#william regnery
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7) The Occidental Quarterly - amerykański magazyn wydawany przez Charles Martel Society. Jego deklarowanym celem jest obrona „kulturowych, etnicznych i rasowych interesów narodów Europy Zachodniej” oraz badanie „współczesnych trendów politycznych, społecznych i demograficznych, które mają wpływ na potomność cywilizacji zachodniej”. Southern Poverty Law Center nazywa go „rasistowskim czasopismem”, podczas gdy historyk Tony Taylor opisuje publikację jako „skrajnie prawicowy, rasowo obsesyjny magazyn amerykański”. Inne źródła określają publikację jako nacjonalistyczną. Anti-Defamation League określiła ją jako jedną z głównych publikacji promujących skrajnie prawicowy antysemityzm. Dziennikarze David Frum i Max Blumenthal opisali publikację jako pseudonaukową lub pseudoakademicką. World Weekly opisuje magazyn jako „niezłomnego” przedstawiciela ruchu alt-right w Stanach Zjednoczonych.
Czasopismo jest wydawane przez Charles Martel Society (nie mylić z francuską antyalgierską Charles Martel Group), nazwane na cześć Karola Młota, który powstrzymał muzułmańską inwazję na Europę w bitwie pod Tours w 732 roku. Redaktorem The Occidental Quarterly jest psycholog Kevin B. MacDonald. Jego wydawcą był William Regnery II. Członkami rady doradczej redakcji są antropolog Virginia Abernethy, Richard Lynn, James C. Russell i Kevin B. MacDonald. Jared Taylor z magazynu American Renaissance jest byłym członkiem. Samuel T. Francis był zastępcą redaktora aż do swojej śmierci. W odpowiedzi na krytyczny esej w The American Prospect, w którym napisano, że „w radzie doradczej Occidental zasiadają najważniejsi przedstawiciele krajowego ruchu antyimigracyjnego”. Regnery bronił rady redakcyjnej, stwierdzając: „Spośród trzynastu osób w radzie redakcyjnej, dziesięć posiada tytuły doktora, a dwie inne są redaktorami własnych publikacji. Wszyscy są szanowanymi pisarzami w swoich dziedzinach”.
Wyraźnie odrzucają neokonserwatyzm i wzywają do wyłonienia się z paleokonserwatyzmu „trzeciej szkoły” w formie ideologii zachodnioeuropejskiej polityki tożsamościowej, a także twierdzą, że amerykański porządek polityczny wolności i swobód jest zagrożony etnicznie i ideologicznie. Ich stanowiska w polityce zagranicznej są ogólnie rzecz biorąc antyimigracyjne z wyjątkiem „wybranych ludzi pochodzenia europejskiego” i nieinterwencjonistyczne, w tym odrzucenie wpływu Izraela i Meksyku na politykę USA.
The Occidental Quarterly prowadzi również witrynę internetową poświęconą wiadomościom, The Occidental Observer, uruchomioną w 2007 r. jako internetowy towarzysz The Quarterly, a także wydawnictwo książkowe, The Occidental Press. The Occidental Observer stwierdza, że jego misją jest „prezentowanie oryginalnych treści poruszających tematy białej tożsamości, białych interesów i kultury Zachodu”. Anti-Defamation League (ADL) określiła ją jako „główny głos antysemityzmu skrajnie prawicowych intelektualistów”. Według magazynu Newsweek, w 2004 r. wydawca Regnery ogłosił subskrybentom magazynu swoje plany dotyczące witryny randkowej wyłącznie dla białych. Newsweek doniósł, że Regnery martwił się spadkiem liczby białych w populacji i zacytował jego wypowiedź dla swoich subskrybentów, że strona randkowa jest ważna, „ponieważ przetrwanie naszej rasy zależy od tego, czy nasi ludzie będą się żenić, rozmnażać i wychowywać dzieci”. Regnery bronił idei swatów wyłącznie dla białych, twierdząc, że niczym nie różni się ona od stron prowadzonych dla żydowskich singli, takich jak JDate.
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Birthdays 5.12
Beer Birthdays
Louis Hennepin (1626)
Frank J. Hahne, Jr. (1883)
Brit Antrim
Mirella Amato
Noah Regnery (1983)
Five Favorite Birthdays
George Carlin; comedian (1937)
Leslie Charteris; writer (1907)
Emilio Estevez; actor (1961)
Katharine Hepburn; actor (1907)
Tom Snyder; television talk show host (1936)
Famous Birthdays
Malin Akerman; actor (1978)
Mary Kay Ash; cosmetics entrepreneur (1915)
Burt Bacharach; songwriter (1929)
Stephen Baldwin; actor (1966)
Yogi Berra; baseball player, coach & manager (1925)
Jason Biggs; actor (1978)
Bruce Boxleitner; actor (1950)
Gabriel Byrne; actor (1950)
Kid Creole; rock musician (1951)
Ian Dury; English rock singer (1942)
Gabriel Faure; French composer (1845)
Kim Fields; actress (1969)
William Giauque; Canadian-American chemist (1895)
Kim Greist; actress (1958)
Tony Hawk; skateboarder (1968)
Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin; chemist (1910)
Edward Lear; English writer, artist (1812)
Henry Cabot Lodge; politician (1850)
J. E. H. MacDonald; English-Canadian painter (1873)
Ian McLagan; English keyboard player & songwriter (1945)
Florence Nightingale; English nurse (1820)
Millie Perkins; actress (1938)
Ving Rhames; actor (1959)
Dante Gabriel Rossetti; English poet & artist (1828)
Homer Simpson (1956)
Howard K. Smith; television journalist (1914)
Billy Squier; pop musician (1950)
Frank Stella; artist (1936)
Tony Strobl; comics artist and animator (1915)
Joachim von Sandrart; German painter (1606)
Vanessa Williams; actress (1963)
Steve Winwood; pop singer (1948)
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In 1947, Bill Regnery’s uncle, Henry, founded Regnery Publishing, which would grow into one of the most influential right-wing media dynasties in America. In its early years, the company published prominent conservative thinkers, including William F. Buckley, a racist and segregationist, and Robert Welch, founder of the John Birch Society, the anti-communist conspiracist group.
More recently it has published anti-Muslim bigots Robert Spencer and David Horowitz, and anti-immigrant crusaders Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin, as well as books from Republican senators and other politicians ― including Donald Trump’s 2015 “Time to Get Tough.”
When Henry Regnery died in 1996, The New York Times eulogized him as “the godfather of modern conservatism.”
The Regnery family’s influence extended beyond the publishing world. Bill Regnery’s cousin Alfred Regnery was an official at the Department of Justice under President Ronald Reagan before eventually taking over the family publishing company.
Bill Regnery started showing an interest in politics while a student in the early 1960s at the University of Pennsylvania, where he launched a conservative student magazine. He never graduated from Penn, however, telling BuzzFeed News in an extensive 2017 interview that he was “still a couple credits short of a degree.”
He said he left to work for the 1964 presidential campaign of Republican Barry Goldwater, the far-right senator from Arizona. As BuzzFeed News described, Regnery claimed to have hatched a bizarre scheme to suppress Democratic votes on Election Day that year:
His most memorable effort, he claimed, was a convoluted scheme called Operation Dewdrop, intended to suppress Democratic voters in Philadelphia. At the time, he explained, the theory was that Democrats voted less in the rain. So on election day, he said, he tried to seed rain clouds by using dry ice and a twin-engine airplane. It didn’t rain, he recalled, but he burned his fingers from the dry ice canisters, a detail that helps add a ring of authenticity. Goldwater lost to Lyndon Johnson in a landslide.
among the people who were being bankrolled by this guy were richard spencer, richard lynn, jared taylor, kevin macdonald, and samuel francis. good read about his life after the jump.
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re: the finances of the American far-right, IDSG brought up William Regnery but didn't mention Donors Trust at all. I'm wondering if Donors Trust and what they do* just wasn't like, known about as much in 2019?
*which is to say, a legalized right-wing money laundering scheme allowing conservative billionaires to anonymously finance everyone from run-of-the-mill centre-right goofs to avowed white nationalists
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And not a moment to soon, either.
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Birthdays 5.12
Beer Birthdays
Louis Hennepin (1626)
Frank J. Hahne, Jr. (1883)
Brit Antrim
Mirella Amato
Noah Regnery (1983)
Five Favorite Birthdays
George Carlin; comedian (1937)
Leslie Charters; writer (1907)
Emilio Estevez; actor (1961)
Katharine Hepburn; actor (1907)
Tom Snyder; television talk show host (1936)
Famous Birthdays
Malin Akerman; actor (1978)
Mary Kay Ash; cosmetics entrepreneur (1915)
Burt Bacharach; songwriter (1929)
Stephen Baldwin; actor (1966)
Yogi Berra; New York Yankees C (1925)
Jason Biggs; actor (1978)
Bruce Boxleitner; actor (1950)
Gabriel Byrne; actor (1950)
Kid Creole; rock musician (1951)
Ian Dury; English rock singer (1942)
Gabriel Faure; composer (1845)
Kim Fields; actor (1969)
Kim Greist; actor (1958)
Tony Hawk; skateboarder (1968)
Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin; chemist (1910)
Edward Lear; writer, artist (1812)
Henry Cabot Lodge; politician (1850)
Florence Nightingale; English nurse (1820)
Ving Rhames; actor (1959)
Dante Gabriel Rossetti; poet, artist (1828)
Homer Simpson (1956)
Howard K. Smith; television journalist (1914)
Billy Squier; pop musician (1950)
Frank Stella; artist (1936)
Vanessa Williams; actor (1963)
Steve Winwood; pop singer (1948)
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Michael Barone, The New Americans (Regnery, 2001), 42–44:
“The Irish brought to America a settled tradition of regarding the formal government as illegitimate, and the informal one as bearing the true impress of popular sovereignty,” observes Moynihan. They had reason to doubt the legitimacy of the rules of the larger society, and in America “the wild Irish”—the phrase goes back to King Henry II in the twelfth century—had high rates of crime and alcoholism, even while their affinity for hierarchy and politics meant that many of them became cops. As William V. Shannon writes, “The Irish on the eve of emigration lived in an atmosphere of violence. The old rural society long drained by exploitation at the top was shattering under the pounding blow of new economic demands. The coming catastrophe of the great famine was foreshadowed by brief famines in 1822, 1831, 1835, and 1837 and by a cholera epidemic in 1830. Tension reverberated through this sick society. Men got used to lawless ways and rough, direct methods. The Irishman picked up a blunt stick or a shortened pitchfork and ‘had at’ the head of his enemy with unnaturally reckless abandon. Here in the endemic violence of rural Ireland was the breeding ground for the tough ‘bhoys’ who in another decade would tear up paving stones and brandish sticks in election-day riots in New York and Philadelphia. Here also was born another Irish type: the fanatic. Men grown used to violence would became the nationalist zealot and the political gunman in his trench coat. In their most familiar guise they became the rebel union leaders in the coalfields of Pennsylvania, the copper mines of Butte, and the sandlots of San Francisco. This was a minority tradition compared to that of the hardworking, conservative farmer and the eloquent lawyer-politician, but it existed and was a long time in dying. An old lady summed it up: ‘Ten o’clock in the morning and not a blow shtruck yet!’”
Historian Roger Lane places the Irish experience with crime in perspective: “In terms of social problems in general and crime rates in particular, the Irish were the archetypical white ethnic group of the nineteenth century. No immigrants had a more difficult time than those who fled the famines of the ‘hungry forties.’ No city, until the full onset of industrialism, had jobs enough to absorb the waves of peasants who invaded them over the next several decades. All of the institutions of charity, sanitation, and education were strained by the effort to cope with Irish misery and desperation. So especially were the police. The problem of law and order, as seen by local authorities in many northeastern cities, was specifically an Irish problem throughout these decades, with the newcomers earning a reputation for hard-drinking, aggressive, riotous behavior wherever they settled.Reliable crime statistics are not much available for the nineteenth century, but it is plain that crime rates among Irish-Americans were well above the national average. Lane notes that the rate of indictment for murder in Philadelphia from 1860 to 1873 was 4.7 per 100,000 for those with Irish Catholic names, compared to the citywide average of 2.9, and that murder rates among Irish in the mid-nineteenth century were higher than among blacks. More than half of all arrests in New York in 1859 were of Irish—double their proportion of the population—and more than five times as many Irish immigrants as native-born Americans were convicted in court. By 1860 the Irish accounted for three-quarters of Boston’s arrestees and police detainees. The Chicago Tribune in 1898 asserted that there were twice as many Irish lawbreakers as from “almost any other inhabitable land on earth.” To some extent these figures may represent ethnic discrimination on the part of the still mostly non-Irish police, but the disproportions are so large that there can be no doubt that crime rates among the Irish were far above average.
Michael Barone wants to tie the Irish American experience to Irish traditions of resistance and rebellion, but they don’t really account for the story he’s trying to tell. There was something different about America.
As Randolph Roth points out in American Homicide (Belknap, 2009), Irish Americans were much more violent than their brothers in Ireland. In the mid-nineteenth century, Irish American homicide rates were four or five times higher than homicide rates in Ireland.
Michael Barone wants you to think that Ireland was a land of endemic violence, but it wasn’t. By the late nineteenth-century, it was an unusually safe place, with homicide rates a third lower than in England and Wales, which were unusually safe places themselves. On the eve of the First World War, the United Kingdom, still embracing the whole of Ireland, had a homicide rate of 1 per 100,000 adults, and less in Ireland. Even today, that is a remarkable homicide rate, and all the more remarkable given what we know about Irish Americans.
Americans did not collect national homicide statistics until the 1920s, but we know a little about homicide rates across the country, and enough to estimate Irish American homicide rates. Randolph Roth writes that in cities New York and Philadelphia, whenever Antebellum Irish Americans were “numerous enough to threaten the jobs and the political power of Protestants, their homicide rate hovered around 12 per 100,000 adults per year—twice the rate for African Americans and three times the rate for non-Irish whites and for contemporary Ireland.” Eric Monkkonen found that in mid-nineteenth century New York, Irish-born men had a homicide rate of 37.5 per 100,000.
If Irish Americans had committed murder as often as the Irish in Ireland, they would have been the least violent ethnic group in the United States. Instead, they were one of the most. That was not about tradition or rural poverty or the legacies of imperial rule, or at least not alone. That was about America.
Americans were always much more violent than Europeans, and America was always a violent place in a way that Europe was not. That wasn’t about the people, but about the country. America transformed the Irish. Every country transforms the people who come to it, but nineteenth-century America did something special: It took men and made them murderers.
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Follow the money to plug up the holes in democracy. Evil Being Promoted: White Nationalist Extremism and Terrorism Some of the Billionaire Parasites Responsible (in this case): William Regnery & Robert Mercer Follow the $$$: Regnery Publishing, Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Breitbart “News”, Hatreon Prominent Henchmen: Donald J. Trump, Steve Bannon, Richard Spencer
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William Regnery II is dead!!
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William H. Regnery II, 80, Dies; Bankrolled the Rise of the Alt-Right
William H. Regnery II, 80, Dies; Bankrolled the Rise of the Alt-Right
Mr. Regnery attended the University of Pennsylvania, where he studied political science and joined the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, a conservative student organization co-founded by Mr. Buckley. He left before graduating to work on Senator Barry Goldwater’s 1964 presidential campaign. In the 2017 interview with Buzzfeed, one of the few times he spoke to the news media, he claimed that his…

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Birthdays 5.12
Beer Birthdays
Louis Hennepin (1626)
Frank J. Hahne, Jr. (1883)
Brit Antrim
Mirella Amato
Noah Regnery (1983)
Five Favorite Birthdays
George Carlin; comedian (1937)
Leslie Charters; writer (1907)
Emilio Estevez; actor (1961)
Katharine Hepburn; actor (1907)
Tom Snyder; television talk show host (1936)
Famous Birthdays
Malin Akerman; actor (1978)
Mary Kay Ash; cosmetics entrepreneur (1915)
Burt Bacharach; songwriter (1929)
Stephen Baldwin; actor (1966)
Yogi Berra; New York Yankees C (1925)
Jason Biggs; actor (1978)
Bruce Boxleitner; actor (1950)
Gabriel Byrne; actor (1950)
Kid Creole; rock musician (1951)
Ian Dury; English rock singer (1942)
Gabriel Faure; composer (1845)
Kim Fields; actor (1969)
Kim Greist; actor (1958)
Tony Hawk; skateboarder (1968)
Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin; chemist (1910)
Edward Lear; writer, artist (1812)
Henry Cabot Lodge; politician (1850)
Florence Nightingale; English nurse (1820)
Ving Rhames; actor (1959)
Dante Gabriel Rossetti; poet, artist (1828)
Homer Simpson (1956)
Howard K. Smith; television journalist (1914)
Billy Squier; pop musician (1950)
Frank Stella; artist (1936)
Vanessa Williams; actor (1963)
Steve Winwood; pop singer (1948)
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William H. Regnery Obituary - William Regnery Passed Away | Funeral
William Regnery Death: We are really sad to bring about the news of William Regnery passing today Friday, July 17, 2021. A loving kind of person. This death was confirmed... Click to read and leave a tribute.
William Regnery Death: We are really sad to bring about the news of William Regnery passing today Friday, July 17, 2021. A loving kind of person. This death was confirmed by our search team from a publication made on Facebook pouring out tributes and condolence messages to the family and friends. No cause of death confirmed yet, as no health issues or other causes of death have been learned to be…

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