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scottsnider · 2 months ago
Breakfast Television: Amy Marks Video (12-30-2024)
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blindlyshop · 5 years ago
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💝Premium custom unisex contrast Hoodie😍😍😍 For the fans. ✅Free Shipping for limitted time 💁‍♀️Best Deals ever🤸‍♂️🤸‍♀️ ➡️Get it Now -: http://bit.ly/customcontrasthoodieforwjfans #winnipegjetsfans #winnipegjetshockey #gojetsgo #winnipegjets #winnipegjets✈️ #jetsgear #jetsbomberbeauties #jetsbombersbeauties #nhljets #GoJetsGo #WinnipegJets #WPGJets #Jets #NHLJets https://www.instagram.com/p/B20cIXfhI0Q/?igshid=128y5qk8wm4vl
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jamiesoleksiak · 4 years ago
Freeze! You’re under arrest for being so lovely! Copy this message and send it to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful!! 💕💕
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vezinabuyck · 4 years ago
Freeze! You’re under arrest for being so lovely! Copy this message to 10 other blogs that are you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful! 💕💕 I HOPE YOU’VE HAD A GREAT DAY!!! 🥰
STOPPPP💖 ilysm and this is so sweet, exactly what I needed😭💞🥰
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flamesleafsjetscanes · 4 years ago
For being so nice and cute, copy this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful! 💕💗💓💖💞💘
thank you so much 🥺🥰
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tylers-toffoli · 4 years ago
Self Isolation Tag Game
Rules: The last photo of a celebrity that you saved is your isolation buddy!
thank you for tagging me @lmao-i-only-know-hockey ! ily kira
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mine is also scheifs omfg. look at us. consistent queens
i tag: @pitoftrash @winnipegjetsfan @bennsseguin @tkafuckit @kkane88 @scheifsforlife @mitchmarney @tseggy
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adamlowsy · 4 years ago
hello friends!
I decided i wanted a change in my url so I will be changing it to Scheifefe because @vezinabuyck suggested it and I love the energy 😂😂😂
so rip to winnipegjetsfan it was fun while it lasted but I just wanted a change 😂
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jesusjoshuamorrissey · 5 years ago
I was tagged by @lmao-i-only-know-hockey @scheifsforlife and @winnipegjetsfan thank y’all so much, I was just asleep when yall tagged me. 
Rules: tag 8 people you want to get to know better and then answer these questions.
Favorite Color: Blue or green.
Last Song: Paradise by Broadside
Last Movie: Heathers (I think) 
Current TV Show: Big Time Rush, Bob Burgers when I’m packing, and I’m going to start Brooklyn 99 soon.
Sweet, Spicy, or Savory: Sweet but I also love sour
Bubbly Water, Tea, or Coffee: Coffee but it do be making my tummy hurt and giving me panic attacks
I tag: @pl-dubois @martieblogsstuff @leafsbabe @greatsavegrubi @kreiderrider @scheifele @tinylyds @savebyhellebuyck sorry if any of y’all have done this already!
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scheifele · 5 years ago
i was tagged by @sassydunn @pattytkachuk @winnipegjetsfan, thank y’all 💓
favourite colour: yellow!!!
last song: climax by yung thug ft. 6lack (6lqck is the loml)
last movie: superbad
last show: the vampire diaries, i love this shit and i need to finish it!!
i tag: @savebyhellebuyck @matthewtkachuky and anybody else that wants to do it!
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icecoldbloodtype · 5 years ago
21 Questions tag
answer 21 questions & tag 21 people you want to know better !
I was tagged by the lovely and incomparable @malumasbaby thank you babe!
nicknames: sham, sham bam, sham jam, sham wow, sham pow, shamrock (will answer to anything close....once had a girl call me sharmela and i still answered)
zodiac: libra
height: a v small 5′2 and 3/4
hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
last thing i googled: how to use chopsticks (I am trying to eat chinese food rn)
favorite musicians: tooooo many.  5sos, The Maine, Bieber, Mendes, All Time Low, The 1975, State Champs, Hunter Hayes, Alessia Cara, Halsey, Niall Horan, gnash, lauv, prettymuch ig (I literally pulled from my top Spotify artists)
song stuck in my head:  Sit Next To Me by Foster The People
following: 891
followers: 4, 661 (y’all thought I was joking when I said less people should follow me huh)
do you get asks?: sometimes!
amount of sleep: anywhere from 5 to 7.5 hours.
what are you wearing : green tank top and pajama pants
dream job : not sure anymore but probably helping people? (yes i stole katya’s answer); technically i still wanna go to grad school to become a licensed mental health counselor
dream trip: amsterdam, would love to take a trip to california and new york, canada.
instruments: nada, but i wanna learn
languages: english and a little bit of spanish
10 favourite songs as of right now:
Low- The Driver Era
El Tejano- Lauv ft Sofia Reyes
I Love Me- Demi Lovato
Melancholy Kaleidoscope- All Time Low
Where Am I At- MAX
Babies- KYLE ft. Alessia Cara
Cross Your Mind- Niall Horan
Comfortable- H.E.R.
Just My Luck- Marc E. Bassy
if you were an animal, what would you be?: A panda or a butterfly
favourite food: I don’t think i have a favorite food, but i heavily fuck with Indian and Mexican food
random fact: I have a hard time saying no to people, hence why I paid for a siriusxm membership renewal yesterday that I didn’t even want
my aesthetic : i don’t think i have one?
I am not tagging 21 people but I am tagging @boundtobreakk @smoljoelito @hoelsscruff @brightdarkeyes @winnipegjetsfan @nonbinaryliam @flickernialler ❤ (y’all don’t have to and sorry if you’ve already been tagged!)
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blindlyshop · 5 years ago
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💝Premium custom unisex contrast Hoodie😍😍😍 For the fans. ✅Free Shipping for limitted time 💁‍♀️Best Deals ever🤸‍♂️🤸‍♀️ ➡️Get it Now -: http://bit.ly/customcontrasthoodieforwjfans #winnipegjetsfans #winnipegjetshockey #gojetsgo #winnipegjets #winnipegjets✈️ #jetsgear #jetsbomberbeauties #jetsbombersbeauties https://www.instagram.com/p/B20LegEh9Jd/?igshid=1xoov8839lbo1
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thecaseofthespaceace · 4 years ago
Self isolation tag game
Rules: The last photo of a celebrity that you saved is your isolation buddy!
Tagged by @winnipegjetsfan :)
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So, I rarely have pictures of celebrities saved to my phone, but I was just recently wanting to look like Harry styles, so I guess he’s my isolation buddy. I’m not mad about it lol
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vezinabuyck · 4 years ago
2020 end of year appreciation post :)
okay so given that its almost the new year i wanted to make a post to thank everyone on here and everyone in the hockeyblr community for making this frankly shitty year a little bit better for me!
i came into this year not knowing a single thing about hockey, i don’t think i’d spared a single thought for ice hockey in my entire life! but i, like many people, found that hockey was an escape for me during this year and i’ve come to love it so so much! the teams i’ve found, the players i’ve discovered and the friends i’ve made are so precious to me! i’ve been made fun of a lot by family and friends for liking hockey and hockeyblr makes it so much better for me! this site is far from perfect but i love it with my whole heart. 
I’m not a content creator so i sometimes feel lost on here, feeling like i don’t contribute anything to the community but i try to share as much of your amazing work as i can and i’m just here to have a good time liveblogging games! I’m so excited to experience this strange season with all of you, may we all coexist in peace!
@scheifefe I love you and I’m so thankful for our friendship! remember when we were savebyhellebuyck and winnipegjetsfan🥺 I love yelling about our Jets boys and you’ve made me love and appreciate those idiots so much more! We yell at each other to go to asleep alot but our caps lock conversations are god tier!!! time zones suck !!! Anyways I’m coming to Winnipeg to see a Jets game with you ASAP (and i’ll be taking your Nikky bobble head with me)😂⭐️💙
@lediona25 CAN YOU COME BACK TO MY TIMEZONE NOW PLZ??? I promise next year I’m going to root for the Wild as if they’re my no.1 team cause you know i hate the other teams in their division! Anyways i love you for introducing me to the Wild boys and now I would die for Joel, Jordan and Moose!!! I honestly cant remember when or how we started speaking but i’m sososo grateful for you and i dont tell you enough :)
@laurent-bross-whoa I’M SO THANKFUL FOR YOU OMFG!!! 2021 is our year to go from Winnipeg to Vancouver to Philly to Dallas or wherever the hell we can watch hockey! I hope next year we don’t have to go to war with fanatics but i am ready if needs must! I LOVE YOUUUUU AND IVE ALWAYS GOT YOUR BACK!
@justadreamcom I LOVE THAT YOU LOVE ESA AS MUCH AS I DO and i cant waitttttt till we get new Esa content to yell about together! I missed you🇫🇮💙⭐️
@marc-andrefleury I’m so excited to see alllll of your gifs and artwork this upcoming season cause you know i’m your no. 1 fan!!! we don’t talk all of the time but seeing your Flower icon always makes me smile! i love you sm :)
to the stars lb crew, you’re the best people on here and I cant wait to yell and suffer with you all through next season!!! @brockadoodles @jasondickinsonss @prettyboyroope @roopehintz @roopegurianov @guruscorianov @grenawitka @itsjuliak5 @andrewcogliano @bigrigbabyy @stylesbooze @romanseggy @holtbishop @miroheyskanen @jamiesoleksiak @himbos-on-ice @goaliehugs @batsinurbelfrey @chubbs-has-got-this-one @himbos-on-ice @segsation 
there are so many people on here i love and admire, we may not talk (a lot or ever) but i’ve always got your back and i love and appreciate you all endlessly! @powerblais @timsstutzle @klutchnetsov @bigboigritty @devonlevi @couturriere @dangerouspowerplay @lmao-i-only-know-hockey @three-headed-monster @churchofrileytanev @swedeonmarky @i-like-hockey-a-latte @kspitehockey @superlegends316 @nhlbandit @sportmodepetey @blakescheifele @tysonjost @rememberx @nhlbandit @jamesvanriemsdyk @girouxes
anyways this was kinda sappy and I’ve been scared to post it for days but I love you all very much and I’m grateful for all of you☺️💙
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flamesleafsjetscanes · 5 years ago
I FINISHED MY PAINTINGS!!! And I’m really excited with how they turned out! But now I have to decide which two are gonna be sent out for the person who ordered them 😂😂 but yeah, you said you were invested so I thought I’d let you know 😝
that’s awesome, they look fantastic! i’ll have to show my mom in the morning because i think she’s a little invested too after i was asking her opinion on who to paint 😂
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tylers-toffoli · 4 years ago
myself, @pitoftrash and @winnipegjetsfan started a podcast called Ice Ice Baby where we yell about hockey, just in a more formal setting
first episode goes up friday!
listen to the trailer here
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vezinabuyck · 4 years ago
OOO Okay!!! First impression of you (back when we were savebyhellebuyck and winnipegjetsfan :') wow it's been so long) was that you were super cool and I was lowkey intimidated because of who I am as a person. I was nervous to introduce myself because I'm lame. But then we started talking and NOW! Now I can legitimately call you one of my best friends, the TK to my Nolan, my emotional support Jets fan, and I love you so much. I still think you're super cool though 🥰
omg our old urls, the olden days🥲 me intimidating? i was shit scared of everyone on here cause everyone knew so much about hockey😂 (but also not me being intimadated by you cause you were ‘winnipegjetsfan’ but also being like i love this person already cause she loves the Jets and no one else does)
I’M SO GLAS WE STARTED TALKING OMFG!!! you make this hellsite bearable and worth while and yelling about the Jets constantly is my favourite thing in the world🥰 if only they knew what awesome friendships they’ve facilitated🥲 i love you and i appreciate you and I’m sososo thankful we became friends💙
(you’re also way cooler cause you go outside in not enough layers in like -1000000 degree weather😂)
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