#wingman sal my beloved
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rdng1230 · 3 days ago
In the movies, everything grows quiet when you see the love of your life across the room. Not this time.
Seeing Tommy tilting his head at another man just makes everything louder, drowning out hope, conversation, reason.
And whatever residual sense he had from the first glance is utterly demolished when the stranger leans forward and pats, no caresses Tommy's face.
Suddenly there's another shot glass in his hand and Ravi's clinking it with his own. "Umm, Buck you know you're staring right?" The sound barely reaches him over the din.
"Right?" Ravi calls again, and this time it's accompanied by enough of a shoulder nudge to snap him back into the bar. "Shit." He stares down at his own feet and clears the walkway he's probably been blocking for at least a minute.
Back in their booth, Buck leans onto the table to keep himself upright. Ravi is better company than he would've thought, keeping him pleasantly distracted and filling him in on all the war stories from his transfer over at the 122. Their gangling probies, crafty paramedics, and the gruff, but solid Captain keeping them (mostly) out of trouble.
It's a funny thing, to hear about other houses and see how they tick. Firefighting is Buck's calling, but his life could've gone so differently had he been assigned elsewhere.
"Speak of the devil!" Ravi calls, hauled out of his chair by none other than Tommy's... ok admittedly handsome stranger. "Panikkar, you don't call you don't write??" They exchange a handshake and a pat on the back and Ravi sits back down, scooting his chair in so the man can stand closer without blocking everything.
"Buck, this is Captain Deluca of the 122. Cap, this is Evan Buckley of the 118." Ravi waves his arms in between them and Buck has to fight biting off his own tongue when the Captain extends his hand. "Sal is fine, heard a lot about you golden boy."
"Wish I could say the same." He fires back, a little more forceful than he means to. "Well that answers that question." Sal says under his breath, taking the seat next to Ravi without being invited. Maybe that's this guy's deal, taking other people's.... everything. Without asking.
"Do I need to guard my ankles?" Sal laughs and the familiarity turns Buck's stomach. Is that what he is to Tommy now? A joke to tell his new flings? Only the way Sal caught Tommy's cheek earlier, he doubts that their relationship stops there.
"Easy, easy Buckley, we've got T minus 3 minutes before my boy over there realizes that his boy is over here. So let me be very blunt."
"All due respect Captain, I don't think you have another setting." Ravi giggles into his shot glass before tossing it back. Sal rolls his eyes at his former employee before continuing.
"He fucked up. He knows it. I know it. You know it. And this is the furthest thing from fair and you're well within your rights to tell me to fuck off, but I swear I can't handle his sad little kicked puppy face anymore especially when he's the one who did the kicking."
Buck's jaw falls open, leaning in closer to Sal like he's afraid he's misheard. "So here's what's gonna happen hotshot. I'm gonna grab the next round, and then flyboy is gonna handle the one after that. I suggest it be you he bumps into and not some rando. Up to you though."
He stands up and claps their mutual lightweight friend on the shoulder. "Good seeing you Ravi." Sal turns his eyes towards Buck and smiles, and he's happy to see the malice in Sal's smile isn't there at all, it's amusement, and maybe just a dash of commiseration. "Don't let him go kid." The graying captain joins the fray on drunkards, tossing a "Trust me." over his shoulder.
"You gonna take his advice?" Ravi finally asks once he realizes Buck has completely stopped paying attention to the story he had been in the middle of when Sal arrived. Buck feels glued to the vinyl seat, his head on a swivel waiting for Tommy to be in sight. "He-he dumped me." Buck finally gets out.
Ravi's shoulders slump like he's disappointed with the answer. "But you miss him?" He prods again, staring at him with kind and inquisitive eyes.
Words are entirely insufficient for the answer, so instead Buck just nods. Ravi points his finger onto the table, drawing his case to a close. "Well Tommy clearly misses you. Cap can be an asshole, but the upside is the man doesn't lie. Tact and him are like oil and water."
Ravi sucks his teeth and takes another shot. "Hey man it's your choice."
Buck tosses back a shot himself for luck. "I think I need another drink." He gets up awkwardly, positioning himself to be just a little too bump-into-able. It's not long until a familiar form collides with his shoulder.
"Tommy." He breathes out, a thousand pounds instantly lifted off his shoulder.
"Evan." His ex breathes out without thinking, not daring to pull away from the hand that's taken his.
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goldgalaxytea-fanfics · 4 years ago
The heart wants what it wants
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Fandom: Sally Face
Relationship: Travis Phelps & Reader, Sal Fisher/Travis Phelps (one sided), Sal Fisher/Reader (one sided), Ashley Campbell/Reader (one sided), Ashley Campbell & Sal Fisher
Characters: Reader, You, Travis Phelps, Sal Fisher, Ashley Campbell
Additional Tags: Female Reader, lesbian reader, Unrequited Crush, Complicated Love Square, love square, Crushes, mlm/wlw solidarity, Useless Gays, Swearing, Travis is terrible at handling emotions, Wingman Reader, Reader is a useless lesbian, Travis and Sal throw hands
Words: 1,198
Love is a tricky subject. It's a class one could study for hours upon end and still fail spectacularly. There were no equations to memorize, no set rules to follow, no way to cheat off of others; only lessons to learn as you travel the winding and intricate path to a person's heart.
FOR: Anon
REQUEST: "Hey I had a oneshot/imagine idea?  It could be a Travis x Sally x reader Travis and y/n are best friends and only y/n knows Travis’s secrets(crush, dad, sexually, esc) and she’s his wing woman in his love for Sal. Meanwhile, Sal has a crush on reader but is too shy to talk to her so he tries to annoy Travis to get a rise out of him so that y/n will come help defuse the situation not knowing y/n is trying to set them up.  Extra credit if y/n is a lesbian(maybe likes Ashley👀) Just an idea tho lol"
Hope you enjoy, Anon! ^-^
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Love is a tricky subject. It's a class one could study for hours upon end and still fail spectacularly. There were no equations to memorize, no set rules to follow, no way to cheat off of others; only lessons to learn as you travel the winding and intricate path to a person's heart.
Love is also something you can't control, no matter how hard you try. At least that's what you constantly told Travis when he struggled with his feelings for a certain blue haired boy.
The blonde suffered from internalized homophobia due to his shitty father; one of the many weights crushing the young man. You fear one day he'll eventually be flattened by the burdens he bears, yet you reassure yourself that he'll always have you to help carry his heavy chains. You were best friends after all.
By some miracle you had befriended Travis during your freshman year at Nockfell High School, two paths that would have never crossed if not for random chance. The teacher had assigned you and the boy as partners for an English project; somehow an essay about a 500 year old book turned into an unlikely friendship between the class's most despised jerk and most beloved sweetheart.
Every student knew of Travis's quick to anger attitude and so they avoided him. No one wanted to press the big red button that would set off the bomb impatiently waiting for any reason it could find to explode.
Likewise they knew of your kindness to everyone, including those that didn't deserve it. Before the assignment you had only spoken with Travis a few times. He had thrown hateful insults at you while you reflected them with kind words. Your unwavering sweetness only angered him farther, leaving the teacher to break up the dispute.
By some means, between boring research and endless typing, a bond had formed. He was still rough around the edges and rude towards you but he no longer held any actual malice.
After the project the two of you had refused to part ways, always eating lunch together in the cafeteria and hanging out after school. Gradually your kindness broke down his walls while his brashness broke down yours.
The two of you would lay on the roof of your house and stare at the stars while you swapped secrets that had never seen the light of day. He learned of your struggle to confide in and get help from others. How you felt like you always had to be okay and help others even at the expense of yourself. In turn you learned of his father's cruel ways, his crush on Sal Fisher and his struggle with his sexuality. You held him as he cried about how his feelings went against everything he was taught and he would burn in hell for them. You reassured him there was nothing wrong with him; it was completely normal, there were lots of people like him. You confided in him that you also had no interest in the opposite gender.
Despite that fact many people at school seemed to believe you two were a couple. Rumors spread like wildfire in High School and his lack of mean words towards you fed the flames.
Somehow those rumors persisted all throughout high school and were now a pain in the butt even in 12th grade.
Ashley Campbell, your crush, a girl as kind as she is pretty with a love for the arts. You met her on accident while breaking up a fight between Travis and Sal about a year ago. She helped Sal up while you held back Travis. After that you would stare at her with heart eyes whenever you could, making up dumb excuses just so that you could chat with her. Being around her make you act like a useless gay; your face burned while your head emptied and you made a fool of yourself. Lucky for you she never seemed to mind your awkwardness.
You could never work up the courage to out right flirt with her but you tried your best to drop subtle hints here and there. Either you were too subtle or she was oblivious for she never seemed to realize you were flirting with her. So you just hopelessly continued to pine after her in silence, slowly working up the courage to confess your feelings to her.
Travis is your best friend yet even you get tired of his horrible way of handling his feelings. Instead of expressing them in any form of healthy way he uses his fists and insults to lash out. The most frequent victim of his fits was Sal. You didn't know the blue haired boy well, having only talked to him occasionally during classes and when you broke up the fights between him and Travis. You could see why Travis liked him so much, Sal was kind and didn't care what others thought about him. 
The poor boy didn't deserve Travis's wrath, yet despite your best efforts to prevent their daily brawls they were only getting worse.
Today you held back the urge to scream as you pried Travis away from Sal for the 3rd time today. Ashley gave you an apologetic look while Sal refused to meet your eyes. Meanwhile Travis continued to seethe with rage.
"Fuck you, Sally Face! I'm going to-"
"Please calm down, Travis." You pleaded as the blonde struggled to break free from your grasp.
"No. He fucking started this fight and I'm going to end it."
"What? Sal would never-"
"Actually, he did." Ashely confessed. Sal's eyes widened comedically as he desperately tried to silence his friend.
"I'm sorry Sal, but this has gone on for way too long." Ashley turned to face you. "Sal has a crush on you and has been picking fights with Travis as an excuse to talk to you. I told him it was a terrible idea but he wouldn't listen to me.
The loud bickering was quickly smothered out by the awkward tension filling the hallway between the four students. Your grip on Travis vanished along with his fight. Eyes wide you stared at Sal like a deer caught in the headlights, struggling to find words.
"I'm… lesbian…" You finally got out.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know!" Sal was quick to apologize. "I-"
"It's okay, I'm not upset!" You reassured "I-"
"Are you kidding me? I've been crushing on you since freshman year and you like my lesbian best friend?! Have you not noticed how she's head over heels for your friend?" Travis spat, glaring daggers at Sal as he gestured wildly at Ashley.
"W-what?! I didn't know-" 
"Holy shit!" Ash cut off Sal, mouth open in shock. "You were flirting with me?! I've been trying to set you up with Sal!"
Your face mirrored Ashley's. "What?! I've been trying to get Travis and Sal together this entire time!"
With all their secrets out in the open all they could do was wait for someone to make the next move. No one wanted to break the awkward tension or figure out how to fix this absolute shit show.
Love was certainly a tricky subject, huh?
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racerchix21 · 3 days ago
In the movies, everything grows quiet when you see the love of your life across the room. Not this time.
Seeing Tommy tilting his head at another man just makes everything louder, drowning out hope, conversation, reason.
And whatever residual sense he had from the first glance is utterly demolished when the stranger leans forward and pats, no caresses Tommy's face.
Suddenly there's another shot glass in his hand and Ravi's clinking it with his own. "Umm, Buck you know you're staring right?" The sound barely reaches him over the din.
"Right?" Ravi calls again, and this time it's accompanied by enough of a shoulder nudge to snap him back into the bar. "Shit." He stares down at his own feet and clears the walkway he's probably been blocking for at least a minute.
Back in their booth, Buck leans onto the table to keep himself upright. Ravi is better company than he would've thought, keeping him pleasantly distracted and filling him in on all the war stories from his transfer over at the 122. Their gangling probies, crafty paramedics, and the gruff, but solid Captain keeping them (mostly) out of trouble.
It's a funny thing, to hear about other houses and see how they tick. Firefighting is Buck's calling, but his life could've gone so differently had he been assigned elsewhere.
"Speak of the devil!" Ravi calls, hauled out of his chair by none other than Tommy's... ok admittedly handsome stranger. "Panikkar, you don't call you don't write??" They exchange a handshake and a pat on the back and Ravi sits back down, scooting his chair in so the man can stand closer without blocking everything.
"Buck, this is Captain Deluca of the 122. Cap, this is Evan Buckley of the 118." Ravi waves his arms in between them and Buck has to fight biting off his own tongue when the Captain extends his hand. "Sal is fine, heard a lot about you golden boy."
"Wish I could say the same." He fires back, a little more forceful than he means to. "Well that answers that question." Sal says under his breath, taking the seat next to Ravi without being invited. Maybe that's this guy's deal, taking other people's.... everything. Without asking.
"Do I need to guard my ankles?" Sal laughs and the familiarity turns Buck's stomach. Is that what he is to Tommy now? A joke to tell his new flings? Only the way Sal caught Tommy's cheek earlier, he doubts that their relationship stops there.
"Easy, easy Buckley, we've got T minus 3 minutes before my boy over there realizes that his boy is over here. So let me be very blunt."
"All due respect Captain, I don't think you have another setting." Ravi giggles into his shot glass before tossing it back. Sal rolls his eyes at his former employee before continuing.
"He fucked up. He knows it. I know it. You know it. And this is the furthest thing from fair and you're well within your rights to tell me to fuck off, but I swear I can't handle his sad little kicked puppy face anymore especially when he's the one who did the kicking."
Buck's jaw falls open, leaning in closer to Sal like he's afraid he's misheard. "So here's what's gonna happen hotshot. I'm gonna grab the next round, and then flyboy is gonna handle the one after that. I suggest it be you he bumps into and not some rando. Up to you though."
He stands up and claps their mutual lightweight friend on the shoulder. "Good seeing you Ravi." Sal turns his eyes towards Buck and smiles, and he's happy to see the malice in Sal's smile isn't there at all, it's amusement, and maybe just a dash of commiseration. "Don't let him go kid." The graying captain joins the fray on drunkards, tossing a "Trust me." over his shoulder.
"You gonna take his advice?" Ravi finally asks once he realizes Buck has completely stopped paying attention to the story he had been in the middle of when Sal arrived. Buck feels glued to the vinyl seat, his head on a swivel waiting for Tommy to be in sight. "He-he dumped me." Buck finally gets out.
Ravi's shoulders slump like he's disappointed with the answer. "But you miss him?" He prods again, staring at him with kind and inquisitive eyes.
Words are entirely insufficient for the answer, so instead Buck just nods. Ravi points his finger onto the table, drawing his case to a close. "Well Tommy clearly misses you. Cap can be an asshole, but the upside is the man doesn't lie. Tact and him are like oil and water."
Ravi sucks his teeth and takes another shot. "Hey man it's your choice."
Buck tosses back a shot himself for luck. "I think I need another drink." He gets up awkwardly, positioning himself to be just a little too bump-into-able. It's not long until a familiar form collides with his shoulder.
"Tommy." He breathes out, a thousand pounds instantly lifted off his shoulder.
"Evan." His ex breathes out without thinking, not daring to pull away from the hand that's taken his.
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