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windup-scholar · 3 months ago
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Guess who finished the first build of the year and is really proud of it… :3c
idk why the lightrays look so violent they look so pretty in-game
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vagabond-sol · 9 days ago
Writing game: Post the last sentence you wrote and tag a person for each word.
It was exciting in a way they’d long forgotten on their shameless island paradise.
Tagged by; @windup-scholar . He already knows why I needed time to cherry pick something on the tamer side.
14 words (I don’t think I have 14 people to tag since I’m not all that active. So as usual if you’d like to try it consider yourself tagged. Might help me pick in the future.):
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windup-scholar · 12 days ago
Writing game: Post the last sentence you wrote and tag a person for each word.
Taeryn was hoping the moment would continue and what Emile said about being inseparable were true in every aspect.
Tagged by; @weatheredfailnot thank you but you curse me with having to dig through sentences im comfortable posting since the last writings were all very fruity.
19 words (trying to find people who i hadnt seen tagged already and if you were/dont want to do it dont worry ily sorry for bothering you im a wordy bitch):
@vagabond-sol @eorzeanflowers @paintedscales @uldahstreetrat @windup-dragoon @lynxden @neriyon @sjofn-lofnsdottr @alannah-corvaine @punchelf @avampyone @missazurerose @shadesofblades @twelvesblades @robynostornwyn @oneiroy @nabaath-areng @pumpkinmagekupo @zeloinator
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windup-scholar · 2 months ago
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WE BEAT FRU IN TEN WEEKS!!!!! WE BEAT AN ON CONTENT ULTIMATE!!! Its been a fucking crazy ride but we did it!!! I couldn’t have asked for a better group…. i can’t believe I beat an on content ultimate.
Something silly under the cut-
Shout out to the toxic picto we kicked out right before we ended up clearing for being literally the worst person ever our consistency skyrocketed when they left. They claimed we’d never clear early or on patch. Its actually so funny how once someone who kills the vibes are gone you clean up fast and enjoy the fight and clear faster.
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windup-scholar · 3 months ago
Oh yeah, I LOVE showing off our builds and Caz & I love going to look at housing builds in other servers/DCs as well its a big part of our love for FFXIV.
SO PLEASE, come see our home and maybe say hi if you’d like, its not done yet but its 90% done and always fun to see WIPs I was experimenting alot this time around;
Delrune Island cottage: Primal - Lamia - Lavender Beds Ward 22 - Plot 35.
Alphabet Academy FC: Primal - Lamia - Mist - Ward 12 - Plot 2
Feel free to relax and stay for awhile Or maybe just leave a cute little message in the books if you like them!
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windup-scholar · 2 months ago
Just finished Veilguard and despite my personal mechanical complaints and feelings about more linear stories i genuinely enjoyed it and think it was a fun experience. Im content with getting my ending i assume i got pretty close to “perfect” due to my completionist nature. And most of the complaints people have still definitely resonate as them just choosing to not pay attention bc you wanna hate on it and go in with the wrong attitude. I went in neutral not expecting to hate it or love it and came out actually loving it and considering it worth the replay.
Will do another run more canonical to my new OC rook since i mostly just did what i usually do when i play rpg games which is gay elf mage but instead they’ll be a gay elf archer/mage warden.
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windup-scholar · 2 months ago
Finally been playing veilguard inbetween FRU prog (crystallize time) and ive already realized most of the complaints are people just desperate to find a reason to hate this game. While some of the criticism IS fair and i could even agree with… genuinely am loving almost every moment of this and the characters as a previous dragon age fan. Once again not interacting too deeply with DA fandom is a boon 9 times out of 10.
Not in the mood to defend my thoughts because its a video game that everyone loves to hate but genuinely tired of seeing people hate on it while saying things that prove they actually arent paying attention to whats being said/understanding context.
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windup-scholar · 3 months ago
I realize i redecorate my house everytime im progging something difficult for i guess sanity reasons. Progging FRU and being at Darklit Dragonsong means my house has been demolished and now rebuilt once more its not entirely done but i think im kinda happy with it, will have to see once every slot is filled/stuff is dyed but yippee
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windup-scholar · 3 months ago
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My partner @vagabond-sol took pictures of the boys cuddling and he said he didn’t really like them but I personally adore it no matter its flaws or the lighting or clipping im literally in love with it. All while we were afk doing irl stuff.
I need more pictures of the boys enjoying eachothers presence and i will tape this to every lightpost forcing everyone to WITNESS THEM. Vanilla gpose or not LOOK AT THEM IM INSANE. Cazhim and Xavier official brainrot post!!!!
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vagabond-sol · 3 years ago
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vagabond-sol · 3 years ago
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“While the Sin Eaters are mostly dealt with, the Crystalline Mean can always use an extra pair of hands. Should be a good change of pace.”
@windup-scholar and I did some glams for our main 3 crafters so here’s a little shoot with one set.
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vagabond-sol · 4 years ago
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Cazhim, out of breath but smiling - “That…was incredible, Xavier! Those moves, that confidence…I think I’ve fallen in love all over again.”
Xavier, through a flustered laugh - “I’ve missed you too, my love and I’ll be keeping up with you from now on. We’re partners after all!”
Thanks @windup-scholar for hanging with me for all the photo shenanigans!
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vagabond-sol · 3 years ago
🎁 and 🧸 :3
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1. What kind of gift giver are they?
“Ah this one’s easy. Practical gifts to friends and thoughtful gifts to romantic partners or very close friends. I mean I’m sure it’s obvious why thoughtful gifts are only for people I know rather well but I can explain the tendency towards the practical. In fact I believed I’ve mentioned before that I make the gifts I give. Adds a personal touch and, hopefully, let’s them know I cared a decent bit. Maybe I’ll even make something for you afterwards.” His words came with a warm friendly grin. It was clear he enjoyed the act of gift giving quiet a bit as well.
2. On a 1-10 scale (10 being soft teddy bear and 1 being edge master) how soft is your OC?
“Uh…I guess a 2 or 3?” The man shrugged as he answered, unsure if his own measurements would mirror what his friends would say. “I’m no cry baby but, even after everything you still have to have a bit of compassion and sensitivity, right?”
As for what I, Sol if you will, thinks I’d say he’s a 4 or 5. He’s a good guy at his core and blatantly wants to be good…but he’s had it rough. Not in any sort of special cosmic way but it was still rough. He had to grow some emotional callouses or else he wouldn’t be here…also definitely still kills people with his bare hands on the regular so he can only be so cuddly regardless of his pleasant attitude and moral standing.
Thank you my dear, @windup-scholar . Your questions are always fun.
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vagabond-sol · 4 years ago
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@windup-scholar and I finished up Eureka not too long ago so we took a little trip back to take some photos! I hope you enjoy them!
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vagabond-sol · 4 years ago
Relationship: Xavier and Cazhim
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Bold all that applies. Italics for somewhat applies.
height difference | mutual pining | first kiss | first love | wedding | in-jokes | lgbt+ | family disapproves | friend disapproves | would die for each other | fake relationship | arranged wedding | cuddlers | and they were room mates | holding hands | secret relationship | opposing world views | opposing personalities | opposing goals | getting a pet | have kids | want kids | grow old together | relationship failures | rests head on shoulder | share a bed | token dummies | relationship doubts | they have a song | first date | share a jacket | sharing a blanket | mutual interests | study buddies | bathing together | crash into hello | accidental nudity | laundry | same hobbies | cooking for each other | big fancy gala | sibling rivalry | hair stroking | dancing | laying in the grass | watching stars together | watching the other sleep | shared values | friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | lovers to enemies | childhood friends | slow burn (15 years) | love triangle | toxic relationship | sitting on each other’s laps | can’t be together | hugs | forehead touches | neck kisses | car/motorbike | compliments | nicknames | falling asleep together | late night talks | gifts
Tagged: @flamesworn
Tagging: Anyone interested talking about their relationships!
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vagabond-sol · 4 years ago
Layers Upon Layers: Cazhim
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One: Outside Layer
[Name:] “Cazhim Delrune”
[Hair Style & Colour:] “Short Undercut. My hair is light gray.” He pulls at what little hair peeks out from beneath his bandana.
[Eye Color:] “Hazel and my limbral rings are a pale green”
[Height:] “6 fulms 7 ilms last I checked”
[Style:] “Anything lightweight, comfortable and practical. Essential qualities for a traveler.”
[Best Physical Feature:] “A lot of people seem to like the eyes I suppose...or maybe it’s the height.”
Two: Inner Layer
[Fears:] “Dying when I’m still needed.”
[Guilty Pleasure:] “No need to feel guilty about anything I take pleasure in. I’ve earned it.”
[Biggest Pet Peeve:] “Don’t half-ass things. If you’re going to try something give it your all or you’re just wasting time.”
[Ambition for the Future:] “Living to retire comfortably with my boyfriend after having left the realm better than we found it.”
Three: Thoughts
[First Thought When Waking Up:] “My schedule I suppose. What workout to do, what meal to eat for breakfast, what to tinker with later if time permits...normally I’d consider meditating but...crafting and maintenance have become my meditation these days”
[What You Think About the Most:] “Depends. In the field? I’m always considering how best to move forward towards our goals. Can’t get a job done right if you only wait and react. On my free days though? Xavier, checking supplies or tinkering. In that order.”
[What You Think About Before Bed:] “I just do a quick rundown on what I need to be doing the next day. Who needs what and all that. So more scheduling.”
[Your Best Quality Is:] “I’d say...empathy. I’ve seen a lot and I don’t mean that as some tasteless brag. I mean after years of running and fighting and...all of this. He says motioning to the circumstances and choices that led him here. I’m glad I can still understand others even if they are not my own or if they are my enemy. Even as I strike them down...hmm a little dark huh? How about determination?”
Four: What’s Better
[Single or Group Dates?] “Heh. A group date sounds like a mess waiting to happen. Single”
[To be Loved or to be Respected?] “Respect. To be loved by the people in totality is unnecessary and perhaps a bit daunting. Respect is something that we all need though.”
[Beauty or Brains?] “Brains if I have to pick one. Beauty has its benefits but I am not one who would wields them well.”
[Cats or Dogs?] “Sorry friend, but my answer is both and that will not change. I will say that my childhood guardian kept a cat. Grew up big too.” There is an air of loving nostalgia on his words.
Five: Do you…
[Lie?]  “I omit the truth when I need to.”
[Believe in Yourself?] “Always.”
[Believe in Love?]  “I am in love.”
[Want Someone?] “I already have him.” His replies come quick and sure.
Six: Have you ever…
[Been on Stage?] “Briefly. Not for me.”
[Done Drugs?] “No. I may not keep to my meditations like I used to but I still abstain from drugs and the like.”
[Changed Yourself to Fit In Somewhere?] “Yes. As I imagine all foreigners did to some degree when making a home here. But I am who I am now.”
Seven: Favorite
[Favorite Color:] “Used to be orange but blue is really growing on me. I assume my new attire gave that away though.” He motions to his outfit with a smile and a flourish of the hand.
[Favorite Food:] “Nomad Pies still. Crunchy, savory and easy to eat while traveling.”
[Favorite Game:] “I...don’t know. Been a while since I played anything. Hm..”
Eight: Age
[When Your Next Birthday Will Be:] “1st Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon. Still a fair while before it rolls around again.”
[How Old Will You Be?] “I should be (Mid-Late twenties post Shadowbringers. Don’t like to commit due to the weird timeline stuff)
[Age You Lost Your Virginity:] “Hm. Don’t feel like talking about my sex life today. Try again some other time.”
[Does Age Matter?] “It helps in a lot of cases but experience is more important than raw age.”
Nine: In a partner
[Best Personality:] “Intelligent, passionate, good natured. Those draw me in but the little things, like how he accidentally thinks out loud or that hidden playfulness one wouldn’t expect from a master of the arcane and accomplished author.”
[Best Eye Colour:]  “Can’t say it really comes up.”
[Best Hair Colour:] “One they like I suppose.”
[Best Thing to do With a Partner:] “Chat hours away about each other’s passions. Shared or not. Something about seeing him light up and just talk and smile uncontrollably truly and deeply makes me happy.”
Ten: Finish the sentence
[I Love…] “Xavier.”
[I Feel…] “...fine.”
[I Hide…] “When I need to?”
[I Miss…] “Ms.Snow”
[I Wish…]  “the world would hang on to quiet peaceful moments a little longer.”
Noticing your posture relax he speaks. “All out of questions for now? Well, thank you. Its simple but it’s fun to chat even if it’s just you probing. Another time then? Safe travels.” He nods politely before turning back to his people watching.
And thank you @eligos-venator for tagging me! As always it’s fun to do these.
As for who I tag? I’ll go with @windup-scholar since he won’t mind the mention. Don’t wanna poke too many people since I saw a lot of familiar people in tags already. As always if you spot this and haven’t been tagged you should give it a whirl. Maybe even tag me so I can check it out.
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