#winston's writings
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perfectquote · 3 months ago
Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about.
Winston Churchill
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perfectfeelings · 5 months ago
Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.
Winston Churchill
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stay-close · 9 months ago
Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.
Winston Churchill
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broareweabouttoviberightnow · 2 months ago
Darry slams the phone down a little harder than he means to, clatterin' it against the wall 'n the pleasant everythin' is just fine voice falls away immediately.
"Everyone with a rap sheet not biologically related to me better start cleanin' or beat it now." Everyone who'd been piled up loungin' on the couch is suddenly on their feet.
"What's goin' on, Dar?" Soda 'n Pony both don't have to ask, jumpin' over each other sprintin' down the hall 'n throwin' the door open so hard it slams against the wall. Clothes fly hodge podge out into the hall, hittin' the wall 'n pilin' on the floor.
"Child fuckin' services are makin' an unexpected call the bastards." Dallas makes a sympathetic sound but grabs Johnny's collar 'n pulls him towards the door. Johnny sighs 'n digs his heels in, jarrin' Dally as he stops. He jerks his head at the laundry room 'n Dallas groans but follows him, both hastily foldin' the pile of laundry Darry had been cajolin' Pony into for two days.
"Oh shit man." Two jumps on top of the couch, flickin' his knife out 'n usin' it to unscrew the traffic signs Steve, Dallas, Two, 'n Soda had stolen months ago 'n Darry had been diligently ignorin' ever since.
"Where's the vacuum?" Pony reappears in the living room, eyes wide. Soda lurches around behind him, head 'n shoulders completely hidden behind the pile of dirty clothes.
"Closet, I'll get it, Pone." Steve ducks behind him, rippin' the closest door 'n yankin' the vacuum from its dusty home.
"Wait no- I got it-"
"Ponyboy Michael why don't you focus on doin' the dishes like you were supposed to do last night." Darry's frantically yankin' windows open to air out the house, which smells a little too much like an ashtray for comfort.
"But I-"
"Pony c'mon." Soda shifts the laundry to one arm 'n grabs Pony by the front of the shirt, draggin' him into the kitchen.
Two finally gets the sign out of the wall, shovin' it under the couch to hide it 'n runnin' into the kitchen to grab a couple of the sketches Pony's done that Darry has pinned to the fridge to cover the screw holes.
"Pony, why are their unrolled cigs under your bed?" Steve shouts 'n Darry watches Pony cringe through the doorway from where he's tryin' to make the mess of shoes 'n coats by the doorway look more presentable.
"Ponyboy Michael we talked about you rollin' your own goddamn kools." Steve snickers 'n Pony stops lookin' at Darry with big, pleadin' eyes to look outlandishly pissed.
"Go get 'em, Glory God, we gotta get rid of 'em." Pony ducks past Darry, not fully managin' to avoid the whack on the back of the head Darry sends him.
Pony disappears into his room 'n they can all hear them get in a couple solid hits back 'n forth. "Ponyboy Michael 'n Steven Thomas we do not have time for this." There's a brief pause 'n then a stingin' slap. "Ohh, Steven Thomas Randle if that leaves a goddamn mark I'm takin' it out of your ass." Pony unsuccessfully tries to hide his snort behind a cough 'n reluctantly shuffles back out, droppin' the cigs into Darry's hand. He shoves the whole mess deep into his pocket 'n clips Pony upside the head again.
"Anyone else have any illegal shit they'd like to turn in while we're on the topic?" Darry glances up 'n finds five pairs of deeply guilty eyes peerin' back at him. "Oh my God."
"Look, you have to promise not to get ma-"
"So, uh-"
"Man, maybe-"
"Everyone shut up. I'm goin' to close my eyes for thirty goddamn seconds 'n if it is out of my house by then I won't say anythin'." Darry presses the heels of his hands to his eyes, tries not to think about the poundin' migraine flutterin' in his temples.
Both the back door 'n front door slam 'n at least four pairs of feet hit the ground runnin'. Glory almighty, he didn't even want to know.
The kitchen tap flips on 'n he listens as Johnny goes to join Pony, flyin' through the pile of dishes. The door to Steve's beater slams closed 'n the four delinquents of the hour file back into the house.
Darry drops his hands from his eyes 'n shoots Two, Soda, Dallas, 'n Steve a glare that says we'll be talkin' about this later. Most of them at least have the decency to drop their eyes to the floor.
"Alright, someone's gotta straighten up this fuckin' living room, one of you needs to go get the beer cans off my lawn, 'n I need two of you to run down to the corner store 'n get some groceries so our fridge doesn't look like y'all ate me out of house 'n home."
"I'll go get the fallen soldiers, they're prob'ly all mine anyways." Two ducks back out the door with a sheepish grin, catchin' the screen door so it doesn't come off the hinges.
"Me 'n Soda can go get the groceries, we can take the beater." Steve fishes his keys out with one hand 'n grabs Soda by the shirt front with the other.
"Oh, nuh-uh. With my luck, you two would get so distracted I wouldn't see you until three hours after the lady leaves. Soda, you get started on the livin' room. Steve 'n Dallas go get the food. 'N take the truck. At this rate, your beater wouldn't start 'n you'd get stranded in the parkin' lot."
Steve shrugs a shoulder, takes the keys 'n Master Card Darry tosses him 'n Dallas nods, both of them peelin' back out the door. Soda pouts but goes to start pickin' up the clutter without a fight.
Lord, if only they were this agreeable all the time.
Pony 'n Johnny report back to Darry, shakin' the water from the dishes off their hands. "What else do you need, Dar?" Johnny wipes the back of his hands on his jeans, 'n glances around for another job.
"Yeah, Johnnycakes, can you help me with dinner? I want somethin' on that table when they show." Johnny nods 'n Darry ruffles his hair affectionately. "Pony, go get in that shower. You look like you just rolled around in the dirt." 'N he's not even that far off. He's got a smudge of ink right across his nose from whatever he'd been workin' on. Pony scowls but turns 'n goes for the bathroom.
Darry waits until he's shut the door 'n then follows Johnny into the kitchen. "Hey, wanna make that casserole they liked last time?" Leave it to Johnny to remember what meal the child services workers had liked.
"Nah, can't make them think we're doin' anythin' to fancy for 'em."
"Gotcha," Johnny nods 'n opens the cabinet, "so, pasta." Darry chuckles, rufflin' his hair again 'n fallin' in beside him to start the water boilin' on the stove.
At some point durin' their meal prep Dallas 'n Steve return, hoistin' five bags between the two of them, frantically arrangin' 'em in the icebox. Pony slides in, takin' over stirrin' the sauce, hair ungreased 'n curlin' around his ears. Darry drops a kiss to his temple 'n slicks his bangs away from his eyes. Soda takes his place in the bathroom, the shower turnin' back on.
Before Darry realizes it, dinner is plated on the table, the sink is empty, 'n the house is as close to spotless as it ever gets. Relief 'n exhaustion hit Darry like a freight train. They make quick work of packagin' up plates for Two, Steve, Dallas, 'n Johnny 'n Darry squeezes shoulders 'n musses up hair 'n makes them all promise to come back in two hours when the visit is done.
His stomach does an unpleasant twist when Steves's headlights swing out of the driveway. He hates these visits. He truly does. He runs a hand up 'n down his neck nervously, glances at the clock.
Pony's head nestles against his side 'n Darry drops an arm around him, pullin' him in. "We'll be alright, right Dar?" And Darry does what he does best: sound more confident than he feels.
"Yeah, kiddo. We'll be just fine." Soda slides back down the hall in he socks, trippin' n' stumblin' like a foal. "Glory, Soda, please don't bust anythin' before the government folks get here."
"Aw, Dar, you're always ruinin' my fun." Soda grins his wide crooked smile 'n Darry feels Pony relax against his side.
"That's what they pay me for. Now, c'mon 'n eat before it gets cold." Pony pushes himself off Darry 'n Soda grabs him rufflin' his damp hair 'n makin' Pony hoot a laugh. They've just plopped down when there's a knock at the door.
All three of them whip around to look.
Darry shoots them a grin that he hopes doesn't look as nervous as he feels. He blows out a long breath, puts his hand on the knob to open the door, glancin' around one final time to make sure nothin' is out of place when his eyes fall on-. "Oh, glory." He reaches up beside the door 'n yanks out the knife Dallas had pinned the shoppin' list to the wall with. "What am I gonna do with y'all?"
"Keep us!" Soda hollers 'n Pony dissolves into giggles. Darry watches them for a moment, Soda's eyes flashin' 'n the sound of Pony's laugh.
"I'm gonna do my best." 'N he opens the door.
also a tag for being very sweet in the tags this is one of the fics I was cookin' up at work today more to come SOON @horsegirlsodapop ilyyy 😭🫶
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quizzicalwriter · 1 year ago
dally winston x virgin!reader who asks her boyfriend dally to be her first time
Sweet Thing
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Pairing: Dallas Winston x Fem!Reader
Summary: Intimacy, intimacy, intimacy.
Warnings: Smut. MDNI. Kissing, touching, fingering. Inexperienced and slightly innocent reader. Loss of virginity.
A/N: Thank you for the request!
Word Count: 2.8k (I got carried away.)
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You’d always been Dallas’s favorite preoccupation, distracting him from everything else in life. The sweet thing he carted around whenever he hung around with the boys or found himself in the drunken den that was Buck’s on a Saturday night. You’d be there, propped on his lap with his arms wrapped securely around your waist.
Not that you didn’t have anything to say besides sitting there, hell, the guys loved you. You could hold your own when it came to their wit and it made you a worthy companion for Dallas in their eyes, not to mention your inexplicable ability to put up with his shit when nobody else had before - or seemingly nobody else had been given the chance.
Normally Dallas would’ve gone for girls at the drive-in, greaser girls, or any woman he could get his hands on or who could handle his banter for longer than a minute without giving him the back of their hand. You weren’t one of them, and frankly, that terrified Dallas. There was a part of him that wanted to pull away, push you away in hopes that he’d save himself the pain of heartbreak later on he’d convinced himself he’d suffer. But he always stopped himself whenever you found yourself in his arms, gazing up at him with your doe-like eyes.
It was a difficult thing, Dallas being intimate. He was born and raised in a constant battle for survival, not showing love or producing it, but you made it easy. The longer you two had been together the longer he found himself wanting to keep you close, protect you from dangers he seemed to see everywhere. The worries you once had about him leaving eventually faded, the look in his eyes as he gazed at you whenever you laid in his arms far outweighed any ill thoughts you’d suffered with.
The only way you could describe it was ardent, laced with a deep desire that you’d never seen before in his brown eyes. A deep desire that would show itself in the bounds of the night after the two of you had disappeared together, culminating in you on his lap in his bed, hips rocking together as he kissed along your throat and down onto your chest. Or with your legs wrapped loosely around his hips, him grinding into you, you whispering sweet moans into his mouth spurring him on to do more, touch you more, please you more.
Dallas never pushed, he was always understanding whenever you pulled away. Of course, he’d have to adjust himself in his jeans, but he’d quickly pull you to his chest and press delicate kisses along your face, murmuring how much you mean to him, something he didn’t dare do in front of others. That side of Dallas was for you, nobody else, so you treasured it whenever he showed it.
On one particular Saturday night in the midst of autumn, you found yourself propped up against Dallas’s side on one of the couches in Buck’s bar, legs bent up at your chest as you fiddled with frayed denim at the end of your pant leg. Dallas was in a debate with a random man, someone he seemed to know well enough to bullshit with, talking about how the two had snagged something good off a rich man’s car not too long ago.
If it hadn’t been for the incessant country music Buck played when it rounded two in the morning you’d likely have fallen asleep against Dallas, but the occasional jump of a new song kept you jerking awake, a tired pout situating itself on your features as you rested your cheek against Dallas’s shoulder.
“Looks like your miss is real tired.” The man stated, taking a long puff from his cigar before gesturing toward you with the end of it, a snicker following his words as he propped himself up against the end of his pool cue. Dallas quirked a brow, looking down at you where you were tucked into his side with a hidden smile.
“Guess she is.” He murmured, not saying anything more beyond that before moving to prop himself up straighter, hand smoothing down your back as he looked down at you. “Tired?”
You weren’t tired, tired. More so bored, the constant scent of smoke and alcohol wasn’t helping the boredom or the budding headache in the back of your skull. But knowing if you said anything other than ‘yes’ at that moment would result in another hour downstairs, you nodded, feigning a yawn as you let your eyes flutter deceptively.
Dallas caught on, but he didn’t say anything. Instead choosing to click his tongue against his teeth as he played along, shrugging as he moved to stand. “I’ll see you later, man.” He stated, causing the older man to shrug himself before dispersing off into the crowd. Dallas turned to you, helping you to your feet before leading you up the stairs.
“Lyin’ is a sin, y’know that right?” He chuckled out, quiet enough for only you to hear as he nudged open his bedroom door with the toe of his shoe, causing you to laugh yourself and avert your gaze from his as you moved into the familiar room.
“Didn’t lie.” You mumbled out, another pout crossing your lips as you kicked off your shoes, making your way to his bed. “Real tired, Dally.”
“Sure, doll.” He snickered from the corner of the room as you made yourself comfortable on the bed, the familiar metallic clang of his belt hitting the wooden floor echoing throughout the room soon after.
He moved beside you then, letting out a sigh as he wrapped his arms around your middle, pulling your back flush with his chest. The sound of country music and clattering pool balls still echoed from downstairs, but the only thing you could bring yourself to focus on was the feeling of Dallas’s knee between your legs.
It was an innocent move, both of you slept with your legs intertwined, it felt comfortable given how small his bed was. As he shifted to get more comfortable his knee pressed harder against your clothed cunt, causing your cheeks to flush red as you choked back a whine. Dallas stiffened, breath catching in his throat as he took a moment to gauge your reaction before moving his knee again.
“Dal-“ You whined, hand moving down in between your legs as you buried your face into the pillow you two shared, his scent lingering heavily on the fabric doing nothing to quell the growing ache between your legs.
“What, doll? Feel good?” He whispered, words ghosting across the nape of your neck, causing your back to arch involuntarily as you slowly nodded. His hand smoothed down your front, bumping over the fabric of your shirt and jeans as he slowly moved to cup your sex, ever so gently applying pressure as he rocked himself against you.
You felt yourself soaking your underwear with arousal the longer he rutted against you, his fingers pressing against your cunt through your jeans as he did. A familiar sensation bloomed in your lower stomach, one that left you clenching your thighs around his palm as you tried to quell the growing ache.
“Gotta tell me what you want.” He whispered against the shell of your ear, trailing a litany of open-mouthed kisses along the curvature of your throat, pressure from his fingers increasing against your cunt. “Need to hear you say it.”
“Fuck, Dallas, just fuck me.” You whined, embarrassment over the prospect of voicing your needs soon being overweighed by the sheer need you felt for him, your hand moved to grasp at his forearm as you begged. “Please, Dal.”
That seemed to be all he needed as he moved to sit up on his knees, pressing another kiss to your jaw before pulling his shirt up and over his head. You laid there, lips parted as you watched him undress, feeling your blush spread from your cheeks to the top of your chest. You wanted to touch him, feel him, kiss him - so you did. You moved to sit up, folding your legs underneath yourself as you moved to press a kiss to his lips, hands moving to cup his jaw, only pulling away when you felt that familiar pull to touch him elsewhere.
You’d seen him without a shirt, but you’d never truly been able to admire him until now. Your hands wavered over his body, fingertips dipping in between the rivets of his toned skin, along healed scars, a faint bruise that still lingered under the left side of his ribcage. Above it all you found yourself fascinated with the way his chest rose with each breath and the small freckles that lined his skin. They reminded you of the ones he’d gotten from his time in the sun that plastered themselves against his cheekbones and upper shoulders.
Dallas let you look, eyes fluttering whenever your hands would drift farther south than before. You could hear him taking in shuddering breaths, chest catching every few minutes as though he were teetering on the edge of self-control. He raised his hands then, looking to you for approval before he lifted your shirt up and over your head, bundling the soft fabric in his hands before letting it fall to the floor.
You reached your hands behind yourself, unclasping your bra, letting the straps fall down your shoulders until your bra collapsed into your lap, exposing your breasts to him. Dallas had seen women before, he’d seen plenty, but none of them had ever had the effect you currently had on him. He felt his throat dry, brown eyes flickering between your chest and your eyes before he moved to gently lay you back against his bed, situating himself over top of you.
“You want this?” His words were hushed as his hand drifted down over your bare stomach, slowly unbuttoning your jeans as he kept his gaze locked on your face, watching for any sign of discomfort or worry. When you responded with a nod and a quiet, “I want this.” He smiled, a soft laugh leaving him as he leaned down to press a kiss to your lips.
You’d envisioned losing your virginity hundreds of times, a perfect encapsulation of what sex had to be painted in your mind, vivid and blaring. But this was so different, the way Dallas was so gentle, not afraid to laugh if something awkward happened, both of you sharing the pure moment of intimacy with smiles on your face. Nothing could’ve ever prepared you for it and that somehow made it all so much better.
As he slid your jeans off your legs he smiled up at you, a soft look on his face as he tossed the denim to the floor, moving back up to place another languid kiss to your lips. His hand moved between your thighs, fingers splaying against your cunt through your underwear, a groan passing his lips when he felt just how wet you’d become.
“Dallas, please-“ You begged, thighs trembling as he continued to tease you through your underwear. He relented, placing a gentle kiss to your jaw before moving to sit back up, slowly sliding your underwear down and off your body before discarding them to the floor as well.
“So beautiful.” He murmured, eyes wandering over your form laid in front of him, hands smoothing up and down your sides as he took it all in. “So fuckin’ beautiful, doll.”
You watched with bated breath as he slipped his jeans off, kicking his boxers off along with them. His length was bigger than you’d anticipated, only having felt the shape of it when you’d ground down against him during your frequent make-out sessions. As if sensing your apprehension he moved back over you, hand moving to cup your cheek as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“It won’t hurt, alright? We’ll take it slow, real slow.” He whispered, voice soothing as he helped you to wrap your legs around his hips, your heels subtly digging into the flesh of his lower back. He smiled down at you, eyes voicing a silent question if you were alright to which you quickly nodded back, a smile upon your face as well.
He braced himself on his arm, face close to yours as he slid a hand down between you, helping to guide himself inside before sliding his fingers up to slowly circle your clit. A moan left you at the feeling, leaving you clenching around his tip, the feeling causing him to bite back a grunt as he slowly began pushing in.
“Fuck, you’re so tight.” He groaned out, brows screwing together as he pushed himself to the hilt inside of your welcoming cunt, pausing in his movements to give you a chance to grow used to the feeling. “Doin’ so good, baby, so good.”
You’d heard horror stories from your friends, tales of how their first time had been painful and rushed, but this felt the complete opposite. While it took you a moment to grow used to the feeling of him inside of you, it was an incredibly welcome feeling. You could feel yourself clenching down around him, his fingers circling your clit only adding to the feeling building in your stomach.
“Dal- Dal, move.” You whispered out, voice hoarse as you grasped at his shoulders, desperate for him to move. He snickered at your pleading tone, slowly pulling himself out before pushing back in, slowly and deeply fucking you as he whispered words of praise into the crook of your neck, pressing kisses against your damp skin whenever he couldn’t help but moan at the feeling of your warmth surrounding him.
You could hear your wetness coating his cock with each thrust of his hips, his fingers slick against your clit. The room was filled with the sound of skin meeting skin, broken-off moans, and whispered words. Your thighs tightened against him as he adjusted himself, lifting himself a bit, unknowingly brushing against a spot within you that you’d never known existed - one that pulled a drawn-out moan from your chest.
“Yeah?” He asked through a smirk, hand moving down to cup your hip as he pushed back into you, hitting that very same spot. You could hardly think, let alone breathe as he fucked himself into you, fingers working at your clit as he angled himself to hit that spot over, and over. “Taking me so good, doll.” He grunted out, grip tightening on your hip as he picked up his pace.
Your hand shot down to his wrist as he continued toying with your clit, eyes fluttering shut as you felt your orgasm building to its peak in your lower stomach, the feeling causing you to rock your hips in tandem with his thrusts. The look on your face was enough to make him groan, his hand moving from your hip to your jaw as he tilted your face to look at him.
“Look at me when you cum on my cock, baby.” He murmured, voice soft yet authoritative as he slammed into you. As soon as you opened your eyes he moved his hand, pressing it against your lower stomach as he continued fucking himself into you. It felt as though he were pushing you down onto him, that spot that nearly blinded you with pleasure constantly being rutted against by his cock.
All you could muster was a weak, “F-fuck,” as you came undone, back arching off the bed as you whined out his name. He didn’t stop, stifling a groan at the way you writhed beneath him as he felt his orgasm building. Once you started swatting at his fingers that still circled your clit he moved his hand, choosing to grab the other side of your hip, effectively propping you up against him as he fucked you.
The pace was near brutal, moans forced from your body as your breasts bounced with each thrust. You couldn’t focus, still reeling from your last orgasm as he continued fucking you into oversensitivity-fueled bliss. You could feel his thumbs pressing into your hipbones, short curses slipping past his lips.
“Gonna cum, baby.” He grunted, pulling out of you a second later, spilling his cum across your lower stomach. His chest heaved, cheeks flushed red as he pumped himself through his orgasm. You could only watch in a haze of your own, still catching your breath as he looked up at you, that familiar crooked smile taking over his features as he moved on top of you once more.
“Did so good, doll. Real good.” He murmured against your cheek, pressing a kiss to your skin between each sentence. “You feel alright? Need me to get you something?” He asked after a moment, a hint of concern evident in his tone that made you smile as you shook your head.
“It felt perfect, Dal. I’m alright.” You whispered back, turning over onto your side to face him, bringing a hand up to cup his cheek, leaning up after to press a kiss to his waiting lips. “Perfect.”
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A/N: Thank you for reading if you made it this far, or even if you just skimmed it over - either way I appreciate the interactions! As always you can find my work over on my ao3 under the user “Unscriptural.” Thank you anon for the request! (Sorry for the late posting, or early? Wherever you are? I finished editing it and didn’t want to queue it, so here is your daily scheduled reading material.)
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only-lonely-star · 4 months ago
ok so basically. after a particularly rough and unfair rumble with the socs, not only is dallas exhausted and sore but hes acting all soft and clingy. when he showed up at your door all he wanted was for his girl to hold him. but he is a mess and hes covered in dirt, blood and sweat so fem reader suggests that he takes a shower but hes like “im tired…” and she suggests that she gets in to help him (COMPLETELY DOMESTIC NOT IN A FREAKY WAY) and dallas is too tired and touch starved to complain so instead of a cocky remark he agrees and reader basically just helps him clean up and get to bed. is this too much?😭 im sorry if it is!!! u 100% do not have to do it!! but ilysm and thank you!!!❤️❤️❤️
🫧⋆。˚ Bruised and Bare ˚ 。⋆ 🫧
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Warnings - Slight pain inflicted on Dallas. Mentions of blood and bruises. Showering together. Established relationship between fem!reader and Dallas Winston.
Summary - Dallas comes to you for some comfort after a rough fight with some Soc boys. You offer to join him in a hot shower to relax and unwind :)
Author’s Note - I love you too, Anon, thank you for your request! 😼😼 Let me just say… DAMN IT FEELS GOOD TO BE BACK TO WRITING. The post-meeting-C.-Thomas-Howell depression is so real and hit me so strong. This is a rather short one, I apologize. I fear if I didn’t get to these requests soon enough then I’d procrastinate even more. I have like four WIPs right now, they’ll be out soon y’all. I love you all SO much, enjoy!!!! 🙈🙈
Word Count - 830
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The sudden knock on your door hadn’t taken you by surprise as you sauntered towards the tall, wooden frame. It was late. Visitors at this hour usually resulted in your rebellious boyfriend, Dallas, looking for a safe haven to spend the night at. It was no surprise when you pulled the doorknob and saw Dallas with a look of defeat and exhaustion in his eyes.
He was hunched over, his shoulders slouched to a new level of low. The boy’s eyes revealed he had endured a tough night already, but the scattered bruises in shades of red and purple told you the full story. “Come on and let me in, just let me cool off for a minute,” he pleaded, his eyes lifeless.
“Oh, Dallas, you went looking for trouble again, didn’t you?” you spoke with playful sarcasm, pulling him inside by the stretched-out collar of his tee.
As Dallas stumbled inside, his boots left footprints of mud across the welcome mat. “No, actually,” he retorted with equal sarcasm, “I took a few blows from them Soc guys we saw that day in the park. I thought I could take three, but hell- I guess not.” Dallas glanced down at his raggedy shirt, one that couldn’t be saved now that it was ripped and torn in just about every place imaginable.
Frowning, you extended a hand to cup his cheek. He looked absolutely defeated - a rare sighting for such a well-known fighter. He didn’t budge at the gentle touch, instead, he stepped forward and snaked his hands to rest on your hips idly. “I’m sorry, baby, c’mere,” you beckoned, gently stroking your thumb across his cheek.
Dallas obeyed, closing the distance between the two of you. He rested his chin on your shoulder, allowing his hand to press yours firmly against his cheek. His lips formed into a small pout. “It hurts, baby. Everywhere. We can just have an easy night and uh…chill in bed, how ‘bout that?”
You grimaced, pulling away slightly. “You ought to shower first, Dal, you ain’t staining my sheets with all that blood… and dirt…and whatever the hell that is,” you pointed to a smear of bright green across his white tee.
The groan Dallas let out was something else. He slouched further and shook your hips vigorously. “Come onnnn, I’m tired. I can’t- I can’t get a hug from my girl? Is that right? I come crawling to you for a simple hug and I can’t even get that?”
His little sob story wasn’t convincing you for shit. “Dallas, don’t hand me that. I’ll even step in with you, that way all you have to do is stand there.”
He shrugged. This was a win-win. He didn’t have to do a thing and on top of that, he got to spend time with you. “Thank you,” Dallas replied sincerely. You could tell right away he meant it, he needed this gentle form of care.
As you twisted the knob to adjust the water’s temperature, Dallas analyzed the markings on his cheekbones and under-eye area. His lip seemed to be busted up pretty well, along with a dark purple rim around his left cheekbone. He grinned, “Looks good, don’t it?”
Scoffing playfully, you ushered him closer, “Just get in.” Dallas slowly but surely trudged his way into the tub, standing under the shower head. With another twist, the hot water splashed down from the nozzle, running down his bruised back. His eyes shut instinctively as he felt around the air in front of him for your body. Following him inside, you grabbed the spare white washcloth which hung from the rack located just across the sink. You enclosed yourself inside as you pulled the shower curtain shut.
“Get my back first?” he requested with a soft smile. The exhaustion written on his face was clear as day, but he maintained a sincere tone when speaking with you.
“Yeah, I got you.” His shoulder blades were tense and stiff. The purple spotting along the more tender parts of his back caused a wince from the both of you. Dallas was tough, he’d never admit he’s truly hurt.
“Careful-,” he hissed with clenched teeth, stiffening as he felt your hand pressing the washcloth onto the sensitive area between his shoulders.
“Does that hurt, baby?” you drew back, hovering the dripping fabric over his body.
Dallas sighed meekly. While most was done to his face, he still had sore spots scattered throughout his entire body. “I’m sore all over darlin’, that’s why I just wanted to lay down.”
Feeling your heart clench out of sympathy, you kissed the tender spots along his spine. The steam emitted from the shower head provided the moist heat needed to soothe his aching body, much like your love for him. He found himself able to relax and wind down in the solace of your presence. Who would have thought that even Dallas Winston needed some tender love and care after all?
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yourmusicmuse · 5 months ago
A headcanon I gained in the shower and haven't stopped giggling about:
Ponyboy is probably going through or about to go through puberty, and when his voice begins to crack due to his voice changing, the gang calls it "whinnies", as in the whinny of a horse.
God, the way that Pony HATES it. It's bad enough his voice is cracking in the first place!! He's tired your honor, let the horse jokes GO. But alas...they won't. No matter how many offended glares he gives.
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alittlebitofloveliness · 8 months ago
"I stretched out and used Johnny's legs for a pillow. Curling up, I was thankful for Dally's jacket. It was too big, but it was warm. Not even the rattling of the train could keep me awake, and I went to sleep in a hoodlum's jacket, with a gun lying next to my hand." -The Outsiders
Something about this little scene gets me every time because it's such a perfect symbolic representation of a) Pony as a character and b) Pony's place in the gang and it's written as this tiny little 'inconsequential' scene that almost looks out of place on the page but in reality this perfectly shows Ponyboy's youth and innocence (the childlike action of curling up, this visual of lying on someone and also the oversized clothes) while alos hammering home the danger and gravity of the situation (the gun next to his hand, symbolically there for him to take whenever but he never does) while ALSO showcasing the multiple layers of protection from the gang in that Johnny is not only offering him physical comfort he is also staying awake to literally watch over him and Pony is swathed in Dally's oversize jacket which is a shield to him, and later saves him in the fire in the church, further driving home the symbolism of the jacket as a physical representation of Dally's protectiveness over Ponyboy- which of course makes it worse when the destruction of the jacket in the fire is also indicative of the change of Dallas' mental state and the inability for him to protect Ponyboy once Johnny is in peril and eventually dies.
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thoughtkick · 2 months ago
Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about.
Winston Churchill
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Could you do something where the gangs (including Tim and curly) s/o has older brothers who are also greasers and just really intimidating in general?
A/N: This was such a fun concept? Dude, I had a lot of fun writing these, thanks for requesting them <3 and look at the little cuties, god they're the cutest things-
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Darry’s not used to having older siblings? He is the oldest, that’s just the way the world is-
Your brothers though? I have a feeling he’d be one of the boys who are the least afraid of your brothers
Like yeah, your brothers are well-known for being the tough hoods they are, there’s practically your own little family gang just between them
But Darry’s not going to be cowering beneath them, shaking in his boots afraid of them
He’s going to try and be a gentleman? He’ll shake your brothers’ hands, make conversation with them when he picks you up before dates
It’s just Darry being Darry, his mama taught him his manners and he’s going to use them <3 he’s a good person
I just have this gut feeling that without a doubt, Sodapop’s going to be at the very least, slightly afraid of your brothers
At least in the beginning, y’know? Meeting your brothers was probably one of the scariest moments in his entire life
They’re just sort of intimidating, I’m sure they’re the type to try and strike fear into all of the suitors who come for their kid sibling
After he proves himself though, either by protecting you from something or standing up for you somewhere, your brothers are pretty alright with him
Now he’s just got a few more older siblings who like to nag him for things!
I feel like he’d get along with them too, now they’re asking for you to start bringing him around more     
Unlike his older brothers, Ponyboy is, in fact, used to having scary older brothers! So yours probably won’t bother him at all
He’s very used to the whole tradition of giving your younger sibling’s date the third degree whenever you meet them for the first time
But honestly? There really isn’t a reason for your brothers not to like Ponyboy, he’s doesn’t really do a lot of bad stuff
Unless your brothers have beef with the Curtis gang for some reason, Ponyboy’s a pretty safe choice to bring home to them!
He’s respectful with them too, he does his best to make conversation when the occasions call for it and he’s polite when he stops by your house
They like to say hi to him when he walks you home from school, waving from the house or the front yard when you guys show up
Do we really think Dallas is going to be off-put by you having big, scary, older brothers? Cause I don’t-
Your brothers don’t scare him in the slightest, and if they do, he’s never going to admit it Dal likes to brag that he’s seen worse up in New York and that your brothers are nothing in comparison to some of the hoods he’s dealt with
He’s going to be rude, he’s going to push your brothers’ buttons a little and pull you closer and kiss you deeper than is polite 
Honestly? I bet your brothers don’t really like him, they think you can do a lot better than Dallas Winston and will probably tell you that on the regular
However, if Dally takes down some Socs for you or something, plays a protective role that your brothers usually occupy, maybe they’ll start to like him a little more
That it doesn’t mean they’re going to be any more lenient when it comes to the rules about him hanging around though-
Probably your safest choice of a boyfriend when your brothers are as big and bad as they are, they’re very overprotective of you probably
Johnny has never done anything wrong in his life, is super duper polite and won’t push any of the lines your brothers draw
They don’t want him spending the night at your house? Johnny’s alright with that, he’ll give you a soft kiss on the porch before he heads off for the night
He’s respectful guys, he’s not going to push the rules and he’s going to be considerate of your brothers
If you ask him, he’ll probably tell you that he’s not afraid of them, only slightly scared but I can see Johnny kind of looking up to them like he looks up to Dallas
Don’t tell Dally that though, Johnny doesn’t think he needs to know-
Hoohoo, oh boy, Two-Bit is going to run your brothers ragged-
Two-Bit likes to be annoying and your brothers are overprotective and it’s just so easy to get them all riled up
He’ll try and push the line sometimes, argue with them about silly things and just be a menace whenever he’s around them
Two’s not afraid of them like at all, he probably should be at least a little afraid but there isn’t one ounce of fear in his body when it comes to them
It’s another one of those, he’s gotta prove himself to your brothers? They think you can do better than Two-Bit, blah blah blah
But just one time where’s comforting you when you really need it or just being there for you when you need him, your brothers are a little more accepting of the hood
My version of Steve is an only child, so that’s going to affect this a little cause my Steve isn’t used to having siblings in general-
Is Steve afraid of your brothers? The answer is yes, very much so, thoroughly afraid of them
But he won’t act like he’s afraid, he just tries to toughen up by pushing his shoulders back and his chin up whenever he’s got to talk with them
Their approval is sort of important to him? He wants your brothers to like him, that’s really all he wants, he seeks the validation
Steve’s going to be polite then, making sure to have you home on time so you won’t break curfew
Your brothers probably think he’s a good enough kid, they’ll nag him every now and again, tease him just enough to keep him on his toes, it’s a brotherly kind of love guys 
Tim’s not afraid of your brothers, like at all-
He’s a gang leader guys, he deals with “big and scary” guys all the time so your brothers aren’t going to be any different
Tim’s got an attitude, that’s for sure, and it’s not going to change when it comes to your brothers, he’s still going to be a jerk and pester them and push all their buttons
He’s not rude? Like he follows the rules they’ve set for you, but he’s a little passive-aggressive, whispering comments that you’ll smack him for and just being a menace
Tim doesn’t take too kindly to teasing, he’s not going to let them push him around and your brothers will probably figure that out really fast  
Again, your brothers probably don’t like him, whether they don’t like Tim himself or they don’t like the Shepard gang? No one will ever know
Your Brothers Either Don’t Like Him Or Just Don’t Like The Shepard Gang Pt.2
Curly’s not the greatest kid, he gets into trouble and does things he shouldn’t, but he’s used to having a scary older brother
Tim’s pretty good about keeping him in line, so he’s not too surprised when your brothers make rules about him coming around
Is Curly going to follow all of them? Probably not, he treats them more like guidelines than actual rules, curfew is more of a recommendation in his mind than a hard rule to follow
He takes care of you though, that’s something your brothers have to admit about Curly, he takes good care of you
From making sure he’s between you and whatever danger you might find yourself against to simply sharing his food with you if you’re hungry <3
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surqrised · 10 months ago
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
Winston S. Churchill
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teddy06writes · 5 months ago
Whumptober Day 20 - Dallas Winston
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Dallas Winston x gn!reader
Prompt: "Who did this to you?"
Trigger Warnings: Canon typical violence, swearing
Summary: You get jumped, Dally plots revenge.
You should have been paying better attention. If you'd been paying attention, you would've seen the socs coming from a mile away. And if you had seen them coming then surely you would have had the good sense enough to take a shortcut home, or to the Curtis house, or at least to the DX station where Steve and Sodapop could've scared them off.
Your thoughts raced in these circles as you limped down the street, back in the direction of home.
They hadn't even given you time to fight back before they had dragged you off into an alley, to give you one hell of a soaking. One smart comment in earshot of the wrong person had given you a swollen eye, a busted lip, and some number of other bruises littering the rest of your body.
"Holy shit, (y/n), is that you?"
"You don't look so good."
You turned, finding Ponyboy and Johnny leaning against the side of a corner store, smoking. Before you could even open your mouth, Ponyboy was pulling you out of foot traffic, and Johnny was lighting a cigarette to place between your still shaking fingers.
"What the hell happened?"
"Don't ask 'em that, ain't it obvious? It was the damn socs!" Ponyboy exclaimed.
You nodded, taking a drag of the cigarette, "Shoulda seen it coming. I slagged off that damn Chet what's his name in fifth period and someone musta heard me."
"Christ! wait till Dallas hears!" Ponyboy exclaimed.
"Wait till Dallas hears what?"
At the sudden sound of your boyfriends voice, the boys jumped, turning to Dally and beginning to stutter out that they found you like that. Of course, Dallas heard none of that as soon as he caught sight of your busted up face.
He was pushing them aside and taking the sides of your face in his hands, "Who did this to you?"
"Who did this?" He asked again, barely holding back his anger.
You glanced away before meeting his eyes again, "Chet something or other- he runs with Gregg Parkers gang."
Dally nodded, releasing you, and running a hand over his face, thinking for a moment.
"It's fine Dal, I was practically asking for it-"
"No, no, no, none of that shit, doll. That little slime ball, is going to pay for messing with what's mine," There was something hard in his tone, in his protectiveness that tugged at your chest, as he turned to Pony and Johnny, "Listen, you two get them back to the house, see if Darry's got that first aid kit of his stocked up, alright?"
Ponyboy and Johnny nodded duitifly as he continued, "Then I want you to get Two-Bit, and Steve, hell, anyone you can find, and send 'em to meet me over at Buck's. I gotta go find Shepard."
"What about us?" Pony asked.
"You stay with (y/n), alright? I don't need Darry hounding me about dragging you into this, too." He looked around the street, before turning back to you.
"Dallas..." You tried to protest again.
"C'mere," Dally pulled you into his arms, briefly, and pressing an uncharacteristically chaste, gentle kiss to your temple, "Let me do this."
Without another word he was heading off down the street, and Johnny and Ponyboy began to corral you back towards the Curtis house, so that Darry could patch you up.
Eventually, Dally, Two-Bit and Steve would return to the Curtis house, and with bloody knuckles, Dally would join you on the couch, holding you close, happy in knowing that you were safe.
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your-unfriendlyghost · 2 months ago
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Really liking Steve and Dally as like…frienemies rn. They’re close but also hate each other lol. (More Steve than Dally. Dally doesn’t hate Steve I don’t think, he just likes winding him up b/c it’s free entertainment)
(I could put something deep here abt them seeing too much of themselves in each other, but I don’t wanna- just read The Same by @broareweabouttoviberightnow b/c all that angst is done so well and succinctly there lol)
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sodapopper · 15 days ago
TW: // death, implied suicide
There were seven of them, bruised and shining, electricity under their skin. Boys; young enough to shake the world, futures unexplored, untainted, unwritten. They were buddies. They fought together, bled together, loved together. The streets echoed with their laughter and the sky wept for their tears.
There were seven, and then…
Johnny Cade was the best of them—that’s why he went first. He died in a fire, but was doomed long before Windrixville, before the fountain or the knife or the blood gushing over his hands. Nothing gold can stay. Johnny was more golden than any of them, burned up in a blaze of glory.
Then there were six.
Dally, vice and violence, backed into a corner. He couldn’t imagine a future, couldn’t see himself on the other side of the fight. Desperation drove him to it. Sorrow kept him going. Just a scared kid, bleeding out under the streetlights, a bullet in his chest. Just a kid, after all. Nothing more.
Then there were five.
Soda, beautiful Sodapop. He laughed when he got the draft notice. “Grease goes international,” he said, all jokes, untamed and untamable, too wild to see death written in the words. Reckless, sensitive Soda, who hugged his brothers tight and raced off to war with a chuckle and a grin, hair wild in the wind. The last thing they saw of him was that smile—they weren’t even given a body to bury.
Just like that, there were four.
Two-Bit never wanted much from life. A drink and a laugh, a smoke and a fight. Good food, good company. A pretty face by his side. Two-Bit had no goals outside of Tulsa, no dreams beyond each passing moment. They found him in an alley. The bottle still in hand, like a murder weapon. Alcohol poisoning, the doctors said. Two-Bit drank his life away; he had no reason to grow old.
There were three.
Steve simmered in his anger until anger was all he knew. Years passed, the tireless slog, every day the same: he wakes with rage held tight in his fists, holes in his wall, dents in the door. Work until his palms bleed grease. Home again, where a family should have been, where the absence of parents burns a hole through the carpet, where his anger coils like a noose. He sleeps, and dreams of Sodapop, beautiful beneath the sky. One day, he doesn’t wake at all. The pill bottle beside his bed, refilled only the day before, lays discarded on its side: empty.
Now there’s two.
Darrel lives a long life. He made his peace with what could have been, a version of the future never meant for him. That part of himself, laid to rest long ago. People cast him pitying glances, think washed out has-been Darry Curtis but his back is broad and his skin is thick, impenetrable. “I’d do it again,” he says, holding his baby brother’s—his last brother’s—hand, as the monitors beep around them, antiseptic in the air. Their hands are wrinkled now. Their faces faded. “Every moment was worth it,” he says, old and sick but still burning with that secret strength he never lost, not even in the hardest times. “For you. For our brother. I’d do it again.”
The jagged line goes flat. The beeping stills. His hands are cold, but even still, strong. The hands of a laborer. The hands of love.
One goes home. Cane, limp, faded sight, grey hair. He climbs the worn porch steps, presses his fingers to the doorway and blesses the wood. The halls of that house are haunted. He hears voice, trapped like a smell in the carpet, the plaster. There is the sofa where vagrant boys found refuge. The dent where Soda’s elbow hit the wall too hard. The scratches from Dally’s knife, a name carved into trim. There is the coffee stain, Darry’s, a full mug dropped. The table where Steve arm-wrestled anyone and everyone.
There is the drawing little Johnny Cade gave to a mother not his own, who hugged him closer than his ever had. It’s still taped to the fridge, brittle and yellow, the faded pencil lines impossible to make out. He’s drawn a family. A gang of boys. Seven.
Now there is one.
Ponyboy Curtis. The last of them, the best. He stands on the threshold of everything they had to give. He holds their love like a beacon inside, trapped where the eyes don’t see, where the hands can’t touch. He is the monument of their combined greatness; he is a patchwork quilt of all their best parts.
They were children once, running free, dirt on their faces and grease in their hair. Those children never made it out of Tulsa. They were never meant to.
Doomed by the narrative, some say, born to fail and suffer and be broken.
But they were children, once.
Ponyboy Curtis strokes the faded photographs on the walls. His gnarled hands touch unblemished faces, a snapshot of time, gap-toothed smiles, unbowed shoulders, messy hair.
They were children, once.
“We were happy.”
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broareweabouttoviberightnow · 3 months ago
"I'm here to pick up Dallas." Darry runs a hand absently up the back of his neck, looks past the desk and into the hall where they keep the cells.
He'd gotten the call half an hour ago in the middle of dinner but he'd had a sinkin' feelin' since this mornin'. Dallas had been gone when Darry had woken up, apparently still hacked off over a fight they'd had last night. He should have known really. Dallas' anger was visceral and volatile. An argument with one of the gang easily rolled into a multi-day affair endin' in a trip to the station. Like clock work.
"Last name?" Darry gives himself a shake and returns to the current moment. He blinks at the man behind the counter once, twice. "Dallas? His last name?" He prompts and Darry bites back on his annoyance.
"Winston." He shoves aside his instinct to ask new around here? "Dallas Winston."
The man looks back down over his paperwork and Darry clenches and unclenches the bottom of his shirt to keep himself from reachin' up to grab the back of his neck again. He was gonna throttle that kid. He means it.
"Sorry, I don't have a Winston here." That snaps Darry back and he cocks his head to the side. He'd known the cop that had called him. There was no way they had released the kid without it bein' directly into Darry's hands. "I got a Dallas here but the name's different."
"Blonde kid? Seventeen? Real blue eyes?" Darry ticks off Dallas' most identifiable features without listin' asshole kid with a death wish and an urge to pluck his older brother's last nerve.
The man looks back at his papers and nods to himself. "Nah, that's definitely him. Sorry sir, when we picked him up he was pretty sloshed. Must have mixed himself up. Gave us the name Curtis. Dallas Curtis."
Darry feels the anger drain right out of him. Glory.
He signs the paper the cop shoves towards him with a sigh he doesn't really mean, "That's him. That's my kid brother."
Maybe Darry would still throttle him, but no one would mention it if he held him extra close tonight. And they wouldn't talk about the fact Dallas hadn't touched a drop all afternoon.
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quizzicalwriter · 1 year ago
Hi! Idk if you do headcanons but if you do can you do boyfriend headcanons for Dallas? It can be up to you to make it general things or just smut related things.
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Dating Dallas HC’s
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Despite what you may think, I don’t see Dallas being an overly possessive boyfriend. You two go about your business and that’s that, but the moment he catches someone flirting with you he’s bounding over and making sure everyone knows you’re his. Beyond that? He’s alright with PDA, but he’s not about to make out in front of his friends, that’s private stuff.
He’d let you wear his jacket, necklace, rings, everything. He loves seeing you in his clothing, and he’d certainly notice the moment you aren’t wearing one item that you usually do - and it’s not even for the reason you think, he’s just worried you’ll lose his stuff and he’ll have to find another one.
He has no problem remembering birthdays, anniversaries, all that jazz. He loves surprising you by remembering important dates for you. But the moment you ask him if he remembers someone you met last week he’s pulling a blank. He’ll remember eventually, but he sucks at remembering faces.
You ever need something but don’t have the money for it? Dallas does! Don’t ask where he got it, most of the time he doesn’t remember or doesn’t want you worrying about him - he doesn’t know which is worse and he ain’t about to find out.
On the topic of money, if you tried to pay him back he’d act personally offended and never accept the money. I’m talking full-on mouth dropping open, loud scoff, all of it. You’re his girl, why the hell are you trying to pay him back? Just give him a kiss or something.
Loves driving you places, and lets you control the music in reasonable amounts - meaning, you cannot play the same song over, and over. He’d let you get away with three replays max before he’s groaning and turning the radio off and tossing the mix out the window. He’d apologize afterward and buy you a new cassette.
I do not see him being a kind driver, the man has road rage and you’ve seen it. There have been multiple instances where you’ve ducked into the passenger seat and whisper-yelled at him to shut up - he never does.
The man is like a corpse when he sleeps. You want him to move over? Good luck. You’d have a better chance rolling over onto him to get sleep, he wouldn’t wake up either way unless you pushed him from the bed.
Speaking of sleep, if you’re ever cold and plaster your morgue-like hands against his back, he will shriek. His back will arch, his legs will shoot out, and he’ll throw every curse known to man your way as he moves away from your hands - your hands still end up warm.
His friends are his family and he takes their opinions seriously, I can see him genuinely fretting over their view of you if he cares enough for you. Hell, he’s got feelings for you, of course, he’s going to want his family to like you. They will, it’ll take a while to get used to their form of joking, but you’ll be at home with them and it’ll make Dallas smile.
On the subject of family, Dallas doesn’t mention his much. He might if you’re close enough, but you’re likely to get bits and pieces as time goes by until he’s sure you won’t leave either. When he finally tells you about his upbringing it hurts your heart, you’re both mentally spent by the end of it and you promise him to never mention it unless he does first. He appreciates you for it.
If you stay over at his place often enough he’ll try to make the place look more presentable. Mainly rearranging stuff that he hasn’t touched in months, maybe buying another set of bedsheets. You notice every time something changes in his room and whenever you mention it he’s happy to talk about it, even if he tries to play it off cool.
He watches you sleep, not so much in a creepy way, but it’s something he loves to do. If you talk or snore in your sleep he will imitate it in the morning. In the moment he finds it cute, but he’ll never admit it.
His version of helping you cook breakfast, lunch, or dinner is standing behind you with his chin on your shoulder, or leaning against the kitchen counter with a cigarette between his lips. The man can’t cook, maybe he could, but he likes watching you cook too much to try - that and the one time he tried to help he burnt the shit out of his hand.
If you smoke he’ll light your cigarettes or share his own, if you don’t he’ll appreciate you standing beside him while he smokes, but he ain’t gonna force you to be near him when he does - just don’t nag the man, he’s been smoking since he was a kid, I don’t think he could stop even if he wanted to.
Whenever he smokes he’ll blow the smoke to the side, always ensuring it doesn’t blow in your face. But, if the smoke follows you he’ll murmur some cliche line like “Smoke follows beauty.”
Any music he’s into he will show you in a heartbeat. He thrives on showing you things you haven’t seen yet, whether it’s movies at the drive-in he’s sneaking you into, or a cassette he snagged from a nearby store - either way, his eyes watch you for any reaction.
Definitely considers going on a walk or eating food in Buck’s T-Bird a date. You’ll have to specify what you want if you want anything different, otherwise he’s content with the routine. If you ask for something different he won’t take offense to it, but he might chide you for it.
Words aren’t his forte, actions are. He’ll try his best to be kind, but he’ll occasionally slip and might say something rude. If you can shoot back your own sarcastic quips it’ll make him swoon, he loves nothing more than someone who can fire back at him.
Likely won’t tell you that he loves you for YEARS. You can say it first, he’ll nod and likely kiss your cheek or forehead in return. You know what he means, but he’s not the type to say it until he feels absolutely certain about you. Dallas knows how he feels about someone rather quickly, but he’s wary when it comes to love. He wants to mean it, mean it in a way that scares him.
The first time he tells you he loves you will be when you’re asleep. He’ll continue doing that until one day when he randomly springs it on you. It’ll likely be around a cigarette, but you’ll be able to tell from his eyes how deeply he means it. Don’t expect him to say it often, but know that he always feels it.
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A/N: This is so short, I’m so sorry. I’ve never done headcanons before, so I hope this was good! I think about Dallas’s character so much that I actually had a bit of fun with this! This is a late night post for me, but I finished it up and figured I’d post it for y’all anyways. Thank you all for the continued love and support you’ve shown me and my work!! I appreciate you all more than words could ever describe! <3
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