curmoritor · 7 months
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@wisadom asked: when did you learn how to do that? / akira for owen, about his revival thing
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❛ Hah? ❜
You look at them with an unreadable emotion. It is strange to be asked. Though, they are very prone to asking questions. Sometimes it's amusing... other times it's just annoying. Like a bug annoyingly buzzing in your ear, yet at other times it feels like how the birds chirp at you, wanting to talk about nothing of importance. You'd never admit either out loud... you just stare before a smile finally spreads across your face. They want to know how you learned to not die? Well, sure, you can tell them. You can tell them a wonderful story about your life and death. The many deaths you've had.
Maybe it will make them finally stop asking your questions.
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❛ What a cruel thing to ask me, Dear master Sage~ Especially when I've told you that I remember nothing of my life. Don't you even feel a little sorry for me? I can see what sort of person you really are. ❜ The words fall out of your mouth without a second thought. You don't think as you speak, you just do. Whatever you think may be just a bit cutting. Not so deep that someone would instantly run away, by enough that they start to dread your next words. ❛ But, since you asked about this... I can tell you what I do remember. ❜
Maybe they'll be relieved. They can finally learn something new about you, right? Yet you have no plans to make it easy for them as you move in closer, a hand carassassing their chin and tilting their head up slightly.
❛ I was starving, So hungry. So cold, I remember just how powerless I felt in that moment. Alone, dying, helpless. ❜ Your words are barely above a whisper as you speak. ❛ And as if I were cursing myself, I spoke the only thing I remember speaking. "I don't want to die alone"... And it seems the spirits of the north thought that it was so funny that I can't die now~ ❜
You move away from the sage now. Giving them back their personal space as you laugh.
❛ Is that a good enough answer for you~? Do you believe me~? ❜
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thag chig thog tu chod pa - decide on 1 thing/ resolve all at once [way of practice in ka dag khregs chod [objects are not transformed, and not defiled by grasping and fixation, w/o abandoning and antidotes, awareness/ insight lets things be as they are = not going beyond dharmakaya and its natural wisadom] [IW]
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curmoritor · 9 months
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@wisadom asked: fingers run through stringy, greasy patches of hair; lashes lowered, tone soft while something soft begins running through hair. " you've been through a lot, huh? this will take a while, but, I hope you can bare with me. once we get you cleaned, you'll meet with sir oz and sir figaro! " it's just the two of them in the restroom a detail cain greatly opposed, however, since owen was closer in build to the junior, it was his responsibility to ensure an outfit was prepared.
" have you ever had a bath before, owen? if it gets too frightening, we can consult mr. ducky, alright? he's cain's favorite. " / arthur for lc owen, the route where he joins them
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You don't really understand what the other means by "a lot". You don't think you've been through all that much since you've gotten here? Yet, here he is... given you a "bath" for the first time ever. It feels pretty great. A lot warmer then hoses are and a lot more thorough then how the rain felt when it fell from the sky to cover you. This was far warmer... far nicer... you actually felt a bit cleaner then before. No longer covered in the blood of the others you killed and no longer covered in the dirt and grime that came from having to hectically escape the confines of those empty and painful rooms.
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❛ No... ❜ You finally spoke up, answering his question on if you have ever been bathed before! You don't recall it, at least. You were just alive one day and told to fight and survive. You did, but you didn't like it. ❛ It's warm... ❜ You say this as your hands roam towards "Mr. Ducky" as the other called the object. It doesn't seem to be alive, but it is still cute and you can't help but squeeze it and listen to it squeak as you do so. ❛ This is Cain's favorite?... How can I become Cain's favorite too? ❜
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curmoritor · 9 months
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@wisadom asked: " dear, what a naughty boy. " with a giggle, axe is swung around only narrowly avoiding lethal strike ( did he dodge? did you miss? ). it isn't personal. it's necessary to tell yourself this while advancing. the clock's ticking goes without an answer / if they are making an attempt to communicate, you cannot understand what's being conveyed / nor do others tell you to cease as you advance, another weapon thrown. this time, it embeds itself into the seat a short distance from the boy's ear. " you are a difficult one to find ! b~ut, now that I have, let's play? " / white for owen, lc yippeee
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What a bother. It had been some time since you've been caught by this guy, yet here he is again... hunting you down to be an absolute thorn in your side. And for what? For stealing that guys eye? He hardly even seems bothered by it at this point... You know for a fact that making a mess of the bus is going to only piss of that man up front as well as make Faust even more exasperated with you. Though it's not as if the bus isn't constantly made a mess of by them since they all get on each-others nerves sometimes. Sure, they can all grow closer a bit, but there is also no denying that tempers are still rather strained here sometimes.
It's not hard for you to lure the man out of the bus by simply running outside of it. His throwing axes are a bother, but you are able to dodge them easily as you sigh. Your rapier can't easily deflect something like that- They are far to thick and would easily bend the metal of the weapon so you don't try that. Maybe if you were more desperate but you aren't. You have no fear in you. You can't die twice over- Even if Dante could not revive you, you'd spring back to life in no time at all.
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❛ Do you have nothing better to do? Are you so desperate for some paycheck that you keep stalking me~? I'm getting bored of our encounters. ❜ You know you can't kill him. There have been many fixers sent your way of varying levels. Weaker, to stronger and then some of the strongest. Yet none of them are ever able to bring you back dead because you can't stay dead. You are sure that's spread to this guy at this point, so maybe he is going to bring you back alive... Which you want even less, actually. Even if he isn't taking you back to that place, if you are taken to any office and put in any system, it's sure to tip them off to your location.
You are not returning. You are not dying.
❛ You know, maybe you should ask your client if they really wanna keep wasting money on you when you can't even succeed in your mission~? ❜ You both knick each-other in the battle. Only some blood, but you have to take small knicks to get any actual hits on him- It's the same for him. So you have to be wise about what hits you are willing to sacrifice. ❛ The boy I stole this eye from doesn't even care I stole it~ His boss must be a real vandicitive type then! What a bother. Maybe I'll just tear it out and give it to you so you go away. ❜
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curmoritor · 11 months
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❛ And what are you doing, Sage? ❜ They look ridiculous stumbling around like that just to wish you a happy birthday. It's not like you were going anywhere. The prospect of your birthday being celebrated is a bother, but if they are going to give you free sweets then you won't complain out loud.
❛ Well~ If you are going to wish me such a happy birthday then you better give me something very sweet to enjoy~ ❜ Whether that is food of themselves, you don't care. Just so long as it's sweet.
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curmoritor · 1 year
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@wisadom asked: 👫 akira
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owen vc: i want to bite you
It goes unsaid all the time because Owen can't express himself normally, however! He really appreciates Akira. The fact they are truly so devoted to keeping his magical injury hidden from others because it's something he is both scared of being teased over as well as being used against him means a lot to him. It's one of the biggest reasons he came to trust them. Even if them being such a good person makes them easy to tease and bully, he can at least rest knowing that Akira wouldn't sell out his secrets.
The only person besides Cain that he is willing to share his food with is Akira. He will happily feed them his disgustingly sweet concoctions with a smile on his face knowing that they are inedible but that Akira is to nice to say no to him. You absolutely wanna drink another purple potion Akira, right? Right?????
Little Owen likes them a lot! If he can remember where their room is he will go there to sleep in Akira's bed / with Akira because it makes him happy. Akira is their safe friend when they can't find Mister Knight, or if he is scared that Mister Knight won't want to see him.
Out of all the people in the manner, Akira is the one that would get sucked into Owen's good moods the most. The next closest would be Rustica, but it's usually Akira. If Owen is in a good mood, he is just grabbing Akira and taking them away with him to dance and sing somewhere. You are being surrounded by birds and animals while you are forced to dance with him until you feel like your feet are going to fall off.
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curmoritor · 9 months
In other news, me and @wisadom have made a really in depth idol au for the mahoyaku characters and Owen is like the worst (see: best) idol ever. I am obsessed with the au and I want to talk about it more. Who wants to hear about terrible idol Owen?
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