#wip: atgls
your-absent-father · 1 year
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All the great love stories
Progress: drafting
Genre: darkish romance, kind of everything also
Themes: love, the act of love, who is deserving of love, sacrifice, what is destiny, death, meaningness of death
Tropes: unhinged women, sun and moon couple, himbo male lead, unhappy ending
Content warning: gore, body modification, murder
All the great love stories is a six short story collection about love, tragic love to be exact. The settings change, characters motivations change but the end will always stay the same. You cannot change it. Even if you wanted to.
The short stories:
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Villain of the kingdom
Lila Cane was going to die in two days. She was quite fine with that. She had had a good life with highest of highs and lowest of lows. She had experienced power no woman before her had experienced. With that power, she had had enemies more powerful than any man could ever get. Maybe there was a fascination to defeat the woman that killed the king and put so many of the most powerful men to her mercy. She had put up a good fight, one that bards would sing about for next few centuries. Now, as a captured woman of those who bested her, she can now die a villain’s death, like she had always meant to die.
Lila Cane, also known as the "mistress of the night", was the most powerful witch of the kingdom, killing dozens by just one swoop. Now, after the king's youngest daughter defeated her, she awaits for her death in a cage similar where she escaped years before, a castle a king put her in. She was ready to die, and give the new queen, her own half sister, the villain to kill off, until she meets a mysteriously kind guard who takes Lila by suprise.
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The sound of gunshots
Someone shot the owner. That was the rumour going around town. Someone shot the owner of the local cabaret club. Just two bullets to the head and chest and he was gone. All of it felt like a Tuesday morning. There were more murders in the town than there were people coming in. Most people wondered why they left the body just to lay there in the sofa that became his resting place. More sensible killers would have gotten rid of the body. Only explanation was that the killer had been alone, and the heavy owner was too much to carry alone. That’s why everyone had come to the same conclusion: The killer was one of the performers.
The cabaret club Mistress is under inverstigation. The owner, sleezy guy whose hands never left a beautiful woman, had been found dead with three bullets trough his head. Every single person had been sure that one of the perfomers, miss Cane, the best singer of that side of the river, being one of the prime suspects. Everyone was sure, except a rookie cop Silas Altman, who has grown fond of Miss Cane. Some might even say that the fondness could lead Mister Altman too far in the world of jazz and vices.
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Worst luck of the century
The letter sat on the doorstep with blood on the envelope. It was addressed to the king pin, the biggest the town had seen in centuries. Everyone was sure that it was a warning from the rival gang, warning that they were fighting to take over the city. The king pin already tried to attack them, but the men from the operation were nowhere to be seen. Maybe the war was already starting. People rushed to the kingpin’s office in panic. They feared the future, the war that would happen if the letter was what they feared.
One day, a bloody letter arrives to the most powerful man's office, after a missioin of espionage in his rivals party. Four men and his daughter were suppose to infiltrate into the society, kidnapping the rivals son being the goal. The letter recounts how it all went wrong, resulting to only one of the men being alive, waiting in terror and writing the last warning to his crime family back at home; do not let the daughter back into the family.
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Last moment of color
Soulmates have always been real. It was just a normal fact you were taught at school or mentioned at a dinner table. One day you will find your soulmate and you had all the time in the world together, bonded together till their final breath. Lila Cane had always waited for those moments to start, looking at the red string she, like everyone else, had in their finger, that would lead her towards her soulmate. She had been happy, till a timer appeared to her arm.
Lila Cane always loved an idea of soulmates, especially the fact there was someone to her too. All of it changed when a timer appeared to her arm, that quickly became Lila's obsession. She needed to find her soulmate before the clock stopped ticking and she would stop at nothing to do so. Nothing.
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Life beyond
People were starving, in every corner of the planet that was left sill holding on to the place that only wished for their death. The areas people could live were getting smaller and smaller, now with too many people to feed, even tough the population had been dropping since ever before. People needed solutions, someone to help in the doom that was waiting for them. The needed someone like the witch in the maze.
While all of earth seems to die, one place in the most deserted place in the earth, looks like nothing has happened. After a group of survivors come to ask for help, they come to see a maze made to keep everyone else out, and a cyborg more than happy to help to help them in.
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Hero of the story
Lila Cane couldn't die.
Lila Cane has been locked away in her castle for years. She has been abandoned there for years now, but even without food or nothing else necessary, she is unable to die. So, she is rotting inside her tower, refusing to leave but being unable to die. Luckly, or unlucky to Lila, a young travaller, a bard named Silas Altman, accidently finds the tower and seems not be affected by the spells Lila throws at him.
Tag: WIP: atgls
Say if you want to join the taglist!
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your-absent-father · 1 year
Just compleeeetly hypothetically. If your little story is told trough a letter sent to a mafia leader about a botched heist where mafia boss's daughter just slaughtered like dozens of people because her love died in an operation she thought was his kidnapping but was actually an assasination... which is the most gut punching end.
1. The letter ends with "and I know that I am next to die." With a lipstick mark as a dot, in a color which is the daughters favorite.
2. The letter ends with "I pray for all of you.". Mafia leader looks up, and makes eyecontact with her daughter covered with blood.
3. The letter ends with "you know deep down in your heart that you will be her last target". As the mafia leader stops reading, he hears his daughter singing a kids song he used to sing to her about a witch locked in a tower.
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your-absent-father · 1 year
Finally some new atgls stuff. I have been too absorbed by the other wips. Now, something other than the fantasy. Get ready for bloody mafia.
context: Silas and Lila were running away from mafiosos trying to kill them. While trying to escape, the main mafioso, Lila's father's second in command, pushed both of them from the balcony. All three of them fell to the pool, Silas hitting his head in the pavement before dropping to the bottom of the pool.
Tw: blood, gun, death
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Lila is a badass when mad
Even when under water, you could feel the scream. Lila was holding the lifeless body on the bottom of the pool, looking at the blood flowing upwards. She was crying, you could clearly tell even though no drop could fall underwater. I quickly swam up from the pool before Lila could look at me the second time. All our men, and few of the worried guests at the party were waiting for me on the surface.
I quickly grabbed the gun from Mr. Faiola that has seemed to become stunned with shock. I pointed the gun towards the pool, in the spot I thought your daughter would come out of. Instead, when she came up, I couldn’t move. I couldn’t pull the trigger. I have lived with this woman my entire child, raised her like my own while serving you, boss. I remember her in pigtails listening carefully to our plans. In that moment though, there were no humanity in her face. She was a robot, looking at her next target.
“We weren’t supposed to kill him”, Lila mumbled, while standing up from the pool, her dress and hair soaked. I kept my gun towards her, but I couldn’t shoot.
“It’s a standard procedure. When captive escapes, they cannot stay alive.” There was doubt in my voice, brought to me only by the Lila’s dark brown eyes looking at me like they were the eyes of the devil. I kept my composure. Lila is a woman twice shorter than I, with a slim build that could be killed easily. I did forget that she was- She is your daughter.
“Silas wasn’t supposed to die.” Lila screamed, and the crowd around us gasped. They were all waiting for bloodshed. They were all the most rich and powerful of the city. To them we were the fancy dog fight they were eager to support. Lila was glad to give them something to look at. Before I could think, she ran towards me, grabbed my gun, and shot Mr Faiola to the head. Lila had killed her first victim of the night.
taglist: @snehithiye @lyssa-ink @macabremoons @careful-pyromancer @coven-archives @guessillcallitart @digital-chance
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your-absent-father · 1 year
snippet of atgls villain of this kingdom I just made because it made me tear up because I think it's really cute:
“It’s okay. You can touch me. I trust you.” the man reached out his hands from the holes of the prison bars. Lila stepped back, almost ready that even a small grace of her could set the man on fire. “You really shouldn’t. I have killed men stronger than you with only a touch.” Man laughed, even when Lila was serious. Lila had killed the king and half of his army just by herself. She could do the most despicable things to a man who had only a sword to protect him. “Do you really want your last night to be alone, with just a charred corpse beside you?” Lila hated how the man joked about things like this. After a moment of complete silence, the man could hear the worried thoughts. “I am stronger than I look. I promise. You won’t kill me.”
taglist: @snehithiye @lyssa-ink @macabremoons @careful-pyromancer @coven-archives
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your-absent-father · 1 year
Okay so... maybe I might have gotten bit fomo.... so here's Lila and Silas as the other thingy
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your-absent-father · 1 year
I haven't shated some writing recently so... here's a backstory of how one of the most powerful witches stay in their cell... tw for like... someone who is clearly depressed.
“You know, I had five half-brothers. The new queen wasn’t the only child the king had with the queen, or even with other conquests the king had during his youth. All of those men in the king’s family became loyal subjects to the king’s tight rule, an extension of the grip the king had to the kingdom. I had to trouble with taking each of them out from this world. Without me, they would have done atrocities I wished no one could even imagine. Their death was a sacrifice that this kingdom could take.
Then, there was my father, a father that left me to die. He came to me directly after me when his youngest son had died with my own hands. He was only 17, a kid. I remember how angry the king was, like he was the most wrathful person you could ever see. There was bloodlust in those eyes, a father’s love for a son that had passed away. It was easy to kill him, after I had seen those feelings, he never showed towards me. I never even flinched when the life left his eyes.
So, when the then queen arrived, the man that I wanted revenge for had died, and all the people that would have followed his footsteps had died before him. I was fighting with a queen who had similar aspirations about the kingdom without the baggage I had. She would be the hero that the kingdom needed. So, I became the villain they could blame for the problems I was a part of.” Lila looked at Silas, who looked at the woman next to him stunned.
taglist: @snehithiye@lyssa-ink@macabremoons@careful-pyromancer@coven-archives
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your-absent-father · 1 year
Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday!
In the world of your WIP, what is the family structure that is considered "typical"? Why? As for the MCs in the story, would their family be considered atypical or different in any way, or do they come from a background considered "standard" in the world of your WIP?

Hi! Thanks for the ask!
I don't usually answer wbw answers because I don't have world building in my books lmao. But i just thought about Lila and her like 7 half brothers and father she killed and the half sister that captured her. Then I thought about Lila living her life locked in a tower because her father had a one night stand with a evil sorceress that almost destoryed the world.
So are they typical.... probably not.
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your-absent-father · 1 year
Happy STS!
Choose two of your OCs from any of your WIPs to switch places, so they're now playing each other's roles in the story and/or life in general (i.e. two MCs, hero and villain, etc.) (Feel free to make modifications as needed). How would they cope? Would they survive and/or thrive? Would they not last a day?
Hey and thanks for this ask! and happy... day lmao.
I am using this as an excuse to swap all of my main girlies with each other with some additional so it will make sense so... Thanks for this question from while back and sorry for the long answer lmao.
I used a random generator to choose which one goes to which one and these are... hilarious
Lila in the vanishing act
Omg, first of all, she wouldn't be sad at her mom dying like Amanda because Lila's mom sucks, so there's a harder possibility she would even go to fairground Moirai, the circus it all takes in place. Honestly, she has gone trough so many realities, she wouldn't be such a mess that Amanda is and would solve it in like 50 pages without trusting any rat man with an obsession with her mom.
Beatrix in Mika Connelly vs the power of love
Look, Mika and Beatrix are similar characters that would like each other in this bantering frenemies type of way, but there is a one key difference between Mika and Beatrix which is that Beatrix has undiagnosed bpd and in fact uses sex as one of her coping mechanisms. That's the long way of saying that Beatrix would fuck the cupid, there's no doubt about it.
Amanda in All the great love stories
She would never leave the tower. She would be so paranoid of the idea of leaving that she would stay there in like centuries unless someone comes to rescue her.
Mika in False gods
There would have been no scandal, let me tell you. Mika would have seen through all the mafioso's bullshit so Aurora Four would have gone indie. Also because Mika wouldn't be fucking Stevie, there would be lot less tension.
I urge other people to do a generated swap. This was so fun lmao.
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your-absent-father · 1 year
I am just putting this here because I am proud of this. Damm. Villain of the kingdom again.
Silas laughed nervously, even when his knuckles that were almost white hanging on to the edge of the roof. Still, his eyes were the epitome of calmness, that felt like a façade he tried to hold on to so Lila wasn’t scared. For the first time, Lila smiled genuinely and widely. Lila didn’t even think. She put her hand to his hand. After winching, Lila kept her hand there, feeling the man’s warmness in her hand. She had felt cold every day of her life, so holding Silas Altman’s hand felt like what she had imagined holding hands with God felt like. It was the first time Lila believed in someone greater than men. It was the first time she believed that the world could be good. She prayed to that someone that this moment could last forever.
taglist: @snehithiye@lyssa-ink@macabremoons@careful-pyromancer@coven-archives
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your-absent-father · 1 year
Soooo... I made a crappy fanedit of my own wip lmao. I was just fucking around in capcut so it's laggy and does not make sense at all and stuff but made me happy.
(All the non face parts are from a scene pack of stark queen on youtube. All the faces are literally just gifs from pinteret lmao)
Idk if the taglist wants to see this mess but if you want lmao
taglist: @snehithiye @lyssa-ink @macabremoons @careful-pyromancer @coven-archives
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your-absent-father · 1 year
Okay I just had to make atgls duo too in sims 4.
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Silas and Lila, my babies
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then them by themselves. I love them so much
I also made false gods yesterday
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your-absent-father · 1 year
🔮 - if your character had a dream they or a loved one was going to die a horrible death (that is probably inevitable), what would they do?
Hi ! Thansk for the ask
That actually reminds me of the fourth short stpry of atgls. In that Lila will do everything to find and prevent the death of her soulmate. Lila is the type of version that wants to at least try to break faith, even if it killed her.
Atlas on the other hand would just stay in his lovers side till their dying breath, enjoying every moment in between.
And that's atgls core dynamic explained wrapped in a different question.
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your-absent-father · 1 year
@enchanted-lightning-aes tagged me in this tag game where you do your own ocs with this template. I had hard time choosing just one so I had to make two.
My baby girl Lila from all the great love stories.
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And Beatrix from False Gods
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Tagging: @macabremoons @dyrewrites @garthcelyn or everyone else who wants to try it
picrew I used was this
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your-absent-father · 1 year
Only reason why I don't use artbreeder but use real actor faceclaims is because I have a such a strong urge to make fanedits of my own wips. Hopefully people would like to see them but mostly to myself.
Only reason i haven't done one for atgls yet because I can't decide the male leads fc. (Lila Cane is Eva Green like 1000%)
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your-absent-father · 2 years
7 stories in All the great love stories
This is all 7 stories in All the great love stories, anthology series I'm doing in nanowrimo. Wohoo. I'm putting some things on Tumblr again. Story names still a bit work in progress. Idk if this is too obvious how the story goes but if you don't want bit spoilers, do not read ig.
Tw: idk if there is anything. Death mention. Maybe a bit body modification mention
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Woman in the castle
Woman has lived her entire life locked in a west tower of her father's castle due to the magic she inherited by birth from her grandmother. For years she has grown resentment towards the people outside her cell. That changes when she hears a man singing outside the tower's door.
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Science in magic
A girl from the rich family grows tired of her boring life and decides to run off to the streets of her city and learn how people without privilege live. She learns that and more when she meets a storyteller in the streets.
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Worst luck of the century
Assassin recounts in his report on killing the crown prince how the mission almost failed after a one of his assistants turned against him after falling in love to the charismatic prince.
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Grimm Sound of Silence
Girl and a boy meet in a school library after years of meeting in a passing. Their bonding is cut short due to a eerie sound coming from outside
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Grimm Sound of Silence
Girl and a boy meet in a school library after years of meeting in a passing.
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Beyond Death
Woman recounts her scientific experiments to keep her husband alive after countless accidents and diseases to her scientific journal.
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No More
Witch has escaped her prison. Its the guards, whose first mission was suppose to be guard the door to her cell, to find her or either kill or bring her back to the castle.
taglist: @enchanted-lightning-aes
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your-absent-father · 1 year
from the ask game: what is your favorite dialogue you’ve written so far?
Hi! Thanks for the ask
There could be an huge ass mologues that I am really proud of but, I really like this one from atgls because I am very soft for my boy Silas:
“You did something bad. You are getting your punishment. I don’t understand why I need to punish you more than that.”  
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