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lusimmerlife · 5 months ago
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Hello everyone!! It's been a long time. I'm slowly finding my way back to sims. I have a lot to share here before I finish bring this account up to day. I also have some poses and cc to share with all of you. I hope you're all doing well and like this story. It's baby time!!😍
Anna pov:
The day had started as normal. Ed and I woke up, he had helped me get up from bed and we had breakfast, but I quickly realised it was not going to be a normal day. At around 10 am I started feeling contractions coming closer together and I thought those couldn’t be Braxton Hicks. Sure enough, my water broke while I was taking a shower before we went to the hospital.
After my obstetrician confirmed our baby girl would be coming that day and getting settled at the hospital, all that was left for us to do was wait.
“I called our families, they will be here in a couple of minutes,” Edward said as he approached my bed. I closed my eyes, feeling the pain of another contraction hitting me and Ed placing his lips on my hair, as if he was trying to kiss the pain away. Once the contraction was over, I lied back down on the bed, opening my eyes to see my husband.
“It hurts,” I said, trying to smile.
“I know, but you’re doing amazing,” he said before kissing my lips. “I’m so proud of you. I love you.”
“I love you too,” I said. We stayed in silence for a couple of minutes and that’s when I remember I have been meaning to talk to him about something important since that morning. “I want to ask you something.”
“What is it?” he said, his eyebrows joining in a confused expression.
“I know we talked about not letting anyone in here for the delivery but,” I paused as another contraction hit me.
“Breathe, love,” Edward said, taking my hand in his, slowly drawing circles on my palm with his finger.
“That one was worse,” I said before taking a deep breath to calm myself. “I wanted to ask you if my mum can be here with us while I give birth.” The idea of my mother being present during the birth of our daughter had been in my head for the last couple of days. Edward and I were extremely nervous about what would be happening in a couple of hours and I knew having my mother in the room would help me stay calm; and if I was relaxed, so would be Edward; but I couldn’t decide something like that on my own.
“Of course, love.” Hearing him said that made me feel instant relief. “Whatever you need.”
“Thank you. Would your mum be okay with that?” I asked.
As much as I love Eva, I was not comfortable with the idea of her being there, but I also didn’t want her to feel left out.
“She will be okay; remember she already told us that. She even told you the story of how she asked her mum to be there but made her mother in law stay out when I was born,” Edward said, reminding me of the conversation we had had a month ago. “She will understand. Just worry about our daughter,” he said, placing his hand on my belly, where our daughter was getting ready to leave what had been her home for the past 40 weeks.
As another contraction came, I heard the door of our room opening.
“Hi Anni,” my dad said entering the room, followed by our mothers.
“Hi,” I said, breathing through the rest of my contraction.
“How are you feeling?” Eva asked.
“Good,” I said, as I tried to give them a reassuring smile.
“My girl, I’m so proud of you,” my mum said, getting closer to the bed so she could hug me with unshed tears in her eyes.
“Don’t cry, mum, or I will start crying too,” I said, hugging her back.
“I’m sorry, I can’t help it. You’re so big.”
“I want to ask you something,” I said, giving Edward one last glance as he gave me a small nod in reassurance. “Would you stay with me?”
“You want me to stay with you while you give birth?” my mum asked, letting go of me to look me in the eyes.
“Yes, please.”
“Of course, baby. I will stay,” she said, her smile making me feel safe. I turned to look at Edward again; he was standing next to Eva, who gave me a big smile and a little nod with her head; her way of telling me that she supported my decision.
Hours passed between contractions and getting distracted with our families. My doctor and nurses came into the room every once in a while to check on me. As I dilated more and more, the contractions got stronger, closer in time. After 7 hours of being at the hospital, I suddenly felt the urged to push. My obstetrician came quickly, followed by three nurses after I asked Edward to call her. She made sure our family left the room before she settled herself at the bottom of the bed to check me up and as she did that I heard her say:
“You’re ten centimetres dilated Anni. It’s time to meet your baby girl."
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lusimmerlife · 2 years ago
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Family time 💛
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lusimmerlife · 3 years ago
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The nursery at their Uni house is ready for baby girl! 💛 what do you think of this nursery?
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lusimmerlife · 3 years ago
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Perks of being pregnant... Eat all you want and use your belly as a table 🐣 Table occasionally moves though 😅
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lusimmerlife · 3 years ago
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Anna POV: At 30 weeks pregnant my belly was getting in the way of everything. I still had 10 weeks left before our baby girl arrived and, even though I already loved my daughter with all my heart and I liked being pregnant, I would be lying If I didn’t say I wasn’t tired. Studying while being pregnant, did not make things easier. Fortunately, my university offered online courses. I had a long chat with Edward when I found out that was an option. He knew how much I enjoyed going to my classes and studying in the library, but he supported my decision of taking that semester online. I wanted to stay home with my baby as much as I could and I would still have classes, just in a different format. The doorbell took me out of my thoughts. It was Saturday and Edward and I were back home for the weekend. Our university house was ready for the arrival of our baby, but our house back home needed to have some last-minute things done, especially considering we were going to be staying here for the first two weeks after I had giving birth. I opened the door and I instantly found myself surrounded by the arms of my cousins, Brooklyn and Kristen. We had planned that meeting weeks before and I was so happy I could spend some time with them again. “Wow! Your belly is huge!” Brooklyn said as they both entered the house and I closed the door. ”Brookie!” Kristen said, turning around to look at her sister as she shook her head with contained laughter. ”What?” she asked. “She’s right though, I feel like a whale and my mood is all over the place,” I said as we made our way to the living room. “I mean, I tried shaving my legs yesterday... I couldn’t and I cried and then I cried more because Edward offered to help me.” We all laughed together at the absurdity of the situation I had gone through. ”How are you? Are you ready for her to arrive?” Kristen said. “I am. I’m nervous; I’m not going to lie. I still have moments where I doubt I’m going to be a good mum, but most days I’m really excited about it,” I said, trying to explain all my feelings to them. “I still can’t believe you’re going to be a mum but I know you’re going to be a great one,” Brooklyn says.
“Thank you Brookie,” I said. At that moment I felt my baby kicking hard inside my belly. Feeling her move felt unreal but it always made me feel calm. Feeling her move meant she was alive and safe. “Are you okay?” Kristen asked, a concerned look in her eyes. “Yes, she’s moving,” I said, placing my hand where I had felt the kick. “Aww, may I? I want to feel her kick,” Brooklyn said. I nodded as I took Brooklyn’s hand and place it where mine was a minute before. My daughter was not having it though, because she was not moving anymore, at least not enough for my cousins to feel it. “Come on baby! Kick for auntie Kris and auntie Brookie,” Kristen said. I moved my hands to my mouth to cover myself as I tried not to laugh at my cousin making faces to a baby that couldn't see them yet. They spent the next 10 minutes talking to my baby, trying to make her kick. All the noise and my constant laughter must have woken her up because all of a sudden she started moving and kicking like crazy. ”She kicked!” Brooklyn shouted over an over again as Kristen moved her hand to place it next to Brooklyn’s. ”That’s crazy,” Kris said. A couple of minutes later, once the baby had calmed down again, we sat down in the living-room where we spent the rest of the afternoon telling each other stories, laughing, and catching up with each other’s lives. With all my sudden nervousness from my baby arriving soon, I truly needed time for myself and my cousins were exactly what I needed to relax and have a fun day.
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lusimmerlife · 3 years ago
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Bump update! Anna is 28 weeks pregnant with baby girl 🐣🎀
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lusimmerlife · 3 years ago
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Pumpkin bellies 🎃👶🏻
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lusimmerlife · 3 years ago
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Halloween 2020 pictures. This was a collab with @simmingonahill💛🎃 Asher ~ Peter Pan Atarah ~ Tinkerbell Haddie ~ Tiger Lily Lyra ~ Wendy Darling Thomas ~ John Darling Zane ~ Michael Darling Edward ~ Captain Hook Anna ~ Smee And since baby girl has not been born yet she is symbolise at the back by the pumpkin with the pacifier and her character is Tick Tock crocodile (the one that always tries to eat Captain Hook while he screams for Smee to help him 😂). Story:
Lyra Pov: As we were going back to Anna and Edward’s house after trick or treating, I thought about how much fun I had had. Our entire group had been able to fill their baskets with candy and many people have commented on how good our group costume idea had been. Edward had wanted all of us to have fun and because of that, he had started a discussion about who was more like the characters we were playing for the night. “Well I think you’re a lot like Hook, you’re always yelling my name so I can help you with things,” my sister, who was dressed as Smee, said. We all laughed while Edward tried to pretend he was offended by that comment, even though his smile said he agreed with Anna. “I think I’m a lot like Wendy, I have a lot of imagination,” I said. “You’re too mischievous to be Wendy,” Asher said as he nudged me and smiled. “That’s not true!” I said, crossing my arms and pressing my lips together. It’s true that I often got myself into trouble, but it’s never on purpose. I didn’t like getting in trouble. “Okay, don’t get mad,” he said while laughing and I heard my sister chuckling to herself behind us. “What do you have in common with Peter Pan?” “Well, I like listening to stories, I like adventures,” he said and I couldn’t deny those things to be true. “You’re also very loyal to your friends,” Atarah said as she turned around to look at us, never letting go of Haddie’s hand. And again, that was true. “You can’t fly though,” I said. “Who said I can’t?” He asked. Before I realised what he had in mind, Asher had grabbed my hand before he started jumping in a weird attempt to fly. I laughed as I started walking faster so I could catch up with him. I didn’t want to fall for staying behind. Unfortunately, I didn’t see the small rock on the ground until my foot got caught with it. I screamed as I fell, letting go of Asher’s hand so he wouldn’t go down with me. “Are you okay Ly?” My sister asked as she kneeled next to me. “Yeah, but my ankle hurts a little,” I said before I looked down to look at it. I had a little cut that was bleeding and I could feel my tears running down my face. It didn’t hurt much, but I hated blood.
“Come here,” Edward said as he picked me up. “Let’s get you home so we can clean that up.” I held tightly to Edward’s neck as I saw my brother helping Anna get up from the floor. Her belly was getting bigger and I had noticed how someone would had to help her with some things, getting up from the floor was one of them. Asher was standing next to them with a worried and sad face. I didn’t want to ruin the night for my friends. I was okay. “Help me! Captain Hook has captured me!” I yelled. Everyone seemed surprised at first but then I saw my friends and cousin, Zane, smiling and I knew they would play along. “We will save you!” Asher screamed as he formed a circle with my brother, Atarah, Zane, and Haddie. After a couple of minutes, right before we were about to reach the house, I heard my brother yelled “Attack!” Edward suddenly found himself being tickled by three kids. “Alright! Alright, I surrender!” he said as he passed me to Asher’s arms, letting him carry me the rest of the short steps to get home. We all laughed as we entered the house, my friends celebrating another adventure with a successful ending. That was a really fun Halloween.
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lusimmerlife · 3 years ago
Baby Shower ❤️
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Anna pov: “Are you all ready?” Edward said as he taunted our guests with opening the box that would reveal whether our baby was going to be a boy or a girl. Edward and I have had multiple talks about our baby. We had agreed very early on that what we were having was not important to us. Neither of us wished for a particular sex and we would both imagine scenarios of us living and playing with a baby boy or a baby girl. There was something special about finding out though, and after Edward’s mum had asked us if we were planning on finding out, we both decided that we would do it, but with our families and closest friends by our side. We both knew we wouldn’t be living the lives that we had if it weren’t for our parents, and the idea of having the people we love the most next to us at that moment was something that I couldn’t let pass by. “YES!” all of our guests yelled as I turned to look at them. “Just do it already,” Thomas screamed. I turned to look at him and I saw my parents next to him, both already had tears in their eyes. “Okay, count down from five!” I said. As everyone started counting I turned to look at my husband. Ed had the biggest smile I have ever seen on his face. His happiness, making me smile even more than I already was. Three, two, one and we opened the box together. Pink balloons made an appearance in the room as our family and friends screamed in excitement. I couldn’t help but jumped in my place as I looked at the balloons. A girl, we were having a daughter. Before I realised it was going to happen, Edward had embraced me, lifting me and spinning me around. “A daughter, we are having a daughter! Thank you, thank you, I love you so much,” he kept saying in my ear as tears made their way down our cheeks, at some point merging before they could leave our faces. Our laughs filling the room as our families continue to clap, scream and laugh with us. When Edward put me down on the floor, I turned to look at the people I love. Everyone was so happy, and as I placed my hands on the small bump on my stomach, the last thought I had before I was embraced by my parents was “You’re so love already baby girl. We are waiting for you.”
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“Thank you all so much for being part of this important moment in our lives. We can’t wait for our little girl to get here and I’m happy to know she will have so many people in her life that would care and love her. Love you all! 💗 ~ Anna
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lusimmerlife · 3 years ago
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Lyra POV: It was the last week of summer holidays. My family had decided to go to the beach to enjoy the sunny day. My parents had allowed me to bring a friend with us and of course, I had chosen my best friend, Asher. We were standing by the shore, the small waves hitting our feet as we both ate the ice-creams my mum had bought for us. “What is it like?” “What is what like?” Asher asked. “Having a baby in the house," I said, looking down. "I know the baby won’t live with me but still.” While I was extremely happy about the idea of being an aunt, I was worried about what changes it could bring. My parents hadn't stopped talking about the baby since they found out about it, and my mum made sure to call Anna every day to ask her how she was feeling. "Well, babies are like Haddie was before. Elias is a boy, he doesn't cry as much, but he does steal all my cheesy fish," Asher said sounding happy. "mmm," I said, turning around to see my sister sitting next to my mum, Edward sitting behind her, caressing my sister's stomach. "They won't stop loving you, you know that right?" Asher asked. I didn't answer. Would they really not forget about me? My dad always tells me I'm his littlest baby, would that still be true once the baby is born? "You are jealous." "No, I'm not," I said, finishing my ice cream. I didn't want to turn around and face him, I didn't want him to see the tear running down my cheek. "Nothing is going to change Ly," he said. "You will have someone else to love, that's it." ”You promise?" I said as I turned around to look at him, cleaning the tear on my cheek. ”I do," he said. "Thank you, Ash," I said smiling. I turned to look at my sister again; her eyes were close as her head rested on Edward’s shoulder. ”So you’re no longer jealous?” Asher asked, keeping his eyes locked on his ice-cream. “I’m not jealous,” I said. “Are you sure?” he said, with a smile on his face. ”I’m not jealous,” I said, giving him what I thought was a playful push. I must be stronger than I had thought or maybe Asher was too focused on eating, because next thing I know, his ice-cream is lying on the ground, being washed away by the sea.
“Oops,” I said. “Sorry, Ash.” “It’s fine, I guess. You gave me a reason to do this” he said not looking at me. He suddenly bent down before splashing me with water. I tried to move out of the way, but my feet ended up not working how I wanted them to and I fell into the ice-cold water. “Are you alright Ly?” Asher said, sounding worried. “Yeah, can you give me a hand?” I said with my most innocent voice. Asher looked at me with a puzzled expression. He knew me too well and that included how my voice changes whenever I was planing something. Still, he trusted me. He offered me his hand and as soon as I grabbed it, I pulled him into the water with me. “Lyra!” he said as he laughed. “You deserved that,” I said as I laughed with him. We spent the next hour just playing in the water, laughing and having fun. When my mum came to get us, I noticed she was carrying two towels. As she wrapped me with one and hugged me I thought that maybe Asher was right. Being an aunt was going to be fun. I just needed to keep that in mind.
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lusimmerlife · 3 years ago
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Happy late mother’s Day to all the amazing mothers out there. To all the mothers that keep holding their children’s hands, supporting, loving and guiding them every day of their lives 💛 I can’t believe how much this family has grown 😭
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lusimmerlife · 3 years ago
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20 weeks bump 🐣😍
Hello everyone! Long time no see. I'm sorry for disappearing for so long. The truth is that I have been struggling with sims for a long time, not having enough motivation to go in game and post pictures and I often forget to post on Tumblr so this account is extremely behind in comparison to my instagram one.
I bought a new computer a little over a month ago. At first it killed my motivation completely since the processor turned out to not be compatible with sims 3, but thanks to the amazing people of this community I found a workaround to make it work and that has brought a bit of my motivation back, so I hope to start taking pictures again soon. In the meantime I'm going to concentrate on putting this account up to date.
I hope you're all doing well and thank you for all your support ♥️
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lusimmerlife · 3 years ago
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Anna pov: It’s been a week since we found out I was pregnant. That day we had gone to my grandparents' house to celebrate Father’s Day. Keeping my pregnancy a secret was harder than I thought it would be, but Edward and I had decided to wait until after our first doctor's appointment to tell anyone. Sitting in the waiting room waiting for the results had been nerve-wracking. My thoughts going everywhere, but once we were called in and my doctor had congratulated us, my mind was at peace as Edward and I hugged, smiling at the future that had been confirmed. “Anna, if you could please lay down on the bed. We are going to do an ultrasound,” my doctor said. I simply nodded before I walked slowly towards the bed. The thought of seeing my baby for the first time made my heart skip a beat and as I undress I felt like I was in a dream. Nothing seemed real. I had dreamed about this moment before, during my sleepless nights as a teen, but this was nothing like what I had imagined. “Alright, here we go,” my doctor said. We stared at her as she looked closely towards the screen in front of her, pushing buttons as she carried out the exam. My hand was sweating, but I never let go of Edward’s hand as she explained to us how everything was normal. I was 8 weeks pregnant with our first baby. She turned the equipment towards us before explaining what we were seeing and that’s when I saw it for the first time. There, in the middle of the screen, was our little baby. My mouth opened at the same time I heard an intake of breath from behind me and my hand closed tightly around Edward’s. I could feel my own heart beating fast and hard in my chest as my eyes became wet. I wanted to turn around to look at Edward but my eyes were fixed on the screen. Our doctor pushed a few buttons and we heard it. The hard sound of a strong heartbeat filled the room, filling our hearts with so much love and happiness. The heartbeat made it feel real. It wasn’t just an image anymore, it was the purest form of life making an appearance for the first time. I truly had a little baby growing inside of me.
(I turned around to look at Edward, before closing my eyes and resting my head on his arm. I felt a tear hitting my cheek at the same time I felt him kiss my forehead, a soft “I love you” leaving his lips before he turned to look at the screen again. I could feel tears leaving my eyes and running freely down my cheeks. With Edward behind me, holding my hand in his and the heartbeat and image of our little gift in front of us, I could say that I had fallen in love for the second time in my life, a love so pure and perfect that would hold us together throughout our lives. We left the doctor's appointment with a new meaning in our lives. We were officially a family of three and that night, I fell asleep, my hand resting on top of Edward’s hand on my stomach, as images of a small baby with green eyes as bright as their dad’s, filled my mind and heart.
(Author's note)
Hi everyone! It’s my first time creating animations and I’m quite happy with how it turned out. It’s not perfect, but it is quite special to see your characters actually moving and feeling. It makes them feel more real. I hope you like this video and story 💛
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lusimmerlife · 3 years ago
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Thomas 🥰
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lusimmerlife · 3 years ago
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I’m going to give you updates on Zane, Brooklyn and Kristen’s lives. Starting with the youngest one, Zane: Nothing has change much for this little boy. He’s almost 6 now! And you know what that means 🙈 he’s made quite a few friends in kindergarten and he’s very excited to be a “big boy” and start primary school soon. Out of all his cousins, he has the best relationship with Lyra. Age difference is quite big between cousins 😅 So yeah, enjoy this picture of toddler Zane, because there’s only one left before he ages up. I want to thank @days.of.our.sims on instagram of creating this adorable pose for me. I was not expecting it at all and it melted my heart when she sent it to me 😭 You’re amazing Steph! I love you! 💛
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lusimmerlife · 3 years ago
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Family love ♡
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