#wine bottle cooler bag
unseededtoast · 8 months
Turtle Doves | Joel Miller x F!oc
Part One
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Chapter Directory
Series Summary: In which two broken souls connect so deeply, that if one should perish, the other would surely die of a broken heart. (slow burn, timeline changes. After TLOU1, before TLOU2, assumed knowledge of infected, uses elements from both show and game)
Series Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, death, and sexual content.
Also cross-posted on Wattpad and AO3. Link to my masterlist for everything else I’ve posted!
wc: 2.9k
a/n: Thank you for checking out this story! This is by far one of my favorites that I've ever written and I am beyond ecstatic to finally be able to share it with you all. I will be uploading a new part every week, and let me know if you'd like to be tagged! Once again thank you so much!
"What do you think of all this?" My voice is unusually hoarse as I take in the images before me. There have been reports of some sickness going around, mainly in the bigger cities, far enough from here to make us feel safe, for now.
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(use this link for geographical reference points)
Upbeat music sounds through the house, bright sunshine beaming through the open windows. The crisp breeze whips in every few seconds, blowing the sheer curtains and cooling the house. It all makes it seem more real that summer is finally here. I lightly bob my head to the beat, enjoying the first day of warmth and excited for our first cookout of the year. I hear a few of the guests in the back yard already, laughing and clinking bottles together.
I turn around and open the freezer door, grabbing the ice tray off the top shelf and breaking up the frozen water inside, so that I can dump the cubes into the glass pitcher sitting on the kitchen counter. The ice clings as it falls to the bottom of the pitcher, and I go to fill it with water to finish the lemonade. With another gust of wind, the smell of grilled burgers floats in, making me all too excited to get back out there.
The doorbell rings out and I quickly turn the water off so that the lemonade doesn't overflow into the sink. I set the pitcher off to the side and dry my hands on the towel laying on the counter. Quickly, I make my way to the door and open it, greeting the next arrivals with a wide smile on my face.
"Thank you guys for coming, please make yourselves at home! I think the burgers are just about done out back." I say and close the door behind them, grabbing a dish from my friend's full hands and placing it on the counter. Her daughter toddles through the house, mumbling about something that's apparently very important to her. I smile softly at the little girl and turn my attention to my friend, who I haven't seen in forever. Her husband quickly finds his way to the back yard with the other guests.
"Sorry we're late, someone did not want to wear shoes today." She breathily laughs, setting down a diaper bag as she watches her daughter walk around the house.
"I understand, shoes are a pain." I joke with her and open the fridge to grab a chilled bottle. I hand the wine cooler to her and she pops the cap, taking a sip. I look at my friend, who I notice looks tired and stressed, more than usual. There are dark circles under her eyes and her hair is haphazardly thrown up into a bun. Her appearance is out of character for her, she's typically always primped and dressed for the occasion.
"Tell me about it. I was half tempted to just let her come barefoot. How's Lucas?" She asks about my son, taking another sip. I turn my head to look out the back door, seeing my son being held by my husband.
"He's loving all the attention out there, that's for sure. How are things going, Lisa? I feel like I haven't seen you since last year." I inquire, casually grabbing the lemonade pitcher and setting it beside the veggie tray I took from her. She sighs,
"Things have been better. John has been working more hours lately. Which is fine, it's just that I feel like I never sleep anymore." She tries to joke, but I can sense the exhaustion in her. Her husband works as a physician at a local hospital, and has been on call for the past two weeks. I offer her a small smile and put a hand on her shoulder,
"You and little miss Amelia are welcome here anytime. Lucas would enjoy the company and I know you'd enjoy the rest. I mean it, I don't mind watching her." I tell her, knowing that she will likely never take me up on the offer. Lisa doesn't like to impose on people, though she wouldn't be imposing at all.
"I appreciate it Noelle, thank you." She nods gratefully. Amelia finds her way to the back door and puts her slobber-covered hands on the glass, mumbling nonsense but making it clear she wants out there with everyone else. I laugh at her silliness and balance the veggie tray in one hand and grab the lemonade in the other.
"I think Amelia wants to get out there. Feel free to just relax, we can watch over her. Enjoy yourself, mama." I say and make my way to the backdoor and expertly open it with my elbow. Amelia squeals and runs out onto the grass with the other kids.
Lisa goes to sit on the couch, taking another drink, and I close the door behind me. I set the veggie tray down on a foldable table where the other side dishes are and place the cold lemonade beside the other beverages. The burgers smell amazing and I can't help but glance over to the grill to see if they're done yet. To my disappointment, they're not ready, so I walk over to my husband Ryan, who has Lucas in his arms.
"Do you want me to take him?" I ask, knowing that even though Lucas is a small kid, he gets quite heavy after a while. Ryan nods and hands him off to me, kissing me on the forehead before he goes to grab a beer out of the cooler. Lucas lays his head on my shoulder and I can tell he's ready for his afternoon nap.
I go back in the house to find Lisa chilling on the couch, her drink empty in hand and her head resting back on the cushion with her eyes closed. Quietly, I make my way to Lucas' room and lay him down in bed. Of course, as soon as he's on the mattress he's starts to throw a fit, because he's so obviously not tired.
"Shhh, it's okay." I soothe him, running a hand through his short hair and tucking a light sheet around him while he curls his tiny little hand around my fingers. He always likes to be holding someone's hand as he falls asleep, I think it must be some sort of security thing for him. And thankfully, he's out in just a few minutes. Skillfully, I wiggle my hand from his grasp and close his door softly, hoping he'll sleep for at least an hour or two.
Lisa is now sitting up on the couch, her elbows resting on her knees as she leans forward, listening intensely to whatever is on. Something on the TV must have caught her attention.
I go to the fridge and grab a drink, wanting to indulge a little since Lucas is down for a nap. The words on the TV pique my interest, and I go to sit beside Lisa, who only glances at me out of the corner of her eye.
"Los Angeles is the latest city to be placed under Martial Law. The number of confirmed deaths has now passed two hundred. And according to a leaked report from the World Health Organization, recent vaccination attempts have failed." The reporter seems uptight and rigid as she speaks. Absentmindedly, I take another sip of my drink, feeling uneasy about what I'm hearing. The upbeat music from the yard starkly contrasts the severity of what's on the television.
The news broadcast switches to a helicopter view of Los Angeles and shows a temporary military camp being set up. Large armored trucks line the streets and soldiers instruct people where they need to go. There's smoke in the air from fires that have been set, and it looks like some foreign, war-torn country.
"What do you think of all this?" My voice is unusually hoarse as I take in the images before me. There have been reports of some sickness going around, mainly in the bigger cities, far enough from here to make us feel safe, for now. But seeing the devastation and panic of those in New York, Detroit, and now Los Angeles is making me more uneasy about the whole thing.
"I don't like it. John says we shouldn't worry about it. Whatever it is, they'll find a cure for it soon. He says he hasn't seen anything come through the hospital yet and that we're okay. But I don't know, I can't help but worry, you understand." Lisa's voice is soft, but serious. She tears her eyes away from the screen and looks to me as she finishes her sentence, and I nod my head.
"I understand. Ryan says the same thing. But we aren't that far from Detroit, really. I mean what, a few hours by car? I told him we should at least stock up on some canned goods, just in case." I say, knowing that we share the same anxiety about this mysterious sickness. The back door slides open quickly,
"Burgers are done!" Ryan's voice calls out into the house, snapping Lisa and I out of our contemplation. I clear my throat and take another drink before standing and offering Lisa my hand. She takes it and I help her up as well, and we both go outside, trying to forget what we just saw on the screen.
We join the others in the back yard and Lisa makes quick work to fix Amelia a plate. I urge others to get a plate before I do, feeling unnerved from the news report. After everyone goes through the line, I grab a plate as well, but can only bring myself to put some fruit on it, and that's just for show.
I join Ryan at the patio table and he's tucking into his burger with all the fixings. I take another drink and try my absolute best to act perfectly normal and unperturbed. Ryan swallows and looks between my plate and my face, his eyebrows scrunching together.
"Only fruit?" I nod my head, knowing it's out of my usual to not load up with a burger, chips, and some type of sweet.
"Just not feeling too well." I passively offer as an explanation and take a strawberry into my mouth. He takes another bite of his burger, keeping his eyes on me. I know he can see through my lie, but I know he won't push it in front of people. He puts a hand on my thigh and gives it a squeeze, and I place my hand on top of his.
I take another strawberry and look out into our back yard, seeing Amelia happily nibbling on a bun Lisa gave her. Another little kid sits beside Amelia, Ethan is his name, and he is content with his bowl of chips his mother gave him. Ethan's mother, Rebecca, met Lisa and I at a birthing education group a few years back and we all clicked together instantly. Rebecca's husband, Tim, fit right in with our husbands as well.
Others mill about the yard, associates of Ryan who I don't know very well, but they're friendly enough and I don't mind them. I've never been able to connect with them too well, seeing as there's a sizable age gap between me and the majority of them. Plus, they're all lawyers and I'm a florist, there's not much common ground between the two. Sometimes I wish I had more in common with Ryan's friends, but over time I've accepted that it's okay for us to have differences.
My eyes drift from the people to my flower beds, which are all manicured to perfection. Luckily, all the flowers are vibrant and full, adding more life to the yard it sometimes lacks in the colder months.
After a while, I go about collecting plates and cleaning up the food as the sun begins to disappear behind the horizon. Ryan is entertaining a newly energized Lucas as Lisa and I pack away the leftovers and hunt out the s'mores supplies. No Allen family cookout is complete without s'mores.
I turned the television off as soon as we started bringing things in, not being able to bear the words and images that were sure to be there. If I can just push those thoughts from my mind for another couple hours and make sure people enjoy the cookout, then I can worry about it for the rest of the night after they leave.
Lisa hands me a platter of leftover burgers to put in the fridge and breaks the silence,
"Your flowers are beautiful this year, I really like the tulips you have here." She compliments my fresh pink tulips on the counter. I had picked them this morning before everyone got here so they looked their best. I smile, appreciating the compliment.
"Thank you, I tried to pick the best ones. You can take those with you if you want. I have plenty." I say, motioning to the backyard. It's true, I have an abundance of flowers to choose from, and I want Lisa to have something nice for herself, she deserves it.
"Oh no, I couldn't. You worked hard on those." She dismisses with a wave of her hand, but I give her a stern look.
"Lisa, please take the flowers or I will make sure John takes them." I say, pushing the vase across the counter to her. She knows she's not going to win this argument and concedes, taking the vase in her hands.
"Thank you, Noelle." Her voice is quiet, and I give her a nod.
"Don't mention it. Now let's get these kids full of sugar before bed!" I laugh and hand her some of the s'mores ingredients to take out.
A few of the men had started the fire and have it at a nice height, it should last us long enough to get the s'mores made and for people to say their goodbyes for the night. I hand out the skewers and place the ingredients on the foldable tables, allowing people to help themselves.
Lucas waddles over to me with a marshmallow in his tiny hand, and I smile, knowing he wants me to toast it for him. I grab him in my arms and take his marshmallow, placing it on a skewer before sitting us on a chair close to the fire. Lucas is on my lap as I watch the marshmallow to ensure I don't burn it, but toast it perfectly for him. Lucas is kind of a marshmallow snob, he won't eat one that's been burnt or under-toasted, he only wants the golden-brown ones.
After rotating the marshmallow with patience, I think it's finally good enough for his standards. I grab it off the skewer and blow on it so that he doesn't burn his mouth on the hot sugar. His hands reach towards it, but I lean away to cool it off as much as possible. I can tell he's getting frustrated, and so as soon as I'm sure it's an acceptable temperature, I give it to him. He wastes no time in shoving it in his mouth, a wide, gummy smile on his face with tiny little teeth barely visible.
I watch him lovingly, enjoying seeing him so happy with something so simple. As Lucas finishes his marshmallow, some people begin filtering out for the night. I wave goodbye to them and take Lucas inside to clean him up before bed. His hands and face are sticky with marshmallow fluff, and the last thing I want is for him to touch everything in his reach and get everything coated in stickiness.
I set him up on the counter beside the sink and grab a fresh rag, wetting it lightly so I can get the gross off of him. Rebecca, Tim, and Ethan are the next ones to leave, and I wish them a safe drive home, and thank them once more for coming. Lisa, John, and Amelia are the last ones to leave, and I make sure Lisa takes the tulips with her despite her protests.
After Lucas is cleaned up and Ryan has tidied the back yard, I'm ready for bed. My eyelids are heavy with sleep, and I can't wait to get underneath my warm covers. Lucas fights his bedtime as per usual, but finally lays down for me after minutes of whining.
I close his door and turn off the main lights in the house and ensure the night lights are on, just in case Lucas gets up in the night and needs to get to our room. I rub my eyes as I enter my bedroom and go to the bathroom to do my nightly routine. Ryan is already in bed, flipping through channels to find something.
I rush through my routine and get underneath the covers, sighing with relief as I feel my spine decompress from the day. Rolling over into Ryan's side, I rest my head on his shoulder and look at the television screen. Immediately, I'm displeased with what I see. A bold headline is front and center and it reads 'Death Toll Rises, When Will This End?'. Luckily the TV is on mute so I can't hear what the news reporter is saying.
"I think we need to stock up on things tomorrow. I don't like how this is looking." I say, standing my ground this time. Ryan can believe whatever he wants about this sickness, but I won't risk Lucas going without food or any necessity if things get bad.
"First thing in the morning we can go." Ryan's voice is raspy, and he turns the TV off, not bothering to watch anything else. He adjusts his position and pulls me into him, kissing me goodnight before he rolls over to turn off his bedside lamp.
I cuddle into his side, enjoying the safety I feel in his arms and close my eyes, ready to fall asleep. As I feel myself drifting off, I hear muffled sirens in the distance.
Part Two
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heeseungwifey · 11 months
Our Honeymoon...
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Pairing: Jake x yn
Warning: contains smut!
The wedding was beautiful. Everyone cried and cheered for us as we walked out of the church, getting on our ride to the wedding reception. Jake and I hadn’t enjoyed some time alone until now, enjoying the sudden silence inside the car. 
“You look beautiful. I just told you at the altar but I can’t stop thinking about how lucky I am that you’re my wife now” Jake says as he grabs my hand with both hands and kisses it, looking at me in the eyes.  
“Thank you, it has taken me since this morning at 7 a.m. to look this good, I almost didn’t get ready in time” I growl as I try to accommodate the wedding dress inside the car, getting overwhelmed by the amount of fabric around me.
“I think you have looked gorgeous every single day since I met you 3 years ago. Today you look different though, I guess is the wife glow my friends told me about” Jake grabs my legs and puts them on his lap, getting my shoes off and massaging my feet. I am truly so happy that the best man I know also happens to be my husband.
“By the way I have a little surprise since our flight is tomorrow evening, I booked a Hanok to stay the night. It’s quite big and far away from other houses, so we have more intimacy” I make eye contact with Jake in response to his not-so-subtle comment, his hands grabbing my foot and getting it closer to his lips as he places a kiss on the instep. I’m in for a wild night.
The party lasted for hours, and our families and friends got along playing games with each other, singing karaoke and playing pool. Every time Jake and I made eye contact got more excited to leave, feeling sorry for everyone at the party but also extremely needy for each other.
“I’m sorry everyone but we’re leaving, you can still enjoy all of this for two more hours if the party hasn’t ended for you. My wife and I have plans tomorrow and we need to rest. Thank you to everyone for coming to our wedding, we’re very happy to have such people in our lives. That being said, we’re leaving”
Jake had rented a McLaren 570GT, a sports car, to take us to the Hanok. He looks so hot with his white shirt unbuttoned and rolled-up sleeves, the hairstyle that he had this morning is now messy, a strand of hair falling onto his face. The radio plays jazz music as we’re driving down the road to our stay for the night.
“Thank you so much for everything. We’re a really good team” I put my hand on his nape as he parks the car right in front of the house. Jake opens the car door for me as I come out, walking to the entrance of the house and waiting for him as he picks up our luggage. When we went inside it was a beautiful traditional Korean house with only one floor and a tree that grows in the middle of the yard. 
Jake opens the door and as we walk in, a subtle smell of incense fills my nostrils. The lighting is warm and cosy, making me relax instantly. I drop my bag on a table and do a little tour around the house while Jake is picking a bottle of white wine from a wine cooler. A bathroom with a jacuzzi, a spacious kitchen and a huge king bed in the middle of the bedroom. One of the walls has a big round window with views to the inner yard, the moonlight coming right in. Jake pours a glass of wine for me as he sips from his.
“Do you want to get into the jacuzzi? I can turn it on now so it’s ready when we get changed” Jake is taking his tie off, followed by his shirt. It’s not the first time I see him shirtless, but every time I see him so bare something primal clicks on me. He’s changing into his bathing suit, so I leave the room to get ready too.
Taking my makeup off and putting on a bikini my bridesmaids packed for me since this little escapade was a surprise for me, I walk into the bathroom, Jake already inside it. He looks so handsome, the lighting of the candles he just placed cast light upon his chest and shows all his well-defined muscles. He’s biting his lips immersed in his thoughts, suddenly aware I’m standing at the door.
“C’mere” He extends his hand to help me get in, sitting me right in between his legs. His veiny arms wrap around me and his nose caresses my ear. there’s just silence, the bubbling of the jacuzzi and subtle sighs from Jake. I rest my head on his shoulder and give small pecks to his bicep. We’re both drunk already so everything is a bit clumsy.
“Are you happy to be here with me? Because I think I am the luckiest woman alive right now.” I kiss his cheek as I turn to face him, our mouths so close I can feel his warm breath. He looks at me in the eyes and puts his hand on my cheek, caressing it. 
“I feel like the king of Korea with you by my side. I don’t think anyone has ever been this blessed” he kisses me with hunger, his mouth absorbing mine like I have no power over it, splashing water and my hands holding tight to his shoulders. Every time we kiss it feels like he’s gonna devour me, french kissing that always leads to a night of no sleep.
I get on his lap and take the lead, untying my bikini top right in front of his eyes as I grab his head and push it in between my tits. He looks up and the lewd sound that scapes off my mouth makes him suck on one of my nipples in response.
“Jake… Jake… I need you right now. I’m tired of pretending I haven’t been thinking about your cock this whole day” I whisper in his ear, licking the tip of his nose as I grind on him, feeling his body starting to tense up. 
“I didn’t know I married such a whore, I guess I'll have to wash your mouth tonight” Jake gets on the edge of the jacuzzi and pulls his trunks down and his dick springs out, rosy tip and enticing to my tipsy self. I grab it with one hand as I take it into my mouth, my eyes fly directly to his face, enjoying how his eyebrows furrow and how he bites his lip. I used to hate giving head until my girlfriends told me that it made them feel powerful seeing how men reacted to it, so fragile and sensitive to it you could almost make them do anything for you afterwards.
With my tongue flat I spread saliva from the base to the top, making it easier for me to bob my head repeatedly, massaging his balls with my other hand, his moans so loud and his legs twitching I can tell he´s about to come. 
“No wait… I don’t want… to cum yet, I want to do it inside you” Jake grabs my head and gets me up to kiss my lips, hugging me in the process. Our bodies are outside the jacuzzi, Jake stepping out and carrying me out bridal style.
He lays me on the bed, wet and naked, as he walks to his suitcase searching for something he packed. While I’m laying there I appreciate the decoration, very traditional and elegant, as if we were in some kind of regal chamber. Everything around us just feeds this fantasy that’s turning me on even more than before. 
When Jake comes back he’s holding two things, a blindfold and a ribbon, my imagination taking a wild guess on what Jake has prepared for us tonight. He has put on some boxers and a bathrobe while I’m here in just my bikini bottoms, cold and naked. 
I couldn't care less right now about the cute lingerie set I have in my suitcase or how this night is not going as I planned in my head at all, my man is right on top of me tying my hands with a ribbon as I’m blindfolded, entirely at his mercy.
“you know how you said once we got married we should try to have kids right? there hasn’t been a day I haven’t had the nasty thought of filling you up and breeding you, making you mine and watching how it comes out of that pussy of yours. Damn, even saying it out loud it’s making me so hard” Jake says as he leaves a trail of kisses from my lips to my toes, holding my leg up and kissing my calves. He manhandles me onto opening my legs, my bikini bottoms not covering anything at all.
“Jake, I need to see you, please. Don’t do this to me” I don’t wanna miss a single thing from tonight, his eyes and his movements as if he was my personal gigolo. I want to die with the memory of this engraved in my mind. 
“I’m sorry my wife, tonight you are going to satisfy one of my biggest fantasies” Jake caresses my face as I already feel my bikini bottom sliding down my legs. His hand feels hot and moist from the jacuzzi, making his touch so overwhelming when he traces my pussy with it. I can’t help but moan repeatedly as he draws circles with his middle finger. 
“See, you are actually enjoying this, you know it’s me but you can’t anticipate what I’m going to do. I find pleasure in having you uncertain of the situation” Jake puts his finger in and stretches me out, purring as he coats my entrance with my wetness. He always takes his time pleasuring me, as he finds it entertaining having me lying there moaning and shaking while he does his ministrations. 
With only his fingers I get to come, a blood rush that suddenly gets me up and makes me scream in pleasure. If this night goes just like the others now I’ll be time for Jake to eat me out, my system reacting way quicker to his tongue and going for as many rounds as my body allows us to.
“So fucking beautiful, I can’t believe I’m gonna be the only man who ever gets to see this view” I hear a loud pop after Jake takes his finger out of me and eats all my cum from it, going back for some more.
“Jake, I want you already inside of me, I can’t wait anymore to feel you without a condom. Please just grant me that wish” I would be lying if I said I’m a saint, enjoying my now-husband’s dick a little too much, always wishing to feel him all without anything in between. Today’s a special day because we decided after we got married we will try to have a child, fucking raw being our fantasy all of these years.
“Okay y/n, let me take the blindfold off as you have been such a good girl so far tonight” I feel his hands on the back of my head, suddenly seeing the warm light that paints the room. Jake is right on top of me, his lips plumped and glistening from his ministrations a few minutes ago and I can’t resist the urge to kiss him, our tongues meeting instantly. I put my arms around his neck, getting him closer to me and twisting my legs around his hips, pushing his clothed member against my wet core. 
“take that off immediately Jake Sim or you’re gonna get in trouble” He gets off the bed and obediently takes his boxers off slowly, giving a mini striptease as he makes eye contact with me. Damn, will I ever get tired of this? his dick was leaking precum and as I’m taking the view of his naked body he leaps on top of me, caging me under.
“Are you okay with me going in right now? I can’t wait anymore” Jake is looking at my face trying to read my expression, clouded eyes from desire and heavy breathing. I also can’t wait. “Make me yours Jake, that’s all I gonna want for the rest of my life”
Jake kisses me and pushes his dick inside, my walls opening for him and fitting like it was designed just for his size. Once he bottoms out we take a breath, smiling at each other because it just feels so good. Once a minute passes, he starts moving strongly and vigorously, moans don’t wait longer to come out of our mouths. Every time he gets in fully I feel a heat in my belly that threatens to explode, ending the fun too soon. Suddenly Jake flips me over and gets me on all fours, holding my hair as my face hits the pillow. He’s doing an impressive job until I feel his movements more erratic, his moans more like whimpers and I feel his hand reach for my clitoris, not letting himself finish first on our honeymoon. Surprised by the sudden touch, the repressed feeling in my stomach detangles and I let myself go, falling right before he does, holding my hips so all his cum gets inside me.
We’re laying in bed caressing each others’ faces for what feels like hours. Then one of us would lower a hand and everything would start all over again, with little changes. One of us is blindfolded, tied, sitting down, standing up, on the kitchen counter…
The following day when I woke up I was incredibly sore, everything hurt. It was worth it anyway. But it’s gonna be an arduous flight to Jeju. Jake has already put on his clothes, a brown cardigan with nothing underneath and black chinos, looking like a daydream with his wet hair pushed back.
“Are you up sleeping beauty? I was postponing waking you up, you looked super cute” Jake sits right on my side on the bed, petting my head as I’m still trying to keep my eyes open. His cologne smells incredible, his tan skin bathing in the sunrise light. 
“yes, kinda. The real struggle is to move I think, I’m so sore I feel like a pudding” Jake laughs and kisses me on the forehead, hugging me as he gets up.
“Everything is already packed baby, whenever you feel like you’re ready get changed. I left a cute outfit in the bathroom for you to wear. I’m quite excited about what I saw in your luggage, I’ll have to thank your bridesmaids when you get pregnant”
Jake leaves the bedroom with a cheeky smile and I'm left dumbfounded, not even knowing what it is that has him so excited. Guess I’ll have to get used to this pain because I’m not gonna rest at all during our honeymoon. Not that I’m complaining though.
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unholyhelbig · 1 year
How about a bartender!Kate in which Kate is a new employee of the bar that reader frequents on bad days and Kate is one of the first people not to sympathize with her and just full of banter. I just think a cocky bartender Kate would be … neat
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[This is 18+, if you are a minor DO NOT INTERACT]
Title: Two Fingers of Whiskey
Ship: Female!Reader x Bartender!Kate Bishop
Warnings: Top!Kate, Bottom!reader, Dom!Kate, Sub!reader, light dom/sub, finger sucking, Fingering (r receiving), Hate fuck (?) yeah, this is a hate fuck.
[A/n: Go easy on me, I haven't written smut since my Pitch Perfect days & I've been under quarantine for the last five days, I've got brain rot & did not proofread.]
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Kate began to expect your visits. Her eyes would drift to the novelty Miller High Life clock that was hanging on the wall. Six pm. Twice a week you’d wander into the bar and let out the haze of smoke and Dior Fahrenheit. Your eyes would search for hers with the same amount of ferocity, and Kate would try to swallow back the pride that was resulted by your hatred.
It started out as hatred, anyway.
Kate Bishop had made it a point to listen to people and their problems. Being a bartender at a seedy basement establishment was more than mixing drinks and cracking open frothy beers. She’d been told her first week that she was a half-bit therapist, and had laughed it off until she was listening to stories of corporate drabble, sudden deaths, and quiet loveless frustrations.
It had been two years since she started the nightshift at Copper’s, and she could spot the sadness from miles away. She could spot that frustration too. Kate became admittedly bored with the way her life had fallen into routine, so when a certain energy presented itself, she pushed.
Kate loved to push with you.
You’d looked tentative when you’d first entered Copper’s, your gaze moving across the dark green paint, the booths that were sticky. Your nice shoes had crunched over broken peanut shells and a certain film covered the walls, the stained-glass lamps over each table. Your hand tightened on your bag, and that gave Kate a sick sort of satisfaction. You took note of her nametag, not customed, a small label being printed and taped over an existing name.  
She admired the way you carried yourself with such assuredness after allowing for one moment of doubt. Instead of turning around and going back out onto the busy city streets, you took the two steps down and carefully sat yourself at the far end of the bar.
“We don’t have anything fancier than a house white.”
“Boston Lager?”
You’d lifted a perfect eyebrow and Kate nodded stuffing the rag she’d been using into her back pocket before reaching into the cooler and pulling out the dark amber bottle. She used the edge of the counter to pop the cap off, not caring where it landed. Foam dripped across her fingertips, and she forbade a coaster when she set it down in front of you.
Two sips before you spoke. The first was tentative, and the second was assured. Kate watched carefully as your throat worked at the drink. She frowned in the dark light, trying to rush away any inappropriate thoughts of her lips against an expanse of skin.
“I’m not pretentious.” You said, setting the bottle down.
Kate hummed. It was a non-committal noise. She picked up one of the glasses, still warm from going through the dishwasher, and went on wiping the detergent spots from the clear surface. Though, she saw you frown out of the corner of her eye and bit back her reaction.
“Seriously. You offered me wine.”
“You don’t like wine?”
“No. I like wine; I just don’t like when strangers presume that I like wine.”
Kate couldn’t help but smile at this. She replaced a glass and grabbed another one. The frustration on your face was admirable, and you seemed to balk at Kate’s direct attention. You fidgeted and began to peel the edges of the dark blue label on your drink, only where the condensation had allowed easy removal.
“We have house white, darling.”
“White Horse, then. Straight.”
Kate scoffed and set her second glass down. If she had been worried, truly worried, that you were going to do something stupid she would give you a few more watered down beers and send you on your way. But she liked the way you wanted to spite her. It made her fingers twitch. She pulled the bottle from the second shelf and counted two fingers of whiskey.
You took it back in one gulp, breathing through your nose before taking a tiny sip of your beer to quell the burn. Kate was infatuated with the way you sat straighter, the way you flashed her a small cocky smile. I can take the hard stuff.
“Rough day, then?” Kate sighed and filled your glass again, calling your bluff.
She leaned against the counter and watched you watching her. It gave her a sick pleasure, nudging you like this. She wouldn’t’ go far, really, she just needed to have some break in her normal routine, and you seemed like you needed a few things to forget yourself.
“The roughest.” You leveled her with an apprehensive stare. “You care?”
“Not particularly. But I’ll listen.”
“You’re an ass.”
“I’m an ear.” Kate made a sweeping motion with her hand “be my guest, sweetheart. You can vent to anyone in here.”
It was just the two of them. Sure, in about an hour, her usual crowd would rear its head. There were only three others that frequented, and they lingered by the one pool table and ordered two pitchers of the cheapest beer. They left Kate alone and she left them alone.
You contemplated her offer for a brief moment, letting out a labored breath as if Kate was burdening you instead of offering relief. “I have a shitty client. Very demanding.”
“What do you do?” Kate tried.
“I’m an archivist for the city of New York. Cold Cases mainly. There are hundreds of thousands of physical case boxes that reside in basements and closets just waiting to be digitally entered.” You threw back your drink and tapped the side of the glass. Kate took the hint and poured until the buttery liquid coated the bottom.
Kate had to admit; that was quite the job. It sounded like a lot of sadness, however, that wasn’t what you carried on your shoulders tonight. Annoyance was the overarching emotion that was expressed on your delicate features.
So, the bartender did what she did best, she didn’t’ ask about what was in the boxes. She wasn’t privy to know. She wanted to know what about the boxes bothered you to the point of drinking close to a handle of liquor in a seedy bar.
You answered before she could ask “corporate bullshit. They want us to enter all of these cases for the pure purpose of shelving them electronically. I mean, we don’t even have a cold case unit anymore. But some of these… you can tell the leg work wasn’t done. The boyfriend did it. The jealous co-worker, it’s all written so plainly that I stupid archivist that should be working at a museum can see it!”
“Wow.” Kate said.
She hummed again, this time after you swallowed your drink, she took the glass and threw it into the plastic tub. It made an empty hollow sound. Kate grinned at you in this infuriating type of way that made you want to kiss her or slap her. Either way, you shifted uncomfortably.
“What do you want me to say, sweetheart? That’s a shit situation, yeah. But there are shittier ones.”
“You are such an ass.” You repeated your earlier sentiment. She smiled brighter.
“That’ll be $15.00 even.”
Despite her difficulty, you dug through your bag until you threw a twenty on the counter and mumbled that she keep the change. Kate watched as you left that day and the smile never left her face. She liked you, she thought. And more than anything, she knew that you would be back. There was something about Kate’s lack of caring that got to people. There was no sympathy, only agreement.
 Two days later you were back inside the grimy interior of Copper’s. It took Kate a second to recognize you. Instead of nicely pressed clothing, you were in a pair of gray sweatpants and a t-shirt that had the band ‘Rush’ scrawled across your chest. Kate didn’t’ let her stare linger. You sat in the same stool, and Kate felt your eyes rake her up and down.
“Have you lodged a formal complaint against me?” Kate asked.
“Good. Then what can I get for you, darling?”
You ordered the same Boston Loger as before and Kate complied, not even offering the cheap box-wine they served in a chilled glass just to make it taste a little more worth-it. Strands of hair fell into your eyes and Kate clenched the dishtowel in her hands a little harder to keep herself from reaching forward and brushing them from your stare.
Kate couldn’t hold her tongue, and that annoyed her. The first time she saw you, it was so easy to grate on your nerves. This time, you looked slightly broken, and even Kate had her limits when it came to bothering the patrons.
“What’s wrong?” Kate asked.
“Do you care what’s wrong?”
“If I’m honest, not in the slightest. But you seem bothered, and I’m the only one around the listen.”
“How long?”
Kate raised both of her eyebrows and lilted her head to the side like a confused animal. She had both of her palms pushed up against the bar, a tank-top with the logo of the establishment stretched across her chest. Your mouth was dry, but you didn’t take a sip of your drink. Kate watched as your fingers delicately circled the opening of the amber bottle. You blinked at her, eyelids heavy.
“Excuse me?”
“How long are you going to be alone here?”
She blinked to make sure she heard you right. She had someone coming in to relive her in about an hour but was more than happy to sit here and talk with you until that time. It seemed like you had other ideas, and part of her was curious about that. It shot straight to her core and warmed her cheeks.
“You’re not going to murder me, are you?” Kate teased.
“And add to all those boxes I have to archive? Please.”
Kate cleared her throat and started to work at the back of the apron at her waist. It seemed frantic and you finally lifted your drink, downing it in a few gulps. You needed to let off some steam, it seemed, and Kate was more than happy to provide. After-all, she was a bartender and her job was to listen- to provide. Kate rationalized all of this before she had her apron off.
“Would you look at the time?” you stood, reaching into your pocket and pulling out a ten. “I’m running late. Keep the change, darling.”
Kate paced back and forth along the length of the bar, muttering things to herself. She deserved that, really- she did, but it had been three whole days and she was still sufficiently pissed off that you had thrown her attitude right back at her. That wasn’t allowed.
No one had ever done that to her before and you’d made her stomach roll with attraction and even anticipation with just a few simple words and insinuations. Sure, you tipped well, and you drank and then left, but she didn’t actually want to admit that she was having fun talking to you.
And more than anything, she didn’t want to admit that she was flicking her eyes to the clock on the wall, getting only a slight bit of relief when it passed your usual time. Today, however, you did show up.
Kate could feel the tension in her jaw as she watched you walk through the doors. The scent had become familiar to you, something she could tell by the way you breathed in deeply, grounding yourself.
You wore tighter clothes, and Kate struggled not to rake her eyes up and down your figure, the way the fabric hugged every inch of you. The sweatpants and t-shirt were gone, instead you had on a dress with a long slit running up the side, exposing tanned skin.  She focused on the way you walked, the way you leaned forward on the bar, pressing your cleavage forward.
“This isn’t going to work twice.” Kate said, crossing her arms over her chest.
She was admittedly sore over your teasing, despite how well-earned it was. And that tight dress did look stunning on you. Even the low smoggy haze of Coppers she shivered at the thought of tearing it off of you, of moving the zipper down the small of your back and kissing up your spine.
You cleared your throat. “I actually came here to apologize.”
“Did you, now?”
“Yes,” You said through gritted teeth as if it physically pained you to say the words. “You were right… the first time we met. My problems seem big, but compared to other things, they’re not detrimental. Even though I was mad, teasing you like that was below me.”
“Oh, I’m not so sure much is below you.”
Kate raked her eyes up and down your body. Your cheeks heated and you let out a groan. Because damn-it, she was so infuriating, and though you’d come back to the bar a second time to drive her crazy, it seemed to have the opposite effect.
“I have the keys to the boss’s office.” Kate offered deviously “No windows and a desk.”
Kate watched you swallow hard, contemplating her offer. She twirled the keys around her ring finger expertly and when you finally nodded she felt herself lean against the counter, close enough to where her lips brushed yours, the warmth was all encompassing, electrifying.
“I need to hear you say it, sweetheart. What exactly do you want?”
With hesitation you forced the words through your lips. This was wildly out of character for you, usually prim and proper and not demanding things from a strange bartender with ghostly blue eyes and expert fingers. “I want you to take me into that office and fuck me until I can’t walk.”
Kate smiled, closing the gap between the both of you with a breathless kiss, her tongue invading your mouth. You moaned into the simple gesture before she pulled away. “All you had to do was ask.”
With a chivalrous gesture, Kate took your hand and guided you easily down a large step behind the bar. You’d never seen this side of things, and though you hadn’t expected anything breathtaking, it gave you a better view of the empty establishment.
You didn’t have much time to contemplate as you were guided through a narrow hallway that had an employee schedule posted on the wall, and a few boxes of unopened liquor. There was a citrus scent that invaded your senses and soon you were out of the cold and in a small office that looked as if it hadn’t been touched in months.
The hum of the cooling units was drowned out and a warmth caused bumps to rise against your skin. Kate had you pushed against the door in a matter of seconds, her mouth back on yours, a knee between your legs, shoving them open. Desperately, you tried to grind down, alleviating some of the heat in your core.
Kate’s hand came up to grip your chin, disconnecting her lips from yours “We’re impatient, aren’t we?”
You could only whimper in response, the corner of Kate’s mouth lilted up into a semi smile, too much like a smirk for your liking. The expression did things to you. Here was this cocky bartender that was too content for her own good- yet, in this moment, you would let her have you in any way she wanted.
“I’ll fuck you senseless on the desk, but only if you can be patient. Can you do that for me? Can you be a good girl?”
“I… yes.”
“What was that? I thought we talked about you using your words, sweetheart.”
“Can you please fuck me on the desk? I’ll be a good girl.”
That seemed to be enough. Kate slid her hands around to the back of your thighs and lifted you with an unnatural bout of strength, a noise of surprise escaping your lips. You had seen her arms a few days earlier when she was in that tank-top, but she had settled you on the desk effortlessly, standing between your legs.
Kate’s mouth nipped at your jawline, sucking perfect bruised circles against your skin that she soon soothed with her tongue. You didn’t mind her marking you, though you mentally made a note to pick up some concealer on the way home. She made quick work with the zipper at your spine, pulling it down to the warm air. She slid your sleeves down your shoulders, exposing your breasts to her prying eyes.
She took a moment to admire you, giving your hip a small squeeze. You took the hint and lifted off the desk just enough for her to pull the rest of the fabric away. It dropped to the floor. Kate smiled at you, drinking you in. “Wow”
Kate hummed and returned to working at your chest. This time she went lower, nipping at the sensitive skin around your nipple. You dug your fingers into the fabric of her shirt, letting out a groan of pleasure. Her fingers were testing at the waistline of your underwear, not quite dipping past the elastic.
Kate’s tongue was so warm, so encompassing. You arched your back, not denying her access to any part of you. Her expert hands finally pushed past the barrier of fabric, running up your entrance.
“Oh, shit, darling. You’re so worked up.”  Her words vibrated against you, and you struggled not to buck forward, to press into her lingering touch. Kate seemed to sense your frustration. “uh-uh, we’re being patient, remember? If you want release, you’ll have to beg for it.”
Beg? You weren’t the begging type. Unfortunately, you weren’t in the position to do anything but what she demanded. The thought of Kate inside of you, even in the smallest capacity, was driving you insane.
“Kate,” You hummed her name.
A sound got stuck in her throat at the sound of her name pushing through your kiss-bruised lips. She edged the end of the noise, almost phrasing it like a question. She didn’t want to give herself away, how much seeing you like this got her wet.
“Please, I need you inside me. I need to feel you.”
Before you could get out another word, she pushed a single, teasing finger inside. You fell forward, pressing your nose against the small of her neck with an exasperated breath. Kate painstakingly added another finger, pumping in and out of you with a method to her madness. You bit into her shoulder, not enough to hurt, but enough to muffle your noises of satisfaction as she swiped her thumb against your clit.
Kate’s other hand returned to your breast, squeezing and toying. It sent pleasure straight to your core, and Kate could feel you begin to tighten around her. She slowed her movements. “Beg,” She commanded.
“I’m going to cum,” you whispered into her shoulder, grasping fruitlessly at the fabric of her shirt, trying to pull her as close to you as possible.
“Are you?” She asked, slowing her pace.
“I… Kate please let me cum, I can’t hold on much longer I-“ another moan escaped you, and it took you a few breathes to compose yourself to some sort of semblance. “please”.
“That’s a good girl,” Kate praised, returning the circular motions to your clit. “Cum for me, sweetheart.”
That’s all you needed to hear to unwind for her. You clenched around her fingers, chills running from your core to every inch of your exposed body. A guttural noise of pleasure was silenced by Kate’s lips against yours, her throat silencing you as much as she could. Satisfaction rushed through you, aftershocks of her movements twitching through you. Kate withdrew herself from you, a self-assured smile on her lips as she moved them up to her lips and sucked them clean, never breaking eye contact with you.
“I need a drink,” You breathed out, words trembling. Your forehead pressed against hers, still panting, still recovering from her expert touch.
Kate scoffed, shaking her head “We don’t have anything fancier than a house white.”
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scaredofbrits · 1 year
Animatronic Stares
william afton x gn! reader
lmk if you wanna be mutuals!!
warnings; watching you, drinking, posion, choking, knives, mentions of blood, torture, cutting, dragging
please read the warnings <3
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finally. you finished your dayshift at freddy’s, which happened to be the most pathetic job ever. maybe it would’ve been cooler if you made the robots but all you did was take orders. the main reason why you continued working at the place was because of mr. afton. god, was he perfect. the most amazing dilf was a manager to a kids restaurant, kind of sad. but today was gonna be different. you just knew it.
“shift is o-ver!” your bestfriend yelled from across the backstage, in response you just told him to be quiet. he ran over to you ‘sneakily’ and gave you a big smile, “gonna go visit mr. afton?” you couldnt help but begin to fidget around with your fingers. “uh, who told you that?” the animatronics stopped singing and all of a sudden the silence was on max volume. “nobody. just kinda figured cause you’re always looking at his door.” a red tint of blush overlayed your face, pure embarrassment. but then, the thought kicked in. “wait-.. does everyone know that i stare?” you asked your bestfriend, hoping for a no.
“well, obviously. word got around that you two were in a secret relationship.” he gave you a disappointed look and picked up his bag. the only thought that ran through your head was that mr. afton might’ve known about your feelings. which wouldn’t be good if you wanted to visit him today. “just go say hi to him y/n, he’s literally your boss. he wont take it the wrong way.”
you stood completely still as you watched your bestfriend leave the building. now, you happened to be the only worker left. other than william of course, who was watching your every move on the security camera.
once you finally built up guts to knock on william’s door, you took a deep breath and headed to his office. your steps made loud echos throughout the empty building and you felt like the animatronics were watching you with disgust. everytime you’d look back at them they’d be perfectly still and powered off. maybe you were just thinking that they were watching you.
tap, tap. you softly touched the door, not even knocking. to your suprise; william instantly opened the door. he saw your face and a smile crept upon his face, “yes?” you felt so tiny and unimportant whenever he looked down at you. he had noticed your shaking and couldn’t help but chuckle. his soft hand held yours, and butterflies took over your stomach. “is it alright if i… come in?” you felt the animatronic’s stare at you, instantly giving you goosebumps. you might’ve had your back facing them but you knew.
“why, of course.” mr. afton let go of your hand and walked into his office. he walked around his desk and softly caressed it with a finger, and you took a seat. your eyes watched as he so handsomely sat down in his chair. “now that we’re comfy.. is something upsetting you?” he asked, looking deep into your eyes. you started messing around with a bracelet you had on, because you were nervous to answer him. “no big reason, i just.. wanted to say hi.”
“well, im glad you came. do you drink?” he reached into a drawer of some sort and pulled out a bottle of wine. you stared at it for a moment, “yes, i do drink.” all of a sudden, a glass of wine was in front of you. truth be told; you actually didn’t drink. and william knew that too, so you probably wouldn’t take note of the strange taste. you slowly reached for the fragile bottle and brought it close to your mouth. not taking a sip yet. “does it smell bad or something?” the question shot you back to reality, and you denied it by taking a long drink of the wine.
“n-..no its great! see?” you placed the glass back down, looking up to see him oddly surprised. you giggled for a moment, feeling sort of woozy. it shocked william how fast the posion worked, you looked like you were spacing out. was a long sip all it took? “hmm, i can tell. let me help you up.” he got up and gently grabbed your arms.
he was leading you to the parts and service room, but you didnt care. all you could think about was him holding you. he opened the door by pushing against it hard, and he threw you on the floor. “what was that for?” you yelled, laughing a bit. he looked down at you and reached in his pocket. the light was beaming down on him, and he looked like an angel of some sort in the brightness. he got on one knee and wrapped his large hand around your neck.
you struggled to breathe as you felt a sharp sting on your stomach. he was holding you down as he cut you with a knife, wanting you to go through absolute hell. “mr. ah—afton! pl-..pleas..” you tried to speak to him even though you could barely inhale air. he let go of your neck, “how sad. a girl like you trusting a big scary man like me. now you get to suffer.” the fear took over your body entirely, maybe you should’ve listened to the stares. you attempted to cover your long scratch, but he cut your hand. you let out a loud scream.
“don’t move, luv.” he grabbed both of your hands and slammed them above your head, which made the cut sting even more. all you could think was ‘why’ as your body continued to be cut up and you continued to scream. the tears that fell from your eyes were pouring down like rain, almost. he held the knife against your neck and cut slowly, but not too deep. you tried to scream but the pain on your neck was too bad. he chuckled at your failure.
he placed the knife down and wrapped both of his hands around your stinging neck, then added force. you let out one final scream and the rest of your noises were whines. after choking you for a moment, he got up and put his knife back in his pocket. he looked down at you, still alive but stinging was felt all over your body. he got a good grip on your legs and dragged you out of the room, leaving behind a big puddle of blood. you could no longer look around because everything hurt, but now the animatronics had stares of sorrow.
they watched you get dragged back into his office, and they heard you get slammed against things. they knew you’d either be a new animatronic or just a dead body that nobody cared about.
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coziewozie · 3 months
Beach Headcanons!
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✦ A/N: Huahhhh this one took me forever skkddkkdkd anyways I hope you enjoy, I spent a lot of time on this! Sorry if some characters don’t have as much content as others
✦ Contents: no reader pronouns mentioned, very very small mention of alcohol in Kaeya’s part, fluff, modern au, ~2.1k words
✦ Includes: Kaeya, Tartaglia, Wriothesley, Itto
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✦ Kaeya:
when you brought up going to the beach he said yes pretty quickly
brings sunhats for the both of you so you don’t burn!
matching swimsuits/outfits
you both decide to have a beachside picnic
for the food think something along the lines of charcuterie boards, crustless sandwiches, fresh juicy fruits, etc.
the picnic food is super elegant and classy
he sneaks a bottle of wine in there for himself
Kaeya takes lots of pictures of the two of you when you get there
mainly selfies of both of you in it
likes to snap pictures of you on your own too though
especially when he finds an angle where you look SO ABSOLUTELY STUNNING AND ANGELIC and don’t say you aren’t bc he will be so devastated if you don’t view yourself the way he sees you
is actually such a good photographer
also the type to happily help you apply sunscreen on your back if you ask
anyways back to the picnic!
lunch is super chill, mostly just you guys eating and talking about whatever
you notice the alcohol he snuck in with him but decide to let it go for today
at the end though he wraps his arm around you and you rest your head on his shoulder while you two appreciate the afternoon ocean view
you guys are busy cleaning up the picnic when he looks over at you and compliments how nice you look for no reason
he means it tho ugh it’s so sweet my HEART
the both of you finally walk down to the water while holding hands
you and Kaeya stay in the shallow end of the water, mainly splashing each other playfully and looking in tidepools!
seems like the type to get pinched by a crab
will gladly swim if you want though
you guys stay until the evening and decide to get dinner from a nearby restaurant
he’ll hold your hand from across the table and give you the cutest smile
on the drive home he’ll have one hand on the wheel and the other on the armrest between your seats
you put your hand next to his and hold it
loves it when you do that
has a faint blush on his cheeks and smiles so giddily for the rest of the ride home it’s so cute
doesn’t say too much if he’s tired, but hums to whatever song is playing
looks at you, smirks, and goes
“I had a great time today. We should do this again soon. … Did I mention how pretty your eyes are?” that’s like the fifth time today he’s mentioned it
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✦ Tartaglia:
on the way there he blasts both of your favorite songs in the car with the windows rolled down
wears sunglasses, an unbuttoned hawaiian beach shirt, swim trunks, and flip flops
100% brings water guns
when you first arrive you set up your spot
he stakes the umbrella down while you lay out the towels and cooler containing some drinks and your lunches
as soon as you're both done he throws his shirt and flip flops off and full on sprints to the water without warning
you run after him since you want to join him too!
once you get close enough to him he tackles you and you both fall in the water laughing
starts a splash fight with you
if you’re swimming together he’ll race you to see who can get back to the shore the fastest
also brings his surfboard!
goes on his own a few times but lets you ride with him too if you didn’t bring a board
and if you’re completely new to all this he’ll be super gentle so you don’t get scared
maybe you’ll both just sit on the board and float in the water or ride a baby wave
by the time you’re done with that it’s time for lunch!
nothing fancy, just some sandwiches in plastic bags that you packed
Tartaglia thinks it still tastes great though and appreciates that you made them!
you’re both eating and talking under the shade of your umbrella when some little kid comes up to you for no reason and says you look really nice and cool
both of your hearts melt
Tartaglia pulls you close and gives you a peck on the cheek and agrees
will play volleyball or have a water gun battle with you to see who’s better it’s just a friendly competition right? right???
you two are running up and down the beach screaming and spraying each other with the water guns while onlookers stare at you and chuckle as you pass by
volleyball gets super competitive
its just you two taking up a whole court and hitting the ball back and forth as hard as you absolutely can
you’re soooo close to winning..!
but he beats you
it’s okay it’s all for fun he’ll pat you on the head and smirk if you’re salty about it lol
the sun is setting but he still wants to do a little bit more
bike rides together along the beach!
casual chatter while you two enjoy the view
you ride until you guys encounter a little ice cream cart
he buys you your favorite flavor!
Tartaglia gets rocky road, cookie dough, or cookies and cream
has a really hard time deciding and takes forever
will happily share with you if you want some! takes a bite of yours when you aren’t looking
you two leave when you’re both ready
the drive home is mainly him chattering away and you in the passenger seat trying to not fall asleep after such an exhausting but fun! day how does he always have so much energy???
occasionally waves his hand in front of your face to see if you’re still awake
“Hey that reminds me, earlier I saw a— wait, hey! C’mon, don’t fall asleep yet! I still have so much to talk about!”
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✦ Wriothesley:
prefers to go in the evening
less sun and less people and also the time he gets off of work on an early day
his mood improves so much and he lights up when he sees you after work
after a lot of persuasion you manage to convince him to wear a floral tropical print shirt that matches your clothes!
he keeps it buttoned up for now though
you also notice one of Sigewinne’s shark stickers on the collar of Wriothesley’s shirt how did that get there??
you find it cute so you don’t say anything about it
its close to dinnertime when you arrive so he takes you to a local, slightly formal restaurant that’s super close to the beach!
now you see why he didn’t want to wear that shirt
both of you feel just a tad bit out of place in your more casual beach attire but you don’t really care
besides, why should other people’s opinions stop you from having a good time?
while you’re waiting for your food the two of you will talk about how your day/week has been and anything else you can think of to bring up
will happily listen to you if you ramble
finds it so refreshing to hear your voice
purchases an iced tea with his meal bc he’s Wriothesley
the food is great! and at the end you both share a dessert like a little cake or ice cream
you guys leave and start walking side by side towards the beach
he’ll give you piggyback rides or let you sit on his shoulders if you ask! will be able to carry you, 100%, no problem AAAAHHAHA THE THOUGHT IS MAKING MY HEART EXPLODE
if he’s giving you a piggyback ride he loves when you rest your head on his shoulder, it makes his heart flutter when he feels your breath on his neck
if you’re sitting on his shoulders his favorite thing is when you run your fingers through his hair or give him a little head massage!
you two pass by a boba store while you’re walking and he’ll buy something for you if you want it! he’ll get something for himself too
if he doesn’t know what to get then he’ll buy the same thing you’re getting! he trusts your judgement :)
you guys finally get to the ocean and take a walk along the shore together
the sun is setting and the colors are reflecting off the waves and it’s soooo pretty
the two of you hold hands and point out strange little shells that wash up on the beach as the waves tickle your feet
you reach a pier and decide to continue walking there
at this point it’s almost all dark and the moon and stars are starting to peek out
you reach the end of the pier and lean on the railing with Wriothesley right next to you
you’re admiring the reflection of the stars on the water with him when all of a sudden you hear a loud BANG! and a flash of light
you both look up and realize that they’re doing a firework show tonight! wow what a coincidence yk im so shocked
you scoot closer to him and lean your head on his arm/shoulder while he wraps one arm around your waist
you think he whispers something about the fireworks and your beauty but you can’t really hear it
gives you a smooch on the top of your head once it’s over!
finally finds Sigewinne’s sticker on his shirt at the end of the night when you get home and he’s taking his clothes off and changing into pajamas
“…You’re saying this was on here the whole time and you didn’t tell me?”
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✦ Itto:
he finally manages to shake Kuki off his back so he decides to take you to the beach! even though it’s the fact that you’re going with him that makes her comfortable enough to let him go
forgets most of the supplies so you’re the one packing snacks, drinks, towels, etc.
one thing he doesn’t forget is the toys!
brings water blasters, volleyballs, floaties, buckets and shovels that are meant for little kids, etc.
wears swim trunks, sandals, and sunglasses for dramatic effect and that’s it
wants to do anything and everything with you!
first thing he sees is some kids building a sand castle and wants to do the same with you
no matter how much effort the two of you put in you can’t seem to get it to look nice
Itto still likes it though and puts a little leaf at the top for a flag ugh so precious
he takes a picture of it for memories and you guys walk away from it some kid probably tramples it like five minutes later
digs a little trench for water from the ocean to flow into! doesn’t mean any harm by it just wants to satisfy his inner child
doesn’t realize it might turn into one of those giant rivers in like a month
will have a water gun fight with you in the water while you’re swimming!
not really sure how that’s supposed to work smoothly but that’s his attempt at killing two birds with one stone
will also blow up a giant floatie with his own breath and almost pass out and forget about it/not even use it
also wants to play volleyball with you
since it’s just you two he invites some kids that he met a few minutes ago over to play on teams with you!
prefers to be on a team with you
you find it cute when he pouts after the other team absolutely demolishes you
if/when your team finally wins he’ll give you a giant bear hug!
all those kids probably get nicknames lol
when you guys are hungry you don’t really sit down for a proper meal since you’re having so much fun playing, and instead just munch on chips, fruit, granola bars, etc.
if you’re craving something else though you guys will get something like nachos from a food cart across the street from the beach
also gives you piggyback rides but likes to run around instead of walking
always blushes a bit when you put your arms around his neck and your hands rest on his chest
you guys stay until nighttime!
you set up a campfire together and bust out the marshmallows and graham crackers and chocolate!
the smores are super tasty but he probably scorches half of the marshmallows or unintentionally sets them on fire good thing the ocean is right next to you
shares his best marshmallows with you!
(be prepared to be the one driving home later since he’s going to be knocked out from being so active and energetic all day! when he’s tired he has really cute little snores that slowly evolve into some kind of monster roar snore)
Itto tells his scary stories with a flashlight shining up at his face for dramatic effect
“Now prepare for the One and Oni Arataki Itto to blow you away with this electrifying horror story!!! … AUAAHHOWW-! What was that?!” some crab probably pinched him
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✦ A/N: Had a lot of fun writing these! Might do a part two if people are interested/request it!
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countrymusiclover · 6 months
5 - The Birthday Surprise
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Part 6
It’s About Time
Mr. Cooper parked the truck and let me and Georgie get out at the tire shop. Georgie had helped fix a part in his truck and now he had started working there. I dropped my backpack on the nearest work table and hoisted myself up to sit down to watch. “So you’re saying he's got a tire gift?”
“Yes ma'am. Just watch.” Hershel nodded standing by me.
George Sr entered the tire shop and his neighbor handed him a beer. “Let’s see what you can do.”
“Okay.” Georgie nodded, slipping on some overalls and picking up one of the torn tires and laying it down on the table across from me. He basically laid on the tire rubbing his hands over the surfaces whispering, until he lifted his finger off a certain spot. “Tell me where it hurts baby…got ya.”
“Did you actually find it?” Jumping off the table I parted my mouth open, surprised.
Georgie lifted his finger off the spot a few more times showing me. “Yep.”
“That’s incredible.” I couldn't believe it that he made it look so easy.
George Sr looks at his neighbor. “I've got goosebumps.”
“I told ya he's got the gift.” Hershel nodded, taking a drink of his beer. “So are we all good with him still working here?”
George Sr finished his beer. “Yeah. His mom just said if his grades slip then he can't anymore.”
“Would you want to work with me too?” Georgie looks in my direction with such excitement.
I paused in thought. “Well that'd be up to Hershel. Plus I was thinking of working at this sporting goods store. Dales I think it's called.”
“There's an offer there if you change your mind.” Hershel said throwing the empty beer bottles in the trash can.
Georgie shifts his eyes to the wall cloak. “Oh hey it's almost time. Dad, we better go.”
“Go where?” I ask my best friend.
Georgie takes my hand in his dragging me back to the truck with his father thanking the man. “You'll see when we get there.” The three of us climbed in the truck and drove out almost to the edge of the town line. There was this area just past the Medford town sign that we pulled into.
“Georgie, why are we here?” I asked him after he had helped me out of the truck.
We had snuck out there with a few of our friends the year before we were going into high school. It had become our personal camp area, especially since Sheldon didn't care for the outdoors. “You'll see. Come on.” He tugged me by the hand around the corner and down a small dirt trail until we came to a clearing of trees and I saw our friend group all waiting for us.
Ryker, Marlowe, Hannah and Ashley all cheered. “Happy birthday.”
“Georgie!” I throw my arms around his neck hugging him as a big thank you.
He hugs me back looking at his dad who brought in our bags from the truck. “I'll pick you all up tomorrow morning. Happy birthday Y/n.”
“Thanks, Mr. Cooper.” I smiled and he left in his truck leaving us teenagers by ourselves.
Hannah came over removing me from Georgie’s grasp and over to the cooler’s they had set up by some bag lawn chairs. “I was able to snag some stuff without my dad finding out. Happy birthday.” She hands me a wine cooler.
“Thanks, Hannah. Don’t go getting arrested now.” Her father was the local police officer of our town so we would be in deep trouble if he found out.
Ashley nudged my arm coming over to us. “Stop worrying. Hannah and I are great liars.” Ashley and I had first met in Kindergarten after she wanted to play legos with me and we have been close ever since. Not as much as me and Georgie but pretty close.
Taking a drink from the bottle Hannah peaked her head over my shoulder where the boys had gone over on their own to talk like we had done. “What do ya think they’re talking about?”
“Football.” I answered her.
Ashley added on. “Annoyed, we are already gossiping over here.”
“I’ve got one better. Our bros are interrogating Georgie to finally ask the birthday girl out.” Hannah did a thumbs down and made a wrong answer buzzing sound.
Ashley’s face lit up. “Oooh yes.”
“Are you two still on that fairytale concept we joked about in fifth grade.” I scolded them feeling my face begin to turn red so I took a longer drink.
Hannah aims her wine cooler bottle at me. “It’s not a joke, Y/n. You and Georgie are falling all over each other making it so obvious.”
“No we are not.” I fought back.
Ashley finished her drink, sending me a smirk. “You totally are.”
“I don't know what you are talking about.” I denied what my friends were saying.
Hannah taunts me. “What if I told you that he was dating Veronica and didn't tell you?”
“He wouldn't dare!” Stomping my feet on the ground my voice raised in anger.
Hannah waved her fingers in my face. “That proves it.”
“You totally like him!” Hannah and Ashley squealed at the top of their lungs, jumping around me in a circle.
Ryker came over to the three of us, Georgie and Marlowe following suit in his steps. “So birthday girl, you down for some football?”
“I'm a Texas girl. What kind of question is that? Of course I'm down. After drinks and pizza though, deal.”
Ryker stuck out his fist and I bumped mine with his. “Deal.”
Our group of six got settled on some lawn chairs around a fire that Marlowe got started since his parents had taught him the most about wilderness survival.
Leaning back in my chair I opened another drink Georgie was sitting beside me and we were just enjoying the sounds of nature. I glance over to him with the corner of my eye noticing that he was staring at me and I just now had noticed he had been. “What ya looking at me for, Cooper?”
“I got ya something for your birthday.” He reached inside his jacket pocket, pulling out something.
I trailed off until he held it up in the firelight. “Georgie, you didn’t have to get me anything. The surprise was enough - oh wow it's beautiful.” He turned out to be holding up a necklace that was a Locket which had a picture of us when we were really little all hugging up on each other.
Georgie nervously smiled. “So you like it?”
“I love it. Thank you.” I got up from my chair flinging my arms around his neck hugging him.
He wrapped his arms around my waist tugging me down to sit on his lap. We held onto the other for a few minutes until he mumbled into my hair and I drew back to look him in the face. “Happy birthday, darling.” Biting my lip I soon realized that we were extremely physical close to each other, which normally wouldn’t have been a problem if we weren’t in a very romantic setting sitting together around the fire and the rest of our friends were over by the coolers with drinks and snacks away from the burning fire.
“Georgie…” I mumbled his name slowly leaning down and he to my surprise leaned up looking like he was going to kiss me.
But the moment was short lived when Marlowe came running over to us. “Hey, you guys ready to play footbal”
“Yeah sure.” Georgie and I separated and I scrambled off his lap, catching sight of us both blushing. Yet I brushed it off going over to hang out with our friends with the idea still in the back of my mind that I almost kissed my best friend.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tags just ask - @lover-of-books-and-tea @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @liesanddreams @bethanymccauley @skeletonontheroad
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steddieos · 5 months
NEVER GONNA LET YOU (GO) || E || 1,987 || CW: public(ish) dry handjob
when eddie said that this would be their best date yet, steve didn't know what to expect, they had been to some nice restaurants in the seven months they had been official. steve's personal favorite date night was the night eddie had been served too much to drink at a bar and couldn't believe that he was dating steve.
truly, steve didn't expect too much from eddie - he didn't expect much from anybody. he was simply wired that way. his nonchalance was what kept steve's feelings from getting hurt after years of being let down (not so) gently.
granted, there was something different about eddie. there was something that made steve feel safe in a way that he couldn't exactly explain. no previous partner had made steve feel safe before and it was a feeling he could get used to.
here they were in the car, eddie driving and drumming along to the music coming from the radio against the steering wheel, focused on the road in front of them. steve had no clue where they were going and even if he asked, he was met with it's a surprise and you'll see when we get there. it was driving steve insane. when the car finally stopped, steve looked around. there was nothing.
"what, did you take me out here to kill me?" he joked, a halfhearted laugh leaving his mouth.
"oh, shut up," steve didn't even need to look at eddie to know he was smiling. the sticky sweet tone was in his voice.
eddie got out of the car after he'd turned it off, going immediately to the trunk where he had stashed away something steve hadn't seen before they left. he just told steve they were "secret supplies" and told him to mind his own business. steve got out of the car and stretched his arms up in the air, awaiting instructions from the other man. this was his date night and steve wasn't going to make any wrong moves.
"follow me," eddie said, holding his hand out to steve which he accepted graciously. he laced their fingers together and steve thought it was the tightest eddie had ever held his hand.
he couldn't see what eddie had packed in his canvas bag, but he could hear glasses clinking around as they walked through the uneven forest. they walked for what felt like ages through the woods - eddie was shit at holding the flashlight still, so steve took that duty over quickly.
"you're making me seasick," he joked, holding the flashlight steady on their walking path.
finally after a while, eddie stopped steve. he dropped his hand and moved to stand in front of him, a hand on each of his shoulders. "wait here while i set everything up."
eddie disappeared through the brush, leaving steve alone without a flashlight. steve wondered how often he'd been here or if eddie had even ever been where here was before as he watched the faint light of the flashlight bounce around while eddie set up. it was then, without the illumination of the flashlight, that steve noticed just how clear of a night it was. he looked up, noticing that the moon was full and that there wasn't a cloud in the sky. the light from the moon was enough to light up the woods around him.
when eddie returned, he had an even bigger grin on his face than before, motioning for steve to follow him. as they emerged from the thick brush, a field appeared in front of them; it was then that he noticed the blanket laid down with lanterns surrounding it, set up just for the two of them. there was a cooler set in the middle of the basket and even a bottle of wine set out alongside two glasses.
"eddie," steve started on an exhale, a bright grin across his face. "all of this? for me?" he couldn't believe his eyes. of course, when he didn't know what to expect, he wasn't expecting a full-on picnic stargazing date.
"i even bribed your mom into helping me make your favorite dish if you get hungry," eddie said, taking a seat on the picnic blanket. he patted the spot next to him, wanting steve to sit as well. the smile on his face was bright enough to rival the moon's beams.
"eddie," steve sighed, turning the flashlight off after he sat and wrapping his arms around eddie in a big hug. "you didn't have to go through all this trouble just for me."
"it isn't trouble if you're doing it for somebody who means the world to you."
eddie made quick work of pouring them both a glass of steve's favorite shitty, cheap wine and handed steve his glass after playfully stealing a sip from it. "had to make sure it wasn't poisoned," he teased.
steve sipped his wine before tilting his head up towards the sky, marveling again at the stars and the lack of light pollution around them. it was so clear he could see multiple different constellations. "that's the big dipper," he said, pointing straight up above them. "and over there?" he moved where he was pointing. "that's orion's belt."
"i didn't know you cared so much about the stars," eddie lied, reaching out to wrap his arm around steve's shoulder as he looked up. he'd always seen the way steve watched the sky on clear nights when they'd spend time on his roof late at night.
eddie positioned his body just right so that he could pull steve close to him. he adjusted his body so that steve was sitting between his legs, back to his chest. he liked sitting like this and he enjoyed the closeness. steve tilted his head back again, the back of his head resting on eddie's shoulder for support as he looked up at the stars once more.
eddie wrapped his arms around steve's waist, enjoying the closeness between them. he slipped a hand under steve's shirt, brushing his fingertips up and down steve's side just to make him squirm just the littlest bit. he could feel the goosebumps rising. steve's head was tilted back, the back of his head resting on eddie's shoulder as he watched the sky closely just in case he saw a shooting star. after a little while of silence and when both of their glasses of wine were gone, eddie tightened his grip on steve.
eddie's fingers gripped steve's sides, holding him closer to his body. he could hear steve's breath hitch in his throat when he skimmed his fingers from steve's side to his stomach where he hesitated for just a moment before turning his head to kiss steve's temple. he slid his hand down from steve's stomach to the waistband of steve's jeans, pulling at the button but not hard enough to pop it open.
there wasn't a soul around which gave eddie the wicked idea in the first place. maybe the glass of wine went straight to his head or maybe it was just steve. he slid his hand further down, stopping when his palm met steve's bulge in his jeans. when he pressed down, his pressure was met by steve's hips arching up into his touch.
"that's it," he murmured in steve's ear, letting steve grind his hips up into his stilled hand. the whine that left steve's lips was a little obscene, but left eddie wanting to hear more.
his hand pressed down on steve's cock through his jeans while his free hand moved up to rub over steve's left nipple, twisting and pinching to elicit groans and whines from steve's mouth. eddie took his hand from steve's crotch, making quick work of the zipper and button of his jeans. he pulled the material as open as he could with one hand, his other busy scratching red marks into steve's pale chest.
"should we be doing this?" steve didn't actually sound too concerned about the situation, too focused on the electricity in eddie's touches to his skin.
eddie shushed him with a whisper in his ear, "nobody can hear you out here." steve shivered in response to the whisper, paired with eddie's teeth grazing the shell of his ear.
eddie was back to palming steve, this time through his boxers. he could feel steve getting hard beneath his palm, accompanied by steve's desperate hip rocking in an attempt to get more friction.
"easy, big boy," eddie cooed into his ear, his free hand gripping tightly at his side now. steve was sure he was going to end up with fingertip-shaped bruises, which he didn't mind. his grip tightened, voice turning gruff, "stay still, let me do all the work," he ordered.
just like that, steve's hips abruptly stopped, leaving eddie to press down just a little bit harder on his cock. while his nails dug into steve's side, earning another whine, he pulled steve's cock from the split in his boxers.
"fuck," steve whined, turning to press desperate kisses along eddie's jaw and anywhere he could reach from his position between eddie's legs.
"i've got you," eddie soothed, sliding his hand into the slit of steve's boxers and pulling out his cock. his thumb slid over the tip of steve's cock, working steve's nerves as he drew out what steve truly wanted.
when eddie finally decided that steve had had enough torture, he wrapped his hand around the base of steve's cock and gave him a teasing squeeze causing steve's hips to jerk forward involuntarily. he was putty in eddie's hands.
"please," was all eddie needed to hear from steve's lips.
eddie moved his hand up to steve's nipple again, squeezing it harder this time which caused steve to whimper in response, doing his best to be good and keep his hips still. the hand on steve's cock slowly started working up and down to draw out steve's whines. eddie was getting drunk off of the noises steve was making, he couldn't help himself when he tightened his grip just the littlest bit, speeding up his hand.
"that's it," he hummed, watching steve's face the best he could as he moved his hand to play with his other nipple.
his hand still moved on steve's cock, speeding up just a little bit more now. while he didn't do a good job of keeping his hands to himself ever, he also didn't want to ruin the dinner he'd packed for the two of them that was sitting in the picnic basket to the side of them.
"fuck," steve gasped, chewing at his bottom lip. he moved a hand to the back of eddie's hair and tangled his fingers in it, tugging.
"think you can cum like this," eddie groaned, mouthing at steve's jaw again. "cum for me."
steve nodded and took a deep breath, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he focused all of his energy on eddie's request. over the months they'd been together, eddie had gotten good at controlling steve's orgasms, but steve hadn't been tested like this before. hadn't been asked to cum so soon.
he broke eddie's request to stay still, not even thinking about the consequences that would come later, he was too focused on eddie's newest request. finally, he came with a loud whine, his hips jerking as he writhed in eddie's arms.
"there you go," he cooed. "good boy." eddie smirked and held his hand up in front of steve's mouth, "go ahead, clean me up," he ordered.
once steve was finished, eddie moved steve into his lap, letting the other man rest his head on his shoulder as he held him tight. he then started to repeat affirmations on the top of his head.
"i love you," eddie breathed out before freezing. neither of them had said those three words yet and he wasn't sure if steve even felt the same.
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babybatscreationsv2 · 8 months
Ball Drop
Marvel | Starker
Peter is excited to spend New Year's Eve with Tony only to find that Tony invited all of his friends. Tony's not too worried about spoiling their plans, especially once he starts pouring drinks down Peter's throat.
Rating: Explicit
Warnings and tags below
A Holiday Horrors Fic
Warnings/tags: forced drinking, underage drinking, romnoncon, somnophilia, drunk sex, public sex, object penetration
Peter yawned and stretched, laying himself across Tony's couch. Despite winter break, he was still used to going to bed early for school. Staying up until midnight was going to be rough. Or it would be if not for Tony. They'd eaten dinner and now the TV was showing Times Square's big New Year's party. He didn't even know the musician on the screen, but everyone in the crowd looked frozen from the cold weather.
"Tony? You gonna come watch?" Peter called out.
"Almost ready," Tony called back. Then the doorbell rang. "Can you get that, sweetheart?"
Peter's forehead scrunched. As usual, Tony's parents were out of town. Jarvis had already gone to bed. He'd been excited to have some time just the two of them. Tony hadn't even mentioned having friends over.
Peter got up from the couch and walked through the house to the entry. Through the frosted glass he saw two bodies standing on the other side. He opened up the door and was greeted by excited teenaged smiles.
"Hey, Parker," Steve greeted.
"What's up, Pete," Bucky said. "Where's Tony?" They both held brown paper bags in their hands. Peter hid his disappointment. They were here for the ball drop.
"He's just getting some things together." He stepped aside. "Come on in."
Peter pouted at their backs as they took off their coats and hung them up. They all went to the den where the TV was playing. Bucky plopped down on the couch and kicked his feet up on the coffee table while Steve took the bottles out of the paper bags. They'd brought bourbon and tequila. Peter didn't have to be a drinker to know someone was throwing up tonight. Finally, Tony came to join them.
"Who wants snacks?" He set a tray of chips with an array of dips on the table. Bucky put his feet down so he could dig in. Peter just crossed his arms.
Catching sight of his pouting face, Tony nodded toward the kitchen and the two of them slipped away. Tony wrapped his arms around him and kissed his forehead.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?"
"I thought we were gonna have fun together."
"We are."
"But it'll be so late when they leave," Peter whined.
Tony pressed him back against the counter. "Who says they have to leave?" His lips ran over Peter's neck, covering him in tingling kisses.
"Well it is a big house..." Peter pulled him closer, gasping when Tony's thigh pressed between his legs.
"That's my boy," Tony purred. He gave him a filthy kiss, hand tangling in his hair. Then he stepped back, grinning, and went back to the den.
Peter followed after him only for Tony to leave again as the doorbell rang once more. He sat down beside Bucky. Across the room, Steve was grinning at him.
"You two having fun?" he smirked.
"What do you-" Peter blushed. He could feel the bruise forming on his neck and his hair was a mess from Tony's hands. He smoothed it down with his fingers and turned his attention to the TV. Stupid Steve could mind his business.
"Hey, now the party's here!" Steve declared as Sam came to join them. He was followed shortly by Rhodie, Bruce, and the linebacker everyone just called Thor.
Everyone brought more alcohol and it quickly followed around the room. Tony sat down beside with a drink in each hand.
"Brought you something." He offered Peter a strawberry wine cooler.
"No, thanks."
"Come on, it's New Year's. We're here to celebrate!"
Tony held out the bottle and carefully put it to his mouth. Peter wrapped his lips around it, instantly blushing. Then Tony tipped it back. Strawberry liquid flooded his mouth and left him no choice but to gulp it down. It tasted pretty good, but it burned in his belly. When Tony took the bottle away it was half empty and Peter felt unsteady. He reached a hand out to Tony until the room stopped wobbling around.
"I think that's about all I can handle," Peter laughed.
"Well, this one's yours if you change your mind." Tony set the bottle down on the table.
It must have been the alcohol, but he didn't feel quite so grumpy about all of Tony's friends being there anymore. He snuggled into Tony's side and observed while they talked. Tony's arm wrapped around him. His fingers traced lines over his arm. When his part in the conversation lulled, he turned to Peter to kiss him, but the kiss turned into tongue fucking, Peter turned his face away.
"Have you ever tried bourbon?" Tony asked. He held up his glass. Peter shook his head. "Well you have to at least try it. Here."
Tony tipped the glass towards his mouth and Peter let him feed him again. The bourbon tasted much more distinctly like alcohol with much more burn, but it was smooth and sweet. He didn't dislike it. He licked the taste from his lips.
"I think I'll stick with mine," Peter said with a laugh. He picked up his own bottle from the table and took a sip before he realized what he was doing.
His eyes felt heavy. His body felt good all over. Tony's hand came to rest in his lap and he almost moaned. He'd never felt so... open so uninhibited. Like he didn't care what anyone thought or saw. He just wanted to keep feeling good. When Tony's hand slid up his thighs, he spread his legs, letting him run his fingers over his cock through his jeans. It was a while before he really got hard, but that's when he pushed Tony's hand away, afraid that the others would notice. He could barely understand the conversation now. It was just loud noise mingled with the TV.
"Look here, Pete," Tony said gently. He dipped his fingers into the glass and held them up to his mouth. His face was hot, either from embarrassment or the alcohol he wasn't sure, but he opened his mouth and sucked Tony's fingers inside.
He was so horny now and he was having a hard time remembering why he wasn't supposed to be. Why was he supposed to wait until they were alone? Tony's fingers felt so good in his mouth. And the bourbon tasted better each time Tony dipped his fingers in it and put them back. When the glass was too low to coat his fingers anymore, Tony tipped the rest into his mouth.
"Hey, Steve, top me up?" Tony called. Peter blinked, remembering they weren't alone, but when Steve smiled at him as he filled up Tony's glass all he could do was smile back.
"You're sweating, baby. Are you too hot? Why don't you get comfortable?" Tony said. "Here, let me help you."
Tony set his glass down and reached for Peter's t-shirt instead. Unable to think, he let Tony lift it over his head and toss it behind the couch.
"Is that better? Maybe have another drink. You look thirsty."
Peter nodded and picked up his drink. He put the bottle to his lips and finished on the rest of that sweet strawberry wine cooler. He snuggled into Tony's side.
"I think I had too much to drink," he giggled.
"It feels good doesn't it?" Tony kissed his lips, but Peter could barely kiss him in response. His mouth didn't move the way it should and he knew it was sloppy but all he could do was laugh.
"You're still too hot, baby. Let's take your pants off."
Peter shook his head. He shouldn't do that, but he couldn't think of why. Tony ignored him and unbuttoned his pants. He didn't do anything to stop him from yanking them down and even kicked them the rest of the way off when Tony told him too.
"I think I should go to bed, Tony." Peter looked at his boyfriend. Something didn't feel right. His head was so foggy. He felt this hysterical need to laugh bubbling up inside him, but underneath that he was worried. He just couldn't remember what or why he should care.
"Don't be nervous, sweetheart. Come here, you can sit on my lap."
Peter went without resistance as Tony pulled him up into his lap. Tony's hand slipped between his legs and he let them spread open.
"That's a good boy," he purred.
Peter smiled. His blurry eyes were drawn to the tv by the sound of cheering. He couldn't really tell what was happening. The screen was all burry colors as people moved around. He moaned as Tony kept rubbing his cock through his briefs. That's when he saw Steve staring at him, drink in hand and a grin on his face. He looked around to find the whole room watching him and not the TV.
"Your friends are watching," he said nervously.
"Don't mind them," Tony said. He kissed his neck and Peter shivered. "It feels good doesn't it? Who cares what they think."
"Yeah..." Peter licked his lips. Everything felt good all over.
"Let's take these off. It'll feel even better."
"But Tony..." Peter said, feeling embarrassed, but his hands were too weak to push Tony's away as he stripped off his underwear.
"Shh, be good and I'll make you feel good."
Tony touched his cock again and it did feel good. Everything felt good. He didn't know why he kept trying to say no. He moaned happily while Tony played with him. His hand wrapped around his throat and held him still as he squirmed, clumsily looking for more.
"Play with your nipples, that'll feel good."
"Yeah," Peter agreed. His hands slid up his chest, uncoordinated, missing their targets and fumbling around until he got it right. He heard one of the boys chuckling and laughed with them. Then he found his nipples like Tony told him too and he was right, it felt so good.
"That's a good boy. You look so pretty like that, baby," Tony purred.
"Wanna cum," Peter whined.
Tony chuckled. "You're barely even hard. Gotta be patient."
Peter whined. "Make me cum."
Tony slapped his thigh. "Don't be spoiled."
"Please, Tony, please!" Peter gagged as Tony stuffed three fingers into his open mouth. He sucked on them, but he had such little control over what he was doing and he kept choking.
"That's one way to shut him up," Bucky laughed.
"He looks like he's gonna pass out," Steve commented.
"Can we get a turn when drops, Tony?" Bucky asked.
"You keep your pervert hands off my toy, Barnes."
Peter moaned around Tony's fingers. They were all talking about him, watching him. And they wanted to touch him. He could just imagine all those hands all over him. But he was Tony's toy, all Tony's. And Tony was being rougher now, annoyed by the conversation maybe. His hand was so fast on his cock that he could barely breathe. His fingers trying to burrow into his throat didn't help with that either. He felt so good, so overwhelmed. He could hear them all still laughing, talking about him, but he barely understood.
Then finally, he came. The pleasure didn't last long before he passed out.
When he woke, the first thing he felt was his full bladder. Then something else, he realized, was full. Something was in his ass. He moaned, blinking his blurry eyes. He still felt hazy and his mouth was dry. How long was he out?
"Tony?" He licked his dry lips and looked up at his boyfriend.
"Go back to sleep, Petey," Tony cooed. He slowed his movements. His fingers tingled his skin as they ran over his side. He was naked, but he didn't remember taking his clothes off. Much of the night was foggy and full of holes in his mind.
"Tony? What's going on? What happened?" he slurred.
"Here, I know," Tony said. He pulled his cock from his ass and grabbed something from the table. An open bottle of champagne. This'll put you back out quick." Tony pressed a hand to his abdomen to hold him down. Peter cried out as he stuffed it inside him. Tony fucked him with it, liquid sloshing out inside him. It bubbled inside him, fizzing like soda, making his insides tingle.
"Don't give him all of that, Tony," Steve said. "It's too much. I'm not going to the hospital because you're a psychopath."
"It's New Year's Eve, Steven. Everyone has to toast the new year." Tony rolled his eyes. He looked at Peter. "You love it don't you, sweetheart? You love it when I take advantage of you. Now pass out again so I can finish."
"Tony..." Peter whined, his whole body felt heavy, even his tongue.
"Don't worry, baby. I'll make sure you get a kiss at midnight."
He moaned. The bottle felt good and the drunk haze was returning fast. He was half aware of his tongue lolling out of his mouth and a smile on his face. A little giggle escaped him and Tony smiled.
"That's a good boy. Feeling cozy and warm. Go back to sleep now," he purred.
His body was so heavy and he was so tired. Everything felt so good. He felt his cock twitch against his belly and he might have cum again, but either way he slowly drifted back to sleep.
He came in and out of it, too drunk to really wake up now. Once he opened his eyes to see Tony fucked him way too hard, Peter's limp legs over his shoulders, a cruel grin on his face. Later he saw some of Tony's friends making out, grinding on each other, someone was jacking off. He heard the count down as the ball dropped and warm wetness in his ass. He blinked blurry eyes and he was pretty sure that was Tony coming in his ass. He kissed his slack mouth and whispered in his ear, "Happy New Year, slut."
He didn't wake up again until the morning. His whole body was stiff and achy and he was freezing. Someone had put him in the bathtub and laid a towel over him for a blanket. He was sticky all over and all he could smell was alcohol. It was in his hair, on his face, between his legs.
He tried to remember what happened, but after sitting in Tony's lap it was all a blur. He sat up and pain rippled through his lower half. He felt bruised inside. There were actual, visible bruises, on his hips and ankles. He hated how good that felt, knowing Tony fucked him while he was unconscious. And he didn't just fuck him, he brutalized him. He wanted him to feel it the next morning and he did for sure.
Peter dragged himself out of the table. Nausea hit as he stood then the nights worth of alcohol made its way back up and mostly into the toilet. As he rinsed his mouth he hoped Jarvis made Tony clean it, the bastard.
Tony was in bed, curled up like he'd done nothing wrong. As innocent as a newborn. Peter limped over to the bed and crawled in next to him. An arm wrapped around him and warm lips kissed his forehead. His anger deflated and he snuggled in against Tony's chest.
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hamsterbellbelle · 10 months
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Additional CC list (post #2) for Waterfront Nightclub🎦:
Makeup clutter/clothes rack/mannequin || Medicine cabinet/plunger || Mirror || Mirror || Neon sign/drink bottle/dink || Neon stairs || Newspaper stack || Old TV (deco) || Paper bags || Plastic chair || Posters || Reception bell/desk || Road sign || Rug || Rug || Security monitor || Signs || Sink (bathroom) || Sofa || Stickers || Stickers || Sticky notes || Street lights ||
Studio panel || Suitcase || Takeout box || Toilet door || Toilet paper || Toilet || Trash (deco) || Trashcan || Tray || Tray || Urinal || Vent || VHS player || VIP rope || Wall coat || Wall hanger || Wall rack ||
Wall statue || Wall tube lights || Wallpaper - A - B - C - D - E - F - G || Water cooler || Whiteboard || Whiteboard || Window (round)/light lines || Windows - A - B - C - D || Wine glass || Wine opener/cork decor/wine box || Wire with animated spark ||
More CCs listed on post #1🔗
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hellfiremunsonn · 2 years
On Your Knees. Steve Harrington x Reader
On Your Knees. 
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REQUEST/SUMMARY: I’ll send you an ask my love 💓Steve coming home early to find you already there, except you’re supposed to be in class. And to make matters worse, you’ve been drinking. How might Steve react to this little incident? Let your imagination run wild babe 💓🤭 Xoxoxoxoxo 
AN: not as heavy/sexual as I was going to make it but I left it open ended for a part two if you guys want it (for my baby angel @rollergirlworld​ for requesting this, I made sure to include his slutty little watch)
Warnings: fem!reader, dom!steve, dare I say college!Steve? Punishments? soap in mouth, use of fem nicknames? stoplight system? (Is that what it’s called? I can’t remember) If there is anything else I missed let me know.
Word count: 1849
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Steve was never home before you, so you figured coming home early and skipping class would be a breeze but of course the universe had other plans.
It was three o'clock when you decided to walk home instead of heading to class. It was Friday, the sun was out, and you were fucking exhausted. You felt like you hadn't had any time to yourself, or any time with Steve. It was either both of you had assignments, or he was picking up an extra shift at family video, and by the time the two of you got into bed you were barely awake enough to even say goodnight to each other. You couldn't remember the last time Steve properly kissed you and Steve couldn't remember either.
It was eating away at the two of you, and you both had become a bit irritable over the past couple of days leading to both of you to barely even talk to each other, not wanting to turn something silly into an argument.
You had plans for your extra time today, you were going to work on an overdue assignment you had been keeping secret from Steve, afraid to disappoint him knowing how much time and effort he put into helping you study, and if he knew you were already behind again you would feel miserable. Not to mention the punishment your ass would be sure to endure; although you do enjoy it, you knew Steve would be actually disappointed, not just in the fun domineering way. Genuine disappointment and you just didn't know if you couldn't handle that.
To be fair when you sat down on the couch, books and notebooks splayed out on the table in front of you, some gross pink wine cooler in hand you figured you'd get it all done- And you did try to do at least some of it, but by your fourth drink you were buzzed enough that you had fallen asleep on the couch, tucked up against the arm rest with a textbook laying loosely across your lap.
You didn't wake when Steve came in through the door humming some song and twirling his keys around his index finger before hanging them up on one of the mismatched hooks next to the door. Dropping his bag on the floor by the counter in the kitchen, toeing off his shoes and kicking them haphazardly towards the door. He didn't notice your presence until he had turned to the sink, a glass in hand to fill it up with water.
He looked over at you and was instantly concerned. Why were you home so early? He thought, double checking the time on the watch on his wrist. You looked exhausted even in your sleep, the textbook that once sat on your lap had fallen out of your limp hand and onto the floor, surely the noise would have woken you up but obviously it didn't. Were you sick? he thought, wandering over to you, and then he saw the bottles and frowned. "I knew I shouldn't have let robin keep those in our fridge" He mumbled to himself, reaching to collect the bottles, two in each hand as he brought them back into the kitchen to rinse them before putting them into the small recycling bin you kept in the cabinet under the sink.  
Steve came over to your workspace, picking up the textbook off the floor and placing it on the coffee table. Crouched on the balls of his feet in front of you his hand smoothed up and down your arm, his fingers tracing light patterns on your up facing palm while he waited for you to quietly stir. You hummed slightly, brows furrowing for only a second until your eyes fluttered open, glassy and red. It took a minute for your eyes to properly register that Steve was in front of you. You smiled lazily, your limp hand on your lap wrapping around Steves hand, trailing up to his wrist to clutch at the leather band wrapped around it. "Stevie" You said quietly, voice laced with sleep.
Steve gave you a soft smile, trying to pretend he couldn't smell the alcohol on your breath. "How come you're home so early?" He asked.
You licked your lips, sitting up straight and stretching your arms above your head. "I didn't think you'd be home early" you said honestly. "I just, I just needed to leave" with a sigh, your shoulders slumped lightly.
"What happened? We were working so hard on that class?" Steves warm hand on your thigh felt like a taunt.
You rubbed your hands over your face before speaking. "I just felt like my brain stopped working, and I was going to finish it today I swear" You said giving him a pleading look. "B-but, I guess I fell asleep" Looking down at your hands in your lap, shyness creeping up on you under Steves gaze. "And the alcohol?"
You just shrugged at that one, unsure of what to tell him because you weren't even sure yourself why you thought drinking was going to do anything. His warm chocolate brown eyes that always looked so inviting. He nodded thoughtfully before standing up, hand still in yours he tugged lightly, instructing you up with him. He led you into the small bathroom you shared and turned you to face him.
"Kneel" He said quietly- And you did, quickly dropping to your knees, butt perched onto the heels of your feet watching Steve intently as he rummaged through the cabinet under the sink. Your eyes fixed on him until he stood back up and looked at you. Dropping your chin to your chest knowing you should have kept your eyes down the whole time and cringed when you heard Steve tut at you. "Eyes" He said and you raised your head slowly to meet his. One of his hands coming to rest lightly on your cheek, warm and inviting you leaned into it with a hum. His thumb coming to slide over your bottom lip, your mouth falling open slightly on its own, moving out of habit.
"Such a pretty mouth" He cooed. "Too bad it's been lying to me hmm?" He asked and your cheeks flushed under his hand, and you were sure he could feel the heat from it mix with his. "And the drinking" He said tilting his head to the side.
"I'm sorry" You said earning a light slap on your cheek. You blinked in surprise.
"I didn't give you permission to speak?" Steve asked and then added. "Color?" with a softer tone, knowing an unexpected slap to anyone would startle them.
"Green" you said quickly with a nod.
"Good girl, now open your mouth" You did as he instructed, sticking out your tongue when he shook his head. "Keep your tongue in, tilt your head back a bit"
Brows furrowed you tilted your head and put your tongue back in your mouth feeling slightly annoyed at yourself, like you couldn't follow a simple instruction from Steve but it was because he had other plans, something you were less familiar with, so you didn't see it coming. Steve pulled a bottle of dish soap out from behind him, pushing the cap up and off of it with his thumb. One had still placed against your cheek, fingers keeping your chin open as he tilted the bottle until the blue liquid began to drizzle into your mouth.
You could feel your mouth fill with saliva, attempting to protect your mouth from whatever foul liquid your brain knew was entering it. Steve continued to silently pour the soap into your mouth while you struggled beneath him, staring at his watch that fit snug on his wrist. Holding the bottle level with his growing erection, making you feel even more humiliated from being in this position.
When Steve was satisfied with the amount of soap in your mouth he stopped, placing the bottle on the counter and pushing your chin until you closed your mouth. Trying to keep the liquid at the front of your mouth, hoping to keep the taste off of your tastebuds as best as you could.
"Do you deserve this?" Steve asked, leaning back against the counter, arms crossed over his chest, biceps bulging.
You whimpered looking down, because you knew you did deserve this, but the alcohol in your system making you a little brave.
"Eyes on me pretty girl" Steve said and you quickly brought your eyes back to his. "Do you deserve this?" he asked again. Head tilted to the side as he watched you.
You nodded yes, giving Steve your best puppy dog eyes. Your body instinctively trying to make you swallow but you coughed through your nose, leaning forward with one hand on Steves thigh as you controlled your breathing, eyes watering slightly when you looked back up.
"Done?" he asked softly and you nodded eagerly. "Come on then" he said holding his hands out to help you up.
You quickly opened your mouth over the sink, pushing out as much of the soap as you could. Spit and soap mixed together as it dripped down your chin. Steve ran the water, filling the glass up next to the tap and handing it to you. You mumbled an awkward thank you, still trying to keep your tongue from actually tasting the soap. Taking a large mouthful of water you rinsed your mouth, cheeks puffing up quickly with foam, and you gagged with the bubbles tickled the back of your throat; water spilling out roughly into the sink. Steves hands quickly coming to pull your hair away from your face.
"You okay?" He asked while rubbing your back.
You nodded. "I don't think I wanna do this one again" you said honestly, spitting more soap out into the sink, and cringing when you caught a taste of it.
"Alright, we'll take this one off the list yeah? Did so good for me baby girl" he cooed into your ear, dropping his Dom persona for a second to reassure you while you continued to rinse out your mouth, until every single bit of soap was gone, and all that was left was a minty fresh mouth after a few rounds of brushing.
"M'sorry for skipping class" You said quietly, following Steve into your shared bedroom. "I didn't want you to be disappointed"
"I know pretty girl" He said turning to you, warm hands on either sides of your face. "I have a few ways you can make it up to me though" Hands soothing down to your shoulders, thumbs resting just at the base of your throat. Your hands coming up to hold at his wrists lightly, fingers tracing over the leather band of his watch once more.
"Do I get a reward for being good?" You asked tentatively, looking up at him through your lashes.
"'Course baby, gotta make you work for it first though, so come on" he said standing back away from the bed, fiddling with his belt before his eyes went dark again. "On your knees"
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Info for Faith In The Future World Tour LOS ANGELES, CA - JUN 30 2023
With special guests THE SNUTS & ANDREW CUSHIN!
Important Times:
5:30 PM - Doors Open
7:00 PM - Andrew Cushin
8:00 PM - The Snuts
9:00 PM - Louis Tomlinson
Times are all approximate and subject to change.
General admission (pit tickets):
Guests can begin lining up no earlier than 8AM on the day of show, June 30.
Sequentially numbered wristbands will be put on GA guests’ wrists starting at 9AM on a first come, first served basis
Guests must have a valid ticket to receive a wristband, and all guests in a party must be present to receive a wristband.
Any guests that have camped overnight or arrived before 8AM will not be given wristbands and will be sent to the back of the line.
You may leave after you receive your wristband.
You may return at 3PM to queue for General Admission entry.
Security will honor wristbands from 3PM – 4PM.
After 4PM, guests will join the line on a first come, first served basis.
Loss, removal or tampering with a wristband will result in loss of place in the GA line.
Guests are not permitted to hold places in line. Please be respectful and courteous to all other guests in line.
Have your mobile tickets open and ready to scan to expedite entry upon doors opening at 5:30PM.
This policy is subject to updates & changes! PLEASE check back and check the venue’s socials and website for updates!
Hydrate before the show, while waiting in line and during the show
For optimal hydration drink something with electrolytes such as Gatorade or LiquidIV
Eat well!
Here are important things to know:
The venue is OUTDOORS!
Most of the venue is cashless! Pay with card or mobile pay!
Shuttles: shuttles are available to take you to and from the Hollywood Bowl from allover LA County ($6-7) info here and buy here.
Parking: parking is limited at the Hollywood Bowl. Closer lots sold out. Currently available lots $20, buy here, info and map here. No overnight parking. You may need to walk a lot, wear comfortable shoes.
ADA info here 
Text “BOWL” to our Courtesy Concern Line on 69050 for onsite assistance & reporting
Cameras: No cameras with detachable or extended lenses. No forms of camera stand (including monopods). No selfie sticks. No GoPros or audio/video recording devices. No drones.
Water: You can bring your own water and beverage bottles. There are 3 water stations throughout the Hollywood Bowl.
Food & drink: You’re welcome to bring your own food and drink to the Hollywood Bowl.
Alcohol: Feel free to bring wine bottles, wine glasses and beer bottles inside
All containers, picnic baskets and coolers must be able to fit under your seats or within your box. Containers, picnic baskets, and coolers measuring more than 15 inches wide, 15 inches high, or 22 inches long won’t be allowed past the ticket gates.
Food and beverage info and menus here.
NO tailgating in any of the parking lots.
NO kegs of any kind.
NO vending or vendor village.
NO trailers or campers.
NO Marijuana or any cannabis products
NO drugs
NO smoking in the bowl except in outside designated areas, map here.
NO chairs
NO laser pointers or glow sticks
NO umbrellas
NO Fireworks, explosives and aerosols
NO knives, firearms, Brass knuckles, Tasers & mace/pepper spray, razor blades, box cutters, scissors and unsafe personal accessories or any other weapons of any kind
NO throwable items of any kind such as frisbees, balls, or beach balls.
NO electronic devices such as iPads, tablets, and laptops.
NO Bicycles, scooters, Segways, hoverboards, skateboards and roller blades
Reentry allowed, must show ticket for reentry.
*This list is not exhaustive. Items not appearing on the list may still be prohibited at the discretion of Security
For more details click here
Bag Policy:
All bags must be smaller than 15 inches wide, 15 inches high, or 22 inches long
Banners, signs and flag policy:
NO signs
Small flags allowed
No poles, sticks or spikes
For additional questions please call the venue at 323.850.2000. You can also access their website. Email: [email protected]. Check their twitter here and IG here for updates. Address: Hollywood Bowl, 2301 N Highland Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90068
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hockeylvr59 · 1 year
Here With Me Part 25 || Taylor Makar
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Author’s Note: A four day patriot's day weekend gives Taylor and Kelsey the chance to have their first real getaway as a couple and start to put the past week behind them. Song inspiration: I Don't Love You Like I Used To - John Legend. FC: Marina Laswick (@marooshk on instagram). I didn't want to post this part until I had finished the next but since it's my birthday have it anyway.
Warnings: anxiety, smut, discussion of abortion, lingering trauma // Word Count: 4,031
Twenty Four
April 11th, 2023
Though Taylor had texted asking if she was coming over Monday night like normal, Kelsey declined knowing that he had just put up with her all weekend long and could use a little bit of time with his roommates or just not having to deal with her still moderately fragile emotional state. Plus she had plenty of schoolwork to do with having been out of it for basically the last six days. 
Arriving at class on Tuesday morning however, she had a very important question to ask Taylor and smiled softly when he arrived, bringing her her usual coffee order. 
“Do you have plans this weekend?” She inquired. 
“Nope.” Taylor replied matter of factly. “What are we doing?” He asked as he leaned down to peck her lips softly. 
“Friend of mine’s family has a place on the beach in Connecticut that isn’t being used this weekend so thought maybe we could drive down Friday and come back Tuesday. Weekend getaway for the two of us…?” 
“You have sunscreen?” 
The fact that that was Taylor’s only response made a giggle bubble up in Kelsey’s throat for the first time in a week. 
“We can get sunscreen…” Kelsey assured him. “The lotion kind even if you want to help me apply it…” 
A glint in Taylor’s eyes told her that he’d be all for that and her smile brightened a bit more. 
“So does that mean you’ll come with me?” She questioned. “We can cook out and have a fire and kayak and enjoy the hot tub…” 
“Yeah Kels.” Taylor agreed before moving to his seat as their professor entered the room to start class. 
April 14th, 2023
Having texted back and forth with her friend about what the house had and what she needed to bring, Kelsey went shopping early Friday morning picking up steaks, vegetables for grilling and omelets, a bottle of wine, almond milk, and eggs. That would at least cover Friday dinner and Saturday breakfast and then they could figure out what they were doing for food the rest of the weekend and go to the store. 
With all of that packed in a cooler in her trunk beside her weekend bag, Kelsey drove to Taylor’s dorm to pick her boyfriend up for their excursion after his morning training session. 
The drive down into Connecticut was about two hours once a stop for lunch was accounted for so it was early afternoon when they arrived at the house. 
With Taylor there, unloading the car only took one trip and while he carried their things to the bedroom, Kelsey unloaded the cooler into the fridge. When he met her in the kitchen, his hands slid around her waist from behind and Kelsey relaxed into him, glancing off to the side out at the ocean just beyond the windows. They had three full days where this was their view and time moved slower. 
She wanted to enjoy every single second of it. 
Lacing her fingers with his, Kelsey pulled Taylor out the sliding glass doors and through the grassy yard to the small patch of private beach. It was quiet except for the sounds of the ocean and Kelsey felt tension she hadn’t realized she was still carrying slip from her body. 
“It’s been years since I’ve been here.” Kelsey murmured softly, almost afraid the sound of her voice would ruin the tranquility. 
“We’re gonna owe your friend a big thank you because this is nice.” Taylor stated. Not only was the view incredible, but Taylor knew just how much Kelsey had needed this weekend away, how much they needed this weekend as a couple to take that next step forward. 
Pausing at the edge of the beach, Kelsey bent over to slip her shoes off, letting her toes dig into the cool sand. It was still far too early in the year for the ocean to be warm enough to even wade in unfortunately, but the feeling of sand between her toes was enough for now. With Taylor tucking her against his side, they walked along their stretch of beach before sinking into the sand side by side just to stare at the ocean. 
“How you feeling Kels?” Taylor asked quietly as his thumb rubbed over the back of her hand. 
“It’s been a tough week and a half…” Kelsey admitted softly. “Hard dealing with emotions I had buried for self-preservation.” 
“I’m sorry…” Taylor murmured, his expression showing her he understood as he leaned over to kiss her head. 
“I don’t want you to feel sorry for me T, okay?” Kelsey murmured. “And I don’t want this thing to dominate our lives or our relationship.” The way she let out a breath told Taylor that she wasn’t finished and so he stayed silent for a moment longer. “There is always going to be a part of me that struggles with the experiences of my past but I don’t want this to become something that holds us back T…not when things were so good before.” 
“I’m not gonna lie and say that it doesn’t change things.” Taylor declared knowing that she needed to hear the truth. “Our relationship is never going to be exactly the same as it was. But change doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Change can bring healing. Change has and will continue to bring strength. And change means that I love you more deeply than I did before. Yes, things were good, but our future is gonna be even better Kels, this weekend is just the start.” 
The pout on her face and her tense body language told Taylor that she hadn’t liked what she heard and he sighed softly, shifting closer to wrap an arm around her. 
“You having an abortion Kelsey is only going to hold us back…dominate our lives if you let it. Am I probably going to be more cautious about protecting you when we’re intimate because I love you…yes. But if you keep holding onto the trauma you’re carrying that’s what’s going to hurt us. I understand why you buried it for two years because it’s not something that’s easy to deal with alone, but you’re not alone now and you need to start moving through the trauma instead of pretending it doesn’t exist …whether you see a therapist or find a group or even just journal about it. Whatever works for you. I’ll support you however you choose to cope. But doing nothing,  that’s going to be what has the potential to destroy us.” 
Though she hated it, deep down Kelsey knew that Taylor was right and that now that this had all been brought to the surface there was no way she was going to be able to bury it, not without losing everything she loved about her life, Taylor being at the top of that list. 
“I’m gonna try but be patient with me…?” She sighed, tipping her head to rest against his shoulder. 
“Beside you every step of the way.” 
Kelsey and Taylor sat on the beach just watching the ocean lap against the shore for over an hour before heading back inside to change out of their sandy clothes. Taylor had certainly given her a lot to think about and so Kelsey was somewhat subdued. 
Dressed in fresh clothes, she moved to the kitchen to start pulling out everything needed to make dinner. Digging through cabinets she found foil, olive oil, and a good steak and vegetable seasoning. As she turned to get things out of the fridge she bumped into Taylor who was holding a glass of wine and looked fondly amused. 
“I lit the fire outside, take this and go sit Kels, I’ve got dinner.” 
“I can…” She started only to be cut off by her boyfriend. “Kelsey, go sit and relax. You did the shopping and the driving, let me make dinner.” 
Knowing that this too wasn’t a battle she was going to win, Kelsey took the wine glass and made her way outside, flopping into one of the comfy chairs near the gas fire pit. 
It was a beautiful day and though Kelsey’s mind was still spinning, she really didn’t want to let her head ruin the weekend. So she just sipped wine and watched the flickering of the fire with the ocean in the background trying to figure out how she could deal with everything so that she didn’t lose the best thing in her life. 
It was scary facing it all head on, which is why she never had. 
After a few minutes, the sliding door opened and Taylor stepped out to start the grill. Before he headed inside he pulled up music on his phone and left it to play from the outdoor dining table. With him leaving the sliding door open, he could hear it just as well from in the kitchen as she could from her spot. Letting out a deep sigh, Kelsey pulled her phone from her pocket to scroll through instagram. 
When she looked up again, Taylor was topping off her wine glass before moving to put foil packets of vegetables on the grill. 
After a few minutes he was back outside with the steaks and once they were on the grill he leaned casually beside it, the weight of his eyes on her. 
The fact that there was still a tension between them killed Kelsey and if she hadn’t cried herself out over the past week, she was certain she would have started at that moment. Instead she took a deep breath and pulled up a book on her phone in an attempt to clear her mind with anything besides what felt so wrong.  
Reading and rereading the same few paragraphs over and over, it wasn’t long before Taylor was pulling things off of the grill. He took it all inside and after a few trips the outdoor dining table had glasses of water on it in addition to two plates full of food and silverware to eat with. 
Taking her glass of wine over, Kelsey settled into the chair Taylor had pulled out for her and set her glass on the table. 
“Looks great T.” She murmured softly, her smile weak. 
He had cooked the steaks perfectly and everything was well seasoned but not overly so. It was absolutely delicious. 
Music continued to play from his phone, filling the otherwise quiet air as neither said much while they ate. 
When plates were cleared, Taylor carried them inside to be washed later and then reappeared grabbing his phone off the table. Not sure what he was doing, Kelsey didn’t think anything of it until Taylor was standing beside her, offering his other hand out to her. 
“Dance with me?” He prompted, pulling her out of the seat once her fingers laced with his. Once she was standing he pressed play on whatever song he had selected before setting his phone down and pulling her away from the table and into his chest. 
I don't love you like I used to
I don't love you just the same
No, I couldn't pretend
Be a liar if I said we haven't changed
Right off the bat, the lyrics echoed everything that Taylor had said just a couple of hours earlier and somehow Kelsey knew this is where he’d gotten that train of thought. 
I love you so much more with every day, ayy
Oh, I'm in too deep to run away, ayy
'Cause you and I been through so much together
And we get closer, the closer we get to forever
There wasn’t much to Taylor’s dancing, it was mostly a sway from side to side as he held her tight, but the way that he sang along with the lyrics of the chorus softly in her ear caused a lump to form in her throat. 
This wasn’t love in the way that kids love, this was love in the way that a man loves a woman, wholly and fully, flaws and all. Taylor had given her glimpses before that they were toeing the forever kind of love but it washed over her now like a raging river. They were both in so far over their heads but Kelsey wouldn’t want it any other way. 
Though the song changed, Taylor’s grip on her didn’t, his body continuing to hold her close while they swayed. Little by little Kelsey’s body relaxed against him and after a few minutes Taylor’s hand swept up to lift her chin so he could kiss her softly and sweetly. 
“We’re good Kels.” He whispered against her lips when he pulled back. “So you gotta stop letting your mind dwell on things that aren’t reality. Just be here…with me.” 
As he kissed her again, Kelsey’s arms slipped up around his neck, pulling him closer into the kiss as whatever playlist he had put on continued in the background. It was the kind of kiss that left you breathless but that you didn’t want to stop, not even to breathe. 
After a few more minutes of kissing and then a few more dancing, Taylor guided her over to the chairs by the fire, sitting down and pulling her onto his lap. 
“Now relax and enjoy the fire and the view with me.” Taylor said softly, just wanting her to stop thinking so much and enjoy the moment they were blessed with. 
Curled in his lap, Kelsey rested her head on his shoulder just looking out as the sun slowly started to set, lighting the sky up in a beautiful palette of color. As it sank beneath the horizon though, the small gas fire did little to stop the chill of the cooling air, and Kelsey shivered. 
“Let’s go inside.” Taylor murmured, feeling her shiver again. Standing from his lap, Kelsey nodded and moved to grab anything else they had left outside while he turned the fire off and grabbed his phone. 
Together they moved inside, turning lights on now that it was dark and Kelsey moved to grab a glass of water while Taylor locked up. 
“I’m assuming you aren’t ready for bed so what do you want to do?” Kelsey asked softly, as Taylor padded toward her. 
“Movie on the couch?” 
Nodding at his suggestion, Kelsey moved to find the remote and turn the tv on to figure out something. While she did so, Taylor turned on the gas fireplace and then settled onto the couch, pulling her onto him. Starting a movie, Kelsey shifted to situate herself in a better position before snuggling into Taylor’s warm body. 
Snuggling Taylor was the best thing. He was solid under her, his hands warm as they trailed light patterns over her skin. And just as it had earlier when he kissed her while dancing, want pooled in Kelsey’s core. 
Adjusting slightly, Kelsey pressed light kisses along Taylor’s jaw seeking his attention. When he glanced away from the movie she kissed the corner of his mouth before moving in for a proper kiss. 
The way Taylor kissed her back made Kelsey sigh happily into his mouth. It was an exploratory kiss, light but enthusiastic. She knew that Taylor was letting her set the boundaries, especially when he urged her to sit up before shifting to lean against the armrest of the couch, keeping her in control while they kissed in a more comfortable position. 
With her arms around his neck, Kelsey deepened the kiss, a soft moan spilling from her throat. With everything that had happened it had been almost three weeks since they’d last had sex and Kelsey’s libido was feeling it. 
She hadn’t even realized that she was grinding down on his lap until Taylor’s hands shifted to still her hips and she saw how dark his eyes were when she paused to breathe. 
Shifting a bit to press her chest firmly against his, Kelsey kissed him again, hot and deep and slowly started to roll her hips despite his hands on them. 
Taylor responded for a moment before pulling back, his grip on her hips tighter. 
“Kels…I need to know if your mind is in control right now or if it’s your hormones.” He asked, his expression soft and full of concern but still laced with the effects of their makeout session. 
Confusion settled onto Kelsey’s face. Why was he asking her that? 
“Kels…the last few weeks have fucked up your mind enough. I don’t want to add to that by having sex before you’re mentally ready just because you’re horny.” 
Though she didn’t mean to, Kelsey couldn’t help the pout that formed on her lips. 
“Kels…” Taylor murmured knowing where her mind could wander to if he didn’t stop it. “I want you, you know that. Just need to be sure that us being together isn’t going to trigger something for you because you’re not actually ready.” 
Kelsey appreciated that Taylor just wanted to take care of her but his concern really wasn’t necessary. 
“Taylor…I’m on long term birth control and we use condoms and I know you’d never do anything to hurt me in that way. Is it 100% guaranteed that I won’t get pregnant…no, but it’s pretty damn close and a level of risk I’m comfortable with. Plus as you’ve told me at least a hundred times in the last week I’m not alone anymore on the rare chance the protection fails. I miss you T. I miss feeling like us. The past few weeks haven’t fucked me up that much that you have to worry about me being triggered by being intimate with you.”
“Ok.” Taylor replied, kissing her nose softly. “But if you want to stop at any point all you have to do is say so.” 
Rolling her eyes, Kelsey shoved his chest as she climbed off of him, sending him a look that told him that now he was just being an idiot. 
“Not gonna happen.” She declared, flipping off the tv and moving to turn off the fireplace before retreating to the bedroom with a glance over her shoulder. 
By the time Taylor had locked up and turned all the lights off on his way to the main bedroom he found Kelsey sprawled on the bed in only a pair of light green panties trimmed with black lace and a black satin bra. 
Looking her up and down, Taylor met her gaze, holding it for a long moment before moving across the room to kneel on the bed beside her. 
“Beautiful.” He murmured, leaning in to kiss her. 
There was a fire behind Kelsey’s kiss as she returned Taylor’s, one hand sliding up under his shirt along the firm muscles of his back. 
As the kiss continued, Kelsey shifted her free hand to help tug Taylor’s shirt off of his body before whimpering as all his bare skin came on display for her. How lucky was she to have him all to herself? 
When his hand edged under her shoulder, Kelsey arched her back up toward him so that he could pop the hooks on her bra before pulling the satin from her body. 
“T…I need you.” She breathed, pulling him down for another kiss and basking in the feeling of his bare chest on hers. 
“All. Yours.” Taylor mumbled against her mouth between kisses. “After I get a condom.” He added when he pulled away, her complaints following. 
Those complaints fell silent when he pushed both his pants and boxer briefs off of his body after pulling a foil package from his weekend bag. Kelsey was never going to tire of seeing him nude and hard for her. 
“Your show tiger.” He declared as he pulled her on top of him as he fell back on the bed. He wanted her to have the extra control after everything and he certainly couldn’t complain about the fact that she looked like a goddess over him. 
With Kelsey kissing him again, hot but teasing, Taylor tugged at her panties, removing them when she moaned softly into his mouth. As his hands slid back up her body, Taylor quickly ran two fingers through her core finding her as wet as all the times they’d been together previously. With her assurances that both her body and mind were ready, Taylor slipped the condom into her hand. He wanted her to feel confident that it was on properly and that he wasn’t going to hurt her. 
Instead of tearing the condom wrapper open immediately like he had expected, Kelsey instead set it beside her as she straddled his lap and her fingers grazed over his length making him groan and twitch. 
“Kels if you touch me I’m gonna…” He warned, only for her to nod. Still instead of reaching for the condom, Taylor watched as her gaze dropped to his length hard and heavy between his hips where her fingers had been moments before. The way she focused on it made him swallow hard because she seemed to be examining him with her eyes to the point where he almost felt a little self conscious. 
After a minute or two her eyes lifted to meet his and she smiled as she leaned over him. 
“I love you.” She declared softly. “And I hope you know that one of these days I’m going to thoroughly explore your dick even more because it fascinates me.” Her kisses against his lips were light and teasing but full of her love for him and when she pulled back to breathe she finally reached for the condom, tearing it open and pulling it from the wrapper. Pinching the tip she carefully rolled it down his length until he was fully sheathed.
Though Taylor had questions on why she didn’t leave air at the tip he knew that she knew what she was doing and just made a note to ask her about it later. For now he was just going to focus on her and making sure that she was okay and that they both enjoyed this. 
“You’re something else Kels.” Taylor mumbled as she shifted over him. “And for the record…I love you too.” 
As his last words fell from his mouth, Kelsey started sinking down over him, immediately surrounding him in the tight warmth of her body. 
“Oh….” She breathed, pausing before continuing to lower herself, little gasps escaping her. 
Sliding his hands over her thighs to her hips, Taylor supported her as she took him fully. 
There really was nothing like feeling her like this. 
After a moment her walls fluttered around him as she got comfortable and then she slowly started raising and lowering herself over him in a slow but steady pace. 
Focusing on her face, Taylor kissed her softly trying to help her relax and enjoy so that the pleasure could wash over her. And by focusing on her, it was easier to control his own dick so that he didn’t cum before she did. 
Eventually, Taylor could feel her legs wobble a little as she started to tire and he broke the kiss to meet her gaze. 
“Sides okay?” He questioned, only shifting them once she had nodded, dipping her head to his shoulder for a short rest. 
Carefully, Taylor lifted her off of him before rolling them to their sides and positioning her in a way he could carefully slip back inside of her. 
Holding her close, his movements were still slow as he ground against her between gentle thrusts. 
“Cum for me love.��� He urged whispering softly into her ear. With Kelsey clinging tighter to him, Taylor kissed softly over her face and slid a thumb to rub at her clit until she was clamping down around him as her orgasm rolled over her body drawing tears from her eyes. With his following before hers had even ended, Taylor gently worked them both though the lingering waves before pulling out and holding her close. 
When Kelsey looked up at him she wiped the tears away and kissed him, a relaxed and sated smile on her lips. 
“So did you bring more condoms or do we need to add them to the shopping list?” 
Yeah…this weekend was gonna be good for them.
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hilarychuff · 10 months
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Over the last hour, various members of the squad have flitted in and out of the tiny bathroom to check on her, bringing water and little bits of food they’ve managed to scavenge. She’s tried to choke it all down (after all, it’s practically like she never even drank those high-calorie wine coolers now), but a bag of soggy brown apple slices and the remains of Claire’s PB and J did little to soothe the churning in her tummy. It also wasn’t long before they came right back up. There’s nothing left in her by the time Jason finally comes knocking at the door, edging it open only enough so he can speak through the crack. “Hey, Chris,” he says softly. “Patrick and I ran out and got you this from the gas station. I’m ready to take you home whenever you feel up to it, OK?” His hand reaches through the gap as he sets a plastic bag in the sink, and then he’s pulling the door closed behind him. It takes effort to push herself up on her knees, high enough off the ground that she can snag a finger through one of the plastic loops without needing to get to her feet. When she drags the whole thing down into her lap, its contents thunking heavily against her thighs, she finds a water bottle inside, a little travel size toothbrush and toothpaste lying beneath it. Tears spring to her eyes, slip instantly down her cheeks, and she has to tear off a long strand of toilet paper to wipe them away, to scrub under her nose. When she manages to get to shaky feet, she washes her whole face, then brushes her teeth, resting heavily against the sink as she does. Only once she’s finished cleaning herself up does she ease the door open to find Jason leaning against the opposite wall. He stands up straight when he sees her, looks her from toe to head, and then he sighs and opens his arms. She lets herself fall into them. He gathers her up, one hand just below her ponytail, the other steady on her lower back, and she makes herself small against his chest. For a second, he just holds her, and then he sighs again. “C’mon, Chris,” he says, tucking her under just one arm. “Let’s get you home.”
all the best people see you (all the best people know), chapter 4, a pre-season 4 buckingham au
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Happy Birthday my dear friend LN. Just leaving this for you as you left for me
It's your birthday. I set my mind to indulge in “what if ...”
What if you were here today?
In the truck, already packed, we would be driving up to a place I know. A lovely drive into the Tahoe National Forest, holding hands deep in conversation punctuated with laughter. The trees give way to expansive canyons and the Foresthill Divide. The scars of the American fire -- stark, dark, haunting but liberally dotted with green and recovery reaching towards the sun -- mar the splendor for a few winding miles as we climb higher. It gives way to granite and trees, healthy high country forest. And suddenly, unexpectedly, it opens to a meadow, Robinson Flat. Park the truck and get out. The air is crisp, clean. I pull your hand and take you to the old pump in the middle of the meadow.
Together, we pump, filling our bottles of the sweetest cold water the earth has to offer.
The sounds of the forest sing to you. And now we're off, headed up single track trail, deeply forested and lush. Ancient trees lie still,
while the occasional wind rushes through the tops of those still growing. It's steep, it seems to
go up and disappear. We emerge at the top.
Breathtaking view of the mountains in front, trail goes right to the lookout or left to Little Bald Mountain. I kiss you, laugh, and pull you to the right. We climb the stairs, rough cut stone, and reach the lookout. It's empty but we walk around the porch. And I stand beside you, nestled in your arm as you take in the view.
Play video now (my breathing is recovering from running up to the top):
I drop my pack and spread out lunch: wine, cheese, cut fruits, olives, earthy breads and nuts. We eat our fill, with sounds of the birds and wind serenading us. The chipmunks and local wildlife mill about just below us. The soft sounds of the canyon only broken by our laughter. We ask each other a thousand questions, and share everything, laying ourselves bare. When we're ready, we pack up and head towards Little Bald Mountain. Another spectacular view.
But, I'm pulling you over towards the edge. Ahhh ... Now you see it, a way down to??? You follow, cautiously, puzzled. Clearly, this is not a trail or a path. Then the shrubs give way and you see the outcropping. An Island surrounded by rock walls on three sides and open to the canyon on the fourth.
Again, I drop my pack. I spread out my sleeping bag. It's cooler here, less sun, but the wind is barely felt when it comes. We sit for awhile and take in this almost unimaginable place, hidden from the world in plain sight. I tell you are my dessert. That I want to taste your skin, your kisses, all of you. I ask if you're willing to just let me, let me explore you with my hands, my mouth as I stand, take off my shirt and sports bra. Immediately the cool air meets my arousal and my nipples are hard and the goosebumps spread across me. You agree to my request. I lose the shoes, socks and shorts. The panties, I remove gently, slowly, letting the cool air kiss my warmth. I am kneeling now, and lift your hand to my lips, kissing, licking your fingertips, the palm
of your hand. I move slowly up your forearm, the cool air dancing across the moist trail of kisses. I lean in and continue up until I reach your neck. I pause and slowly inhale, breathing in as much of you as my lungs can hold. And I press my lips, softly, kissing. My exhale almost tickles your neck until the warmth of my mouth, my kisses, causes a sigh to escape you. I keep tasting, kissing up to your ear. I let the tip of my tongue gently trace the top and explore every curve. The cool air lights up the wet kisses I'm leaving behind. I softly kiss your cheek. I settle in, straddling you, and taking your face in my hands, kiss your forehead, your eyes and even the tip of your nose. I pull back, look into your eyes, smile and sigh. I lean in to kiss you, our lips brushing, soft, teasing at first. Your breath is warm and I breathe you in. Our mouths are eager for each other, and our kisses become long, slow... Tongues tasting exploring. I stop you, lean back a bit a take your shirt off. And we melt into each other, skin to skin, arms wrapped. You are warm against my breasts. My mouth finds yours again. Your hands move effortlessly over my skin, over my curves, moving across my hips, up my belly ... You feel my body shiver on you as you reach my breasts. The slightest whimper escapes me. The feeling of your hands, lost in our kisses is electric. You kiss my neck moving down to my breasts until my nipple is in your mouth. Again, I shudder, softly moaning. Your tongue, your sucking, your teeth... My breathing is audible now. My warmth and wetness are more than apparent, even through your shorts. I pull away and get you undressed. You reach for me, and I laugh a little telling you “lay back, let me. Let me taste you.” You pull me into you laughing, and we lay back. I like the way I feel naked, on you, wrapped in your arms. And I steal a moment to place my head on your chest and just listen to your heartbeat. Sigh .... Again, I'm straddling you, kissing you, moving down your neck, your chest, your belly, my breasts and nipples brushing against your skin as I move. I linger. I take my time. I use my tongue and lick back up towards you stopping to taste and enjoy your nipples. Occasionally, my ponytails tickles you. My hands never leave you, moving, tracing, feeling. You quiver when the cool air dances over you now. I stop straddling you and move down, kneeling between your legs. The cool air makes your skin tingle where my warmth and wetness were just covering. I'm on my knees, straight up, looking into your brown eyes and reach behind my head, tucking the end of my ponytail into the band. I smile and lean over you. I start with your belly, kissing, licking, suckling. I move to your hip bones. And down your inner thighs and back up. My mouth and warmth undeniable, eager, hungry. I want you. My hunger finally gets the better of me and I spread you wide. I begin licking, sucking. First, on the sides of your balls, then starting from underneath, I lick and suck each one. Feeling you, smelling you, tasting you has made me ravenous, less than patient. I begin at the base and using the flat, width of my tongue, I lick. I slip my left hand under your balls, alternating between my nails gently teasing and massaging with my hands. I let my tongue fully explore you, your cock, eagerly lapping your precum --sweet, sticky, lubricating my lips. I take you from the base with my right hand and hold your cock upright. You push yourself up, leaning on your elbows, looking down at me. Looking into you, I press the head of your cock slowly into my mouth. When the head is nearly in, I gently suck, and wrap my lips around you. I move back, repeating slowly. Lower, taking in more of you each time. Until, I am at my hand. I pause, moving my head, accommodating you, the head. Now I begin to move up and down the length, my tongue, moving and flicking. I linger at times over the glans, the frenulum, but never stopping. I am lost in my hunger, forcing myself to focus on your body, not just devour you. My left hand is gently
gripping, tugging, cupping. My right hand has begun to follow my face. It slides easily with the mixture of spit and precum. As your need grows to meet my hunger I lose myself in the moment. I begin to pump you with my mouth and hand, working in harmony. I feel you, your balls tightening, your muscles tensing. There is only the wet sounds of my mouth until your voice shatters the silence, your cries echoing in the canyon as you explode in my mouth. I swallow eagerly, hungry, my hand milking you. Until, I settle back into myself and lay my head gently against you, suckling gently. My mouth is warm, my hunger satisfied, there is a sweetness in the moment. I move back up to you, curling up into you. I take your hand and place you between my legs. You comment on how wet I am, dripping in fact. I tell you “See? I wanted to, needed to....” You were my desert. But, it's your birthday. So, clearly, there will be more later .....
So, what if you were here today?
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nathanthebarbarian · 1 year
((Im living for acc runner lore, what are all of YOUR drink preferences?))
((straight tequila, straight whiskey, straight vodka, tequila sunrise, montenegro paloma, milk shakes made with cream whiskey, vodka lemonade, ranch rosé, watermelon tequila cocktails, strawberry wine coolers, berry wine coolers, a led zeppelin drink i got at a pre show party called a misty mountain hop that was pink whitney mixed with champagne and club soda, mimosas, i don’t do anything spiced because it makes me feel like my throat is closing up so fireball or anything similar is not a thing for me. i was also the bitch in high school who should have been found dead in a ditch clutching a bottle of uv blue with a bag of cheap cocaine in my pocket so i don’t give a fuck about the quality even though i prefer it when shit doesn’t taste like straight rubbing alcohol these days.))
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zhiping914 · 2 years
Measures: 18.5” W x 9” D x 14" H
Shoulder strap: extends to 48"
Snap together handles: 8" drop
Weighs: 2.2lbs when empty
​8 gallons (30 liters)
Holds 24-32 bottles and cans + ice
Holds 6-8 wine bottles + ice cooler bags、insulated bags. picnic bags.8mm thickness pe foam with 0.18mm peva.600*300d polyester.
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