pretty cool. The creator did a great job with it, in my and many people's opinion. And while I do enjoy the Kingdom Hearts VR Experience that we got... if I'm being honest, just the start of this project was better than that was.
Who knows why Square Enix turned this idea down, but it is a disappointment. But if nothing else, I'm glad that the creator of the pitch reached out to lowkeymatt and let him play it, so we could see it and let it live on in some way.
And maybe we'll get a real Kingdom Hearts VR game someday.
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stephaniejuhnay · 2 years
In terms of runners and callbacks, there are 3 shows I feel are top tier at it: Arrested, Community, and Psych. In that order.
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year
to the person who took the time to go through defoko's crunchy voice files and make a vcv bank for them : i am getting down on one knee and kissing your hand oh so tenderly.
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