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informasikriminal · 1 year ago
Ada 4 Kasus Kejahatan Jalanan di Medan,Ada Begal dan Pencurian Ban Mobil
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Baru-baru ini, Medan, Sumatera Utara, telah melihat sejumlah kasus kejahatan jalanan. Salah satunya melibatkan mengemis, di mana para pelaku membunuh tanpa ragu-ragu dengan imbalan barang-barang berharga korban mereka. Bobby Nasution, walikota Medan, juga marah dengan keadaan ini. Bobby bahkan memerintahkan geng sepeda motor untuk menimbulkan masalah dan polisi menembak mati Begal. Pencurian ban mobil di tempat parkir merupakan kasus kejahatan yang telah mendapat perhatian selain kasus begal.
1. Mahasiswa UMsu tewas dibegal
 Pada hari Rabu, 6 Juni 2023, pukul 4.00 WIB, kejadian ini terjadi di Desa Pulo Brayan Darat 1, Kecamatan Eastmedan Kota Medan. Ihsanul Hasibuan dan temannya awalnya tertarik menggunakan sepeda motor untuk membeli makanan di Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU).
Empat begal, termasuk Nur Ahmad Aulia (24), Rafli Zafana (19), Andriansyah (20), dan M Rizki (18), yang membawa dua sepeda, tiba-tiba mendekati mereka. Para pelaku kemudian menggunakan celurit untuk menyerang kedua korban. Akibatnya Ihsanul terluka di lengan, jatuh dari motor, dan meninggal. Seminggu kemudian, keempat pelaku ditahan oleh polisi. Untuk membalas sambil ditahan, para pelanggar ditembak.
2. Komplotan perampok bersenpi
Pada Sabtu, 7 Agustus 2023, polisi di Kota Medan menahan enam perampok bersenjata. Bima Bastian, juga dikenal sebagai Djarot, Ari Wirana, Hairil Nazri, Fajar Ari Wibowo, sebelumnya Cimin, Muhammad Norman, dan Imam Setiawan, seorang assayer, adalah pelakunya.
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Delapan kali pelakunya bekerja. Ketika ia merampok salon kecantikan di Jalan Flamboyan Raya di Kabupaten Sunggal Medan bernama “Dear Beuty Salon,” itu menjadi salah satu tindakannya yang menjadi viral. Salah satu pelaku dengan santai menunjuk ke arah korbannya dengan pistol saat dia menyerahkan barang-barang berharga. Dalam hal ini, penyerang Bima Bastian dibunuh oleh polisi setelah mereka menggunakan air softgun untuk menyerang para petugas. Sebuah peluru di dada menghantam Bima. Untuk petugas yang menentang, Muhammad Norman, Fajar Ari Wibowo alias Cimin, Hairil Nazri, dan Ari Wirana juga ditembak di kaki.
3. Jambret ASN Kodam 1 bukit Barisan
Pengguna media sosial membagikan video setelah kasus itu menjadi viral. Irawati Manurung, pegawai aparatur sipil negara (ASN) asal Kodam 1 Bukit Barisan, terluka pada Rabu, 12 Juli 2023, ketika jatuh dari sepeda motornya diduga karena penggalian. Irawati hendak berangkat kerja ketika insiden itu terjadi.
Irawati berada di Jalan Patriot di Kabupaten Sunggal Medan, menurut narasi video di akun Instagram @cctv_medan. Dia menderita beberapa luka di dahi dan di bawah matanya. Chandra Yudha, kepala polisi Sunggal Kompol, mengkonfirmasi bahwa dia masih menyelidiki insiden tersebut. Namun, dia menunjukkan bahwa Irawati telah dirampok daripada korban begal. Oleh karena itu, ini adalah korban jambret daripada korban begal. Menurut Yudha, tersangka mencuri tas korban, yang berisi ATM, TIN, SIM, dan BPJS.
4. Pencurian ban mobil di tempat parkir
Ada empat kasus pencurian ban mobil di tempat parkir dalam sebulan terakhir. Di salah satu gereja di Jalan Jamin Ginting Kota Medan, diadakan acara pertama. Di sini, ban belakang mobil adalah raib.
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Petisah Market menjadi tuan rumah acara kedua. Dua ban mobil hilang dalam tabrakan ini. Namun dalam hal ini, pelaku ditangkap.
Pada hari Sabtu, 7 Januari 2023, acara ketiga berlangsung di Jalan Marelan Raya, Desa Rengas Pulau di Kecamatan Medan Marelan. Polres Pelabuhan Belawan terlibat dalam kasus ini. Empat ban mobil yang diparkir di sebelah rumah salah tempat dan dibawa di lokasi ini. CCTV menangkap pelaku menggunakan angkot. Dua ban dari mobil Adam Malik Medan, yang akhirnya akan menjadi Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat (RSUP), hilang di tempat parkir Rabu (12/7) 2023 lalu. Polisi saat ini sedang mencari para pelanggar.
keyword: enak4d, cerdas4d, balap4d,
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wirana05sam · 2 years ago
Ship Recycling Company
With Wirana you are sure of getting top dollar and smooth delivery of vessels with an assured commitment from Wirana to honor contracts irrespective of market changes. It is for these reasons that Wirana is known in the market for its integrity, capability and very good service. Wirana is the oldest and one of the largest Cash Buyer in the world with more than 35 years of experience. It has dealt in more than 88 million DWT made up of more than 2700 vessels. Over last one and half decades average annual dealing has been about 100 -150 vessels of various types and sizes.
Ship Recycling Company
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wiranashippingcorporation · 3 years ago
As a top rated Cash Buyers of Vessel in the World, we always try our best to have great relationships with our clients. As a testament to the impeccable and pristine reputation that Wirana enjoys, it has very long standing relations with buyers, sellers, brokers worldwide, many of which are decades old.
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mediaban · 2 years ago
Forum Anak Kabupaten Serang (FAKS) mendongeng tema kekerasan seksual pada anak di anak-anak SDN Wirana Pasir, Kec Pamarayan, Kab Serang.
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blank-rainbow · 4 years ago
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parfumocean · 2 years ago
0813-2920-0823 (NEW), Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Jagamukti
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0813-2920-0823 (NEW), Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita JagamuktiLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6281329200823 , Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Jagamukti, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Jasinga, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Pudar, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Wirana, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Bojong Nangka, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Cirangkong, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Kadugenep, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Kubang Jaya, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Nagara PadangParfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita � GUT PARFUM menyediakan parfum Pria yang disukai Wanita. Para Wanita banyak yang menyukai parfum dengan aroma segar dan tahan lama. Rekomendasi Gut Parfum untuk Parfum Pria agar disukai Wanita yaitu Aroma Ocean. Aroma Ocean ini terdiri dari Citrus terbaik. Maka dari itu. Yuk pakai OCEAN untuk hari-harimu yang mengagumkan.GUT PARFUME INDONESIAJl. Jlamprang Krapyak Kidul Gg 2 No 10a Kota PekalonganPembelian ->WA 0813�2920�0823OPEN AGEN -> CALL 0813�2920�0823PELUANG BISNIS GRATIS GABUNG GRUP WA KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)#ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaJagamukti, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaJasinga, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaPudar, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaWirana, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaBojongNangka, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaCirangkong, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaKadugenep, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaKubangJaya, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaNagaraPadang
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elegantparfumeocean · 2 years ago
0813-2920-0823 (NEW), Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Batuhideung
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0813-2920-0823 (NEW), Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita BatuhideungLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6281329200823 , Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Batuhideung, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Jasinga, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Pudar, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Wirana, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Bojong Nangka, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Cirangkong, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Kadugenep, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Kubang Jaya, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Nagara PadangParfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita � GUT PARFUM menyediakan parfum Pria yang disukai Wanita. Para Wanita banyak yang menyukai parfum dengan aroma segar dan tahan lama. Rekomendasi Gut Parfum untuk Parfum Pria agar disukai Wanita yaitu Aroma Ocean. Aroma Ocean ini terdiri dari Citrus terbaik. Maka dari itu. Yuk pakai OCEAN untuk hari-harimu yang mengagumkan.GUT PARFUME INDONESIAJl. Jlamprang Krapyak Kidul Gg 2 No 10a Kota PekalonganPembelian ->WA 0813�2920�0823OPEN AGEN -> CALL 0813�2920�0823PELUANG BISNIS GRATIS GABUNG GRUP WA KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)#ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaBatuhideung, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaJasinga, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaPudar, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaWirana, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaBojongNangka, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaCirangkong, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaKadugenep, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaKubangJaya, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaNagaraPadang
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parfumpriawangi · 2 years ago
0813-2920-0823 (NEW), Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Paseban
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0813-2920-0823 (NEW), Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita PasebanLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6281329200823 , Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Paseban, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Jasinga, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Pudar, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Wirana, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Bojong Nangka, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Cirangkong, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Kadugenep, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Kubang Jaya, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Nagara PadangParfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita � GUT PARFUM menyediakan parfum Pria yang disukai Wanita. Para Wanita banyak yang menyukai parfum dengan aroma segar dan tahan lama. Rekomendasi Gut Parfum untuk Parfum Pria agar disukai Wanita yaitu Aroma Ocean. Aroma Ocean ini terdiri dari Citrus terbaik. Maka dari itu. Yuk pakai OCEAN untuk hari-harimu yang mengagumkan.GUT PARFUME INDONESIAJl. Jlamprang Krapyak Kidul Gg 2 No 10a Kota PekalonganPembelian ->WA 0813�2920�0823OPEN AGEN -> CALL 0813�2920�0823PELUANG BISNIS GRATIS GABUNG GRUP WA KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)#ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaPaseban, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaJasinga, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaPudar, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaWirana, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaBojongNangka, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaCirangkong, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaKadugenep, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaKubangJaya, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaNagaraPadang
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beliparfumpria · 2 years ago
0813-2920-0823 (NEW), Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Pasirjaya
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0813-2920-0823 (NEW), Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita PasirjayaLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6281329200823 , Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Pasirjaya, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Jasinga, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Pudar, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Wirana, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Bojong Nangka, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Cirangkong, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Kadugenep, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Kubang Jaya, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Nagara PadangParfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita � GUT PARFUM menyediakan parfum Pria yang disukai Wanita. Para Wanita banyak yang menyukai parfum dengan aroma segar dan tahan lama. Rekomendasi Gut Parfum untuk Parfum Pria agar disukai Wanita yaitu Aroma Ocean. Aroma Ocean ini terdiri dari Citrus terbaik. Maka dari itu. Yuk pakai OCEAN untuk hari-harimu yang mengagumkan.GUT PARFUME INDONESIAJl. Jlamprang Krapyak Kidul Gg 2 No 10a Kota PekalonganPembelian ->WA 0813�2920�0823OPEN AGEN -> CALL 0813�2920�0823PELUANG BISNIS GRATIS GABUNG GRUP WA KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)#ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaPasirjaya, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaJasinga, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaPudar, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaWirana, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaBojongNangka, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaCirangkong, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaKadugenep, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaKubangJaya, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaNagaraPadang
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oceanparfumelegant · 2 years ago
0813-2920-0823 (NEW), Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Panjalu
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0813-2920-0823 (NEW), Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita PanjaluLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6281329200823 , Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Panjalu, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Jasinga, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Pudar, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Wirana, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Bojong Nangka, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Cirangkong, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Kadugenep, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Kubang Jaya, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Nagara PadangParfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita � GUT PARFUM menyediakan parfum Pria yang disukai Wanita. Para Wanita banyak yang menyukai parfum dengan aroma segar dan tahan lama. Rekomendasi Gut Parfum untuk Parfum Pria agar disukai Wanita yaitu Aroma Ocean. Aroma Ocean ini terdiri dari Citrus terbaik. Maka dari itu. Yuk pakai OCEAN untuk hari-harimu yang mengagumkan.GUT PARFUME INDONESIAJl. Jlamprang Krapyak Kidul Gg 2 No 10a Kota PekalonganPembelian ->WA 0813�2920�0823OPEN AGEN -> CALL 0813�2920�0823PELUANG BISNIS GRATIS GABUNG GRUP WA KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)#ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaPanjalu, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaJasinga, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaPudar, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaWirana, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaBojongNangka, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaCirangkong, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaKadugenep, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaKubangJaya, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaNagaraPadang
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parfumpriatahanlama · 2 years ago
0813-2920-0823 (NEW), Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Wirana
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0813-2920-0823 (NEW), Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita WiranaLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6281329200823 , Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Wirana, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Arcamanik, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Ciniru, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Gunungmanik, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Longkewang, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Mungkaldatar, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Pamupukan, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita Pinara, Parfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita RambatanParfum Pria Yang disukai Wanita � GUT PARFUM menyediakan parfum Pria yang disukai Wanita. Para Wanita banyak yang menyukai parfum dengan aroma segar dan tahan lama. Rekomendasi Gut Parfum untuk Parfum Pria agar disukai Wanita yaitu Aroma Ocean. Aroma Ocean ini terdiri dari Citrus terbaik. Maka dari itu. Yuk pakai OCEAN untuk hari-harimu yang mengagumkan.GUT PARFUME INDONESIAJl. Jlamprang Krapyak Kidul Gg 2 No 10a Kota PekalonganPembelian ->WA 0813�2920�0823OPEN AGEN -> CALL 0813�2920�0823PELUANG BISNIS GRATIS GABUNG GRUP WA KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)KLIK (http://wa.me/6281329200823)#ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaWirana, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaArcamanik, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaCiniru, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaGunungmanik, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaLongkewang, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaMungkaldatar, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaPamupukan, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaPinara, #ParfumPriaYangdisukaiWanitaRambatan
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market-research-industry · 3 years ago
Green Ship Recycling Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2020 -2030
Green Ship Recycling: Introduction
Green ship recycling can be considered a sustainable and environment-friendly shipbreaking method of ship disposal
Green ship recycling can be considered an alternative to other conventional methods of shipbreaking that eventually result in negative effects on the environment across the globe
Green ship recycling reduces the amount of waste generated and also keeps the waste materials from shipbreaking out of the beaches. This helps lower the adverse impact on the environment.
Green ship recycling was initially carried out by just by developed countries around the world with advanced technologies. However, nowadays, developing countries have been incorporating processes that promote green shipbreaking.
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Key Drivers of Global Green Ship Recycling Market
Developing countries across the world are investing significantly in the manufacturing sector. This has led to a steady growth in seaborne trade. Stable conditions of most of the economies are likely to boost the green ship recycling market in the near future.
Increase in demand for new vessels for various applications in the oil & gas sector and shipping business, dearth of supply chains in ship repair and maintenance services, and rise in production of vessels are projected to augment the demand for green ship recycling in the near future
Ambitious national targets, rapid technological advancements, and international agreements have prompted companies across the world to upgrade their shipping vessels. This, in turn, is expected to augment the global green ship recycling market between 2020 and 2030.
Green ship recycling is increasingly becoming important to the marine industry. The process of green shipbreaking is estimated to become even more common and feasible across the globe owing to the benefit of more upcoming technological developments.
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Major Developments
In January 2020, the “Recycling of Ships Bill” came into force in India. It is expected to provide greater powers for the regulation of ship recycling in the country. The new bill would also help in establishment of internationally recognized standards and statutory mechanism for the enforcement of such standards. The Government of India has decided to be a part of the Hong Kong International Convention for Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009. Under the terms of the new Act, ship recycling facilities are required to be authorized, and ships can, in future, only be recycled at such authorized ship recycling facilities.
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Europe to Hold Major Share of Global Green Ship Recycling Market
Based on region, the global green ship recycling market can be classified into North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa
Europe is expected to be a key region of the global green ship recycling market from 2020 to 2030. High investments in shipping infrastructure and government subsidies are likely to drive the market in the region between 2020 and 2030
The green ship recycling market in Middle East & Africa is estimated to expand at a significant pace during the forecast period, owing to extensive oil and gas export and presence of large numbers of vessel companies in the region
Growth in cruise tourism and export business in North America, especially the U.S., is anticipated to boost the demand for vessel maintenance services for passenger ships and ferries in the region. This is estimated to drive the green ship recycling market in North America in the near future.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis
The global economy has been hampered by measures put in place to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. The shipping recycling business is also estimated to face immediate challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic such as difficulty in adhering to social distancing norms, shortage of manpower, lack of parts & equipment, and discerning expenditure by end-users.
Key Players Operating in Global Market
Wirana is the major player operating in the global green ship recycling market.
Global Green Ship Recycling Market, by Vessel Type
Cargo Vessels
Service Vessels
Fishing Vessels
Off-shore Vessels
Passenger Ships & Ferries
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wirana05sam · 2 years ago
Ship Demolition Company
With Wirana you are sure of getting top dollar and smooth delivery of vessels with an assured commitment from Wirana to honor contracts irrespective of market changes. It is for these reasons that Wirana is known in the market for its integrity, capability and very good service.
Ship Demolition Company
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wiranashippingcorporation · 4 years ago
Qualities of Cash Buyer of Ships that must be Considered for Hiring them
If you are constantly looking for the best Cash Buyer of Ships so that you can sell your vessel at the genuine rate and have a trouble-free dealing experience then you need to look at the following qualities that a dependable one holds. Considering those qualities of a good vessel’s cash buyer you can easily make out which one is the right option to pick up and which one isn’t. So let us directly move towards those qualities to make the better selection.
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Vessel recycling, it’s all about performance. You will find that a good Cash Buyer of Ships holds an incomparable track record in the ship recycling sector. In the exceptionally unpredictable market, the best cash buyer stands out as the only cash buyers of the vessels that deliver excellent performance even in the falling market. The experienced clients have learned that one who holds this good quality is a name to trust. That is the reason why a reputable cash buyer is more repeated as a first-class in comparison to the other cash buyers across the world.
There are many industries in which you will see a market leader, who lifts the business process and change the business’s dynamics. A good cash buyer doesn’t matter slowly but has led the way in revolutionizing the industry. No other company you will find standing first in this sector as the reliable one stands because they are focused on improving the standards and the way things are done.
Another good quality of an ideal Cash Buyer of Ships is that they have good years of experience in working in the same sector. The long and deep experience straightaway tells that the owners of the vessels are in the hand of responsible cash buyers and are fully guided on local conditions to make certain smooth and timely fulfillment of everything.
Solution driven
In the business of ship recycling, you are either a part of the problem or a solution. The focus of a good cash buyer is to take charge of the situation and find the right solution. You can involve with the best cash buyers and they will jump into your problem and will find the right solution for you. The vessel owners have appreciated such efforts being made by a good cash buyer.
These are all good qualities that you will find in a dependable Cash Buyer of Ships and also you can locate the right one considering these qualities.
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Demolition Vessels Market | Overview of Full Growth in 2021-2026 Including Top Key Players
A research study conducted on the Demolition Vessels market offers substantial information about market size and estimation, market share, growth, and product significance. The Demolition Vessels market report consists of a thorough analysis of the market which will help clients acquire Demolition Vessels market knowledge and use for business purposes. This report provides data to the customers that is of historical as well as statistical significance making it usefully informative. Crucial analysis done in this report also includes studies of the market dynamics, market segmentation and map positioning, market share, supply chain & Industry demand, challenges as well as threats and the competitive landscape. Business investors can acquire the quantitative and qualitative knowledge provided in the Demolition Vessels market report.
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The major players involved in the Demolition Vessels market are:
Wirana Shipping Company
Star Matrix Ltd.
Habib Group Ltd.
Smedegaarden A/S
LEYAL Ship Recycling Group
Machtrans Ship Management Pvt. Ltd.
Drivers responsible for the economic growth in the past, present, and future along with market volume, cost structure and potential growth factors provide an all-inclusive data of the Demolition Vessels market. Along with this, the Demolition Vessels market trends, and geographic dominance and regional segmentation forms the most significant part of the research study. These are the factors responsible for the anticipated growth of the Demolition Vessels market. However, regional segmentation specifies whether the USA, UK, China, or Europe will dominate the Demolition Vessels market in future.
This report also includes an environmental perspective in that the growing concerns of imbalanced ecosystems, emergence of sustainability as key concerns in most of the industries and reducing waste. The Demolition Vessels market report includes data regarding how Demolition Vessels industries across the globe are adapting to more sustainable strategies for the benefit of the mankind. Also, special efforts taken by the Demolition Vessels industry to spread awareness by implementing strategies to the new world post pandemic are of great significance in this report.
By the product type, the market is primarily split into:
Bulk Carriers Tankers Containers Cargo Ships Passenger Ships Drill Ships War ships
By the end-users/application, this report covers the following segments:
Less than 20 years 20 - 40 years Above 40 years
Demolition Vessels Market: Key Highlights of the Report for 2020-2026
• Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of the market in forecast years 2020-2026 is given. The data provided here about the Demolition Vessels market accurately determines the performance investments over a period of time. It helps the businesses drive their financial goals to fulfillment. • Detailed information on key factors that are expected to drive Demolition Vessels market growth during the next five to ten years is provided in the report. • Accurate market size estimates and the contribution of the parent market in the Demolition Vessels market share and size. • A detailed analysis of the upcoming trends, opportunities, threats, risks, and changes of consumer behavior towards the products and services. • Demographics of growth in the Demolition Vessels market across different countries in the geographical regions such as America, APAC, MEA, and Europe. • Information on the major vendors in the Demolition Vessels market and competitive analysis. • Comprehensive details of the vendors that drive the Demolition Vessels market.
Geographical Segmentation and Competition Analysis
– North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico) – Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Central & Eastern Europe, CIS) – Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, India, Rest of Asia Pacific) – Latin America (Brazil, Rest of L.A.) – Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, Rest of Middle East)
Report Highlights
• Provides forecast trends for the year 2021-2027 for the Demolition Vessels market. • Net profit gained by leading enterprises in particular segments is highlighted in the study. • To study growth and productivity of the Demolition Vessels market companies. • Provides information on diversified ancillary activities involved in the Demolition Vessels market. • The demand for local goods and services in the Demolition Vessels market. • Public interventions regulating the Demolition Vessels market. • The study highlights the difficulties faced by producers and consumers to market the products and services in the Demolition Vessels industry.
The report forecasts or predicts the future behavior or future trends of the Demolition Vessels market based on its productivity and growth factors. Strategies adopted the leading players for effective utilization and modernization of their existing resources for maximum profits is briefed in the study.
>> Buy this report here @ https://www.reporthive.com/checkout?currency=single-user-licence&reportid=2655447
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Report Overview 1.1 Study Scope 1.2 Key Market Segments 1.3 Players Covered: Ranking by Demolition Vessels Revenue 1.4 Market Analysis by Type 1.4.1 Demolition Vessels Market Size Growth Rate by Type: 2020 VS 2026 1.5 Market by Application 1.5.1 Demolition Vessels Market Share by Application: 2020 VS 2026 1.6 Study Objectives 1.7 Years Considered
Chapter Two: Growth Trends by Regions 2.1 Demolition Vessels Market Perspective (2015-2026) 2.2 Demolition Vessels Growth Trends by Regions 2.2.1 Demolition Vessels Market Size by Regions: 2015 VS 2020 VS 2026 2.2.2 Demolition Vessels Historic Market Share by Regions (2015-2020) 2.2.3 Demolition Vessels Forecasted Market Size by Regions (2021-2026) 2.3 Industry Trends and Growth Strategy 2.3.1 Market Top Trends 2.3.2 Market Drivers 2.3.3 Market Challenges 2.3.4 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 2.3.5 Demolition Vessels Market Growth Strategy 2.3.6 Primary Interviews with Key Demolition Vessels Players (Opinion Leaders)
Chapter Three: Competition Landscape by Key Players 3.1 Top Demolition Vessels Players by Market Size 3.1.1 Top Demolition Vessels Players by Revenue (2015-2020) 3.1.2 Demolition Vessels Revenue Market Share by Players (2015-2020) 3.1.3 Demolition Vessels Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier Chapter Two: and Tier 3) 3.2 Demolition Vessels Market Concentration Ratio 3.2.1 Demolition Vessels Market Concentration Ratio (CRChapter Five: and HHI) 3.2.2 Top Chapter Ten: and Top 5 Companies by Demolition Vessels Revenue in 2020 3.3 Demolition Vessels Key Players Head office and Area Served 3.4 Key Players Demolition Vessels Product Solution and Service 3.5 Date of Enter into Demolition Vessels Market 3.6 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans
Chapter Four: Research results and conclusion
Chapter Five: Methodology and data source
5.1 Methodology / Research approach 5.2 Data source 5.3 List of authors 5.4 Disclaimer ……
Chapter Six: Conclusion
>> [With unrivaled insights into the Demolition Vessels market, our industry research will help you take your Demolition Vessels business to new heights.] <<
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