#winter with ptg
blizzardfluffykpop · 2 years
Thank You Note
I have so many things to do-- but I just wanted to let you guys know the seventeen asking you out is literally the 2nd best post I've ever posted [other than informational ones--] But it is the best post on this blog with 348? I believe notes-- In less than 10, it will be beat out the other post on my imagines blog-- and I cannot comprehend that-- so I just wanted to thank you guys! 🥺😭💖
I'll be fulfilling an XH request in the next couple days! And then I think I'll post a Kihyun devil au unless someone has a mx/ptg/svt request that I can pop out sooner! [Cause I kind of want to save that one for Halloween itself].
Truly, thank you guys so much [don't ask me if I've cried-- you already know the answer--]. Love you, take care, best wishes, yours truly! 😊💖💖
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adachicuto · 2 years
happy birthday yuto
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warning(s): food mentions
even though it’s still winter, it would be nice to go on a small hike. after the stress of settling into the new year, this would be something really nice for both of you - being able to enjoy nature and the peace and quiet, nothing could be that
so, you initially wanted it to be a surprise, it would be best for both of you to plan it together which would make the whole process a lot more fun and the two of you would be even more excited afterward
the morning of your hike, which would be the day before yuto’s birthday, he would be so excited that he’d basically be running around your shared place with a huge smile on his face
on the drive to your destination, the two of you would listen to your favorite songs but then you’d put on a playlist, you made for him as an early birthday gift filled with all of his favorite songs and he’d try to hide the blush on his face and it would be one of the cutest things ever
the hike would be exactly what the two of you would need. being out in the fresh air and  away from the constant bustle of the city would be kind of centering for both of you
of course, the two of you wouldn’t miss the chance to take a bunch of goofy pictures together that yuto would send to the rest of ptg on the drive back to the city and he’d probably fall asleep while you’d drive and he’d wake up when you’d be halfway home to apologize but you’d reassure him that it’s okay
so, it’d be pretty late when you’d make it back to your place and the two of you would wash up and cuddle in bed until one of you would doze off but you’d end up falling asleep together
the next morning, the two of you would be in the middle of making brunch (because there would be no way either of you would wake up at a decent time) when you’d hear loud talking near the door and then you’d both realize that it was the members because hui’s laugh gave them away lol
yuto would let them in and they’d all give him a hug before going into the living room but not before they’d give yuto his favorite coffee order from that one cafe he really liked. then you’d start making more food to be kind
there would be a lot of loud talking and even more laughing and joking around before they’d give yuto his gifts and he’d be so excited about the really nice jacket and watch you thrifted for him
after that, the members would leave but you’d all meet up at a nice japanese restaurant that would serve a lot of yuto’s favorite foods from his childhood and he’d thank all of you for the really nice surprise
the smile that you’d see on yuto’s face as he’d get to eat some of his favorite foods and spend time with his second family would be so sweet. to be surrounded by people who love and care for him so much would make yuto’s birthday even more special
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prey-to-go · 2 years
As it gets colder have a Peter in a PTG! Issued winter uniform-
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drogba-prospect · 11 months
Growth after trauma
Post-traumatic growth (PTG) is a theory that explains this kind of transformation following trauma. It was developed by psychologists Richard Tedeschi, PhD, and Lawrence Calhoun, PhD, in the mid-1990s, and holds that people who endure psychological struggle following adversity can often see positive growth afterward.
Gambling, Winter Sports, and Cooking
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cosmojjong · 3 years
if i was one of the producers of aespas savage i would be SHAKING rn because pentagon are about to make the song better than the original 😬
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changgunator · 3 years
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the wonders of turning on my old iphone 😭
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pen1ag0n · 3 years
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cube_ptg twitter update:
[Shinwon] It's cold cold.. not wearing padded jacket yet, day 1 start
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eunhos · 3 years
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shadesofhui · 5 years
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Jinho Winter Aesthetic
“I wish white snow would be outside tomorrow morning
Then I’ll make you a warm cup of tea
Just keep staying by my side
Promise me”
Zion. T // Snow
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shinwonsaysomething · 5 years
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Jung Wooseok Snowy Winter Date Aesthetic for @theunidentifiedpiece
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hallucinosims · 6 years
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Levy Estate Beverly, MA || February 14th || 19.26 || 106 Days
And I can easily understand How you could easily take my man But you don't know what he means to me
beginning || previous || next
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blizzardfluffykpop · 3 years
Wish Granted
Summary: All it takes is a Christmas get-together, and ‘Santa Claus’ to show up for Shinwon and you to get together.
Fluff, Mutual Pining, Best Friends to Lovers au
Word Count: 1,733
Shinwon X Reader
Not Requested
Prompt: 8. “What’s your Christmas wish?” “For you to be mine.”
Maybe it started in my freshman year of high school. When I dropped all my books in the middle of the hallway, he helped me pick them up. Or maybe it was when we became friends in sophomore year, and became best friends later that year. Whenever it was, I knew I was in deep. And even years after graduating, I still can't get over the crush I developed for him. From the little ways like his laughter bouncing off the walls when he was happy. Or the way he always acts so chivalrously. If there is ever a puddle in our crossing, he has me hop upon his back, and I tease, “Wow, this is the view you have every day?” And he laughs as he sets me back down once we’ve crossed it. Or him holding the door open, even if I’m a few feet behind him and other people get in front of me. He’ll keep it open until I’ve passed, and it warms my heart.
He’s always there for everyone, and I always make sure I’m there for him too. I show up to all the Pentagon concerts I can. And buy all the merch I possibly can. Even if he insists that he can give those to me for free, I refuse and tell him that I want to support his dreams. He shakes his head with a big smile.
As I said before, he’s always there for me. So, when I told him about the Christmas dinner my family was holding. He was already planning on it. I smiled and thanked him, and three days later, he was thirty minutes early, helping us prepare for the get-together. My little cousins show up and are all playing around, and Shinwon is playing with them too. And I can’t help but feel my heart melt at the sight, “So when are you going to ask him out?” My sister asks, and I gasp, “Uh, what do you mean?!” She laughs behind her hand, “It’s as clear as day.” I look at my feet, “Maybe someday.” She nods before going over and helping my aunt place the plates on the table. My mom’s phone starts ringing, and she yells for me to pick it up. It’s my uncle, and he told me how his car broke down, and he won’t be able to make it. That he’s sorry, but he’ll be up here for the New Year. And that hopefully, someone will be able to fill the spot for Santa Claus this year.
When I got off the phone after telling him it was alright and that I’ll figure something out. I looked at my mom in a panic, “It was your brother, and he said he won’t be able to make it,...” She gasps and nearly drops the plate she’s holding, “Oh gosh, what are we going to do?” And that’s when Shinwon comes in, like a knight of shining armor, and asks, “Is there anything I can do to help?” My mom looks at me before looking over at Shinwon, “Well, there is one thing. Now, if you don’t want to, I totally understand! I’ll have (Y/n) do it. But–.” She looks around to see if she can spot any of my little cousins. And comes over towards him and whispers about being Santa Claus. He nods, “I can totally do that, Mrs. (L/n).” He asks where he can find the suit, and my mom has me show him.
I have him follow me to my mother’s room and pull out the box. “Well, here it is. Their presents are on the bed. You have to fill the bag up. I can help you if you want.” He shakes his head, “No, I got it. It’s the least I can do for you guys.” I shake my head, “You do so much for everyone. I hope you know how much you’re loved.” He smiles, “I think I do.” I smile and walk out of the room, closing the door behind me, and walk back down the stairs. When I receive a text from Shinwon, “Has your chimney been cleaned recently?” I think back to last month when my mother called me and told me how hard it was finding a good chimney sweep nowadays. But that she found someone perfect and handsome to do the job, “Last month, why?” He texts back, “Oh, no reason.” I don’t think much of it and go about my business waiting for Shinwon to come downstairs.
I’m putting the sweet potatoes into the oven when I hear footsteps on the roof. And then it clicked with me why Shinwon wanted to know. My eyes go wide, and I quickly go over to the chimney and move the fence out of the way and any wood we had in the bottom. And place two cushy couch cushions at the base. Trying to act as normal as I can as I wash my hands in the kitchen sink to clean off any soot in case it ended up on me. Luckily no one was around when I moved everything. I go back into the living room, and my cousins go, “You hear footsteps on the roof too?” I look down at the three of them, “Yeah, I wonder who’s up there… Who could it be?” The three of them all gasp, “Santa?” I nod, “I think so too.” That’s when I hear him enter the chimney and slowly slide down the thankfully wide chimney shoot.
He lands on his butt, and I hold back my laugh. He pops up, white beard, a pillow shoved up under the Santa suit. His hat moves side to side with each movement. “Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!” He says with a full-bodied voice and laughter. I grin as I watch him sit down on the couch in front of the chimney shoot. And the rest of the family gathers around watching the spectacle. My aunt sits down on the armrest with a camera as her kids let out. 'Oh my gosh! That’s really Santa in front of us.' ‘Oh, what do we do?’ ‘We have to make the best impression!’ It’s obvious that Shinwon, like everyone else, is hearing them. But they are none the wiser, and my aunt goes, “Which one of you wants to sit on Santa’s lap first!?”
And Huey goes, “Me first!” He holds up his arms, and Shinwon picks him up and places him on his lap, “And what do you want for Christmas, little Huey?” “Oh my gosh, Santa! You know my name! Oh, well, of course, you would. But I’d really like a blue skateboard with red wheels, and on the back, it says, ‘Skate On!’! I’ve always wanted to learn, and I think that would be the coolest present anyone could ask for!” And if I remember, I saw that exact skateboard lying– And he searches into the bag, “Like this?” He gasps, “You really are magic!” He laughs, “Well, of course, I am! I’m Santa, after all!” He carefully puts Huey down, and Huey rushes over to his mom and tells her all about it, and she laughs. She knows her kids and writes everything they wish for down. I hope she’s successful with each, Dewey sits on his lap, and Shinwon asks what he’d like. And he goes, “A scooter with red handles or! If that’s not feasible, I’d also really like a big like huge swirly lollipop! He stretches out his arms to showcase how wide he wants it. And Shinwon ruffles up his nose and reaches into the bag, “Well, let’s see here,... Hmm, that’s not it. Oh, this must be what you were asking for!” He pulls out a swirly pop with a pink ribbon wrapped around the stem, and Dewey can’t help but gasp. Once Dewey is off of Shinwon’s lap, Louie hops on, “Well, Santa, my gift is super easy!” “Hmm? What would that be then?” Louie grins, “A super-soft cuddly stuffed teddy bear!” ‘Santa’ smiles, “Oh, I see no special requirements, then?” He shakes his head, “No, just for him to be cuddly!” Shinwon smiles, reaches inside the bag and pulls out the stuffed animal. “Like this one?” Louie gasps and holds the teddy bear close to him, “Exactly!” He hops off of ‘Santa’s’ lap, and the three of them convene and start playing with their presents together. Well, Dewey was eating his present and playing house with Louie. Huey was crashing into things and giving the other two rides as best as he could on his new skateboard.
After all, is done and ‘Santa’ went home, Shinwon comes back down, and my cousins start filling him in on what he missed. And he acts like he couldn’t believe that he missed Santa Claus.
Not too long after, and dinner is being served, and we all give a toast to Shinwon for being our honorary guest. And for other obvious reasons, we couldn’t reveal to the children sitting a few feet away at the other table. After everyone has finished eating, the kids go into a food coma as they get tucked into their beds.
And it’s just us adults, and after they officially thank Shinwon. The two of us head to the living room, and I go, “I never got to tell Santa my Christmas wish.” And he goes back into the role and pulls me onto his lap, “Well, what’s your Christmas wish, my dear (Y/n)?” I laugh, “Well,” It’s now, or never, I think to myself, “For you to be mine.” He blushes, “You’ve already had me, though.” I give him a confused look, and he chuckles, “I thought it was obvious?” I shake my head, “No?!” He laughs, and I tell him, “I’ve liked you since our freshman year of high school.” He gasps, “I could have been dating you for several years now?” I laugh and nod, and my sister comes in, “Did you two finally kiss yet?” Shinwon looks over at me cheekily, “Not yet.” And that’s when he pulls me down and kisses me in front of my whole family, except my little cousins and an uncle. When we pull away, and he goes, “Wish granted.” I shake my head and hide my face into his shoulder. And that is the beginning of something great.
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spearbe · 6 years
Song rec; do it for fun - pentagon, heart attack - chuu, Instagram - Dean and candyland - up10tion!!
do it for fun:
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | DOWNLOADING IMMEDIATELY!!! | already in my library
heart attack:
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
rec me some songs!!
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milkybonya · 3 years
내 꺼 !
order 032, anon: large classic milk tea with regular tapioca pearls + jealousy for ptg's Wooseok
"내 꺼!" Wooseok drunkenly shouts, dragging you onto his lap.
when you look up at him confused, he says, "you're mine. stop acting like you're not."
warnings: mentions of being drunk, alcohol and drinking
summary: you and your boyfriend, Wooseok, attend a winter-themed party that your friends are holding. Wooseok turns into a drunken big baby and gets jealous when you and your friends seem to be acting too intimate.
word count: 1.3k
barista 🥛's note: i decided to make this winter themed to get into the holiday spirit,, because these past few years (not just 'cause of covid!) have really not felt holiday-y at all to me LOL also i struggled writing this and i think you can tell oops
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you wake up on the 24th of December to feel the sun peeking through your curtains and hitting your face, despite it being a cold, wintery day. excited for the day ahead, you turn to your right and find Wooseok still asleep. his hair is messy, his lips are slightly parted, and he takes long and slow breaths.
usually, you'd let the boy sleep some more until he wakes up when he's ready, but today, you're just too excited. you lean in and press a soft kiss to his plump lips, then sit up and stretch. Wooseok inhales deeply and opens his eyes, smiling when he notices you're up already.
"good morning," he groans, trying to sound happy.
"good morning, sleepyhead," you say, turning around to gently pat his head.
he pouts under your touch and you take the chance to steal yet another kiss. clearly, Wooseok doesn't mind your kisses, judging by the way he groans and whines when you pull away. you laugh and tell him to get up when he can, since you have a long day ahead.
your friends, Changgu and Yanan, are hosting a winter-themed party for all of your friends to get together and reunite after a busy year of each of you doing your own things. you, being the sweetie that you are, offered to head to their place early to help. of course, anywhere you go, Wooseok goes, so he'll also be helping out.
"what are we eating?" you hear Wooseok grumble from your bedroom.
"is toast okay?" you ask from the kitchen, already popping the bread into the toaster.
"sounds good," Wooseok replies.
you quickly manage to change your clothes before the toast is done, stashing your fancy, pretty clothes for the actual party into a bag. you'll just change into them when you get to Changgu's house.
you prepare the toast as Wooseok walks over to you, embracing you in a back hug and resting his head on your shoulder.
"you're warmmmm," he whines.
"stop being a baby and eat your toast," you say, feeding him a slice.
he happily munches on it and blows you a kiss, which you pretend to catch and throw into your pocket.
once you've both eaten and organized yourselves, you make your way to Changgu's house. luckily, it's just a quick bus ride away, so getting there isn't too much of a hassle.
"y/n! and Wooseok," Yanan greets you both at the door.
he gives you a tight hug but only gives Wooseok a glare, which Wooseok throws right back at him. you know they're both just joking, but you can't help but push Wooseok in Yanan's direction so they'll actually hug.
"welcome, welcome" Changgu greets you both.
he's wrapped in wintery decorations and waves from underneath the mess. Yanan sighs at him and helps him out.
"clearly there's a lot to do, huh?" you point out.
"yeah, so thank God you're here!" Yanan exclaims.
you set to work, helping hold things up while one of the other boys tapes things down. Wooseok is in charge of playing music, and you smile wider each time he plays another one of your favourite songs.
"it seems like you really enjoy what DJ Wooseok has to offer, huh?" Yanan points out.
"clearly... 'cause he's my boyfriend," you say, throwing Yanan a wink.
Wooseok can't hear what the two of you are saying, but he notices how smiley you're being and that you've winked at Yanan. he doesn't think much of it but is a little, just a tad bit annoyed. then, when he notices the way Changgu wraps an arm around your waist to stop you from falling off the ladder.... well, he gets just a bit more annoyed. Only a bit, though.
he feels a bit out of place, like a bystander and not your boyfriend. so, he gets up and tells Changgu to go take care of the food--he can take care of you, instead.
"yeah, Changgu! Wooseok's taller and will do a better job," you joke.
but the joke makes Wooseok press a quick kiss to your cheek. he's absolutely elated.
by the time everyone else has arrived and the party is in full swing, you're wearing your cool party clothes and so is Wooseok, and everyone is all-smiles.
"a party isn't a party without any drinking games, right?" Hongseok points out.
everyone else nods and smiles in agreement.
"wow, we're already moving to that part of the night?" Changgu dramatically exclaims.
the ten of you sit on the floor of Changgu's livingroom in a circle. deciding to play spin the bottle, you play rock paper scissors first to decide on the order. Hyunggu ends up losing and having to go first.
when he spins the bottle, it lands on Hongseok. Hongseok tells him to down a whole shot of vinegar and he bravely agrees... until he smells the shot glass and wrinkles his nose.
"i'll just drink instead!" Hyunggu says.
on Wooseok's turn, he's asked to do push-ups, but 50 of them. everyone knows it's an impossible amount, not just for Wooseok but everyone there. he gives up immediately and drinks.
Yanan and Changgu are asked to maintain eye contact for 10 seconds while holding hands. since Yanan is already drunk and giggly, he looks away and starts to laugh immediately. both boys have to drink, and you watch, excitedly.
after a few rounds, you seem to be the most sober person there. the boys have gone easy on you with their dares, but you're not complaining. Changgu dares you to drink, since you haven't been drinking at all, but Wooseok says it's foul play.
"they'll drink only if they can't do the dare! you can't make them drink for a dare," Wooseok slurs.
"it's my turn! i make the rules," Changgu drunkenly snaps.
"just listen to him," Yanan mumbles, shakily shoving Changgu.
"fine! y/n... i dare you to give me a kiss! you'd never do that, right?" Changgu says.
Wooseok, despite drunk, starts to worry when your expression changes to one of determination. he watches helplessly as you crawl towards Changgu, grab him by the collar and... place a quick kiss to his cheek. Wooseok sighs in relief, but his ears are still burning hot with anger.
"you never specified where i should kiss you, so i win this dare," you point out.
everyone agrees that you're right, and you're able to go another round without drinking. however, the boys stop going easy on you. they're all trying to make you drink.
"y/n, sit on my lap!"
"y/n, give me a massage."
the dares don't seem to stop, and you can tell your boyfriend is getting angrier with each turn you play. nonetheless, you've come this far and don't want to give up. you don't want to lose, now.
you're about to give Hui a hug for your dare, which you think is not too bad, considering you give Hui a lot of hugs. he's a close friend, after all! suddenly, you hear Wooseok speak up from beside you.
"내 꺼!" he drunkenly shouts, dragging you onto his lap.
when you look up at him confused, he says, "you're mine. stop acting like you're not."
"Wooseok, I think you're drunk-"
he buries his head into your neck to stop you from speaking.
"well... does y/n drink or does Wooseok drink for stopping y/n from doing their dare?" Hui asks.
"let's just end this game," Changgu says, staggering at he stands up.
you push yourself off Wooseok's lap and help him up, taking him to the backyard so he can get some air. His cheeks are flushed and his ears a deep red that his nose starts to match as he feels the cold.
"Wooseok... if what happened today bothered you, then i'm sorry. i'll be careful-"
"no. i just... hate myself for getting jealous, but i can't help it. you're mine..." Wooseok mumbles, hanging his head low.
you smile at him and ruffle his hair, pulling him close.
"of course i'm yours. don't ever forget it," you say.
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floralminho · 2 years
💕 (also hi, i hope ur staying warm in this hell of a winter)
hiii i hope you’re staying warm too and that you’re taking care ❣️
for you i’d assign hongseok from ptg bc i think you’re both so sweet and super caring and that y’all love the people in your life wholeheartedly. you’re also not afraid to be a little silly. ngl also thought of changkyun simply bc you both like sitting in boxes hshshd
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sparklingchan · 4 years
Why,why? || Kang Hyunggu(Pentagon)
Pairing : Reader (fem.) x Kino.
Word count : 1k+
Warnings : Suggestive.
Genre : Fluff, romance, boyfriend au, established relationship.
Description : Just like the stars in the sky, there are an infinite number of reasons as to why you love Kang Hyunggu.
Author’s Note :  Guess who’s still crying over Ptg’s first win…. I’m so happy y’all  >_< So here’s a lil something to celebrate it<3 Repost because tumblr sucks ass.
Please do reblog , like and comment if you like this. My DMs are also open so if you want to gimme a review , feel free.
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They say that one cannot count the stars in the sky , but on rare times like this , you strictly disagree with that statement.
You stare at the dark purple sky above you , your brain now having counted upto a hundred stars just to prevent yourself from getting overwhelmed by the presence of the person beside you.
“A penny for your thoughts, y/n.” The feeling of Hyunggu’s soft tender fingers playing with your hair brings you back to reality, making you lose count of the stars above you as you concentrate all your attention on the one beside you.
“I’m not thinking anything ,really.” You reply , staring up at his face from his chest.
The moon shines on his face just enough to illuminate his best features - his eyes , his plump lips , the mole under his eye.
And you suddenly want to grab his face and place kisses on every inch of it ,even though you had done it just a few minutes ago.
But who can blame you , a man as beautiful as Hyunggu belongs in an art gallery and it is unbelievable that he still chooses to lie down on the moist grass with you in his arms, talking about everyone and everything.
“I love you.” you breathe into the fabric of his shirt , drawing small circles on his stomach with your fingers.
He has heard you say those words many times before ,yet they still make him feel giddy everytime you say it. It’s hard for him to believe that someone out there actually harbours such feelings for him, despite all his flaws and mistakes.
It feels surreal to him , just as it does to you, for true love is an emotion not many people know. One can offer their hearts to many people in one lifetime, still it needs luck to have the same people give their own hearts in return.
“Why.” Now that is a new response from his side - the answer to which you’d assumed he already knows.
“Why? Why is ’ why ’ even a question, Kang Hyunggu?” you roll your eyes , smiling sheepishly.
He shrugs as his free hand ghosts over your fingers for a few seconds and then he laces his fingers through yours. You shiver and you blame the fact that you’re wearing a simple shirt and track pants when in reality, it is his touch that chills you down to your bone. But , again ,in your defense, you’d never really fallen so sincerely in love with a person before - this is all so familiar yet exciting to you.
“I don’t know.” he replies with a mischievous smile, “You tell me, y/n.”
Hyunggu surely does know how to play hard to get , and it has never failed to make you feel all flustered .
It’s like a tug of war game , for it is unsure which side will win at the end but everyone enjoys it nevertheless.
You pull away from him , just enough to flip onto your stomach and rest your elbows on the grass and your face on the heel of your hand.
“Okay , so reason number one,” you start with a grin on your lips , “You’re an insanely talented musician.”
Hyunggu shrugs like it’s not a big deal at all , trying to be modest ,but it is a big deal. To you at least.
His devotion and passion towards music is unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.The dark circles under his eyes , the outline of his headphones on his cheeks , the ink on his hands , you notice everything but never once have you seen him complain about it.And the way his eyes sparkle with joy when he talks about his songs and music is a sight to behold.
Hyunggu ’s entire existence revolves around music , like music were his sun and he were a planet. Planets cannot survive without a sun.
“The second reason is your personality. ” you place your hand on his cheek, stroking it gently. He smiles into your touch.
Anyone who’s ever met Hyunggu can confirm whole heartedly that he is the human personification of a warm blanket on a chilly winter night.His presence is so warm and alluring and comforting that you sometimes wonder how you had survived so many years without him. Alone. Cold and lonely.
“The third reason is your smile.” You say as you bend down to quickly peck him on his luscious, pink lips. He blushes under you.
His smile is a treasure you’d like to protect with everything you have ,for as long as you can. He has a smile that looks like it were the bright crescent moon on a cloudless night, carved by the gods and blessed by the angels.
You would do anything to see him smile. In a heartbeat, without a second thought.
“And the last reason has to be your eyes.” You whisper. Hyunggu wraps a firm arm around your waist , pulling you closer , “Now that’s something I’ve never heard before. Care to elaborate?”
“Well , you know how much I love stars, right? I feel the same way about your eyes because they’re so shiny and calm.” You sigh.
And you decide to not add the part where you think that his eyes look like your own two personal stars. Specially sent for you from the sky.
His eyes , nose , lips , heart , mind - everything was given over to you
He’s yours, just how you are his and this is how it will be till the end.
Hyunggu pokes his nose into your cheek , pulling you out of those self indulgent thoughts.
You giggle , your hand resting on his chest as you lean in to kiss him properly this time. Desperate and passionate. With tongue and teeth and tight embraces. You would never get tired of this , you realise. Never in a billion years. Even after your names have been forgotten and your bodies have turned to dust.
You would never get tired of Hyunggu.
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