#wish I could get rid of the credits but I'm not that smart
flipperbrain-awakes · 6 months
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Shadowhunters 3.20
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reareaotaku · 1 month
Hot & Sweaty
Summary: Ford's having a hard time coming to terms with how he feels, so he tries to avoid you... TW/CW: NSFW Themes, [Male] Masturbation Pt I: Enemies 2 Friends to Something More Taglist: @winterhi09, @leo4242564, @walmartjim, @valinbean, @meiraloves2dmen, @bubblegupyy
Linktree 4 the People of Palestine [This is shorter than the first one-]
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Ford began avoiding you, not knowing how else to deal with his emotions. He had never had a crush before, so these feelings were foreign to himself. For a man so smart, he couldn't figure out how to handle such intense emotions. He just wanted to push it down and pretend it didn't exist.
He felt rather pathetic avoiding you. You were making it hard for him to attend his classes. God, he wishes he could get you out of your head.
You had missed multiple classes, not knowing if you would have to confront Ford. You liked him- Sure, but there was a part of you that thought you would never get anything from him.
He was... different than most men. You liked that. You had never met someone like him, even with his annoyance from before. There was something so different about the way he was and you were fascinated. Sometimes you wondered why a man like him was going to BMU.
Ford facepalmed. It had been almost 2 weeks since he had started avoiding his feelings. He was better than this- But just the thought of you made him feel all hot and sweaty.
He had thoughts he had never had before and he tried to rid himself of such things. He couldn't help it- His mind was stronger than he ever gave it credit for.
You looked over when Ford usually sat, disappointed that he wasn't there. You hadn't seen him around the campus either, which made you think that he was possibly avoiding you. As the thought occurs to you, your eyes are drawn to Ford's roommate- Fiddleford.
Fiddleford was quick to pack of his stuff, especially when he saw you staring at you. He was hiding something, you could tell. He was quick, but you were quicker; He froze when you cornered him before he was able to leave.
"Oh- Uh, Y/n, I uh, wow. You look nice."
"Cut the act, where's Ford? Is he avoiding me?"
"Uh- What? N-no? I don't- I have to go to class." He tries to go around you, but you block his path.
"Yeah? Last time I checked, your next class isn't till 10. So, we have plenty of time." You step closer to him, causing him to gulp. "What's your room number?"
It didn't take long for you to push it out of him and you were heading to their shared dorm.
You tended to avoid the male dorms, because- Well, it was full of college-aged men. They were usually rough housing and fighting each other, while also have tons of old food in their sinks. It was disgusting. Men were disgusting.
You finally came upon his door, before taking a deep breath. You froze for a second, realizing you didn't know what you were going to say to him. You were sure that the words would come to you when you saw him.
You knock on his door, but don't get a respond, so you decide to open the door, but you were quickly stop when seeing Ford with his hand down his boxer and was seemingly jacking off. You quickly slammed the door catching his attention as he yells at you.
"I'm so sorry!" Your face was a dark red as your back was against his door. You couldn't believe your eyes- Much less being caught catching someone else.
"Why are you even here?!" Ford yelled as he quickly got some pants on and leaned against his door. He couldn't believe not only did he have his hands down his pants, but you had caught him- Thankfully he wasn't a big moaner or you would have known he was thinking about you.
You sat across from the male, trying to avoid the topic of what had just happened. You tried to speak but your mouth was dry and your tongue was twisted.
When you looked up at him, it seemed he too was at a loss for words. What was he even supposed to say after being caught like a teenage boy?
"Don't. Let's not... talk about it." He hums as he taps his finger against the book sitting on his lap.
"Yeah... I mean, sex is a natural thing. You're not to cloud minded to not realize or acknowledge this, are you?"
He looks up at you with a tiny smirk. "Of course not... But," He looks away from you, a light pink dust overtaking his face. "Doesn't make it more embarrassing."
"Well, if it helps you feel better, I've seen a lot worse."
"What are you even doing- No, actually how did you get my room number?"
"I stalked you."
You chuckle, shaking your head. "I asked Fiddleford."
"And he told you?"
"With convincing..."
He hums and you decide to finally ask him the question, so you've been avoiding me?"
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writethrough · 1 year
if you are taking billy hargrove requests can you do a billy x reader, where the reader has had a really bad day because people have been mean or like someones being sexist and then when they get home billy cheers them up.If not that's fine love you u <3
Still A Thing
(Billy Hargrove x Female Reader)
Warnings: Language, suggestive situation, Tommy being a dick
Word Count: 783
A/N: While technically my requests are still closed, I'm really glad you sent this in! I feel like I'm headed into a rut, but this helped get some creative juices flowing, so thank you!
I hope it's okay how I interpreted your request, and I hope you enjoy!
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Billy looked away from the TV when the front door slammed, and you stormed right past him.
His brow furrowed. You didn’t get pissed often, but when you did, it was usually because of someone else’s ignorance.
It was a miracle you put up with Billy for all these years. You had told him trying went a long way with you. And he’d be damned if he stopped.
You’d already rid yourself of your jeans when he reached your bedroom.
“What happened?” Billy asked, leaning against the doorway.
You had your shirt halfway off when it got too tight, and you had to shimmy it the rest of the way. And with a frustrated huff, you whipped it onto the floor.
“Ran into Tommy 'Dickhead' Hagan.” You opened the drawer Billy was using and grabbed one of his shirts. “Haven’t been in Hawkins two fucking minutes, and I see the guy I wanna deck the most.”
You hadn’t noticed Billy walking toward you until he grabbed both of your hands, putting one on the back of his neck and the other on his belt loop. You automatically started playing with his curls and rubbing the denim between your fingers.
“What happened?” he asked again, much gentler, eyes patient.
You inhaled deeply, trying to keep yourself from losing it.
“Said he was surprised you and I were ‘still a thing.’ That he ‘figured you’d drop my ass after you got some ass.’” You really wished you were the type of person that would bitchslap an asshole.
To his credit, Billy didn’t react besides squeezing your shoulders. He was waiting for you to finish.
“And what did you say?”
You bit your lip, your words finally coming to you after your mind had gone fuzzy at Tommy’s comment.
“Told him a twenty-six-year-old should grow up and stop inviting high schoolers to keggers. And to stop having keggers,” you said.
Billy threw his head back with laughter, and you joined him, stepping forward so you could lean your forehead on his chest.
“You should’ve seen the look on his face when I said, ‘Hope you have the day you deserve.’” Your giggling only increased when Billy wrapped his arms around you and lifted you to the bed.
“Was he smart enough to get what you were saying?” Billy leaned over you, one arm supporting him over your head.
“Must be, ‘cause I thought I saw steam coming out his ears as I left,” you said, cupping his neck and running your thumb along his jaw.
He nudged your nose with his. “Good. Jackass deserved it.” He pulled back slightly so he could look you in the eyes. “M’proud of you. Standing up for yourself. Know it’s hard sometimes.”
You gave him a small smile. “Was standing up for you, too. You don’t deserve to be spoken about like that. Not after all the work you’ve done. All the ways you’ve grown.”
Your hand moved to caress his cheek, and he kissed your palm.
“Couldn’t have done it without you,” he mumbled, leaning into your touch.
“Couldn’t have stood up to Tommy without you,” you said.
Billy smiled. “Guess we’re pretty good for each other.”
“We’re great for each other.”
He hummed and situated himself so he laid on top of you, face buried in the crook of your neck.
“Remember, we’re meeting everyone at Steve’s in two hours,” you said, drawing patterns on his back.
His grin pressed into your throat. “What are we gonna do with two hours?”
You rolled your eyes, a fond smile growing. “Less than two hours.”
He pulled back to look at you. “We’re the guests of honor. Just tell them we got in later than expected.”
You raised a brow at him. “After what happened at the store? I’m sure the whole town knows we’re here by now.”
He huffed, pushing his face back where it was, and mumbled, “Fucking Hawkins.”
You giggled and kissed his forehead, feeling him smile even though he wanted to pout.
“How about a half hour of this, then we get ready?” you asked.
He hummed. “We’ll see. Might take a nap.”
“A half-hour nap.”
He placed a finger on your lips. “Shh, I’m napping.”
You bit his finger lightly, and he scraped his teeth along your neck.
Your breath hitched, and he chuckled.
“Maybe I can do something else in that half hour,” he mused, kissing your jaw.
You let out a content sigh as he continued his path until he reached your lips.
Part of him hoped you would both run into Tommy again after this weekend. Billy would gladly show him how together you were once that ring was on your finger.
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Taglist: @moonlightfountain, @steph-speaks, @bookshelf-dust
If you’d like to be added to any taglists, please comment or message me with the character you’d like updates on.
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Name: "aventurine."
Age: "hm, no. too easy. how about, if you can guess with a margin of error of two years, you win a prize!"
Do you like to cuddle?: "with you? i'd be concerned i'd get pushed off the bed. i know my charm is a little too much for some people. yes, by 'some people', i mean you, veritas."
Can we make-out?: "oh dear. not before a drink or two. some things are best appreciated after working for them."
A night in or dinner out?: "come on, we are on penacony, are we not? i refuse to miss out on the local cuisine. a man of refined tastes such as you surely wouldn't pass either, would you?"
Whip cream or chocolate syrup?: "either or, i'm not picky with my sweet tooth ~ "
Chocolates and roses?:  "lucky that men like us don't have to choose. although, you do have enough thorns to make up for the roses, if we were to forego them."
What makes you a good Valentine?: "my irresistible charm, the excellent company i offer, and an excuse for you to sharpen those claws of yours. admit it, you enjoy it."
Would you cook for me?: "uh, trust me, you don't want me to."
Would you let me cook for you?:  "hm. i suppose i could gamble on whether or not you'll poison me ~ "
Where would you take me on a date?: "how about i keep it a surprise, and you have no other choice but to trust me if you want to find out?"
Who’s paying?: "fiiiine i will. that would probably be the easiest part, anyway."
What did you get me for Valentine’s Day?: "the pleasure of my company -- and maybe a contact in those archives who stubbornly deny you access to their records for your research. you're welcome."
(i'm sorry about him)
Heart Day application! Still accepting. | @apocryphis
"...What is this." It is not a question, nor is a response desired from the other man sitting across from him when he opens the holographic message. Did Aventurine actually waste his time on typing all this? Honestly...
To his credit, he does at least... skim over it, but two questions down and he's doing his best (in vain) to not cringe into the cushions of his seat.
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He's tired already.
Valentine's? This must be a joke. Surely it's a joke. There's simply no possibility that the Stoneheart did not concoct this stupid... application with the intent to get under his skin.
...And unfortunately, it is working.
Ratio does his best to not frown in incredulity, but between the piles of unwanted gifts left in his office every year or this one irritating, impossibly infuriating... proposition, this taunt -- for that is what it is -- it is difficult to tell what is worse.
Could he ignore it? Burn it in the fireplace, metaphorically, pretend he didn't see it? While it's certainly an option, it is not a smart one. Luck was never on his side with the other man, and Aventurine clearly pulled this stunt right in front of him knowing, due to his diligent and fastidious nature, that he routinely and promptly checks his messages; there is no attempting to assume a belated ignorance with this, lest he wishes to be a hypocrite, and worse: lie. Plus, there is no doubt Aventurine has already seen his vexed expression play out in real time. He cannot lie out of this even if he wanted to. The idea of Aventurine bringing up his hypothetical discarding of this thing in conversation (he can already imagine the petulance, exaggerated specifically to rub his discourtesy into his own skin) and having to deal with that mess is even less appealing than the words on the hologram before him. The scholar rubs his temple in exasperation, the telltale throb of an impending headache lurking beneath his skull.
And when that is not enough to rid him of the frustration threading his nerves, he covers his face with one hand and sighs, both world-weary and aggrieved.
"I hate you," he begins, uncharacteristically inelegant. A wave of his other hand dismisses the message and he peeks between his fingers to glare, half-heartedly, at the blonde (smug, stupid) man before him. "For starters, Aventurine, I am not engaging in stupid guessing games with you, nor do I care for your 'prizes'. Secondly: no, no," he skips over the fifth part, "I am not indulging your childish taste buds, do not entertain the thought of purchasing either for me -- I don't want them -- you are terrible company, and I wouldn't poison you, regrettably and contrary to whatever misconceptions of me you may have." A pause. The bribe of more academic resources at his fingertips isn't worth it. It's not. It's not. There is no guarantee on Aventurine being truthful either. This isn't a contract for him to follow through with. "I do not trust you. You ought to pay for inconveniencing me with this to begin with."
Not a yes, but... It's not a no..?
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astro-rain · 3 years
delicate; b.barnes
chapter twenty - “collateral damage”
delicate masterlist
word count: 2k
synopsis: bucky and y/n deal with the emotional fallout of her departure from wakanda.
pairings: bucky barnes x fem!reader
warnings: mildly suggestive content, nothing explicit, 18+ readers please.
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The flight home was wretched. Sleeping on the jet was impossible. Every time she shut her eyes she saw his face. If her mind did somehow manage to drift off to sleep, Y/N dreamed of him and woke up trying not to rip her hair out.
"We can still stay in contact, right?" Bucky asked as they were walking back from the waterfall.
They had left their catharsis by the water, still upset, but now calmer and more logical.
"I don't think so..."
"What? Why? It's not like we don't have the technology to do it."
"I know, but.." Y/N trailed off, trying to think of a sensible excuse.
Obviously they could stay in contact if they wanted. But any kind of phone call would be able to be tracked or recorded. That, and she didn't want him to hang on to someone who betrayed him. She couldn't imagine the guilt she'd have hearing Bucky's "I miss you's" or "Baby doll's" from miles away, knowing she lied to him.
"You don't even have a phone..."
"That's an easy problem to fix."
"I know... I just think you should focus on the rest of your healing, and... you know, I'll have a lot of work once I get back...." she took a breath. "I don't know if it's super healthy for us to cling on to each other when it... may be better to move on..."
"Move on?"
Bucky stopped walking and turned to face her. They both stood still and he stared at her, confused, as if he was trying to figure something out. He knew her well. She was scared he'd see right through her.
"So let me get this straight. When you're here we can talk all the time and... plenty of other things. But when you're away we can't even call each other?"
"That's not all, is it?"
She sighed. "I'm just... worried... about- like-... getting in trouble. If someone overhears or tracks a phone call...What if someone finds out where the 'Winter Soldier' is and comes here to exact revenge?"
That was partly true. She'd never want anyone bad to find out where he was. But no one was tracking her phone calls; she wasn't really a person of interest. In all likelihood, it probably wasn't something she'd have to be terribly worried about.
However, if anyone overheard or saw Bucky on the phone, they'd know it was her, and she doubted anything she could say would convince them that she didn't tell him about the arm.
Or maybe no one would find out. She just didn't want to take the chance. The last time she took a chance, this happened. She wasn't willing to do it again.
He stared at her with dejected eyes. "You know you don't have to worry about me. I'll be okay."
She rested her hands on his forearms and laughed sadly. "Bucky, I don't think I'm ever not gonna worry about you."
He was already in her heart. She didn't think he could leave now.
He let his eyelids fall shut. "I really don't want you to go."
She closed her eyes as well and let her forehead rest against the top of his chest.
"I know. I'm sorry. I don't want to leave you either. But you're gonna do so well, even without me. And every day I'll wake up and think 'wow this man is sexy and has good coping mechanisms! I wish I was him!'"
In the midst of his sadness, she made him laugh. It was a despondent, quiet laugh, but she managed to lift his mood all the same - even if just a little bit. She'd always make everything better.
He gazed down at her, eyes heavy, and without even thinking about it... "I love you."
She looked down at the grass below her feet. "Buck..."
"I do. I'm sorry but I do."
She wrapped her arms around the middle of his back, pressing her face into the crook of his neck. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her in tight, one arm up her back and the other cradling her head.
In the tiniest whisper, she let the truth flow out from her chest. "I love you, too."
The clouds provoked her, so peaceful and quiet, while her head was a big, loud mess. Y/N leaned her head on the window, glaring at them and wondering if she should've said what she did. That she loved him. Internally, she debated whether or not it would make things worse. But she wasn't going to see him again; she might as well have left him with the truth.
Time was lost to her. She thought she would be landing soon, but she couldn't be sure. She couldn't be sure of anything anymore.
Bucky sat at the lake - their lake - and just stared into the water. It felt so strange to him, that she was gone. One minute she was here and now he was just... alone.
It was so quiet. Too quiet. Of course being alone was quiet, but after Y/N left, the air just felt empty.
He wished he could talk to her. Whenever he was upset, all he wanted to do was talk to her.
"So, is this... d-do we say goodbye now?" he asked when they got back to his hut.
"Yeah..." she sighed. "yeah."
"Are you going back to Europe?"
"Yes. Belgium. Haven't been in my apartment in forever."
"Belgium," he wondered. "It's nice there. Safe. What are you gonna do for work?"
"Probably just continue where I left off on my research. Fancy brain stuff, ya'know?"
He grinned, proud. "My smart girl."
She looked around her, as if watching for something. Or someone.
"Buck, I think I have to go now."
"Just one more minute? Please. I wanna remember you like this. Not sad and crying."
Y/N smiled, grabbed his hands, and kissed his knuckles. Both flesh and metal. Because they were both part of him and she loved him. All of him.
Then, she placed both his hands on either side of her face. Softly she said, "remember me like this," before bringing their lips together.
He looked down at his vibranium arm, twisting his wrist to watch how the plates whirred.
Since the first moment he put it on, he had been using it to be gentle, loving, and affectionate. This arm was good. This arm wasn't used for death and destruction and violence.
With this arm he held her, kissed her, loved her. And now she was gone. And now it felt like dead weight.
Whenever Bucky looked at his bionic arm he saw her. It began to make him sad.
His hair had been getting longer and longer. He could cut it now, now that he had two arms. But every time he tried, all he could do was stare at the arm and hear her voice in his head.
"That's your heart. That's you. You're all heart, Buck. You're so deeply, wonderfully human. All the way to your bones."
That was the first time he expressed real distress about missing a limb, he recalled. That was the first time they kissed. Funny how that transition was made, funny how she could remedy some of his worst emotions.
His days were boring and uneventful and nearly silent. He sat alone a lot. There was no laughter anymore, none of her laughter. There was no more holding, no more kissing, no more loving. The arm just felt... wrong? Like what it was born from had died.
In Belgium, Y/N felt incredibly uncomfortable. She knew she just needed to adjust to the change, after getting to used to life in Wakanda - life with Bucky. Her vacant apartment didn't feel as homey.
It had been, what, a year and a half? About a year and a half since she had been home. About a year and a half spent with Bucky.
Her apartment seemed so... barren. Void of life. And cold. She was used to the Wakandan heat. When she closed and locked the door behind her, she looked at the golden square that the sun cast through her window. It reminded her of that heat.
Y/N sighed, cursing her very own hippocampus for providing her with memory.
"God, I wish you had an AC in here."
She was in his bed. Well, she was on top of him, straddling him, in his bed.
"Is it hot or is it just you?" he joked, poking at her sides and trying to not pout at the loss of her lips.
"Ha. Ha," she rolled her eyes and brought her face back to his.
"Wait," Bucky said and gently pulled her face away to examine it. "You are a little warm."
"It's okay," she quickly tried to resume their previous activity.
"Hold on-" he got cut off as Y/N kept pecking his lips over and over.
"I have-"
"An idea-"
Lightly he pushed her shoulders away, nearly giggling. "Stop it! Just wait a second!"
Bashful, she conceded. "What?"
"Just-" he reached out and put the vibranium hand on her forehead, effectively cooling her down a bit. She closed her eyes and flashed a goofy smile.
"That feels nice."
Then, suddenly, he wrapped both his arms around her back and flipped them over so that he was on top. He smirked.
"Oh yeah, you just wait."
She hung her keys up and took a deep breath, absorbing the emptiness. This was her new normal; she just had to get used to it.
"I just- I don't really... I don't think I need it," Bucky tried to explain.
Want it, he thought. I don't want it. I can't stand to even look at it.
"You don't need it?" Shuri asked.
"Yeah, it-uh it takes a bit of getting used to and I think I just need a break. And I wouldn't want to damage it so... figured it's better with you."
He was better at lying than he gave himself credit for.
"Okay," Shuri accepted his answer and began to detach the bionic arm. "But you let me know if it's uncomfortable or painful anywhere so I can adjust it. Alright?"
"Alright. Thank you."
Finally he was rid of it- that cursed metal weighing down on his soul. Maybe now he could focus on other things. Maybe. It didn't seem likely...
However, as the days drew closer, it did make him slightly - only slightly -  less nervous about the trigger word experiment. Now he didn't have a weapon attached to him. Though he reckoned he was the weapon.
No. He wasn't supposed to think like that. He knew Y/N wouldn't want him to. He knew she would say something like, "You aren't what they tried to make you into. You're you and all HYDRA's awfulness can't change the good at your core. My Bucky. You're perfect."
He'd deny to high heavens that he was the farthest thing from perfect. Bucky had no clue how she could say such things. But her conviction never faltered.
Soon enough the day came. The experiment. All he could think about was how she was supposed to be there. He didn't want to do this without her.
But now, he found himself sitting at at a fire on some mountain with one of the Doras. It was dark and it was scary. He was scared.
"It is time," said Ayo.
Nevermind want. He wasn't sure if he could do this without her.
"Are you sure about this?"
"I won't let you hurt anyone."
He was still scared. He still didn't trust himself. But, staring into the fire, he thought back to a past conversation.
"You don't have to trust yourself. That's hard enough as it is and Hydra didn't make it any easier. You just trust me, alright? ... And I will not let anything happen to you."
Bucky didn't have to trust himself. He just had to trust her. Even if she wasn't here, even if she was on another continent, all he had to do was trust her. When Ayo began reciting the trigger words, that was the one thing thing he held onto. The one thing that kept him afloat.
His trust in her.
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delicate taglist: @emmojoy @bakugouswh0r3 @thefridgeismybestie @strivingforelegance @ilovespideyyy @xpurpleglitter @bluelakeee @darkacademic2 @eclipsedplanet @paradisedixon @crazy-beautiful @coffee--writes @lilithknight1111 @buckybarnesishot310 @softladyhours @alwayssandy @those-sea-green-eyes @hero-ically @devilswaldorf @cc13723things @small-death-and-codeine @avengersgirllorianna @cataves @thatbitchsposts @talktomeaboutthestars @surrealpsycho @headheartbellarke @bubbly-moonwarrior @bluemoon-icecream @buckeyecreates @augustbucky @itsthemaree @undiadeestos
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rpmemesbyarat · 4 years
Why do you read that stuff?
I like a man who brings me weapons.
Nice wake up call.
We won't have to find them. They'll find us.
Revenge, as they say, is a sucker's game.
I'll settle for tearing this jerk IN HALF!
Want to see me use both hands?
That's no way to treat a lady!
That was no lady.
Thanks for saving my bacon before it got fried.
Look, just promise you'll call if there's trouble.
Go ahead, try something!
I'd love to do that again!
That wasn't a tranquilizer dart.
It was loaded with a mutagenic formula!
You don't know anything about her!
Why are you stomping on my friend here?
I was particularly proud of my death scene.
You never let me drive.
The important thing is, you're alive.
Are you sure this is a good idea?
Something's not right here.
Then you leave us no choice!
How are we supposed to find them?
Please, I beg you, be quiet.
This isn't a good idea.
I'm best qualified to go.
My memories are clouded.
Why should I trust you?
If you can't trust me, then trust your heart.
Why do you fight me, my love?
We are destined to be together for all eternity.
I will choose who I love!
Now we'll see what this creature looks like up close.
Why stare at marks on a page when you can rent the video?
Well, I can't read and I don't think I'm missing anything.
Harrier jets! They can take off and land like helicopters. When your life's this exciting, who needs books?
Are you all right?
I had a little trouble.
This beach isn't safe after dark.
Do you need a doctor?
Come on in. I've got a fire going.
There's little I can offer in return, except my thanks.
You understand, I don't get any real pleasure from this. Well you've got courage, beastie. I'll give you that.
Funny, something about your voice made me think you were a soldier, once.
You were there.
I'm old, but I'm not that old.
I'm glad you came back.
I'm afraid I can't stay, but I think I left something on the terrace this morning.
Have you come across a large canister?
The name sounded phony.
I do know him, but he's not a friend!
A magic book?
They're worthless. No magic at all.
The written word is all that stands between memory and oblivion.
Without books as our anchors, we are cast adrift, neither teaching nor learning.
Books are lighthouses erected in the dark sea of time.
Is this how you welcome all your guests?
They have a sense of humor. You have none.
Yeah, I know, you're as relieved I am that everything's back to normal.
Wouldn't it be great to be a shapeshifter?
Well, let's just get this over with, shall we?
How can I be of service, hmm?
Out with it. I haven't got all night.
I'm sure you'll fit right in.
What is it you really want?
This just might be fun after all.
I thought everyone knew this.
Shapeshifters, elves, fairies, you mean they're real?
You mean, you thought I was ugly?
I want you to get rid of the humans. ALL of them.
Does this look like Aladdin's lamp? I have limits, after all.
Humans love a battle hearty.
I'll never get the hang of jumping off rooftops.
I'll always be there to catch you.
Do it, and you win your freedom.
It will be my pleasure. But afterwards, I'm going to need a very long nap.
There. You're free.
The sun, it's glorious! I never thought that it could feel so good.
I'm sorry about the bomb. But it proves how dangerous this case is.
When someone messes with your partner, you're supposed to do something about it.
You still haven't learned that crime doesn't pay.
A trade?
Let's just say, I don't trust you with it.
So, now you know my weakness.
Only you would regard love as a weakness.
A momentary lapse, I assure you.
Halloween! Tonight is the night!
Come on. I've wanted to stroll down a city street with you for a long time.
Marry me.
Are you serious?
We're genetically compatible, highly intelligent, and have the same goals.
You could've been hurt. I should've been with you.
Oh-well, spilt milk. Let's move on to plan B.
Don't listen to him. It's a trick! He couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it!
Even if what you say is true, why should I help her?
Because you know what it means to lose some you love.
Not a good night for you.
You can't believe anything he says.
If someone like him can love, perhaps there is some hope for this world.
Take this as token of my love.
Upon this I pledge my heart to you forever.
Why do you need all this?
I wanted it, so I took it.
It's so unlike you to attack first.
I simply invited you here to talk.
Our past encounters have not inspired me to trust you.
It's crazy to even consider going!
I'm not interested in reminiscing!
Have you no respect for anything?
Believe me, I know exactly how you feel.
I will never be like you!
I do not wish to hurt you.
I do not wish to be you!
What am I to do?
Do nothing.
Do not worry.
Live in the moment.
Attend the petty angers and jealousies that fill your heart.
Fortify yourself with love and trust.
Fulfill the vows of love you make, for they can surely save you.
Time travel's funny that way.
Get away from me, you sentimental fool.
It's a pretty good likeness.
You know more than you're letting on.
T'was your handiwork.
very life is precious.
Take care not to become what you fight against.
Vengeance begets only a further cycle of more vengeance.
Do you want vengeance or a solution?
This is bigger than either of us has ever faced.
We'll have to work together to stop her.
You are the cause of all this.
Humans will learn to respect you.
I would rather they fear me.
What are you doing to help?
That's one way to settle an argument.
I thought I'd rid myself of you long ago
You've forgotten about me.
You're too late. You can't save them. No one can!
I'm not here for them. I'm here for you.
I want it over between us!
I wear this as a reminder of your treachery.
Let's not start that again. You blame me, I blame you. Aren't you tired of talking about it?
I'm not here to talk.
Killing me will gain you nothing but your own death.
Death is never the answer. Life is.
I'm just so tired
Your thirst for vengeance has only created more sorrow.
I offer you one last opportunity for forgiveness and mercy.
I merely offer a sample of what you planned for me.
You have learned nothing.
I will still have my revenge!
What do we do with them?
You come in handy now and then.
I'm quite glad the plan worked.
I'm no hero, I just do my job, and my job for tonight is over.
All I want to do is hit the sack.
Why would you want to hit a sack?
How long was I out?
Even shadows must be true to their shade.
We don't need to wait for sunset.
Is it supposed to hurt that much?
Just get on with it.
Recognize the woman?
She seemed familiar, but I just couldn't place her.
You're getting real good at bypassing alarms
Don't give me credit.
It was too easy!
Maybe misery loves company.
If you're human, then you're subject to human laws.
Either way I win!
I fear no human!
There are forces at war within me.
I will return some day, if I can.
You sound like every human employee I ever fired!
Crush all of them together and you couldn't squeeze one iota of personal integrity from the lot!
No excuses, creature!
Learn to take responsibility for your own actions! And STOP whining!
Oh, I am trembling in my chair.
You believe I am not responsible. Yet I remain your prisoner?
Who said you're not responsible?
It doesn't matter that you were tricked, you know now that your actions inflicted grievous damage. Do you take responsibility for them or not?
Well, what are you going to do?
You seem distracted, having second thoughts?
We'll celebrate over breakfast.
No more excuses. I accept full responsibility for my actions. I was wrong.
Integrity is never easy. It's a daily struggle, a costly struggle.
I know I owe you a great debt for the mistake I made a year ago.
If the text wasn't new to me, it was at least worth revisiting.
All I know is I'm about to be wiped out!
It doesn't have to be that way.
I can break these chains. But only you can get me past the bars.
Automatons know nothing of betrayal or honor. They know only what they're programmed to know.
Only living beings possess the ability to change, and make new choices.
You've given me much to consider.
We are friends.
I'd rather not have your death on my conscience
You'll never reach the bridge!
You have two minutes until impact, one minute before I detonate.
I don't want any innocents hurt!
If it goes down, I'm going down with it.
I knew you wouldn't let me down.
Yes, well, you have that effect on people.
I built this company for you!
I'd probably give it to you, if you'd just stand up and ask me for it honestly!
Asking for it wouldn't be any fun at all.
'Fun' is still more important to you than honor. I can't understand that.
Well, maybe you'll have better luck relating to the next generation.
You should've heard him laugh.
Made my hair stand on end, if I had any.
Surely you know I am not in the habit of playing childish pranks or laughing maniacally in the dark.
Do you even know how to laugh maniacally?
Don't tempt me.
Typical. You do and do and do for them, and what happens? They twist the knife in you!
I think I've created a monster.
Have you ever considered the bounties of genetic engineering?
Or maybe cybernetics is more your style?
Save the horror show for Halloween.
I'm sure tired of taking punishment, and I'd love to be able to give some back
That's the source of the trouble.
I hope you not planning to eat your catch.
Now that I'm in charge, I'm not taking any more of your cracks!
You're barely our species!
I'm in charge, here!
I find him very attractive.
Well, that's sicker than usual.
I'm a partner in a freak show!
I should'a figured it was crazy to stick with this crew
And if you play it smart, there'll be plenty of lettuce for everyone!
I should get my own cable TV show.
Oh, me and my big mouth.
It is the cure! It has to be!
Of course it's the cure! You must trust me!
It was you all along! I trusted you!
You turned me into a monster and I defended you!
I'm sorry it had to turn out this way.
You always overplay your hand
Tell me something' Why me?
You're old, and getting older.
I thought you might even appreciate the opportunity.
Growing old terrifies you, doesn't it?
Nothing terrifies me, because nothing is beyond my ability to change.
True immortality isn't about living forever, man; it's about what you do with the time you have.
When all your scheming's done, what will be your legacy
You're still alive! It's a miracle!
Boy, the city sure is different when it snows.
Not a bad life, all things considered.
There is a cure. There must be!
You can't keep me in here forever!
I'll get out! Do you hear? I'll get out!
About time you came back.
Why did you kidnap me? What do you want of me?
See, it wasn't as hard as you made it sound.
Ah, you wish to be immortal.
If the procedure is successful, I'll release you.
This is just a sculpture's model. The real thing is life sized, and lifelike.
What's in this for you?
Service is its own reward.
I wouldn't even know where to start looking.
You may as well be of some use to me.
Open this cage, and I'll show you how 'useless' I am.
It's hard to top that.
What you seek demands a heavy price.
Death and old age have their price as well. And it's too expensive for me.
Without your sword, you're helpless.
Swordless? Maybe. Helpless? NEVER!
What you choose to do with your life is your own affair, as long as it's got nothing to do with me.
You're just full of surprises.
No, let him go. He's earned it.
I wish it hadn't turned out this way.
I was so close to finding out if the legend was true. Now there's no one to test it on.
Throw down your weapon!
Is this a whole city of fools and lawless ruffians?
I'm the law here, pal!
You are a guardian, like myself.
I will submit to your law.
You are learning.
It will take some time.
Prepare to do battle!
I have no fight with you.
What is this, merit badge test night?
Oh well, better make sure it's an uneven fight.
The weak are to be protected, not exploited.
Aaah, who died and made you king?
If you don't know anything, why were you shooting at us?
Do I really need an excuse to have a good time in my own home?
They say a man's home is his castle, and what fun would a castle be without a dungeon?
If it gets any more saccharine in there, I'm going to put a finger down my throat.
I'd sure like to know how you got here, but I'm programmed to shoot first and ask questions later.
I demand a favor.
Death is always pointless. That is the point.
I demand reparation! My son was cruelly and unfairly taken from me!
Death is the ultimate fairness. Rich and poor, young and old - all are equal in death.
Our planet cannot support so many lives at once.
I apologize for any trouble I caused in my efforts to reclaim it.
It seems I'm out of practice dealing directly with mortals.
It seems I am unaccustomed to dealing with a god
We have all gained rare enlightenment this night
Mmmm, what a peculiar sight.
Now, that's odd.
Do you often go wandering about at night, young lady?
My dear, are you saying you don't remember your own name?
I can't seem to remember anything. I feel lucky I know how to talk.
How did I end up in the middle of the Pacific?
I guess I could use a ride
I thought you looked familiar. We've met before.
Do you know what a scroll is?
Get your claws off me!
You might want to reconsider your request.
We're gonna die!
I will not let anything harm you.
You win. I'll behave.
I cannot believe you pulled the trigger on me.
Just shut up and land.
I just don't remember! I'm not even sure I want to remember!
I understand your words, I simply do not believe them.
You have been long expected.
This trough is filled with acid. In about ten minutes its going to do a very nasty job on that soil carving, not to mention your rugged good looks.
It's my first real stab at clichéd villainy. How am I doing?
How are you doing this? No machine can hold me!
I should sue you for trademark infringement.
I've always considered myself a trickster at heart.
History cannot be changed.
You will not win!
What are you going to do? Bite my kneecaps off?
I know from experience the transforming power of a child's love.
The future is not written yet.
I have a sunny disposition and I'm always kind to animals
I've always respected you as a fellow inmate
He's a fool, but he may be useful.
I can work with that!
Now, now! That's your friends' genetic make-up you're insulting.
You are master now?
I should've known. But why this subterfuge?
Hey, I live for subterfuge!
I do not want escape, I want vengeance!
There's no such thing as "a little" vengeance.
No catches. No tricks. No strings.
So, things have come full circle.
You know how I feel about you, right?
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kyunsies · 3 years
I'm a Chem major ooooof and I used to hate it lmao
What a plot twist 😂💀
I actually loved organic chemistry bc it was so interesting but the concepts were hard af especially bc I took a lot of credits those two semesters I had organic chem I and II
I actually have the organic chemistry book and I feel like I should keep studying to make sure I'm knowledgeable in the subject (me especially bc of the research path I'm taking)
I feel like there are different types of chemistry that are so interesting and I really loved biochem too when I took it last year
And I hope you feel better 💛 (also hope this monster ask didn't explode your brain oooooof please remember to hydrate and eat and there was this one thing who my friend's who is a nurse recommended which is to put sugar in cola and shake it to let it get flat and it can help if you're sick. I like soup and Gatorade when I'm sick so I hope you have some available to boost your electrolytes and get nutrients. Also Vitamin C is really good and if you've gone down the homeopathic route I used to use Echinacea and it helped to boost my immune system a lot [coming from an immunocompromised person lol but use it only if you want to and think it'll benefit you💗💖💗💖💗])
Anyways take care 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 and please rest tons 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
gosh you know i really give it up to you bc i was so bad at chem :( i never had great teachers/ profs and the highest chem i had to take for nursing was human chem so thank god i didn’t have to take orgo omg ….. you’re so smart 🥲 what type of research do you wanna do hun?
and SKDNDKNDKD don’t worry i’m doing my best !! i wish this shit was bacterial so i could just take my doxycycline that i take for my acne to get rid of it HHHH sadly i’m pretty sure this is a cold so it’s all viral 😭 i’m not so much losing anything so i have just been making sure i’ve been drinking water and also i’ve been gargling with warm salt water to somewhat act as an aseptic solution. and also just taking pain meds so hopefully it’ll help :’) and vitamin c yes I’ve been chugging emergen-c for the past 2 days !!! thank u for showing concern angel you’re always so sweet to me 💖 pls don’t get sick and take care okay <3 love u !!!
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dingoes8myrp · 5 years
Mom and I React to Game of Thrones 7x03
Mom: "Yuron's gonna bring her back to Cersei because she killed her daughter."
Me: "Does Cersei even know that?"
Mom: "Well, Jamie does, right?"
Me: "I don't know."
Theon in the water
Mom: "PUSSY!"
Me: "He's gonna go back!"
Sam getting rid of Jorah's greyscale
Mom: "This is awful!"
The Map
Me: "Aidan Gillen?"
Mom: "What?"
Me: "Aidan Gillen is Robert."
Mom: "Robert?"
Me: "I guess Bran, though, so we can have a flashback."
Mom: "What are you talking about?"
Me: "Aidan Gillen plays Robert. Who's been dead for a while now. So what's he doing in the credits?"
Mom: "Ohhh."
Me: "Oh, wait. No, I got it wrong. Aidan Gillen is Baelish. Nevermind!"
Mom: *eyeroll*
I have my derp moments too
Jon lands
Mom: "Here he comes!"
Me: "That was fast."
Tyrion: "We fought on opposite sides at Blackwater Bay."
Davos: "Unfortunately for me."
Me: "Awkward."
Messandei asks them to turn over their weapons
Me: "Jon's like 'Fuck, this COULD be a trap.'"
Mom: "They're taking their boats and everything."
Jon hits the deck when the dragon swoops
Me: *laughing hysterically*
Melisandre: (to Varys) "I have to die in this strange country. Just like you."
Me: "... Huh."
Mom: "Oh."
Messandei rattles off all Daenerys's titles (7)
Jon: *looks at Davos*
Davos: "... This is Jon Snow."
Awkward silence
Davos: "... He's king in the North."
Verbal tennis match ensues
Jon: "The army of the dead is real."
Daenerys: *rambles on about herself long enough for me to tune out because who the hell is this cold bitch and where did she come from?*
Legit I am ready to shut this episode off. I fucking hate Daenerys and all her power tripping bullshit
Me: "They're not leaving until they bend the knee or die."
Varys tells Daenerys her ships were taken out
Mom: "She just lost her army."
Me: "Only some of her army."
King's Landing
Mom: "He's bringing them to Cersei."
Me: "Oh Christ."
Yuron hits on Cersei
Me: "Jamie's gonna kill this dude."
Cersei talks to Elleria and I'm just captivated
The fact that I'm more captivated in Cersei and Elleria than Daenerys means something went terribly wrong with the writing somewhere
Cersei kisses Jamie
Me: "Damn."
Cersei meets with the Iron Bank rep
Cersei: "When you return to Braavos your debt will be paid in full."
Mom: "How--?"
Me: "With what, your twat?"
Mom: "Right?"
Jon and Tyrion's banter is my favorite thing about season 7 so far
Daenerys and Jon talk
Me: "They're both stubborn. That's gonna be a problem."
Sansa walks around making very sharp observations and smart commands
Me: *flailing excitedly* "She's so smart!"
Dude announces someone's at the gate
Me: *flailing* "ARYA!!!"
Mom: "Arya!!"
Me: "OH!"
Me: *snaps my fingers*
Mom: "What?"
Me: "Littlefinger just said everything that could possibly happen is happening at once. Live that way and you'll never be surprised? Bran! That's him now."
Bran talks to Sansa about her wedding
Me: "Awwww. Because she has to know he's not lying or crazy. But he just freaked her the fuck out."
I don't like the abrupt personality change in Bran, though
Jorah B.S.'s his way through his medical examination
Jorah: "Perhaps our paths will cross again."
Sam: "I hope they do."
Me: "Oh, they will, now that Jon and Daenerys are going to be buddies."
Sam fully expects to be scolded and instead is asked how he completed such a difficult procedure with no experience
Me: "He did good."
Mom: "Superbrain."
Daenerys says they need to find Yuron's ships and sink them
Mom: "Dragons!"
Battle for Casterly Rock
Me: "I kind of wish that was an entire episode."
Mom: "Wait, WHERE'd Jamie go?"
Me: "I don't know where they are. High Garden?"
Jamie and Olenna talk about that strategy
Me: "I still don't get the point of that, but okay..."
Olenna: *casually mentions she's about to be killed*
Me: "Oh."
Olenna mentions Jamie has Joffrey's sword
Me and Mom: "VALYRION STEEL!" *giving zero fucks about this crazy ass nonsensical double cross for no apparent reason*
Mom: "She wants her money. Remember she said the debt would be paid?"
Olenna tells Jamie she killed Joffrey
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