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t-annhauser · 2 years ago
Il gruppo Nietzsche
Il gruppo Nietzsche è una compagnia militare privata con sede a Sils Maria che predilige come armi il martello e la dinamite e come si può ben vedere dalla cartina di Limes opera prevalentemente in alta montagna, solo e incompreso, lontano dalla confusione dei centri abitati. Ha come simbolo di battaglia il tirso e i suoi componenti vivono nudi abbracciati a dei cavalli. Nel 2014 erano appena in due, oggi sfiorano le 50.000 unità, di cui l'80% è composto da ex-hegeliani. Operano in regime di covert operation protetti dalla plausible deniability delle autorità grigionesi e non sono riconosciuti dalle Nazioni Unite. Nella Battaglia di Sempach che vide la Vecchia Confederazione prevalere sull'Arciducato d'Austria, svolsero prevalentemente attività di collegamento fra il Canton Svitto e il Canton Zurigo, dando innumerevoli prove di ardimento e contribuendo in modo decisivo alla vittoria finale delle truppe di Arnold von Winkelried. Gli ultimi rilievi dei droni ci mostrano che hanno deposto le armi e rinunciato a ogni forma di lotta armata in favore della catalessi ascetica. A loro non importa niente di niente, sono dei nichilisti.
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fitundheil · 6 months ago
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Nachdem Christus einmal geopfert worden ist, um vieler Sünden zu tragen, wird er zum zweiten Mal denen, die ihn erwarten, … erscheinen zur Errettung. Hebräer 9,28
Der 9. Juli ist für Schweizer unvergessen. Warum? Wegen der Schlacht bei Sempach im Kanton Luzern. Im Sommer 1386 kam es zum entscheidenden Kampf der Eidgenossen gegen das Herzogtum Österreich. Leicht bewaffnet standen sie in Unterzahl einer gepanzerten Habsburger Ritterschar gegenüber. Dennoch konnten die Schweizer einen spektakulären Sieg erringen. Kein Wunder, dass dieser Tag für die Schweiz zum Mythos wurde.
Wie konnten die Eidgenossen, obwohl unterlegen, dennoch gewinnen? Zum Erstaunen der Habsburger griffen die mutigen Eidgenossen an – in keilförmiger Schlachtordnung. Eine alte Zürcher Chronik von 1476 schildert den Hergang: Es war die bewundernswerte Tat »eines getreuen Mannes« – Arnold von Winkelried. Er sprang dem Bericht zufolge hervor und rief: »Sorgt für mein Weib und meine Kinder!« Dann stürzte er sich mit ausgebreiteten Armen den Habsburger Lanzen entgegen, raffte deren Speerspitzen zusammen und lenkte sie alle auf seine Brust. Durchbohrt von vielen Spießen starb er. Seine letzten Worte waren: »Der Freiheit eine Gasse!« In die Phalanx der Gegner war eine Bresche geschlagen. Durch diese Schneise konnte das Schweizer Fußvolk die Österreicher schlagen.
Die Aufopferung von Arnold ist Geschichte. Die Aufopferung von Jesus jedoch findet einen zukünftigen Abschluss: Der Evangelist Johannes als Augenzeuge der Schlacht auf Golgatha zitiert eine alte Weissagung: »Dies geschah, damit die Schrift erfüllt würde: (…) Sie werden den anschauen, den sie durchstochen haben« (Johannes 19,37). In seinem letzten Buch beteuert Johannes: Dieser Durchbohrte wird bald wiederkommen! »Siehe, er kommt mit den Wolken, und jedes Auge wird ihn sehen, auch die, die ihn durchstochen haben« (Offenbarung 1,7).
Mehr unter www.LebenIstMehr.de
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globobro · 7 months ago
The list is topped by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who earned over $1.4 billion in 2023. Alexander Karp of Palantir Technologies earned over $1.1 billion.
Here’s the full list:
Rank Name Company Compensation
1 Elon Musk Tesla 1.4 billion
2 Alexander Karp Palantir Technologies 1.1 billion
3 Hock Tan Broadcom 767.7 million
4 Brian Armstrong Coinbase Global 680.9 million
5 Safra Catz Oracle 304.1 million
6 Brian Chesky Airbnb 303.5 million
7 Jon Winkelried TPG 295.1 million
8 Jeff Green Trade Desk 291.7 million
9 Adam Foroughi Applovin 271.3 million
10 Nikesh Arora Palo Alto Networks 266.4 million
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seewetter · 7 months ago
Mythic Creatures by Culture & Region
Part 6: Medieval Europe
Global list & overview here.
This list still needs revising, because I didn't distinguish French, German, Italian and Spanish folklore (Catalan folklore is independent, because I support Catalonian independence haha). Some European folklore has already been listed in part 3 and 4 and 5 or will be listed in future in connection with religious culture.
Here are some links to websites with European creatures that I didn't all list: https://bestiary.ca/beasts/beastalphashort.htm
Medieval Europe Fish: http://www.godecookery.com/ffissh/ffissh.htm
Medieval Europe Plants: http://www.godecookery.com/mythical/mythical.htm
Abyzou; Aegipan in medieval bestiaries, based on Pliny the Elder; Aitvaras from Lithuania; Alberich in Thidrekssaga written in 1250 in Norway, possibly based on a Plattdeutsch original (also appears in German Nibelungenlied from 1200 in Passau, Bavaria and Ortnit from 1230s Germany, Strassburg; Alerion only 1 pair of these birds exists at a time, bestiaries and heraldry; Alp German; Alphyn; Amadís de Gaula made some time before 1508, contains the giant Endriago, a monster born of incest who exhales a poisonous gas and whose body is covered in scales and Urganda the Unknown: Sorceress who protects Amadís; Amphiptere, word is Greek, found on French coats of arms between 1300 and French Revolution. Possibly found in medieval bestiaries as an African animal (anhinga)? Winged snakes of Arthurian legend. Terrible Wikipedia page.; Anguane Italy; Anjana Spain; Antichthones; Arquetu; Askafroa German "Eschenfrau"; Aspidochelone referenced as Jasconius; Atlantes (sorcerer); Aufhocker; Augenbrand;
Badalisc; Bahkauv Aachen; Balaur Romanian, multi-headed dragon; Baldanders; Baphomet; Barabao; Barnacle Goose; Barstuk; Basilisk; Beast of Gévaudan; Beerwolf; Befana; Belsnickel; Bergmanli; Bergmönch; Bicorn; Bieresel; Big Ghoul (dragon); Biscione; Bishop Fish 2 visits, 1 in 1531; Bisterne Dragon; Black Dog; Black Panther; Blemmyes; Blue Ben; Blue Lady of Verdala Palace; Bonnacon (Pliny the Elder); Borda; Bragmanni; Brazen Head; Broxa; Bucentaur; Buckriders North Belgian and South Dutch; Buschgrossmutter; Buschweibchen; Butatsch Cun Ilgs; Butzemann;
Caballucos del Diablu; Caelia; Caladrius; Careto; Cerastes; Cheval Gauvin; Cheval Mallet; Chichevache; Chromandi; Cinnamologus; Coco; Cocollona; Cola Pesce; Crocotta; Cuegle; Cuélebre; Cynocephali;
Dahu; Dahut; Dames Blanches; Dames Vertes; Death; Demoiselles Blanches; Dipsa; Dolphin; Doñas de fuera; Drac; Draconcopedes; Dragon; Dragon of Beowulf; Dragon of Mordiford; Dragons of St. Leonard's forest; Drake; Drapé; Drude; Duende; Dwarf ; Dwarfs, Dwarves;
Easter Bunny; Ekke Nekkepenn; Elegast; Elemental; Elwetritsch; Emmet Giant Ant; Enchanted Moura; Enfield; Erchitu; Erdhenne; Erdluitle; Erlking; Ewiger Jäger;
Fáfnir; Familiar; Fänggen; Farfadet ; Farfadets; Fasolt; Fates; Father Frost; Fées; Feldgeister; Ferragut; Feuermann; Fish-man of Lierganes; Follet; Folletti; Frau Holle; Frau Holunder; French Mythic Creatures and Saints; Freybug;
Gabija; Galehaut; Galgemännlein; Ganna; Gargoyle; Gatipedro; Gayant; Gegenees; Giane; Glatisant; Gnome; Goblin ; Goblins; Golden Goose; Goldenhorn; Gorgades; Graoully; Guajona; Gudrun; Guivre; Gütel;
Hans von Trotha; Haymon (giant); Headless Horseman; Heimchen; Heinrich von Winkelried; Heinzelmännchen; Hercinia; Hey-Hey Men; Hinzelmann; Hircocervus also Greek & Roman; Hödekin; Homunculus ; Homunculi; Houles fairies;
Ichneumon; Irrwurz;
Jaculus; Jean de l'Ours;
Karnabo; Ķekatnieki Latvian mask processions; King Goldemar; King Laurin; Klabautermann; Klagmuhme; Knecht Ruprecht; Knight of the Swan; Knights of Ålleberg; Kobold; Kornbock; Korred Iberia, Britanny, Cornwall; Krampus; Kurents (Slovene mask processions);
La Encantada; Laima; Lampetho possibly based on Roman accounts of Lampedo; Lauma; Laúru; Legendary Horses in the Jura; Legendary Horses of Pas-de-Calais; Leontophone; Lepus cornutus; Lietuvēns; Lindwurm; Loch Ness Monster; Lou Carcolh; Lucius Tiberies (vs King Arthur); Lutin; Lutins Noirs; Lutzelfrau; Lycaon; Lyncetti;
Machlyes; Mahound; Mandragora; Manticore; Marabbecca; Mare; Massarioli; Muscaliet; Musimon; Myrmecoleon; Nachtkrapp; Nachzehrer; Naimon; Matagot; Mazapégul; Melusine; Monaciello ; Monacielli; Monopod; Moss People; Mouros;
Nimue; Nixen aka Nixie ; Nixies; Norggen;
Ojáncanu; Oksoko (3 headed eagle in heraldry & 3 headed bird in alchemical texts); Ork; Orphan Bird; Ortnit; Ouroubou;
Pamarindo; Pandi; Pantheon_the_creature; Panther; Pard; Peluda; Perchta; Père Fouettard; Petermännchen; Phoenix; Picolaton; Púca;
Quiet Folk; Quinotaur;
Ramidreju; Rasselbock; Revenant; Reynard; River Women; Rougarou; Rüdiger von Bechelaren; Rumpelstiltskin;
Salamander; Salvanel ; Salvanelli; Salvani; Sandman; Santa Compaña; Satyrus; Schrat also Slavic; Sciritae; Scitalis; Sea-Griffin; Sea-Lion; Sebile; Selige Fräulein; Serván; Sheela na Gig; Skrat; Straw Bear; Strix; Struthopodes; Swan Maiden; Syrbotae;
Tarand; Tarasque; Tatzelwurm; Termagant; The Devil Whale broad category, includes modern accounts and Sindbad; The Imp Prince; The Legend of Ero of Armenteira; The Nixie of the Mill-Pond; The Prince Who Wanted to See the World; The Swan Queen; Theow; Thyrsus (giant); Tooth Fairy; Trasgo; Tree Elves; Trenti; Türst; Tyger;
Vegetable Lamb of Tartary; Venediger Männlein; Ventolín;
Weiße Frauen; Werewolf; White Lady ; White Ladies (fae); Wichtel; Wiedergänger; Wight; Wild Hunt; Wild Man, Wild Woman ; Wild Men, Wild Women; Wind Folletti; Witege; Witte Wiver; Wolpertinger; Wolves in heraldry (search wiki page for word calopus);
Yale; Ypotryll;
Žaltys Lithuanian;
allegedly medieval
Lorelei; Rompo; Squasc
Druon Antigoon; Lange Wapper; Zitiron
Amadís de Gaula (Gaula, the fictional part of Brittany); Ankou; Bugul Noz; Fions; Groac'h; Iannic-ann-ôd; Jetins; Korred; Korrigan ; Korrigans; Les Lavandières; Malo (saint); Margot the fairy; Morgen; Morvarc'h; Tréo-Fall; Yan-gant-y-tan
Abyzou; Gello
Aloja; Banyoles monster; Catalan Creatures; Comte Arnau; Dip; Home dels nassos; La Guita Xica; Marraco; Minairó; Muladona; Negret; Nitus; Pesanta
Celtic mainland
Dusios Gaul (known through Greek, Roman and medieval sources); Les Lavandières; Púca; Sovereignty goddess also Irish; Swan Maiden; Trasgo; Werewolf
Alven; Ellert and Brammert (giants); Kabouter; Swan Maiden; Witte Wieven
Akka, also Finland and Sami; Dragon of the North; Ebajalg; Estonian Creatures; Kalevipoeg; Kratt ; Kratid; Maa-alused; Skrat; Toell the Great; Vanapagan
Aino; Ajatar; Akka, also Sami and Estonian; Antero Vipunen; Etiäinen; Firefox; Haltija; Heikki Lunta; Hiisi; Iku-Turso; Lemminkäinen; Lempo; Maanväki; Menninkäinen; Nine Diseases; Nuuttipukki; Otso; Paasselkä devils; Piru; Soul Components_Finnic Paganism; Swan Maiden; Syöjätär; Tapio; Vellamo
Albruna Germanic seeress attested by Tacitus; Cimbrian seeresses mentioned by Strabo; Gambara; Ganna; Hooded Spirits; Idis; Matres and Matronae; Plusso Wendish = Slavs of North Germany; Swan Maiden; The Woman of the Chatti; Thiota; Veleda; Waluburg; Wurm
Mullo; Ursitory; Vampire pumpkins and watermelons
Akka also Finland and Estonia; Ruohtta; Stallo; The Elf Maiden;
Winged Lion (St. Mark), Venediger Männlein (allegedly from Venice, not on Wikipedia)
Allocamelus in Edward Topsell and among English companies; Hippogriff; Hircocervus in Edward Topsell, based on earlier sources; Ipotane first attested with John de Mandeville; Irrwurz; Jenny Haniver; Lampago maybe medieval not renaissance???; Lepus cornutus; Lizard Fairy; Mephistopheles; Oberon; Orgoglio; Pier Gerlofs Donia; Pyewacket (familiar spirit); Queen Mab; Satyress; Sea Monk; Succarath; Sylph; Teutobochus; Three Witches; Titania; Undine ; Undines; Vegetable Lamb of Tartary; Werewolf; Wild Man, Wild Woman ; Wild Men, Wild Women
Jacques St. Germain; Terrible Monster maybe real??? Romanticism; Lorelei; Warlock
Notify me please if there are mistakes or if these beings should have a disclaimer not to be used in art or fiction writing.
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hasdrubal-gisco · 8 months ago
The greatest boast of these burly Ur-Swiss was that from time immemorial they had never deviated by a hair’s breadth from the customs of their forefathers, that they had retained the simple, chaste, upright and virtuous customs of their fathers unsullied throughout the centuries. And this is true. Every attempt at civilisation was defeated by the granite walls of their mountains and of their heads. From the days when Winkelried’s first ancestor led his cow, with the inevitable little pastoral bell round its neck, on to the virgin pastures of the Vierwaldstätter Lake, up to the ‘present day, when the latest descendant of Winkelried has his gun blessed by the priest, all houses have been built in the same way, all cows milked in the same way, all pigtails plaited in the same way, all cheeses prepared according to the same recipe, all children made in the same way.
The Civil War in Switzerland by Friedrich Engels
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iratherb3amisterytoyou · 9 months ago
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Arnold von Winkelried
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vickipeng · 9 months ago
TPG to Acquire Angelo Gordon
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SAN FRANCISCO & FORT WORTH, Texas & NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–TPG Inc. (NASDAQ: TPG), a leading global alternative asset management firm, and Angelo Gordon, a $73 billion1,2 alternative investment firm focused on credit and real estate investing, today announced that the companies have entered into a definitive agreement under which TPG will acquire Angelo Gordon in a cash and equity transaction valued at approximately $2.7 billion, based on TPG Inc.’s share price as of May 12, 2023, including an estimated $970 million in cash and up to 62.5 million common units of the TPG Operating Group and restricted stock units of TPG, in each case, subject to certain adjustments. The transaction also includes an earnout based on Angelo Gordon’s future financial performance, valued at up to $400 million. 
Founded in 1988, Angelo Gordon is a fully integrated and scaled multi-strategy platform with more than 650 employees across 12 offices in the U.S., Europe, and Asia. Angelo Gordon’s $55 billion1,2 credit platform offers scaled and diversified capabilities across the credit investing spectrum, including corporate credit, direct lending, and structured credit, and its $18 billion1,2 real estate platform manages dedicated value-add real estate strategies with significant reach in the U.S., Europe, and Asia, as well as a net lease strategy. Similar to TPG, Angelo Gordon has delivered significant and sustained momentum and growth, doubling its AUM over the past five years.
TPG and Angelo Gordon had a combined AUM of $208 billion1 as of December 31, 2022. Upon the close of the transaction, TPG will manage assets across a broadly diversified set of investment strategies, including private equity, impact, credit, real estate, and market solutions. The addition of Angelo Gordon marks a significant expansion into credit investing for TPG, establishing additional levers to drive organic growth and further expanding the breadth, diversification, and reach of the TPG platform. The transaction will enable TPG and Angelo Gordon to be an even stronger partner to LPs, providing investment opportunities across a broader range of asset classes and return profiles.
“This strategic transaction meaningfully expands our investing capabilities and broadens our product offering. The addition of Angelo Gordon also underscores our continued focus on growing and scaling through diversification, while driving long-term value for our shareholders,” said Jon Winkelried, Chief Executive Officer of TPG. “Following more than a year of building relationships between the leadership teams of both organizations, we are confident the combination represents a strong strategic and cultural fit and will create additional opportunities for employees of both firms. We look forward to welcoming the Angelo Gordon team as we execute on our shared vision.”
“This is a terrific partnership that provides Angelo Gordon with the scale to capitalize on the growing opportunity set we see in the credit and real estate markets, the diversification to create new solutions for our clients across the risk spectrum in all market conditions, and the opportunity to share our collective expertise, insights, and knowledge,” said Josh Baumgarten, Angelo Gordon Co-CEO and Head of Credit.
Adam Schwartz, Co-CEO and Head of Real Estate at Angelo Gordon, said, “We are proud to be joining a world-class investment platform that shares our philosophy on firm culture, investment excellence, and delivering for clients. This transaction is a testament to the team and business that we have built over nearly 35 years, and we are excited about the new and expanded opportunities ahead for our employees and LPs.”
“Both firms have grown organically over the past three decades, from private founder-led businesses into seasoned firms with next-generation executive leadership poised to accelerate further growth as part of a diversified platform,” added Jim Coulter, TPG’s Co-Founder and Executive Chairman. “There is a clear alignment of interests, values, and culture with a focus on entrepreneurship, innovation, and investment excellence. We look forward to building on our collective momentum together.”
Strategic and Financial Rationale
Marks a significant expansion into credit investing for TPG: Angelo Gordon’s platform offers scaled and diversified capabilities across the credit investing spectrum, including corporate credit and special situations, direct lending, and structured credit. Each product area is well established with strong investment performance and substantial opportunities for significant organic growth.
Offers real estate capabilities that are complementary to TPG’s current strategies: Further expands TPG’s geographic reach in Europe and Asia, broadens sourcing capabilities, and adds additional strategies, including a net lease strategy. On a combined basis, TPG will have meaningful scale with $38 billion1 of collective AUM in real estate across TPG and Angelo Gordon as of December 31, 2022.
Provides broad spectrum of alternatives solutions for clients: Creates an even more compelling partner for the largest LPs globally, expanding alternative investment opportunities across a broad range of asset classes and return profiles that offer solutions for high growth channels such as insurance, high net worth, and retail, as well as institutional clients.
Creates broader client base: Angelo Gordon brings an attractive and complementary base of long-standing clients across its credit and real estate businesses. Together there is a substantial opportunity to expand and strengthen relationships across platforms.
Unlocks significant opportunities to grow revenue and optimize and scale within the combined platform: The combined company will benefit from shared intellectual capital, including industry, sector, and investing expertise, broadened LP relationships and distribution channels, and the support of robust infrastructure to drive enhanced opportunities for growth, business expansion, new product development, and geographic reach.
Delivers strong strategic and cultural fit: Angelo Gordon’s culture is aligned with TPG’s core values: high-performing, entrepreneurial, innovative, collaborative, and transparent. Both firms have grown organically, incubating, launching, and scaling new products that have complemented and built on core competencies and are poised to accelerate growth as part of a diversified platform.
Enhances capital formation capabilities: With a more diversified product set, TPG will continue to build its distribution and expand the breadth and depth of relationships.
Key Transaction Details
TPG is acquiring Angelo Gordon in a cash and equity transaction valued at approximately $2.7 billion, based on TPG Inc.’s share price as of May 12, 2023, including an estimated $970 million in cash and up to 62.5 million common units of the TPG Operating Group and restricted stock units of TPG, in each case, subject to certain adjustments. The transaction also includes an earnout based on Angelo Gordon’s future financial performance, valued at up to $400 million.
The cash portion of the transaction will be funded from TPG’s current cash balance and undrawn revolver, and is expected to be mid-to-high single digit accretive to TPG shareholders on an FRE and After-tax DE per share basis in 2024, before any revenue or cost synergies.
Upon closing of the transaction, Angelo Gordon will become a new significant investing platform within TPG. Angelo Gordon’s Co-CEOs Josh Baumgarten and Adam Schwartz will become Co-Managing Partners of the platform, reporting to TPG CEO, Jon Winkelried.
Approvals and Closing
The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions, including HSR, international regulatory approvals, and other client and third-party consents. The transaction, which was unanimously approved by the TPG Board of Directors, is expected to close in Q4 2023.
Ardea Partners LP acted as lead financial advisor to TPG and provided a fairness opinion to TPG’s Board of Directors. J.P. Morgan Securities LLC and Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC also acted as financial advisors to TPG. Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP served as TPG’s lead transaction counsel. Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP, Shearman & Sterling LLP, and Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP advised TPG with respect to tax, executive compensation, and investment fund matters, respectively. Goldman, Sachs & Co. LLC and Piper Sandler acted as financial advisor to Angelo Gordon and Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP served as legal counsel.
Investor Presentation
A supplemental investor presentation on the transaction is available on the Investor Relations section of TPG’s website at shareholders.TPG.com.
About TPG
TPG is a leading global alternative asset management firm, founded in San Francisco in 1992, with $137 billion of assets under management and investment and operational teams around the world. TPG invests across five multi-strategy platforms: Capital, Growth, Impact, Real Estate, and Market Solutions and our unique strategy is driven by collaboration, innovation, and inclusion. Our teams combine deep product and sector experience with broad capabilities and expertise to develop differentiated insights and add value for our fund investors, portfolio companies, management teams, and communities.
About Angelo, Gordon & Co., L.P.
Angelo, Gordon & Co., L.P. (“Angelo Gordon”) is a privately-held alternative investment firm founded in November 1988. The firm currently manages approximately $73 billion2, with a primary focus on credit and real estate strategies. Angelo Gordon has over 650 employees, including more than 200 investment professionals, and is headquartered in New York, with associated offices elsewhere in the U.S., Europe, and Asia. For more information, visit www.angelogordon.com.
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podroze-kordiana · 2 years ago
Piszę do was z najwyższego szczytu w Europie, czyli Mount Blanc. Czy ktokolwiek z was też kiedyś tutaj był? Jeżeli tak, czy stanie na samym szczycie również sprawiało, że czuliście się tak blisko nieba, a nawet Boga?
Będąc tutaj mam wrażenie,że jestem kompletnie oddzielony od ludzi, jestem tak wysoko, że ich nie widzę, docierają tutaj tylko ich modlitwy oraz myśli. Czuję się tak silny, że moglibyście mnie nazwać „posągiem człowieka na posągu świata”. Nachodzą mnie teraz najróżniejsze myśli, jednak jedna z nich przebija się dużo wyraźniej od pozostałych. Jest nią nieodparta chęć opanowania ludzkich umysłów oraz kierowania nimi tak, aby czynić tylko to co słuszne. Myślę, że w tej chwili byłbym w stanie tego dokonać. Co więcej, mam pewność, że mógłbym zrobić coś znacznie większego. Czy nie sądzicie, że kiedy posiada się jasne, osiągalne cele to hańbą jest nie wprowadzanie ich w życie? Siedzenie w bezczynności byłoby dla mnie udręką, na szczęście jestem przekonany, że w tym momencie mogę osiągnąć dosłownie wszystko. Podczas mojej podróży wiele przeszedłem. Dowiedziałem się na czym w głównej mierze opiera się dzisiejszy świat, również wiele razy się zawiodłem, co pewnie wiecie już z moich poprzednich wpisów. Wierzę jednak, że wszystkie te doświadczenia przygotowały mnie do wyzwolenia naszego umęczonego kraju i przede wszystkim, nauczyły mnie jak żyć. Dzięki tym różnym doświadczeniom nareszcie wiem, co należy czynić. Trzeba zacząć działać! Jeżeli chcemy ochronić naszą ojczyznę, uwolnić ją spod władzy cara, musimy zacząć walczyć! Nie możemy się poddać, nawet jeżeli wymaga to wielkich poświęceń, jakich dokonał rycerz Winkelried. Niech Polska się poświęci, niech Polska zostanie Winkelriedem narodów!!! Za chwilę wrócę do Warszawy, ponieważ moja dalsza podróż byłaby bezcelowa w obliczu tego czego planuje teraz dokonać...
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drachenwiki · 1 year ago
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@glarnboudin hate to be that guy, but this is neither medieval nor from a bestiary. It's from the 17th century and Athanasius Kircher, who published it, was one of the fathers of modern zoology. He was also a Jesuit, but his books are far from the christian moral guides that bestiaries were.
There's even speculation that this picture in particular, which depicts Heinrich von Winkelried slaying a dragon, is inspired by Plesiosaur fossils which were found around the time but weren't yet understood as bones of extinct animals.
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“Dragon of the Caverns of Mount Pilatus.” The universe, or, The infinitely great and the infinitely little. 1895.
Internet Archive
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illustratus · 3 years ago
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Winkelried at Sempach: Arnold von Winkelried's deed in the Battle of Sempach.
by Konrad Grob
Arnold von Winkelried or Arnold Winkelried is a legendary hero of Swiss history. According to 16th-century Swiss historiography, Winkelried's sacrifice brought about the victory of the Old Swiss Confederacy in the Battle of Sempach (1386) over the army of the Habsburg Duke Leopold III of Austria.
According to legend, the Swiss initially could not break the close ranks of the Habsburg pikemen. Winkelried cried: "I will open a passage into the line; protect, dear countrymen and confederates, my wife and children..." He then threw himself upon the Austrian pikes, taking some of them down with his body. This broke up the Austrian front, and made an opening through which the Swiss could attack.
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clasismo-up · 3 years ago
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Para Diego Winkelried, profesor de la UP, ser llamado “ultraderechista y neoliberal” es lo mismo que ser terruqueado. 
El terruqueo no solamente es usado como instrumento de estigmatización [1] y discriminacion[2], sino tambien para la vulneración al derecho al debido proceso y justificacion crimenes [3].
[1] https://revistas.pucp.edu.pe/index.php/historica/article/view/2813/2743
[2] https://twitter.com/willynugent/status/1431268554570076167
[3] https://larepublica.pe/opinion/2021/05/06/historia-minima-del-terruqueo-por-angel-paez/
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cyberdelph · 3 years ago
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by 掰Winkelried
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quarkmaster · 8 years ago
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Arnold Von Winkelried
Illustration done for Mitos y Leyendas TCG and process hihihi
Matias Cabezas Montoya
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rjzimmerman · 4 years ago
If you don’t know Hank Paulson and his wife, Wendy, you’d be surprised to learn that this man, who was Treasury Secretary under Bush II and prior to that an executive at Goldman Sachs, is a climate and environmental advocate. Regardless, some of you may conclude that, because of those credentials, he is not someone you give a shit about. Or you give a shit about him, but on the “don’t like, he has to be an asshole” side of the argument. But he is what I say he is. I know this, personally. His wife, Wendy, is also an active participant in several environmental and conservation organizations in the Chicago area. She’s a birder, a conservationist, is active with the Friends of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, is an educator, and is known locally as “the Nature Lady.” Before you piss on his credentials and on him, learn how he can use his expertise and money to help us turn the climate battle around. Maybe his relationship with Bono (U2) can convince you. He can, and he is, and he will.
Excerpt from this story from the New York Times:
This past fall, Henry M. Paulson Jr., the former Treasury secretary, got a call from Paul David Hewson, better known as Bono. The musician-activist-investor had an idea and “an ask”: Bono, who helped found TPG’s $5 billion Rise funds focused on “impact investing,” told Mr. Paulson that the investment firm wanted to create an even bigger platform to focus exclusively on combating climate change — and he wanted Mr. Paulson to run it.
Mr. Paulson, who has spent the last 12 years since leaving his post at the Treasury away from the private sector running his nonprofit institute and working on climate change initiatives, demurred.
“He told me, ‘My dance card is full,’” Bono said of the call. “I thought he’d be amazing,” Bono added, but said he’d been warned by Mr. Paulson’s associates, “There’s just no way.”
This week, after months of calls and meetings that followed with Jon Winkelried, TPG’s co-chief executive — Mr. Paulson’s friend and former colleague when he ran Goldman Sachs — Mr. Paulson will become the executive chairman of a new global fund, TPG Rise Climate.
The move brings Mr. Paulson, 74, back to the finance industry for the first time since he left Goldman to become Treasury secretary in 2006. It may also signal a turning point for the weight and seriousness given to climate-related investments. TPG’s co-founder Jim Coulter is planning to shift much of his focus to the new climate fund.
“I wasn’t looking to do this,” Mr. Paulson said in an interview. But he said he was persuaded by the success of TPG’s previous Rise funds and the firm’s understanding of the daunting scale investing in climate will require. “At this stage in my career, I’m not looking to do a start-up. I’m in a hurry to make a difference.”
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poezja-polska · 6 years ago
Winkelried dzidy wrogów zebrał i w pierś włożył, Ludy! Winkelried ożył! Polska Winkelriedem narodów! Poświęci się, choć padnie jak dawniej! Jak nieraz!
Juliusz Słowacki, Kordian
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galleriaartethule · 6 years ago
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Kurt Eggers
Annaberg Volkschaft Verlag für buch,bühne und film, Berlin, 1933
Ulrich von Hutten. Hörspiel Volkschaft Verlag für buch, bühne und film, Berlin,1933
Das Spiel von Job dem Deutschen. Ein Mysterium Volkschaft Verlag, Berlin 1933
Das grosse Wandern ein Spiel vom ewiges deutsche Schicksal Volkschaft Verlag, Berlin, 1934
Hutten - Roman Eines Deutschen Verlag Propyläen, Berlin 1934
Deutsche Gedichte Volkschaft Verlag, Berlin 1934
Deutsches Bekenntnis Widukind-Verlag, Berlin-Lichterfelde, 1934
Sturmsignale, Revolutionäre Sprechchöre Verlag Arwed Strauch, 1934 Repr. 1995
Schicksalsbrüder: Gedichte und Gesänge Deutsche Verlagsanstalt Stuttgart Berlin, 1935
Tagebuch einer frohen Fahrt Verlag Gustav Weise, Leipzig, 1935
Herz im  Roman Li Taipes des Dichters Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Berlin, 1935
Die Bauern von Meißen. Ein Spiel Theaterverlag Langen- Müller, 1936
Vom mutigen Leben und tapferen Sterben Verlag Gerhard Stalling, Oldenburg, 1936
Die Geburt des Jahrtausends VerlagSchwarzhäupter,Leipzig, 1936
Gedichte Verlag Georg Truckenmüller, Stuttgart, 1937
Der Deutsche Dämon. Neue Gedichte und Gesänge VerlagSchwarzhäupter,Leipzig, 1937
Der Berg der Rebellen Verlag Schwarzhäupter, Leipzig, 1937
Schüsse bei Krupp. Ein Spiel Hanseatische Verlaganstalt, Hamburg1937
Ich habs gewagt! Hutten ruft Deutschland Widukind Verlag, Berlin-Lichterfelde,1937
Das Kreuz der Freiheit. Ein deutsches Schauspiel Verlag Schwarzhäupter, Leipzig 1937
Der junge Hutten Gustav Weise Verlag, Berlin, 1938
Feierstunde mit dem Dichter Kurt Eggers Reihe, Der Orden Aufsatz 1938
Deutsche Gedichte VerlagVolkschaft, Dortmund,1938
Feuer über Deutschland Verlag Stalling, Oldenburg i. O. 1939
Dunkelmännerbriefe, aus dem "Mönchslatein" Verlag Schwarzhäupter, Leipzig, 1939
Die Stunde des Soldaten. Gedicht im Felde Reihe Die Innere Front NSK Aufsatz aus 1939 Der Tanz aus der Reihe. Erinnerungen Volkschaft Verlag, Dortmund, 1939
Ulrich von Hutten, 1488-1523 Verlag Schwarzhäupter, Leipzig 1940
Der Deutsche Dämon VerlagSchwarzhäupter, Leipzig,1940
Kamerad. Gedichte eines Soldaten VerlagSchwarzhäupter, Leipzig, 1940
Der Freiheit wildes Lied. Ketzereien großer Männer VerlagVolkschafts, Dortmund, 1940
Schwertspruch Reihe Nationalsozialistische Monatshefte 1940 Heft 122 München, 1940
Der Soldat allein ist der freie Mann Reprint Sammlungsergänzung  Zwecke, Berlin, 1940
Von der Freiheit des Kriegers Nordland Verlag, Berlin, 1940
Vom Kampf und Krieg VerlagSigrune, Erfurt, 1940
Dunkelmännerbriefe von Ulrich von Hutten Verlag Schwarzhäupter, Leipzig, 1941
Schreiben an Frau Wortmann Reprint Sammlungsergänzung  Zwecke, Berlin,1941
Von der Feindschaft Verlag Volkschaft, Dortmund, 1941
Das Ketzerbrevier Volkschaft Verlag, Dortmund-Berlin, 1941
Die kriegerische Revolution Eher Verlag, Berlin, 1941
Rom Gegen Reich. Ein Kapitel Deuscher Geschichte Berlin, Nordland Verlag, 1941
Der Kaiser der Römer gegen den König der Juden Nordland Verlag, Berlin, 1941
Rom gegen Reich Nordland Verlag, Berlin, 1941
Der Tanz aus der Reihe Volkschaft Verlag, Dortmund, 1941
Tausend Jahre Kadeldütt. Ein fröhlicher Roman VerlagSchwarzhäupter, Leipzig, 1941
Kamerad, die Schicksalsstunde schlägt. Marschlied der Waffen-SS um Reprint Zwecke,1941
Das Lied der Deutschen Reihe "Rote Erde". Reprint Zwecke 1941
Der Scheiterhaufen. Worte großer Ketzer Verlag Volkschafts-Verlag, Dortmund, 1942
Vater aller Dinge ; Ein Buch des Krieges Franz Eher Verlag, Berlin, 1942
Von jungen Herzen. Erlebtes Verlag Eichblatt, Leipzig, 1942
Die Heimat der Starken Volkschaft Verlag, Dortmund-Berlin 1942
Das Reich des Soldaten VerlagSchwarzhäupter, Leipzig, 1942
Der Krieg des Kriegers Deutscher Verlag für Jugend und Volk, Wien, 1942
Aus meinen Wanderjahren Verlag Deutsche Volkbücher,Stuttgart 1942
Lebenslauf Verlag Georg D. W. Callwey, München, 1942
Dem Führer: Gedicht VerlagGeorg D. W. Callwey, München, 1942
Am Westwall:Gedicht Verlag Georg D. W. Callwey, München, 1942
Am Grabe eines Frontarbeiters:Gedicht Verlag Georg D. W. Callwey, München, 1942
Aufbau: Gedicht Verlag Georg D. W. Callwey, München, 1942
Was uns bewegt Wilhelm Limpert Verlag, Berlin, 1943 
Des Reiches Herrlichkeit Volkschaft Verlag, 1943
Der Kult des Aberglaubens Verlag Volkschaft, Dortmund, 1943
Von der Heimat und ihren Frauen Verlag Sigrune Erfurt, 1943
Das grosse Wandern Ein Hörspiel vom Aufbruch der Nation Reichs-Rundfunk, Berlin; o.J
Hutten, ein Freiheitsdrama o. J.
Hutten, eine Studie o. J.
Feuer über Deutschland. Eine Huttenballade o. J.
Arbeiter, Bauern, Soldaten. Eine Liedsammlung o. J.
Revolution um Luther. Ein Spiel o. J.
Tagebuch einer frohen Stadt o. J.                                                           
Revolutionar, Dichter und Soldat. Kurt Eggers starb den Heldentod Reihe Völkischer Beobachter Aufsatz aus 56. J. 1943 Nr. 246 vom 3.9.1943, München, 1943
Soldatengeist  Verlag Gedenkstätte für die europäischen Freiwilligen, Halbe 1991;
Eiserne Gedichte. Ausgesuchte Gechite Kulturkreis Dresden; 1999 Kurt-Eggers-Kreis e Freundeskreis für Geschichte
Kurt Eggers - Ein Gedenken ; Die Gefallenenfeier für Kurt Eggers, wiedergegeben anläßlich der Wiederkehr seines 95. Geburtstages am 10.11.2000 Dresden, 2000 Kulturkreis Dresden Stadt, Postfach 280131 D 01141Dresden
Eric Kaden Kurt Eggers. Vom Freikorps zur Waffen-SS Verlag Winkelried, 2008, Dresden
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