#willing myself to not shove things under a cut bc everyone else is posting without readmores and *i* wanna be brave [in tears]
sunsrefuge · 1 year
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Asura Appreciation Week - Day One "Talk about one of your asura OCs! Who are they? What's their Deal?" [hosted by @asura-appreciation-corner ♥]
of course im going to bring up my favorite little rat, Liifa!
Just a funky mischievous little guy, carrying a book of demons and shuffling his tarot cards in weird places!
Originally from Quora Sum before its fall, yes he's old and yes he has very special feelings (derogatory) about Primordus. He also managed to gain a personal, mutual vendetta with Joko. He spent the majority of his 'normal' life in the Crystal Desert with the Sunspears, and after accepting a book of Demons associated with Abaddon (the Binding, in my headcanon!) he was promptly, you know, kicked out!
He had a little bit of a pirate stint before taking to the life of wayward traveling. He's done a lot of odd jobs over the years and very often sticks himself into situations that he has no business actually being in - especially larger happenings, like the Pact's Campaign!
he's very normal, i promise, he absolutely totally definitely didn't accidentally make himself a lich while reviving his sister from a fatal wound -- don't mind the fact that he's been alive for over two centuries, he's definitely not a lich! :) prommy. (obligatory sarcasm tag; he's absolutely a lich and hides it from everyone lol)
He ends up stuck in Gandara with Eliana, a plant girlie, for most of LWS4, and after getting out thanks to Joko getting turned into a dragon fruit snack, they stick with the Commander's team! So per my personal AU, he's gotten to see Primordus up close again :) he hated it a lot <3 and thanks to his experience with demons, he's definitely getting dragged into SotO! ♥
okay that's all i'm going to ramble about for today thanks byyyye
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hermestalaria · 3 years
Don’t need you.
genre; angst.
soulmate au; where soulmates can feel each others emotional pain. If the first physical contact with said soulmate is under negative or forced circumstances, it leaves a mark.
summary; Guzma and the reader are soulmates, but it doesn’t work out the way the reader thought it would. He pushes them away. The bad guys don’t get happy endings.
pairings; guzma x gn!reader
warnings; shitty dialogue, like two swears, doesn’t venture deeply into mental health but hints at the reader’s possible atelophobia.
atelophobia - fear of not being good enough. Imperfection.
A/N; I imagine the mark to be like smeared charcoal or something, I’m an artist so I have a ✨creative mind✨ kidding. But on a serious note, I don’t actually write often since I have this permanent writers block where I feel like whatever I write, it just is shit. Anyways, I have decided to actually post one of my writings for the first time. Shocker. I had the sudden idea to start writing this at 1am, DON’T BE TOO HARSH ON ME. This will probably be apart of a short angst oneshot series bc I’m an evil bitch and clearly like to cause myself and others emotional distress. - Lily <3
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
“You can’t help me, kid. I’m far too gone.”
Far too gone to care.
You remember his voice, it seems like it’s the only thing that makes an appearance in your dreams. Dreams of something better. A better outcome, perhaps?
It was in your nightmares too. Nightmares.
Bad dreams weren’t something that you were used to experiencing, considering yourself to be one of the lucky ones because you never had to deal with them often. Luck.
What bullshit.
Now…now, you had bad dreams almost every night. You couldn’t sleep. Every time you closed your eyes, you could see his face, his bored expression as he stared at you like you mean nothing to him. As if you were someone beneath him. Someone not worthy of his time. Someone not worthy.
You hated that feeling.
“You didn’t even give me a chance.” your voice cracked at the end of the sentence slightly. as if you could literally feel your heart shatter into millions of little pieces.
“Just let me help, please. Just let me help you.”
Desperation. A need for approval.
The team skull leader raised his chin as he literally looked down at you, a thick eyebrow arched as his narrowed eyes scanned yours for any sign of dishonesty. A lie.
Why would you lie? He’s your soulmate. Your person. The person who you’re supposed to love and care about more than anything. More than anyone.
You were being genuine.
“Huh.” The Team Skull boss clicked his tongue. “You’re being genuine. People in Alola have too much to prove. Always looking for ways to prove themselves to anyone willing to pay attention. Everyone’s too caught up in bettering themselves that they begin to lose awareness of everyone else around them. It’s pathetic.”
“I’ve got nothing to lose…and I’m not from Alola, I’m from Kanto. Kanto region.” You tell him, your eyes glazing over with unshed tears of frustration at his harshness that was directed towards you. For a short moment, you could’ve sworn his face softened, but maybe it was just a fragment of your imagination. Imagining what you wanted to see. Not what was actually happening.
“I could tell.” His hands are shoved into his pockets, asserting boyish arrogance. He looked bored. “You reek of weakness.”
You could tell this attempted heart to heart was getting you nowhere. You weren’t always the best at confrontation. “You’re pushing me away. I understand why, really, I only want to help you I-“ you cut yourself off, searching his eyes for any warmth, anything at all.
“You’re saying that you’d only want to help cause’ I’m your soulmate, they think you can get through to me like your little friends and Kukui always wanted. I’m good. I don’t need your help. You weren’t there for me before, I don’t need you now. I don’t need you.”
You visibly winced. The feeling of rejection prodding at your already shattered heart like a knife, panging in your chest. “You know that’s not what I meant.”
“Isn’t it?” A sinister grin formed on his face, picking and playing at your weaknesses, he could do that you know. Stupid connection. He’s the only one who could.
“No. It isn’t.” You sounded exasperated now. Furrowing your eyebrows.
“You’re so mean.”
You could’ve sworn you heard an “I know” in response.
“I don’t want to see your face again.” His voice was cold, distant. But it sounded strained. Like he wasn’t 100% willing to let you go without even getting to know you. To know his soulmate. It was your turn to act cold. “Believe me when I say this pretty boy.” You laughed bitterly. A sour taste spreading throughout your tastebuds as you spoke such poison. Now that’s going to be a lot of damage. “The feeling is mutual.”
He tilted his head to the left. Eyebrows raised at the nickname. You walked forward, bumping his shoulder harshly as you walked past him and Plumeria, even she looked worried. That was going to leave a nasty mark for sure, but you could deal with the setbacks later. The grunts worried eyes were fixated on your retreating figure as you walked away.
You stopped.
“Oh, and by the way…I don’t need you either.” You let out a humourless snicker. “I’m not going to try to fight for you anymore, for this…whatever this is, because you wouldn’t do the same for me. Clearly.” You were putting your guard up to hide the unwanted emotions that you were truly feeling at that moment. Heartbreak.
“See you around, soulmate.” The bitterness poured from your tongue like acid rain, as you waved your hand dismissively at the group, not even bothering to wait for their reactions to your confession. His reaction.
When you had gotten far enough, you squeezed your eyes shut. Finally allowing the tears to fall. Something in you was screaming at you to GO BACK and fix it.
Fix it.
You couldn’t fix it. Not this time.
Your shattered heart.
You could feel the tug, the pull…the strain in your chest the further you walked away, the stronger the tug felt. Strained.
He said he didn’t need you.
He didn’t need you.
He didn’t want you.
But you wanted him more than anything. You needed him. Pain.
All you felt was pain.
The pull in your chest tugged at your heartstrings to turn around. Run to him as fast as you could and hug him tightly. Run to him.
You didn’t.
Maybe you were more like each other than you both thought.
You were soulmates after all.
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chigusaeyes · 5 years
couple notes + warnings for Kakki’s MS
so i’m almost finished playing Kakki’s MS over on KoiRan (”Tenka”, as Eng players seem to refer to it as) (aka the JP SLBP server) & i’ve started putting together a walkthrough/guide for it that I hope to get posted up sooner rather than later (especially as I’ve talked to a couple of people who are willing to clunk through their own translations romancing him on KoiRan while we wait for him to come to SLBP)
Kakki’s been my top-most bias since his berserker face convinced me to DL the game in the first place, but he isn’t everyone’s flavor & his route certainly won’t be either
when it comes to any otoge route, due to several tropes commonly used, i’ve found preemptive warnings to be necessary for those with triggers (myself included) & simply helpful for those with particular Squicks (also myself); what does not help me irt warnings is someone being vague about whatever they’re apparetly warning me about and/or a comment along the lines of “i was un/able to handle it” (whatever that means), so i’m electing to avoid that in this post
with that in mind, please note that under the cut will be discussion of assault + purposeful triggering within the route under the cut; i’ll keep it brief & offer some context for those who would like some without too many spoilers
before continuing any further, please remember: while otoge LIs are part of fulfillment fantasy scenarios, real people are Not & real people do Not fall within the various confines that fiction does - if someone does any of the questionable/problematic shit you see in otoges (including threatening your life, bc that shit gets an easier pass by than it should) in real life, please protect yourself however you can & get away as soon as you're able 
Chapter 8, part 5 of 5; MC is held down by two mercenaries & her (bound) chest is touched
it’s as far as it gets before they both get gutted by Kakki in the dark of his mansion; it was unpleasant for me & I noted being slightly nauseous for a little while following it, truth be told, I don’t even much like talking about it because it wasn’t a pleasant read, it wasn’t meant to be a pleasant read; & while i can speak for myself, I cannot say for sure how it might effect anyone else, I can only recommend you pay attention to how you’re feeling & skip past through the pages until you see Kakki’s face if you want to keep reading but don’t know if you can handle actually reading that scene
2nd Crossroads, part 5 of 5; MC is pushed onto her back by Kakki & the collar of her kimono is grabbed & pulled at
he aimed to, purposefully, scare her into rejecting him & sending him away by (partially) mimicking her prior experience (i think it’d been maybe a whole week since then?) & removes himself from her/her space as soon as she (almost immediately following) shoves + hits him; she calls him out on the reason behind his action too; I initially thought he was going to do the staple “put sword to her throat & threaten her life” & my eyes had already been rolling, but they bumped it over to the above instead & so my eyes had to roll in a different direction - this scene made me frown, but i personally was not uncomfortable; however, i have at least two good friends who i know would be very much unable to read this scene, so please again, be mindful of your own headspace if you can be triggered by scenes like this
if either scene is reason enough for you to not read the MS, definitely don’t read the MS, & please don’t try to force yourself either; Kakki might somehow be my favorite (favorite of my favorites, how did this man beat even my darling beautiful bright sunshine Shigezane?), but I am not here to try to convince you to read his route, rather, i want people to be afforded the opportunity to have an idea - ahead of time - whether or not they’d want to read his MS, much less determine if they’ll be able to in the first place
EDIT - MS completion Note: for anyone curious about the sex in the epilogue, MC is the one to approach Kakki, as Kakki had refrained from anything more than kisses & hugs after their reuniting (even after sharing a bed) bc - as he says to MC - he “did something terrible” (i.e. referring to his purposeful shoving down & triggering of her) and did not think she would appreciate him attempting initiation of anything more, much less WANT any such thing from him
if you’ve any questions about anything here, feel free to send them my way, i’m happy to answer questions as i am able
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