#wings of a guardian angel. anchor to keep you steady. i always associate volta with both sailors and pilots. you are the sky and sea to me.
volivolition · 6 months
hhello mr volivolition. volta is such a based name actually. might yoink that
!! HELLO!! :] oh shit hell YES, we can be volta together!! its mostly because i love Volta Do Mar as a kim skill (and because im volta do mar for the skillsposters lmao), i love them... they're a method for grounding, for bringing you back home, for remembering who you are so you don't lose yourself in the pale...
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since she's not a canon skill, i had to just like. make up an entire design for them and because character design is NOT my forte, they look WEIRD and not like skills normally do but!! i like him nonetheless <3 puts her in kim's clothes because i can. gives them wings because i can. assigns them she/they/he pronouns BECAUSE I CAN. we get no info so i make the rules now lmao <3
as a choir/poetry/neurodivergent guy, i adore volta do mar, my darling grounding technique who wants you to come home <3
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