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jcvimoreno · 5 years ago
Two of people favorites had got to the ring that night, hence the really good profits had been really good, so now with the placed locked up, he was ready to start counting and getting Winnie’s part ready. Their agreement worked perfectly, and considering how many big players were in the picture, having an ally able to supply guns for them was definitely more than positive for the present, and any future plans Wesley had. “Can I offer you something to drink?” He asked heading to the bar to get himself a whisky. “I’m half way through it, but it’ll take me a while.”
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sleepy-struggles · 5 years ago
Jesus pulled his bike up to the Red Apple, savoring the lingering purr of the engine for an extra moment before he shut it off and swung his leg over. He’d never actually eaten here before- it was a bit expensive for him, and even if he had won a voucher for it at the auction, he wasn’t actually brave enough to ask Tyler out. Maybe he should just ask Chad? Use it before the thing expired. Chad looked like he didn’t have many good days. But maybe that would sound too much like a date for either of them to be comfortable. 
Whatever. He wasn’t here for dinner. Helmet under one hand, he swung in through the back door and wandered around until he found he was looking for. 
“Buenas tardes, señora,” he said, quirking a half smile at the sight of Winifred Snow in all her frigid glory. “I’m not late, am I?”
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marigoldilocks · 5 years ago
We Love a GoOD Bean™, I love reading Marigold (esp her and Gio's cyberchat haha). It's great to have you in the group Mandy and I love how involved/invested you are already – it's always exciting to see people get as excited as we are about things! What's a funny HC you have for Marigold?
JFDLKFJKLFDJKLDFJ I hope you know what an amazing admin you are. I’ve seen such kindness and attentiveness from you, I’ve seen you be a lighthouse welcoming creativity and fun and positive environments. I’m so glad you love Marigold and I can’t wait to explore plots and writing and storytelling with you!! Ooo a funny hc. Well, since Marigold is based of Goldilocks I have this idea that through her insomnia she’s constantly buying new mattresses. The last one was too soft, the other one was too hard, too cool too hot. It’s a running joke in town she is responsible for 70 percent of the mattress purchases in town.
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feemarraine · 5 years ago
Abby! I love Ida, what a sweet sweet lady and I'm glad to see her around again! What's a headcanon or two that would surprise us about her character?
gracie!!!!! YOU are a sweet sweet lady! i love the juxtaposition of your characters that you showcase so well, like winnie’s calm reserved demeanor vs. cordelia’s warm and effervescent personality. your talent truly shines through in everything you create, and your kindness and warmth are always so lovely to be in the presence of. thank you for this!
as for two things surprising about ida, i think the first and foremost thing would be that despite her popularity growing up and especially in high school where she thrived, she often felt moorless and a bit lost. i also think that without ella’s presence in her life, she’d probably have allowed herself to grieve a little more than would be typically okay after her divorce just because it was another loss to her, so she’s innately grateful to ella for that in and of itself. 
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lostmason · 5 years ago
LuKEYYY. I love him so much and can't wait to do more with Winnie and him and their friendship! What's one area you'd like him to grow this next episode?
Ahhhhhhhh saaaame! I need them to become buds again in some way!!!! And honestly? I want him to grow more as his own person, which he’s never really done, because he’s always been SAM’S twin? To like finally decide whether he WANTS to be a thief or not? Or if he really wants to try to do something else with his life, not motivated by his fear or his desire to make his brother happy.
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harrietredding · 5 years ago
I know you sent me one but I'm hitting you back bc I appreciate the way you're not afraid to make Carrie THAT BITCh, you completely lean into her character in a way that I always find hard to do with "villain" characters so I appreciate that you really lean fully into her character. And I love Harriet and how you've given her a lot of complexities & facets we get to see in different interactions. Esmerey is also a baller, I think she's going to be great to see develop even more & I can't wait!
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violentgallows · 5 years ago
My sweet sweet Audi! I love Dani!!! And how you've done a great job portraying her lost soul, trying to find an anchor in the world. Where's one area you want to see her grow this episode?
gracie my love !! you are the absolute sweetest and thank you for this message and just giving me all kinds of warm feelings. i’d love to grow her relationships with her brothers (#alwaysstruggling) because i feel like they’re on the cusp of growth in seeing the other for what they’re capable of and all they’ve accomplished since they were separated and that they can lead lives moving forward rather than living in the past. will it end up that way or go up in flames?
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maddoxjoseph · 5 years ago
Bench, you literally don't need to be told but ily 5ever. You're one of my oldest rp friends and i'm so grateful we met on the interwebs! You're a joy to talk to about literally anything and to plot with as well since you're so game for literally EVERYTHING which is all I can ask for in a writing partner. neVER change Lin. AlSO! What's one headcanon that would surprise us about Joseph and Daniel?
PSA: gracie always knows the best rps, like it’s a special talent of hers. i would not be here if it wasn’t for her, and i’m thankful every day she told me about this! 
i love you so much!!  and i love all of our plots and random chats. and i love how real and wise you are, and how excited you get about karate and tv shows <3 <3
i can’t believe you’re making me do actual thinking related to my characters BUT since you said nice things about me, i’ll do it 
Joseph: joseph loooooooves tea. he drinks it in the morning. he drinks it at night. he even has a tea kettle in his office at the auto shop. it makes him feel fancy and highbrow.
Daniel: daniel used to be super into skateboarding. he would skateboard every where he went, and got in trouble for trying to skateboard through the grocery store. he even went to competitions for it, but he had to quit once he started working in high school cause he was too busy.
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arilopez · 5 years ago
❤️ from Kellan!
send me ❤ and I will bold all that applies to your muse
I would kill for you. • I would make love to you. • I would fuck you. • I would protect you. • I would hurt you for a selfish cause. • I wish we had more in common. • I want nothing to do with you. • I want to see you cry. • I want a future with you. • I want to destroy your future. • I do not care what you do. • I am indifferent towards you. • I want children with you. • I love you ( platonically ) • I love you ( romantically ) • I love you like family. • You are my family. • I could fall in love with you. • I would lie for you. • I would fight by your side. • I will never let you go. • I would hold you while you cried. • I would hug you. • I want to kiss you. • I would stay by your bedside if you were ill. • I want to fall asleep with you in my arms. • I want to forget you. • I will never forget you. • I only want to make you proud. • I wish I could make you happy. • You deserve nothing. • I will never forgive you. • You confuse me.
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grimm-tyler · 5 years ago
cor obvi
“Best woman in the whole world, and I will fight you on this.”
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fawngoldwin · 5 years ago
“So, how has everything been with you Winnie?” she asked as the woman’s assistant delivered her a fresh cup of coffee. Although she didn’t get a job with the chronicle that would provide her with constant income and stability for her skills, she definitely had more leeway and creative expression when it came to working as a freelance designer. By the time she reached thirty she was hoping to be making a profitable business out of it taking on a few other creative minds underneath her with the same goal in mind. Winifred Snow was the epitome of a successful businesswoman and if Fawn could pick up some tidbits from her it would be very beneficial. “Business is doing well I hope.”  @winifredxsnow
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jcvimoreno · 5 years ago
GGGGGGGGGGGG. ILY. You know that full WELL. I love Javi and the fact that you've taken someone who could've easily been written in a less engaging way and have made him integral. I love reading his interactions and see what you do with him. What's a secret he'd never tell anyone else?
dhsajfdjas you’re making me blush. i love YOU and i’m so glad you told me about this group!
the fact that he has considered more than once take a step back from this life. it’s just an idea in the back of his head, he doesn’t think he would ever make that decision because this is the only life he knows, and despite not liking it, he isn’t qualified for a real job.
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isabeldumas · 5 years ago
“Oh hey!” she smiled, offering Winifred a small wave as the woman appeared from the kitchen door. It had been quite sometime since the two actually had gotten a chance to sit down and catch up on life. Possibly over a year if she remembered correctly. Since Isabel had known the Snow, Winifred had always been nothing but a workaholic. Always defying the odds and making a name stake for herself a part from her family. It was admirable, but Isabel often wondered if the woman was losing herself in something that may not truly ever bring her satisfaction. “How’s world domination going ?” @winifredxsnow​
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carriepope · 5 years ago
Winifred smiled at the patrons when she first stepped into the space she’d so generously given to her late husband’s daughter. A pity gift if anything else. Something for the brunette to occupy her time with rather than have to return home with unshed tears in order to reminisce of the old man she had lost suddenly. Freak accidents happened. At least that’s what Carrie had assured her of upon meeting her to the hospital. The brunette had splashed some water upon her face, irritated her eyes, all but slapped her face to ensure it had appeared that she was capable of some human emotion. As dark hues fell upon Winifred, she couldn’t help the cheshire grin that slid across her features. “I’m glad to see you haven’t fucked this place too much. I can’t say much about your clientele, however. They’re....” she grimaces as she looked at an older man, “special.”
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huntergreyisanasshole · 5 years ago
Being a Grey means being a suicide every hour of every day because you can't be anything else when you walk the streets with a knife naked in your hand and your throat naked to the wind, waiting to kill, waiting to die, waiting to fuck or be fucked--call it sociopathy or call it suicide, but it comes down to the same thing, and every Grey than came before her, ever, has known exactly how to find the edge, to find the point where the ground drops off and the sky spreads its arms, and close her eyes, and fall. They say suicide is painless, she thinks, and smiles a small, bitter smile, and begins to walk the outer edge of the motel, like a ritual gone sour. 
The outside air is hot and brisk and dry, and it smells of salt and oranges, like the whole world is some fancy mixed drink meant to be sipped and savored. She likes that image. Add a cherry and shot of absinthe and you could call it the Winifred Snow: all bittersweetness and salty regret, hiding a bite that you'd never see until it slapped you across the face. It’s not like she hates the woman, but Hunter has not been Winifred’s biggest fan in some time now. Personal feelings towards the mob princess aside, she still manages to do her job.  Speaking of her job, she is off to meet the boss at her home for a little bit of training. Something they have been doing on a weekly basis. 
Jesus, it’s a good thing that she knows her away around this place or she’d be fucking lost. She finds Winifred already at the gym and she tosses her bag on one of the benches and makes her way towards her. ❛ I know, I’m late. What's with the fucking lights? ❜ Was it her or was everything extra bright?
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lostmason · 5 years ago
Who: @winifredxsnow​ Where: Outside the Blue Caterpillar
Luke was on his third cigarette of the last hour, but he still couldn’t make himself move from his position against building’s wall. Most of his bruises had healed from his run-in with Casper du Pont, but the split in his lip kept opening up. Mostly from his own inability to leave the cut alone and reopening it every few hours when he forgot that it was there. He should probably go back to Brandon’s, curl up on the same damned couch he’d been sleeping on for the last few months, but he couldn’t make himself move. There was a reason he’d found himself sleeping on the streets more lately, and that was because it was simply easier not to care about moving. If he cared to analyze himself more, he’d throw around words like depression, and anxiety and all that other crap that was thrown around these days, but he didn’t--so he wouldn’t. Tucked away almost into the almost darkness of the wall, he watched as a person passed by, their wallet dropping out of their purse, and ignoring the twinge in his fingers to take, he called out, “Hey, you dropped your--” He trailed off as he looked up into an all too familiar face, and couldn’t stop his expression from turning instantly neutral. “Wallet...”
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