#winter soldier cosplay
emmykaze · 5 months
Something to fix, but finally finished my Bucky cosplay 😭😭😭 I literally cried!!! Can't wait to fully cosplay him and get pics this Sunday🥹
Asmr sounds too😂
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coolbeansph · 10 months
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I've posted all the original pics here before, but I thought I'd see how close I could get some side by sides with Bucky and Rocket from Infinity War in the Wakanda battle, I made the arm, the M249 SAW and Rocket
Photos by jt_den and shotsbyshinobi
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timeless-anarchy · 2 months
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Nah ‘cause why is Undercover!Bucky so fun to me
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paintedimagery · 4 months
Did Bucky for the last day of Comic Conroe! Turns out it's his birthday as well! I'll post more pictures during the week.
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biscuitthehamster · 6 months
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𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝. 𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 16 1991.
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smolderingflame · 1 year
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Sorry for the delay in fic updates if you follow me for that! I was on vacation! I went to Disneyland and to my first comic convention since 2019! I decided it would only be appropriate for my first cosplay back to be the Winter Soldier. So i teamed up with my friends Serenity Costumes to build the costume and Wig by All is Vanity Expressions to create our favorite assassin <3
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copiumm · 9 months
My Winter Soldier cosplay is done and we’re packing to leave for New York ComicCon! See you there!!
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artsman97 · 2 months
Winter Soldier
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innocent-traitor · 1 year
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𝓦𝓮 𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓬𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓮, 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓹𝓮𝓸𝓹𝓵𝓮 𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝓰𝓸
𝓕𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓹𝓮𝓸𝓹𝓵𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝓽𝓸 𝓹𝓮𝓸𝓹𝓵𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽
𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓱𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓲𝓼 𝓹𝓮𝓸𝓹𝓵𝓮 𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝓰𝓸
𝓕𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓹𝓮𝓸𝓹𝓵𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝓽𝓸 𝓹𝓮𝓸𝓹𝓵𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽
~People You Know by Selena Gomez
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sjsmith56 · 7 months
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Promises Kept
Summary: Bucky and Sam visit the set of a movie about their partnership, that is a week away from beginning shooting. When he sees the stunt double portraying the Winter Soldier he expresses a concern about the man being accurate enough to satisfy him. The actress portraying Natasha Romanoff comes up with a unique solution.
Length: 3.7 K
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, OFC (Hayden, Tory), OMC (Luke, Brad, Everett, Shane).
Warnings: Cursing, Bucky’s anxiety and PTSD, slight misunderstanding about gay OMC. Apologies to stunt men everywhere who might take exception to being replaced by a cosplayer.
Author note: The idea for this one shot came from the picture of Sebastian Stan on the right side of the banner.  It seemed like he was using just his eyes and a hint of a smile to say something meant only for the person who was taking the picture, or, for the purposes of this one shot, the actress who captured his heart.
🎥 🎬 🎞️
It had been more than a year since the Flag Smashers; the operation that brought Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson to the attention of the world, when the two men took on the task of stopping the misguided efforts of Karli Morgenthau and the other super soldiers of that group.  They were visiting the set of the movie being made about their partnership, beginning with their initial encounter while Bucky was still the Winter Soldier.  Both men had agreed to work as technical consultants for the movie, although Sam had to convince Bucky to be involved.  Their visit, arriving during a rehearsal involving actress Hayden Summer, portraying Natasha Romanoff, as she worked with the stunt coordinator, and her stunt double was supposed to be a look behind the scenes for the two real-life heroes; a look at how movie magic was made. 
As Bucky walked in with Sam Wilson, it was like his whole presence took over the facility.  His build, the shoulders, the thighs and the distinctive dark hair and ice blue eyes dominated the attention of everyone.  Hayden nudged her stunt double Tory in the side and muttered.
"Holy fuck, I need to be spritzed." 
Right away Bucky stared at her, and she blushed, realizing he actually heard her from the other side of the facility.  It wasn't just a look, either.  It was like he could see right into her soul.  She grabbed Tory by the arm.
"Please get me out of here," she said, as the men approached.  "I'll die if he talks to me."
Too late.
"Hayden Summer is portraying Natasha Romanoff," said the producer / director, Everett Morgan.  "Hayden, this is Bucky Barnes." 
"Would you like a towel or a spray bottle to cool down?" asked Bucky, a slight grin on his face.  "You're glowing."
"And this is Sam Wilson," said Everett, as Sam stepped forward to shake her hand.
"Don't mind, Buck," said Sam.  "I guess my double isn't here today?"
"The men are in this afternoon," interjected Tory, shaking Sam's hand.  "Tory West, stunt double."  She looked up at Bucky then shook her head.  "You're bigger in real life and Brad isn't as tall and well-built as you, although Luke is.  Everett, how's that going to look?  You know that the big fans know every detail about these two."  She looked at Sam.  "Your stunt double and actor are built just like you, but this one ... seeing him in real life I don't know if Brad can pull it off."
Bucky was still looking at Hayden, making her feel many things ranging from uncomfortable to aroused. 
"Don't they use special effects to make things look bigger than life?" he asked, finally looking at Tory, then Everett.  "Remember, at that time, I was probably at the peak of my physical capabilities, so I was even bigger."
"It'll be fine," said Everett, a little too hastily.  "Costuming will bulk up his clothing and Bucky's right.  Post-production will make it look good."
Sam, noticing the looks between Bucky and Hayden shook his head and grinned.  It had been a while since someone had that effect on Bucky.  This technical consulting thing could be interesting. 
After visiting other parts of the interior set, still under construction the entourage went to lunch where Everett did his best to assure Bucky that the actor portraying him, and his stunt double were more than capable of being truthful in showcasing the Winter Soldier.  He promised it.  When they returned to the rehearsal stage everything seemed to fall apart after Bucky stood next to the stunt double for the actor portraying him, physically confirming what Tory had said.   After watching the men rehearse that afternoon, Bucky had to agree with her.  The actor could pull it off, but the stunt double just didn't seem to look or move like him.  He watched impassively as they rehearsed the scenes then shook his head.
"I'm sorry but your stunt double isn't right to portray me," he said to Everett, then looked at Sam.  "He's not big enough, menacing enough, and his stance is all wrong."
"Diva," muttered Hayden.
Bucky looked sharply at her, making her blush.  "May I demonstrate?" he asked. 
Everett looked alarmed.  "No, no, I don't ...."
"I won't hurt anyone," said Bucky.  "I just want to show you the difference.  Brad, you're a good stunt double but I just don't think you're right to portray me.  No offence but the Winter Soldier was known for his look as much as his actions.  He knew he was the best because even though they tortured him and beat him into submission they also called him the Asset and told him no one was his equal.  That murder strut?  It wasn't just confidence in his abilities.  It was his body compensating for a forty-pound arm, that was more of a battering ram than anything.  He felt fear but he was programmed not to show it.  Showing fear was showing weakness and that would earn him more torture, especially in the chair."
Luke Hogan, the actor portraying Bucky listened carefully as he said all this, nodding his own head with the realization of the duality of the real person.  Hearing Bucky Barnes refer to the Winter Soldier as "him" was enlightening and he had a sudden insight into how Bucky compartmentalized his time as the assassin.  Even the actor portraying Steve Rogers was listening in, certain that this peek into the Winter Soldier would affect his own performance in their encounters.
"I'd like to see Bucky demonstrate it," said Luke.  "Just for my own sense of the character.  You can only get so much out of the video.  Everett?"
"Okay, but Bucky, you gotta remember this is play fighting," he said.  "Pull your punches and please don't hurt Tory."
"I've trained raw recruits," smirked Bucky.  "I know how to pull my punches."
Taking his jacket and Henley shirt off so that he was in his short-sleeved T-shirt Bucky let the stunt coordinator set up the scene and easily jumped up on top of the platform, doubling for the car he jumped on.  With the prop weapon in hand, he strutted down towards the ground, holding it like it was naturally part of his body.  A recording of Natasha's phone distracting him started up and Bucky approached the prop car where she was supposed to be hiding.  Pretending to take the grenade off of his belt and roll it under the car Bucky stepped back, his focus on the other side of the car, preparing for the kill shot.  The stunt coordinator yelled Boom to cue the explosion and Tory jumped on Bucky's shoulders, pulling her garrotte out.  The pair fought then Bucky stopped just before throwing her off and lowered her gently to the ground instead.
"Well done," he said, then he looked at the others.  "Did you see the difference from how you did it?"
"He's right," said Tory, looking at Brad, the other stunt double.  "Sorry, Brad."
"Well, shit," said the stunt man, then sighed.  "The height difference is noticeable and post-production won't cover it up without looking like CGI.  Not sure who you can get to take my place that can get the choreography down before filming starts next week."
"Can Bucky do it?" asked Hayden.  Everyone looked at her.  "I mean, he lived it, right?  It's true you remember everything about that time as your programming broke down.  You were pretty convincing just now."
Bucky picked up his Henley shirt and jacket, staring at her again, breathing noticeably.  "It's not as easy as that," he said tersely.  "My arm is different now."
"We can green sleeve it and CGI the other arm in," mused Everett.  "We'd have to get you into the union, if Brad doesn't object.  I can keep Brad in for other stunts to make up for losing this gig.  I'm not going to lie, if word gets out Bucky's involved as a stuntman it could boost ticket sales."
Sam watched Bucky carefully, knowing there was something deeper going on.  The arm excuse was just the easiest one to make.  Without a word Bucky walked out and Sam looked at the others.
"Let me talk to him," he said, turning to follow his friend.  "It's complicated."
Their driver put out his cigarette as he saw Bucky striding towards him.  From the look on his face all was not well and he wondered what happened on set.  Without a word Bucky threw his jacket into the vehicle, then pulled his Henley shirt back on while Sam approached.  They both got into the back seat, with Bucky scowling.
"I can't do it," he said, flat out.  "Remember how pissed off the Wakandans were when the video of me impersonating the Winter Soldier in Madripoor hit social media?  I'm not going to bring him out again."
"It's not the same, Buck, you know that," replied Sam.  "The camera angles will make it look real but it won't be him that's doing it.  It will be you, pretending to be what you used to be.  You're the one who pointed out the stunt man wasn't going to be convincing."
"Plus they want to market me as the stuntman."  Bucky shook his head.  "No, I'd rather they shut down production than compromise my integrity."
Sam let out an audible breath.  "You realize if they do that then everybody associated with the movie gets laid off?  Not just the actors, but all the stunt people, makeup people, costumers, lighting guys ... hundreds of people will be out of a job because you were unwilling to portray yourself as you used to be.  You can always use an assumed name for your credit or ask that you don't be credited.  Plus, they wouldn't show your face."  Bucky looked blankly at him.  "It's your body and your skills that they're using.  Luke's face would be used for the closeups.  He seemed very interested in your take on the Winter Soldier.  I get the feeling he would like his performance to be authentic."
Bucky shook his head and looked out the window, frowning.  Reluctantly, Sam told the driver to take them back to the hotel.  As soon as they arrived Bucky got out of the vehicle and went straight to his room, not even waiting for Sam.  Pulling his phone out Sam found a place to sit where he had some privacy and made a phone call to Shuri, telling her what happened.  He didn't see Hayden and Tory arrive, but they found him and waited for him to finish his phone call.
"Is he okay?" asked Hayden.  "What's going on with him?"
"Plenty," joked Sam, then he became serious and gestured for them to sit.  "I don't like talking about him behind his back.  I already reached out to a person who can talk to him, and I would like to leave it with her."
"Wife or girlfriend?" asked Hayden.
"No, scientist and friend," replied Sam.  "Just give him time.  He's a very private man and the movie being green lighted caused some anxiety.  I think seeing it today just made it even more of an issue for him.  He just has to work it out."
"I feel terrible for suggesting it," said Hayden.  "He has PTSD, doesn't he?"  Sam nodded.  "Shit.  I'm so sorry."
At that moment Bucky walked through the lobby, and Sam called to him.  He stopped, looked, shook his head and stalked through the automatic doors.  Hayden went after him, seeing him already some distance away.  Running after him, she grabbed his arm, and he spun around, his face furious.
"What?" he growled.  "Have you come to ask me to be a good team player?  You want me to step up to save your precious movie?  I ...."
He stopped speaking, his face twisted with anger and something else.  Hayden looked at him sympathetically.
"Do you want to get drunk?"
He huffed.  "Can't.  The serum makes my metabolism burn through alcohol."
"Then where were you going?" she asked gently.
"I don't know, just away."  He ran his hand through his hair then looked at her in a resigned manner.  "I'm sorry.  Seeing myself recreate what I was overwhelmed me.  Even if it was pretend, it was too real to me.  I did it for a mission last year and it did damage to people I care about.  I vowed not to do that again."
Looking down at the ground, Hayden idly kicked at the sidewalk with her foot, then looked back up at Bucky.  He really was handsome, even now with all the uncertainty and turmoil he was feeling.  There had to be some way to save the movie.
"What if we find the right guy to be your stunt double?" she said.  "There has to be someone who resembles how you were then.  If he gets an intensive course in Bucky Barnes from you... behind the scenes, with no publicity."
"I don't know," answered Bucky.  "They said themselves there's no other stunt guy that's available on short notice."
"Maybe we don't need a stunt guy, exactly," said Hayden.  "Everett was right about movie magic.  They can do all sorts of things in post-production but having you teach a guy how to look, move and act like you were when you were the Winter Soldier is most of it.  You just teach him, and you won't be the one being filmed.  He will be, because it's his job to portray you in ways that Luke can't."
Bucky stood with his arms crossed, watching her with a scowl on his face.  She stared at him just as intensely.  It was a standoff as neither of them looked anywhere else but at the other. 
"Wow," said Sam, who appeared near them.  "You both been standing here staring at each other for this whole time?"
"I can do this all day," replied Hayden, still staring at Bucky.  "Four brothers tried to tease the shit out of me growing up, but I never backed down."
Bucky smirked but didn't blink.  "I'll do the intensive training with the guy but under one condition," he said.  "You find the right guy and you go out with me."
"That's two conditions," she stated.
"Two conditions then," growled Bucky.  "Those are my terms."
"Promise?" She held out her pinky finger.  "Pinky promise?"
A ghost of a smile creased Bucky's face but he linked his pinky finger with hers and she whooped, then ran to get Tory.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" asked Sam.  "You didn't seem too thrilled to show Brad.  What changed?"
"Her agreeing to go out with me," replied Bucky.  "I like her."
The following day, after Bucky received Shuri's blessing to pass on his expertise in the Winter Soldier to the stunt man and the actor portraying him, he and Sam returned to the rehearsal space at the studio.  Tory had phoned Sam to say they found a guy but wouldn't say anything more.  When they got to the room Tory and Hayden were waiting. 
"Where is he?" asked Bucky.  "There's no one here."
Hayden smiled.  "He's getting into costume, just to see if it fits and if he passes muster with you."
The sound of laughing caught their attention and she turned around to see Brad, Everett, Luke and another man enter.  Bucky looked at the new man, not believing what he was seeing; an almost perfect replica of himself when he was the Winter Soldier.
"Holy shit," laughed Sam.  "Where the hell did you find this guy?"
The men approached them, and Hayden placed her hand inside the arm of the man who was completely decked out as the Winter Soldier, complete with mask and eye goggles.  He started to laugh, then took the face mask and goggles off, a look of complete and utter delight on his face as he saw Bucky.
"Wow!  It's really him, I mean you, I mean ... you're Bucky Fucking Barnes."  He offered his hand to Bucky, who took it as the man began to shake it.  "Hayden, you weren't kidding.  He's gorgeous in person."
She blushed.  "This is my twin brother, Shane.  He's had a big crush on the Winter Soldier since he first saw you doing that murder strut."
Bucky slowly pulled his hand away from Shane's.  "Is this a joke?"
"Oh, gosh, no!" Shane looked alarmed.  "No, please don't be offended.  Some guys, when they come out, they become drag queens.  I went the other way.  I'm a Winter Soldier cosplayer.  I portray you during that time when you exploded into prominence with your hair, and the mask, and that walk ....  All that repressed hyper-masculinity just waiting to kick some Steve Rogers ass and take out Black Widow and the Falcon in the process."  He looked beyond Bucky, seeing Sam and waving at him.  "Hey Falcon, sorry, Captain America."
"Hey."  Sam waved back with a shit-eating grin on his face, earning him a scowl from Bucky. 
"He's not a stunt man," said Bucky.  "He could get hurt."
"I'm not a stunt man but I play rugby, so I'm used to getting hit, I work out religiously, and I know your moves down pat," boasted Shane.  "I've won so many cosplay competitions that I'm not allowed to compete anymore.  Instead, I get hired to portray you at comic cons, role playing re-enactments, and just public appearances in general.  I make a good living because I know how to look and act like the Winter Soldier.  Plus, I grew up with three brothers and a sister that had no problem kicking my ass when I got too irritating.  I might be gay but I'm no pushover.  I can handle myself in a fight and the chance to portray you for this movie would make my life complete."
"He's got my vote," said Everett.
"He'll be getting a crash course in being a stunt double from me and we've arranged to get him into the union," said Brad.  "If you're willing to fine tune his and Luke's mannerisms, I think we've found our guy.  I'll still get a few stunts in the movie and get a fight choreography credit as well, which is fine by me."
They all looked at Bucky as he stood there.  Then he circled once around Shane before coming to a stop in front of him. He glanced at Hayden, who just gave him a smug little smile.
"You played me," he said.  "Did you hold back about your brother so I would ask you out?"
"Honestly? No."  She looked at everyone.  "I always thought Shane's hobby was cute but when you pointed out that the look and feel of Brad as the Winter Soldier wasn't authentic enough for you, it just got me thinking that an experienced Winter Soldier cosplayer might be a better way to go.  With his name in the credits, you'll get a ton of cosplay fans coming to see this movie."
"You got a date with him?" asked Shane, looking with surprise at his twin.  "Nice!  I'm so jealous."
"Okay, I'll work with Shane and Luke," said Bucky.  "As for our date, it's just with you.  Sorry, Shane."
With the agreement complete between them Shane went to change into something more suitable for rehearsing, although the costume designer wanted a better look at his costume that he made himself, seeing details in it that she was unaware of.  By the time the movie started filming two weeks later, after another week of rehearsal was wrangled with the studio, everyone was confident with what they were working on. 
Bucky and Hayden went on their date, and another, then several more, adding a whole other level of interest to the movie that fans became aware of.
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18 months later – Los Angeles movie premiere.
The limousine was still several blocks from the theatre.  Sam and his date held hands as he murmured into her ear.  Bucky looked at Hayden, his right hand intertwined with her left.  Somehow his thumb ended up playing with her engagement ring.
"Nervous?" She looked lovingly at him.  "If the red carpet gets too much, just follow Kelsey.  She'll get you into a green room where you can wait out the red carpet walk.  I kind of have to do it regardless."
He gave out a breath of air.  "A little," he admitted.  "I'm getting better at it, but this is kind of my movie as well and I'm feeling the pressure."  He noticed Sam's grimace at him.  "Our movie, although I bet he'll lap up all the attention for both of us.  Just keep hold of my hand and keep me centred."
"I can do that," she smiled.  "It will be fine, I promise."  She held up her pinky finger and he took it in his.  "Test audiences loved it, commented on how well the Winter Soldier was portrayed so your work with Shane and Luke made a big difference.  I'm going to sing your praises to anyone who will listen.  I love you."
"I love you, too, doll," he smiled, before kissing her lightly on the lips, not wanting to smudge her makeup.
The vehicle stopped in front of the theatre and the driver came out to open the door on the passenger side.  Sam and his date stepped out first, with him taking it all in stride, waving to everyone and calling out to the fans who were behind the barrier.  Then he looked back into the limousine at Bucky and gave him a reassuring smile.  Stepping out ahead of Hayden, Bucky waded into a huge cheer from the fans.  At first the barrage of flashes from the photographers bothered him then he heard his name from inside the vehicle and looked back at Hayden.  Right away, he felt better, and he returned her gaze with his own, that was almost a smile.  Offering her his hand, he helped her out, still sharing the look that was a silent message they kept only for each other.  As they walked on the red carpet, stopping every few feet for photos she kept her word, holding on to his hand with hers, knowing that action formed the very basis of their relationship.  In addition to the love and trust they shared it was also a nod to that day when she promised him to find the right stunt double and he promised not to turn his back on the movie that meant so much to so many people.  It was a promise made; a promise kept.
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soviet-ghost-story · 2 years
//Replies tomorrow. Have some cool pics of me?
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emmykaze · 5 months
First photos😭
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coolbeansph · 7 months
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My Favorite character to cosplay, I tried to include most of the main versions I've done, didn't want it to get too cluttered, can you name them all?
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timeless-anarchy · 3 months
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Hell’s comin with me
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paintedimagery · 4 months
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Best photos from Sunday at Comic Conroe! Probably my favorites from the whole weekend I love these so much!
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lynlee494 · 5 months
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Had such an awesome time at Megacon!
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